Tender Document NRTC Parwanoo - HP State Council For Science


Tender Document NRTC Parwanoo - HP State Council For Science
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of equipments for testing of
Electronics & Information Technology goods as per Indian Safety
National Research & Technology Consortium (NRTC), Parwanoo
Distt: Solan (H.P.)
Tender No.: NRTC - 01/2015
Pre-bid Meeting: May 25, 2015 at 11:00 AM
Last date for submission of bids: June 10, 2015 up to 11: 30 AM
Opening of technical bids: June 10, 2015 at 2: 30 PM
The Tender Document can be downloaded from the website:
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Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of equipment for testing of
Electronics & Information Technology goods as per Indian Safety Standards
Sealed Tenders are invited from the Original Equipment Manufacturers (O.E.M), Authorised
Distributors/Dealers of the O.E.M for indigenous equipments or Principal National Distributors/Country
Channel Partners/Dealers in India in case of imported equipments for the procurement of the equipments
as mentioned in Section A for the state of Himachal Pradesh. Tender document containing detailed terms
& conditions should be downloaded from website of State Council for Science Technology &
Environment; www.hpscste.gov.in. and Rs 2000/- towards the cost of tender document must be enclosed
with eligibility bid as a separate demand draft in favour of "Director, NRTC” payable at Parwanoo. Only
one DD of Rs. 2000/- is to be enclosed irrespective of number of equipments being quoted by the bidder.
The bid must be submitted on or before 10/06/2015 up to 11.30 AM and will be opened on 10/06/2015
on 2.30 P.M. at NRTC, Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo.
Cost of tender
Rs. 2000/-
Pre-Bid Meeting
11.30 A.M.
(upto 11.30 A.M.)
(2.30 P.M.)
Date of Submission
of Bids
Date of opening of
In shape of DD in favour of "Director, NRTC”,
payable at Parwanoo. (to be enclosed with
technical bid).
Venue: NRTC, Parwanoo.
Venue: NRTC, Parwanoo.
Venue: NRTC, Parwanoo.
The tender will be opened on the date mentioned above in the presence of the bidders or their authorized
representatives. In case the opening day happens to be a Gazetted holiday, the tender will be opened on the
next working day at the scheduled time. All corrigendum, modifications and clarifications in respect of
this tender will be issued only on our website: www.hpscste.gov.in.
The Director NRTC reserves the right to accept or reject any tender or part thereof without assigning any
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Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
List of Equipments
Name of the Equipment
Environmental Chamber
EMD Amount in
Vibration Tester/ Generator 1
Impulse Test Apparatus
Rain Test Chamber (Degree 1
of protection against harmful
ingress of water)
IP Test Chamber (Dust)
Power Analyser
Ionization Meter/ Dose Rate 1
UPS 30 kVA
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Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
1. National Research & Technology Consortium (NRTC), Parwanoo is an autonomous institute set up by
the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of H.P. Under a project from ‘Ministry of
Communication and Information Technology (Department of Electronics and Information Technology),
Govt. of India’ NRTC invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Supply, Installation, Testing &
Commissioning of testing equipment for “Up gradation of Electrical Testing Laboratory for Evaluating
the Quality of Electronics and Information Technology goods as per Indian Safety Standards”. These
equipments will be installed and commissioned at NRTC, Parwanoo as per the schedule
2. Contact information:
The Director
National Research & Technology Consortium
Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector – 1,
Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (H.P.) – 173220
Tel/ Fax No.: +91-1792-233675
E-mail. : nrtcpwn@gmail.com
3. Two bid System:
The two bid system will be followed for this tender. In this system bidder must submit their offer in
separate sealed envelopes as explained below:
Envelope No. 1: "Technical Bid" shall contain:
a. The Demand Draft towards tender fee INR 2000/- drawn in favour of NRTC payable at Parwanoo.
b. The Demand draft towards Earnest Money Deposit of the appropriate amount as mentioned in Section A
of this Tender Document.
c. Duly filled Technical Bid with proper seal and signature of authorised person (with Name and contact
d. A true copy of Certificate of Incorporation, Partnership Deed / Memorandum and Articles of Association /
any other equivalent document showing date and place of incorporation, as applicable in respect of legal
status of the bidder.
e. If the bidder is a distributor / representative, the authorisation letter from Principle manufacturer clearly
indicating that the bidder is authorised and competent to sell & provide after sales services for the items
mentioned in the Scope of Supply given in this tender document.
The bidders must submit a list of at least three clients to whom they have supplied the offered model for
conducting the qualification testing of modules as per IEC & IS standards.
g. The detailed technical specification, make & model, part number and compliance to the Schedule of
Requirement (Section IV) for which bid is submitted. The specifications and the technical compliance
should be supported by printed catalogue / leaflet of the manufacturer.
h. A photo copy of the commercial bid without prices (prices blocked) and copy of commercial terms &
conditions (in details) as attached in the Commercial Bid.
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Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Undertaking to the effect that a Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) of 5% of the order value will be
submitted in case NRTC decides to place the Purchase Order. The PBG is acceptable in INR only.
Other documents necessary in support of eligibility criteria, product catalogues, brochures etc.
Note: NRTC reserves the right to reject the bid if any of the above listed document(s) is (are) not
Envelope 2: “Commercial Bid “ shall contain:
The Commercial Bid completed in all respects with proper seal and signature of authorised person. (With
Name and Contact No)
4. Both the technical bid and commercial bid envelopes should be clearly marked as
“Envelope no. 1 - Technical Bid" and "Envelope no. 2 - Commercial Bid" and addressed to:
National Research & Technology Consortium
Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector – 1,
Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (H.P.) – 173220
Tel/ Fax No.: +91-1792-233675
Note: Please write the tender number on each envelope, Sr. No and name of the item and seal all the
5. Prebid Meeting:
To sort out the doubts / queries, if any of the prospective bidders, the pre-bid meeting shall be held on
May 25, 2015 at 11:00 AM at
National Research & Technology Consortium
Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector – 1,
Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (H.P.) – 173220
The bidders are welcome to attend the pre-bid meeting. Maximum 2 (Two) participants per bidder will be
allowed to participate in the pre-bid Meeting. The queries, if any, should be submitted in writing at least
three days before the day of Pre–bid Meeting at the address mentioned in Sr. No. 2, Section I of this
No queries shall be entertained after the pre-bid Meeting.
