Guidance Notes - Ageing Research Awards (


Guidance Notes - Ageing Research Awards (
Research Awards on Ageing
Guidance Notes, June 2015
(Updated 19 June 2015)
This awards programme is co-funded by The Atlantic Philanthropies and The Health
Service Executive (Health and Wellbeing Division).
Purpose of the Research Awards
Overview of the Application Process
Value of Awards
9 -10
Who Can Apply?
The Application Form:
Snapshot of the Proposal
Research Team and Environment
Project Proposal
13 -15
Project Management and
16 - 18
Governance Structures
Declaration and Signatures
What else do I need to know?
19 - 21
The Budget/Breakdown of Proposed
Expenses (Appendix 1)
The Collaborator Agreement Form
24 - 25
(Appendix 2)
The Infrastructure Agreement Form
26 - 27
(Appendix 3)
The Project Management GANTT
Chart (Appendix 4)
What is the purpose of these Research Awards?
The population in Ireland is increasing and people are living longer. The
Central Statistics Office (CSO) has indicated that the number of people aged
65 years and over will increase to at least 850,000 by 2026. Our increasing
life expectancy and thus our increasing ageing population is a success story
for our population and health system. Maintaining and improving quality of life,
as we age and live longer is essential. There is no universal definition of what
healthy ageing constitutes but there is general agreement that it involves
more than just physical or functional health.
Current evidence suggests that
interconnected social, economic and environmental factors can have an
impact on the health and wellbeing of older people.
Multidisciplinary ageing research to date has primarily been dominated by the
biomedical model of ageing internationally, including biogerontology such as
biomedicine and genetics. Over the last number of years the Island of Ireland
has gained recognition for its excellence in ageing research with academic
institutions increasingly recognising it as a growing area of research.
number of leading longitudinal ageing studies have been established North
and South. Research has been carried out in many areas including cognitive
and physical deterioration, social participation and economic inequalities,
cultural trends, work and retirement related issues. These developments are
essential for evidence based research to better inform policies and
programmes, allowing older people to live happier and more fulfilled lives and
to age with dignity.
On the part of the Irish Government, the publication of the National Positive
Ageing Strategy (NPAS) in 2013, promotes a vision of active and healthy
ageing underpinned by four Goals, one of which is to ‘support and use
research about people as they age to better inform policy responses to
population ageing in Ireland’. In order to provide the best possible and most
cost effective health service, it is essential that decision making within the
Health Service Executive (HSE) is based on high quality and up-to-date
evidence. As such, the HSE recognises the value of undertaking research,
with research identified as a key component of the ‘Healthy Ireland’ policy
framework document for improved health and wellbeing. The aim of these
research awards is to promote and sustain the use of research and evidence
to inform policy and practices in ageing.
Objectives of the Research Awards Fund:
This Research Awards Fund will seek to support high quality research
projects in relation to positive and healthy ageing. The awards scheme aims
to fund rigorous, high quality research that will:
1. Promote original and innovative ideas in the area of healthy and active
2. Provide evidence that is of direct relevance to policy makers / service
providers / service users and key decision makers in the field of
3. Support capacity building for career researchers who have the potential
to develop as future independent researchers in the area of ageing and
encourage research institutions across Ireland to access research
funding, expand their research agenda and impact in the area of
ageing research.
4. Encourage and promote multidisciplinary / interdisciplinary / cross
sectoral research teams to work in collaboration to build upon existing
and develop new research in ageing.
5. Engage and value the contribution of older people in delivering
research ideas and outputs relevant to policy and practice.
