Apr 19 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church


Apr 19 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church
The Dominican Friars
serving the Archdiocese
of Galveston -Houston
3617 Milam St. G Houston, Texas
77002 H www.
Pastoral Message
April 19, 2015
I’m still rejoicing at the crowds that we had for all our Easter liturgies, especially I rejoiced with the standing room only at the 8 a.m. mass
on Easter. As I was walking down the center aisle, I was amazed. After 8
years at Holy Rosary I’d never seen that type of crowd at our earliest Sunday mass. It brought joy to my heart and made me reflect on how much
we are growing as a parish in so many different ways, even in numbers.
The Book of the Acts of the Apostles, which the Church proclaims through
the Easter season, constantly reminds us how the small community of believers in Jerusalem added to their ranks, as a sign of the Spirit acting in
peoples’ hearts.
As we continue the Easter season, we rejoice that this same Spirit is
present among us, here and now, rekindling our faith in the Risen Savior.
On a personal note, this is a time to celebrate in the many baptisms and
weddings of which I’m a part.
Also, as Dominican friars, we are celebrating the support of several parishioners, friends, and benefactors in the planning of our Gala on Sunday,
April 26, at the Houstonian Hotel. This fund raiser supports the formation
of our Dominican student friars on their way to the priesthood—each student friar in formation costs about $40,000 dollars per year, we have 10
student friars!—the care of our older friars as they need constant medical care, and our present ministries. I appeal once again to your gracious
generosity. If you’d like to buy a table for the Gala please call Ms. Valerie
Chase or call me. If you cannot come this year, we’d appreciate you sending a donation. Make checks payable to: Dominican Gala or call to offer
your gift with a credit card. No gift is too small.
We, Dominican Friars, have been preaching God’s Word and celebrating the sacraments at Holy Rosary since 1913 and we need to continue the
My eternal gratitude to our 2015 Chairs Cheryl and John Sullivan, the
Gala Committee, parishioners, and benefactors who are volunteering, have
sent donations, have given auction items, and more importantly are praying for the success of the event.
We need you, the gift of priesthood is priceless!
In St. Dominic, the mendicant Preacher of Grace,
—fr. Juan, OP
O ur Par ish M ission S tatement
We, Holy Rosary Church, established in 1913, are led by the Dominican Friars and are dedicated to
Our Lady’s honor. Coming from different backgrounds and from across the area, we gather to worship
and glorify God with the reverent celebration of the Mass, the sacraments, and the venerable traditions
of our Catholic faith. Faithful to the Magisterium and our love of God and neighbor, we strive to live
and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We gratefully return to God all that He has given us by using our
gifts and talents to build up His Church, support our parish family, and welcome all who yearn for Christ.
Saturday 5:00 p.m. (Sunday Vigil)
English: 8:00, 11:00 a.m., 12:30, 5:00 p.m.
Vietnamese: 3:15 and 6:30 p.m.
Latin: 9:30 a.m.
12:05 p.m. Mon.– Sat., 5:15 p.m. Mon.–Fri.
11:30 a.m.–
4:00–5:00 p.m.
Weekdays 11:30 a.m.– noon
and 4:40–5:10 p.m. Mon.–Fri.
Mon.–Fri. 4:50 p.m., Sat.–Sun. 4:35 p.m.
Friday 12:45–5:00 p.m. (5:05 Benediction)
Telephone 713-529-4854, enter an extension:
Br. Ian G. Bordenave, O.P. (Pastor) 101
Juan M. Torres, O.P. CALENDAR
(Parochial Vicar) 103
j t o r re s @ h o l y ro s a r y p a r i s h . o rg
Fr. Isidore V. Vicente, O.P. (Parochial Vicar) 104
Fr. Anthony Hung Tran, O.P. (Chaplain)
Ava Voissem (Parish Secretary) 101
o f f i c e @ h o l y ro s a r y p a r i s h . o rg
Geoff Green (Business Administrator) 109
businessadmin@holyrosaryparish . org
Valerie Chase (Special Projects) 102
Juan Maldonado (Bookkeeper) 108
Laura Chase (Wedding Coordinator) 110
David Paxton (Music Director) 105
Baptism scheduling 101
Anointing of the sick (visitations) 101
Religious Education Center (3535 Louisiana)
Janet Hafernik, C.R.E., 713-526-4389
Michelle Scenna (Religious Education Secretary)
re c s e c re t a r y @ h o l y ro s a r y p a r i s h . o rg
Priory (Friars in residence, 713-526-6322)
Fr. Richard Williams, O.P. (Prior); Fr. Bryan Fontenot, O.P.; Fr. Martin Iott, O.P.; Fr. Richard Patrick, O.P.
