High Country News 14 April 2015


High Country News 14 April 2015
Letters to the editor are always welcome. Please include full name, address and
daytime phone number. Letters are accepted on the understanding they could be
edited for grammar, punctuation, spelling, repetition, verbosity, legal considerations, etc. The Herald policy is to maintain the writer’s intent in all correspondence, subject to the conditions above. Letters are treated confidentially. Under no
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accept or reject letters without further reference to the writer. Preference is given to
shorter letters, fewer than 200 words, published with the writer’s name. Pen
names are subject to individual consideration.
Acland ANZAC Day
A hundred years ago young men were signing up to fight for the mother country. If Britain was at war, so was Australia. Men would
sign up in droves.
So many boys lied about their age so they
could join the great adventure and see the
So many were farmers and used to working outdoors in the Australian heat. But they
were to find out that the cold of Turkey would
be unbearable, especially without the right
Life was not as they imagined.
Back home, their brothers and sisters were
still going to school.
We all get stuck in our own time frame and
it is hard to picture what the life of our parents, grandparents and beyond, was like.
There were no iPads or internet or Google
and books were important and treated with
respect and care.
The annual expenditure on education in
Queensland was 574,195 pounds 12 shillings
and 1 pence in 1914. Queensland had a great
record in relation to other States with more
children between 5 and 14 years able to read
and write.
If a child was unable to get to a school
there were 17 roaming teachers who visited
these children. They were supplied with four
to six horses for transport.
Then schools had to be no more than five
miles from the child most far away as the
children had to walk, ride a horse or maybe a
bike. In this district from Oakey there was
Greenwood, Acland , Muldu, Rosalie Plains
, Kulpi, Evergreen , Peranga and Evergreen
schools Only Kulpi remains open and in
August they will celebrate the opening a hundred years ago.
From these schools many wonderful people have gone on to serve in many wars so
that we might still have the opportunity to
go to school and learn all the joys of this
beautiful country.
I hope you can attend Acland Anzac Day
celebrations and pause to remember why we
can celebrate our freedom. 10am in the park
with smoko to follow under the trees. Merilyn Plant.
Plea to keep Mates Who Open Gates
I am calling on the State Government to
continue funding for the vital Mates Who
Open Gates counselling support service for
This innovative program provides on-farm
counselling support for farming families, but
is at risk of folding due to a lack of State
Government funding.
I am very concerned that this successful
and unique program will stop if the Labor
Government chooses not to re-fund the service. More than 70 per cent of the State is still
in the grip of a terrible drought. Our farmers
need all the support they can get, yet it seems
that Labor doesn’t even realise that some of
our primary producers are in real trouble.
Mates Who Open Gates was created and
co-ordinated by Toowoomba group, Ag Assist, led by Mr Rod Saal.
The program trains volunteers who, at the
invitation of the producer, visit on-farm and
lend an ear. This may lead to a referral for
further support, or may just open up a good
opportunity to speak with someone about
their situation.
The LNP recognised the value of this program and funded the pilot project.
More than 80 volunteers received training
and more than double the expected number of
farmers requested assistance through the program.
I fully support Mr Saal’s efforts to extend
the program for at least another two years,
because I know there is a need.
The pilot project supported many farmers in my own electorate of Nanango, throughout the Toowoomba and South Burnett Regional Council areas.
I know local volunteers were crucial in
supporting local farming families.
I would like to see this program continue
and grow so even more families can benefit.
I’m calling on the State Government to see
how important this program is in helping to
prevent suicide in our regional areas.
They must consider re-funding the Mates
Who Open Gates program.
- Deb Frecklington, Shadow Minister
for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
Voter ID abandoned
Days before the Easter break, our new
Queensland Labor government quietly introduced legislation that would remove the requirement for voters to provide ID before
voting in State and Local Government elections.
The Queensland media have not reported
it. I have only just found out about this disturbing move.
FamilyVoice Australia has strongly supported the ID requirement, to prevent voter
fraud. Without ID, it would be easy for someone to cast a vote in the name of another
person. The fraudster cannot be traced.
These days, providing ID is often routine.
A driver’s licence, rates notice, electricity bill
or some other identifying document is needed
to open a bank account, withdraw money,
join a library, travel by plane or post an overseas parcel.
So why is removing the voter ID requirement such a priority for the new Labor state
government? I cannot help wondering.
The Queensland parliamentary Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee is
investigating the Electoral and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015.
The deadline for submissions was 4 pm,
Friday, April 10.
Queenslanders can send a brief email to
lacsc@parliament.qld.gov.au to explain their
Full details are available at http://
www.parliament.qld.gov.au/work-of-committees/committees/LACSC/inquiries/current-inquiries/01-ElectoralOLAB15. Geoffrey Bullock, State Director
FamilyVoice Australia, 1300 365 965 (national office) email gmb@fava.org.au,
Donate your pony tail
Last week, Annaliese Crowe, Brittany
Rodda, Ellie McInerney, Anna Beil and I, have
had our hair cut for Pantene’s Beautiful
Lengths charity.
This charity makes it possible for cancer
patients, who have lost their hair due to
chemotherapy, to have a real hair wig made at
no cost. The only requirements are that your
hair is 20cm or more in length that has no
chemicals or dye in it, donating is then easy.
You can also go check out their website:
Cut your hair off in a pony tail, put it in a
plastic zip lock bag and send it to: Pantene http://www.beautifullengths.co.nz/
I challenge you to donate your ponytail. Beautiful Lengths Promotion, P.O. Box 6331,
Jasmine Zuyderwyk
Frenchs Forest NSW 2086.
APOLOGY: Last week the Herald incorrectly reported Teeghan Taylor of
Styles@Escape, Highfields, had been the manager of the previous salon where
she worked. We apologise for this error. - Editor.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Oakey abattoir biogas plant
is a first for Australia
Oakey Beef Exports abattoir has just added to its reputation of being the most efficient and sophisticated abattoir in Australia, by adding a
waste water treatment plant
that will reduce equivalent
carbon dioxide emissions by
12,000 tonnes.
The new biogas plant, the
first of its type in Australia,
will produce methane from
the waste which, when
combusted by the abattoir
boiler, will save 40 percent of
the plant’s usage of natural
Beef Exports general manager Pat Gleeson said these
savings were expected to repay the cost of construction
of the biogas plant within five
Mr Gleeson said that in
addition to converting waste
to energy, the biogas plant
would improve the quality of
waste water, reduce odour
from the abattoir, and reduce
greenhouse emissions.
The expected reduction of
12,000 tonnes of cabon dioxide equates to removing 2700
cars from the road, as the
plant produces an expected
183 gigajoules of energy a day.
Member for Groom Ian
Macfarlane who, as Resources Minister, is currently
battling with renewable energy targets in Canberra,
opened the plant and said
what was happening at
Oakey Beef Exports was
Mr Macfarlane said the
parent company Nippon
Ham showed fantastic vision
in what it was doing.
“Not $1 in taxpayers’
money was spent on the
project,” Mr Macfarlane
The company had applied
for a renewable energy grant
with the previous Federal
Government just weeks before the current Coalition
Government came to power
and, because of the changes,
the application did not proceed.
“But the company decided
to go ahead with the project
anyway,” Mr Macfarlane
“It’s a great project and a
sign of confidence in the industry and in Australia.” He
said Japan and Australia were
past the point of just having
a government to
government level relationship.
Japan and Australia were
now old friends and Australia
appreciated the investment
support from Japan.
Mr Macfarlane said the
biogas plant contained elements of renewable energy,
reduction of greenhouse emissions, it treated effluent, it
benefited the environment,
and it showed that waste
could be turned into something beneficial.
The biogas plant was built by
CST Wastewater Solutions
using innovative technology.
Local firms Dalby Rural Supplies and Dalziel Earthworks
and Construction of
Goombungee worked with
CST on the project. The advanced system contains a high
rate anaerobic lagoon which
is said to have lower capital
and running costs than conventional covered anaerobic
The biogas is stored in a
large “bubble” which has a
double wall for containing the
methane before being used in
the abattoir process.
Nippon Ham is planning
to double its workforce at
Oakey Beef Exports in a $50
million project over the next
two years.
Oakey Beef Exports general manager Pat Gleeson said
the 750 staff at Oakey Abattoir could be increased to 1400
as cold storage and chilling
capacity is increased for a
construction cost of $50 million. He said te plant currently processes 1300 head
of cattle a day, and the additional capacity will allow
Oakey Beef to process 1650
a day over seven days a week.
Currently the plant operates
five days a week.
Mr Gleeson said that
would increase production
from 298,000 head a year to
560,000 head a year.
Oakey beef currently processes 500 head a day from its
Wyalla Feedlot at Texas with
the remainder coming from
across Queensland.
Mr Gleeson said the company is in discussions with
the State and Federal Governments to revitalise the
western railway line so a
weekly stock train could pick
up cattle from Quilpie,
Charleville, Morven and
Oakey Beef also wants rail
infrastructure improvements
to Brisbane so it can rail containers to the Port. Currently
it transports more than 100
containers a week to the Port
of Brisbane by truck and, with
the company’s proposed
production increase, this will
exceed 200 containers a week.
