Curriculum Vitae -


Curriculum Vitae -
Simone Murro
Curriculum Vitae
Fakultaet fuer Mathematik
Universitaet Regensburg
93040, Regensburg, Germany
H +49 176 5689 2823
H +39 348 9045 905
Personal Information
Date of birth
Place of birth
Current City
23 April 1988
Sanremo (Italy)
Regensburg (Germany)
April 2014 – now PhD in Mathematics at the Universität Regensburg, Germany.
Research project: Hadamard states for spinor fields;
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. F. Finster.
Oct. 2011 – Oct. 2013 Master of Science degree in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics at
the University of Pavia, Italy, with 110/110.
Thesis: Hadamard states for linearized gravity on asymptotically flat spacetimes.;
Supervisor: Dr. C. Dappiaggi.
Oct. 2007 – April 2011 Bachelor of Science degree in Physics at the University of Pavia, Italy,
with 92/110.
Thesis: Produzione dei bosoni vettori W e Z negli esperimenti di LHC ;
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. C. Conta.
Sept. 2002 – July 2007 High-school degree, Sanremo, Italy.
Liceo classico statale G.D. Cassini, con sezione scientifica annessa
Languages Knowledge Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (basic), German (basic).
Computer Skills C, C++, Geant4, HTLM, Labview, Latex, Linux, MacOs, Office, Perl, Root,
Unix, Windows.
Scientific Interest
Physics Algebraic Quantum Field Theory, Classical and Quantum Field Theory on
curved space-times, General Relativity.
Mathematics Mathematical Physics, Microlocal Analysis, Operator Algebras, Differential
Scholarship and Grants
April 2014 – April 2017 Full scholarship within the DFG Graduiertenkolleg GRK 1692 “Curvature, Cycles, and Cohomology”, Department of Mathematics, University
of Regensburg.
Research Visits
2015, 12-15 January Claudio Dappiaggi, University of Pavia.
2014, 21-25 July Claudio Dappiaggi, University of Pavia.
Conference & Workshop Talks
2015, 11-13 February Hadamard states via fermionic projectors in a time-dependent external
potential, at the Workshop on New Trends in Algebraic Quantum Field
Theory, Roma.
Seminar Talks
2015, 7 May Supermanifold and microlocal analysis, Mathematical Physics Group, University of Regensburg.
2015, 16 April The Rindler space-time and the mass oscillation property II, Mathematical Physics Group, University of Regensburg.
2015, 5 February The fermionic projector in a time-dependent external potential: mass
oscillation property and Hadamard states, Mathematical Physics Group,
University of Regensburg.
2015, 14 January Hadamard states in a time-dependent external potential, Mathematical
Physics Group, University of Genova.
2014, 11 December Exacts solutions of the Dirac equation in de Sitter space-time, Mathematical Physics Group, University of Regensburg.
2014, 30 October Looking at the Hadamard property: a brief overview, Mathematical
Physics Group, University of Regensburg.
2014, 22 July Non perturbative construction of the Fermionic Projector on globally
hyperbolic spacetimes, Mathematical Physics Group, University of Pavia.
2014, 12 June Algebraic approach to quantum field theory and holographic techniques II, Mathematical Physics Group, University of Regensburg.
2014, 05 June Algebraic approach to quantum field theory and holographic techniques I, Mathematical Physics Group, University of Regensburg.
Teaching Experience
2013, March – June Physics for Biologist, University of Pavia.
(2015) F. Finster, S. Murro, C. Röken: “The fermionic projector in a timedependent external potential: mass oscillation property and Hadamard
states”, arXiv:1501.05522 [math-ph].
(2014) M. Benini, C. Dappiaggi, S. Murro: “Radiative observables for linearized
gravity on asymptotically flat spacetimes and their boundary induced
states”, J. Math. Phys. 55 (2014), arXiv:1404.4551 [gr-qc].
Prof. Dr. C. Dappiaggi
Dipartimento di Fisica
Università di Pavia & INFN - sezione di Pavia Via Bassi 6, 27100 Pavia, Italy.
Prof. Dr. F. Finster
Fakultät für Mathematik
Universität Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany.
Prof. Dr. N. Pinamonti
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Genova - Via Dodecaneso 35, 16146 Genova, Italy.
May 31, 2015