orthognathic programme for saso and sasmfos


orthognathic programme for saso and sasmfos
(Oral Surgeon)
7 - 8TH NOVEMBER 2015
South African Society
of Orthodontists
The South African Society
of Maxillo-Facial and
Oral Surgeons
It is a pleasure for me to write a testimonial for the interdisciplinary Italian team
of Dr Renato Cocconi (orthodontist) and Prof Mirco Raffaini (oral surgeon).
Together they represent Europe's foremost experts on occlusal and facial
Their clinical and artistic skills are remarkable and among the best in the world
today. They are both excellent speakers with outstanding picture material.
Their face driven approach aims at obtaining ideal occlusal and skeletal
harmony, and TMJ health.
Renato is in my opinion the finest clinical orthodontist in Europe today. His
approach to treatment includes new and relevant concepts of placing the
maxillary incisors optimally relative to the nose-lip unit, and the mandibular
incisors in the best position in relation to the lips and the chin.
Mirco is undoubtedly Europe's leading expert on facial reconstruction, and can
sculpt the face of his patients in remarkable ways. He is considered to be
among the best oral surgeons in the world, at a level with experts like Bill Arnett
in Santa Barbara, California.
As you will experience in their lectures, together they are able to treat the most
difficult malocclusions and facial aberrations to ideal and harmonious results.
I have had the privilege (in the past) of inviting the most renowned surgeons
such as William Bell, Bruce Epker and Bill Arnett to France.
Today the most perfect results are without doubt those shown by the
Cocconi-Raffaini team, by virtue not only of the detail that they integrate from
the moment of diagnosis, but also by employing aesthetic surgical procedures
which they combine with orthognathic surgery.
The cases of major asymmetry are the most beautiful examples of the
perfection that it is possible to achieve with this type of treatment.
An unforgettable course, to be shared with your surgeon if possible.
Olivier Mauchamp
Hon President
French Society of Dentofacial Orthopedics
(Translated from French)
Renato Cocconi did his postgraduate training at the Department of
Orthodontics of the University of Milan.
After his Master Degree he expanded his experience in
Orthodontics and Orthognatic Surgery in the US with Larry
Andrews, Ronald Roth and Bill Arnett.
He has been clinical professor at the Department of Orthodontics of the University of
Milan from 1993 to 2008.
He is a member of the EOS, AAO, SIDO and active member of the Angle Society of
He has lectured as keynote speaker to the EOS, AAO, and to most of the European and
American Orthodontic Societies.
His private practice is in Parma where he directs the FACE Ortho Surgical Center in
cooperation with the Chief Surgeon Prof Mirco Raffaini.
Born in Parma (Italy), he trained under the guidance of Prof. R.
Brusati, working for almost 20 years in the Divisions of Maxillofacial
Surgery both of Parma’s University-Hospital and Milan’s S. Paolo
Hospital. Consultant at San Raffaele Hospital (Milan, Italy).
Consultant at Teknon Medical Center (Barcellona, Spain), where he
developed new surgery techniques together with Dr. F. Hernandez.
Fellowships at several national and international Institutions with specializations in:
cranio-facial surgery (Dr. Tessier, Dr. Ortiz Monasterio, Dr. Kawamoto), head and neck
surgery (Prof. Sesenna), orthognathic surgery (Dr. Epker, Dr. Arnett, Dr. Wolford),
maxillofacial surgery (Prof. Delaire, Prof. Obwegeser), plastic surgery (Dallas
Southwestern University). Visiting Professor in Maxillofacial Surgery at the following
Universities: Pisa, Parma, Chieti, Milano. 2000-today: Associate Professor at the
Division of Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Florence. In Florence he currently
devotes himself to cranio-maxillo facial reconstructive surgery at Centro
Traumatologico Ortopedico, C.T.O.(Trauma Center Hospital). At Meyer Children’s
Hospital of Florence he is Consultant for congenital cranio-facial malformations.
Author of over 150 scientific publications and monographic books on maxillofacial
surgery. Editorial board member of various international specialized journals
(orthodontics and maxillo-facial surgery). Member of the following Associations:
- European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, EACMFS
- Advanced Orthognathic Surgery Foundation, AOSF
- Società Italiana di chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, SICMF (Italian Association for
Maxillo-facial Surgery)
- American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, ASAPS
Over the latest 18 years he has been focusing both on orthognathic and facial surgery,
developing personal concepts and techniques. On the subject he organizes practical
and theoretical courses for orthodontists and surgeons. In his private practice he
currently focuses on esthetic facial surgery, surgery of maxillary deformities and
maxillofacial surgery.
