Newsletter 17 March - Riverton Primary Campus


Newsletter 17 March - Riverton Primary Campus
17 March 2015
PHONE 9457 2644
A Message from the Principals
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, our student leaders attended the annual “GRIP” leadership
conference and had an enjoyable and informative time, meeting with other school leaders and learning about
leadership styles and challenges. Thank you to Mrs Stanbridge and Mrs Albers-Smith who organised the
event and attended with the students.
Congratulations to those students who received awards at the Senior Assembly last week. I would also like to
acknowledge the work done by the two student leaders who conducted the event with confidence and
enthusiasm. It is pleasing to see our leaders “step up” and take on their roles willingly. I was able to attend a
talk by the Premier, Mr Barnett and the local Member for Riverton, Dr Mike Nahan at Willetton SHS on Friday
afternoon. He spoke to student leaders from all the local schools as well as their parents. Our Head Boy and
Girl, Julian Lee and Emily Annison attended the event which was interesting and again focussed on
leadership, teamwork and facing challenges.
So that our wonderful front office staff can have their entitled break time, we will be using an answering
machine at recess and lunchtime. Sometimes there are not enough front of office staff to answer the phones
so the answering machine will alleviate that issue as well. The phones will be checked immediately upon
return to the office. Please just remember to leave your name and number and the matter you are ringing
We would also like to remind parents that the front office does not open on a Tuesday morning until 8.30am.
The admin team meet with the front of house staff and discuss issues pertaining to the students and school
for the week. Thank you for your understanding in regard to this matter.
All school excursion notes will be uploaded to the School website, under the tab - Excursions. The school
website address is please check it regularly to keep up with what is happening
at our Campus.
The Year 6 students headed off to camp at Point Peron yesterday for a week of exciting challenges and the
opportunity to develop crucial physical and social skills. Hopefully the ever changing weather will be kind
throughout the week as they take on a wide range of activities, presented by specialist teachers from the
camp school. Thank you to Mrs Wallace for all her organisational work and to Mr Cunnold, Mrs Polkinghorne
and Ms Sturgeon for their work at the camp.
Paul Grundy – Principal
Vicki Sturgeon – Principal
Education Support Centre
From the Registrar
Contributions & Charges
Thank you to the families that have paid their Voluntary Contributions. These funds are used to enhance the
educational programs at Riverton Primary School.
A reminder to the families that have not yet paid the Voluntary Contributions of $60 per student and P&C
Contribution of $25 per family that these are now due.
Students in Years 1 - 6 that have not paid for Mathletics - $10 per student, are requested to do so to ensure
they have continued access to the program.
Students in Years 5 & 6 that have not paid for Language Perfect - $30 per student, are requested to do so to
obtain access to the program.
Students in Pre Primary to Year 5 are currently participating in the Edu Dance program and payment of $25 is
now due.
Payments may be made through the office by cheque, cash or EFTPOS or directly into the Riverton Primary
School bank account: BSB: 066040 Account: 19902079.
Please include your child’s name as the reference.
Thank you.
Dale Hudson – Registrar
Edu-dance Concert
Tuesday 31st March – 2.15pm
Wednesday 18th March
 Swimming forms due
 Harmony Day special lunch orders due
Friday 20th March
 Hot Cross Bun orders due
 Camp Concludes
 School Assembly P/P – Yr 3
 Uniform Shop open
Monday 23rd March
 Uniform shop open
P/P 1, P/P 3, Rm 1, Rm 4, Rm 5, Rm 8, Rm 11 &
Rm 12.
Wednesday 1st April – 2.15pm
P/P 2, Rm 2, Rm 9, Rm 10, Rm 13, Rm 15, Rm 18 &
Rm 20
Office Hours
The Admin office will be open on Tuesday mornings
from 8.30am and not 8.00am. Thank you
Student Publication Permission
A letter has been sent home regarding permission for
publication of student photos. Please read the letter
and return the permission slip to the office. Thank you
Tuesday 24th March
 P&C Meeting
Wednesday 25th March
 Harmony Day Picnic Lunch
All students in Years 1 to 6 will be placed onto
Mathletics once payment has been received. Payment
of $10.00 can be made at the school office.
Sharon Albers-Smith – Deputy Principal
Honour Awards
Congratulations to the following students who
received honour awards at the assembly last Friday.
Elise Powell
Catherine Bolland
Lucy Ming
Thanishka Nanthavarman
Jonathan He
Vinumi Karunaratna
Inesh Sarukkalige
Hannah Jacobs
Rio Widjaja
Hosea Chin
Kane Kutniewski
Tia Fleming
Ruby Bolton
Alishba Chaudhry
Cherrie Choong
Ryan Tan
Priska Pellaupessy
Keely Case
Luke Daniels
Lortoria Fono
Sivsanker Ezhuthachan
Room 4
Room 4
Room 5
Room 5
Room 11
Room 11
Room 13
Room 13
Room 13
Room 13
Room 17
Room 18
Room 18
Room 20
Room 20
Room 21
Room 21
Room 21
Room 22
Room 22
Room 22
Keira Pope
Sama Ilham
Brooke Meynert
Parents are reminded that there are a number of
parking bays on Noongar Way marked as “No
Parking”. These bays are for the set down and pick up
of students.
