High Country News 7 April 2015


High Country News 7 April 2015
Letters to the editor are always welcome. Please include full name, address and
daytime phone number. Letters are accepted on the understanding they could be
edited for grammar, punctuation, spelling, repetition, verbosity, legal considerations, etc. The Herald policy is to maintain the writer’s intent in all correspondence, subject to the conditions above. Letters are treated confidentially. Under no
circumstances are they referred to third parties before publication. The editor may
accept or reject letters without further reference to the writer. Preference is given to
shorter letters, fewer than 200 words, published with the writer’s name. Pen
names are subject to individual consideration.
Foundry aeroplane
I was at the Wellcamp airport and saw the Toowoomba Foundry aeroplane
displayed in the foyer. I
knew it existed but had never
seen it. It was developed by
the Griffiths Family who
owned the Toowoomba
Southern Cross Foundry
It was built as a prototype
about 1961 It was all metal,
four seats, fully aerobatic,
retractable undercarriage. I
believe it was aimed at the
training market or armed
services. An interesting bit
of history, a tribute to
Wagners to find it and showMaybe we could find out
It was an advanced aerocase it. Maybe some readers
may remember it and add to plane for its day. It was a why. - Charles Nason,
pity it did go ahead.
this bit of local history.
Hospital waiting time
I am very pleased that our local member
has chosen to maintain an interest in our hospital system. (Herald 24/3/15.)
I am also interested in having a health system that delivers a good srevice to the vulnerable people who are suffering health problems.
I was utterly amazed at the speed of the
service provided to a close family member
who sustained an injuruy that precluded her
from work of any kind and has a mortgage
and school fees to pay.
She did indeed receive a surgery date and
was taken into the hospital on that date.
Perhaps Deb Frecklington can explain why
my relative has to go through the same process all over again, because as it was explained
to her by hospital staff: “In order to meet
deadlines we have been allocated so much time
per procedure. If we can’t get the job done in
that time we close you up and book you in for
another time.”
Before the local member lauds a process as
an outstanding success, maybe she should
look at the total outcomes not just one part of
the process.
If this example is typical of the way the
system works it can only increase waiting
time long term. - T. Steele, dissapointed
Call for air pollution prevention Act
Health and environment
groups across Australia are
calling for a National Air Pollution Prevention Act to curtail spiralling air pollution that
is now responsible for more
deaths than traffic accidents,
with analysis of new data released this week showing a
massive increase in airborne
dust pollution from the nation’s coal industry.
The groups, including the
Oakey Coal Action Alliance,
are calling for an independent
regulator to enforce national
standards and ensure hefty
penalties for polluters which
breach pollution controls, as
well as to ensure proper pollution monitoring and data
New analysis of the latest
annual National Pollutant Inventory and mapping of
trends in the preceding years,
shows big hikes in air pollution from the nation’s coal
mines, coal fired power-stations and coal terminals. This
is exemplified by the great
increases in pollution from
the Acland mine over the past
Ms Nicola Rivers, Director of Advocacy and Research with Environmental
Justice Australia, said, “This
pollution data from the coal
industry should be a wakeup call for Commonwealth
and State governments which
for too long have resisted calls
for stricter air pollution controls.”
More Australians die from
air pollution than from car
crashes, but too little is being
done to control major polluters such as coal mines and
coal-fired power stations.
It’s now clear that pollution from the burning and
mining of coal increases cardiovascular and respiratory
disease and lung cancer rates.
The data highlights regional
hot-spots of high air pollution where national air quality standards are regularly
But the ripple effect from
coal pollution is felt across
the nation, increasing costs to
both our health and the
Coal mining is now the
dominant source nationally of
coarse particle pollution called PM10 - with emissions
from the Acland mine increasing 7.5 fold over the past decade, as a result of increased
coal production.
The Stage 3 expansion,
which will increase coal production from 5.2 million
tonnes per annum to over 7
million tonnes per annum, will
make matters much worse.
We know this data underreports air pollution from the
coal industry, failing to require
companies to report pollution stemming from disgraceful uncovered coal stockpiles
like Jondaryan, and from uncovered coal trains like those
travelling from Jondaryan
through the suburbs of Brisbane to the port.
Toowoomba has 16 industries which are required to report to the National Pollution
Industry, yet the one open cut
coal mine at Acland produces
17 times more lead pollution
than all those industries combined, and 60 times more
PM10 pollution.
It’s time for reform. Australia’s lax air quality standards are regularly exceeded by
big coal polluters who fail to
implement best-practice pollution control measures, while
regulators consistently turn a
blind eye to the problem.
This mine expansion is
wrong on so many levels, but
the added risks to human
health are unacceptable.
Workers in the coal industry are afforded regular health
checks, while residents near
mines, stockpiles and train
lines have to bear the brunt of
poor health. - John Cook,
president Oakey Coal Action Alliance.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Contradictory land clearing laws
Two projects north of Highfields are highlighting the contradictory laws which apply to land zoned “rural” and land zoned for urban development. Large
old trees on the range escarpment at Cabarlah, some estimated to be 200 years old, can be bulldozed at will, it seems, as they are cleared for a housing
development. But a little to the west at Kleinton, on light forest country that most would describe as “lesser” in vegetation value to the escarpment
country, stricter rules apply, rules that can result in a farmer facing court for the destruction of just a small amount of forest.
On the Cabarlah escarpment, large
Local resident Sandy Gillet described
areas of trees have been felled to make the clearing as “vandalism of the highest
way for urban development.
Ms Gillet said most of the trees would
The land is located between Happy Val- go back to the 1800s when the timber getley Road and Link Road and an associ- ters moved through the area. Many would
ated lot runs from Link Road to the New be 200 years old, she said. There were
England Highway at the Cabarlah cem- Sydney blue gums, brush box and stringy
bark trees. Ms Gillet said that in 2007,
It is understood that 93ha of land are plans were prepared to divide the land into
63 lots. - MILES NOLLER
Controlled burn planned
An area of land north of
Highfields is to be the subject
of a controlled burn in coming months.
But it is already ignited
protests among some of the
nearby residents.
They are concerned any
burning of the bushland could
destroy native animals such
as koalas, and other wildlife.
But the owner of the 450
acres said a wild fire could take
out the whole area, including
houses and other buildings.
That’s why a controlled
burn was important.
In recent weeks, fire
breaks have been bulldozed
in strips through the land and
inside the boundary fence.
The Fire Brigade would be
in charge of any burn. They
would decide when to burn
(probably July or August),
and would supervise the fire,
and that’s why the fire breaks
have been constructed.
The burn would be done in
strips, each protected by fire
The land which is generally north of Brazier Road and
Evans Road West, in
Clearing and logging an area between Happy Valley Road and Link Road on the Cabarlah escarpment.
Kleinton, contains the clay
pits of the former Clay Ware
Local resident Arend
Tibben said any proposed
burn was “a bit of a worry”.
He said it could affect wildlife including koalas.
There was a fire in the area
in 1981, and it lasted for four
days, Mr Tibben said. Because the land is zoned “rural” clearing of any trees,
fire break
bushes and undergrowth is
severely restricted under
Queensland’s vegetation
management rules.
If parts of it could be
cleared, leaving bushland corridors, and pasture established in the cleared areas,
burning in most situations
would not be required.
Call Simon now
Photos by ANN LOMAS
Tahlia Johnson and Kristy Griffin, Crows Nest and Denise, Mollie and Hayden Patterson, Toowoomba.
Narelle and Steve Donald, Highfields, with Joe.
Enjoying a coffee and music by Crows Nest musicians Twelve Strings at Urban Cup Café, Highfields.
Graham and Adrienne Jocumsen of Highfields, with
son Dayne and Tash Ellis visiting from the Gold Coast
for Easter.
School runs for funds
Sudents from Fairview Heights State School will be running in the adidas School Fun-Run to raise extra funds for
their school.
Brenda Steger from Fairview Heights State School said the
adidas School Fun-Run presents an excellent platform to get
students excited about physical activity.
“I’m proud to be involved in a program that raises money
for our school while delivering positive messages about the
importance of physical activity to children’s health, growth
and development.”
Twelve Strings musicians Bree Fraser and Josh Griffin of Crows Nest.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Country singer Lyn Bowtell starred at
Highfields Village Festival
Star country music singer
Lyn Bowtell performed at the
Easter Vintage Festival at
Highfields Pioneer Village during the weekend, to the delight
of a rain affected audience.