6. Date of submission of bids and opening of the Technical bids
Last date for submission of bids on June 10, 2015 up to 11:30 AM at:
National Research & Technology Consortium
Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector – 1,
Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (H.P.) – 173220
Tel/ Fax No.: +91-1792-233675
Technical bid will be opened on June 10, 2015 at 2:30 PM at:
National Research & Technology Consortium
Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector – 1,
Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (H.P.) – 173220
Tel/ Fax No.: +91-1792-233675
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Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
The bid can be submitted by person or through post/ courier (NRTC shall not be responsible for any
postal delays or any other reason for not submitting the bid in the specified time and resulting in
disqualification/ rejection of any bid) so as to reach on or before the due date and time. The
representatives (maximum two) of bidders are welcome to attend the opening of the technical bids.
In case bidder requires any clarifications / information they may contact NRTC address given in Sr. no. 2
of Section I.
The technical bids will be evaluated to shortlist the eligible bidders. The technical bids of only the short
listed eligible bidders shall be considered for further processing (technical evaluation).
Bidder whose technical bid is found to be acceptable and meeting the eligibility requirements as specified
in this tender will be informed about the date and time of the opening of the commercial bid.
Note: Please do not put "Commercial Bid" (prices quoted) in the technical bid envelope. If the price
quoted is submitted with technical bid the tender will be rejected at the sole discretion of NRTC.
7. Opening of commercial bids
Commercial bids of the short listed bidders only will be opened, in the presence of the bidders or their
authorized representative of the bidders, who choose to attend, at the time place and date to be
informed later.
The authorized representative of bidders, present at the time of opening of the bids shall be required to
sign an attendance register as a proof of having attended the commercial bid opening.
The bidder’s name, bid prices, discounts and other appropriate details will be announced at the time of
the opening of the bids.
Note: Technically accepted competitive bids ONLY will be considered for the opening of commercial Bids.
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Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Delivery period / Timelines
The delivery and installation of Equipments at site must be completed within 12-16 weeks from the date of opening
of Letter of Credit.
The time is the essence of this contract. It is mandatory for the bidders who respond to this bid to meet these
expectations, as these are tightly linked to completing the project within the available time frame.
Locations for the Supply, Installation & Warranty Services
The item covered by this document is required to be supplied and installed at NRTC, Parwanoo, as given in the
Schedule of Requirements.
Order Placements:
The Purchase Order shall be released by:
National Research & Technology Consortium
Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector – 1,
Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (H.P.) – 173220
The payments shall be released by:
National Research & Technology Consortium
Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector – 1,
Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (H.P.) – 173220
Eligibility Criteria:
4.1 Bidder should be principle manufacturer of the required product or authorised distributor of the
manufacturer / representative in India where the principle manufacturer offices situated at abroad for the
quoted items.
4.2 The bidder or their principle manufacturer should have executed and successfully completed at least THREE
purchase orders/ contracts/ agreements for same items or items of similar nature and size in the last three years.
4.3 The bidders should have an arrangement to provide service through local dealer / service provider at site. An
undertaking from this dealer/ service provider to this effect should be submitted along with the technical bid.
4.4 Bidders should not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices.
Note: The bidders should provide sufficient documentary evidence to support the eligibility criteria. NRTC reserves
the right to reject any bid not fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
Amendment to Bidding Document
5.1. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, NRTC may, for any reason, whether on its own initiative or
in response to the clarification request by a prospective bidder, modify the bid document.
5.2. The amendments to the tender documents, if any, will be notified by release of Corrigendum Notice available on
web site www.hpscste.gov.in .
The amendments/ modifications will be the binding on the bidders.
5.3. NRTC at its discretion may extend the deadline for the submission of bids if it thinks necessary to do so or if the bid
document undergoes changes during the bidding period, in order to give prospective bidders time to take into
consideration the amendments while preparing their bids.
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Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
6. Preparation of Bids
Bidder should avoid, as far as possible, corrections, overwriting, erasures or postscripts in the bid documents.
However, In case of any corrections, overwriting, erasures or postscripts have to be made in the bids; they should
be supported by dated signatures of the same authorized person signing the bid documents. The bidder shall not
be entitled to amend/add/delete/correct the clauses mentioned in the entire tender document. The tender document
submitted by the bidder should be page numbered.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
7.1. The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall be submitted along with the technical bid. The EMD is required to be in
the form of Demand Draft in favour of NRTC payable at Parwanoo, India, for an amount as mentioned in Section A
of this tender document. The Demand Draft towards EMD in INR is only acceptable.
The bid submitted without EMD shall stand rejected. No interest shall be payable on EMD.
7.2. The EMD will be returned to the bidder(s) whose offer is not accepted by NRTC within 30 days from the date of
opening of commercial bid(s). In case of the bidder(s) whose offer is accepted the EMD will be returned on
submission of Performance Bank Gurantee (Refer Sr. No. 3 of Section III). However if the return of EMD is delayed
for any reason, no interest/ penalty shall be payable to the bidder.
7.3. The successful bidder, on award of contract / order, must send the contract/ order acceptance in writing, within 7
days of award of contract/ order, failing which the EMD will be forfeited and the order will be cancelled.
7.4. The EMD shall be forfeited:
If the bidder withdraws the bid during the period of bid validity specified in the tender.
In case a successful bidder, fails to furnish the Performance Bank Guarantee.
(Refer Sr. No. 3 of Section III).
If the bidder fails to furnish the acceptance in writing, within 7 days of award of contract/ order.
Period of validity of bids
8.1. Bids shall be valid for minimum 120 days from the date of submission. A bid valid for a shorter period shall stand
8.2. NRTC may ask for the bidder’s consent to extend the period of validity. Such request and the response shall be
made in writing only. The bidder is free not to accept such request without forfeiting the EMD. A bidder agreeing to
the request for extension will not be permitted to modify his bid.
