June 7th Bulletin - Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


June 7th Bulletin - Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
8:00 AM
Rosary Following Mass
Sunday Obligation
5:00 PM (Sat. Vigil)
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
5:00 PM
Bulletin Deadline:
10:00 AM Tuesday
Rev. Stephen H. Howell…………………...........................Pastor
Rev. Jerome M. Murphy………………..………...Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mr. Henry Jacquemet…………….....…Permanent Deacon
Rev. Mr. Steven G. Hackett………….….…...Permanent Deacon
Rev. Mr. Leon P. Kortenkamp ………………Permanent Deacon
Mrs. Julie Britton-Kanzaki………… Director Of Faith Formation
& Youth Ministry
Mrs. Teri Grosey…………………………………..School Principal
Ms. Katrina Reyes………………………..Pre-School Coordinator
Mrs. Teri Marconi…………………………….....Music Coordinator
Ms. Gail Tesi….…………….………..Parish Operations Manager
Mrs. Karen Turner ..……………………Parish Finance Manager
(650) 593-6157
(650) 593-1665
Web Site
Parish Auction Web Site
(650) 593-4265
(650) 593-4342
Web Site
(650) 593-2344
Parents wishing to baptize children should call the Parish Office
to schedule the baptism and to schedule participation in our
Baptismal Preparation Program. Please call two months before
you wish the Baptism. The preparation may be done before the
birth of the child.
Arrangements must be made six months before the tentative
date of the marriage by calling the Parish Office.
This sacrament is for those who are elderly, seriously ill, or
scheduled for surgery. Contact the Parish Office to schedule
the anointing in Church or at home. If in hospital, request the
Catholic Chaplain or a priest from the Parish in which the
hospital is located, through the nursing station.
Contact the Parish Office if you or a family member cannot
attend Sunday Mass and would like to receive the Eucharist at
home during the week.
Welcome to our community. You are invited to register in the
parish on each 2nd Sunday of the month in the vestibule after
Mass, by coming to the Parish Office during regular business
hours, or by completing a “Welcome Card” found in the
pamphlet rack at the entrance of the Church and mailing it to
the Parish Office.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process by which adults
prepare to enter fully into the Catholic Church through Baptism,
Confirmation or Eucharist. Please call the Parish Office for
more information.
Saturdays: 4:15-4:45 pm or at other times by appointment.
“Preach the Gospel at all times! Use words if necessary!”
- St. Francis of Assisi
June 7, 2015 – The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
“Corpus Christi”
From the Desk of Father Stephen
Dear Friends:
Today’s Solemnity reminds us to honor Jesus, the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity,
in the Eucharist, the Consecrated Bread and Wine of Communion. Let us remember that Jesus is truly present
in the Eucharist. Let us remember to honor and respect this Real Presence of Jesus in our midst. Let us
consider, reflect upon and pray this traditional prayer.
Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O good Jesus, hear me.
Within thy wounds hide me.
Permit me not to be separated from thee.
From the malicious enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me,
and bid me come to thee,
that, with thy saints, I may praise thee,
Forever and ever. Amen
We give thanks to God for the two men who were ordained as priests of our
Archdiocese of San Francisco, June 6, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. in our Metropolitan Cathedral of St.
Mary of the Assumption, San Francisco. They are the Reverend Fathers Cameron Faller and
Patrick Summerhays. Both Fr. Cameron and Fr. Patrick have assisted us at Immaculate Heart
of Mary, Belmont, during their time at St. Patrick’s Seminary. We ask that you please
remember them and their ministry as priests in our Archdiocese in your prayers.
Fr. Stephen H. Howell, Pastor
Second Collection Today will be for the necessary renovation and maintenance of the Parish Facility.
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal: Our 2015 Assessment is $91,600.00. We are now at 50% point. We have $45,647.22 in
cash and pledge. We ask that you consider making your donation/pledge at this time and joining the 142 parishioners who
have already done so. If you need another brochure/envelope, some are in the Church vestibule or please call the parish
office, (650) 593-6157.
Announcement from San Francisco Archdiocesan Respect Life Program: It has come to our
attention that individuals have been distributing flyers entitled “the truth about birth control pills”
at some parishes. The Flyers state that they were “approved by the Archdiocese of S.F.” This is not
Our Respect Life Program and Office of Marriage & Family Life can provide you with accurate
resources on this and other pro-life and pro-family topics. They will discuss and respond to your
questions and concerns regarding artificial contraception and natural family planning (NFP). For
information please contact (415) 614-5533 or evansv@sfarch.org.
CELEBRANTS: June 13 & 14, 2015
Sat. 5:00 pm – Fr. Howell
Sun. 7:30 am – Fr. Howell
9:30 am – Fr. Murphy
11:30 am – Fr. MacDonald
5:00 pm – Fr. Murphy
READINGS FOR June 14, 2015
First Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24 (92B)
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10
Gospel: Mark 4:26-34
Weekly Collection to meet budget: $8,400.00
Collection for the weekend 5/31/15: $6,502.00
Average Collection this fiscal year: $7,373.00
• Those who have died, Alphonso George Carrasco, and those who have no one to pray for them. May they rest in peace.
• Those who are newly baptized. May God always be present to them and may they continue to grow in “age, wisdom and
• Peace in our world, for those who serve our country, at home and overseas; for all who suffer in any way due to war and civil
disturbance, that God will assist all people toward reconciliation and peace.