Scope of the call:
There has been a wide range of multidisciplinary research conducted on
ageing across Ireland. Until recently this primarily focused on the biomedical
model of ageing; however the focus has expanded to include a number of
broader factors. Despite this growing body of research there are a number of
areas which remain underdeveloped. Submissions are invited for research
under the following research themes:
1. Participation
2. Health and Wellbeing
3. Security.
Participation: Older people will continue to make a productive contribution to
society in both paid and unpaid activities if the labour market, employment,
education and social policies support their full participation in activities. These
activities include socioeconomic, cultural and spiritual activities and it is
important it is in accordance to their basic human rights, capacities, needs
and preferences. It is evident that employment options differ as we age, and
there is a possibility of ageism in the workforce. Ageism can exist throughout
the entire life course.
Retirement can have both positive and negative
impacts on individuals and their families. Disabilities increase as we age and
this may impact participation of ageing populations in community and social
networks. People with intellectual disabilities are living longer and their needs
as they age need to be explored.
Furthermore education and extended
lifelong learning can be developed in older people. Participation encompasses
formal and informal opportunities for volunteering and the need to address the
individual requirements of older people. This can be facilitated by age friendly
built environments. It is also important to gain knowledge on how to enable
older people to fully engage with their families and society to help reduce
loneliness, facilitate independent living and avoid social exclusion. Access to
transport especially in rural areas is also an important element to support
participation in local communities. As our population grows with more diverse
cultural populations there is a need for a better understanding of the links
between culture and socio-economic development in our ageing ethnic
Health and Wellbeing: People will enjoy a longer quantity and quality of life
when risk factors (both environmental and behavioural) for chronic diseases
and functional decline are minimised while protective factors are maximised.
It is important to help people to stay healthy and well, reduce health
inequalities and protect people from threats to their health and wellbeing. This
theme includes elements such as disease prevention, early detection and
self-care of long term conditions promoting healthy lifestyles and positive
mental health. In addition it relates to quality and access to health care in the
most appropriate setting for older patients who may have multiple morbidities.
There have been significant advances in technological development to
support prevention and self care facilitating independent living for as long as
possible. Transitional care, assisted living and the health and wellbeing of
carers are also examples of relevant areas.
Security: Older people are assured of protection, dignity and care in the
event that they are no longer able to support and protect themselves when
policies and programmes address the social, financial and physical security
needs of people as they age. In addition families and communities must be
supported in efforts to care for their older members. This theme considers the
financial, social and physical security needs of people as they age. Financial
security may include elements relating to adequate material resources,
adequate pension funds, coupled with the impact of recent funding cuts.
Physical and social security may address physical frailties and social security
for senior generations to address issues such as poverty, elder abuse, fear of
attack in their own homes and violent crime. Good quality housing suitable for
people as they age, safe and accessible public facilities and services are also
relevant examples which greatly enhance quality of life and independence.
These awards seek to fund de novo and original research, however
applications which propose analysis of existing datasets will be considered.
Overview of the Application Process
Key dates and times:
Call Announcement
29 May 2015
Expression of Interest Deadline
8 July 2015 (by 5pm)
Application Submission Deadline
11 September 2015 (by 5pm)
Step 1. The Application
The following documentation is required to successfully submit a research
1. Expression of Interest Form
2. The Completed Application Form
3. The Budget / Breakdown of Proposed Expenses (Appendix 1)
4. The Collaborator Agreement Form (Appendix 2)
5. The Infrastructure Agreement Form (Appendix 3)
6. The Project Management Gantt Chart (Appendix 4)
7. Host Institution / Organisation letter of support and stamp of
8. Ethical approval (if required)
9. Brief CV for the Principal Investigator and all Co-Investigators (Max.
one page).
Applicants are permitted to act as a Principal Investigator on one project only,
but can act as Co-Investigators on multiple applications.
Proposals and supporting documentation must be submitted as a single PDF
to: For example, Smith_Health Service Executive_ 11 September
Applicants are strongly encouraged to leave plenty of time to complete the
application form, the supporting documents and to obtain the required
Step 2. Submission Criteria
All proposals require an Expression of Interest Form to be completed
and submitted by the deadline.
