Newsletter 19 May - Riverton Primary Campus


Newsletter 19 May - Riverton Primary Campus
19 May 2015
PHONE 9457 2644
A Message from the Principals
It is great to be back at Riverton Primary School after having been on leave during which I spent time overseas in
Europe. I have had a relaxing and enjoyable, albeit at times busy, break from school. The Anzac Dawn Ceremony
I attended at Villers-Bretonneux in France was truly moving and capped off an excellent trip through Turkey,
France and Belgium, with a focus on the Western Front where our Australian soldiers fought in World War One. I
would like to firstly thank Mrs Albers Smith for her excellent efforts in the role as Principal and Mrs O’Connell who
has been acting in the Deputy Principal position. I appreciate their hard work. Having had swimming lessons for
the first two weeks of term and then the NAPLAN testing last week, it has certainly been a busy start to the term
for our students and staff members.
Congratulations to all our Year 3 and 5 students who completed the NAPLAN testing program last week, and
thank you to the Administration and the teachers in the school for their efforts in planning, supervising and
implementing the program at the school. The results will be released late in third term and the school will analyse
those results carefully at an individual, class and year level as part of our planning processes.
Thank you to Mr Brooks and the other teachers involved in the first Eagles Cup fixtures last Friday against
Oberthur, and well done to all the students involved. Whilst the results were mixed, I am sure that all our
representatives had an enjoyable time and did their best for the school. Well done! This week the teams travel to
Bullcreek to compete in football and netball.
Parents are reminded that the Staff Car Park is out of bounds for students and parents at the beginning and end
of the day. The car park is a busy place with cars leaving and entering at these times and consequently it is
dangerous for anyone walking through this area. We need to minimise any risks and ensure that everyone is safe,
so please do not walk through the car park when arriving or leaving school. The front gate and the gate on
Noongar Way via the path at the top of the car park are the appropriate entrance and exit points from school.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Paul Grundy – Principal
Vicki Sturgeon – Principal
Education Support Centre
Office Hours
Thursday 21st May
 Senior Choir Performance
Friday 22nd May
 School Assembly P/P – Yr 3
 Junior Choir Performance
 Uniform shop open
 Eagles Cup against Bullcreek
Monday 25th May
 Uniform shop open 2.30pm
Friday 29th May
 School Assembly Yr 4 – 6
 Sausage Sizzle order due
The Admin office will be open on Tuesday mornings
from 8.30am and not 8.00am. Thank you.
Sports News
Eagles / Fever Cup Round 1
Last Friday, Riverton travelled to Oberthur to compete
in the first round of the Eagles/Fever Cup.
Unfortunately, Oberthur were too strong for us in the
Football and Netball, but we managed to win the
Soccer and Hockey matches.
This week we are taking on Bullcreek PS in Football
and Netball.
AFL Multicultural Gala Day
Kindy Enrolments for 2016
The school is now taking applications for enrolments
for Kindergarten students in 2016. Children born
between 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2012 are eligible
for Kindy. Applications close on Friday 24 July.
Please be mindful that the school holidays commence
on Monday 6 July and conclude on Friday 17 July.
Applications for enrolment forms are available from the
school office. A copy of the birth certificate, passports
if not born in Australia and proof of address; lease /
purchase agreement and utility account are required
on application.
Honour Awards
Congratulations to the following students who
received honour awards at the assembly last Friday.
Atticus Kong
Anushka Banerjee
Jia En Goh
Chloe Nicholas
Borno Labib
Blake Peckham
Jack Bailey
Huimin Liu
Max Edmonds
Karen Law
Ben Cheah
Tiaana Wintz
Lawson Read
Luca Bouali
Chathumi Hettiarachchi
Brittany O’Connell
Celine Chong
Paige Ellis
Riley Wilson
Room 4
Room 4
Room 5
Room 5
Room 11
Room 11
Room 13
Room 13
Room 17
Room 18
Room 18
Room 20
Room 20
Room 21
Room 21
Room 22
Room 22
On Monday the 18 of May, 74 students from Riverton
Primary School attended the annual AFL Multicultural
Gala Day in Kardinya. The students participated in a
skills session, received autographs from several West
Coast Eagles players including Josh Kennedy,
Sharrod Wellingham and Elliott Yeo. They then played
3 games of AFL against other schools. Students also
received a free football. A special thank you to Mr
McGarrigal and Miss Nan for their assistance on the
Rhys Brooks – Physical Education Specialist
Japanese News
The Language Perfect World Championships started
last night. Year 5 and 6 students will be attempting to
answer as many Japanese questions as possible
before next Thursday May 28, both in class and at
home. There are some fabulous prizes on offer and
we are hoping to beat last year's fantastic efforts. Who
will be the Riverton PS record holder for 2015?
GANBATTE! Keep working hard, everyone!
Parent Group News
Can You Help?
From time to time, Riverton Primary Campus P&C
require the assistance of parents/carers to help with
events (eg: Sports Carnivals). Would you like to help?
Last week a flyer went home with all students for
parents/carers to provide their contact details to the
Riverton Primary Campus P&C so that we can contact
you when these events are taking place.
If you haven’t already done so, it isn’t too late. Please
provide us with your contact details so you can be
informed and then decide if you can help your
child/ren’s school or not.
Thank you to those parents/carers that have already
dropped their forms off or emailed through their
Sarah Peckham
0414 832 383
Entertainment Books
Books are available now, one will be on display in the
uniform shop.
Books are $65.00 each and 20% of each book sold
goes back to the P&C. Orders can be placed at
Any queries phone Natalie McAuliffe 0451940701.
Opening Hours
22nd May
Monday 25th May
8:30 – 9:15am
2:30 – 3:15pm
Price Rise
There has been an increase of cost of some items.
Tracksuit Jackets - $42.00
Tracksuit Pants - $28.00.
All other items remain unchanged. A revised order
form is attached. Most sizes of jackets are still in
stock. Another order is expected soon and orders will
be delivered to your child’s class if full payment is
made at the time of ordering.
Denise Powell – Uniform Coordinator
Community News
The WACA will be running a MILO in 2Cricket program
on Friday evening’s over the winter period for boys
and girls 5 – 8 years old at Courtside Multi Sports.
The program will run for 8 weeks and focuses on fun
and enjoyment, whilst learning and developing cricket
For full details and registration visit or contact Brodie on
Relationships Australia
Parenting Courses - June
West Leederville
Fathering after Separation Thursday 4 June
Parent Child Connection Monday 8 June x 4 weeks
Kids and Todays Technology
Wednesday 17 & 24 June
Parent Teen Saturday 27 June
Understanding Stepfamilies 26, 27 & 28 June
Mum Raising Boys Wednesday 10 June
Dads Raising Teenage Boys Wednesday 24 June
Dads Raising Girls Tuesday 30 June
Places are limited so please book now on 9489 6322