Gowrie Junction
The Gowrie Junction ANZAC day
Dawn Service will start
at 5.45am. Please note
the time as it have been
incorrectly reported in
some press in previous
The service will be
held at the cenotaph,
Gowrie State School,
Old Homebush Road,
Gowrie Junction, followed by breakfast at
the Gowrie Junction
Community Federation Hall provided by
the Gowrie Junction
Progress Association.
Everyone is welcome to join us after
the service.
All welcome
This event is organised
by the Gowrie Junction
Progress Association in
conjunction with the
Gowrie Junction State
School. - Rod O’Connor,
At the official opening of the biogas plant at Oakey Beef Exports - Member for
Toowoomba South John McVeigh, Oakey Beef exports general manager Pat
Gleeson and Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington, Member for Groom and
Resources Minister Ian Macfarlane, and the Member for Ipswich Jennifer Howard,
representing Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.
Oakey Beef processes both
grain and grass fed cattle and
exports to 34 countries.
Nippon Ham acquired
Oakey Abattoir in 1987 and
since then has spent $100
million growing its capacity
from 300 head a day to 1300
head a day.
A key to its productivity
is a computerised boning room
which alone requires 300 staff
and offers complete trace back
on each piece of beef.
Mr Gleeson said the plant
was audited recently by a European Union authority, and
the auditors comment was
that it was the best in the
The new biogas plant has
the capacity to meet the future production increases.
RIGHT: Standing on the bank of one of the ponds at the biogas plant at Oakey
Abattoir are Norio Itazaki, general manager of Nippon Ham in Japan, and Takeo
Kudo, managing director of Nippon Ham Australia.
- MILES NOLLER reporting
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Toowoomba Concert Orchestra ANZAC Day tribute
If it’s toe-tapping wartime
reminiscing that you want,
then the USQ Artsworx concert Tunes of the War Years
presented by the Toowoomba Concert Orchestra
will be right up your alley.
But this show promises to
be something much more than
just that, according to TCO
conductor Matthew Henry.
“I wouldn’t be at all surprised if audience members
are heard singing along to the
music during the show, but
Tunes of the War Years will
also allow them to experience
something different,” he said.
“The concert is actually in
two different parts – one part
focuses on art music pieces,
while the other is old favourites and a couple of big band
“Some of the music they
won’t be as familiar with but
together the program all helps
to create a show which has
an Australian nature and is
very patriotic in keeping with
the commemorations of
Anzac Day.”
• Saturday, April 18, at
6pm, and Sunday, April 19 at
2pm. Tickets cost $25 for
adults ($20 concession and
$17.50 members) and are
available at artsworx.com.au
or by calling the Box Office
on 4631 1111.
Development concerns
Residents who met with the Chairman of Toowoomba Regional Council Planning committee on Friday came
away with little satisfaction. More than 20 residents had sought a meeting with Cr Bill Cahill to express their
concerns about clear felling of mature trees on land between Happy Valley Road and the Cabarlah cemetery
and claims that plans for connecting roads to the development had been changed without notice to residents.
Cr Cahill said the application came under the “self assessable clearing code” and was decided on by a
bureaucrat in a process under State planning legislation. According to Cr Cahill, councillors had no say in the
matter. He said he was unable to name the developer. An attendee said after the meeting if what Cr Cahill said
was true, Toowoomba Regional Council should immediately take the matter up with the State Government
and insist that all development applications are the responsibility of local councils with due regard to the
concerns of residents. He described the existing process as arbitrary and wide open to abuse. ABOVE:
Elizabeth Stuart, Sandi Gillot, Ray Carew, Cr Cahill and John Dakin.
Cr Nancy’s
rubbish tip
In coming years councils across Quneenssland
will have to reduce the amount of waste to landfill
down to 45 per cent.
This is significant and I am trying to educate residents about the dos and don’ts of waste.
Everyone’s ongoing support of this initiative helps
our planet earth – by promoting the messages you
are doing your bit for the environment too.
Cr Nancy says don’t be mean. Act green! Plastic
wrap is a no no. Plastic lunch wrap, biscuit packet
wrapping, chip packets, wrap from newspapers all
go into your general waste bin. - Nancy
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Artisans show their
wares in Brisbane
Narelle Donald, Highfields
and Gail Grunske, Crows
Nest, will take part in the Autumn Activation campaign in
Brisbane this weekend
Southern Queensland Country Tourism and Tourism and
Events Queensland will
present a seasonal showcase
at Eat Street Markets, Brisbane, to encourage visitors to
the region during Autumn.
The showcase will promote
producers and artisans based
in the region and give shoppers the chance to buy South
Queensland Country products.
It’s exciting that as two local artisans, we have been invited to participate in the Autumn Activation program in
Gail and Narelle have items
available for sale at Crows
Nest Community Arts and
Crafts. Gail is a textile artist
who loves playing with fabrics, dye, felt and print to obtain a design that is fresh, bold
and colourful. Her range of
wearable art includes scarves,
shawls, handbags and accessories.
Fabric art
Narelle makes handcrafted
jewellery, working with natural stones such as agates and
“I’m amazed at the natural colours of so many semiprecious stones. Every item
is unique and one-of-a-kind.
“My range of work includes bracelets, bangles,
necklaces and pendants,” she
SHOW SCHEDULES: Schedules for the Crows Nest
Show which will be held on Saturday, May 9, are now available on-line at www.crowsnestshow.com.au. A limited number
of hard copies will be available from local businesses or from
the show office which is open on Mondays from 10am to
1pm and 2pm to 5pm, and Wednesdays from 10.30am to
2pm. Contact Barry Miller 0409 874 147 or email bazza62@
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Two new bridges under construction
Two new bridges are under construction over Gowrie
Creek just to the north and
west of Toowoomba.
Each bridge is due for completion by the end of June.
Just to the north of Toowoomba at the Toowoomba
Regional Council’s Wetalla
Water Treatment plant, a new
bridge is under construction.
This bridge is being built
to a Q100 standard, which
means that it should be covered by floodwater in just one
in every hundred years (or
just one in every hundred
flood events).
The bridge connects the
plant to Old Goombungee
Road between Harlaxton and
Gowrie Junction. It is used
only by those who work at
the plant or who have business at the plant, and Old
Goombungee Road at this
point is estimated to carry
between 900 and 1500 vehicles a day, with fewer than
8% heavy vehicles.
Downstream on Gowrie
Creek at Kingsthorpe, another new bridge is also being
built. Located between
Kingsthorpe and Zimms
Corner on the Warrego Highway, it is being built adjacent
to the existing culvert type
crossing, so that traffic can
proceed with minimum disruption while construction is
under way.
The daily traffic count on
this section of road is about
3300 with 8 per cent heavy
Toowoomba Council
planned to build this bridge
to a Q100 standard, but decided a week later to rescind
this plan, and build it to just a
Q20 standard, saving about
$1.5 million in potential council contributions.
The Kingsthorpe and
Wetalla bridges were damaged
in the 2011 and 2013 floods.
The $2.5 million cost of the
Wetalla bridge is being met by
State and Federal flood reconstruction funding.
The Kingsthorpe bridge is
also being funded principally
by State and Federal flood reconstruction funding. - Miles
Work is proceeding on the new bridge over Gowrie
Creek at Kingsthorpe. This picture was taken on
February 28 at the start of works.
Work on a new bridge over Gowrie Creek at the Wetalla Water treatment plant just north of Toowoomba.
The existing bridge that is used by those who work
at Wetalla is on the left.
Work is well advanced on the Kingsthorpe Bridge.
Flu immunisation clinic April 21
Protect the young and old
– get immunised against flu.
Health professionals have
called on parents and workers to get immunized against
influenza to protect the young
and old from this year’s flu
Highfields pharmacist
Steven Richter said flu immunisation was the best protection for those seeking to avoid
the flu and may be effective
at minimizing the duration of
influenza in those who succumb to the virus.
“We are in many ways fortunate that the most vulnerable Australians are provided
influenza vaccinations for free
via their GPs and that goes
some way towards ensuring
Australia is better placed to
handle a similar crisis,” Mr
Richter said.
“But it is the less vulnerable, those less likely to be
eligible for the Australian
Government’s free flu immunisation program, who are
most likely to come into contact with more people and to
therefore fuel the spread of
the virus.
It is the mobile, otherwise dren, the elderly and those
healthy person who is likely whose health is already comto pass it on to their more promised,.” he said.
vulnerable charges, their chil“Immunisation is the best
An influenza immunisation
Clinic for the 2015 flu season
will be held at Terry White
Chemists Highfields on Tuesday, April 21.
Bookings are strongly encouraged and can be made either in store or online at
terrywhitechemists. com.au/
A guide for parents. What
can you do this flu season?
Black Cockatoo
census day
• Get vaccinated yourself.
• Keep young children
away from people with cold
and flu symptoms, especially
if they under three months.