Submission of Bids
The Bid shall be neatly arranged, plain and intelligible. They should not contain any terms and conditions, printed
or otherwise, which are not applicable to the Bid. The conditional bid will be summarily rejected. Insertions,
postscripts, additions and alterations shall not be recognized, unless confirmed by bidder’s signature.
Deadline for Submission of Bids
Bids must be received by NRTC before the due date and time at the address specified in the tender document.
In the event of the specified date for the submission of bids being declared as a holiday for NRTC the bidclosing deadline will stand extended to the next working day up to the same time.
NRTC may extend this deadline for submission of bids by amending the bid documents and the same shall be
suitably notified on the website www.hpscste.nic.in .
Late Bids
1 Any bid inadvertently received by NRTC after the deadline for submission of bids, will not be accepted and
returned unopened to the bidder. NRTC shall not be responsible and liable for the delay in receiving the bid for
whatsoever reason.
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Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Bid Opening & Evaluation of Bids
The technical bids will be evaluated to shortlist the eligible bidders. The technical bids of only the eligible
bidders shall be considered for further processing (technical evaluation).
The bids shall be evaluated by the duly constituted Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC). The TEC shall be
empowered to take appropriate decisions on minor deviations, if any.
Bidder whose technical bid is found to be acceptable and meeting the eligibility requirements as specified in
this tender will be informed about the date and time of the opening of the commercial bid.
NRTC will open commercial bids only of the technically short listed bids, in the presence of the bidder or their
authorised representative who choose to attend the bid opening, at the time and date to be informed later.
The bidder’s name, bid prices, discounts and such other details considered as appropriate by NRTC, will be
announced at the time of opening of the commercial bids.
Comparison of Bids
Only the short-listed bids from the technical evaluation shall be considered for commercial comparison.
Award of Contract/ Order
NRTC shall award the contract/ order to the eligible bidder whose technical bid has been accepted and
determined as the lowest evaluated commercial bid. However, NRTC reserves the right and has sole discretion
to reject the lowest evaluated bid.
If more than one bidder happens to quote the same lowest price, NRTC reserves the right to decide the criteria
and further process for awarding the contract/ order, decision of NRTC shall be final for awarding the
Purchaser’s Right to amend / cancel
NRTC reserves the right to amend the eligibility criteria, commercial terms & conditions, Scope of Supply,
technical specifications etc.
NRTC reserves the right to cancel the entire tender without assigning any reasons there for.
Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices.
16.1. It is expected that the bidders who wish to bid for this project have highest standards of ethics.
16.2. NRTC will reject bid if it determines that the bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent
practices while competing for this contract;
16.3. NRTC may declare a vendor ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated duration, to be awarded a contract/ order
if it at any time determines that the vendor has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices during the award /
execution of contract/ contract.
Interpretation of the clauses in the Tender Document / Contract Document
17.1. In case of any ambiguity/ dispute in the interpretation of any of the clauses in this Tender Document, the
interpretation of the clauses by Director, NRTC shall be final and binding on all parties/ bidders.
Billing : The Bidder may open its Dump/Depot in Himachal or otherwise will be levied entry Tax at the
applicable rates (generally @ 3-6%) on all items purchased by Government Departments, Boards and
Corporations for consumption or use under the Himachal Pradesh Tax on Entry of Goods under Local Area Act,
2010 vide notification No. EXN-F (10)-2/2010, Dated 14-10-2010 and its subsequent amendments from time to
time. The approved bidders will raise its bills directly in favour of NRTC, Parwanoo.
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Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Packing and Marking
The packing for the goods to be provided by the tenderer should be strong and durable enough to withstand,
without limitation, the entire journey during transit including trans-shipment (if any), rough handling, open
storage etc. without any damage, deterioration etc. As and if necessary, the size, weights and volumes of the
packing cases shall also take into consideration, the remoteness of the final destination of the goods and
availability or otherwise of transport and handling facilities at all points during transit up to final destination as
per the contract/ order.
20. Insurance:
The bidder shall make arrangements for insuring the goods against loss or damage incidental to manufacture or
acquisition, transportation, storage and delivery in the following manner: “the tenderer shall be responsible till
the entire stores/ equipments contracted for arrival in good condition at destination/consignee site. The transit
risk in this respect shall be covered by the Supplier by getting the stores duly insured. The insurance cover shall
be obtained by the Supplier and should be valid till 3 months after the receipt of goods by the Consignee. If the
equipment is not commissioned and handed over to the consignee within 45 days, the insurance will be got
extended by the tenderer at their cost till the successful installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of
the goods to the consignee.
Page 10 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
1. Prices
1.1. The price quoted shall be considered firm and no price escalation will be permitted.
1.2. The prices quoted should be on DAP(Delivery At Place - Destination laboratory) basis, including taxes & duties,
packing & forwarding, freight, insurance, customs clearance and allied charges till destination.
1.3. Bidder can only bid in INR only. The bidders outside India can only bid in INR for supply of items, installation,
commissioning and warranty of item at site. The supply of item during installation & commissioning & warranty at
site should also be quoted in INR.
1.4. The Indian representative can only bid in INR on be-half of their principals abroad, along with a document
authorising the representative to bid on behalf of the principle. In such case the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and
Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) from Indian representative (in INR) are acceptable.
1.5. In case of bids quoted by Indian representative, the bidder must provide the name and address of supplier abroad.
In this case the Purchase Order shall be placed and the Letter of Credit will be opened in the name of supplier
abroad only.
1.6. The bidder shall arrange to clear the consignment after following customs formalities in India and arrange to deliver
the consignment to the end user. The bidder may include the charges towards the customs clearance in India, local
transportation, loading / unloading charges and incidental charges. The responsibility, cost and risk of the
consignment rest with the bidder till receipt of goods is acknowledged by the end user. However, such receipt/
acknowledgement shall not be treated as acceptance of goods.
