Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth
Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth
Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 1 Jiandong Jua; , Justin Yifu Linb , Yong Wangcy a Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Tsinghua University b c Peking University Hong Hong University of Science and Technology Received Date; Received in Revised Form Date; Accepted Date 2 3 Abstract 4 Motivated by four stylized facts about industry dynamics established in this paper, we propose a 5 theory of endowment-driven structural change by developing a tractable growth model with in…nite 6 industries. We show that, while the aggregate economy follows the Kaldor facts, the composition 7 of the underlying industries changes endogenously as the economy grows. Each industry exhibits 8 a hump-shaped life cycle: As capital accumulates and reaches a certain threshold, a new industry 9 appears, prospers, and then declines, to be gradually replaced by a more capital-intensive industry, 10 which appears, booms, and eventually declines in the same manner, ad in…nitum. Analytical solu- 11 tions are obtained to fully characterize the whole process of the repetitive and perpetual structural 12 changes of industries beneath the constant aggregate growth path. 13 Keywords: Structural Change, Industrial Dynamics, Economic Growth, Capital Accumulation 14 JEL classi…cation: O11, O14, O33, O41 Corresponding author: yongwang@ust.hk y We are grateful to the associated editor and the referee for their highly insightful comments and suggestions. For useful comments, we would also like to thank Philippe Aghion, Jinhui Bai, Eric Bond, Gene Grossman, Veronica Guerrieri, Chang-Tai Hsieh, Chad Jones, Sam Kortum, Andrei Levchenko, Francis T. Lui, Erzo Luttmer, Rodolfo Manuelli, Rachel Ngai, Paul Romer, Roberto Samaneigo, Danyang Xie, Dennis Yang, Kei-Mu Yi, as well as seminar and conference participants at the CUHK, Dallas Fed, Georgetown University, George Washington University, HKUST, World Bank, Yale University, Econometric Society World Congress (2010), SED (2010), Midwest Macro Meetings (2011), NBER-CCER annual conference (2011) and Shanghai Macro Workshop (2012). Xinding Yu and Zhe Lu provided very able assistance. Yong Wang acknowledges the …nancial support from GRF(grant #644112). All the remaining errors are our own. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 1 1. 1 Introduction 2 Sustainable economic growth relies on the healthy development of underlying industries. 3 Enormous research progress has been made on industrial dynamics, yet many important 4 aspects still remain imperfectly understood within the context of economic growth, espe- 5 cially at the high-digit disaggregated industry level. Consider, for example, the automobile 6 industry and the apparel industry. How di¤erent are the evolution patterns of two industries 7 along the growth path of the whole economy? Which industry should we expect to expand 8 or decline earlier than the other and why? How long, if at all, does a leading industry main- 9 tain its predominant position? What fundamental forces drive these dynamics? What is 10 the relationship between individual industrial dynamics and aggregate GDP growth? These 11 questions are interesting to economists, policy makers, and private investors. 12 The goal of this paper is to shed light on these issues by studying the dynamics of all 13 high-digit industries simultaneously within a growth framework. We establish four stylized 14 facts about industrial dynamics using the NBER-CES data set of the US manufacturing 15 sector, which covers 473 industries at the 6-digit NAICS level from 1958 to 2005. First, there 16 exists tremendous cross-industry heterogeneity both in capital intensities and productivities. 17 Second, the value-added share (or the employment share) of an industry typically exhibits 18 a hump-shaped life cycle, that is, an industry …rst expands, reaches a peak, and eventually 19 declines. Third, a more capital-intensive industry reaches its peak later. Fourth, the further 20 away an industry’s factor intensity deviates from the factor endowment of the economy, 21 the smaller is the employment share (or output share) of this industry in the aggregate 22 economy, which we may call the congruence fact. Similar patterns are also found in the 23 UNIDO data set, which covers 166 countries from 1963 to 2009 at the two-digit level (23 24 sectors). In fact, documentation and analyses of a subset of the above-mentioned patterns 25 of industrial dynamics can be dated at least back to the 1960s. For example, Chenery and 26 Taylor (1968) show that the major products in the manufacturing sector gradually shift from Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 1 2 the labor-intensive ones to more capital-intensive ones as an economy develops. 