Newsletter 24 March - Riverton Primary Campus
Newsletter 24 March - Riverton Primary Campus
RIVERTON PRIMARY CAMPUS th 24 March 2015 PHONE 9457 2644 A Message from the Principals The Year 6 students returned to school on Friday after a week-long camp at Point Peron. I was lucky enough to spend a couple of days with the students on camp and was impressed with their enthusiasm, teamwork and commitment to each other. Faced with challenges and a variety of activities, they willingly participated and took on everything. The students certainly developed crucial new skills in problem solving and teamwork learnt a lot about each other and most importantly, had fun all week. Thank you to Mrs Wallace for her hard work in preparing and organising the camp, and to Mr Cunnold, Mrs Polkinghorne, Ms Kellow and Ms Sturgeon for the support and attendance at the camp. This week is another special one for the campus with Harmony Day planned for Wednesday. Designed to recognise and celebrate the cultural diversity at Riverton Campus, the students are welcome to come to school dressed in their traditional and national dress and parents are invited to join in for lunch on the lawn near the stage. I am sure it will be a fun filled and memorable day for all the members of our school community. Thank you to the EAL teachers for their organisation of the day again this year. Our final school assembly for this term will be held this coming Friday in the Covered Assembly Area, starting at 9.00am. It will be a whole school assembly. Our Honour Awards for the term will be announced and presented at this event. I look forward to seeing lots of parents at the assembly and would like to thank those winners in advance. Thank you to those parents who responded to the letter I sent outlining our special Anzac Day nd commemoration activities planned for Thursday 2 April. The responses were overwhelmingly positive. Some parents outlined some legitimate concerns regarding the modified school day and the early finish, and these have been addressed with the provision of teacher supervision for those students who require it until 3.00pm at the end of the normal school day. Based on the excellent response, we will proceed with the special day as planned. Today parents will receive information some more information about the day and are requested to complete the attached form so that we can plan effectively for the service and the breakfast. Please ensure that you read the form carefully and return it (via your child) to their teacher as soon as you can. Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing the community at the school for this special event. The students will be performing at the Edu Dance concerts on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. I look forward to watching the culmination of all their hard work throughout the term. They have all participated enthusiastically and developed some great skills over the weeks, despite the heat. Congratulations in advance to our students and thank you to the teachers and education assistants for their support. I will be taking Long Service Leave for the first four weeks next term, returning on Monday 18th May. In my absence, Mrs. Albers-Smith has been appointed Principal and Mrs. O’Connell will take on the Deputy Principal’s role. I wish them well in their roles and I am sure they will be able to assist parents where required. Paul Grundy – Principal Vicki Sturgeon – Principal Education Support Centre From the Registrar Contributions & Charges Thank you to the families that have paid their Voluntary Contributions. These funds are used to enhance the educational programs at Riverton Primary School. A reminder to the families that have not yet paid the Voluntary Contributions of $60 per student and P&C Contribution of $25 per family that these are now due. Students in Years 1 - 6 that have not paid for Mathletics - $10 per student, are requested to do so to ensure they have continued access to the program. Students in Years 5 & 6 that have not paid for Language Perfect - $30 per student, are requested to do so to obtain access to the program. Students in Pre Primary to Year 5 are currently participating in the Edu Dance program and payment of $25 is now due. Payments may be made through the office by cheque, cash or EFTPOS or directly into the Riverton Primary School bank account: BSB: 066040 Account: 19902079. Please include your child’s name as the reference. Thank you. Dale Hudson – Registrar Honour Awards IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES Tuesday 24th March • P&C Meeting 7.15pm Wednesday 25th March • Harmony Day Picnic Lunch Friday 27th March • End of Term