Vacancy: Ministry of Interior, Somaliland Terms of Reference I


Vacancy: Ministry of Interior, Somaliland Terms of Reference I
Vacancy: Ministry of Interior, Somaliland
Terms of Reference
I. General Information
Date of issue
Duty Station
Duration of Assignment
Level of Assignment
Deadline for applications
Institutional capacity development
Hargeisa, Somaliland
Based on the MIDA salary scale
12 months
Senior consultant
II. Background Information
The Somaliland Ministry of Interior (MOI) is responsible for the supervision of local governments,
designing and implementation of local governance systems, policies and legal frameworks, local
government capacity development agenda and for ensuring decentralized service delivery at the
local level. In the second phase of JPLG a government led expansion to new districts is
envisioned. This entails using the LG standards, modules and laws which have been developed
and adopted by government with the support of JPLG needs to be made available to all districts. In
order to provide consistent and uniform support to capacity development of LG, a Local
Government Institute (LGI) will be established in Hargeisa. In this context, MOI with the support
from UN JPLG will recruit a Somali diaspora capacity development expert to support the MOI CD
section to establish a LGI as described by the Capacity Development Strategy. The expert will
work closely with an international consultant expert in developing terms of reference; clarifying
roles and responsibilities; determining the first phase curriculum; and standard operating
procedures as well as partnerships.
The five UN agencies (UNDP, UN-Habitat, UNCDF, ILO and UNICEF) of the UN Joint Programme
for Local Governance and Decentralized Service Delivery (JPLG) phase II 2013-2017, supports
Local and State Governments and Federal government, as well as civil society and private sector
to promote improvements in local governance quality; which will contribute to peace consolidation,
development and equitable service delivery for the citizens of Somalia. JPLG II builds on the
successes of the first phase (2008-2012) of the joint programme and seeks to support Somalia to
expand decentralized service delivery through 1) strengthening policy and legislative frameworks;
2) developing capacity of local government and; 3) improving decentralized service delivery. JPLG
II is in line with the New Deal development cooperation framework as well as the United Nations’
Integrated Strategic Framework for Somalia (2014). The joint programme also aligns its support to
the Somali Compact, including the Special Arrangement for Somaliland, and has a special focus
on the Somali Peace and Statebuilding Goals (PSG) 1, 4 and 5.
IOM/Migration for Development in Africa (MIDA) is a capacity-development Programme, which
assists to mobilize competencies acquired by African nationals abroad for the benefit of their
countries of origin. MIDA seeks to convert brain-drain across Africa, after the loss of educated and
talented individuals, into brain-gain through brain-circulation and transfer of skills and knowledge.
In Somalia, IOM/MIDA has been working with Somali authorities in all three regions to build the
capacities of their institutions since 2008 in Somaliland and Puntland and since 2009 in South
Central Somalia.
The expert will work under direct supervision of Director of the Department of Districts and
Regions with Director General of MOI as a secondary supervisor. The expert will also work closely
with the UN-JPLG agencies and in collaboration with LG.
III. Objectives/ Key Results Expected/ Activities
Overall Objective:
MOI, District and Village Councils are transformed into efficient and effective institutions to foster
democratic behavior, promote local governance and development so as to reduce poverty.
Specific Objective:
MOI, Councils and their partners (civil society, private and public sector) have access to and use
decentralization and development related information and knowledge.
1. Result 1:Enhancing the capacity to function of the Capacity Development
Section/Dept. of Districts and Regions/Ministry of Interior
Review functions and/or TORs for the Capacity Development Section
Provide necessary technical expertise in developing an implementation plan of the ten
point agenda of the capacity development strategy in collaboration with Senior
International consultant in line with the CD strategy
Be the focal point that links all the stakeholders that are involved in the process of the
implementation of demand driven capacity development strategy including MOI, UN-JPLG
Agencies, other key ministries, district councils, association of local government authorities,
local training providers.
Help in assessing CD Section, R&D and Department of Planning staff training needs and
coordinate all required trainings
Help in Developing formal systems for information sharing and formalize partnerships with
MOI stakeholders
Strengthen the capacity of the CD Section through on the job training and identifying
capacity needs
2. Result 2: Support the Ministry of Interior to establish a Local Government Institute
Assist in identification of core management functions of Local governments in line with
decentralization policy; including identification of a phasing process for implementation of
core management functions
Support the establishment of a coordinated training programme for local governments in
which Service packages(Tools, Training Manuals and modules) are sequenced reinforcing
and complementing each other.