With historic machinery
grand parades abandoned because of weather conditions on
Lyn Bowtell with her mother Glenys Bowtell, Kleinton,
and Lyn’s nieces Kaitlyn Bowtell, 18 and Grace, 8.
the first day of the festival on
Saturday, Lyn Bowtell and
other singers and entertainment
performances enthralled the
Ms Bowtell has family in
Highfields including her mother
Glenys, and only three months
ago won a golden guitar award
at Tamworth for best alternative album.
She was also a golden guitar
winner in 2003 and 2004 with
her group Bella, and won the
Toyota Starmaker award at
Tamworth in 1997. There were
a couple of significant awards
in other competitions prior to
this, in a singing life which
started at age six.
Lyn Bowtell has a big, clear
and pleasing voice that is equally
at home with various genres
and she combines elements of
blues and jazz in her songs and
ABOVE: One of the
newer displays at the
Highfields Pioneer Village is contained in the
Highfields Pioneer Village volunteer Vince Little as Energy Pavilion, and
a trooper in a Ned Kelly street theatre performance. Ockery Theron of Toowoomba was interested
in this electric car, manufactured some decades
ago. The Daihatsu
Electricar was based on
the Daihatsu Charade,
and its performance
probably ensured it
would never be popular.
The 12 volt system runs
on eight batteries each
weighing 43kg. The batteries take eight hours to
charge, and the car has a
range of just 75km and
has a maximum speed
of 75 km per hour.
Ned Kelly is apprehended during a street theatre performance. Narrator during the action, Vince Little, said
the performance showed the audience that there was a Queensland connection with the New Kelly legend (a
black tracker and a Queensland police superintendent).
MIiles Noller
New England Highway upgrade
The Australian Government has an- of a new overtaking lane, widening the road
nounced funding for priority works on the and improving intersections,” Mr Macfarlane
New England Highway under the National said.
Highway Upgrade Program.
“The works will benefit our heavy vehicle
operators and improve local freight transport
Member for Groom Ian Macfarlane said efficiency.
the Australian Government would provide
“This announcement is good news for the
$9.3 million and the Queensland Government thousands of motorists using the New Eng$2.3 million for road upgrades to improve the land Highway,” Mr Macfarlane said.
safety and productivity of the New England
Construction on projects funded under the
National Highway Upgrade Program is ex“The project will involve the construction pected to start in 2015-16.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Update property numbering Men’s Shed looks to bright future
Cr Anne Glasheen has
called on residents to have
clear, accurate house numbers
in place to support emergency services.
Police, ambulance and State
Emergency Services all report
that hidden or non-existent
house numbers can waste
Cr Glasheen said in an
emergency every second
“I would encourage residents to have numbers in place
that can easily and quickly
identify the number of the
Cr Glasheen said the numbers displayed should be reflective both day and night and
attached to a letterbox, a post,
a dedicated board or the
boundary fence.
“All properties, whether
households or commercial
buildings, need to be clearly
numbered,” she said.
“It’s important that numbers are clear so your property can be easily located, especially in case of an emergency.”
“Residents rightly expect
emergency services to attend
calls for help in a short time
“A lack of identifying numbers on homes or a house without a number can cause a delay in response times.”
Cr Glasheen said rural road
addressing (property numbering) had revolutionised the
way emergency services responded to situations in the
rural areas.
“We need to shift the attention to our towns and city.
Yes, the streets are all named,
but there are many sections
where the street numbers are
hard to read or not visible at
“Go to the front of your
home and look to see if the
numbers can be read easily.
“It might be a case of moving the ones already in place
or getting bigger, reflective
ones. It is a simple thing to
do and may just save your
life,” she said.
in new headquarters
Celebrating after the first annual general meeting held at the new Highfields Men’s Shed in Shostaki Road
Cabarlah on March 30 are re-elected executive members vice-president Les Wildman, president Richard
Creagh, and treasurer Peter Wilson with new sub-committee Eddie Johnson, Tim Buckley and Gary Alcorn.
Current secretary Terry Ledbury was re-elected along with new sub-committee member Rob Mitchell.
Re-elected Highfields
Men’s Shed president Richard Creagh told members the
future for the local branch is
bright when he spoke at the
annual general meeting on
March 30.
Presenting his report, he
acknowledged key factors as
strong, active membership
and the imminent completion
of the new permanent HMS
headquarters in Shostaki
Road, Cabarlah.
“The highlight of the year
was HMS being nominated
for, and receiving, the High-
fields Community Group of
Year Award on Australia Day,”
Mr Creagh said.
Almost 40 members attended the first formal meeting in the new shed which now
awaits electrical certification,
kitchen fit-out, fencing, parking and driveway hard surfacing.
The re-elected executive includes vice-president Les
Wildman, secretary Terry
Ledbury and treasurer Peter
New sub-committee office
bearers are Rob Mitchell,
Eddie Johnson, Tim Buckley
and Gary Alcorn.
A motion to expand the
name of the shed to Highfields
and District Men’s Shed
failed to attract the required
75 percent support.
The meeting approved formation of a sub-committee to
review the current constitution, provide more information to new members including an information kit and establish a data base listing
members’ technical and professional skills.
Mr Creagh acknowledged
the continuing strong support from major HMS sponsors including Metroll, CJR
Industries and Aussie Outdoor Sheds and Patios.
He also listed businesses
which provided time, donations of goods and services at
reduced costs including RMA
Engineers, Sedl Earthmoving,
Taddio Building Group, Platinum Roofing, Voltz Electrical, Daniel Fielding Plumbing
and Gas, Messer Plumbing
and landlord Jim Casanto.
The next HMS activity day
will be Thursday, April 9.
Oakey fly-in now on April 18-19
The postponed Australian
Army Flying Museum fly-in
at Oakey will now be held on
April 18 and 19.
The annual fly-In weekend
was scheduled to return to
the Australian Army Flying
Museum at Oakey in February, but was cancelled because
of tropical cyclone Marcia.
Last held in 2012, the 2015
fly-In features a number of
iconic aircraft from around
Australia on static display
including a Catalina, C47
(DC3), Mustang, Winjeel,
Trojan, and Cessna Bird Dog,
and Sea Vixen and F-111 cockpits representing the jet age.
There will also be examples
of the current Australian
Army helicopter fleet.
Also on display is the magnificent collection of historic
Army aircraft and memora-
bilia in the museum, as well
as exhibits from the Qantas
Museum at Longreach, the
Fleet Air Arm Museum at
Nowra and the RAAF
Amberley Aviation Heritage
Adults $10, pensioner $5,
children under 15 accompanied by an adult free.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Timely reminder about
what can go in your
wheelie bin
Dangerous and toxic items can harm people and the environment
Last week’s discovery of a
detonator at the Kleinton
Waste Facility has highlighted
the importance of knowing
what items could be offloaded
safely or recycled at the sites.
Cr Nancy Sommerfield,
pictured, said the incident offered a timely reminder for
residents to be aware of how
to deal with dangerous or toxic
“While items can appear
inadvertently in loads, it is
important residents are mindful of what materials can not
be left at any of TRC waste
“Many of these dangerous
and toxic items have the potential to be harmful to people and the environment,” Cr
Sommerfield said.
“Apart from Council’s
own regulations, our waste
sites must comply with state
government environmental
legislation which prohibits or
limits the type of materials
that can be sent to landfill or
left for recycling.
“Leaving unsafe items at
facilities can lead to the temporary closure of a site due
to a safety risk which can inconvenience many people
and businesses.
“A few simple tips about
what can or can’t be taken to
our sites can avoid confusion
or a potential safety issue.”
Items that cannot be left
at TRC waste sites include:
• Hot or warm ashes. Ashes
previously caused a fire at the
Oakey Waste Facility leading
to a closure.
Ashes in a wheelie bin also
caused a fire in a collection
truck in Toowoomba last
year. Always douse ashes.
Make sure they are completely cold before disposing
of them.
• Flares. Out-of-date flares
can be taken to the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service
stations in Kitchener Street
and Anzac Avenue for safe
and correct disposal.
• Corrosives, Explosives
and Carcinogenic substances.
By law, these items can not
be taken to any TRC waste
facility. Enquiries about disposal of explosives and related devices should be directed to the Department of
Natural Resources and
Mines, Explosives Directorate on 13 25 23.
Carcinogenic and corrosive
waste can be classified as
hazardous waste and requires
special disposal by a company that holds a licence
which is issued by the Department of Environment and
Heritage Protection. A
number of private companies
can answer queries regarding
hazardous liquid and solid
waste. Residents are advised
to search on the internet for
‘disposal of liquid hazardous
waste’ for more details.