Assembly • Easter Hat Parade • Easter Special Lunch order due • Uniform shop closed Monday 30th March • Uniform Shop open Tuesday 31st March • Edu dance Concert 2.15pm Wednesday 1st April • Edu dance Concert 2.15pm Thursday 2nd April • ANZAC Day Service 6.00am Monday 20th April • Pupil Free Day – NO SCHOOL • P&C Busy Bee Tuesday 21st April • Term 2 commences • Interm swimming commences Congratulations to the following students who received honour awards at the assembly last Friday. Dawson Scaffidi Jane Wu Callie Doyle Alex Langford Jing Yi Poh Chae Ho Lee Fletcher Horrocks Zara Whyatt Elton Lee Riley Pope Togo Seta Onkara Nagra Elise Bell Serhan Sadeq Noriaki Jayasekara Zoe Green Jerry Wang Nicklaus Ng Ayush Khambhatwala Geordie Beal Darian Shamsuddin Charlotte Willis Kira Chong Joshua Leeming PP 1 PP 1 PP 2 PP 2 PP 3 PP 3 Room 1 Room 1 Room 2 Room 2 Room 8 Room 8 Room 9 Room 9 Room 10 Room 10 Room 11 Room 11 Room 12 Room 12 Room 12 Room 15 Room 15 Room 16 Japanese Keira Pope Sama Ilham Brooke Meynert Office Hours The Admin office will be open on Tuesday mornings from 8.30am and not 8.00am. Thank you Edu-dance Concert st Tuesday 31 March – 2.15pm P/P 1, P/P 3, Rm 1, Rm 4, Rm 5, Rm 8, Rm 11 & Rm 12. Wednesday 1st April – 2.15pm P/P 2, Rm 2, Rm 9, Rm 10, Rm 13, Rm 15, Rm 18 & Rm 20 Student Publication Permission A letter has been sent home regarding permission for publication of student photos. Please read the letter and return the permission slip to the office. Thank you Mathletics All students in Years 1 to 6 will be placed onto Mathletics once payment has been received. Payment of $10.00 can be made at the school office. Sharon Albers-Smith – Deputy Principal Parking Parents are reminded that there are a number of parking bays on Noongar Way marked as “No Parking”. These bays are for the set down and pick up of students. You may stop in these bays for a maximum of two minutes and you must stay within three metres of your car at all times. Officers from the City of Canning patrol school parking periodically and may issue offenders with an $80.00 penalty. Swimming Lessons Reminder Swimming lessons commence the first day back of Term 2 – Tuesday 21st April. Maria Stanbridge – Coordinator EAL News Sports News English as an Additional Language Global Tennis Holiday Clinic Harmony Day Harmony Day will be celebrated at Riverton Primary Campus on Wednesday 25 March 2015. Family Picnic: The annual family picnic will take place on this day from 12:20 - 12:55pm on the grass area near the stage/staff car park. Bring your picnic rugs and food to share. The canteen will also be offering a special lunch on this day if you would like to order food instead of bringing it along. There will also be ice-creams available for purchase. Colouring-in Competition: There will be a colouring-in competition running from now until Harmony Day. Children are encouraged to participate and there will be a prize given to one student from each year group. Multicultural Dress: Students, staff and parents are encouraged to come dressed in multicultural attire on this day. Either come in your own traditional costume, clothes representing a country your child is interested in, or come wearing the colour orange as this is the colour of "Harmony". It is not a free dress day so if your child does not want to come dressed up, they are to wear the school uniform. Harmony Day is always a fun day for everyone Riverton Primary Campus. Our school is so diverse many ways so celebrating that "everyone belongs" important for our school community. I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 25th March! at in is WAFL Halftime Game Last Saturday, 31 students from Riverton Primary participated in a halftime WAFL game during the East Fremantle vs East Perth WAFL game. I would like to say thank you to all the students and parents who attended this event. AFL is an amazing sport and it is great to see many Riverton Primary School students participating in the event. Congratulations to Katie London, who was voted as the best player for the game! Happy Holidays I will be away from school for the remainder of the term starting from this Friday, as I am getting married. I would like to wish everyone at Riverton Primary Campus a great Easter, and hope you all enjoy the school holidays. See you next term. Rhys Brooks – Physical Education Specialist School Vacation Security of Janelle Jeffery – EAL Specialist Dental News The Riverton Dental Therapy Centre will be closed for Week 1 of the April School Holidays. In an emergency only, please contact the following centres: Tues. 7th April & Weds. 8th April - Bannister Creek Dental Therapy Centre Ph: 9455-1761 th Come down to Corinthian Park Tennis Club from th th Tuesday April 7 to Friday April 10 . 