
June 2015
Dear Praying Friends,
This morning our devotional reading says, ‘since God's hands is in everything, you can leave everything in God's
hand.’ Sometimes, we are like little bird-anxious, frazzled and afraid of what might happen next. It comforts us to
think that not one sparrow falls to the ground without God knowing about it. He sees and knows everything in our
world. If God sees the sparrow's fall, paints the lilies short and tall, gives the skies their azure hue, will He not
then care for us? Yes, He does and we can trust and leave everything in his hand.
1.Praise God, ACTI Courses finished well with 12 Adults and 10 kids. Pray that each of the
trainees are
moving to the
fields where
God calls
them, their
visa will be
granted on time, God’s protection and
provision of their needs and they will use the skills they learned to be fruitful
servants for His Kingdom’s ministry around the world.
2. Praise God, the Eight Congress Thai Christian will be held during June 3-5 in Bangkok Thamasat
University. There will be 40 students going from Chiang Mai Theological Seminary. Pray for unity among
the Thai believers, God's anointing and blessings among the participants to
glorify Him.
3. Praise God, Chiang Mai Grace Church completed its own building. The dedication is on May 30th.
Pray for the Church members will use this nice building for ministry and it will
be blessings to the generations to come too.
4. Praise God, we had opportunity to go back to India to teach at North East Center for Training and
Research in Shillong and a few days visit our hometown too. Pray for Thang and all the trainees
will be filled by the Holy Spirit to learn and experience His presence in every
special way.
5. Praise God, HIV/Aids cares ministry going on well. The kids go back to School after summer break. Some
of the guardians are having health challenges. Pray for the kids and their guardians will
keep good health and be able to focus on eternal matters that will give them
hope and secure in Christ.
6. Praise God, we are able carry on our works even in the midst of our weaknesses. We experienced His
grace is immeasurable, His mercy is inexhaustible and His peace is inexpressible. To God be the glory.
Thank you for your love and partnership in His kingdom ministry. And may we trust Him more and more and
leave everything in His hand.
Serving together in Christ love,
Thang and Ching Ngaihte.
OMF Box 27. Chiangmai. Thailand 50000.
Email:tcngaihte@gmail.com. Skype:tc.ngaihte
Cells:+66884106020(thang) and +66870015047(Ching)