May 3, 2015 - Holy Eucharist


May 3, 2015 - Holy Eucharist
3 May 2015
Травня 2015 р.
Today we congratulate those that receive Holy Communion as a
beginning of a new life in Christ! They have experienced the
Mystery of Penance by making their first Sacramental
Confession yesterday. Today they receive Jesus in Holy
Communion. From now on they have accepted a great
responsibility to live a full Christian life by receiving Christ often
in Holy Communion, but also by preparing themselves well to
receive as worthily as possible. This includes prayer, fasting
and also regular Confession. They have reached a time in
their lives where they are able to know in their minds and
hearts when they need to reconcile themselves with our
Lord when they have fallen short of living by the grace of
God. Or more correctly, when they can at least start to take
some more responsibility for their own spiritual lives.
When they received the Sacraments of Baptism and
Chrismation (which we also call Confirmation), their Godparents and Parents accepted a great deal of
that responsibility upon themselves. Those who made their first Confession yesterday also receive Holy
Communion today - confirming their readiness to be more responsible for their life in the Church. They
still need guidance for many years (as we all do to one degree or another throughout our lives in
Christ), but today they have achieved a degree of maturity in their Faith that will grow every day.
Today let us renew our own dedication to our Ukrainian Catholic faith… renew our understanding of the
amazing Mystery of Confession, the Sacrament of our Lord’s mercy and love… and especially let us
renew our rightful appreciation for the awesome Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. May we take the
example of our children today, who are determined to receive our Lord in Holy Communion often, but
worthily… by recalling what we are doing… by never taking it for granted… by preparing well by prayer,
fasting and by regularly making a prepared and sincere Confession.
God bless the Holy Communicants today as well as their Families and their
Divine Liturgy — Божественна Літургія
Sunday - Неділя*
9:00 AM Ukrainian/Українська
11:00 AM English/Англійська
Weekdays - Будні (see back page)
Confessions - Сповідь
Baptisms - Хрещення
Prior to every Divine Liturgy
Contact the pastor
Weddings - Вінчання
Contact the pastor 9-12 months in advance
* occasionally subject to change—see back page
Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Parish
Українська Католицька Парафія Пресв. Євхаристії
505 Watt St. - ‘at the corner of Watt & Munroe’
Parish Office: 460 Munroe Ave. Winnipeg, MB R2K 1H4
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Tel: 204.667.8866 Email:
Fax: 204.668.2024 Web:
Parish Auditorium: 505 Watt St. Tel: 204.654.4786
Parish Centre: 460 Munroe Ave. Tel: 204.661.5240
Hall Rentals: 204.880.1334
Perogy Hotline: 204.667.6304
“On the evening of the last day of his October 1995 visit to the United States, John Paul II
was scheduled to greet the seminarians at Saint Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore. It had
been a very full day that began with a Mass at Oriole Park in Camden Yards, a
parade through downtown streets, a visit to the Basilica of the Assumption, the first
cathedral in the country, lunch at a local soup kitchen run by Catholic Charities; a
prayer service at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in North Baltimore; and finally
a quick stop at Saint Mary’s Seminary.
The schedule was tight so the plan was simply to greet the seminarians while they
stood outside on the steps. But the Pope made his way
through their ranks and into the building. His plan was
to first make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. When his
wishes were made known, security flew into action.
They swept the building paying close attention to the
chapel where the Pope would be praying. For this purpose highly trained
dogs were used to detect any person who might be present.
The dogs are trained to locate survivors in collapsed buildings after
earthquakes and other disasters. These highly intelligent and eager dogs
quickly went through the halls, offices and classrooms and were then sent to
the chapel. They went up and down the aisle, past the pews and finally into
the side chapel where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved.
Upon reaching the tabernacle, the dogs sniffed, whined, pointed, and refused to leave, their
attention riveted on the tabernacle, until called by their handlers. They were convinced that they
discovered someone there.
We Catholics know they were right — they discovered a real, living Person in the tabernacle!”
UCWLC News! May 6, 2015 our monthly
meeting will begin following the Divine Liturgy
that is scheduled for 5:00 pm.
May 14, 2014—The Feast of the Ascension, we
will be having a Prayer Partner gathering following the
service that is scheduled for 6:30 pm.
12th Annual Pilgrimage to the Bishop Velychkovsky
Martyr's Shrine.