Only proposals which have been formally authorised and stamped by
the authorised signatory for the host institution / organisation and
received prior to the submission deadline will be considered for
Proposals will be screened by the HSE Health and Wellbeing Research
Awards Team to check that they are complete and comply in
accordance with the guidance notes.
Proposals that exceed the page / word count limits the additional
information will not be read by the reviewers.
Reviewers will be identified from a panel of experts with a record of
achievement and relevant experience in a specific subject area.
Proposals will be evaluated using evaluation criteria as outlined below.
Step 3. Evaluation / Assessment Criteria
The selection of proposals for funding will be made in an open and
transparent manner managed by an external panel of experts who have been
furnished with the following set of criteria:
Quality of the application (60%)
This includes the scientific quality, original and innovative ideas, relevance
and impact on national priorities in healthy and positive ageing and financial
plan of the proposal.
Expertise and research environment (20%)
This includes the infrastructure, expertise, experience and appropriateness of
the team to conduct the piece of research.
Knowledge management (10%)
This includes knowledge translation, transfer and dissemination.
Stakeholder, inter / multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaborations
This includes the involvement of higher education institutions, service
providers, public, non-profit voluntary, charity and community sectors, the
inter / multidisciplinary participation and the degree to which these
engagements will bring new perspectives.
Selection will be made based on the quality and excellence of the proposal. It
is anticipated there will be one award per theme depending on the quality of
proposals. There will not be an interview stage. Confidentiality is paramount
in the reviewing process. The identity of reviewers will remain confidential,
anonymous and evaluation of summary reports will be issued to the Principal
Investigator on conclusion of the review process. Results will be announced in
late November 2015.
Value of Awards
There is a total of €300,000 available in this first call. It is anticipated that up
to three awards will be made with the exact number depending on the quality
of applications. Proposals with matched funding from other sources will be
considered. The timeframe of the project should last at least 12 months and
no longer than 24 months. Once the amount of the award has been agreed,
no further requests for funding will be accepted during the first awards round.
Funding WILL cover:
 Staff: Salary costs for a researcher / support staff employed
specifically for the project (including salary, employer’s PRSI and
employer’s pension contribution).
 Training: Relevant training courses / workshops for funded research
 Consumables: The maximum amount permitted for equipment during
the lifetime of the award is €2000. Materials (stationery etc.),
transcribing and dissemination costs are also considered consumables.
 Travel: Travel for participants to undertake field work, attend
conferences / workshops to disseminate research findings. It is
recommended that at least one national and one international event be
attended for dissemination purposes.
 Overhead contributions: A contribution to overheads of 30% of total
direct costs is allowed for each research project funded under the HSE
awards programme or 25% for desk based research.
 Other: Additional categories may be added as ‘other’, providing a clear
description of what the funding will be used for, for instance data
collection or other similar costs.
Funding will NOT cover:
 Stipends and fees for Masters or PhD degrees; and
 Salary costs of applicants on full time university contracts.
Payment of the award will be made to the host institution / organisation.
Who can apply?
Applications may be submitted by individuals or groups from higher education
institutions, service providers, public, non-profit voluntary, charity and
community sectors. The track record of the Principal Investigator and team
members will be taken into account. Applicants must clearly demonstrate their
breadth and depth of expertise in the relevant areas in order to successfully
deliver the proposed project.
The Application Form
All sections of the application form must be completed
Do not exceed the word / page limits
Maximum font of Arial 11
Please complete the application form in language that is succinct
and comprehensible to a non-expert or lay person
Please make sure any abbreviations used are fully explained
Electronic signatures are permitted
(Boxes 1-3 of the Application Form)
The proposed research topic should be clear and concise reflecting the
research aim. This title should remain consistent in all correspondence
relating to the project. Please keep the title as concise as possible and
highlight if you have received any matched funding from another funding
body. If so, please highlight the amount. Matched funding can be any
percentage of the overall award. A letter of evidence will be required for
shortlisted proposals with matched funding.
