The Most Holy Body and Blook of Christ
The Most Holy Body and Blook of Christ
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 316 E. SCIOTO STREET ST. JAMES, MO 65559 Office: 573-265-7250 (hrs. M-F 8:30 - 11:30) MASSES: SATURDAY 5:00 P.M. SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. CONFESSIONS: Tue. at 4:30pm. (before daily Mass) Sat. at 4:15pm. & 4th Sun. at 9:30am. Pastor: Fr. Charles Pardee Fr. Pardee’s Number: 1-573-202-0050 Fr. Angelus Minj, Assistant Pastor Fr. Jason Doke, Associate Pastor Lawrence Clark, Deacon Call our Priests at 573-202-0050 for: Baptisms and Marriages (preparation required) Hospital visits, Home-bound visits. ORGANIZATIONS: Prayer Chain: Bernadette Welch 699-4474 Young at Heart: Judy Bonham 699-4429 Knights of Columbus: Jim O’Fallon 1-573-8856687 K.C. Ladies Auxiliary: Dorothy Tessaro 265-8249 Cemetery Association: Bob Wilson 263-6222 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 28, 2015 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, Rosati Mailing Address: 316 E. SCIOTO STREET ST. JAMES, MO 65559 MASS: SUNDAY 8:00 A.M. CONFESSIONS: 1st Sundays of the month from 7:30am. to 7:45am. Pastor: Fr. Charles Pardee Emergency Number: 1-573-202-0050 Fr. Angelus Minj, Assistant Pastor Fr. Jason Doke, Associate Pastor ORGANIZATIONS: Cemetery Association: Steve Zulpo 314-807-3939 and Ron Moreland 265-3559 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 28, 2015 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION & ST. ANTHONY PARISHES 316 EAST SCIOTO STREET, ST. JAMES, MO 65559 MASS SCHEDULE: Immaculate Conception Sat. 6/27 5:00 p.m. People of the Parish Sun. 6/28 10:00 a.m. Arvo & Suzanne Aulik Tues. 6/30 5:30 p.m. Lucille Davis Thurs. 7/2 8:00 a.m. Ric Courtois Fri 7/3 8:00 a.m. Patricia Walsh Sinclair Sat. 7/4 5:00 p.m. All Vets Sun. 7/5 10:00 a.m. People of the Parish MASS SCHEDULE: St. Anthony Sun 6/28 8:00 a.m. Bob Ashby Wed. 7/1 8:00 a.m. Lindell & Christine (Lector: Sandy Lincoln) Sun. 7/5 8:00 a.m. Robert Lincoln Tuesday, June 30 - 4:30 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 5:30 p.m. Mass Wednesday, July 1 - 12:00—6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Friday, July 3 - 11:00 a.m. Anointing Mass followed by Young at Heart Lunch MORE MINISTERS are needed in both parishes. The liturgy depends on several ministers. Not only do we need more to share the duties, but also those already serving may need to take their duties and service more seriously—knowing WHEN you are scheduled and also obtaining substitutes if you cannot be present. Thank you. Young at Heart— July 3 beginning with 11:00 a.m. anointing mass and lunch to follow. Come and begin the 4th of July weekend with us! Great food, fellowship and fun! The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the vestibule. See you there!! Our parish has been asked to help out with the Blood Drive that is at the Methodist Church on July 13. We need to provide 4 loaves of bread, some fillings ( ham salad, egg salad or chicken salad ) and 15 dozen cookies. If you can help by donating something on the list of things we need, please contact Judy at the office at 265-7250. Thank you! This Wednesday is our Extended Adoration Day—12:00 noon to 6 p.m. Our Lord, in the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed in the monstrance. CHRISTpower will be held at Helias Catholic High School on July 12-18. This is for teens ranging from Sophomore to 2015 graduates. The cost is $125.00. If you are interested in this Diocesan event contact Marybeth Hunton at for more information. Missioner Visit Fr. Richard Dickman, a diocesan priest from Wisconsin, will visit Immaculate Conception/St. Anthony parishes on behalf of the Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers, over the weekend of July 19, 2015. Fr. Richard Dickman—is a priest of the Diocese of La Crosse in Wisconsin. He grew up working with his parents and seven siblings on the family’s dairy farm in Wisconsin. Later he worked in graphic arts, before recognizing God’s call to ordained ministry. In 1993 he was ordained in his home diocese of La Crosse. He served as pastor to a number of parishes in the Diocese of La Crosse. While on a pilgrimage/retreat to Central America, he became acquainted with the work of the Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers. He was both moved and inspired by the sites where many Sisters, Brothers and Priests were martyred while ministering to the needs of God’s people in El Salvador and Guatemala. Since returning , he has sought ways to further Maryknoll mission to spread the Gospel. To further this endeavor, the Bishop of La Crosse has generously released Fr. Dickman to work with Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers. He looks forward to sharing the Maryknoll vision and inviting your help in their mission. While in the parish, Fr. Dickman will be happy to talk with anyone who seeks to learn more about mission life. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION: ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA: Contributions for June 20 & 21: Envelopes: $1580.00, Loose: $293, Catholic MO: $139.00, Candles: $60.00 Total: $2072.00 Contributions for June 14: Envelopes: $520.00, Loose: $28.00, Rectory Rental: $300.00, Candles $50.00 Total: $898.00 LITURGICAL MINISTERS: Driver for Saturdays in July Jim & Sandy Buhlinger 699-4227 Contributions for June 21: Envelopes: $622.00, Loose: $10.00, Catholic Mo: $90.00 Total: $722.00 Driver for Sundays in July: Donald Keeney 263-5069 LITURGICAL MINISTERS: Extra-Ordinary Communion Ministers: July 4: Theresa Drone, Myra Hughes, Pat Stambaugh July 5: Judy Bonham, Connie Giacolone, Wayne Tessaro Lectors July 4: Tony Flaim July 5: Steve Lah Hospitality Ministers: July 4: Jim Buhlinger, Cletus Drone July 5: Gary Kirby, Carl Wombwell Altar Servers: July 4: Sam Marshall July 5: Dalton Mendoza, Isabel Mendoza, Miguel Mendoza Extra-Ordinary Communion Ministers: June 28: JoAnn Edwards & Angie Jones July 5: George & Vera Piazza Lectors: June 28: Vera Piazza July 5: Angie & Ron Jones Gift Bearers: June 28: Andrea Talbert & JoAnn Edwards July 5: Don & Cathy Green Altar Servers: June 28: Whitney Evans and Lydia DiMarco July 5: Maureen and Gabby Foust THANK YOU for many things during these past 6 years when I have been Pastor of Immaculate Conception and St. Anthony’s. They have been blessed years for me. I never expected to be the priest at the parish where I was baptized, confirmed, received my first communion, was ordained twice (as a deacon and a priest) and where my parents were married and buried. And in St. James, a parish I didn’t know so well, but a place and some people I know well, you have welcomed me and been unfailingly kind to me. Thank you all. So many of you have made my work easy and enjoyable. And it’s always a privilege to be with you in many sacred moments—every Eucharist where we all stand before our God and also the special events of many families which include funerals and anointing and First Communions and weddings. Be certain of your special places in my heart and of my continuing prayer for you. Fr. Charles Pardee IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY, PLEASE register in the parish of your choice. Registration forms are on the Engaged Encounter 2015 bulletin clip the box below, fill out drop in moSo many of you have made my work easy and enjoyable. board And it’sor always a privilege to be with you and in many sacred theour collection basket. ments—every Eucharist where we all stand before God and also the special events of many families which include fun Engaged Encounter is for couples als and anointing and Communions and weddings. Be certain of your special places in my heart and of my continuin planning marriage in First the Catholic Church prayer for you. Fr. Charles Pardee who desire a richer, fuller life together. The dates for 2015 are: August 7-9 November 6-8 The weekends are held at St. Pius X in Moberly. The registration form as well as weekend information is available on our diocesan website,, Our Church, Life & Marriage, Engaged Encounter. The cost for the weekend is $100 per couple. A $25 deposit made payable to Engaged Encounter is required and to be included with the registration form. Free Eye Exams 341–– 2020 Appointment 341 Hillcrest Pharmacy Diabetic Shoes, Optical, Mastectomy Pray For Peace Certified Public AccountP.O. Box 32 401 W. 5th St. Rolla, MO DAVE VERKAMP, CPA, CFP (573) 364-2246 Fax (573) 3413546 Agnes Armistead FOREST CITY PHARMACY Rosati/St. James Council # 3882 “Your full service Pharmacy” 125 N. Frank E. Meyer, R.Ph. 265-5400 St. 117 Seymour , St. James, MO 65559 265-3232 10185 County Rd 2020 Rolla, MO 65401 Cell: (573) 263-0857 Fax: (573) 426-6587 mail: 101 W. 1st, Salem, MO 65560 729-3117 1651 E. Hwy 72, Rolla, MO 65401 458-2262 North Lawn Cemetery Mausoleum & Columbrarium 101 W. 1st, Salem, MO 65560 COMPUTER AND ELECTRONICS REPAIR CALL STEVE ZULPO AT 314-807-3939