Software Licenses:
The software licenses, if any, shall be required in the name of user institute i.e. NRTC, Parwanoo. The licenses
shall contain paper licenses and at least one set of media (CDs).
Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG):
The successful bidder will be required to furnish the Performance Guarantee towards the item supplied, in the form
of a Bank Guarantee for the 5% amount of the Purchase Order value, as per the format attached to this document
(Refer Annexure – I). This bank guarantee shall remain valid for the entire period of warranty. The PBG can be in
INR only. However, the Performance Bank Guarantee must be negotiable at a branch of issuing bank in India. The
PBG from Indian distributor / representative is acceptable. In case of no warranty claims towards the item under
warranty, the PBG will be returned on completion of warranty period.
4. Completeness Responsibility:
Notwithstanding the scope of work, engineering, supply and services stated in bid document, any equipment or
material, engineering or technical services which might not be even specifically mentioned under the scope of
supply of the vendor and which are not expressly excluded there from but which – in view of the bidder - are
necessary for the performance of the equipment in accordance with the specifications are treated to be included in
the bid and has to be performed by bidder. The items which are over & above the scope of supply specified in the
Schedule of Requirements may be marked as “Optional Items”.
5. Warranty:
All the items covered in the schedule of requirements, shall carry minimum 3 (three) years on site comprehensive
warranty from the date of Installation & Commissioning. The bidder shall undertake to provide the installation and
warranty service at site. The repairing/ rectification/ replacement/ configuration required, if any, of the items under
warranty must be done within India only. These items shall not be allowed to be taken outside country for warranty
repairs. The bidder should submit along with the technical bid, the detailed plan for providing installation and
warranty services at site(s). The PBG will be released only after the submission of satisfactory performance
certificate issued by NRTC, Parwanoo after completion of warranty period.
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Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
6. Payments:
6.1 In case of orders in INR: 90% of the payment will be made against receipt of item at site and balance 10%
payment shall be made on successful installation & commissioning duly certified by user laboratory and against
submission of Performance Bank Guarantee as per Sr. No. 4 of Section III given above.
6.2 In case bidders outside India: 90% of the payment will be made against irrevocable Letter of Credit (LC). The
balance 10% payment will be made by sight draft on successful installation & commissioning of the item against
submission of Performance Bank Guarantee for 5% value of the purchase order, as per clause 4 of Section III
given above.
The bidder may opt for 100 % payment through Letter of Credit. In this case before opening of Letter of Credit, the
bidder will be required to submit the Performance Bank Guarantee for 10% value of the purchase order as given at
Sr. No. 4, Section III. This Performance Bank Guarantee shall remain valid for a period of 40 months (Delivery
period 4 months + warranty period 36 months). The Performance Bank Guarantee submitted by bidder’s Indian
office/ representative/ distributor will be acceptable.
The LC operating charges inside India will be to NRTC account. The LC operating charges outside India will be to
beneficiary account. The LC confirmation charges, if required, will be to beneficiary account.
7. Shipping Documents:
7.1For bidders outside India: Set of shipping documents is required.
The Air Way Bill / Despatch Note and Invoices shall be marked as given below:
Bill to:
(Name and Address of Bank)
A/c National Research & Technology Consortium
Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector – 1,
Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (H.P.) – 173220
Ship to (consignee):
National Research & Technology Consortium
Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector – 1,
Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (H.P.) – 173220
Tel/ Fax No.: +91-1792-233675
7.2 For bidder in India: Set of shipping documents is required.
The Air Way Bill / Despatch Note and Invoices shall be marked as given below:
Bill to:
National Research & Technology Consortium
Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector – 1,
Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (H.P.) – 173220
Ship to (consignee):
National Research & Technology Consortium
Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector – 1,
Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (H.P.) – 173220
Tel/ Fax No.: +91-1792-233675
Page 12 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
8. Penalty for delayed Delivery/ Services
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
NRTC reserves the right to levy penalty @ of 0.5% of order value per week of delay beyond the scheduled
deliveries / execution of the order successfully, subject to maximum of 5% of the order value.
NRTC reserves the right to cancel the order in case the delay is more than 10 weeks.
The delay in delivery and/ or installation if any, attributed to NRTC, will not be considered for penalties. This delay
may be due to reasons like delay in site preparation, submission of required documents etc. and the conditions
arising out of Force Majeure.
If NRTC decides to levy penalties, the selected bidder shall be liable to pay the same on demand and if he fails to
do so, the same shall be recovered from Performance Bank Guarantee or any other payment due to selected
9. Jurisdiction:
The disputes, legal matters, court matters, if any shall be subject to Solan jurisdiction only.
10. Force Majeure:
NRTC may consider relaxing the penalty and delivery requirements, as specified in this document, if and to the
extent that, the delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the contract/ order is the result
of an Force Majeure. Force Majeure is defined as an event of effect that cannot reasonably be anticipated such as
acts of God (like earthquakes, floods, storms etc.), acts of states / state agencies, the direct and indirect
consequences of wars (declared or undeclared), hostilities, national emergencies, civil commotion and strikes at
successful Bidder‟s premises or any other act beyond control of the bidder.
11. Arbitration:
All disputes/ claims of any kind arising out of supply, commissioning, acceptance, warranty maintenance etc under
this Contract/ Order, shall be referred by either party (NRTC or the bidder) after issuance of 30 days notice in writing
to the other party clearly mentioning the nature of dispute to the Sole Arbitrator appointed by NRTC. The venue for
arbitration shall be specified in the purchase order/agreement. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducting in
English and as per the provisions of Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The decision of the Arbitrator shall
be final and binding on both the parties.
12. Risk and Ownership:
Upon 90% of payment, NRTC shall become owners of goods ordered but all risks, responsibilities; liabilities thereof
in all goods shall remain with selected bidder till delivery of all goods to all end users. Part deliveries shall not be
treated as deliveries. Only full deliveries of all items ordered will be considered as delivery.
13. Indemnity:
Selected bidder shall save and indemnify and hold harmless NRTC from any third party claims and losses arising in
connection with this Contract/ Order.