2 Motivated and guided by these four stylized facts, we develop a tractable endogenous 3 growth model with multiple industries to explain these observed patterns of industrial dy- 4 namics. In light of Fact 3 and Fact 4, together with theoretical arguments for the importance 5 of capital accumulation in the growth literature, we revisit the role of the endowment struc- 6 ture, measured by the aggregate capital-labor ratio, in both determining the production 7 structure and driving the industrial dynamics.1 More speci…cally, our model is constructed 8 to explain the second, third and fourth stylized facts simultaneously by taking the …rst fact 9 as given. 10 To understand how endowment structure may a¤ect di¤erent industries, one may appeal 11 to the Rybczynski Theorem, which states that in a static model with two goods and two 12 factors, the capital-intensive sector expands while the labor-intensive sector shrinks as the 13 economy becomes more capital abundant. This result holds for both an autarky and an open 14 economy. The intuition is that the rental wage ratio declines as capital becomes more abun- 15 dant, so this change in the endowment structure disproportionately favors the production of 16 the capital-intensive good, holding other things constant. 17 This logic is straightforward and well known, but it is not obvious whether capital accu- 18 mulation itself can simultaneously explain Facts 2 through 4 in a growth model with a large 19 number of industries. Recall that the Rybczynski Theorem says almost nothing about what 20 happens when there are more than two goods (Feenstra (2003)). However, for our purpose, 21 a model with many (ideally in…nite) industries is indispensable, not only because it is much 22 more realistic at a high-digit industry level, but also because the multilateral interactions 23 among di¤erent industries could be potentially important for industrial dynamics. 1 In his Marshall Lectures, Lin (2009) proposes that many development issues such as growth, inequality, and industrial policies can all be better understood by analyzing the congruence of the industrial structure with the comparative advantages determined by the endowment structure and its change. There, the endowment structure is more formally de…ned as the composition of the production factors (including labor, human capital, physical capital, land and other natural resources) as well as the soft and hard infrastructures. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 3 1 More important technical challenges for such a formal model come from the dynamic part 2 of the problem in the presence of many industries, each of which evolves nonlinearly. More 3 precisely, …rst, the model predictions should be not only consistent with the aforementioned 4 stylized facts at the disaggregated industry level, but also consistent with the Kaldor facts 5 at the aggregate level.2 Second, to keep track of the life-cycle dynamics of each industry 6 along the whole path of aggregate growth, we must fully characterize transitional dynamics, 7 which is well-recognized to be di¢ cult even for a two-sector model, but now we have in…nite 8 industries with an in…nite time horizon.3 Third, it turns out that endogenous structural 9 change in the underlying industries eventually forces us to characterize a Hamiltonian system 10 with endogenously switching state equations, as will be clearer in the model. 11 All these technical challenges create important obstacles for theoretical research on in- 12 dustrial dynamics. Fortunately, a desirable feature of our model is precisely its tractability: 13 We obtain closed-form solutions to fully characterize the whole process of the hump-shaped 14 industrial dynamics for each of the in…nite industries along the aggregate growth path. The 15 model predictions are qualitatively consistent with all the stylized facts about the industrial 16 dynamics at the micro industry level and the Kaldor facts at the aggregate level. 17 We …rst develop a static model with in…nite industries (or goods, interchangeably) and 18 two factors (labor and capital). With a general CES production function for the …nal com- 19 modity, we obtain a version of the Generalized Rybczynski Theorem: For any given endow- 20 ment of capital and labor, there exists a cuto¤ industry such that, when the capital en- 21 dowment increases, the output will increase in every industry that is more capital intensive 22 than this cuto¤ industry, while the output in all the industries that are less capital intensive 23 than this cuto¤ industry will decrease. Moreover, the cuto¤ industry moves toward the more 24 capital-intensive direction as the capital endowment increases. As a special case, when the 2 Kaldor facts refer to the relative constancy of the growth rate of total output, the capital-output ratio, the real interest rate, and the share of labor income in GDP. 3 See King and Rebelo (1993), Mulligan and Sala-i-Martin (1993), Bond, Trask and Wang (2003), and Mehlum (2005). Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 4 1 CES substitution elasticity is in…nity, generically only two industries are active in equilib- 2 rium and the capital-labor ratios of the active industries are the closest to the capital-labor 3 ratio of the economy. This result is consistent with the congruence fact. The model implies 4 that the structures of underlying industries are endogenously di¤erent at di¤erent stages of 5 economic development. 6 Then the model is extended to a dynamic environment where capital accumulates en- 7 dogenously. The dynamic decision is decomposed into two steps. First, the social planner 8 optimizes the intertemporal allocation of capital for the production of consumption goods, 9 which determines the evolution of the endowment structure. Then, at each time point the 10 resource allocation across di¤erent industries is determined by the capital and labor endow- 11 ments in the same way as the static model. Endogenous changes in the industry composition 12 of an economy translate into di¤erent functional forms of the endogenous aggregate produc- 13 tion function and the capital accumulation function; therefore, we must solve a Hamiltonian 14 system with endogenously switching state equations because of the endogenous structural 15 change. When the CES substitution elasticity is in…nity (linear case), we show that there 16 always exists a unique aggregate growth path with a constant growth rate, along which the 17 underlying industries shift over time by following a hump-shaped pattern with the more 18 capital-intensive ones reaching a peak later (Facts 2 and 3). We analytically characterize the 19 life-cycle dynamics of each industry and also show that the model predictions are empirically 20 consistent with the data. 21 Our paper is most closely related to the growth literature on structural change, which 22 studies the resource allocation across di¤erent sectors as an economy grows (see Herrendorf, 23 Rogerson and Valentinyi (2013) for a recent survey). This literature mainly tries to match 24 the Kuznets facts, namely, the agriculture share in GDP has a secular decline, the industry 25 (manufacturing) share demonstrates a hump shape, and the service share increases. How- 26 ever, such sectors are too aggregated to address questions such as those raised in the …rst Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 5 1 paragraph. Insu¢ cient e¤ort is devoted to reconciling Kaldor facts with the aforementioned 2 stylized facts about industrial dynamics at much more disaggregated levels. 3 The empirical contribution of this paper to the literature is that we formally establish 4 four stylized facts about industry dynamics. In addition, our paper makes two theoretical 5 contributions. First, we develop a highly tractable growth model with in…nite industries to 6 fully characterize the industrial dynamics, which are qualitatively consistent with the four 7 motivating facts. Second, we show how capital accumulation serves as a new and important 8 mechanism that drives the structural change. The existing literature mainly discusses two 9 mechanisms of structural change in autarky. One is the preference-driven mechanism, in 10 which the demand for di¤erent goods shift asymmetrically as income increases due to the 11 non-homothetic preferences.4 The second mechanism is that unbalanced productivity growth 12 rates across sectors drive resource reallocation.5 13 Unlike these two mechanisms, we propose that improvement of endowment structure 14 (capital accumulation) itself is a new and fundamental mechanism that drives industrial 15 dynamics, which we refer to as endowment-driven structural change. To highlight the theo- 16 retical su¢ ciency and distinction of this new mechanism, we assume a homothetic preference 17 to shut down the preference-driven mechanism. Conceptually, it is not obvious how to order 18 industries according to their income demand elasticities at a highly disaggregated level. We 19 also assume in the benchmark model that productivity is constant over time in all the in- 20 dustries to shut down the productivity-driven mechanism. Instead, our model, as motivated 21 by Fact 1, assumes that industries di¤er in their capital intensities, deviating from the stan- 22 dard assumption that di¤erent sectors have equal capital intensity, including models without 23 capital.6 4 For instance, the Stone-Geary function is used in Laitner (2000), Kongsamut, Rebelo, and Xie (2001), Caselli and Cole (2001), Gollin, Parente, and Rogerson (2007). Hierarchic utility functions are adopted in Mastuyama (2002), Foellmi and Zweimuller (2008), Buera and Kaboski (2012a), among others. 5 See, e.g., Ngai and Pissarides (2007), Hansen and Prescott (2002), Duarte and Restuccia (2010), Yang and Zhu (2013), Uy, Yi and Zhang (2013). 