3 hours of tennis each day (Tuesday to Friday).Coaching, games, match play and a lot of fun!! Each player receives a free t-shirt! Full Morning $120.00 for 4 days or $35 per day, 9:00am-12.00pm. Please email Nathan to book a place! or call 0439497032. School Security If you see people on the premises after hours or on weekends that you feel should not be here, or who are engaging in anti social behaviour, please call School Watch on 9264 4771 or 9264 4632. Calls to this security service are anonymous. Parent Group News BUSY BEE - April 20th from 9am to 2pm th Thurs. 9 April & Fri. 10 April – South Thornlie Dental Therapy Centre Ph: 9459-4270 Riverton Dental Therapy Centre will be open for Week 2 of the holidays, Mon.13th – Thurs. 16th April, 8am – 4pm. The P&C is repainting the year 2 quad including the hop scotches, black board walls, the alphabet letters and numbers and some square ball courts. Please come along and help for as long as you can. Kids are welcome – but please make sure you supervise them. Any queries – Gillian on P&C Meeting REMINDER: th P&C meeting tonight Tuesday 24 March 2015 at 7.15pm. Join us to see how you can help and get involved to benefit all students. Everyone welcome! Easter Eggs Raffle Thank-you to everyone who has donated Easter Eggs & Items to the Easter Raffle. We have so many wonderful hampers to give out. We will be selling raffle tickets tomorrow morning before school at the Harmony Day stand and also on Friday morning before the assembly. You can enter as many times as you wish. Also there are still spare raffle tickets in the office. Good Luck!! Hot Cross Buns have been ordered and are being made fresh Friday morning. Don’t forget to collect yours at the Canteen between 2 - 3pm. For those of you who have children in both PP/Kindy & Years 1 - 6 the PP/Kindy Hat Parade will commence at 9am, the Easter Hat Parade for Years 1 - 6 will not commence until the end of assembly so parents can watch both their children. Entertainment Books Support Riverton Primary and pre order your Entertainment Books now at Books are $65.00 each and 20% of each book sold goes back to the P&C. Any queries phone Natalie McAuliffe 0451940701. Opening Hours th Relationships Australia Dads Raising Teenage Boys - Monday 30th March 6.30 – 9.00pm. 22 Southport Street, West Leederville. $25.00 The Dads Raising Teenage Boys workshop is designed to assist fathers and father figures navigate their way through the teen years so as to help build positive relationships and strong positive young men for the future. Further information please phone 94896322 Holiday Programs Communicare Riverton Vacation Care Communicare Vacation Care program operates during the school holidays. The program provides school age children – Kindy through to Year 6 with safe, stimulating and creative programs during school holidays. Communicare has trained and experienced Educators who provide an environment in which children can engage in activities such as art, crafts, sports and team games as well as organised interesting excursions. Programs are available four weeks before each holiday period online at Communicare Riverton Vacation Care Program Noongar Way, Riverton Please contact 9251 5707 for further information or contact Riverton Willetton Kindergarten Holiday Program UNIFORMS Friday 27 March th Monday 30 March Community News CLOSED 8.30 – 9.30am The shop will be closed this Friday due to the Easter assembly. Winter stock is expected soon. I will notify you via the newsletter when it arrives. If you have pre ordered and paid in full it will be dropped off at your child’s class as soon as it arrives. Week 1 - Tuesday 7 April to Friday 10 April Week 2 - Monday 13 April to Friday 17 April Are you working in the holidays? or simply would like your child to enjoy a day of fun and play. Licensed for 3 – 6 year olds the Riverton Willetton Kindergarten are offering the community a holiday program. If you are interested in attending please register your interest with Alice ASAP at or 0416 071 362. All are welcome so spread the word to your friends and family. Fees are $49.00 for the day 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. We are located at 40 Wavel Avenue Riverton. Denise Powell – Uniform Coordinator City of Canning Rivo’s Hungry Hut Today a menu for the Easter Special lunch has been sent home. Orders need to be returned to the canteen th by this Friday 27 March. Kyoko Seta – Canteen Manager Ice skating, Adventure World, Timezone and many more activities are available during the school vacation. For full details and registration visit