14. Assignment:
Selected bidder/ Party shall not assign, delegate or otherwise deal with any of its rights or obligation under this
Contract/ Order without prior written permission of NRTC.
15. Severability:
If any provision of this Contract/ Order is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, it will be deemed to be modified
to the minimum extent necessary to be valid and enforceable. If it cannot be so modified, it will be deleted and the
deletion will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.
Page 13 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
SECTION IV – Schedule of Requirement
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Item No. 1(a) – Environmental Chamber
1) Temperature Range: -40˚C to 180 ˚C (Accuracy: ± 1 ºC);
2) RH Range: 10% to 98% (Accuracy: ± 3%);
3) Rate of temperature change: 1 ˚C per minute averaged over a period
not exceeding 5 minutes.
4) Temperature uniformity :±1 ˚C
5) RH uniformity : :±2%
6) Temp. Sensor: RTD;
7) Control Method: PID Control, Programmable through software
8) Display: LCD;
9) Working volume: 1000 mm x 1000 mm x 1000 mm ,
10) Power Supply: 240V AC+/- 10%,50Hz/ 415V+/-10%(3Phase)
11) Shelves: 2
12) Material: Stainless Steel grade 1.4301 (X5CrNi18-10/SUS304/ASI304)
13) Observation window with wiper : 450±50 mm (width) 600±50
14) Refrigeration unit (compressor Non-CFC) : Air/ Water cooled
refrigeration system to ensure long and continuous operation of up to
2000 hrs (minimum). In case of water-cooled system additional
equipment either chiller or cooling tower should be provided by the
supplier along with the system.
15) High/Low temperature safety device: should be specified as per relevant
16) Interior Illumination: Interior illumination with lamp and the switch to be
located outside.
17) Caster wheels: shall be provided made for easy movability of the
18) The air in the chamber should be stirred and the chamber should be so
designed that mist or condensed water will not precipitate on the test
Environmental Chamber shall conforms to :
i) IS 9002 (Part I) – 1977 (Chamber for cold test)
ii) IS 9002 (Part II) – 1977 (Chamber for dry heat test)
iii) IS 9002 (Part III) – 1979 (Humidity Chamber)
Environmental Chamber shall capable to carry out the test as per:
i) Cl. 10.2 of IS of IS 616: 2010
ii) Cl. 2.9.2 of IS 13252 (Part 1) : 2010
iii) IS 9000 (Part II/ Sec 1 to 4) :1977 & IEC 60068-2-1:2007
iv) IS 9000 (Part III/ Sec 1 to 5) :1977 & IEC 60068-2-14: 2009
v) IS 9000 (Part IV) 2008 & IEC 60068-2-78 : 2001
vi) IS 9000 (Part V) 1986 & IEC 60068-2-30 : 2005
Page 14 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Item No. 1(b) – Environmental Chamber
1) Temperature Range: -40˚C to 180 ˚C (Accuracy: ± 1 ºC);
2) RH Range: 10% to 98% (Accuracy: ± 3%);
3) Rate of temperature change: 1 ˚C per minute averaged over a period
not exceeding 5 minutes.
4) Temperature uniformity :±1 ˚C
5) RH uniformity : :±2%
6) Temp. Sensor: RTD;
7) Control Method: PID Control, Programmable through software
8) Display: LCD;
9) Working volume: 1500 mm x 1500 mm x 1500 mm ,
10) Power Supply: 240V AC+/- 10%,50Hz/ 415V+/-10%(3Phase)
11) Shelves: 2
12) Material: Stainless Steel grade 1.4301 (X5CrNi18-10/SUS304/ASI304)
13) Observation window with wiper : 450±50 mm (width) 600±50
14) Refrigeration unit (compressor Non-CFC) : Air/ Water cooled
refrigeration system to ensure long and continuous operation of up to
2000 hrs (minimum). In case of water-cooled system additional
equipment either chiller or cooling tower should be provided by the
supplier along with the system.
15) High/Low temperature safety device: should be specified as per relevant
16) Interior Illumination: Interior illumination with lamp and the switch to be
located outside.
17) Caster wheels: shall be provided made for easy movability of the
18) The air in the chamber should be stirred and the chamber should be so
designed that mist or condensed water will not precipitate on the test
Environmental Chamber shall conforms to :
i) IS 9002 (Part I) – 1977 (Chamber for cold test)
ii) IS 9002 (Part II) – 1977 (Chamber for dry heat test)
iii) IS 9002 (Part III) – 1979 (Humidity Chamber)
Environmental Chamber shall capable to carry out the test as per:
i) Cl. 10.2 of IS of IS 616: 2010
ii) Cl. 2.9.2 of IS 13252 (Part 1) : 2010
iii) IS 9000 (Part II/ Sec 1 to 4) :1977 & IEC 60068-2-1:2007
iv) IS 9000 (Part III/ Sec 1 to 5) :1977 & IEC 60068-2-14: 2009
v) IS 9000 (Part IV) 2008 & IEC 60068-2-78 : 2001
vi) IS 9000 (Part V) 1986 & IEC 60068-2-30 : 2005
Page 15 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Item No. 2 (a): Vibration Tester/ Generator (Electro-dynamic)
Rated Force : 1000 kgf
Frequency Range : 2 to 2000 Hz, extendable up to 5000 Hz,
Displacement : adjustable up to and including 35 mm (peak to peak),
Acceleration : adjustable up to and including 500 m/s2 ,
Sweep Rate – 1 Octave/min. Platform Size : 1000 mm x 1000 mm
Direction of Vibration – Vertical
Moving Assembly: The moving assembly shall be as light as possible.
Fundamental resonance shall be above the maximum frequency range for
which the system is designed on no load.
Cooling System: Air, water or oil cooling shall be employed to obtain full
rated force output. The cooling system for exciter should be air or oil. The
cooling system for amplifier should be air, water or oil.
Base: The base should be isolated completely. Trunion arrangement shall
be provided to rotate the exciter over at least 180˚ and to lock it in any
position in this range.
Stray Field: The stray field anywhere above the table surface shall be
limited to 2mT (20 Gauss). If the limit is less than 2 mT ( 20 Gauss ), the
required value shall be specified.