6 Ngai and Samaneigo (2011) study how R&D di¤ers across industries and contributes to industry-speci…c Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 6 1 An important exception is Acemoglu and Guerrieri (2008), who study structural change 2 in a two-sector growth model with di¤erent capital intensities, but their model does not aim 3 to explain or generate the repetitive hump-shaped industrial dynamics because the life cycle 4 of each sector is truncated. Instead, their analytical focus is on the asymptotic aggregate 5 growth rate in the long run, by which time one industry dominates the economy in terms of 6 employment share and structural change virtually ends. In contrast, we have in…nite sectors 7 so the structural change is endless and this setting allows us to analyze the complete life-cycle 8 dynamics of every industry at the disaggregated levels during the whole growth process. 9 Ngai and Pissarides (2007) study structural change in a growth model with an arbitrary 10 but …nite number of sectors, which potentially allows for the life-cycle analysis of disaggre- 11 gated industries. However, they do not treat capital accumulation as a major force to drive 12 structural change, even in their appendix, where they introduce di¤erent capital intensities 13 across di¤erent sectors. Nor do they attempt to keep track of the life cycles of each industry 14 to explain their dynamics along the growth path. Moreover, structural change will be over 15 in the long run since there are …nite sectors in their model. 16 Our paper is also closely related to the strand of growth literature that studies the life 17 cycle dynamics of industries, …rms, establishments or products. The key mechanisms that 18 drive the life cycle dynamics are di¤erent in di¤erent models. For example, some highlight 19 the role of innovation and creative destruction (see Stokey (1988), Grossman and Helpman 20 (1991), Aghion and Howitt (1992), Jovanovic and MacDonald (1994)); some highlight the role 21 of speci…c intangible capital such as organizational capital (see Atkenson and Kehoe (2005)) 22 or technology-speci…c or industry-speci…c human capital (see Chari and Hopenhayn (1992), 23 Rossi-Hansberg and Wright (2007)); some focus on productivity change and destruction 24 shocks (see Hopenhayn (1992), Luttmer (2007), Samaniego (2010)), still others highlight TFP growth. Acemoglu (2007) argues that technology progress is endogenously biased toward utilizing the more abundant production factors, which indicates that endowment structure is also fundamentally important even in accounting for TFP growth itself. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 7 1 demand shift due to consumers’heterogeneous preferences together with product awareness 2 (Perla (2013)) or non-homothetic preferences (Mastuyama (2002)). Our paper di¤ers from 3 and complements these approaches by focusing on the role of endowment structure via the 4 endogenous relative factor prices. For simplicity and clarity, we abstract away complications 5 in other dimensions: There are no industry-speci…c or technology-speci…c factors, everything 6 is deterministic, and all the technologies already exist and are freely available. 7 The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 documents and summarizes the empirical 8 facts about industrial dynamics. Section 3 presents the static model. The dynamic model 9 is analyzed in Section 4. Section 5 considers two extensions: an alternative dynamic setting 10 and a more general CES aggregate production function. Section 6 concludes. Technical 11 proofs and some other extensions are in the Appendix.7 12 2. Empirical Patterns of Industrial Dynamics 13 This section documents several important facts of industrial dynamics to motivate and 14 guide our theoretical explorations. Ideally, we need a su¢ ciently long time series of pro- 15 duction data for each industry at a su¢ ciently high-digit industry level. Due to limited 16 availability of quality data, here we will focus on the manufacturing sector. 17 2.1. Evidence from US Data 18 We use the NBER-CES Manufacturing Industry Data for the US, which adopts the 6- 19 digit NAICS codes and covers 473 industries within the manufacturing sector from 1958 to 20 2005.8 21 We …nd that there exists tremendous cross-industry heterogeneity in both physical cap7 International trade could be another important force to drive structural change (see Ventura (1997), Matsuyama (2009) and Uy, Yi and Zhang (2013)). We show that our main results remain valid in a small open economy, both with and without international capital ‡ows. It is relegated to the appendix due to space limits. 8 The data set can be downloaded at http://www.nber.org/nberces. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 8 1 ital intensities and productivities.9 For example, among all industries in 1958, the highest 2 capital-labor ratio is 522; 510 US dollars per worker, which is 986 times larger than the lowest 3 one; the highest capital expenditure share (one minus the ratio of labor expenditure to the 4 value added) is 0.866 while the lowest share is 0.132. In 2005, the highest capital-labor ratio 5 is still about 148 times higher than the lowest one. The highest labor productivity is 50.94 6 (in the unit of thousand dollars/worker) in 1958, which is 35 times larger than that in the 7 least-e¢ cient industry. In 2005 the top-bottom cross-industry labor productivity di¤erence 8 is 92-fold. (See Table A1 in the Appendix for detailed descriptive statistics). 