May 2015 99s Newsletter.pages


May 2015 99s Newsletter.pages
AS THE PROP TURNS - newsletter of the Idaho 99s May 2015
May Meeting Flying Companion Seminar
Flying Companion Seminar, Saturday May 9, 2015, Caldwell Airport terminal. Registration and complimentary breakfast starts at 8:30, seminar
starts at 9:00.
Topics covered (in order)
> Basic Flight -- Lois
> GPS -- Wendy
> Instruments -- MaryAnn
> Direction: compass -- Gene Nora
> Preflight: airplane owners take participants to airplanes to walk
through a preflight and look at instruments
> Lunch
> Weather
> Charts -- Robbie
> Radios -- Petra
> Emergencies -- Alana
> Landings
People who are possibly bringing airplanes -- BJ and Gene Nora, MaryAnn,
Wendy, and Petra. Is there anyone else who could bring an airplane and
park it outside the Caldwell terminal for the day? Please contact Lois at
April Meeting
On April 11, several 99s had an educational and humbling experience preflighting an
airplane that had been rigged with problems by 49 1/2 Doug Kandle. Sherry and Doug
hosted us in their hangar and we had a great time looking for problems. Thank you so
much for the great time!
On April 13th many Idaho 99s attended the memorial service for our dear Mary
Christofferson. Karen Marchbanks prepared a wonderful photo show of Mary’s life,
loves, and accomplishments. We knew that Mary was mighty but learned so much
more about our petite friend. She was petite in stature only - grand in her love for
life, people, and God. Our thoughts and prayers are with Chris and their family.
Several members have expressed an interest in sending their own personal memorials
in memory of Mary. If they choose to do so through The 99s, the address is: 4300
Amelia Earhart Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73159. Chris will be advised of any memorials received. Member News
Sending healing thoughts to Bev LaBrie - who still has her humor in tact!
From Bev LaBrie:
I will not be able to attend due to my foot problems. I have a hard cast on my foot now
but it is non-bearing and I am not to leave the house for another five weeks when I get a
walking cast. I had my left foot, the only one left, rebuilt. All the other five surgeries were
on the right foot. They took a tendon from my calf area and threaded it in behind the
heel. The heel looks like a bear nibbled on it. All together there are six cuts in the general range of 2"-3" inches each. Lots of hardware that will stay in. All of that will have
three months to heal before I can see the light of day again. The tendons on the right
side of the foot were pulling the foot all out of shape because the tendons on
the left side were in paralyses from my back 25 years ago. The front of my foot had
to be realigned as well as the heel. They did a lot of cutting on the heel to get it where it
needed to be. Fused some joints and nailed, screwed and whatever else to get everything back where it belonged. I saw the damage on Wednesday. The surgery was on
Monday when they put a soft cast on my foot. Wednesday they cut it off and put a hard
cast on. It looks like I lost a battle with the bear. Rex is a super care giver, if the doctor
says no walking then he holds me to the rules like it or not. From Gene Nora:
I went to the IAA meeting this evening and visited with our member that we haven’t seen
for a while, Cindy Fritz. She told me that she'd received a 99s Mountain Flying Scholarship.
Cindy has a Citabria and is very excited about what she's learning. She would like to
make a presentation to us at a chapter meeting about the course and what she's
learned. Her personal information in the roster is correct and up to date.
From Headquarters:
The 99s are thrilled to be a finalist in the 2015 annual Lightspeed Aviation Grant Competition. Selected from a field of hundreds of nominees, we are one of 12 aviation charities competing for grants up to $10,000 Lightspeed will award to the aviation nonprofits
receiving the highest Internet vote tallies in its 6th annual grant competition.
With votes and support from aviation enthusiasts, the aviation community, our members,
friends and family, the 99s can win the 2015 grant competition and use the Lightspeed
grant to increase our outreach and presence at regional aviation events and publicize
and award another Karen Johnson Solo Scholarship at Oshkosh. The scholarship will
provide young women between the ages of 16 and 20 with funding for flight training
through their first solo and beyond.
Please vote for us at
Please encourage your friends and relatives to support the 99s and aviation scholarships. Grant competition voting began April 23, 2015 and ends October 14, 2015.
Lightspeed keeps track of the vote tally by email addresses and an email address can
only be used once to vote in the 2015 grant competition.
If you voted last year, you need to vote again to make your vote count this year. Alternatively, you can send me a reply email and ask me to cast your vote. We have a team
of 99s with iPads who are available to cast your vote and votes of your friends and family members who want to support the 99s by voting for us.