• Focus on hand washing
regularly, even taking disposable hand wipes when leaving home.
way to protect against contracting seasonal influenza and
while it is not fail-proof, it
does seem to reduce the severity and duration of flu in
that group that is immunised
but unfortunately still catches
Often the best thing you
Employing good hygiene
practices, eating well and en- can do for your children is to
suring adequate rest will also keep yourself as healthy as
The Glossy Black Cockatoo birding day is coming up
on May 3, which is an opportunity for volunteers from
right across the region to get out there and help spot for
this beautiful and threatened bird in the wild.
A number of ID workshops will be taking place between now and then.
- Sibel Korhaliller, Communication officer, SEQ
Catchments, 3503 1425, mobile: 0488 713 340
To advertise phone 4615 4416
USQ theatre screens classic war movie
USQ Artsworx Theatre will
screen the classic Austrlaian
movie 40,000 Horsemen on
Friday, April 17.
USQ Lecturer in Communication and Media Studies
Andrew Mason said it was
exciting to screen such a classic film during the ANZAC
centenary commemorations.
“40,000 Horsemen has not
waned in popularity or significance since its initial release in
1940, and is often screened to
mark historical wartime landmarks.
“This year marks the 75th
anniversary of the film which
co-incides with the 100th anniversary of the battle of Gallipoli.
“The landing at Gallipoli is
one of the key elements of our
national story which helped to
forge Australia’s modern identity.”
40,000 Horsemen tells the
story of the Australian Light
Horse Cavalry doing battle in
the desert at the Sinai and Palestine campaign during World
War I.
Released during the dark
years of World War II, it is often cited as a morale booster
to those left at home in Australia and as an aid in recruitment.
“The movie was one of the
most successful of its era. At
the time of its release, one reviewer declared it to be the first
really great Australian film,” Mr
Mason said.
Starring Grant Taylor, the legendary Chips Rafferty, Joe Valli
and Betty Bryant, 40,000
Horsemen is a story of love and
war and the adventures of three
knockabout heroes.
The final scene is the Battle
of Beersheba, which many claim
is the last successful cavalry
charge in history.
It was directed and produced
by Charles Chauvel, who also
co-wrote the movie with his
wife Elsa and EV Timms.
Ric Carlsson, grandson of
Charles and Elsa, lives in Toowoomba and has been instrumental in preserving and celebrating the Chauvel film legacy.
His mother Sue Chauvel
Carlsson was honoured with an
award in 2012 by the National
Film and Sound Archive for her
work as an advocate for the continued celebration of her parMr Mason said Chauvel
40,000 Horsemen is an
ents’ film work and her research
into their professional and fam- was a significant Queens- outstanding example of the
land film maker who brilliance of Charles and Elsa
ily history.
Mr Carlsson was acknowl- moved to Hollywood.
• Friday, April 17 - Tickets $15.50 adults $12 members.
edged by his mother for his conArtsworx box office 4631 1111 or artsworx.com.au
stant support in this endeavour.
RSL invites public to ANZAC services
Lyn Collier photo
HIGHFIELDS: Highfields RSL will conduct a
5.15am dawn service and a
10am march and remembrance service on Saturday,
April 25, to commemorate
the 100th anniversary of the
landings at Gallipoli.
President Steve Dudley
invites returned and currently
serving service men and
women and residents to these
The dawn service will start
with the mounting of the catafalque party at 5.15am.
After the service all who
attend are invited to a gunfire
breakfast at the Cultural Centre. Breakfast will be provided
with the assistance of local
businesses and will be held in
the Cultural Centre.
The breakfast will be provided free to all who attend,
however, if you would like
to make a small donation to
help cover costs, a donation
box will be provided.
Mr Dudley said the 10am
march and service would start
with the form-up of the parade in O’Brien Road, outside the tavern, from 9.30
with a step off at 9.45 am
when the parade will move
to the Cultural Centre for the
service of remembrance.
All RSL members, ex-serv-
ice personnel and currently
serving defence members are
invited to march.
“We also welcome the local Scouts, Guides, sporting
groups and schools to march
in remembrance of our fallen
and departed comrades,” Mr
Dudley said.
More information is available from the secretary
Russell Czynski on 4696
ABOVE: The Crows
Nest war memorial
restored with a
Queensland Government ANZAC centenary grant.
RIGHT: Previous
Herald photo
Player and commentator without peer
Former Australian test
cricket captain Richie Benaud
OBE died peacefully in his
sleep in a Sydney hospice last
Thursday night..
Richie was the voice of
cricket and his status as a
commentator will never be
He was one of Australia’s
greatest cricket captains and
history maker. He played 63
tests for Australia.
As captain, he never lost
a series. His test career included 2000 runs and 200
Australian and British
cricket fans agree his unique
commentary at the BBC and
Channel 9 won universal applause.
Keycard security
With more financial institutions moving to
Paywave and Paypass Visa cards it is timely to
remind people to maintain security of their cards.
If someone gains unauthorised access to a
Paywave or Paypass card they can make a fraudulent purchase up to $100 a store without a PIN
number or signature being required.
Police have noticed that when a card is stolen,
an offender will often make several transactions at
different points of sale over a short period of time
- often before the card is even known to be stolen
and before the card is cancelled or transactions
If your card is lost or stolen you should contact
your financial intuition as soon as possible. To
report your card lost or stolen, call Policelink on
131 444.
Further information can be found by searching
Paywave on the Financial Ombudsman Service
Australia website.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
QCWA walk
Members and friends of QCWA will
join for the Associated Country Women
of the World fund raising walk on April
When the clock strikes 10am women
will walk in support of the ACWW head
office in London.
Darling Downs Division members,
friends and supporters will gather
at10am at the corner of Queens park,
Margaret and Hume Streets and proceed
to the QCWA centre at 263 Margaret
Street for refreshments and to view a
display of the work of QCWA.
Fund raising will be by gold coin donation and an additional gold coin donation for morning tea and entry to the
display. Phone Frances Tilly 4638 3010.
• Everything Must Go coming to Crows Nest and Oakey
Crows Nest Arts Council
has been finding it too costly
to bring in travelling drama to
the town of late.
Kerry Saul, teneral manager of the Empire Theatre,
Toowoomba, has been aware
of the difficulties facing the
small towns of the region.
So we were delighted when
he booked Everything Must
Go to come to Crows Nest in
May and to play in Toowoomba and eight other
places in the area.
Everything is paid for and
we just have to sell the tickets. The RSL will open their
bar, see to the auditorium, and
we will provide a light supper. We both get a fixed
amount back for each ticket
If this is a success, we hope
to receive other productions
on a similar basis in future
Written and performed by
Rachel Leary and directed by
three-time Barry Award nominee Damian Callinan, Everything Must Go is a comedic
and poignant portrayal of a
misfit finding her way.
Turn off the main road, follow the gravel road up the hill.
It’s the old place on the left.
Nancy Browne is having a
garage sale.
There will only ever be one
sale like this. There will be
treasure like you can’t imagine. Like you really can’t imagine.
Absurd, deadpan, charming and disarming, Nancy
Browne’s world is fabulously
unique. She’s lived in the same
house, the same valley all her
The valley has changed.
City people, treechangers,
have moved in bringing with
them new ideas and new
And now, the farm has
been sold.
A developer has bought it
and is going to create a suburb on it, Perfect Ponds. The
wider world has encroached
and Nancy has to make sense
of it. She also has to move
Please support us by coming. Everything Must Go, Friday, May 1, at 7.30pm at the
Community and RSL Centre,
Crows Nest and Oakey Cultural Centre on May 8.
• Tickets are available from
Chic Shoes, the RSL or at the
door. - Sally Johnson, vice
president Crows Nest Arts
Nancy Browne is having a garage sale.
• Trivia aids hospice
• Crossfit open day
Secretary of Toowoomba’s Backscratchers David Wallis
and president Steve Anderson get ready for their charity
trivia night this Saturday, 6pm for a 6.30pm start at the
Greek Hall, Corner Hume and Perth Streets, Toowoomba.
Cost is $10 per person or $80 for a table of eight.
There will be a cash bar (no eftpos) and BYO nibbles for
your table. Contact 0413 704 897 or 0409 019 345. Lucky
door prize and prizes for winners, runners-up and lucky last.
All money raised will go to the Toowoomba Hospice.
Crossfit Highfields are celebrating their first
birthday this Saturday from 9am to 1pm.
Shaun Collins and Simon Veerlat will conduct
demonstrations and have competitions with
Crossfit are offering membership deals on
• Trek for hope
Tomnet and Ellisa Parker hosted a barbecue fund raiser for
Trekking 4 Hope on Friday in the main street in Oakey.
Online tax deductible donations can be made at http://
makingadifference.gofundraise.com.au/page/EParker. Target is
$2000. - Ellisa Parker 0427 892 812.
• Library friends book sale
Highfields Friends of the Library would like to thank the
Herald for publishing our book sale dates and also the public
for supporting our book sales.
At the recent sale we raised over $1000 which is used by
the library to provide community workshops for adults and
also school holiday activities for children.