9 In addition, the capital intensity (measured by the capital-labor ratio or the capital 10 expenditure share) increases over time within each industry (see Table A1). This may be 11 because each industry consists of many di¤erent products or techniques of di¤erent capital 12 intensities and the production activity within each industry gradually switches from labor- 13 intensive products/procedures/tasks to capital-intensive ones. Moreover, it is likely that the 14 rank of capital intensity for two highly disaggregated industries can be reversed over time. 15 These issues have long plagued empirical trade economists when testing the Heckscher-Ohlin 16 trade theory because the standard classi…cation of industries is not based on their capital 17 intensities and also capital intensities of products in the same industry may change over 18 time. Schott (2003) proposes to solve these problems by rede…ning the industries according 19 to their capital-labor ratios. Anticipating similar problems for our model, we follow the 20 same practice. We …rst rank all the 22275 observations (473 industries for 48 years, and 429 21 observations are dropped due to missing values in capital-labor ratio) by the capital-labor 22 ratios in an increasing order, and then equally divide all these observations into 99 bins 23 (newly-de…ned industries). Within each newly-de…ned industry, we have 225 observations. 24 The …rst bin, called “industry 1”, is most labor-intensive by construction. Likewise, the most 9 Note that the TFP growth rate obtained from the NBER-CES data set is industry-speci…c and hence the level of TFP is not directly comparable across industries. So we mainly report and use labor productivity for our cross-section regression analyses. However, the same pattern is still found robust when we use the TFP-measured productivity after normalizing the TFP values for all the industries in year 2002 to 100. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 9 1 capital-intensive bin is “industry 99”. In this way, the rank of capital intensity among all 2 these newly-de…ned industries is clear and time-invariant.10 For the purpose of illustration, 3 Figure 1 plots the time series of the HP-…ltered employment shares of six typical industries 4 from 1958 to 2005.11 [Insert Figure 1 here] 5 6 Except for a few anomalies, a discernible pattern emerges. The employment share de- 7 creases over time in the most labor-intensive industries, exhibits a hump shape in the “mid- 8 dle”capital-intensive industries, and increases over time in the most capital-intensive indus- 9 tries. If longer time series become available, we would expect to see the rising stage of the 10 most labor-intensive industries before 1958 and perhaps the eventual decline of the capital- 11 intensive industries after 2005. Similar patterns are also observed for the value-added share 12 or when capital intensity is measured alternatively by the share of capital expenditure.12 We 13 refer to this non-monotonic development pattern of an industry as the hump-shaped pattern 14 of industrial dynamics. Moreover, we can also see that a more capital-intensive industry 15 reaches its peak later, which we refer to as the timing fact. More formally, we regress the 16 peak time of an industry’s share (either employment share or value-added share) on its cap- 17 ital intensity. The results are in Table 1. We indeed see that the peak time of an industry 18 is positively correlated with its capital intensity. [Insert Table 1 here] 19 10 A more detailed description for the method of industry reclassi…cation is in the Appendix 8. The labor productivity, capital-labor ratio and capital expenditure share at in the newly de…ned “industry n”are calculated by using the aggregates of capital, labor, labor expenditure, and value added for all the observations at t in “industry n”. When generating Figure 1, if there are missing values in the constructed time series for certain years, we replace the missing values by the simple average of the observations before and after. For how employment shares change over time in all the 99 industries within the manufacturing sector, please refer to Figure A1 in the Appendix. 11 12 Alternatively, when the observations are ranked according to the capital expenditure share, 75 observations with non-positive capital expenditure shares are dropped. So we end up with a sample of 22200 observations, which are equally divided into 100 bins, with 222 observations in each bin. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth To further understand what determines the industrial structures and their dynamics, we 1 2 10 run the following regression: LSit = 3 0 + 1 Kit =Lit Kt =Lt + Kt =Lt 2 Tit + industry_dummy + "it ; (1) 4 where LSit is the ratio of newly de…ned industry i’s employment to the total manufacturing 5 employment at year t and 6 between industry i’s capital-labor ratio and the aggregate capital-labor ratio at year t. Tit 7 is the labor productivity of the newly-de…ned industry i at year t. The results are reported 8 in Table 2. We can see that 9 employment share becomes smaller if the di¤erence between the industry’s capital intensity 10 and the aggregate capital-labor ratio is larger, which suggests that if an industry’s capital 11 intensity and the economy’s endowment structure are more congruent, that industry is rel- 12 atively larger. As shown in Table 2, this result is robust if capital intensity is alternatively 13 measured by the capital expenditure share or if the employment share is replaced by the 14 value-added share. We call this the congruence fact. In addition, an industry’s employment 15 share (or valued-added share) is signi…cantly and positively correlated with the level of labor 16 productivity. Kit =Lit Kt =Lt Kt =Lt 1 is the absolute value of a normalized di¤erence is negative and signi…cant, indicating that an industry’s [Insert Table 2 here] 17 18 How robust are these patterns to the alternative ways in which an industry is de…ned?13 19 To address this concern, we return to the original de…nition of industries with 6-digit NAICS 20 codes. We are particularly interested in the robustness of the hump-shaped pattern and the 21 timing fact. So we run the following regression by including a quadratic term for time: yit = 22 13 0 + 1t + 2 2t + 3 kit t + 4 Tit + 5 Di + 6 GDP GRt + "it ; (2) As one may expect, a potential limitation of Schott’s method in the dynamic context is that the newlyde…ned “industry 1” by construction has more data points for the earliest years and “industry 99” has disproportionately more data points for the latest years. However, it is not necessarily biased for most of the “middle industries.” Anyway, the robustness of all the patterns is worth checking using the traditional de…nition of industries, which we do below. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 11 1 where yit is the output or value-added share of industry i in the total manufacturing sector 2 at year t; kit and Tit are the capital expenditure share and the labor productivity of industry 3 i at year t, respectively; Di is the industry dummy; GDP GRt is the GDP growth rate; and 4 "it is the error term. If the hump-shaped dynamic pattern is statistically valid, we should 5 expect the coe¢ cient for the quadratic term, 6 after controlling for the labor productivity and the industry …xed e¤ect, we know from (2) 7 that industry i reaches its peak at tmax i 8 9 2, 1+ 3 2 2 to be negative and signi…cant. In addition, ki;t . That is, If the timing fact is statistically valid, we should expect 3 should be positive when 2 3 2 @yit @t > 0 if and only if t < tmax . i to be positive, or equivalently, is negative. Moreover, the peak time tmax must be positive i 10 when 11 two patterns are indeed statistically signi…cant, so the results are robust. 1 is positive. Table 3 summarizes all the regression results, which con…rm that these [Insert Table 3 here] 12 13 To check the robustness of the congruence fact, we use the original NAICS classi…cation 14 and run regression (1) again. The results are as follows (with standard errors in parentheses): LSit = 2:233 (0:016) 0:071 (0:019) Kit =Lit Kt =Lt Kt =Lt 4:33 10 4 Tit + industry_dummy: (1:04 10 4) 15 The coe¢ cient 16 the congruence fact.14 The employment share now is negatively correlated with the labor 17 productivity. 1 is again negative and signi…cant at the 99% signi…cant level, con…rming 18 Finally, we examine the correlation between the industrial capital-labor ratios and the 19 labor productivities. We obtain the following regression results (with standard errors in 14 When the value-added share is used as the dependent variable, or when the capital expenditure share is used in the congruence term, the congruence fact cannot be found for the data with the NAICS classi…cation. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 20 1 12 parentheses): Tit = 24:184 + 0:0415(Kit =Lit ): (0:004) (3) 2 It shows that industrial productivities and capital intensities are positively correlated at the 3 99% signi…cant level. This positive correlation remains signi…cant and robust when capital 4 intensities are measured by capital expenditure shares and/or when controlling for industrial 5 output (or value added, employment) and year dummies. 6 2.2. Evidence from Cross-Country Data 7 We now turn to the evidence from the cross-country data, and we are particularly in- 8 terested in the patterns for developing countries. Haraguchi and Rezonja (2010) explore the 9 UNIDO data set of manufacturing development covering 135 countries from 1963 to 2006. 10 Their data set adopts the 2-digit ISIC codes and entails 18 manufacturing sectors. They 11 group all the observations together in their regressions. One of their most robust …ndings is 12 that the logarithm of the value-added share of an industry in the total GDP can be best …t- 13 ted by including a quadratic term of the logarithm of real GDP per capita in the regressions; 14 the coe¢ cient is both negative and signi…cant after controlling for various country-speci…c 15 factors (such as population and natural resource abundance) and country dummies. This is 16 consistent with the pattern of the hump-shaped industrial dynamics we documented earlier 17 for the US data. Following Chenery and Taylor (1968), Haraguchi and Rezonja (2010) group 18 industries into three separate panels: “early sectors”, “middle sectors” and “late sectors”. 