Hosted by the Holy Eucharist UCBC, will be held this
year on Wednesday, May 13th at 7:00 pm. St. Joseph
Church, 250 Jefferson St. As those who have
attended in past years will attest, the visit is an
excellent opportunity for religious enlightenment,
enrichment and quiet prayer. Please plan to attend!
The Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate
(SSMI) invite you to attend the
arrival of the Holy Relic and Icon of
Blessed Sr. Josaphata Hordashevska CoFoundress of their order.
This miraculous Icon will be at our
Church on May 17, 2015 at 9:00am and 11:00am
Divine Liturgies.
God , be merciful to me , a sinner.
God, cleanse me of my sins and have
mercy on me.
I have sinned without number, forgive
me, O Lord.
May God Bless Crimson & Steven on
there 1st Solemn Holy Communion.
Congratulations to all our Catechism students
Grade 1 : Melanie Link
Grade 2: Crimson McCorry
Robyn Buchel
Steven Paziuk
Grade 3 : Lucia Bowman
Grade 4 : Ian Link
Rachel Mickell
Conor Rewniak
Anastasia Sirski-Mitchnik
Grade 5 : Marika Letwin
Karli Paziuk
Special Prayers and Blessing to our graduating class:
Elias Bowman, Adriana Jaworsky & Kathryn Buchel
Thank you to all the teachers for a terrific year!
COLF was jointly founded by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) and the Knights of Columbus to build a civilization of
love by promoting respect for human life and human dignity and the essential role of the family. This is accomplished by promoting
the teaching of the Catholic Church on respect for human life and the inherent dignity of the human person, supporting and
strengthening the fundamental role of the family in society, and promoting the Church’s teaching on natural family planning.
VIGIL LAMPS May 3 - May 9, 2015
Important PARISH Contacts
Birthday Blessings for
Janice Frykas, By your
Prayer partner.
May the Lord watch
over the Parishioners of
Holy Eucharist.
Open Collection
Vigil Lights
Easter Sunday
Good Friday
Total this week
Father Michael 204-654-4157
Father Edward 204-250-5210
$1534.00 Parish Council Chairperson:
John Petryshyn 204-667-9403
$65.00 Catechism—Coordinator
$56.45 Joan Buchel 204-334-7207
Epistle Readers / Ushers - Call:
$10.00 Parish Office 204-667-8866
Servers - Coordinator:
$10.00 Altar
Spencer Katerynuk 204-338-4167
Youth - President:
$1675.45 H.E.
Damon Fawcett 204-797-0917
Parish News!
10:00 AM
U. C. Brotherhood -President:
Ron Aftanas 204-661-0025
U.C. Women’s League - President:
Lydia Firman 204-668-1920
Knights of Columbus - Grand Knight:
Ernie Shume 204-237-9394
Bernice Hrehirchuk 204-669-2068
9:00 AM
Sunday Rosary - Coordinator:
Dave Hrehirchuk 204-669-2068
11:00 PM
Matthew Bakan 204-663-9621
10:00 AM
Semeon Hrushovetz Meet Mykola Mykolayovych Rohivskiy,
Ron Aftanas
and Svitlana Stepanivna Volynska two
children that our Parish sponsors in
Ukraine through the Chalice program.
Matthew Bakan
9:00 AM
Joan Lewandosky
Shirley Skochylas
11:00 AM
Bernice Hrehirchuk
Miraculous Icon
Will be in the home of
Tony Macsymetz.
Mykola is 15 years old and a first year
student. He likes music, and football is
his favorite sport. Svitlana is 16 years
old and a second year student, her
favorite subject is cooking. She loves to
read and play volleyball.
“I wish all of you good health,
happiness and peaceful sky, Lord’s
blessings for every day and for long
call years of life. Sincere gratitude and deep
Evelyn Tymchuk @204-667
-6791. Please call if you would like to respect to you, my dear sponsors. Live
in peace and harmony.” With love and
have the ICON in your home!
respect, Svitlana
A wide range of spiritual and
inspirational reading… Many
beautiful gift ideas for Birthdays,
Weddings, First Holy Communion,
Baptisms… cards, Icons, Rosaries,
Chotky & Crosses.
For More Information Contact Liz
at 204.334.2081
Living Faith Booklets are now
available at the bookstore!
Maintenance request forms are in the
Church, Parish Centre and Parish
Auditorium. Please fill out the form
and leave it in the drop box. The P.M.
committee will get on it...!