Assistance for those in need
St.Vincent de Paul Society, 713-529-2156
APRIL 19–25,
Sun. Acts 3:13–15, 17–19
I John 2:1–5a
Luke 24:35–48
We pray especially for those
named at this week’s Masses:
8:00 † Piedad Martinez
9:30 † Alan Parker
11:00 † Gordon Coffing
12:30 For the people of the parish
5:00 † Reynaldo Santos
Mon. St. Agnes of
Montepulciano, O.P., virgin
Acts 6:8-15; Jn 6:22-29
12:05 Lisa Tankus
5:15 Maria B. Morales
Tue. St. Anselm, bishop and
doctor of the Church
Acts 7:51–8:1a; Jn 6:30-35
12:05 Martha Bair
5:15 † George Belton
Wed. Easter Weekday
Acts 8:1b-8; Jn 6:35-40
12:05 Paul Tran
5:15 Peter J. Capetillo
Thu. St. George, martyr
St. Adalbert,
bishop and martyr
Acts 8:26-40; Jn 6:44-51
12:05 In honor of St. George
5:15 † Renato Javier Jr.
Fri. St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen,
priest and martyr
Acts 9:1-20; Jn 6:52–59
12:05 Peter J. Capetillo
5:15 Augustine Pio Vuong
Sat. St. Mark, evangelist
I Pt 5:5b-14; Mk 16:15-20
12:05 Philip Dyer
5:00 Sunday Vigil
Alphonsus Leo Vuong
Please use the Time-Out Room
to quiet crying infants.
Reflection on the Sunday Scriptures
It must have felt like a roller coaster for the disciples of Jesus, as they
went from tragedy to incredulity, to doubt and finally to sheer joy. It was
Him, the Master, they said, and they came to recognize him in the Breaking of the Bread. And as the Emmaus travelers recount the scene in the Upper Room in Jerusalem, Jesus appears out of nowhere. Through the wall so
to speak and He says “Do not be afraid. It is really I. Do you have anything to
eat.” Well, roller coaster may not even be close. The fact was they did not
recognize Him at all after being with Him for those three years. There was
something that was the same and something that was different. Mark says
“He appeared to them ‘in another form’” (Mark 16: 11). A new form, a new
reality of Him that we cannot comprehend: how does a glorified body behave
or look? We just do not know. Because Jesus is risen, glorified, and His body
although the same was different. We ourselves will be raised in our own
bodies but our bodies, though ours, will be different. Do not ask me how.
But it will happen in the same way as Jesus, who appeared to his friends
“in a new form.”
The reality of these encounters is that the disciples had a very tough
time seeing Jesus. Maybe the same question could be asked of all of us as
we recount all these wonderful resurrection stories: do we have trouble recognizing Jesus? How do you see Jesus? Do you see him in your daily life and
are you tempted to say: I have not seen God. Where do you find the fingertips of
God? Like the Emmaus disciples He may be walking with us and we may
not recognize Him or as Luke says (24: 27) in his Gospel resurrection narrative, as Jesus appears to Peter and John and others in Lake Tiberias, they
thought they were seeing a ghost, they were utterly incredulous until he tells
them to throw in their nets for a catch and the result is an outstanding large
number of fish caught, on a night they had previously caught nothing.
The substance all the narratives is the RECOGNITION of Jesus and
then the powerful words of Jesus to them and to us: “You are witnesses of
all these things” (Luke 34: 48). Those are the last words from the Gospel of
St. John for this Sunday. Naturally, those words are for the disciples of Jesus but they are also for us. And we struggle at times to recognize this Jesus who at times may be even in disguise as we make our daily journey of
that comprises our very life: family, work, caring, responsibilities, coming,
going, buying, selling, loving, unloving...The real task for the Christian is
to find God, to recognize Jesus in the midst of all the disguises life, or God,
throws at us: friends, enemies, the poor, the sinner, the different, the ungodly, the
brown person, the black, the yellow, the red...To recognize Jesus in them and in
one’s life entails the acceptance of his life, his message and his legacy.