The next book sale will be held on May 30-31 at the
Highfields sporting complex Saturday 8am - 4pm and Sunday till 3pm. Bring your own bag and fill it for $ 5. Contact
Cate at the Highfields library on 4699 6519.
• Frackman the movie
The Toowoomba premier screening of the Frackman movie
on March 30 at Grand Central cinemas was a great success.
More than 200 Darling Downs citizens attended the screening with some travelling as far as Felton and Crows Nest.
Another screening is booked for early June 2015. Contact
Ellisa Parker at Connect Inspire Empower 0427 892 812.
• Pet of the week
the day and will have supplement tasting
and information from Nutrition Warehouse.
A barbecue and coffee will be available.
• Crossfit is situated at 4/15 Darian
Street, Industrial Estate, Highfields.
Phone 0407 379 714.
• Crows Nest gallery
A new exhibition at Crows
Nest Regional Art Gallery coincides neatly with the advent
of autumn weather.
More than leaves by Elizabeth Poole will be displayed
from April 15 to May 10.
The exhibition comprises
two dimension works on canvas and three dimension installation and sculptural
works made from wire and
natural materials.
The works are inspired by
forms and items found in the
natural landscape.
Artworks were created as
a tribute to the Toowoomba
and Somerset environments
and communities.
At an exhibition opening at
the gallery from 1.30pm to
3.30pm this Sunday, April
19, Elizabeth will discuss the
inspiration and the creative
process for the works.
Contact the Herald
4615 4416
I am a friendly little dog and I love to get cuddles so I’d
really like to find someone who will have the time to give
me the love and attention that I deserve and I promise I
will love you back ten fold!
I am a quiet dog so would be better suited to a calmer
household with older children, if any.
I would be a great companion for an older person just
looking for some company. I am fully house trained so
would love to be allowed inside to cuddle with you on
the sofa.” - Megan McKinnon, on behalf of Cassie
Walker, RSPCA Queensland, 4634 1304.
• Art workshop
Refreshments will be provided and patrons are asked
to RSVP for the opening function by calling 4698 1687.
Crows Nest Regional Art
Gallery is generally open
Tuesday to Saturday
10.30am to 3.30pm and from
11.30am to 3.30pm on Sunday. It is closed on Monday
and public holidays. Admission is free.
Patrons are advised to
Renowned Sunshine Coast phone 4698 1687 to ensure
artist Corrie Wright will be the community art space is
the guest speaker.
Artists of Crows Nest conducted a workshop for those wanting to improve their
painting techniques or to make a start as a potential artist. Among those involved, were Ashlyn Wade, Jane Hoffman, Lyn Kruger and tutor Kay Tyler.
BELOW:Painter Beronica Murray and tutor Ross Smith of Geham.
In the past two weeks the
Herald has started delivery to
Kynoch Village between Blue
Mountain Heights and North
Toowoomba. This addition
brings our total circulation to
10,550 issues weekly.
Official Circulation Audit
Bureau figures will be released
in the next few weeks. We
look forward to advising readers and advertisers of our official circulation. - Editor.
Scouts seek
Crows Nest Scouts have
vacancies for leaders for Joey
Scouts to do art, craft, games,
and other activities with children in the 6 and 7 year age
group, a Cub Scout assistant
to assist the current leader
with the 8 to 10-year-olds
learning bushcraft, camping,
First Aid and other skills, and
assistant Scout leaders to assist the current leader with
camps, canoeing and hiking
activities for 11 to 13-yearolds.
A group leader is also required to manage the overall
running of the Scout Group.
Meetings are held during
school terms on Thursday
nights at the Scout Den, 1
Creek Street, Crows Nest,
starting at 6pm.
All training is provided.
No previous experience is
To find out more contact
Diane, 4698 1175, during business hours.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Oakey community events
Flood Mapping Project - Thank you to
the 47 residents who attended the community consultation session on March 28. This
was a great response and valuable feedback
was received that will be incorporated into
the final flood mapping. Thanks also to Bernie
Earsman who, as a community advocate,
passed out information and encouraged people to attend.
Seeking English tutors - A successful
meeting was held with TAFE on March 11
about an English tutoring program. The result is that if we can get eight or more people
interested in being tutors, TAFE would come
to Oakey to deliver the training.
If we can get 15 or more students wanting
to learn English as a second language, TAFE
would consider doing that training in Oakey.
the Oakey Library.
If you are interested in connecting with
other members of the community in this way,
contact David Totenhofer at the council office, 0418 876 131 or david.totenhofer
@toowoombaRC.qld.gov.au for an information pack.
Toowoomba-based Clubhouse is dedicated to supporting adults in the community
who have experienced mental ill health and
provides them with opportunities to develop
the skills and confidence necessary to live
satisfying and productive lives.
Oakey House is an outreach of Toowoomba Clubhouse, based in the former
QCWA Rest Rooms on a Monday form 10:30
am to 3pm. For more information contact
Eva on 0418 840 574, email oakeyhouse@
toowoombaclubhpsue.org.au or attend. If you
know anyone who would benefit from this
program send them along.
Events at the Oakey Cultural Centre:
April 14 - Watoto African Children’s Choir,
Oakey Cultural Centre 7 pm. Free entry presented by the Oakey Christian Leaders Network. Presenting all the vitality of Africa, this
choir of orphans present their stories of victory and new life.
Heritage grant comes to CareFlight rescue
RACQ CareFlight Rescue is $5000 closer to its
goal of purchasing a winch
hoist, thanks to Heritage
Bank Nanango Community Funding. With more
than 150 patients airlifted
from the South Burnett in
the past year, the funding
came at the right time.
RACQ CareFlight fund
raising manager Angela Miles
said the community of
Nanango needs to be thanked
for its contribution through
the Heritage Bank. “We are
so grateful for this $5000 donation, as the purchase of a
spare winch hoist for our aircraft servicing the South
Burnett region is vital.
“The winch hoist is also
transferrable and can be moved
between all six of our commu-
nity helicopters, wherever
it’s needed.
“A spare hoist allows
our aircraft to stay online
for winch-related emergency rescues while the
other winch is undergoing
maintenance,” she said.
Show cookery update
War memorial Acland
May 8 - Everything Must Go comedy.
7.30 pm. Presented by the Empire Theatre
and Oakey and District Arts Council. Everything Must Go takes us into the world of an
eccentric recluse, Nancy Browne. It explores
the changing nature of Australian rural society, the mixing of subcultures that occurs as
city folk move into rural areas. Set in Tasmania’s Huon Valley, it also looks at the advent
of the new suburbs that are being built on exfarm land.
May 23 - Anglican-Catholic debutante ball.
Other events: April 17 - Youth activities,
Rotary Park 5 to 8 pm.
April 18-19 - Fly-In exhibition Australian
Army Flying Museum.
April 25 - ANZAC Day. Oakey Dawn
Service 5.25am. March 9.40am Oakey citizens commemoration service. 10am
Jondaryan citizens commemoration service.
8:am Acland citizens commemoration service 10am. - David Totenhofer, Community
Liaison Officer, Toowoomba Regional
Alexander Ferguson with his novelty cake, 17 and
under section, champion exhibit from 2014
Goombungee-Haden show.
Entries in the Goombungee-Haden show cookery section
close this Friday, April 17, at 10.30am. There are many
prizes to be won. Thank you to new sponsors this year
Darryl O’Brien Electrical sponsoring the junior section, 17
year and under, decorated novelty cakes Anzac 100 years,
Just Eat Cakes Goombungee sponsoring decorated cupcakes
and plate of rocky road.
Goombungee Post and Presents is sponsoring the men’s
boiled fruit Cake. Mrs Cathy Hartley is sponsoring the sponge
There will be a display of decorated cakes by students of
Merivale Cakes and Crafts.
For a schedule please phone Loretta 4692 8247, Kaylene
4696 5395 or secretary 0418 830 513. The show is on this
Saturday, April 18.
Plates were stolen off a motorcycle parked in Andersson
A Hitzke Road resident
had her bag stolen from her
garage. The garage door was
open and the residents were
packing the vehicle, walking
in and out of the house.
An unknown person has
walked into the garage and removed the bag.
A elderly lady left her
handbag on the ground in the
carpark at Woolworths while
she put a couple of trolleys
back in the trolley bay.
She walked back to her car
forgetting about the bag.
The elderly woman drove
into the Caltex to get petrol
and when she went to get her
bag and found it wasn’t in the
car she remembered leaving it
near the trolleys.
On her return the bag was
not there.
She made inquiries with
the shops and it had been
handed into the Post Office.
Her purse had been removed from the bag. CCTV
footage shows the female who
located the bag discreetly
grabbed the purse out of the
bag and put it in her bag be-
fore handing it into the Post
office staff saying, “You look
like honest people, I’ll hand
it to you to make sure it gets
back to the owner.”
Police have identified the
female and charges will be laid
in the near future.
A Kalimna Road resident
woke to a female stealing her
outdoor furniture cushions.
The female offender ran back
to a vehicle driven by her husband.
Police later located the vehicle and both persons have
been charged with stealing and
Petrol drive off from the
Caltex. Service Station $78 of
petrol was not paid for.