Coffee House
Thank you to all the Holy Eucharist
organizations for another
successful year of coffee houses!
We are in need of
greeters, ushers and
epistle readers. The
summer season is fast
approaching and
many of our faithful
will be on holidays, so
we ask all those interested to
please call Father Michael at
Please remember in your PRAYERS and VISIT:
Ollie Kostiuk, Michael Kostiuk, Fr. Eugene Rudachek, Mary Schurko, Tena Lisowick, Alice
Lapka, Steve Romas, Mary Ann Prociuk, Stan & Ollie Evanyshyn, Susan Chomiak, Ally
Bethania: Metro Babiak, Riverview: Bill Tataryn, Sharon Williamson
Holy Family: Ollie Smerek, Nell Lupyrypa, Mary Horbal, Irene Omeniuk
Maples Care Home: Julia Parabochy
Donwood: Kay Laschuk
Call Elaine Bowman of the Pastoral Visits Team at
204.668.9630 to find out more.
Call our priests anytime for a Pastoral or Sacramental visit .
3 May, Sunday
10:00 am—Divine Liturgy/First Solemn Holy
Communion, Class of 2015!
4 May, Monday
7:00 pm - Knights of Columbus monthly meeting,
Parish Centre - Multipurpose room.
6 May, Wednesday
7:00 pm - UCWLC, UCBC, & H.E.Y. monthly
meetings, Parish Centre.
7:30 pm - O. Koshetz Choir will be performing
“Rejoice in Easter” concert at Westminister United
Church, 745 Westminister. Tickets $20 each and can
be purchased by emailing or calling Scott at
10-17 May, National WEEK for Life and Family
11 May, Monday
6:45 - Celebration of the Gospel of Life, St.
Boniface Cathedral, with Metropolitan Lawrence.
8:30 pm - Late night with the Bishops
12 May, Tuesday
7:00 pm - Movie viewing “Irreplaceable”, Micah
House, 1039 Main St.
14 May, Thursday
10:30 am - March for Life, starting at St. Mary’s
Cathedral. All will then gather at 11:30 at the
Legislative Building.
16 May, Saturday 8:00 am-5:00 pm—Conference
Challenge, Canad Inn 1824 Pembina Hwy.
$25.00 per person!
Weekly Liturgical Service
Порядок Богослужінь
9:00 am Divine Liturgy +Amy Hawkins-Bowman, Deptuch
9:00 am Divine Liturgy +Ernie Marcischuk (7yrs), By wife
Helen & Family
13 May, Wednesday
*5:00 pm Divine Liturgy +Peter Lisowick, By Lydia Firman
7:00 pm - 12th Annual Pilgrimage to the Blessed
Bishop Velechkovsky Martyr’s Shrine. St. Joseph’s
Parish, 250 Jefferson Ave. Hosted by the Holy
Eucharist UCBC.
14 May, Thursday
“The beginning of Mission Day!”
11:15 am—Divine Liturgy
6:30 pm—Divine Liturgy
Friends of St. Joseph will be hosting a Bud & Spud at
TYC, Canad Inn Polo Park .Tickets $20 each. Please
call 204.697.8031 ext 236 for more details.
17 May, Sunday
9:00 am and 11:00 am - Blessed Josaphata Icon
and Relics. Visitation to Holy Eucharist Church.
18 May, Monday
For Health, By anonymous
Victoria Day! - Parish Centre/Office—CLOSED
24 May, Sunday
Rose Sunday, TAG DAY!! After both Divine
Liturgies. K of C will be tagging on this day. All
proceeds will be donated to “Pro Life” (Life’s
24 May, Sunday
2:00 pm - Alpha Omega presents “Laughs with
+Lena Kroecker (5yrs), By Daughter
LUBA”, an afternoon with Canadian Air Farce’s
Gloria and Family
Luba Goy. Manitoba Theater for Young People.
Tickets $30 each and are available at Kalyna, Co-op
& Oseredok.
28 May, Thursday
7:00 pm - Parish Pastoral Council Meeting, Parish
Centre - Multi-purpose Room.
31 May, Sunday
The late +Zenova Lewandosky, by
1:30 pm—Walk for Mary registration begins, walk
Joan Lewandosky & Henry Kuzia
begins at 2:00 pm. For more info call Joan @ 204669-3666 or 204-294-2276
30 & 31 May, Saturday & Sunday
“Doors Open”- Family Zabava!
Check us out -