• Those who are sick or who suffer in any way, that God will assist them in their need. Especially, Valerie Abbey, Tom
Anderson, Joe Andreano, Olga De Arguello, Harry Bach, Gen Barker, Fr. Bernard Brennan, Carl Brust, James Carvalho,
Margaret Charlton, Grace Delagnes, Reese Derryman, Gerald de Wit, Marilyn Dupre, John Farbstein, August Ferrari, Mary
Ferrari, Julie Fletcher, Roy Fong, Manny Galvez, Barbara Gartner, Greta Gipson-Lewis, Queen Gipson, Silva Guerbidjian,
Griselda Guevara-MacDonald, Dottie Hall, Gary Harder, Anna Herdtler, Catherine Hourigan, Henry Jacquemet, Leota Jones,
Torin Jones, Joan Lee-Andel, Eve Lefcourt, Patrick Lobo, Jacob Loeffler, Vicki Logan, Rosemarie Maffei, Kevin Mapes,
Carol Mateus, John McEvoy, Ken McQueen, Jesse Montalvo, Donna Moynihan, John Nguyen, Don Oswald, Carter Pagan,
Frank Parker, Betsy H. Perreira, Brooke Seim, Bill Selenger, J. Svendsen, Ofelia Vallejo, Paulette Volante, Marc Weiss, Ted
Wolfe, Francesca Zuniga, and for those who suffer alone and have no one to pray for them.
With the school year at a
close and as more families begin their
summer vacations, we share a prayer
for you:
“Give us the rest and refreshment we need this summer.
Bring all of our summer plans, hopes, and dreams to a
joyful conclusion, and bless us, according to your will.
Watch over us in the weeks of rest ahead, and guide each
day as you have done this past year. Help us return with a
new spirit and energy. May we continue to grow in age,
wisdom, knowledge, and grace all the days of our lives.
We have limited spaces in a few of our classes and
are accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year. Visit
our website at www.ihmschoolbelmont.org or call the school
office for more information, (650) 593-4265. School tours are
available, call the school office. For information on our
preschool, call our director Katrina Reyes at (650) 593-2344.
Foundation in Christ + Excellence in Education + Strength In Community
Garden Lunch & Fashion Show at FILOLI
Please join us for SVdP’s Catherine Center’s Fashion Show
Fundraiser, Thursday, June 18, 2015, at historic Filoli gardens, 86
Canada Rd., Woodside, CA., celebrating the beautiful transformation
that is possible for the women of SVdP’s Catherine Center. Catherine
Center helps women reclaim their lives after incarceration. Private
garden area opens at 11:30. Please plan to arrive early to make your
way to our special location. $75 per ticket – purchase online at
www.svdpsm.org or call (650) 373-0622.
Jun 6 -Sat.- St. Norbert, Bishop; BVM
8am-Bernadita Carbullido
5pm-Pat Balaoing
Jun 7-Sun.-The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
7:30am- Homer Zugelder
9:30am-For the People of the Parish
11:30-Mary Louise Phillips
5pm- Seta Jaghlassian (Living)
Jun 8-Mon.
8am-Special Intention
Jun 9-Tues.-St. Ephrem, Deacon & Doctor of the Church
8am –Natalia Susko
Jun 10- Wed.-
8am- Bill & Ruth Milestone
Jun 11-Thurs.-St. Barnabas, Apostle
8am- Bolger Family
Jun 12-Fri.-Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
8am-Amerigo Sansoe
Jun 13-Sat.-The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
St. Anthony of Padua, Priest & Doctor of the Church
8am-Tori G. Rios
5pm- Patrick Moran
Jun 14-Sun.-
7:30am-Anita Stasiak
9:30am-For the People of the Parish
11:30am-Peter Lee
5pm-Marjorie Sanders
A Heavenly Affair
Many great photographs were taken by our own Ed
Messinger the night of the auction. If any of our
reserved guests would like, we have put some photos
on the bulletin board in church and others are in
Gail’s office. All are yours for the taking! You can take
your photo off the bulletin board or you can come
into the parish office between the hours of 9 a.m. to
4 p.m. Monday through Friday and check through the
photos we have. We look forward to seeing you!
Have you ever considered a matching
corporate gift for IHM Church? Call the parish office
(650) 593-6157.
The Archdiocese is looking
for high school teens to be
on the Youth Council for the
2015-2016 year. Members
of the council meet once a
month to express their ideas and plan for the facilitation
of Archdiocesan Youth Ministry events such as the
Youth Rally/Youth Mass, Food Fast, and Confirmation
Retreats. They also gather ideas for starting and
maintaining parish youth ministry programs. For more
info please email the Associate Director for Youth
Ministry, Ynez Lizarraga, at lizarragay@sfarch.org or call
(415) 614-5654.
What am I doing
with my Life? Am I living to my fullest
potential? Am I becoming the saint that
I am called to be?
Come to this Day of Discernment on Saturday, July 11,
2015, hosted by the Dominican Nuns at Corpus Christi
Monastery, located at 215 Oak Gove Ave., Menlo Park.
RSVP by July 3rd or for more information contact Sr.
Joseph Marie, O.P. at vocations@nunsmenlo.org or visit
our website at http://nunsmenlo.org/discernment-days/.
The day begins with Mass at 8:00a.m. and will include
Divine Office, Rosary, Benediction and Conferences on
how to unravel what the Lord has in store for your life,
how to discern God’s call and much more given by our
Dominican nuns and friars of the Order of Preachers. There
is no cost and lunch will be provided.