Built in Accelerometer: Suitable accelerometers shall be provided for
delivering control/reference signal for controlling the amplitude of vibration
Equipment shall conforms to:
IS 9002(Part V) - 1979 & IEC 60068-2-6: 2007.
Equipment shall be capable to carried out vibration test as per :
IS 616:2010 referred to IEC 60068-2-6 & IS 9000 (Part VIII) - 1981
Page 16 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Item No. 2 (b): Vibration Tester/ Generator (Electro-dynamic)
Rated Force : 600 kgf
Frequency Range : 2 to 2000 Hz, extendable up to 5000 Hz,
Displacement : adjustable up to and including 35 mm (peak to peak),
Acceleration : adjustable up to and including 500 m/s2 ,
Sweep Rate – 1 Octave/min. Platform Size : 800 mm x 800 mm
Direction of Vibration – Vertical
Moving Assembly: The moving assembly shall be as light as possible.
Fundamental resonance shall be above the maximum frequency range for
which the system is designed on no load.
Cooling System: Air, water or oil cooling shall be employed to obtain full
rated force output. The cooling system for exciter should be air or oil. The
cooling system for amplifier should be air, water or oil.
Base: The base should be isolated completely. Trunion arrangement shall
be provided to rotate the exciter over at least 180˚ and to lock it in any
position in this range.
Stray Field: The stray field anywhere above the table surface shall be
limited to 2mT (20 Gauss). If the limit is less than 2 mT ( 20 Gauss ), the
required value shall be specified.
Built in Accelerometer: Suitable accelerometers shall be provided for
delivering control/reference signal for controlling the amplitude of vibration
Equipment shall conforms to:
IS 9002(Part V) - 1979 & IEC 60068-2-6: 2007.
Equipment shall be capable to carried out vibration test as per :
IS 616:2010 referred to IEC 60068-2-6 & IS 9000 (Part VIII) - 1981
Item No. 3: Impulse Test Apparatus
Impulse voltage – 350 V to 12.3 kV;
Impulses – 1.2/ 50 µs (as per IS:2071 (part I);
The system performs transient voltages test as per various standards such
as IS, IEC etc.
Equipment shall be capable to carry out the test as per:
As per Cl. 13.3.4 of IS 616:2010 and Cl. 14 of IS 302-1:2008
Page 17 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Item No. 4 (a): Rain Test Chamber
Test Space Dimensions:(1000 x 1000 x 1000)mm
Drip Box and Spray Nozzle: Vertically falling drops of water, a drip tank shall
be provided.
Water flow rate of 1mm/min and 3mm/min can be adjusted by a flow control
A spray shower up to flow of 100l/min and a variable pressure of 50kPa to
150kPa shall be provided.
Two connector provisions shall be provided at 60° and 180° positions which
can be directed towards the specimen.
Rain Test Chamber shall conforms to IS/IEC 60529:2001
Equipment shall be capable to carried out test IPX1 to IPX6 as per IS/IEC
Item No. 4 (b): Rain Test Chamber
Test Space Dimensions:(1500 x 1500 x 1500)mm
Drip Box and Spray Nozzle: Vertically falling drops of water, a drip tank shall
be provided.
Water flow rate of 1mm/min and 3mm/min can be adjusted by a flow control
A spray shower up to flow of 100l/min and a variable pressure of 50kPa to
150kPa shall be provided.
Two connector provisions shall be provided at 60° and 180° positions which
can be directed towards the specimen.
Rain Test Chamber shall conforms to IS/IEC 60529:2001
Equipment shall be capable to carried out test IPX1 to IPX6 as per IS/IEC
Page 18 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Item No. 5 (a): IP Test Chamber (Dust)
Test Space Dimensions:(1000 x 1000 x 1000)mm
1) Blower motor shall be provided to spray the dust in the chamber. The
blower will suck the air from the bottom of the chamber and circulate
the dust through the hopper.
2) A wire mesh sieve of 50 microns dia and 75 microns gap shall be
provided for dust filtration.
3) Variable rpm blower motor shall be provided to control the required
dust circulation.
4) Vacuum port will be provided in the Test space which can be
connected through a flexible line to the test specimen.
5) A dust filter, Hand shut off valve and vacuum gauge will be provided.
Dust Test Chamber shall conforms to IS/IEC 60529:2001
Equipment shall be capable to carried out test IP5X to IP6X as per IS/IEC
Item No. 5 (b): IP Test Chamber (Dust)
Test Space Dimensions:(1500 x 1500 x 1500)mm
1) Blower motor shall be provided to spray the dust in the chamber. The
blower will suck the air from the bottom of the chamber and circulate
the dust through the hopper.
2) A wire mesh sieve of 50 microns dia and 75 microns gap shall be
provided for dust filtration.
3) Variable rpm blower motor shall be provided to control the required
dust circulation.
4) Vacuum port will be provided in the Test space which can be
connected through a flexible line to the test specimen.
5) A dust filter, Hand shut off valve and vacuum gauge will be provided.
Dust Test Chamber shall conforms to IS/IEC 60529:2001
Equipment shall be capable to carried out test IP5X to IP6X as per IS/IEC
Page 19 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Item No 6 (a): Power Analyser (3-phase)
Specifications 1. Measurement (Line): Single-phase 2-wire, Single phase 3-wire, Three-phase
3-wire, Three-phase 4-wire
2. Vrms (AC + DC) – 1V to 1000 V phase to neutral, Resolution- 0.01 V,
Accuracy ± 0.1% of nominal voltage
3. Vpk - 1 Vpk to 1400 Vpk , Resolution – 1 V, Accuracy – 5% of nominal
4. Voltage Crest Factor – 1.0>2.8, Resolution -0.01, Accuracy ± 5%
5. Amps (AC+DC) – 500 mA to 6000 A, Resolution – 0.1 to 1 A, Accuracy ±0.5%
± 5 counts
6. Apk – 8400 Apk, Resolution – 1 Arms, Accuracy - ±5%
7. Power- watts (VA, var) – max 6000 MW, Resolution 0.1 W to 1 MW, Accuracy
±1%±10 counts.