(Boxes 4-14 of the Application Form)
The Principal Investigator
The Principal Investigator will be responsible for the overall management and
delivery of the project and should be an appropriately experienced researcher
with experience relevant to the proposed study. Specifically, the Principal
Investigator must:
 Hold a post that will cover the duration of the research award in a
recognised organisation or higher education institutions in Ireland
(North or South).
 Demonstrate relevant employment history in the area of research within
the last five years.
 Provide their five “most impactful” publications in peer-reviewed
journals in the last five years.
 Provide evidence of all research income received in the past five years
(January 2009 - December 2014), outlining their specific role.
The Co-Investigators
The Co-Investigators will play a substantial role in the management and
delivery of the project. There may be up to three Co-Investigators involved in
the proposal. They will significantly contribute towards the management and
leadership of the project, making a major intellectual contribution to the design
and delivery of the project:
The Co-Investigators must:
 Demonstrate relevant employment history within the last five years.
 Provide their five “most impactful” publications in peer-reviewed
journals in the last five years.
 Provide evidence of all research income received in the last five
years (January 2009 - December 2014), outlining their specific role.
Consideration should be given to the project management, governance
arrangements and any issues relating to intellectual property and data access
when involving Co-Investigators.
The Collaborators
Collaborators will play an advisory role in the proposed research and can
involve personnel from higher education institutions, service providers, public
Collaborators may provide access to data, training or may act in an advisory
capacity, and they will be required to provide details in the application form of
their involvement, including:
 The role they will play in the project
 The expertise / value they will bring to the project
 How their role will benefit the project
 The possible relevance and benefits of the proposed work to the
In addition, the objectives of the collaboration, any potential conflicts of
interest or any restrictions on knowledge transfer and/or dissemination of the
results of this project arising out of the collaboration are addressed in the
Collaborator Agreement Form (Appendix 2). Up to five collaborators may
be included in the proposal. Each collaborator is required to sign the
Collaborator Agreement Form, which is available to download from the
website as part of the application process. Consideration should be given to
the project management, governance arrangements and any issues relating
to intellectual property and data access when involving collaborators.
Infrastructure and Support
Please indicate any additional resources to be sought. This should include
human, technical and administrative support with reference to the host
institution / organisation which will directly support the project. Also include
research network(s) and any other details of where research will be
conducted. Where you intend to use existing research networks in the
development of this funding proposal, please provide details on the nature of
the engagement and of the higher education institutions you are likely to
engage with, in particular those based outside of Ireland. An Infrastructure
Agreement Form (Appendix 3) must be completed and approved by your
host institution / organisation. The host institution / organisation letter of
support must be provided by the Principal Investigator. (Max. half a page).
(Boxes 15-27 of the Application Form)
Summary of the current knowledge and the research deficit
that is being addressed
This section should clearly describe the background literature to the research,
outlining the nature of the research to be addressed, understanding the issues
and their impacts on the Irish Ageing Population including current gaps in
existing research and how this research will address an evidence gap.
Previous feasibility studies can be included. A maximum of 30 references
may be provided. (Max. two pages (excluding references)).
Project Abstract
Please provide a synopsis of the proposal to include the background, aim,
objectives, methodology, results of feasibility studies if available and potential
policy and practice implications. (Max. 200 words).
Aim of Project
This should reflect the overall aim of the project and what the project is going
to achieve. (Max. 100 words).
Objectives should be measureable, e.g. SMART - specific, measurable,
achievable, realistic and within the proposed timeframe of the project. (Max.
200 words).
A key deliverable should be produced from each objective. These
deliverables will be used to monitor the progress of the project. (Max. one
Design and Methodological Approach
Outline the proposed methodological approach. This section must contain
sufficient information presented in a logical way, for those reviewing the
research to be able to understand what is being proposed and how and when
it will be carried out. Clearly outline the feasibility of the study, the rationale
and appropriateness of the study design and research methods. Include
details on the study participants, sample size and data collection methods and
data analysis plan. Qualitative / mixed methods research studies are
welcome. (Max. three pages).