Vehicle details provided
and further inquiries are been
made into identifying the registered owner.
Drink driving: A male
was intercepted in Mather
Street and went 0.068percent.
A male P plate driver intercepted in Kratzke Road and
registered 0.025per cent. A
male driver intercepted in
O’Brien Road and registered
0.081 per cent.
Traffic crash. Two vehicle crash at Littleton Road
Laura Downing performs at
Gowrie Little Plain
Laura Downing will be in concert at the Growie Little
Plain Hall on Saturday, May 2. The concert starts at 7.30
pm. Admission is $20 and includes a lucky door ticket and
light supper. Raffle tickets will be on sale. Enquires phone
Merle 4633 7112.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
and the New England Highway. Vehicle pulled out in
front of the vehicle travelling
on the highway. Fail to give
way infringement notice issued.
Two vehicle crash at
Cronin Road and New England Highway. Driver performed a U-turn in front of
on coming traffic. Improper
U-turn infringement notice
Two vehicle traffic crash at
the intersection of O’Brien
Road and Reis Road. One
vehicle failed to give way
(with the changed traffic signs
in place).
Fail to give way infringement notice issued. Police
have been liaising with the
council due to complaints received about the intersection.
Fraud. Two 14-year-old
males have been charged with
fraud and burglary after using
stolen credit cards to make a
purchase at the Highfields
Shell. CCTV footage enabled
offenders to be identified.
Burglary occurred in
Graffiti. Some graffiti occurred on the rear (western)
side of the Coles Shopping
Centre. CCTV footage unable
to identify offenders at this
The same tag is on graffiti
which occurred on the brick
fence of a residence which
backs onto the highway. Sen. Const. Chris Brameld.
How to live with Plovers - fact and fiction
The Australian Phantom of
the Opera can be seen right
now. No it’s not a spooky
musical, but the Masked
Lapwing or Plover, making
residents a little nervous at
the moment. With its overprotective parenting and eerie late night calls, keep a lookout for this swooping buddy
during autumn.
Backyard Buddies is a free
program run by Australia’s
Foundation for National
Parks and Wildlife. Each
month, you get a Backyard
Buddies email (B-mail) with
tips to make your back yard
inviting and safe for native
animals. Masked Lapwings
featured in April B-mail. Sign
up for B-mail and download
a free factsheet about
Masked Lapwings at
CEO of the Foundation for
National Parks and Wildlife
Susanna Bradshaw said the
Masked Lapwing is a very
protective parent who isn’t
afraid to chase animals and
people it sees as a threat to
its young. This means many
residents have learnt to tread
carefully when walking
through the lapwing’s favourite nesting spots like ovals and
grassy parks.
“While these birds make
the most of a warm, wet autumn, you can expect them
to start nesting and increasing their defensive behaviour.
“There will be more
swooping at park visitors and
making a racket if you get too
close to their nest or babies,”
Ms Bradshaw said.
“But you’ll be pleased to
know that they rarely make
contact with you. It’s all just
a part of their performance.”
Ms Bradshaw said, “There
are several things you can do
to live more peacefully with
Masked Lapwing buddies.
Don’t forget that our towns
are their homes too.”
Tips for living with
Masked Lapwings:
• Vary your walking route
to avoid the Lapwing nests
for the next few weeks. Lapwings only swoop before
they lay their eggs and after
their chicks have grown
enough. The rest of the time,
they are quite shy.
• Don’t run away in a panic
as this could encourage them
to chase you.
• Watch where you put
your feet so you don’t step
on any eggs.
• Check for nests before
you mow the lawn to avoid a
Lapwing disaster.
• Keep cats indoors as
much as possible and train
your dog to keep a safe distance from the birds and their
“Let’s not forget all the
good things about Masked
Lapwings. These birds will
remove all sorts of insects
from your lawn, giving some
protection against lawn pests
like army grubs, mole crickets and lawn beetles.
“Post-European settlement, thousands of Australian animals have had their
homes destroyed or dramatically altered. The Masked
Lapwing is an unusual tale of
success. Fields replacing forests have allowed these birds
to flourish in their preferred
habitats,” Ms Bradshaw said.
“Lapwings will not nest if
you keep your lawn long or
create garden beds and plant
trees instead of big expanses
of lawn.
“Whatever you do, don’t
remove their eggs. It’s illegal
and ineffective as the Lapwings will simply re-nest and
If the weather is favourable,
the Masked Lapwing can
raise two broods of young in
the same year. These birds
have some daunting looking
spurs on their wings, which
people often mistake for poison spurs or dangerous armour. This isn’t true. The
damage that the Masked Lapwing would receive to their
own wings if they tried to use
the spurs shows that they are
in fact just for show.
The Masked Lapwing is
only defensive when nesting
and looking after its chicks,
which is around three weeks
at a time. The rest of the time
they are very shy and won’t
cause you any trouble.
Masked Lapwings in the
north of Australia have very
large, bright yellow wattles
(the fleshy bit of skin that
roosters and turkeys also
have) on their faces, like a
Their masks appear to
shrink in size the further
south of Australia they live.
“When chasing away an
intruder or flying around at
night you’re sure to recognise
the distinctive and haunting
“kekekekek” calls that the
Lapwing makes,” Ms
Bradshaw said.
If you make a promise - keep it
Australia has often been
called the Lucky Country,
probably for the relative
freedom we enjoy, perceived wealth, and the
pretty laid back lifestyle.
It is sometimes called the
“Land of the Long-Weekend.”
It all adds up to a fairly
casual lifestyle.
But what about our
Well, some people are
just as laid back in the promises they make.
There was a time, and
there still is in some circles, where a handshake
was as good as a non-negotiable contract.
Today, it is quite common for someone to make
a promise.
ment was realised, which
needless to say, was really
Is it valid for a Christian
to make a promise and take
it lightly or just plain not
fulfil it?
Throughout the Bible
you will find God’s view
Despite all the good in- is, if you make a promise,
tentions in the world, they keep it. If you like, Let your
do not keep their promise. yes be ÿyes and your no be
In one particular situation, we waited about 12
In other words, think be
months before a commit- fore you make a promise.
Extenuating circumstances can preclude us
from keeping our promises
and we all understand that.
Do you intend to keep a
promise or are you into
making people feel good
for the moment?
Made any promises
lately? Let’s be people of
- Pastor Noel Wilcox,
The old thunder box
With no rain, the onset of a looming drought,
Let’s dig a well, that’s the best way out,
The old man said “We must now dig deep,”
With no water, no feed, sell the farm, with the sheep.
The local water diviner travelled out from town,
With two pieces of wire, there’s water to be found,
One hundred metres from home, just right here,
About twenty feet down, trust my luck, never fear.
Dad grabbed a pick, stuck a shovel in my hand,
Start digging right here, my fine young man,
In a few days, we should strike liquid gold,
Then the farm and animals, won’t have to be sold.
For days on end, the pair shovelled that dirt,
Ignoring the pain, and the blisters that hurt,
But they would not have it any other way,
Toiling from daylight, to the end of day.
With picks and shovels, they chipped and toiled away,
Removing buckets of soil and gravel every day,
Thirty feet down, still no water to be found,
We got a bum steer from that clown in town.
With days of hard toil, and sweat, let’s not be haste,
Let’s not see this mighty hole go to waste,
Now you might think this is quite funny,
Deciding to erect on site, an iconic, outback dunny,
With hammer and nails, they belted away,
A wooden frame stood at the end of the day,
Then the walls, roof, and the swinging door,
When finished, they stood back, and admired in awe.
There it stood, finished, forlorn, and all alone,
Just one hundred metres from the family home,
Not like the Opera House, but it did look grand,
Gracing the hole, on that piece of parched land.
The whole building when finished, looked quite neat,
With old pallet timber, cut, to form the seat,
The walls fabricated from rusty corrugated iron sheet,
The roof the same, it sure held the stifling heat.
With no cistern installed, and no precious rain,
No mod cons, or need to pull a rusty chain,
Just tear off a piece of old newspaper,
The next to use, had no news to read later.
Next to the seat, an untidy pile of papers to be seen,
Some Womens Weekly, for the women to dream,
The problems of the world, would be solved on this site,
Some in the daytime, others in the dark of night.
An old kero lantern, supplied some much needed light,
To light up the interior on those dark spooky nights,
Black spiders in webs, gave it an eerie feel,
Scrambling about, searching for their next meal.
When Dad used it, we would all listen and wonder,
Was it him, or a storm approaching, the sound of
Sometimes it was used, for practise with rocks,
That’s why it was christened the old thunder box.
Beagle owners meet in Highfields
On March 29 members
of the Toowoomba Beagles
group met at the off leash
Michael Park, Highfields,
for a day of fun and play.
The group formed in
2014 and with 13 Beagles
and their owners it was a
great turnout for the group’s
first sniff and explore in
Highfields. Monthly catchup meetings are held at the
Thiess Off Leash Dog Park,
Other Beagle owners are
most welcome. Visit Toowoomba Beagles on
Facebook or phone 0439
971 767.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
FOCUS on ENTERPRISE Charlie & Five - Highfields Village Shopping Centre
New women’s fashion and accessories boutique
Charlie & Five, the great new women’s fashion and accessories boutique
is an exciting addition in Highfields,
opening at Shop 11 in the Highfields
Village Shopping Centre.