Finally, if you have a Facebook page, it would be helpful if you could post something like
the following:
“The Ninety-Nines, a great aviation nonprofit to which I belong, is one of 12 finalists competing for grants up to $10,000 that Lightspeed Aviation will award
to the aviation nonprofits receiving the highest internet vote tallies in its annual
grant competition. Please support aviation scholarships and a terrific nonprofit
organization by voting for the 99s at”
Thank you for your support of the 99s!
Susan Liebeler99s Northwest Section 2015
Spring Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 28, 2015
McMinnville, OR
Governor Andrea Chay convened the meeting at 8:15 a.m. Twenty-one members from
eight section chapters attended:
Andrea Chay
Patty Viall
Sherry Kandle
Bev Clark
Judy Masura
Annette Orton
Kim Rayburn
Trish Hanna
Fran Postma
Carolyn Carpp
Aimee Malmberg
Karin Rodland
Greater Seattle
Oregon Pines
Oregon Pines
Mt. Tahoma
Past Governor
Oregon Pines
Communications Committee
Oregon Pines
Ways and Means Chair
Mt. Tahoma
NIFA Chair
Western Washington
Newsletter Editor
Greater Seattle
Nominating Committee Chair
Joan Knapp
Debra Plymate
Marilyn Husser
Teresa Bubb
Theresa White
Debbie Origer
Vanessa Nelson
Mary Ann Richards
Jennifer Noall
Northwest Section Scholarship Committee
Chapter Chair
Mt. Tahoma
Chapter Chair
Oregon Pines
Chapter Vice Chair
Oregon Pines
Chapter Secretary
Columbia Cascade
Chapter Secretary
Greater Seattle
Oregon Pines
Oregon Pines
Oregon Pines
Governor Andrea provided the Thought for the Meeting and introductions were made.
The agenda was adopted with addition of reports from the newsletter editor and Ways
and Means, and an update of the 2015 Conference. Minutes for the September 5,
2014, board meeting were distributed and approved.
Written reports were submitted by the BOD and committee chairs, and an oral synopsis of activities was given:
Governor Andrea attended the fall and spring IBOD (International 99s Board of Directors) meetings. Chapter compliance needs to be resolved with the Cook Inlet and
Central Oregon chapters. Nominating, Scholarship, Communications, Finance and the
SOPs/Bylaws Revision committees have been busy, and will report on their activities.
Vice Governor Monica’s report was read by Governor Andrea. She has been participating on the Communications and Finance committees, and working with members
on planning the spring BOD and annual section meetings.
Secretary Patty disseminated minutes of last September’s BOD meeting and the annual business meeting to officers, committee chairs and chapter chairs. She received
the secretarial files and is in the process of scanning and saving to computer files for
the archives.
Discussions on three BOD telecons held since the last BOD meeting covered: section
scholarships; officer compliance and June 1 to May 31 fiscal year for all chapters;
electronic voting for elections; updates of SOPs and bylaws; Special Project Funds
guidelines; recognition of donors to section scholarship fund; combined 2016 or 2017
Northwest/Southwest section conference; 2015 conference schedule; local air race;
and newsletter and webpage staff.
Treasurer Sherry reported section assets of $31,154.30 The Northwest Section Scholarship fund has grown to $5,740.49; $2,150 will be used for the two scholarships
awarded today. Communications submitted expenses of $850 for a revised webpage
design and $15 for domain renewal. The Alliance-Bernstein Fund will have running
totals now that the 50-25-25 percentage split for reserve, section scholarship and
special projects funds had been determined; future dividend income will be apportioned by those percentages. A proposed 2015-16 budget will be finalized and pre-
sented for BOD approval on a telecon. Sherry will forward information to the newsletter editor to recognize the recent donor to the scholarship fund.
Each Director briefed on her activities: Judy updated membership lists with western
Washington and Alaskan chapters and requested news about their activities. She forwarded Cook Inlet’s recommen
dation that the chapter be closed due to inactivity. Bev informed us of Oregon Pines’
monthly activities and Columbia Cascade’s upcoming Sky Girls class and air race in the
Gorge. Annette is working with the 2015 section conference committee, and plans to
relocate to Northern California after the conference.
Larae Stotts has been named chair of the renamed Aviation and Space Committee (in
accordance with International’s), formerly AeroEd. She is pursuing aviation studies at
Central Washington University and received a Fly Now award last fall. She is networking with local aviation organizations and developing multi-media aviation education
presentations. She welcomes ideas and resources to assist her.