Stakeholder, inter / multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral
Please indicate how you will develop productive stakeholder interactions and
inter/multidisciplinary research that cuts across sectors. Include the benefits
of the collaborations (Max. half a page).
Risks and challenges
Outline the potential risks, challenges and obstacles in conducting the
proposed research and how you intend to address and overcome them. (Max.
half a page).
Relevance and potential impact
Outline the relevance and potential impact of the proposed research with
reference to the appropriate theme related to this call. (Max. one page).
Knowledge Management
Please outline the plan for knowledge management including knowledge
translation and knowledge transfer and dissemination. This should include
how the research will be disseminated, cognisance of the various audiences
whom you need to target in order for results to have an impact. Describe your
plans for knowledge exchange e.g. relevant policy documents, presentations
and conferences, peer-reviewed publications, non peer-reviewed publications,
leaflets, toolkits, media engagement including local and national media, social
media, e.g. youtube, twitter, Facebook, podcasts, blogs and smart phone
applications. (Max. half a page).
Ethical Approval
Indicate if the proposal requires ethical approval. If so, indicate whether this
has been applied for and the name of the organisation / institution where the
application has been submitted. Where ethical approval has been granted
please attach relevant documentation. In the case of successful applications,
funds may not be awarded if ethical approval is necessary and has not been
granted. Please note it is the responsibility of the host institution / organisation
to ensure that all ethical and legal requirements are met.
Please outline your approach to the ethical considerations and how you intend
to address them. (Max. half a page).
Data protection
Please outline how your study complies with national data protection
legislation. (Max. half a page).
(Box 28 of the Application Form)
Project Management
Outline governance structures that will be required to enable the effective
delivery of this project. This should include project management and
budgetary elements. Appendix 4 - Project Management GANTT Chart
should be completed outlining work packages, tasks, deliverables and
timelines. (Max. one page). A budget breakdown is also required.
Appendix 1, The Budget/Breakdown of Proposed Expenses.
A cost schedule in EURO is required for each of the different components of
the project that this research award is funding, see Appendix 1 - The
Budget/Breakdown of Proposed Expenses. If matched funding applies to
your proposal please provide details of the following: 1) what is the total cost
of delivering the project; and 2) what work packages from the overall project
will be funded through this research award.
It is strongly recommended that you seek advice from the research and
finance office of the host organisation when completing the budget. The
amount requested should reflect the scale of your proposed research. The
HSE will not provide additional funding in the case of underestimates or over
expenditure. Reviewers will take into account the level of funding requested
and the timeframe of the proposed research. Applicants must ensure that
their budget calculations are correct and adhere to the eligible costs
highlighted below.
Staff costs must be outlined for each salaried member of staff involved in the
project and include the gross annual salary. Please provide a succinct
justification of all staff outlined. The Principal Investigator should discuss this
with the research / finance office including an employee pension contribution
as agreed with the host institution. Outline the pay scale and level of
appointment on the salary scale. The employer’s PRSI contribution is
calculated at 10.75% of the gross salary. The pension contribution will be a
maximum of 20% of the gross salary, and should be in line with the host
institutions policy for contract staff.
For funded research personnel please detail any relevant training courses /
workshops to be attended. Such courses / workshops should be relevant to
the role and level of the personnel appointed. Funding for any equipment
should also be included. The maximum amount permitted for equipment
during the lifetime of the award is €2000. Materials (stationery etc.),
transcribing and dissemination costs are also considered consumables. All
costs must be inclusive of VAT where appropriate.
Outline any travel costs for participants to undertake field work, attend
conferences / workshops to disseminate research findings. It is recommended
that at least one national and one international event be attended to
disseminate results.