Owner Jen Bodkin, pictured,
opened the doors of her new shop on
February 16, having moved to Toowoomba from St George where she
owned a rural merchandise store and
fashion boutique.
Jen has over 20 years’ experience in
retail and is offering her customers great
quality products at great prices.
With her love of fashion and the
enjoyment she gets from dressing people, Jen realised there was an opportunity to offer fashion to the ladies of
Highfields and set about her new venture which she named after her nephew,
Charlie, and her five nieces.
Charlie & Five stocks fashion for all
occasions - outfits for a casual Sunday
barbecue, a day at the races, perfect for
Weetwood coming up, weddings, parties or the kids sports day.
Jen and her helpful staff cater for all
ages who are interested in fashion and
the classic cuts and styles that will carry
you from season to season.
Charlie & Five has a great range of
fashion accessories, which includes
shoes, handbags, fascinators, watches
and costume jewellery. Charlie & Five
also offer a varied range of home and
gift wares, the perfect Mothers Day
gift. Pop in and say hello to Jen at
Charlie and Five.
Trading hours are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 3pm on Saturday. Like Charlie & Five on Facebook,
4670 9696.
Power FM will broadcast from Men’s Shed
Reaching agreement on the location of the Power FM radio station at the new Highfields Men’s Shed are
Power FM co-owner Terry Kerr, Mens Shed treasurer Peter Wilson, vice-president Les Wildman and Power
FM co-owner Geoff Roberts.
Power FM Radio will esMr Roberts said the new
Toowoomba-based Power cent annual general meeting
tablish a local broadcast facil- radio service covering High- FM will eventually offer but left off the print story
ity in the new Highfields fields and Cabarlah would fea- broadcast training at the published in High Country
Men’s Shed at Cabarlah.
ture continuous music span- men’s shed via an on-air radio Herald.
Co-owners Terry Kerr and ning from the 1950s to the school at 87.8 FM frequency.
“I apologise for this overGeoff Roberts inspected and present day plus local news
Meanwhile men’s shed sight. Heritage Bank is a very
approved a purpose-built al- and coming events bulletins. secretary Terry Ledbury re- generous supporter of our
cove inside the men’s shed
Mr Kerr said, “We see our minded members that High- Men’s Shed through its combuilding last Thursday with investment having a mutual fields and Crows Nest Com- munity grants. We wouldn’t
executive members, vice benefit outcome for both munity Branch of the Herit- be where we are today withpresident Les Wildman and Highfields Men’s Shed, local age Bank was acknowledged out their unflagging suptreasurer Peter Wilson.
residents and our business.” as a major sponsor at the re- port,” Mr Ledbury said.
Coffee at The Nest
Ken and Edna Stevens and Vera and Joy Bretz enjoy coffee
at The Nest Café, Crows Nest.
Bromeliad Society is growing
The Toowoomba and Districts Bromeliad Society are
amazed at the quick growth of the group, now having just
over 40 members. Members bringing plants for the popular
vote section as well as plants for sale at very reasonable
Len and Sheryl Waite from Talbot Lodge Bromeliads
Caboolture, will be our guest speakers at our next meeting on
the 19th April 19.
They are very respected growers and will be the judges for
our Spring Show.
They will be bringing some plants to sell. These always
sell fast.
For our May meeting we will also be having guest speakers Bruce and Heather Condon from Mountain Broms.
They bring a wealth of knowledge as well as a good sense
of humor. They will also be bringing some of their plants for
• Visitors are welcome to attend the next meeting to be held
at the Sacred Heart School Hall, North and Tor Streets Toowoomba, on April 19 starting at 1.30pm. Inquiries to Sue Janetzki tends to her
toowoombabroms @gmail.com or phone Sue on 4634 7438. Guzmania Bromeliads.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
The Crows Nest Show
is on May 9 and stewards
of the household section
are encouraging entries for
the cooking classes.
The novice classes for
adults is open to those
who have not won a first
prize at the Crows Nest
Show in the past two
Classes include a health
loaf, muffins, tea cake,
chocolates, marshmallows, fudge and an own
choice sweet.
Junior entrants can
compete in the primary or
high school classes and
this year there is also a
primary novice division
for those who have not
previously won a prize at
the Crows Nest Show.
Classes in this section
include a choice of four
muffins or patty cakes uniced, a chocolate ring cake
and a decorated chocolate
crackle. There is a dedicated section for men with
six individual classes, but
they are also eligible to
enter and compete in the
open classes.
The decorated cakes
section has four classes
this year and includes
classes for beginners and
novice. Contact 4698
8120 at night or email
Rain at the right time makes millet
a harvesting proposition
Millet is known to be a quick crop, one that
is generally grown in that changing period between summer and autumn.
It can be harvested within three months of
But for Quinalow farmer Barry Reimers,
who has a paddock of 53ha (130acres) of French
White millet, the crop itself has changed
quickly from being one that was poor enough
to be baled for hay, to one that quickly filled
grain and has been retained for harvesting.
What occurred along the way were two falls
of rain in the third week of March totalling
Almost immediately the crop changed. Some
areas of the paddock had already turned a
drought stricken blue, but the millet soon
greened and began filling grain.
The crop had been planted on February 2-3
after 51mm of rain after oats and barley crops
last year.
Mr Reimers said he had planned to cut and
bale the crop, but after the rain, decided to let
it go for grain.
In a week or so he will have it swathed into
windrows, and harvested, and he thinks it could
yield about three quarters of a tonne per acre.
It will be stored prior to sale because French
White millet is selling for just $400 a tonne at
the moment, less than half what it can sell for.
The 53ha paddock will then be worked for
planting barley.
Mr Reimers said the red scrub soil can set
hard if it is not cultivated.
He has been involved with zero till for 15
years and the millet crop was planted directly
into stubble.
But in this lighter country, he is going back
to some cultivation between crops to make the
soil more friable and to ensure establishment
of the crop.
When the millet crop is harvested, he will
obtain some idea of the value of adding lime
for calcium to a 5ha strip in the paddock.
Barry Reimers in the paddock of French White millet.
Planned to cut and bale the crop, but after the rain, decided to let it go for grain.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Quinalow Landcare workshop
Reg Kliese, Brymaroo, Don Chiverton, Irvingdale, Noel Burton, Brymaroo, Kylie Tuckerman, Moola,
and Paul Pritchard, Toowoomba based area manager for Ag Solutions.
Dr Thakur Pd. Bhattarai, Post doctoral Research Fellow, CQ University, Moola
district landholder David Lange and Jondayan landholder Graham Cooke, chairman of North East Downs Landcare. - Miles Noller photos.
Australia’s first mouse census is under way
Grain growers are getting behind the nation’s
first mouse census.
Growers have begun
recording mouse activity
on their properties in
Mouse Census Week
which aims to provide
farmers, the grains industry and researchers with
an unprecedented bank of
data about mouse activity in agricultural areas.
The census, initiated
by the Invasive Animals
Co-operative Research
Centre with the support
of the Grains Research
and Development Corporation, is occurring before and during seeding of
winter crops – a critical
time for locating mouse
“hot spots” and deter-
mining whether numbers
are at levels that could
pose a risk to newlysown crops.
Farmers and advisers
are encouraged to play a
role in the census from
April 13 to 19 by record-
GOOMBUNGEE SHOW - This Saturday - April 18
101st show at Goombungee
The Goombungee
Haden show on Saturday
(April 18) will be the first
in a new century of shows
for the district.
Last year’s show at
Goombungee was the
100th and it was described as the “show of
the century”.
Show Society president Errol Luck said it
was hoped that as the
society embarked on a
new century, Saturday’s
101th show would share
some of the excitement of
last year’s event.
Mr Luck, right, said
some classes re-introduced last year for the
100th show, were very
successful and would be
Prime cattle had not
been shown for many
years, but because of last
year’s popularity, will
continue this year with
two classes, one for lightweight cattle suitable for
the Maclagan Meats
trade, and a heavy weight
class suitable for Oakey
Abattoir specifications.
Mr Luck said the dog
section has received more
than 200 entries, the poultry pavilion will be
packed out, and the photographic section is to be
moved into the produce
area to provide extra
space for entries.
There will be new
stands to accommodate
floriculture entries and
new stands in the produce
Heavy horses will be
back with demonstrations.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
ing mouse activity via
MouseAlert, which is a
website and recently-released app aimed at improving early warning of
possible plagues to enable a rapid response to
increases in mouse activity.
Grain grower Richard
Konzag, pictured, of
Mallala in South Australia, said recording information about mouse
numbers and activity on
his property via the
MouseAlert app was a
simple but important exercise.
“The app was easy to
download and it took no
time for me to contribute
information about the
level of mouse activity on
our property,” said Mr
Konzag, who is also a
GRDC Southern Regional Panel member.