You may stop in these bays for a maximum of two
minutes and you must stay within three metres of your
car at all times.
Officers from the City of Canning patrol school parking
periodically and may issue offenders with an $80.00
Swimming Lessons
Interm swimming lessons will be held during the first
two weeks of Term 2 for students from P/P – Year 6.
Forms have been sent home. The cost per student is
$24. Please complete permission slips and swimming
forms then return with money to the front office.
Forms need to be returned by Wednesday 18
Maria Stanbridge – Coordinator
Library News
Our library is busy with all students eagerly borrowing
and lots of new books are becoming available.
PLEASE encourage your children to take care of our
books. Unfortunately, we are experiencing books
being returned in a damaged condition which spoils it
for everyone. No food or liquids should come into
contact and kitchen benches are proving to be a
hazard. Clean hands, clean library bags all help to
keep our stock as attractive as possible. Books that
are returned dirty or in a damaged condition will need
to be paid for.
We also have some titles that include a CD or DVD.
Some of these are now missing. Please if you find one
sitting in a player, we would appreciate it be returned
for other students to use.
Thank you for your support in these matters.
Karen Murphy – Library Officer
Sports News
SunSmart Schools Tennis Classic
Last Monday and Tuesday, the Riverton Primary
tennis players competed in the Sunsmart Schools
Tennis Classic. This was the first time the school had
entered the competition. The students had a great day,
competing against other tennis schools. I am
extremely proud of all the students for their efforts and
their behaviour on the day. I would also like to say a
special thank you to the many parents who attended
over the two day event and helped with the
scoring/umpiring. It was greatly appreciated.
Global Tennis Holiday Clinic
Come down to Corinthian Park Tennis Club from
Tuesday April 7 to Friday April 10 . 3 hours of
tennis each day (Tuesday to Friday). Coaching,
games, match play and a lot of fun! Each player
receives a free t-shirt! Full Morning $120.00 for 4
days or $35 per day, 9:00am-12:00pm. Please email /
call Nathan to book a place! call 0439 497 032 or
Hot Shots T-shirt Update
I recently contacted Tennis Australia regarding the
delivery of the t-shirts. Some online orders have just
arrived and will be delivered to your child’s classroom
very soon. If you filled in the form and handed it back
to the school (this means I have registered for the tshirt on your behalf), then you will need to wait another
week or two for these to arrive. I have also provided a
list to Tennis Australia of the Pre-Primary students
who have registered and hopefully they will be sending
us some racquets for these students as well.
Rhys Brooks – Physical Education Specialist
Grip Leadership Conference
Last week on the 10 March the student leaders from
Riverton Primary attended the GRIP Leadership
Conference. It was held at the Perth Convention
The conference was great fun. We played lots of
interesting games. We learnt how to be better student
leaders and how to co-operate and create a plan for
our school. We were also given a booklet with
information to complete and use later at Riverton.
In between the three sessions we played a loud noise
game where we could make as much noise as
possible. Karl and Mason were the organisers of the
loud noise sessions and they were really funny. The
final game was a big dance party. It was awesome.
It was a great day where we enjoyed ourselves but
also got some very good ideas to use back at school
so we can gain full potential as student leaders.
Julian Lee & Emily Annison –
Year 6 Head Boy & Head Girl
EAL News
English as an Additional Language
Harmony Day
Harmony Day will be celebrated at Riverton
Primary Campus on Wednesday 25 March 2015.
Family Picnic:
The annual family picnic will take place on this day
from 12:20 - 12:55pm on the grass area near the
stage/staff car park. Bring your picnic rugs and food to
share. The canteen will also be offering a special lunch
on this day if you would like to order food instead of
bringing it along. There will also be ice-creams
available for purchase.
Colouring-in Competition:
There will be a colouring-in competition running from
now until Harmony Day. Children are encouraged to
participate and there will be a prize given to one
student from each year group.
Multicultural Dress:
Students, staff and parents are encouraged to come
dressed in multicultural attire on this day. Either come
in your own traditional costume, clothes representing a
country your child is interested in, or come wearing the
colour orange as this is the colour of "Harmony". It is
not a free dress day so if your child does not want to
come dressed up, they are to wear the school uniform.
Harmony Day is always a fun day for everyone at
Riverton Primary Campus. Our school is so diverse in
many ways so celebrating that "everyone belongs" is
important for our school community.
I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 25th of
Janelle Jeffery – EAL Specialist