Optimizing the results of orthognathic surgery:
Orthognathic surgery is classically performed to modify the position of the jaws in order
to correct the patient’s dental occlusion and achieve stability and health, improve
temporomandibular joint function, open the oropharyngeal airway, and to tremendously
enhance the patient’s facial aesthetics.
A paradigm shift in this field has already occurred, thus producing the golden age for
Orthognathic Surgery and changing it in that comprehensive facial reshaping allows for
the achievement of attractive and beautiful results.
You will learn
- Occlusion Driven Vs. Face Driven Treatment
- Nose Lip Unit
- 3 Levels of Intervention for the Face:
- Position of Hard Tissues
- Morphology of Hard Tissues
- Enhancement of Soft Tissues
In this presentation we will focus on the following topics:
1. A comprehensive facial clinical analysis of all the morphological features as one of
the cornerstones in achieving successful treatment of all the flaws.
2. Advantages of 3D analysis of the facial skeleton and techniques allowing for
extremely accurate planning of jaw repositioning.
3. Innovative and versatile reshaping of the inferior mandibular border and the whole
mandibular contour with ostectomy for the correction of morphological deficiencies,
excesses, and asymmetries, as an important part of many facial skeletal surgery
5. Integration of multiple cosmetic or aesthetic surgery procedures (rhinoplasty, soft
tissues volumetric management etc…) for comprehensive treatment to enhance the
orthofacial appearance
6. Evaluation of the possibility of surgically manipulating the muscles and ligaments to
get the most natural result possible.
(3 hours) The face: a unique opportunity for the Future of Dentistry
General Overview of our Diagnostic and Treatment Planning Philosophy
3 Levels of Intervention:
1) Position of the Framework: How to position upper and lower incisors and the
jaws. Concepts: Nose-Lip Unit, Lip Chin Unit
2) Morphology of Hard Tissue
Rhinoplasty, High midface, Genioplasty, Whole Mandibular Arc
3) Soft Tissue Enhancement of different components of the face
How to obtain harmonious lips and midface: Lipofilling, Muscle reconstruction
How to apply this approach in Multidisciplinary treatment involving Periodontic
Restorative and Prosthodontic Teams.
(1 hour) Preparation and discussion of a Class III Asymmetric Case.
Step by Step Digital 3D Diagnosis and Digital Treatment planning of Bimaxillary Surgery.
(1 hour) Surgical treatment:
• LE FORT I SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: Minimally invasive orthognathic surgery and
techniques to simplify the procedure by preventing errors
• BSSO SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: Minimally invasive surgery and techniques to
simplify the procedure by preventing errors
inferior mandibular border and whole mandibular contour reshaping with
ostectomy for the correction of morphological deficiencies, excesses and
(1 hour) Preparation and discussion of a Class II Asymmetric Case.
Step by Step Digital 3D Diagnosis and Digital Treatment planning of Bimaxillary Surgery.
(1 1/2 hours) The Transverse Dimension, the hidden Orthodontic problem in
Surgical Treatment:
SARPE, Segmentalizations, Corticotomies, Extractions.
(1 1/2 hours) Open Bite and Surgery : the Keyword is Overcorrection
Single and Double Jaw Surgery. Contraindications for Mandibular Advancement in
Class II Treatment.
Class II Limited Orthodontic Treatment, Early Presurgical Orthodontic Treatment.
Surgical Protocols for Hard Tissue Reshaping and Soft Tissue Enhancement
Registrants will be able to attend the full IFED congress running from
5-7 November 2015
The Orthognathic program for SASO and SASMFOS members will be held on
7th and 8th November, ie being a parallel session on the 7th and continuing on
the 8th Nov when the IFED is already over.
All registration is on the IFED website
see website: http://ifed-2015.com/registration/
where a separate category for registration for these two groups will be found.
Registration fee SASO and SASMFOS members:
R6500 up to 30 September 2015
Thereafter: R7660
Non-members of SASO and SASMFOS
R8800 up to 30 September 2015
Thereafter: R10560
Local conference organisers:
Telephone: +27 21 460 4743
Email: meet@ifed-2015.com
Exhibition management:
Telephone: +27 22 715 1543
E-mail: mvdlinde@sada.co.za