“It is critical for growers to know what is hap-
pening in real-time in
terms of mouse activity
in their local regions, so
the more information that
MouseAlert, the better
informed growers will
Steve Henry, research
officer with the CSIRO,
says it is important that
mouse activity is assessed
across all grain-growing
areas to identify the likelihood of large scale
mouse problems in approaching growing seasons. “This first census
will identify where potential problem areas are, on
the eve of the 2015 cropping season,” he said.
Four producers have
entered pigs and a number
will have lambs for judging.
Mr Luck said a feature
of the show will be an
emphasis on family entertainment which includes a mini bike stunt
rider who performs in the
After the evening fireworks and singer Dana
Hassall after the fireworks.
A wood carver will
transform a tree into an
eagle, and chainsaw racing
will again be a feature. The
chainsaw events include
speed racing and post ripping.
Mr Luck said there was
an opportunity for amateur beer makers to enter
the show competition
which was being judged on
He recognised New
Hope Group for its assistance with a new roof on
the pavilion, and the Heritage PCCN at Crows
Nest for its help with a
shade cover over the grand
stand. - Miles Noller.
Crows Nest Show Ball a huge success
A crowd of almost 250 attended
the Crows Nest Show Ball on Saturday night to see Miss Showgirl
2014 Shearna Smith hand over her
tiara to the newly crowned Miss
Showgirl for 2015, Mikahla Christensen.
Mikahla was sponsored by IGA
Supermarket, Crows Nest and also
took out the Miss Charity title, having raised over $3000.
Popular Crows Nest veterinarian Stacey Bethel was runner-up
Showgirl and Miss Charity Showgirl. She was sponsored by the
Crows Nest Lions Club.
Leigh Fowler was awarded Miss
Junior Showgirl and Prue Gardner
Junior Princess.
The belle of the ball title went to
Reanna McGreevy and matron of
the ball was Sandy Brennan. Miss
Tiny Tot went to Lexie O’Brien
and Master Tiny Tot to Eli Christensen.
Judges for the evening were Jacinta Ryan of Cooyar and Jason
and Sonja O’Meara of Geham.
PHOTOS (clockwise from top
• Kaycee, Brooke and Jamie-Lee
Barron with grandparents Graham
and Rita of Cooyar.
• Matron of the Ball Sandy Brennan
partnered by husband Ged.
• Belle of the Ball Reanna McGreevy partnered by Ben Brennan.
• Crows Nest Show patron Merv
McLean and wife Lorraine.
• 2014 Miss Showgirl Shearna
Smith and partner Lachlan Huxley.
• Judges, Jason and Sonja O’Meara
and Jacinta Ryan.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
– Dozer & Excavator –
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Site works, Desilting Dams, Land Clearing,
Megamulcher, Road construction.
DOUG. 0418 716 725
To advertise phone 4615 4416
To advertise phone 4615 4416
All styles catered for
0439 033 049
Block or Split
Delivered all areas
0408 716 147
4615 5056
The secretary
will be in attendance at the
until the Show on May 9
10.30am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm
10.30am to 2pm
Shedules are now available online at
A limited number of hard copies
are available from local businesses
Barry 0409 874 147
email: bazza62@bigpond.com
Show office: 4698 1308
Hard floor camper
trailer 4 burner gas
stove and extras
$12,000 ono
Phone 0432 112 607
Ensuite separate shower
toilet, aluminium frame,
solar, LED lights, full
annex, tandem
independent suspension,
airconditioned, much more
Highfields 0439 647 186
2002 AUTO
For sale due to ill health.
Fully digital dashboard,
4 door, many extra
features, safety switch,
reg. to May 2015, log
books, immaculate order
$4250 ono
PHONE 4698 2006
“If I died tonight, do I know for
sure that I would go to heaven?”
BIBLE STUDY - 0409 158 525
8 Glen Crescent
Saturday - Sunday
April 20-21
from 8am.
Cars, garden stuff, jewellery,
Large black teddy.
Meringandan Road, Highfields.
Tuesday, March 17 around
10.30am. Contact the Herald
office 4615 4416.
Just $10
for up to 15 words
Sterling is
4615 4416
Call Eric
4696 7058
Rhino Machinery Hire
• Bobcats • Excavators
• Slashing
Ryan - 0409 721 778
From Church Street
Crows Nest
since Easter Sunday.
Desexed male cat,
grey short haired,
approx 6 months old.
Answers to "Sterling"
4698 2224 or
0459 760 339
FOUND: Parrot, very tame. Federation Drive, Highfields. Phone
4698 7489.
notices are published FREE
as a service to our community.
Contact details P.2
Hanlou Nursery
Dog rugs from $10
Crows Nest
0468 993 886
on advanced stock
10 inch or 250mm pots
and upwards
March 24 - April 30
5 DaleStreet
Phone 0488 982 401
or 4698 2401
Anduramba Road
Crows Nest.
2 bedroom, gas stove,
airconditioned, wood
heater, carport.
$220 per week.
PHONE 0427 506 236
Shop or Office
Centrally located at
Crows Nest
Reasonable rent
Call Gary 0418 733 749
QBCC No: 1002151
4698 1011
0422 046 434
PLANTS for sale. 38 Hartwig St, Goombungee.
TREES for sale. Lemon Scented
Gum and Ficifolia (Flowering
Gum) tubestock. $2.50 each or
10 for $20. Phone 0423 680 018.
NEWSPAPERS collected
for recycling. Crows Nest
Boys Brigade - deliver to
Crows Nest Lutheran Hall Ph: 4698 1205 OR Friends of
Peacehaven Highfields. Contact 4615 4416.
SPECTACLES recycled for
charity. Crows Nest Lions
project. Drop to Crows Nest
Realty or High Country Herald office.
WOOL: Donate new or
recyclable wool to knit
for charity. Drop to High
Country Herald office,
10485 New England Highway, Highfields.
A comprehensive
range of rural
available from
4698 2299
0459 791 451
Lot 10 Industrial Rd
(Next to Boral Concrete)
WEBER charcoal kettle
barbecue in good condition. Phone 4698 8218.
Highfields Mens Shed
Richard 0412 687 338
or Tim 0412 530 077
CAGE 5ft square, would suit
cockatoo, poultry etc. Phone
4615 5667.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Highfields hosts visiting New Zealand team
BORNEO BARRACKS: April 4 - Single stroke
winner L. Bishop 68, runner-up C. Aitken 70. Rundown G. Starkey 70, B. Aitken 72, J. Aitken 72. Pins
1st P. Callaghan, 5th P. Callaghan, 10th M. O’Brien,
14th P. Callaghan, 17th R. Backhouse.
April 5 - Two person ambrose winners P. Callaghan
and R. Backhouse 61, runners-up C. Aitken, G.
Starkey 61. Rundown G. Barnsley, C. Callaghan 66,
M. Sorenson, A. Sorenson 66. Pins 1st R. Backhouse,
5th D. Newman, 10th P. Callaghan, 14th R. Sweeney.
April 11 - Round 2 HLO shield at Goombungee.
No competition at BBGC.
Round 2 pennant matches for Div.2 will be held at
BBGC on Sunday. Juniors and Div 3 have away
matches. - Gary Small.
OAKEY LADIES: April 7 - Betty and Jan won a
tightly contested game of pairs last week, defeating
Rhonda and Joyce on the last end by one shot. Betty
Currey, Chris Birrell d. Elsie Voll, Dorothy Buckley.
Veta, Flora d. ef Lyn, Doreen.
April 14 - Monthly Meeting at 9 am followed by
April 15 - West Toowoomba fund raiser. E. Voll,
B. Lorrimer, R. Lawrie. B. Poole/D. Ciesiolka. April
21 - Cambooya fund raiser. E. Voll, D. Ciesiolka, V.
Allen, D. Buckley. - Elsie Voll.
A gala event in Highfields has brought together rugby league clubs
from Highfields and New
Zealand and provided
opportunity for both indigenous and non-indigenous groups to meet.
Tokoroa High School
rugby league players are
touring Australia, and last
Friday were at the Kuhls
Road oval in Highfields
for a series of games involving them and the
Highfields Eagles and
Toowoomba Warriors
One Highfields Eagles
coach, Gary Halliday, coordinated the event and
suggested it after his son
played in a rugby league
match in New Zealand
last year. Mr Halliday
coaches the Highfields
under 13 and under 16
teams and is also connected with the Toowoomba Warriors, which
includes indigenous players from Dalby, Warwick, Pittsworth and St
George. The program included under 10 indigenous games, and
matches between Highfields Eagles and Toowoomba Warriors in under 11, under 13, and under 16.
The feature match between Highfields under
18 and Tokoroa High
School. was won by Highfields 28-22.
A presentation dinner
was held on Friday night.
CROWS NEST: April 8 - Winners were Bill
Kruger’s team, runners-up Bevan Wingett’s crew.
Unfortunately scorecards were unavailable.
April 4 - Open singles John Fowler d. Mick Beutel.
Tony Collins d. Jim Walcroft. Club pairs Bill Kruger
and Les Guy d. Bevan Wingett and Esbert Ehrlich.