Patty emailed a poster describing The 99s airmarking program with the project completion form to all chapters. A manual to help in the planning and completion of
projects is available. No airmarking projects for the year have been submitted.
Patty contacted the Oregon Historical Society and Oregon’s State Librarian for advice
on archiving/maintaining our history. Meeting minutes and business meeting packets
are being organized and scanned electronically.
The Awards Committee SOP was updated. The annual call for awards nominations
will be sent to the Governor for distribution on May 6.
Communications Committee report was given by Sherry. A newsletter editor was
chosen and the first e-newsletter will be out in April. Handmade Designs in Nampa,
ID, was selected to redesign the website; a Paypal link will be added. International’s
Legal is reviewing the contract. A new webmaster is being sought.
Special Projects Fund guidelines were written by the Finance Committee. Ways and
Means shared information on fundraising. An article will be submitted to the newsletter.
NIFA (National Intercollegiate Flying Association) chair Carolyn Carpp briefed that 9%
of competitors at the national meet are women, very few being 99s members. The
former academic membership rate was an incentive for college students to join The
99s. Our section has two schools in NIFA—University of North Dakota and Rocky Mountain College (Billings, MT). Many of the teams in the Air Race Classic attend NIFA
schools. 99s are asked to volunteer as judges at NIFA’s competitions, and donations
are always welcome. The Northwest Section is the leader for monetary donations
which cover The Ninety-Nines’ annual $1500 sponsor fee and $1500 for the three
Women’s Achievement Awards.
Nominating has a slate of officers for the 2015-2017 election.
Four applications were submitted for the Northwest Section Scholarship. Confusion
with the Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Fund (AEMSF), advertisement with The
99s’ scholarship registry and other outlets, and amount of the scholarship will be addressed in the future. Vanessa Nelson of the Oregon Pines chapter was present to receive the scholarship; she will use it for skiplane instruction. Cindy Fritz of the Idaho
chapter is the recipient of the Mountain Flying/Backcountry Scholarship. She is active in the Idaho Aviation Association’s (IAA’s) efforts to maintain backcountry
airstrips. She will present a slideshow at the annual section meeting.
One application was forwarded for the AEMSF scholarship. The section can submit up
to four applications.
The 2014 Section Conference committee submitted their financial report with a
small profit due to the success of the FlyMart. Early registrations totaled 28 with 14
on-time and 3 late registrations. The Chena Hot Springs tour had 29 participants, and
additional attendees at meal functions were 13 to 14.
Hosts for the 2016 Section Conference may include all three Puget Sound chapters.
It was suggested that chapters in a geographical area be grouped together to plan future conferences. The directors will poll chapter chairs for their input, and a future
telecon will be devoted to their recommendations and a revised rotation schedule.
Governor Andrea will send letters to members of the Cook Inlet and Central Oregon
chapters discussing chapter compliance and advising the members to transfer to other chapters or the section.
A slate of officers for the 2015-2017 election was presented. Another candidate to
run for the nominating committee will be sought.
Discussion of section awards indicated that participation has fallen dramatically but
discontinuance is not recommended. Several suggestions about advertising and
recognition were made. This will be an agenda item for the annual meeting. Nominations for awards are due by July 15.
Director Annette updated us on the 2015 annual conference. A schedule, registration and hotel information, and FlyMart booth fees were emailed to all BOD members
and posted on the webpage.
Special Projects Fund guidelines were presented by Kim. The Finance Committee
will evaluate requests and forward recommendations to the BOD for final decision.
The intent is to keep monies in the fund stable; the Treasurer will maintain records.
Kim will write the SOP outlining requirements and procedures. Kim moved that the
BOD adopt the guidelines for the Northwest Section Special Projects Fund; the motion
was adopted .
Aimee Malmberg was introduced as the newsletter editor. The newsletter will focus
on members, section’s activities and programs. She will include a calendar of events,
chapter information and board business. She asked that information be sent to her in
Word format and photos are encouraged. A contest will be held to name the newsletter. First issue will be May-June with publication every other month thereafter.
Teresa Bubb presented plans for A Gorgeous Air Race on Sunday, August 23. Start and
finish will be at Troutdale, OR (KTTD), and the race will be less than two hours in duration. Requirements for registration and rules of the race are being finalized.