Where possible please provide the details of any
conferences to be attended (name of conference, venue and date).
A contribution to overheads of 30% of total direct costs is allowed for each
research project funded under the HSE awards programme or 25% of direct
costs for desk-based research. Overhead contributions include recruitment
costs, bench fees, office space, software, waste fees etc. Direct costs exclude
student fees, equipment and capital building costs.
If a re-allocation of the budget is required between budget categories, this
should not exceed 10% of the overall budget. Requests should be made in
writing and sent to the Strategic Research Officer.
Roles and responsibilities of team members
(Boxes 29-34 of the Application Form)
Outline the roles and responsibilities of team members:
The Principal Investigator (Max. half a page)
Co- Investigators (Max. half a page)
Collaborators (Max. 100 words per collaborator)
This section should describe the personnel involved in the project and the
tasks they will be responsible for managing.
This should include: (1) the
number of days each person will dedicate to the project and (2) the schedule
of team meetings to monitor and record progress. Issues with people
management should be highlighted and a coping strategy should be outlined
where necessary.
Personnel newly recruited through the award
Where you have identified a candidate or candidates (s) to undertake this
work, please include a curriculum vita for each candidate. (Max. one page).
Where you have not identified a candidate for the post, please supply a job
description (Max. half a page). Indicate the % of time commitment for each
newly hired candidate and define their role in the project.
(Boxes 35 and 36 of the Application Form)
Applications must be endorsed by the authorised signatory (Dean of
Research or equivalent person) authorised to endorse research grant
applications for the host institution / organisation (Box 35). Signatures will be
required from the Principal Investigator, EACH Co-Investigator and EACH
collaborator (Box 36). Electronic signatures are permitted and forms must be
(Box 37 of the Application Form)
Please list references in Harvard style cited with respect to the proposed
research. (Max. 30 references).
What else do I need to know?
Governance of Awardees
In order to monitor award spend, and to understand what impact the research
funding is having, information will be required from the successful award
holders on a regular basis, as outlined:
Progress report on
By Principal Investigator or
Six months from
development of project
nominated Co-Investigator
of project
Mid-point progress report
By Principal Investigator or
12/18 months
nominated Co-Investigator
of project
Published final
Principal Investigator /
report with
Research Team
Project end
standardised HSE
Policy briefing paper
A summary report
for the HSE website
and public
Presentation to
HaPAI steering
All members of the team should agree the contents of reports in advance of
submission. Please build reporting mechanisms into the GANTT chart (See
Appendix 4 – Project Management GANTT Chart). If clarification or
additional support is sought on particular areas, this will be requested by the
Strategic Research Officer from the Principal Investigator.
Project extension
If a project extension is needed, the Principal Investigator should request an
extension from the HSE as soon as possible. This should be made in writing
to the Strategic Research Officer.
No additional budget will be provided for
extended periods.
Project termination
In the event that the project has to be terminated partially or completely, only
eligible costs incurred up until the termination date will be reimbursed.
Final review
In the situation where the final report is not consistent with peer reviewed
standard, further work will be requested in order to achieve the desired
Acknowledgement of funding
All publicity should contain funders logos, including for instance, print
materials, public lectures, websites, press releases, policy papers and so on,
arising from research conducted that was directly funded by the award. A
formal acknowledgement on journal publications must state the details of the
funding support received from the HSE.
Contact details
Please email with any queries about applying to this funding
Decisions are final and can not be reviewed or appealed.
 The Budget/Breakdown of Proposed Expenses (Appendix 1)
 The Collaborator Agreement Form (Appendix 2)
 The Infrastructure Agreement Form (Appendix 3)
 The Project Management GANTT Chart (Appendix 4)
Appendix 1 - The Budget/Breakdown of Proposed Expenses (Please complete in EURO).