19 They …nd that industries in “early sectors” reach their peaks at lower levels of GDP per 20 capita (“earlier”) than those in “middle sectors”, which in turn reach their peaks “earlier” 21 than those in “late sectors”. In other words, a more capital-intensive industry reaches a 22 peak at a higher level of GDP per capita (“later”), which is consistent with our timing fact. 23 The congruence fact is also empirically found by Lin (2009) in the cross-country empirical 24 analyses. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 25 1 13 To further investigate the cross-country empirical evidence for industry dynamics, especially for developing countries, we extend regression (2) to a cross-country regression: yitc = 2 0 + 1t + 2 2t + 3 kitc t + 4 Titc + 5 Dic + 6 GDP GRtc + "itc (4) 3 where subscript c represents a country index. The UNIDO manufacturing data set we are 4 using covers 166 countries from 1963 to 2009 at the two-digit level (23 sectors). The results 5 are summarized in Table 4. [Insert Table 4 here] 6 7 The …ndings are consistent with the results in Table 3, which suggests that the industry 8 dynamics patterns observed in the US are actually quite general and also true for other 9 countries. 10 Next we check the robustness of the empirical patterns for the subsample that only 11 consists of developing countries (following the World Bank’s de…nition). The results are 12 reported in Table 5. [Insert Table 5 here] 13 14 As can be seen again, 1 is positive, 2 is negative and 3 is positive. Moreover, these 15 three coe¢ cients are signi…cant in almost all the cases. Therefore, we conclude that the 16 hump-shaped industry pattern and the timing fact are robust for developing countries as 17 well. 18 2.3. Summary of Empirical Facts 19 20 21 22 Combining all the empirical results, we summarize the four facts for industrial dynamics in the manufacturing sector. Fact 1 (cross-industry heterogeneity): There exists tremendous cross-industry heterogeneity in capital-labor ratios, capital expenditure shares and labor productivities. 14 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth Fact 2 (hump-shaped dynamics): An industry typically exhibits a hump-shaped 23 1 dynamic pattern: its value-added share …rst increases, reaches a peak, and then declines. Fact 3 (timing fact): The more capital intensive an industry is, the later its value- 2 3 added share reaches its peak. 4 Fact 4 (congruence fact): The further an industry’s capital-labor ratio deviates from 5 the economy’s aggregate capital-labor ratio, the smaller is the industry’s employment share. 6 In this paper, we take Fact 1 as exogenously given and develop a growth model with 7 multiple industries of di¤erent capital intensities to simultaneously explain Facts 2, 3 and 4. 8 3. 9 3.1. Set-up Static Model 10 Consider an economy with a unit mass of identical households and in…nite industries. 11 Each household is endowed with L units of labor and E units of physical capital, which 12 can be easily extended to incorporate intangible capital as well. A representative household 13 consumes a composite …nal commodity C; which is produced by combining all the interme- 14 15 diate goods cn , where n 2 f0; 1; 2; :::g. Each intermediate good should be interpreted as an industry, although we will use “good”and “industry”interchangeably throughout the paper. For simplicity, assume the production function of the …nal commodity is 16 C= 17 1 X (5) n cn ; n=0 represents the marginal productivity of good n in the …nal good production.15 We 18 where 19 require cn 20 is CRRA: 21 U= 15 n 0 for any n: The …nal commodity serves as the numeraire. The utility function C1 1 1 ; where 2 (0; 1]: (6) It is not unusual in the growth literature to assume perfect substitutability for the output across di¤erent production activities; see Hansen and Prescott (2002). We will relax this assumption and study the general CES function in Section 5. 15 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth All the technologies exhibit constant returns to scale. In particular, good 0 is produced 22 1 with labor only. One unit of labor produces one unit of good 0. To produce any good n 2 both labor and capital are required and the production functions are Leontief:16 Fn (k; l) = minf 3 k ; lg; an 1, (7) 4 where an measures the capital intensity of good n. All the markets are perfectly competitive. 