CS ADVENTURES! JULY 6-17, 10 AM - 3 PM MONDAY - FRIDAY LUNCH PROVIDED ð Interested in doing more with Computer Science and Smart Grid Technologies? Join the CS Adventures team and create new technology! CS Adventures is a free day camp that will host 30 high school students, & includes lunch, stipend, materials, supplies, plus swag (bags, notepads, pens, etc.). Applicants must be rising into 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade, submit an online application, be in good academic standing, and able to be present every day. Instructors are NMSU GK12 graduate students, undergraduate students, and staff. ð APPLY TODAY! http://bit.ly/CSAdventures ð www.cs.nmsu.edu/gk-12 http://icredits.nmsu.edu Questions? Contact: Raena Cota / Rebecca Galves Department of Computer Science 575-646-6365 / 575-646-1901 gk12@cs.nmsu.edu icredits@cs.nmsu.edu