• Asbestos. Please check
with a licensed asbestos remover for the safe removal
and transfer of asbestos. Remember, only some TRC
Styles@Escape now open in Highfields
Escape in Highfields is
happy to announce the opening of Styles@Escape.
Former manager of Bridge
of Light Teegan Taylor saw
the opportunity to stay at
Escape and open a new salon
in partnership with the
beauty salon.
Teegan is working alongside Nikohl Porter who has
moved back home to Highfields. Nikohl has been working abroad for the last five
years in Europe and on cruise
ships and loves transforming
peoples’ looks.
The girls look forward to
showing you on an Ipad app
different looks by adding a
photo of yourself.
One of the more exciting
offers is an express blow dry.
You can come in with your
hair washed and damp to have
it styled. We all know a professional blow dry can last for
days. From $15 this is a great
way to start your week.
Styles@Escape will open
early on Mondays by appointment to get you work
Have you ever wanted to
get together with friends, but
dinners are too formal and
night clubs aren’t your thing?
waste facilities can take asbestos. Please call Council
first to make sure your local
facility is suitable for your
waste. It needs to be wet, then
double wrapped, sealed and
labelled before it is disposed.
When offloading asbestos, it
must remain in the sealed
wrapping and not break
apart. Check Council’s
website before visiting any
Items that can be taken to
the recycling or resource area
at waste facilities but never
placed in landfill include:
• Batteries, gas bottles,
chemicals and paints, oil (engine oil, not cooking oil).
Council only can accept domestic quantities and not
commercial loads of any of
this material.
Further details about items
listed above and other information about commercial and
trade waste is available at
Heritage photography comp
offers $8000 in prizes
The Heritage Bank Photographic Awards are offering
$8000 in prizemoney, including $1500 each for open and
theme category winners.
In their 27th year, the
awards are one of the longest-running and most lucrative photographic competitions in the country.
As well as the open category, which covers photos
of any subject, this year there
will also be a themed category
titled Let There Be Light.
Heritage Bank CEO John
Minz said the national competition continued to enjoy
widespread success among
professional and amateur
photographers alike.
“We’re very proud that we
are now in the 27th year of
this competition which encourage people of all experience levels to have a go
“You don’t necessarily
need to know all the ins and
outs when it comes to cameras or taking photos. It’s
about providing a platform for
people to share their interpretation of subjects they feel
passionate about.
“The Let There Be Light
theme reflects the central role
light plays in our daily lives,
in the photographic process,”
he said.
The competition is open
to Australian residents with
no background or experience
restrictions in place.
As well as the open and
themed categories, there are
also Young Photographer’s
Award in three categories: 79, 10-13 years; and 14-17
years age groups.
“The judges will also select a winner from the open
and themed categories, with
several consolation awards
also on offer,” Mr Minz said.
Two prints will be purchased by Heritage Bank for
$1500 each, and the artists
will also receive a $150 Camera House voucher.
One print will be personally selected by Heritage
CEO John Minz and will be
purchased for $500, with the
Black Sand Beach, Hawaii - David Psaila
2014 open winner.
artist receiving a $100 Cam- Memorial Youth Award is
presented to an entrant aged
era House voucher.
2015, also sees the intro- under 25 years in honour of a
duction of the Alwyn Kucks photographer from the TooMemorial Award commemo- woomba Chronicle who died
rating one of Toowoomba’s in a motor vehicle accident in
prominent photographers. 1991. The Chronicle purAlwyn Kucks was president chases the winning print for
of the Toowoomba Photo- $100 and the winner receives
graphic Society and was heav- $1000 from the Mackenzie
ily involved in the set up and family.
Entries for the Heritage
organisation of the Heritage’s
Photographic Awards. One Photographic Awards close at
image will be selected from 5pm on Friday, May 29.
Winners will be announced
entrants living within a 50km
radius of Toowoomba with on July 1. The top 50 images
the winner receiving $500 and will go on display in an exhia $100 Camera House bition at the USQ Art Gallery in Toowoomba from
The Bruce Mackenzie August 3 to 28.
Mrs Stella Maisie Peters,
91, Toowoomba, formerly
Peranga. Died March 28.
Funeral April 1, Lutheran
Church Kulpi.
Mrs Myrtle Doris Mason,
90, QCWA House, Oakey.
Died March 28. Funeral April
7, Oakey.
Mrs Edith Rebecca Fitch,
100. Died March 30. Funeral
April 2, TS Burstow Chapel
Phone reception
Residents of Hampton are
signing a petition seeking better telephone reception.
The petition is available at
the Hampton store.
Petitioners will visit the
office of Member for Groom
Ian Macfarlane at 11am on
Thursday, April 30. A bus is
being arranged.
Details are available at the
Nikohl Porter and Teegan Taylor
Styles in conjunction with
Spoil yourself and Escape
Escape are planning eight in Highfields’ private and reweekly events of Goddness laxed setting. We all deserve
Evening hair and beauty tips some me time. The salon is
with guest speakers demon- located at 10517 New Engstrating techniques from land Highway and has easy
“how to apply lashes” to “hair access car parking. Phone
styling at home.”
4615 5011.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
the Herald
4615 4416
• Country concert
Multi-award winning artists Ged and Trudy Hintz will be
special guest artists at the Garden City Country Music Club
social at the Lutheran Church Hall in Hume Street, Toowoomba, this Sunday, April 12. Over the past few years Ged
and Trudy have won many awards, including best new talent
and best duo, and have built up a strong following right around
the country.
The entertainment will also include the talents of club
members and will start at 1pm. Entry is just $5, with afternoon tea provided. A raffle will be on sale at the door. New
members are welcome to join and have a say in the running of
the club.
It is not necessary to play an instrument or sing to join and
make new friends and enjoy the great country music they
• Uncommon bat flower
Uncommon black Bat Flower (Tacca chantrieri)
Homegrown in Toowoomba.
Photo by Linda Spiers.
• Back by popular demand
The Toowoomba Philharmonic Society will once again
present an extravaganza of favourite opera choruses and
proudly back five very talented local singers and internationally acclaimed soprano Deborah Rodgers, one of the Seven
Sopranos, performing solo and in ensemble.
You will be swept away by the haunting magic of
Offenbach’s Barcarolle, thrill to the extraordinary mechanical
Doll’s Song, revel in the spirit of Spain with the Toreadors’
March and Habanera from Carmen, experience the passionate faith of Picker’s Hymn.
With weddings, humour, drinking songs, love and betrayal,
works by Mozart, Verdi, Wagner, Puccini and Bernstein, to
name a few, this is an event not to be missed! We have two
performances held on Friday night, April 24 and Sunday
matinee April 26, at Toowoomba newest performance venue
The Armitage Centre, Heritage Bank Auditorium.
Tickets can be booked at the Emopire Theatres websirte.
• Hospice trivia night
Have you booked your table for Toowoomba Backscratcher’s trivia night on Saturday, Aprill 18, 6pm for a 6.30pm
start at Greek Hall, corner Hume and Perth Streets, Toowoomba, $10 per person or $80 a table of eight. Cash bar
only and BYO nibbles. Contact Dave Wallis 0403 019 345.
Lucky door prize and prizes for winners, runners-up and
lucky last. - Mark Munro, Toowoomba Hospice.
Armitage Centre wins top architecture award
The spotlight has shone
once again on the Empire Theatres newest venue after it received the top award from the
Australian Institute of Architects The William Hodgen
Award for the Building of the
Year in the Darling Downs/
West Moreton Region, at the
Darling Downs Regional Architecture Awards this month.
The project is now being considered for the coming 2015
State Architecture Awards.
Designed by James Cubitt
Architects, the 350-seat centre for the development of
emerging young artists
opened in September last
year. The jury praised JCA
for their sensitive and understated approach to the design
of the heritage building.
“This inventive tilt-up
concrete “black box” theatre
sensitively embraces the existing adjacent church hall using its brick rear wall as both
a container and a historical
feature,” the jury said.
“The west facing tilt-up
concrete and glass western
portion designates the new
building’s entry, providing an
understated backdrop to the
heritage brick church hall.
“The new theatre enriches
the current program of theatre facilities and productions
available at the Empire precinct, re-inventing the architectural significance of the
existing church hall.”
Mayor Paul Antonio said
the new centre complemented the fine performing
arts venues at the Empire
Cr Antonio said the council saw great merit in supporting a funding arrangement that
enabled this project to go
“The new building is a versatile venue that is ideally
suited to many different productions.
“This modern facility,
which can be re-configured,
will aid the development of
young performers and technical staff who wish to pursue careers in the arts.
“It allows the Empire
Theatres, a company owned
by Council, to broaden its impressive performance calendar and will be a valuable asset to the region.