8. Power Factor – 0 to 1, Resolution – 0.001, Accuracy ±0.1% @ nominal load
9. Energy (kWh, kVAh, kvarh) , Resolution depends on clamp scaling and V
nominal, Accuracy - ±1% ±10 counts
10. Hz – 40 to 70 Hz, Resolution – 0.01 Hz, Accuracy ±0.01 Hz
11. Measurement of High-order harmonic component (voltage/current)
12. Measurement of Total harmonic distortion factor (voltage/current); Harmonics
(voltage, current, power, voltage-current phase difference) up to 50th order,
Inter harmonic (voltage/current): 0.5th to 49.5th order
13. Phase Angle -360˚ to +0˚
14. Frequency Measurement
15. Flicker (Pst/ Plt) measurement
16. Crest Factor Measurement
17. Inrush current measurement
18. Operating Temperature - 0˚C to +50˚C
Page 20 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Item No 6 (b) : Power Analyser (Single-phase)
1. Measurement (Line): Single-phase 2-wire,
2. Vrms (AC + DC) – 1V to 1000 V phase to neutral, Resolution- 0.01 V,
Accuracy ± 0.1% of nominal voltage
3. Vpk - 1 Vpk to 1400 Vpk , Resolution – 1 V, Accuracy – 5% of nominal
4. Voltage Crest Factor – 1.0>2.8, Resolution -0.01, Accuracy ± 5%
5. Amps (AC+DC) – 500 mA to 6000 A, Resolution – 0.1 to 1 A, Accuracy
±0.5% ± 5 counts
6. Apk – 8400 Apk, Resolution – 1 Arms, Accuracy - ±5%
7. Power- watts (VA, var) – max 6000 MW, Resolution 0.1 W to 1 MW,
Accuracy ±1%±10 counts.
8. Power Factor – 0 to 1, Resolution – 0.001, Accuracy ±0.1% @ nominal
load conditions
9. Energy (kWh, kVAh, kvarh) , Resolution depends on clamp scaling and V
nominal, Accuracy - ±1% ±10 counts
10. Frequency– 10 Hz to 15 kHz, Resolution – 0.01 Hz to 0.01 kHz, Accuracy
0.5% of reading + 2 counts
11. Measurement of High-order harmonic component (voltage/current)
12. Measurement of Total harmonic distortion factor (voltage/current);
Harmonics (voltage, current, power, voltage-current phase difference) up
to 50th order, Inter harmonic (voltage/current): 0.5th to 49.5th order
13. Phase Angle -360˚ to +0˚
14. Crest Factor Measurement
15. Flicker (Pst/ Plt) measurement
16. Inrush current measurement
17. Operating Temperature - 0˚C to +50˚C
Item No 7: Ionization Meter/ Dose Rate Meter
Range – 1 µR/h to 10000 µR/h (should have minimum three linear ranges
Low, Medium & High)
Data Storage – upto 100 data readings
Display – LCD display
Sensitivity – 1 µR/h
Mechanical Construction – Meter should be light weight not more than 2 kg,
portable & handy.
Input Power – should be battery operated.
Instrument shall be capable to measurement of ionizing radiation as per Cl. 6.1
of IS 616:2010/ IEC 60065: 2005 and Cl. 4.3.13 & Annex H of IS 13252 (Part
1): 2010/ IEC 60950-1:2005.
Page 21 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Item No 8 : UPS 30 kVA
Rating (kVA/ watts) : 30 kVA/ 27 kW at 0.9 pF
General Specifications:
UPS Topology : On line double conversion
In/Out phase Configuration : Three phase-Three phase
Neutral : Neutral Passing through
Output wave form on mains run : Sinusoidal
Output wave form on battery run : Sinusoidal
Bypass type: Static and elettromechanic
Transfer time: Zero
Back-up – 2 hrs
Input :
Nominal Voltage : 400 V three phase / 230V single phase
Voltage range: -20% +15%
Frequency Range : 45 to 55 Hz
Output with mains (AC-AC)
Nominal voltage : 400 V three phase
Nominal power : 30 kVA
Active power : 27 kW
Voltage variation (static) :± 1%
Voltage variation (dynamic 0-100%; 100-0%) : ± 1%
THDv on nominal power (linear load): < 0,5 %
THDv on nominal power (not linear load P.F.=0,7) :< 1 %
Frequency : 50 Hz ±1%
Frequency tolerance: Synchronized with input frequency or ± 1% free run
Current Crest Factor :3:1 accordingly with IEC 62040-3
Overload capability:
• 5 min : 125% load rate with no bypass intervention
• 30 sec: 150% load rate with no bypass intervention
Output in battery Run (DC-AC)
Nominal voltage :400 V three phase
Nominal power : 30 kVA
Active power : 27 kW
Voltage variation (static) : ± 1%
Voltage variation (dynamic 0-100%; 100-0%): ± 1%
THDv on nominal power (linear load): < 0,5 %
THDv on nominal power (not linear load P.F.=0,7) :< 1 %
Frequency : 50 Hz ± 1%
Frequency tolerance : ± 1% free run
Current Crest Factor : 3:1 accordingly with IEC 62 040-3
Overload capability:
• 5 min : 125% load rate with no bypass intervention
• 30 sec: 125% load rate with no bypass intervention
Page 22 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Type : Lead Acid, sealed, free maintenance VRLA
Nominal UPS Battery Voltage : 240 Volt DC
Battery charger type: PWM hi efficiency, one in each power module
Charging Cycle : Intelligent with boost charge and advanced management
Make : Panasonic, Exide, Amaron, Luminous, Quanta
Battery Cabinet: Matching with UPS cabinet.
Short Circuit , Surge/Spikes, DC under voltage, Discharge Protection ,
Overload Protection
Display Type
LCD panel for display should be provided
UPS Status , Battery Status, Overload , Bypass Mode
Main Failure, Low Battery
Other Features
The UPS should support generators, UPS should have cold start feature.