Project Title:
Principal Investigator/Organisation:
Overhead contributions
Staff: Staff costs must be outlined for each salaried member of staff involved in the project and includes the gross annual salary. The salary scale and point on the salary scale to which the
candidate will be appointed should be defined. The employer’s PRSI contribution is calculated at 10.75% of the gross salary. The pension contribution will be a maximum of 20% of the gross salary,
and should be in line with the host institutions pension policy for contract staff.
Training: Relevant training courses / workshops for funded research personnel.
Consumables: The maximum amount permitted for equipment during the lifetime of the award is €2000. Materials (stationery etc.), transcribing and dissemination costs are also considered
Travel: Travel for participants to undertake field work, attend conferences / workshops to disseminate research findings. It is recommended that at least one national and one international event be
attended for dissemination purposes.
Overhead contributions: A contribution to overheads of 30% of total direct costs is allowed for each research project or 25% for desk based research.
Other: Additional categories may be added as ‘other’, providing a clear description of what the funding will be used for, for instance data collection or other similar costs.
Project Title:
Principal Investigator/Organisation:
Details of Collaboration
Name, Institution/Company and address
What are the objectives of the collaboration (Max. 150 words)
For industrial collaborator(s), do any of the academic applicants have a direct or indirect interest (consultancy, shareholding, options etc)? If so what is the nature of the interest and
how are conflicts of interest between the parties being managed? (Max. 150 words)
Are there any restrictions on tech transfer, knowledge transfer and/or dissemination of the results from this project arising out of this collaboration? If so, what are these restrictions?
(Max. 150 words)
Please provide details on any income and/ or expenditure related to the research project arising out of this collaboration. Please note that items of expenditure which are being requested from the
award budget must also be added into the budget (Appendix 1) of the application form.
Cost of Support (€)
Specify if 1,2,3
1- In-kind contribution
2- Funding requested from project budget
3- Funding leveraged from elsewhere
Please edit/extend table as necessary to include all categories
Provide details and justification for all items listed in the table above (Max. 200 words)
Principal Investigator
As the Principal Investigator I confirm, to the best of my knowledge, that the information provided is correct.
Name (BLOCK CAPITALS): ___________________________________
As Collaborator I confirm, to the best of my knowledge, that the information provided is correct.
Name (BLOCK CAPITALS): _________________________________
Up to five collaborators maybe included. Electronic signatures are permitted.
Project Title:
Principal Investigator/Organisation:
Details of the Host Institution/Host Organisation
Name of Institution/Organisation and address
Please describe the nature of the support provided to the research team from the Host Institution/Organisation? (Max.500 words)
Please provide details on any income or expenditure related to the research project arising out of support from the Host Institution/Organisation.
Please note that items of expenditure which are being requested from award budget must also be added into the budget (Appendix 4) of the application form.
Cost of Support (€)
Specify if 1,2,3
4- In-kind contribution
5- Funding requested from project
6- Funding leveraged by additional contribution
Please edit/extend table as necessary to include all categories
* If an overhead is requested as part of securing the services of the Host Institution/Organisation, it must be included within the overall Research Awards
overhead contribution to the project budget. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator and the Host Institution/Organisation to establish any subagreements as how the overhead payments from the Research Awards will be distributed in such a case.
Provide details and justification for all items listed in the table above (Max. 200 words):
Principal Investigator
As the Principal Investigator I confirm, to the best of my knowledge, that the information provided is correct
Name (BLOCK CAPITALS): ____________________________________________
Director or any other person authorised on behalf of the Host Institution/Organisation or equivalent to endorse this agreement
As the Director of the Host Institution/Organisation or equivalent (name):
Official organisation stamp:
I confirm, to the best of my knowledge, that the information provided is correct.
_____________________________ Date:__________________
Project Title:
Principal Investigator/Organisation:
Work packages and timelines
Please complete this GANTT chart as required to meet the needs of your project. Expand as required. All GANTT charts must be completed in word.
12 -24
duration of