“It is heartening to see the
community support for the
project has been backed by
• Haden ANZAC ceremony
Armitage Centre - Empire Theatre
Enriching facilities and productions
more than $1.7 million in donations and pledges from regional residents and organisations.
“I want to thank Board
chair Peter Swannell and his
fundraising committee for
their remarkable effort in securing these funds.
“I also acknowledge the
Federal Government’s funding contribution and thank
Regional Development Australia locally for advocating
for the project.”
• Oakey fashion parade
An ANZAC ceremony will be conducted at Haden State
School on Friday, April 24. Members of the community are
invited to join at school at 9am for the ceremony led by Mr
Max Foot, president of Goombungee RSL.
The ceremony will be held at the monument which along
the path from the main entrance to the school. The ceremony
will be followed by morning tea.
• Gardeners to visit Blue Haze
The Crows Nest Garden
Club meeting on Saturday,
April 11, will be held at Blue
Haze, Anduramba, where
members will be welcomed by
the owner Crystal Stark.
Please meet at the Crows
Nest CWA Hall to car pool
by 1.10pm to arrive by
A short meeting will be
held in the Douglas Room
followed by a talk on geraniums by Mrs Stark. Reminder
to please bring a hat, chair and
a plate to share.
Visitors welcome to come
along. Further enquiries please
phone 4698 1772.
A happy group of supporters witnessed a delightful morning held in the Oakey
Cultural Centre organised by the Oakey Anglican Church. Latest winter fashions
were displayed by local models wearing clothes from Millers Fashions, My Size
and Lowes. ABOVE Daphne Webster, Carol Burrows, Mary Johns, Susan Sowden,
Corrina McLaughlin, Isobel Lilley, Neil Hollindale, Lesley Jurd Carrie Griffiths and
compere Debra Hearne from Millers Fashions. - Contributed.
West of Elsewhere with Clintion Ireland
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Public Health Unit
flu shots
Darling Downs Public Health Unit director Dr Penny Hutchinson is urging all
residents to receive their seasonal influenza vaccination.
“We saw a particularly bad flu season
in the northern hemisphere in the winter months,” Dr Hutchinson said.
“There were high than average rates
of hospitalisations of people with the flu.
Aged care facilities in the northern hemisphere were also particularly badly affected by this year’s flu.”
Dr Hutchinson said predications of the
southern hemisphere’s flu season were
based on the previous season in the north.
“The vaccination you receive in Australia contains immunity against the
strains of flu that were prevalent in the
northern hemisphere,” Dr Hutchinson
“This year, the seasonal flu vaccination has become available slightly later
than in previous years because the vaccine has incorporated two new strains of
the flu.
“The new flu vaccine will ensure that
all Australians have the best possible
chance of avoiding getting sick this winter.”
The groups listed below are deemed to
be ‘at risk’ if they contract the flu, and
are eligible to receive the vaccine for free.
Vaccination for people in these groups
is fully funded by the Federal Government and will be available through GPs
and hospital and health services.
• Indigenous people aged over 15 years
• Pregnant women
• People aged over 65 years and
• People aged over six months who have
a chronic medical condition
• People who have Down Syndrome
• People who are obese (a body mass
index greater than 30)
• People who drink heavily.
However, Dr Hutchinson recommends
all people, not just those who are ‘at risk’,
should receive the flu vaccination.
“People mistakenly think that if they
are healthy, then they can’t get very sick
from the flu,” she said.
“But the flu is a highly contagious and
potentially serious disease that can lead
to further medical complications and hospitalisation.
“By receiving the flu vaccination, you
not only protect yourself against illness,
you protect those around you.”
Contact your GP or health care provider to arrange your vaccination.
Police hop into kangaroo shoe trial
APRIL 1 - The Queensland Police Service
will conduct a three-month trial of personal
transporter modules - or kangaroo shoes.
The shoes, to be trialled from today, will
help increase officer mobility as they patrol
large tourist areas around the State.
They will also assist Stock and Rural Crime
Squad officers in surveillance activities enabling them to cover more ground and blend
into the local fauna.
Initially, five sets of shoes will be available
to specially trained officers.
Senior Sergeant Joey Hopper said officers
would be able to patrol greater distances by
using the locomotion mechanism enabled in
the spring loaded shoes.
“Officers are excited to begin the trial and
hope they are beneficial in their day-to-day
“The QPS might also consider trialling other
kangaroo-inspired equipment such as pouches
for officers to store their accoutrements,”
Senior Sergeant Hopper said.
Sergeant Marcia Supial will lead the trial
from a purpose-built facility at Kangaroo
“Some of the benefits include improved
sight lines, a longer stride, and an increase in
the total distance covered during patrols.”
Constable Jess Stir said they would be a
way of engaging the community and keeping
fit at the same time. The trial will be evaluated at the end of the three months.
Crows Nest show ball
this Saturday night
The Crow’s Nest Show Ball will be held this Saturday
night at the Crow’s Nest Community and RSL Centre. Door
will open at 7.30 pm with dancing to the Silvertones, starting
at 8pm.
Mikahla Christensen and Crow’s Nest’s newly arrived
veterinary surgeon Stacey Bethel will be judged at the ball.
Mikahla and Stacey have also been fund raising for the society. Mikahla is sponsored by the Crow’s Nest IGA, and
Stacey by the Lions Club of Crow’s Nest.
Vying for Junior Showgirl title are Caitlin Hickey, Tania
Phillips, Maddy Falcon-Green, Leigh Fowler and Georgia
Chambers. Competing for the Junior Princess title will be
Prue Gardner, Bianca Gardner and Madelyn Ruwoldt.
A Master, Belle of the Ball and Matron of the Ball will be
chosen from the floor. There will be a licensed bar, raffles,
lucky door and a tasty supper served during the night. Contact secretary Bhow Ballarry Miller 0409 874 147, or Vanessa
Gossow 0400 141 212.
Seeking debutantes
The Anglican Parish of Crow’s Nest and St Matthew’s
Catholic Parish have oganised a combined debutante ball at
the Crow’s Nest Community and RSL Centre on Saturday,
June 6.
The committee is seeking young girls who would be interested in making their debut.
A get together will be held on this Sunday, April 12, at 2pm
at the Crow’s Nest Community and RSL Centre to discuss
the evening and start presentation and dance practice.
Contact the committee Barry Miller 0409 874 147, Tracey
Brennan 0418 152 073, Ben Kahler 0437 402 651, Ben
Brennan 0428 253 341 or Alison Trapp 0488 598 504.
Queen’s birthday stamps
This year marks the 89th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
and Australia Post celebrates this royal milestone with the
release of two stamps depicting the Queen at recent official
Australia Post Philatelic Manager, Michael Zsolt said:
“Australia Post has issued Queen’s birthday stamps since
1980 following a tradition that resonates with many Australians. We trust this stamp issue will be popular with collectors and followers of royal events.”
Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926, and christened Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. The Queen was the first
child of The Duke and Duchess of York, who later became
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
Following tradition, the official Monarch’s birthday is celebrated every year in June, with the exception of Western
Australia where it occurs in late September or early October.
To honour the Queen’s birthday in Australia an annual ceremony is held at the Royal Military College at Duntroon in
the Australian Capital Territory.
Other products include a miniature sheet, first day cover,
stamp pack, sheetlet of five $2.75 self-adhesive stamps and
a set of two maxicards.
The Queen’s Birthday stamps and associated products
are available from 7 April 2015 at participating Post Offices
GOOMBUNGEE: March 15 - Police intercepted a vehicle in Mocatta Street. The
male driver, 39, recorded a reading of 0.171
per cent and will appear at Oakey Magistrates Court.
March 17 - Police intercepted a vehicle in
Mocatta Street, Goombungee. The female
driver, 32, was issued a notice to appear for
unlicensed driving.
March 26 - Between 8pm and midnight a
vehicle was parked outside a licensed premises
in Goombungee. Persons have stolen the personalised registration plates from the front
and rear of the vehicle and left a can of rum on
the bonnet of the vehicle. Anyone with information is requested to contact Police.
Between March 25 and 28 Goombungee
Police executed five search warrants at various addresses in Kingsthorpe, Goombungee
and Greenwood. Police located 27 grams of
cannabis, a quantity of methamphetamines
or ice, a number of utensils used to smoke
dangerous drugs, a quantity of steroids, and
one stolen registration plate. As a result a 19year-old male from Greenwood, 19-year-old
male from Haden, 17-year-old male from
Oakey, 20-year-old male from Goombungee
and a 20-year-old male from Haden were issued notice to appear for offences ranging
from possessing dangerous drugs, supplying
dangerous drugs, permitting place to be used
for dangerous drugs. Inquiries are ongoing and
further charges are likely.