Environmental specs
Noise level @ 1m : 42 - 46 dBA
Working temperature range : from 0°C to +50°C
Stock temperature range : from -20°C to +50°C (excluded batteries)
Humidity range : 20-80% not condensing
Protection degree : IP21
In addition to above, the vendor shall comply with the following requirements:
1. The Vendor shall provide all essential accessories including cables etc.
2. Vendor shall provide maintenance services for 5 years (at least) as part of final purchase contract. Bidder to
mention the Maintenance Charge separately in their Bids. However, NRTC Parwanoo shall disburse the
Maintenance Charges on annual basis.
3. The Vendor shall demonstrate the proper operation of the equipments and provide proper training for operation
and maintenance of the equipment.
4. Vendor must ensure after sales service and availability of spare parts for at least 10 years.
5. Vendor shall submit catalogues, detailed specifications and schematic drawing of the equipments in the set-up,
along with the Bid.
6. Software, Instruction manual (User Manual) and calibration report should be provided at the time of delivery of
the equipment.
7. Vendor shall provide 3 years warranty for all components of the system.
Page 23 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
Important Notes:
1. If in the opinion of bidder, for proper functioning and /or effective use of the item from Schedule of Requirements,
any additional material / components are required, the prices for same should also be quoted along with the
respective item.
2. The scope of this tender includes the supply and successful installation and commissioning of the items mentioned
in Schedule of Requirements, at NRTC, Parwanoo. The prices quoted should be inclusive of charges if any, for
assembly, integration, installation, testing, calibration certification etc for the respective item(s).
3. For successful installation and commissioning of items at site, the requirements, if any from NRTC should be
mentioned clearly in the technical bid.
4. The bidder may quote in INR only.
5. Bids with supply of equipment and for installation & commissioning services etc. are in INR only.
6. Technical bid should contain additional items proposed by bidder for successful completion of project and
satisfactory performance of all equipments. Item(s) not mentioned in technical bid can not be quoted in
price/financial bid.
7. The calibration certificates should be provided for all measuring devices and system with NABL logo.
8. Manuals: Detailed manual for operation and Maintenance of the equipment should be supplied. These manuals
should be in the form of hard (printed) copy in English Language as well as in electronic storage form disc /pen drive
9. The installation, commissioning & trials (to demonstrate proper functioning) with modules shall be the responsibility
of the supplier (or their local agent)
10. Preference shall be given to the suppliers who have their local service centre/ agents in India.
11. Quotation should also be provided for regular maintenance contract after warranty period. (for further two years after
warranty period of three years).
12. The suppliers should indicate whether they can provide onsite calibration service of devices used in the equipment
subsequent to the warranty period.
13. Spares: In view of the desired continuous running of the equipment for a period of up to 50 days at a stretch the
requirement of spares is inevitable. In order to avoid the logistic problems involved in procuring the spares in time It
is necessary that in addition to normal free spares supplied with the equipment supplier to provide list and addresses
of the source for such spares). Suppliers/ manufacturer recommended spares (with price list) for 2 years continuous
running of the module should also be supplied along with the equipment.
14. Exterior dimensions of the system along with the space required for operating it should be specified in the offer.
15. Comprehensive training on operation, maintenance and general servicing should be provided.
16. Equipment should be delivered to the laboratory in semi knock – down condition. Components and sub-assemblies
should be sent in separately packed conditions so that these can be easily taken in to the laboratory and thereafter
17. Warranty: 3 years form the date of acceptance of installation.
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Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
(on manufacturer’s letterhead)
S. No.
(if any)
Total (in words) _______________________________________________________________________________
This price bid format is indicative; bidders may quote for additional items, if any required for
successful completion of entire project/ all activities.
All the commercial terms and conditions of supply must be submitted along with the Technical Bid only.
The discounts, if any, must be mentioned at the row/ column mentioned above and no where else.
For M/s (Name of the manufacturer)
Signature & company seal Name
Mobile No.
Page 25 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
(on manufacturer’s letterhead)
The Director,
National Research & Technology Consortium,
Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector – 1,
Parwanoo, Distt: Solan (H.P.) - 173220
I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the Tender Document No.
NRTC-01/2015 regarding supply, installation, testing & commissioning of equipments for testing of
Electronics & Information Technology goods as per Indian Safety Standards at National Research &
Technology Consortium (NRTC), Parwanoo. I declare that all the provisions of this Tender
Document are acceptable to my Company. I further certify that I am an authorised signatory of my
company and am, therefore, competent to make this declaration.
Yours Truly,
Name: ______________________
Designation: _________________
Company: ___________________
Address: _____________________
Page 26 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015
(An Autonomous Institute set up by the State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of HP)
Centre for Analysis, Calibration and Testing
(An NABL Accredited Laboratory in calibration & Testing)
Deptt. of industries complex, Sector-1, Parwanoo – 173 220 (HP)
Phone/Fax: 91-1792-233675, Email: nrtcpwn@gmail.com
C-0456,C-0457,C-0484, T-3361
(on manufacturer’s letterhead)
National Research & Technology Consortium
Deptt. of Industries Complex, Sector – 1,
Parwanoo, Distt: Solan (H. P.) – 173 220
Manufacturer authorisation against tender no. NRTC-01/2015.
Dear Sir,
We, M/s (Name of the manufacturer) having registered office at (address of the manufacturer) hereby virtue of being
manufacturer for (Name of the product/s), hereby authorise M/s (Name of the bidder) having their office at (Address of
bidder) to submit quote, negotiate, supply, install and provide after sales support for our range of products quoted by
them to meet the above mentioned tender requirements.
M/s (Name of the manufacturer) within the scope of requirement as per the tender mentioned above through its
authorised partner M/s (Name of the bidder) shall provide support & product warranty services for a minimum period of
three years form the date of supply.
The undersigned is authorised to issue such authorisation on behalf of M/s (Name of the manufacturer).
For M/s (Name of the manufacturer)
Signature & company seal Name
Designation e-mail
Mobile No.
Page 27 of 27
Tender No. : NRTC – 01/2015