He tells them and us then to be a WITNESS of all that, in reality and in
truth. A few days ago, in Garissa, Kenia, 147 Christian, (Catholic most of
them) students were killed. A Radical Islamist Group asked them individually if they were Muslim or Christian, and if you are a Christian, you have
to convert to Islam, or be killed. Just imagine the scene. Can you see yourself there? Or by the same token, can you see yourself here and how much
money or power or prestige would you accept as YOUR price for finally
giving in to the betrayal of your principles or your Faith. Do you have a
price? How about if they offer you A MILLION DOLLARS for your virtue
or your principles? A heavy question.
We are invited through these Easter narratives to bear a WITNESS that
is true, faithful, unwavering, constant. Thomas Merton, the great Christian Trappist monk and author says that a “saint preaches sermons by the way
he or she walks or stands.” That witness offers a window to the world into
God’s love and mercy.
The recent Popes have spoken abundantly of THE NEW EVANGELIZATION. So what are you waiting for? Go out and evangelize. Be a WITNESS.
May the peace of the risen Lord be with you.
—Fr. Vicente
Religious Education News
First Communion celebration will take
place on Sunday, May 3, at the 12:30
service. Please be aware this will be a
longer than normal service.
Please go to the web site, or contact
Janet Hafernik at 713-526-4389 or
What Is God’s Plan
for Marriage?
Come find out what God intended for
marriage at the first “Together in Holiness” marriage conference, presented by the John Paul II Foundation for
Life and Family and the Archdiocese of
Galveston-Houston. It includes Mass,
Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation,
and presentations for your marriage
and family to grow in holiness. It will
take place on Sat., May 2, from 9 to 3
p.m. at St. Cecilia Catholic Church,
11720 Joan of Arc Dr., Houston 77024.
For more information, please visit
Fr. Konkel’s Cats
Holy Rosary parish is still caring for Fr.
Konkel’s cats. Geoff Green, is requesting donations for their care. Bruiser
and Sweetie Pie have adapted well to
living indoors and remain available for
adoption to a loving home. Your donations help offset the cost of their care
until a permanent home can be found.
Prayer List
If you wish to have prayers for yourself or a loved one added to the bulletin, please contact Ava in the parish
office at 713-529-4854 xtn. 101. At every
Eucharist, the Church prays for all who
are in need, whether mentioned or not.
Ongoing Ministry
Adopt-a-Family is an active ministry
as there are needs throughout the year.
Maria Correa and the Youth Group are
looking for donations of non-perishable food, bottled water, gently used
clothing, paper products, and those
generous with their time to help deliver these items to continue the ministry.
Please contact Maria Correa at 713-7245262 or at mcorrea@mlrcentral.com to
learn more. Prayers are vital.
Young Professionals
The Houston chapter of Young Catholic Professionals (YCP) will gather Tuesday, April 28, at 7 p.m. at The
Co-Cathedral Center for its Executive
Speaker Series and networking event.
The event is free and is open to all
young professionals in their 20s and
30s. Mr. Kevin Bartholomew, president of Ben E. Keith Beverages, will be
Young Adult News
April 26: Join us at the 11 a.m. Mass.
Lunch will be at Jus Mac, 106 Westheimer Rd., 77006.
April 30: Join us at the Museum of Fine
Arts for the weekly museum happy
hour. We will be gathering around 6:30
p.m. for dinner and drinks, then view
the exhibits until closing. General admission is free.
For more info, please email us at hrya.
houston@gmail.com or on Facebook.
Home Mission Collection
Next weekend, April 25-26, the second
collection will be for Home Missions.
Come One, Come All!
The parish is invited to participate in
the Talent Show Sunday, April 26, from
9 to 11 a.m. See page 10 for more info.
Brunch will be available.
Deepen Your Faith
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
will take place next Sunday, April 26.
Catholics are asked to be in prayer for
vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. Resources are available at
The J. Paul Getty Museum and the
Museo Nacional del Prado, in association with the Museum of Fine Arts
Houston, are presenting “Spectacular
Rubens” through May 10. Some of the
items on view are four of the original
silk and wool tapestries; several paintings by Rubens related to the Eucharist series; and a series of preparatory
sketches for three of the four tapestries. Use promo code ARCHGH for
$2 off individual tickets at mfah.org/
admission, 713-639-7300, or at the museum. Contact groupsales@mfah.org or
On May 15-16 at Holy Rosary, there
will be a “Training Retreat”for those
interested in facilitating small prayer
groups or for those who are simply interested in learning more about Ignacian prayer. The weekend is free. For
more info about Lord, Teach Me To Pray,
go to www.lordteachmetopray.com.