Anyone with information that may assist
Police with their inquiries are asked to contact Crimestoppers 1800 333 000 or Police
Link on 131 444.
You can keep up to date with Police news
on a daily basis by logging on to http://
• For urgent Police matters please contact
000, for non life threatening matters please
ring 131 444.. - Sgt Greg Finucane, Officer in charge, Goombungee Police Station .
Laura Downing performs at
Gowrie Little Plain
Laura Downing will be in concert at the Growie Little
Plain Hall on May 2. The concert starts at 7.30 pm. Admission is $20 and includes a lucky door ticket and light supper.
Raffle tickets will be on sale. Enquires phone Merle 4633
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Phone the
4615 4416
New Hope grant revamps
Goombungee show
Wondai has a
new mate
The South Burnett town of Wondai hit the headlines in
the past couple of years when their town’s pet emu Charlotte was accidentally killed.
Charlotte was a common sight around the town and was
much loved.
Now that Charlotte is gone a guinea fowl has taken her
place, wandering around the cars. So far unnamed, he or she
is ga ood watchdog - but has the habit of chasing cars.
Work is complete at the
Goombungee show pavilion
in time for the show on April
With assistance from the
New Hope Group’s New
Acland Community Investment Fund, the GoombungeeHaden Show Society has undertaken much-needed maintenance on the pavilion.
Wendy Motley from the
show society said the work
included replacing the batons
and iron on the pavilion roof.
“Job’s done! It’s given so
much new life to the building,” she said.
“The first documented evidence we have of the pavilNancy Sommerfield says: “Leave the lids off when you ion is a deposit in 1931. With
rinse your recyclable containers. Give a hoot, don’t polute! this latest work, we’ve tried
“While most lids (plastic/aluminium) are recyclable, they to keep the building as close
need to be separated from things like poppers which recycle to the original as possible.
“The pavilion is used durinto paper or bottles which become new glass.”
ing the show for displays
such as cooking, fine arts,
needlework and school work,
and also for community
events such as family reunions
“We are very grateful to
New Hope for coming on
board to help complete this
New Acland Mine General
Manager Andrew McDonald
said New Hope was proud
to partner with local groups
to deliver community
“The work at the
Goombungee show pavilion
has ensured that it can be
safely used and enjoyed by
future generations,” he said.
“We continue to support
community groups like the
Goombungee-Haden Show
Society and wish them all the New Hope’s Naomi Tonscheck with Wendy Motley
best for a successful 2015 and De Everitt from the Goombungee-Haden Show
Cr Nancy’s recycling tip
RSPCA pet of the week
Hi I am Shadow, I am a lovely mature cat looking for a
home where I will be spoiled rotten as an only pet! I
would be suitable for an elderly person looking for some
company as I like to laze about and curl up on your lap. I
am an affectionate cat, I love to be stroked. - Megan
McKinnon, on behalf of Cassie Walker.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Construction firm offers interest-free
finance to gets jobs under way
A Geham based business, Walsh Construction
Group, has found that combining the areas of concreting and earthmoving is advantageous.
But it is now seeking to add a third element to the
operation, that of finance.
Principal Mitchell Walsh said Walsh Earthmoving
is engaged in preparing house and shed sites and pads,
patio areas and driveways, and Walsh Concreting constructs the slabs ready for the builders.
But the firm, which has a staff of 10, thinks the
economic activity around the country has quietened
somewhat and is offering interest-free finance to help
people get their projects under way.
Mr Walsh said the terms and conditions would generally require a deposit about 20 percent and approval
from a financial organisation.
But he said it could help people get into the job with
easy weekly payments.
The group necessarily has as great deal of equipment including bobcats, excavators, tippers and gear,
including rock grabs. Mr Walsh said the firm specialises in sandstone rock walls and sources its sandstone
from a quarry that has more vibrant colours than others.
Mr Walsh, who has 26 years of construction experience, worked for many years in Western Australia
and also in Dalby.
However, his family is from the Biddeston area of
the Darling Downs.
Highfields, Meringandan and Crows Nest areas pro- Mitchell Walsh who has a concreting and earthvide most of the work for the Walsh Construction moving business which services the north side of
the Toowoomba region.
Borneo Barracks Monday ladies
Highfields Florist celebrates
10 years in business
Great team and loyal community
Highfields Florist celebrated 10 years in
business on Wednesday, April 1. Owner
Sandy Kahler braved dismal morning weather
to set up a table on the footpath in front of
her shop at Highfields Village Shopping Centre and greeted passers-by with a piece of
birthday cake and the opportunity to go into
the draw to vote for and win their favourite
floral display from six different styles created by staff members.
The winners of the displays were Sue
Groom, Joan Griffiths, Vicki (Meringandan),
Marius Kruger, Aaron (Fastway courier) and
Helen Daunt. Voted most popular was the
display in a pumpkin created by junior staff
member Hannah.
Highfields Florist has been in the current
location for just under two years, having relocated there after seven years at the High-
fields Plaza Shopping Centre and 18 months
before that at the current site of the High
Country Herald office on the New England
Sandy attributes the success of the business to having a great team of staff and a
community whose loyal support she very
much appreciates.
Highfields Florist belongs to relay services, The Flower Company and Petals and,
as a member, can deliver worldwide.
Gourmet baskets, chocolates and soft toys
are popular choices for special occasion gifts.
A new and updated website is about to be
launched and will include a shopping cart to
allow customers to shop online.
Have a look at www.highfields florist.
com.au and see the gallery of photos all featuring the work of staff members.
Borneo Barracks Monday Lady golfers had a turnout of 15 to play their 9 hole single stableford on Monday,
March 30. Play was followed by a pre-Easter brunch, where each in the group was presented with a hand
made Easter card, courtesy of Wendy Ladewig. ABOVE: Mary Cleary, Wendy Ladewig, Hazel Milford, Colleen
Weber, Janelle Kruse, Kathy Robinson, Marianne Kluck, Mary Dwan, Robyn Lowry, Jan Willoughby, Judy
Hamill, Petae Frazer, Pamela Campbell, Carmel Lyall, Glenys Young. The group are always looking to
increase numbers on the course and caters to all skill levels. Friendships are formed, the exercise is
beneficial, and a great deal of enjoyment is gained from hitting that little white golf ball from tee to pin. Contact
Janelle 4697 9330 or Petae 0432 371 230.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Improving fertility and carbon content is up to landholder
The knowledge is available
A lecture on soil fertility at
Maclagan has highlighted the
wealth of knowledge available about
soils, their structure and fertility, the
nutrition and yields of plants, and
how diseases and disorders in crops
can be limited or eliminated.
Yet, decades and half-centuries
after this knowledge has contributed
to agronomic information, so many
landholders continue to ignore it.
Instead, they rely on chemical fertilisers, harsh herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, some of which
can kill off the beneficial microbial
life and others which tie-up soil minerals and trace elements, preventing their use by plants.
Landholders from North East
Downs Landcare groups had the opportunity to hear from Graeme Sait
who, for many years, has demonstrated
and lectured on these subjects.
Based on the Sunshine Coast, Mr
Sait now lectures in more than 50 countries and has contributed to the food
production and economic growth of
many communities.
Mr Sait is CEO and co-founder of
Nutri-Tech Solutions which develops
products that provide an alternative to
those conventionally available. He is
an expert in biological agriculture and
soil and human nutrition and is the
author of Nutrition Rules. and has published more than 300 articles.
He created the internationally acclaimed four day Certificate in Sustainable Agriculture and has trained
more than 20,000 farmers and consultants internationally.
With a depth understanding of ecology, soil, bacteria and fungi, Graeme
Sait has the formula to bring the land
back into sustainability and strategies
of eliminating chemicals that ends up
in our rivers.
At the Maclagan workshop, he covered a wide range of soil related topics
from eliminating nutritional deficiencies in soils and crops and the livestock
and people who get their food from
those crops, to using farm soils to reversing climate change by sequesting
carbon into the soil, to preparing microbial rich solutions for application
to the soil.
He also understands the importance
of trace elements in fertile soil.
Mr Sait has developed and compiled
a number of principles related to soil
and crop health and is a strong advo-
cate of soil testing and leaf analysis of
• Phosphorus - sulphur ratio. This
the plant.
is all about protein in crops. Protein
cannot be made without sulphur, and
Among them are the following ra- the balance of phosphorus to sulphur
tios proven to balance soil minerals: should be one-to-one.