Keep your eye on the selectors’ noticeboard for
competition games called each Saturday.
April 5 - Anduramba challenge winners were
Trevor Gillies, Vonnie Gillies and Aileen Cox, runners-up Allan Mutch, Bill Kruger and Kel Dixon.
April 19 - Dinger’s Seafood afternoon.
April 26 - Ray White (Brisbane) trophy.
May 3-4 - The club will host its second annual
Crows Nest Carnival. If you haven’t already been
notified, and would like to nominate a team, feel free
to get in touch with either Dennis Russell or Ray
Weis care of the club for more information.
May 10 - Management committee meeting.
New bowls players and visitors are always welcome at the Crows Nest Bowls Club. Contact secretary Jim on cnqbowls@mail.com or 4698 2278. Gary Baker.
BORNEO BARRACKS LADIES: April 7 - Single stableford for trophies donated by Connie
Harrison. Winner: Lotte Pedersen 32, Hazel Black 28
Coaches and team
on count back, Jessella McConnell 28.
organisers at the HighRundown Polly West 26 on count back, Judy
fields-Tokoroa match
26, Chris Tannock 25 on count back. Pin 4/
in Highfields - Penny
6 Polly West.
Howells, senior presiApril 14 - Single stroke, monthly medal and putting
dent of Highfields Eafor trophies by Pat Walker. Second round GQ
gles Club, Peter
brooch.Tee off time 8.30 for 9am. - Lotte Pedeersen.
Betros, Highfields
CROWS NEST: April 8 - Sporters sinner R. Gardner
team manager, Gary
32, runner-up T. Horrex 27. Putting R. Gardner 20.
Halliday, event coPin 7/16 R. Burgess.
ordinator and a HighApril 11 - Second round HLO. Overall winner men
fields club coach,
W. Dinnes 47, Ladies L. Alexander 34. Goombungee
M. McLeod 46, ladies A. Cass 26. Borneo Barracks
T. Aitken 40. Crows Nest D. Sanderson 42, Ladies B.
Tokoroa coach, Willie
Cox 30. Pins all in 3/12 M. Woodhead, men 6/15 G.
Fork, principal TokDouglas, 8/17 T. Aitken. Ladies 1/10, 7/16 B. Cox .
oroa High School, and
April 12 - Property Management Products winner J.
DDLBA: One-day prestige fours winners were Y.
Billy Moea, manager
Somerville 70 + monthly medal runner-up B. Cox Schultz, N. Hegarty, A. Coleborn, M. Gibbs
of Tokoroa team.
70. Rundown D. Cox 71, M. Castle 73, J. Svensson (Millmerran.)
73. Pins 3/12 B. Cox, 8/17 A. Case.
• Miles Noller
Runners-up were D. Sheppard, M. Bowden, J.
T. Ehlers (Pittsworth.)
OAKEY: April 8 - Ladies 18 hole stableford win- Hinz,
Round 1 - D. Parkinson, L. Mutch, L. Blaine, S.
ner Sonia Hosking 50, runner-up Collette Rynne 43. McManus
(West Toowoomba/North Toowoomba.)
Runeown Yvonne Lebeter 38. Pin 3 Collette Rynne.
Round 2 - D. Oxford, B. Ronnfeldt, P. Talbot, J.
April 9 - Thursday sporters. Winner N. Pankhurst Muggleton
23. April 12 - Monthly medal. A grade Mark Carter.
Many thanks to all players and sponsors for the
B grade Terris Muir Monthly mug Mark Carter 63 enjoyable
net, runner-up Terris Muir 65 net. Rundown Col
close for the DDLBA championFisk 67, George Wright 67. Ladies winner Yvonne shipNominations
singles on April 17 with the District Secretary
Lebeter. Pins 3 T. Muir, 8 Y. Lebeter, 5/14 . Rynne 6/ and played
at South Toowoomba, starting April 28.
15 C. Fisk. April 18-19 vss. - John Grawich.
Management meeting. Ladies please note the change
of date from April 27 to Friday, May 1 at North
The next challenge match v. Gateway at Mt. Gravatt
April 19, revised coach time will be 6.30am from
300 yards. F Open Rifle, possible 126. Dave Taylor Rome
Cost $25 players. $20 non players. Please contact
118.5, Bob Tyllyer 115.5, Margaret Taylor 107.4, selection
chairperson J. Baldock if you are not availDave Norman 94.2. A small field, no doubt due to able.
being the Easter weekend with a touch of rain about.
Listed below are teams selected to play in the 2015
April 26 - ANZAC tribute shoot. Be there about
sides, to be played on the Sunshine Coast,
8.30 am. - www.southerndownsrifle clubwebsyte. district
May 3-6: T. Foster, S. McManus, M. Hannant, F.
Hunter: I. Brumpton, L. Harrington, L. Blaine, J.
Thomas: V. Mahony, T. Thomas, J. Baldock, B. Shea:
Reserves: F. Connors, C. McLatchey: Manager M.
CROWS NEST: Two junior school players Corey
For the next Coaching Academy information please
Plant and Tim Macdonald, who have been involved contact D. James on 4630 8619. - Joyce McGeorge.
in our Friday afternoon squash games, have joined
the Crows Nest Squash Club fixture competition.
NORTH TOOWOOMBA LADIES: Final chamBoth are doing well and both have won a match
Highfields Eagles under 18 team and the Tokoroa team Highfields players Teveta Tui Tea, Alex
pionship triples. Winners P. Graham, T. Thomas, V.
Parsons, Blake Appo, Lage Kamfjord, and Jake George, and Kokoroa players Luke Winikerei,
The fixtures are progressing well, however due to Mahony, runners-up A. Jones, D. Clark, L. Mutch.
Semi final A grade singles S. McManus d. R. BradTyrone Mau Ngavaevae, Zak Vandenberg, Sione Letoa, and Toru Natrua.
the school holidays some games have had to be put
forward. The ladder is showing close, competitive ford. Final winner J. Pauli, runner-up S. McManus.
Social - G. Doherty, H. Gscheidle, V. Warren, S.
Phil Gott competed in the Rockhampton Masters Chard d. B. Hall, L. Graham, G. Siebenhausen, B.
competition on April 11-12. This competition is on Shea.
April 22 - Names on the white board. All day
the Queensland Masters circuit and Phil placed well
play. Winners of the Easter raffles 1st prize P.
and continues to do well.
Club membership is affordable and the club is al- Graham, H. Connors, 2nd C. Butler. Congratulations
ways on the lookout for new members. Court hire is to S. McManus, L. Mutch (D. Parkinson, L. Blaine)
available for casual play and coaching. Monday 7 to runners-up DDLBA prestige fours at Pittsworth.
Also to F. Dornbusch, D. Allison, M. Wilds, K.
9pm is set aside for training, social hire and play,
Thursday 7 to 9pm is fixture night competition and Hewitt second day winners at the Lowood two-day
Friday 4.30 to 6pm is for junior coaching and social carnival.
Congratulations to J. Baldock, S. McManus, B.
play. - Sage Garnett.
Shea, L. Mutch, C. McLatchey, J. Pauli chosen in the
teams to represent DDLBA at a Challenge match v.
Gateway District (Mt Gravatt on Sunday, April 19.
Highfields Eagles under 18 players and visiting Tokoroa High School players.
Broncos 22 Roosters 18.
Sharks 22 Knights 6
Titans 38 Eels 16
Warriors 32 Tigers 22
Panthers 22 Sea Eagles 12
Storm 14 Raiders 10
Dragons 31 Bulldogs 6
Phone 4615 4416
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Teams away Cambooya F/R Tuesday, April 21 F. Dornbusch, D. Clark, W. Smith-Squires, S. Chard.
DDLBA championship pairs start Tuesday April
28 - (L. Blaine), S. McManus. V. Chant, T. Thomas;
F. Dornbusch, J. Pauli. Players needed (ladies and
men) for a visit in from Buderim (35 players) to
match Sunday April 26 at 9am. Names on men’s
white board.
Roster this Friday Team 2 - L. Mott, J. Barnes, J.
Leerentveld, B. Brown. - Reynelde Bradford.
CROWS NEST: April 6 - In the handicap singles
tournament held on Monday night at the Crows Nest
Table Tennis Club S. Murphy (5), D. Shum (7) tied
for the trophy, but in the count back of points scored
against them S. Murphy was the winner. - Joy Bretz.
Highfields business breakfast
Highfields Business Connections meets for breakfast on the first Tuesday of the month at Highfields Cultural Centre at 6.15 for 6.45am. Bookings can be made with secretary Jim O’Dea
0438 731 951. LEFT: Bob Taylor, Financial Life Partners, Bruce Tame Darling Downs Pamphlet Distributors, Jim O’Dea secretary and Tony Wheeler, R. and O. Communications. RIGHT: Cr
Anne Glasheen, Gordon Alden, Highfields Automotive Spare Parts, Craig Stibbard, Highfields Home Hardware, and Cr Nancy Sommerfield.
West of Elsewhere with Clinton Ireland
To advertise phone 4615 4416