There are a number of activities
through the Marriage Encounter group
throughout the next several months.
Many weekend opportunities with
a variety of topics are available. Visit
www.houstonme.org for more info.
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Kevin G. Gardner II, Gloria Guerrero, Kevin Gardner Sr., Bob Reeder, William Beaver,
Alex Jimenez, Wayne Andrews, Frank Mustachia, Mary Jo Spurr, James Nowlin, K. M. Chacko, Richard Galvan, Kathy Housel,
Angel Davis, Dr. Hubert Ried, Jean Ried, Bob Akeroyd, Bob Rogers, and Norma McLellan Pribyl
ALTAR FLOWERS: Thank you to the parishioners of Holy Rosary who donated the lilies on the altar.
Please remember them and their loved ones in your prayers.
COLLECTIONS for April 12: This fiscal year, the weekly parish offertory goal is $24,000.
Last week’s total giving was $25,042.80. For the fiscal year, we are $41,639.62 below our goal.
The parish’s 2015 Diocesan Services Fund goal is $130,000. As of this week, we have received $81,729.72 in pledges
towards that goal, and $63,453.73 has been paid.
For all who give sacrificially to support Holy Rosary Parish and its ministries, and who support the Archdiocese
through the DSF as it ministers in ways a single parish cannot, we offer our heartfelt thanks.
Please come and join us for
Wednesday Lunch
Holy Rosary’s Outreach Ministry
Lunch is served
after the 12:05 Mass,
and a $5 donation is requested.
April 22 menu: Lasagna Bolognese
To help, please contact Maria Correa
at mcorrea@mlrcentral.com
or 713-724-5262
1734 West Alabama St.
• Houston, Texas 77098
• 713-521-0066
Reinforcing Family Unity
Prayer for Consecrated Persons
Holy Rosary’s St. Valentine’s Marriage Guild invites
married couples of all ages to the following events:
God our Father, we thank you for calling men and
women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as sisters,
brothers, religious priests, consecrated virgins, and
hermits, as well as members of secular institutes.
Renew their knowledge and love of you, and send
your Holy Spirit to help them respond generously
and courageously to your will. We ask this through
our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
May 2, Saturday: “Togetherness in Holiness” see article
on page 7 for more information.
June 27, Saturday: Parish family Picnic Event is still
in the planning stages. Ideas, help, suggestions are all
welcome. Come be a part of the community of Holy
August 22, Saturday: Family Vacation Bible School at
Holy Rosary. It’s a family treat and retreat!
August 29, Saturday: Couple’s Night Out, restaurant to
be determined. Any ideas? Please let us know!
For more info, please contact Christian Hinkie at chinkie@
gmail.com or Catherine O’Brien at cobrienrn@gmail.com.
Support Our Bulletin!
The printing cost of the bulletin averages $250 per week. We believe
this is a worthwhile investment and
hope that you will consider advertising to help offset our costs.
To advertise, please contact
To advertise in the annual
Holy Rosary Calendar
please contact
Pope Francis has proclaimed 2015
the Year of Consecrated Life;
April 26 is designated as the
World Day of Prayer for Vocations.
Where is your Emmaus?
In today’s gospel we hear about the two disciples relating their having seen the risen Lord on their way to
Emmaus. The Holy Rosary St. Vincent de Paul Society
is the Emmaus of many of our parishioners and friends
who also experience Christ’s love in the help and hope
they receive when they seek our assistance. Your contributions to the Poor Box in the rear of the church as
well as the monthly Black Bag Collection provides for this help. As you
meditate on this passage in the gospel please consider this need in our
parish. The need is also great for volunteers to help us interview and
dispense the aid to our clients. Please consider donating a couple of hours
a month to this cause.
Call 713-529-2156 if in need of assistance or if you would like
more information about the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Stewardship Series
“O love, O charity beyond all telling,
to ransom a slave you gave away your Son!
O truly necessary sin of Adam,
destroyed completely by the Death of Christ!
O happy fault
that earned so great, so glorious a Redeemer!”