• Calcium - magnesium ratio develHumus has the capacity to hold
oped by William Albrecht in the 1930s. sulphur.
It relates to clay and the correct bal• Phosphorus - zinc ratio. There
ance allows soils to breathe. Gypsum needs to be 10 parts phosphorus to
can be used to correct the balance.
one part zinc which has the biggest
• Magnesium - potassium ratio. The impact of phosphorus. One shuts
NTS team discovered this ratio and say down the other if out of balance.
that magnesium and potassium should
• Potassium - sodium ratio. There
be in a one-to-one ratio.
should be 3:1 to 5:1 potassium to soHigh magnesium shuts down potas- dium. Never let sodium become
sium, and if there is high potassium, it greater than potassium. The plant
shuts down magnesium. Magnesium will take up sodium rather than pois a phosphorus synergist and potas- tassium if there is more sodium.
sium a phosphorus antagonist, so phos• Iron - manganese ratio. There
phorus can be locked up with the wrong should always be more iron than
manganese, preferably 2 to 1.
Merryl Fookes, Brymaroo, guest speaker
Graeme Sait, Nutri-Tech Solutions, Cheryl Colin Shields of The Barn, Oakey, with
Vonhoff, Brymaroo, and Noel Burton, Landcare co-ordinator Glenys Bowtell, High- Steven Ward, Samarai, Kulpi, and Russell and Tony Kucks and Selwyn and Cheryl Peters,
fields, and Merilyn Plant.
Sharon Tonscheck, Evergreen.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
USQ boards precision
agriculture flagship
The University of
Southern Queensland’s
position as a leading agricultural research centre
was confirmed this week
through its affiliation
with the Regional Universities Network Precision
Agriculture Flagship
The flagship is the first
of its kind in Australia signalling the importance of
precision agriculture in
delivering environmental,
economic and social benefits to regional communities.
“Through our work in
practical sensing, and
control and automation of
farming operations, USQ
has long recognised the
importance of precision
agriculture,” Professor
Steven Raine, Executive
Director of USQ’s Institute for Agriculture and
the Environment, said.
“We are delighted to
support the Precision
Agriculture Flagship
project which complements USQ’s Future
Farm research to transform Australian agriculture through the application of robotic and automation technologies integrated with big-data
analytics,” Professor
Raine said.
Executive Director of USQ’s Institute for Agriculture and Environment .
ment, is a multi-million
dollar proposal that USQ
has developed in collaboration with the Grains
Research Development
Corporation, the Cotton
Research Development
Corporation, and Australia’s CSIRO and seven
other university and
state-government partners.
“Future Farm is all
Future Farm, which is about delivering techcurrently being evaluated nologies that increase
by the Federal Govern- farm productivity, reduce
To advertise phone 4615 4416
costs and enable better
Initially, the RUN Premanagement of produc- cision Agriculture Flagtion and business risks,” ship will establish and
Professor Raine said.
fund eight PhD scholarships to be cross-superThe USQ agricultural vised by USQ in conjuncresearch footprint has tion with the three other
also been valued by glo- flagship members, Central
bal agricultural equip- Queensland University,
ment and services pro- Federation University
vider, John Deere through and the University of
a collaborative partner- New England.
ship to develop new machine automation and
The flagship initiative
control systems that im- was launched by the
prove agricultural pro- Minister for Agriculture,
Barnaby Joyce.
Smartphone technology revolutionises
livestock biosecurity management
From tracking livestock to managing animal
health treatments, an ever
increasing range of powerful tools makes livestock operations more
efficient and productive.
Livestock Biosecurity
Network NSW Regional
Officer Louise Pearce said
as technology evolves,
smartphones and tablets
have become an essential
work tool.
“An increasing number
of livestock producers are
using smart phones to
help run their daily operations and the end result is increased productivity and greater profitability as they make technology work for them.
An example is the
iHerd application, which
provides farmers with
lifetime traceability of
their herds, including
treatments and location
movements,” Mrs Pearce
While other software
requires information to be
recorded in the paddock
and then entered manually into the computer,
iHerd saves time by allowing the farmer to enter the information onto
the computer server via
an app while out in the
Mrs Pearce said there
were also a number of
other good animal health
apps available to make life
easier for livestock producers.
“The agVantage iPhone
app is designed as an
easy, quick and portable
way to determine dose
rate for a range of sheep
and cattle health treatments.
“For example, if you
are treating for lice, fly,
ticks or are drenching or
applying nutritional
products, then within a
few clicks this app will
determine the required
dose rate per animal and
the numbers of litres
needed to treat the entire
herd or flock.
“This app is especially
useful for comparing
product dose rates or
reading important information on a damaged label,” she said.
The Coopers Animal
Health smartphone app
is similar in that it provides detailed information
about the company’s
product range, including
the latest labels, product
support material and a
Solution Finder, which
identifies the most suitable solution for any animal health problem.
Livestock nutrition is
smartphone technology,
with the Lifetime Ewe
Management app already
directly involving more
than 2000 woolgrowers,
over 8 million ewes and
influencing more than 20
per cent of the national
“This Australian Wool
Innovation app helps
producers proactively
manage ewe flock nutrition through the reproduction cycle.
“There’s also a great
sheep condition scoring
app from the Department of Agriculture and
Food WA which helps
with nutrition by recording sheep body condition
scores and calculating the
average flock condition
score,” Mrs Pearce said.
Biosecurity apps provide livestock producers
with real-time management tools. LBN Regional Officers across
Australia can support
livestock producers in
adopting new biosecurity
management technologies
which can help improve
on-farm productivity and
One of LBN’s key
roles is to improve
stakeholder knowledge
and understanding of animal health, welfare and
The organisation
plays a key role in a national network of government and industry partners helping protect livestock industries from
emergency animal disease.
To help protect their
livelihood and income,
producers are encouraged
to complete the Farm
Biosecurity Checklist at
• To find out more
Biosecurity Network,
contact New South Wales
LBN Regional Officer
Louise Pearce on 0488
400 207 or visit
Brace yourself for cold and flu season
Ron Timm receives advice from Kimberley McKenzie at Highfields Discount Drug Store.
Kimberley McKenzie is the vitamin consultant at help the body deal with stress,” says Kimberley.
Her advice to stay well during winter is to eat a balHighfields Discount Drug Store located in Highfields
anced diet based on whole foods, get plenty of Vitamin
Plaza Circle.
Kimberley, who is combining her work with study, is C from citrus, kiwi fruit and capsicum, enhance flavour
in her final year of a four year Advanced Diploma in and boost your immunity by eating onions, garlic and
Naturopathy and says that, with the cold and flu season turmeric, drink plenty of clean water to stay hydrated,
almost here, there is plenty we can do to help stay well get seven to eight hours of sleep every night, take a probiotic for a healthy digestive system, get some exercise,
this winter.
“I recommend immune supplements such as astrag- and get a dose of the sun everyday to top up your Vitaalus and olive leaf to boost immunity and protect the min D levels.
But, most importantly, she says, relax, laugh and enupper respiratory system from infections, increase resistance to colds, flu and sore throats, increase energy and joy life as stress can weaken the immune system.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
– Dozer & Excavator –
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Site works, Desilting Dams, Land Clearing,
Megamulcher, Road construction.
DOUG. 0418 716 725
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Advertise direct to your local target
Ask about a package to suit
your budget.............
4615 4416
0409 890 081
for a quote
To advertise phone 4615 4416
All styles catered for
0439 033 049
Phone John
0449 908 487
EC 74180
4615 5056
The secretary will be in attendance
at the Crows Nest Show Office
until the Show on May 9 on
10.30am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm
10.30am to 2pm
Barry 0409 874 147
Highfields Mens Shed
Richard 0412 687 338
or Tim 0412 530 077
12 Andrew Road
0422 046 434
Rhino Machinery Hire
• Bobcats • Excavators
• Slashing
Ryan - 0409 721 778
Large black teddy.
Meringandan Road, Highfields.
Tuesday, March 17 around
10.30am. Contact the Herald
office 4615 4416.
FOUND: Parrot, very tame. Federation Drive, Highfields. Phone
4698 7489.
Ensuite separate shower
toilet, aluminium frame,
solar, LED lights, full
annex, tandem
independent suspension,
airconditioned, much more
Highfields 0439 647 186
Call Gary 0418 733 749
QBCC No: 1002151
APRIL 12-13 - 8 am
Plants, bric-a-brac,
clothes, toys etc
notices are published FREE
as a service to our community.
Contact details P.2
COCKATOO cage for sale. 5ft
square. Phone 4615 5667.