Google gorgeairrace for information. Teresa will re-apply for Special Projects Fund
monies and the BOD will decide on the request by April 12.
It was agreed to not place an advertisement for the Northwest Section in the 2015
International Conference program.
Patty briefed on proposed amendments to the Bylaws. They include: allowing officer
elections by other than mailed ballot; adding an Article listing the standing committees; and stating that the Vice Governor will fill unexpired term of a Governor, and
the Past Governor’s term will be the same as the Governor’s. The BOD agreed with
these changes along with standardization of language and realignment of the content
of Articles. A draft will be finalized, sent to International’s Legal for review, and distributed for member review and comment this spring. Proposed amendments must be
submitted to all members a minimum 60 days before the annual section meeting.
A draft Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for officers and committees was distributed to attendees. The following committees need to submit material to be included in the SOPs: Communications, Finance, Newsletter, Nominating (review and
provide timelines) and Scholarship (other than AEMSF). The document will be completed before the annual business meeting.
The Greater Seattle Chapter extended invitations to join them April 11 at the GeeBee
QED presentation at Historic Flight’s hangar on Paine Field, and May 16 for Paine
Field’s General Aviation Day.
Willamette Valley Flyers publishes a flying activities calendar; contact to be added to their list.
Raffle and donations for a biplane M&Ms dispenser donated by Patty Viall and afghan
donated by Fran Postma garnered $150 for the Northwest Scholarship Fund. Dona-
tions toward The 99s’ contribution to the National Intercollegiate Flying Association
(NIFA) totaled $300. Thank you to all who contributed.
The meeting adjourned at 4 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Viall
NW Section Conference is scheduled Sept 10-13th in Spokane, Washington. Complete
details can be found on our Section Web site
2013-2015 NW Section 99s Board of Directors and Committee Chairs (4/1/15)
Andrea Chay
Vice Governor
Monica Weyhe (
Patty Viall
Sherry Kandle (
Director, chapter liaison for ID, MT, Eastern WA and SD Annette Orton (
Director, chapter liaison for Western WA and AK
Judy Masura
Director, chapter liaison for OR and WY
Bev Clark
Past Governor
Kim Rayburn
2015 Section Conference co-chairs
Liz Jones
Ann Easterly
Aerospace Education
Larae Stotts (chair) (, Victoria Borst
Patty Viall (
Patty Viall (
Gin Hildebrant (
Monica Weyhe (chair) (, Beth Chapple (, Mary Cooke (, Trish Hanna
Website/Webmistress Mary Cooke (
Sherry Kandle (chair) (, Monica Weyhe
(, Michelle Girts (, Kim Rayburn (
Ways and Means
Fran Postma (
NW Section Directors: Annette, Judy and Bev
Carolyn Carpp (
Newsletter Editor
Aimee Malmberg (editor) (
Karin Rodland (chair) (, Sherry Ann Trapp (, Trish Hanna (
Northwest Section Scholarship Karin Rodland (
AE Scholarship
Anne English (
May 9th - Flying Companion Seminar
May 15-16th - Idaho Aviation Expo - Idaho Falls
June 11th - FCS debrief and elections for new Chapter Officers. (TBD)
Work party Smith Prairie?
June 17th, Wed. ACE Academy breakfast - Tawni Swann
June 21st - Father’s Day - IAA Garden Valley Pancake Breakfast
June 22-25th - Air Race Classic
June 30 - Deadline for Early Registration for NW Section Meeting in
Spokane, Wa. for complete information and registration
July 5 -10 - 99s International Meeting, Munich Germany
July 17th - Sunrise Sky Park - Luann Lyon 9 am
July 20 -26 - EAA Air Venture - Oshkosh, WI
August 1-2 - McCall Airport Open House & Fly In - 99s booth
August 8th - Glenn’s Ferry - Restaurant - Breakfast 9 am
August 22-23 - A Gorgeous Air Race Troutdale - Pasco - Troutdale
contact Teresa Bubb 503-703-3476
September 10 - 13th - NW Section Meeting - Spokane WA
September 27th - Canine Companions for Independence Dog Fest Walk n’
Roll - Settler’s Park, Meridian - Idaho 99s “Team”
contact: Jan Peterson
October 15th - deadline for Chapter to file IRS from 990
October 10th - Glass Cockpit Aviation- Cammie Patch - gyrocraft,
November 10th - evening Membership Meeting
December 1st - due date for AE Memorial Scholarship
Applications (submit to Section by Dec. 20th)
December 5th - Christmas Party