—The Easter Proclamation
Easter is here. With it, we are reminded that
we have been ransomed from sin and death. Christ
is the perfect redeemer. Though human and tempted
in every way, He remained spotless. Under the old
covenant, the blood and ashes of a goat or cow were
used as atonement for sins. Under the new covenant,
Christ mediates for us. What a gift it is to have Him
as our Savior! The seven sacraments He left for us
are powerful tools to deepen our relationship with
The Church exists to form disciples, and
administration of the sacraments is central to our
mission. In modern times in this country, it is usually
easy and convenient for most people to receive the
sacraments. A Catholic church is usually nearby and
offers a variety of times for Mass and confessions,
making it much easier to reconcile oneself to God
than sacrificing and burning a bull as required under
the old covenant. As well, most parishes likely offer
sacramental preparation and faith formation.
St. Agnes of Montepulciano
Even in this age of convenience, it is easy
for people to miss out on what the Church has
to offer. There are many Catholics out there
in need of one or more sacraments, as well
as many non-Catholics who visit parishes as
guests who may be interested in becoming
Catholic. If you know someone who is
interested in becoming Catholic or is in need of
the sacraments, please give him or her your
encouragement and the gift of your prayers.
Holy Rosary welcomes them and is here to
help. If you yourself are in need, please know
that Holy Rosary also welcomes you and would
be honored to help you.
This week, try to think of ways to help
yourself or others to take advantage of what
Holy Rosary has to offer as a parish. If you
haven’t been to confession in a while, challenge yourself to attend one of the twelve times
offered during the week. If you are seeking to
become Catholic or to complete your initiation
into the Church, what better time than now
to contact us about getting started? If you’re
looking for opportunities to deepen your faith,
consider joining an adult faith formation class
or a parish ministry. Contact Janet Hafernik,
Coordinator of Religious Education, or Geoff
Green, Business Administrator, for more details.
Contact information may be found on the front
cover of this bulletin. Have a blessed week, and
continue rejoicing in our Lord’s resurrection
from the dead.
St. Margaret of Hungary
2015 Southern Dominican awarDS Gala
Sunday, April 26, 2015 - the houStonian
Mark your calendar and join the Southern Dominican priests and brothers in an evening honoring
Fr. Richard Martin Patrick, O.P. Proceeds from this event will help fund the formation of young men
as Dominican priests and brothers and provide care for the Dominican Friars, who are semi-retired
or infirm as well as sponsor the Dominican ministry in parishes, hospitals, universities, jails and as
itinerant preachers of God’s word.
Auction Items Needed: If you have something to donate, please contact Valerie Chase at
713-529-4854, ext.102 or spsecretary@holyrosaryparish.org. Typical items include: jewelry, airline
tickets, decorative objects, vacation home time, tickets to sport or performing arts events. and gift
certificates/cards. This is a fantastic way to support the Southern Dominicans ministry.
Wine Auction: Fr. Juan Torres, O.P., is requesting monetary donations towards this year’s Southern
Dominican Gala Wine Auction. Please make checks payable to “Southern Dominican Gala” (in the
memo area, please write “wine”), and send it to the parish office, Attn.: Fr. Juan Torres, O.P. All
contributions are greatly appreciated and tax deductible.
One Week Stay fOr up tO 14 gueStS at Serravalle,
a HiStOric villa in tHe cHianti regiOn Of italy
Minimum bid: $25,000
Donated by Dr. Kenneth Alo
Serravalle is a gorgeous 18,000+ square foot estate, which sits on 20 acres of manicured gardens
and producing Vineyards/Olive orchards. It has Etruscan ruins dating to 700AD and was once a
Sienese fortress to protect the surrounding valley from Florentine invaders. While visiting Serravalle,
guests can plan day trips to the fabled walled city of Siena (15 minute drive), the Duomo, Medici
Chapel, Uffizi Gallery, and the outdoor markets of Florence (50 minute drive), and a private wine
tasting in Montalcino or other Tuscany region winery.
The package includes daily continental breakfast, a wine tasting, access to the estate grounds,
including the vineyards, olive orchards, the pool, jacuzzi, and La Taverna, an exercise, playroom
and wine tasting facility. The live-in estate managers-concierge support is available 24/7 and there
is daily maid service. The package expires 2 years from auction night. Entry tickets and transport
costs (if any) are not included. Tours or other visit details subject to change, if unavailable. No
substitutions or credits can be given for these tours (or any other part of the donation if not used
or desired with complete indemnification). Non-refundable full payment due at time of winning bid.
Winner to sign acknowledgement.
Enjoy luxurious accommodations in a private Villa in the Chianti region of Italy for less than the
price of a 3 star hotel! At minimum bid, the villa costs approximately $250/per person/per day.