Hard floor camper
trailer 4 burner gas
stove and extras
$12,000 ono
Phone 0432 112 607
Dog rugs from $10
Crows Nest
0468 993 886
for building work
Local Service
QBSA No: 55773
Ph: 0428 978 144
Hanlou Nursery
on advanced stock
10inch or 250mm and
March 24 - April 30
5 DaleStreet
Phone 0488 982 401
or 4698 2401
PLANTS for sale. 38 Hartwig St, Goombungee.
TREES for sale. Lemon Scented
Gum and Ficifolia (Flowering
Gum) tubestock. $2.50 each or
10 for $20. Phone 0423 680 018.
Shop or Office
Centrally located at
Crows Nest
Reasonable rent
4698 1011
NEWSPAPERS collected
for recycling. Crows Nest
Boys Brigade - deliver to
Crows Nest Lutheran Hall Ph: 4698 1205 OR Friends of
Peacehaven Highfields. Contact 4615 4416.
SPECTACLES recycled for
charity. Crows Nest Lions
project. Drop to Crows Nest
Realty or High Country Herald office.
WOOL: Donate new or
recyclable wool to knit
for charity. Drop to High
Country Herald office,
10485 New England Highway, Highfields.
gardening, ironing work
wanted. Highfields-Crows
Nest area. References
available. $18/hr. Phone
0407 593 017.
Just $10 for up to 15 words
Phone 4615 4416
79V GX MY02
All Wheel Drive
“If I died tonight, do I know for
sure that I would go to heaven?”
BIBLE STUDY - 0409 158 525
85,000km, 4 speed
automatic, immaculate
condition. Service,
roadworthy and safety
check completed.
One lady driver from new.
Asking $10,000
Contact Sue
4630 5215
To advertise phone 4615 4416
RAMS sponsors swim club
CROWS NEST: Results of handicap fixtures
conducted on March 30
at the Crows Nest Table
Tennis Club. S. Murphy
(2) won the tournament
losing 6 points. Tim
MacDonald (12) was
runner up, losing 7 points.
Both players lost 2 games.
- Joy Bretz
BORNEO BARACKS: March 25 - Single stroke
winner J. Lee 63, runner-up M. Sorenson 67. Rundown M. Redman 68, T. Aitken 68, J. Bishop 68, P.
Hundt 70, W. Owen 70. Pins 1st P.Callaghan 5th
B.Messer 10th W.Owen 14th R.Sweeney 17th
March 28 - HLO Shield round 1, single stableford.
Mens overall winner B.Fagg 41. Overall ladies winner Pat Walker 35. Borneo Baracks mens winner J.
Thompson 39. Borneo Baracks ladies winner D.
Bishop 34. Goombungee mens winner J. Lee 40.
Goombungee ladies winner L. Alexander 32.
Crows Nest mens winner Ken Christensen 37.
Borneo Baracks top six W. Balderson 39, L. Bishop
39, J. Bishop 39, G. Douglas 37, P. Jones 37, B.
Goulding 36.
Goombungee top six W. Newmeth 34, G. Schull
34, L. Capuzzo 33, M. Schilling 32, M. McLeod 32.
Crows Nest top six D. Yaxley 35, B. Wingett 35, G.
Littleton 35, T. Weis 34, K. Cox 32. Pins 1st
D.Bishop, 5th M. Mohr, 10th B. Fagg, 14th R. Freeman, 17th L. Jocumsen. Borneo Baracks.380,
Goombungee 340, Crows Nest 330.
March 29 - Single stableford winner T. McLean
42, runner-up R. Sweeney 40. Rundown B.
Northwood 39, K. Clarke 39, K. Mitchell 37, P.
Callaghan 36. Pins 1st P. Ladewig, 5th K. Mitchell,
10th G. Trussell, 14th P. Ladewig, 17th K. Mitchell.
- Gary Small.
CROWS NEST: April 1 - April fools winners
were Trevor Gillies and Terry Bowe, runners-up Tony
Ryan and George Brady.
March 28 - Club fours Tom Hamilton, Allan Mutch,
Les Guy and Bruce Bell d. John Fowler, Mick Beutel,
Ben Ruwoldt and Laurie Cant. Tony Collins, Rob
Mortimer, Ray Weis and Pat Knowles d. Kerry
Lovell, Bevan Wingett, Ernie Motley and Peter
Mullins. Consistency singles Tony Ryan d. Trevor
Keep your eye on the selector’s noticeboard for
competition games called each Saturday.
March 29 - Club sponsored bowls winners were
Bob Meadows, Vonnie Gillies and Aileen Cox, runners-up Peter Coman, Ray Weis and Vince Vaz.
Coming events: April 12 - Brisbane Fire Brigade
visit. April 19 - Dinger’s Seafood afternoon. April 26
- Ray White Brisbane trophy.
Next scheduled management committee meeting
will be at 9.30am on Sunday, April 12. All officers are
encouraged to attend. New bowls players and visitors are always welcome at the Crows Nest Bowls
Club. Contact secretary Jim on cnqbowls@mail.com
or on 4698 2278. - Gary Baker.
RAMS principal Leon Owen and Crows Nest Swimming club members Myola Root, Shobelle Root, Caitlin Dawes, Liam Dawes, Elliott
Root and Dan Proud and RAMS principal Charles McCowen.
RAMS in Toowoomba has made a
splash in Crows Nest with a commitment to sponsor the Crows Nest
Swimming Club. RAMS Home Loans
Toowoomba franchise principal Leon
Owen said he was delighted to be supporting the club and the young people of Crows Nest and surrounds.
“This is something we really love
to do,” Leon said. “Helping out at a
local level is what we’re all about, not
only in a financial sense, but for local
people in local communities as well.”
Leon Owen and business partner
Charles McCowen visited the Crows
Nest Swimming Pool on club night
and enjoyed meeting swimmers, par-
ents and helpers, as well as seeing some
of the local talent.
“Seeing the level of involvement and
commitment to these organisations in
country towns is always a heartwarming experience,” Leon said.
“We look forward to an ongoing
relationship with the Swimming Club
at Crows Nest and watching the development of some fine young swimmers.”
Residents of Crows Nest and surrounds can contact Leon Owen or
Charles McCowen for all their home
loan needs on 4638 1026, or visit the
RAMS Home Loans office at 160
Hume Street, Toowoomba.
Boondooma on March
14-15 was very eventful.
Fish were quite scarce but
there were some good
sized ones caught. A 7¼lb
yellowbelly was weighed
in by Bryce Jones. Bryce
also caught a 2¾ lb bass.
I think Bryce is a very
good fisherman for someone so young. According
to his grandfather, Col,
Bryce gets all his talent
off him.
Tom Corling weighed in
a 3½lb jew and Vincent
Cormack caught a 1lb silver perch.
The club has new members Darrell Cope-man,
Lindsay Davison, Barry
Harris, Ross Smith and his
two children Tallis and
Zander, as well as Tom and
Jo Moran from New Zealand. - Hazel Lowrie
March 29 - 300, 500 and
600 yards. F Standard
Rifle, possible 180. Les
Pedersen 169.7, Graham
Eagle 167.6, Bob Tyllyer
160.7, Paul Reid 150.3,
Elliot Carey 136.
F Open Rifle, possible 180. Dave Taylor
171.11, Margaret Taylor
154.3. Congratulations
to Dave who has now
obviously mastered his
new rifle. Also to Les
who in among his high
scores got a dead ringer
super X actually cutting
the X in the centre at 600
Being the fifth Sunday
this month we shot 10
scoring shots at 300 and
500 yards then retired
for a barbecue lunch and
had to wake ourselves up
again for the 600 yard
shoot under the gratefully provided shade
trailer. Great weather,
good company, a great
day. Don’t miss our
ANZAC Day shoot
April 26. - www.
club web syte. com.au
BORNEO BARRACKS LADIES: March 31 Single stableford for club trophies. Winner Chris
Tannock 36, Lotte Pedersen 33. Rundown: Jessella
McConnell 28. Pins; 2/5 (pro pin) Beryl Thompson,
1/1 and 4/3 Lotte Pedersen.
April 7 - Single stableford for trophies donated by
Connie Harrison. - Lotte Pedersen.
March 30 - Single stableford 9 holes. Trophies donated by W. Ladewig and P. Campbell. P Campbell
16, W. Ladewig 11, J. Kruse and P. Frazer 10. Next
event will be a two-person ambrose. - Pam Campbell.
GOOMBUNGEE: March 27 - Chook run winner Ann Lamond, runner-up, Kathy Egan, third
Malcolm Schilling.