Support the development of terms of reference, roles responsibilities, standard operating
procedures for the Local Government Institute
Support MOI in the design, supervision and backstopping of the implementation of first
phase of trainings for the LGI
Help MOI in identifying and developing an elaborate Financial Sustainability Plan for the
proposed Local Government Institute to access diversified and sustainable resource base
to contribute to its activities
Assist MOI CD section in developing selection criteria or modalities for identification,
registration and selection of would be councils beneficiaries and their staff trainees
Support MOI in collaboration with ALGASL to develop and implement a publicity
plan(lobbying and awareness creation on the importance of having and sustaining a LGI)
Support the development of assessment criteria for local training providers
Identify and establish partnership with training providers to conduct the first LG trainings
3. Result 3: Support to establish a monitoring, evaluation and operational research
mechanism for Capacity Development for LG
 Supervise the implementation of the capacity building plan by conducting regular and
frequent visits to the field to supervise field activities, especially training activities.
 Assist MOI to develop monitoring and evaluation tools for capacity development initiatives.
 Assist in preparing a progress report to the MOI on a monthly and quarterly basis.
 Identify and report on CD success stories for publication.
IV. Target Outputs (Deliverables)
1) Terms of Reference with updated functions reviewed, approved and implemented by the
Capacity Development Section of MOI
2) Resource center for Local Government with necessary equipment and Service PackagesTools and training Manuals and modules established
3) Implementation plan for establishing LGI developed, approved and implemented
4) MOI and Council staff training needs assessment conducted and report submitted within 90
5) Selection criteria for beneficiary Councils and their staff trainees developed, approved and
tested for implementation
6) LGI M&E and Fund Raising plan developed, approved and implemented
V: MIDA requirements
Besides the specific outputs mentioned in section IV, MIDA is requiring the following steps/actions
to be undertaken throughout the assignment. These are standard requirements for all assignments
undertaken through this project:
1. Transfer of skills: One of the main responsibilities of the qualified Somali expatriate, and one
which he/she will be measured against, will be to ensure continuous and systematic transfer of
knowledge and skills as related to the assignment. It will have to be agreed with the beneficiary
institution which civil servants will have to benefit from this knowledge.
2. Workplan: A workplan will have to be developed with the Supervisor during the first week of
assignment which will provide clear and time bound activities to successfully implement the
outputs of the assignment. This workplan will be shared with the QUESTS-MIDA Project
Assistant. This workplan can be revised during the mid-term review to reflect new
developments or changes in strategy.
3. Mid Term Review: There will be a mid-term review of the assignment between the incumbent
and the beneficiary institution to discuss progress of the assignment and feedback on
4. Interim and Final Reports: A monthly/Quarterly action plan and progress report will be
submitted by the incumbent to the Supervisor and to the MIDA Project Assistant. Thereafter, a
final report will be provided at the end of assignment.
V: Qualifications
Master’s Degree (relevant experience considered in lieu of
Public Administration, Public Finance, Development Administration,
Policy Sciences, education policy planning and administration,
Management or any related field
 8-10 years of relevant professional experience such as work
with/or supporting local government/state and central authority
in Somalia to project coordination at the district level;
specifically, engaging key actors at the ministerial and local
level in planning and advising on governance related issues,
as well as the establishment/development of Regional &
District Local Administrations
 Demonstrated professional practice in Institutional capacity
building and local governance
 Knowledge of government processes, national strategies,
national plans for decentralization and local governance
 Knowledge of government policies in relation to local
government capacity development and reforms.
 Evidence of a capacity development strategy developed
 Extensive experience in collecting, analyzing and reporting
needs of local government reform and decentralization.
Level of Education:
Area of Study:
experience in
Languages needed:
Somali (fluent) and English (proficient)
General Skills / Other
MS Office, Internet and Email
VI: Salary
Under the direction of the IOM and in consultation with the beneficiary institution, it has been
determined that the salary level for this position will be determined by IOM/MIDA based on it
standard salary scale which takes into consideration qualifications and level of the assignment.
VII: Security and insurance modalities
Health insurance, including evacuation due to medical emergency, will be provided by the Project.
However, experts will be requested to provide a recent medical certificate stating that they are
physically well and apt to work in a hardship area in Africa.
Please note that neither IOM nor UNDP, according to the contract, will be responsible for the
security of the qualified Somali expatriates. The host beneficiary institution will be responsible for
the security of the individual.
Before leaving the country of residence and upon arrival in Nairobi or in Somalia, the qualified
Somali expatriate will receive a pre-departure briefing including security advice and cultural
VIII: How to apply
All applications must apply online through the MIDA website.
To start the application process, the applicants are required to register an account with the
QUESTS-MIDA website. Go to login and register as a user, then fill the form
and create a password to inter in the application section.
Shortlisted candidates will be informed of the status of their application. If you encounter any
problems when applying, visit the FAQs section on the website for more information.