April 2 - Easter hamper day, three-person ambrose.
Winners Janelle Wieck, Darren and David Cass 59
net, runners-up Ann Cass, Dave Lowe and Dave Scurr.
Pin 4/13 Dulcie Skuse, Dennis Smith and Alan Reis.
Approach 8/17 Denise Volz, Robby McKewen and
Ralph Hickey.
April 5 - Single stroke, monthly medal, club trophies. Winner Steve Elfverson 68 net. Rundown Mark
Peters, Gary Herriman, Glenn Egan, Tim Langston.
Approach 1/10 Glyn Skuse.
April 9 - From 8am. Ladies Ssngle stroke, club
trophy. Men’s flag event, club trophy. Chook run
finished till September.
April 11 - Round 2 HLO at Crows Nest. Contact
Crows Nest Golf Club for details.
April 12 - No competition. Course closed in the
morning for pennants. - Murray McLeod.
CROWS NEST: April 5 - Betty and David Cox
day winner D. Sanderson. Rundown D. Sanderson,
M. Woodhead, G. Littleton, R. Burgess Pins 3/12 R
Burgess, 8/17 B Wingett.
April 11 - HLO at Crows Nest. April 12 - Property Management Products. April 18 - HLO at
Goombungee. Time sheet in club house. April 19 Nest O Pizza. - John.Somerville.
DDLBA: April 7 - Management meeting: The
DDLBA prestige fours to be played at Pittsworth on
Thursday, April 9. Morning tea 8.30 a.m.Play 9am.
Teams are, skips’ names only: F. Hunter, G. Jeans, B.
Gordon, G. Russell, M. Gibbs, S. Elsden, J.
Muggleton, P. Ehlers, L. Peters, R. Bradford, V.
Mahony, S. McManus, P. Muller, T. Smith, M.
Podmore, I. Brumpton.
Nominations close on April 17 with the District
Secretary for the DDLBA championship pairs to be
played at South Toowoomba April 28 - 30.
The Challenge Match (v) Gateway will be held at
Mt Gravatt on April 19. Coach leaves Rome Street at
6am sharp. The cost for the day, $25/players. Teams
are I. Brumpton, L. Harrington, L. Blaine, J. Thomas:
J. Baldock, S. McManus, M. Hannant, B. Shea. T.
Cooper, K. Hewitt, L. Mutch, K. Livingstone. J.
Slattery, K. Jenkins, G. Menzies, F. Hunter. C.
McLatchey, M. Pyne, F. Connors, E. Atkinson: M.
Podmore, D. Van Zeeland, V. Chant, M. Brosnan: P.
Muller, B. Higgins, J. Pauli, D. Parkinson: Reserves:
F. Dornbusch, M. Morris, R. Byers, R. Eddie, D.
Allison, L. Mott.
Anyone unavailable please contact selection chairperson Jan on 4634 2650 so that reserves can be
contacted. Good luck Tracy over in Western Australia this week, for the Super Sixes and the Australian Sides; April 27 - Management meeting. District
sides championships on the Sunshine Coast. - Joyce
last week due to the wet weather. Thanks to providore
Val for putting on a special day which was enjoyed
by many.
Championship triples final: A. Jones, D. Clark, L.
Mutch v. P. Graham, T. Thomas, V. Mahony.
A grade singles semi-final S. McManus v. R. Bradford. Marker F. Dornbusch, umpire J. Mitchell. Social available, starting time for all games 9am.
Scanlan pairs (graded and drawn) is scheduled for
April 22. Names on the white board please. All day
Coaching Academy’s next event at North is Monday, April 20, 9am start. Contact Shirley on 4615
5197 for more information and to express your interest and to let Shirley know how many players to
prepare for.
Teams away - Brisbane 3-day starting Tuesday,
April 14-16: P. Graham, J. Baldock, T. Thomas, V.
Mahony. West Toowoomba F/R Wednesday April
15: M. Wilds, H. Gscheidle, G. Siebenhausen, V.
Warren. City Fiesta Friday April 17: L. Graham, L.
Sommer, G. Siebenhausen, R. Bradford. Roster this
Friday Team 1 - V. Warren, L. Graham, G. Doherty,
A. Plowman. - Reynelde Bradford.
OAKEY: April 1 - Ladies 18 hole stroke. Winner
Marlene Deans, runner-up Yvonne Lebeter Rundown
Joan Fisk.
Thursday Sporter’s was won by Terris Muir, 22,
on count back.
April 5 - 18 hole stableford won by Wyatt FiskWalsh, runner-up George Wright. Rundown Andrew
King all on 39 points. Ladies winner Yvonne Lebeter.
Pins 3 P Fisk, 8 C. Fisk. Approach 6/15 P. Fisk
OAKEY: Competition call for Saturday, April 11
April 12-13 - Saturday/Sunday monthly medal
7.30 to 8 am start. Pennant team at Goombungee at 8 - A grade singles D. Barfield v. B. Burke (K. Ciesiolka)
B grade singles E. Dornbusch v. V. Rush (M. Hall) R.
am for 8.30 start team to be advised.
Krause v. B. Lucht (D. Voll) Consolation singles S.
Next committee meeting will be April 21.
McCormack v. D. Hall (L. Hudson) P. Rudken v. H.
Sander (N. Byers.)
Coming events - Thursday April 9 - Night bowls,
names in by 6.30pm to play at 7pm.
Sunday April 12 - Club selected mixed three bowl
pairs. - Sam Lorrimar.
CROWS NEST: The last round before the holiday break kicked off with X-Men comfortably accounting for the Black Holes on Monday night. Batting first, Holes’ batsmen struggled and without
standout efforts by Ben Kahler as well as Ash Case,
it may well have been an absolute flogging.
The usual consistency of X-Men proved to be the
difference, Darren Spick and Matt Pearce top scoring
with the final result going X-Men’s way 174 to 108.
Bazingas winning streak rolled on with a solid win
over Fielders on Tuesday night 134 to 75. Anthony
Clarke, Cory Gear and Ross Stahlhut all got among
the runs for the Bazingas.
Lindsay Blinco and Errol Deeth were Fielders’ best
in what was a real mixed bag performance. - John
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Queensland Ballet brings
Coppelia to the Empire
After a sellout season in Brisbane last year, Queensland Ballet’s acclaimed production of
Coppélia will be performed at the
Empire Theatre, Toowoomba, on
Friday, May 1.
This new production choreographed by Queensland Ballet’s
Greg Horsman, delighted Brisbane
audiences last year with its engaging story of young love.
Horsman has brought his
unique style and approach to this
production of Coppélia, one of
the most popular and well-known
ballets in the classical repertoire.
“I have great respect and affection for traditional ballet productions.
“Bbut I think it’s important to
give them a context that relates to
our communities and audiences,”
said Horsman.
Setting the much-loved story
in the small Australian town of
Hahndorf in the late 19th century,
Horsman has created a touching
and witty ballet with endearing
story characters inspired by Australian history.
The ballet tells the story of the
eccentric Dr Coppélius and his
invention of Coppélia, a beautiful life-like doll, who causes comic
chaos between two young lovers,
Franz and Swanilda, but the lovers unite and there is a happy ending.
Queensland Ballet’s Artistic
Director Li Cunxin said Horsman
had brought his flair for choreographing classical-style ballet to
this traditional work and his distinctly Australian scenario was
perfectly suited to the delightful
“This is a ballet that the whole
family can enjoy,” Li said. “The
dancing is beautiful and elegant and
Delibes’ musical score is stunning.
“Audiences will leave the theatre feeling uplifted and entertained
by an evening of captivating dancing and music.”
Exquisite new sets and costumes have been designed especially for this production by
Queensland Ballet’s Resident Designer Noelene Hill and Melbourne-based Set Designer Hugh
Lighting Designer Jon Buswell’s
designs bring the beautiful costumes and set to life. For more information or to purchase tickets,
contact the Box Office on 1300
655 299 or visit www.empire
Full moon determines date for Easter
Have you ever wondered why Easter is at a different time/month each year? Easter is marked by the first full moon, usually after
Passover at the end of March or early April. Mind you, many thousands of years ago Easter fell out of sync as the full moon shifted
throwing out travellers heading off for the festive festivals. But over time astrologers mapped the moon paths of many hundreds
of years and now have accurate predictions so Easter can be forecast years in advance based off lunar months. This photo of the
Easter Sunday full moon glowing over Gowrie Junction and Highfields proves Easter was spot on this year astrology wise. Murray Choat. The photo on the right was taken by the Herald at Blue Mountain Heights.
To advertise phone 4615 4416