5 Let pn denote the price of good n. Let r denote the rental price of capital and w denote the 6 wage rate. The zero pro…t condition for a …rm implies that p0 = w and pn = w + an r for 7 n 1. Without loss of generality, the industries are ordered such that an is increasing in n. Since the data suggest that a more capital-intensive technology is generally more productive (refer to regression result (3)), we assume that n is increasing in n: To obtain analytical solutions, we assume n a = 1> n ; an = an ; (8) > 1: (9) must be imposed to rule out the trivial case that only the most capital-intensive good 8 a> 9 is produced in the static equilibrium, and we strengthen the assumption further to a 10 1> to simplify the analysis as good 0 requires no capital.17 The household problem is to maximize (6) subject to the following budget constraint: 11 C = wL + rE: 12 16 (10) Leontief functions are also used in Luttmer (2007) and Buera and Kaboski (2012a, 2012b). See Jones (2005) for more discussions of functional forms. It can be easily shown that our key qualitative results will remain valid when the production function is Cobb-Douglas, but that will enormously increase the nonlinearity of the problem in the multiple-sector environment, making it much harder to obtain closed-form solutions, especially for the dynamic analysis. 17 If = 1, the equilibrium would be trivial because only good 0 is produced in this linear case. Later, we will allow for = 1 when (5) is replaced by a general CES function in Section 5. 16 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 13 3.2. Market Equilibrium 1 We …rst establish that at most two goods are simultaneously produced in the equilibrium 2 and that these two goods have to be adjacent in the capital intensities (see Appendix 1 for 3 the proof). The intuition is the following. Suppose goods n and n + 1 are produced for some 4 n 5 must be equal to their price ratio: M RTn+1;n = 1, then the marginal rate of transformation (MRT) between the two intermediate goods 8 9 pn+1 pn = w+an+1 r , w+an r which yields r 1 = n : w a (a ) 6 7 = Obviously, M RTj;j+1 > 1 aj 1 (a ) (11) pj pj+1 whenever r w > 1 aj (a ) ; and M RTj;j 1 > pj pj 1 whenever r w < for any j = 1; 2; ::. Therefore, when (11) holds, good n+1 must be strictly preferred to good n + 2; because the MRT is larger than their price ratio. This means that cj = 0 for 10 all j n + 2. Using the same logic, we can also verify that cj = 0 for all 1 11 addition, condition (9) ensures that good 0 is not produced. Similarly, when goods 0 and 1 12 are produced in an equilibrium, good 1 is strictly preferred to any good n j n 1. In 2: The market clearing conditions for labor and capital are given respectively by cn + cn+1 = L; (12) cn an + cn+1 an+1 = E: (13) 13 The market equilibrium can be illustrated in Figure 2, where the horizontal and vertical 14 axes are labor and capital, respectively. Point O is the origin and Point W = (L; E) denotes 15 the endowment of the economy. When an L < E < an+1 L; as shown in the current case, 16 only goods n and n + 1 are produced. The factor market clearing conditions, (12) and (13), 17 determine the equilibrium allocation of labor and capital in industries n and n + 1; which 19 are represented respectively by vector OA and vector OB in the parallelogram OAW B. ! ! Oan = (1; an ) cn and Oan+1 = (1; an+1 ) cn+1 are the vectors of factors used in producing cn 20 and cn+1 in the equilibrium. If the capital increases so the endowment point moves from W 18 17 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 21 to W 0 , the new equilibrium becomes parallelogram OA0 W 0 B 0 so that cn decreases but cn+1 1 increases. When E = an L, only good n is produced. Similarly, if E = an+1 L; only good 2 n + 1 is produced.18 [Insert Figure 2 Here] 3 More precisely, the equilibrium output of each good cn , the relative factor prices 4 5 r , w and the corresponding aggregate output C are summarized in Table 6. Table 6: Static Trade Equilibrium 0 an L E < aL E a c0 = L c1 = cn = Ei a , E0;1 = r w a C =L+( a 1) Ea (C 1 L) Ei an Li an+1 an cj = 0 for 8j 6= n; n + 1 1 = 1 Lan+1 E an+1 an cn+1 = cj = 0 for 8j 6= 0; 1 r w E < an+1 L for n C= = n+1 1 an (a n an+1 an h , En;n+1 = C E+ n ) n (a ) L a 1 (a ) L a 1 i an+1 an n+1 n : The static equilibrium is summarized verbally in the following proposition. 6 7 Proposition 1 Generically, there exist only two industries whose capital intensities are the 8 most adjacent to the aggregate capital-labor ratio, 9 exhibits a hump shape: the output …rst remains zero, then increases and reaches its peak and 10 then declines, and …nally returns to zero and is fully replaced by the industry with the next 11 higher capital intensity. E . L As E L increases, each industry n (n 1) 12 The equilibrium outcome, as summarized in the above proposition and Table 6, is logi- 13 cally consistent with Facts 2 through 4 documented in Section 2. Table 6 also shows that 18 This graph may appear similar to the Lerner diagram in the H-O trade models with multiple diversi…cation cones (see Leamer (1987)). However, the mechanism in our autarky model is di¤erent from the international specialization mechanism in the trade literature. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 18 14 the aggregate production function (C as a function of L and E) has di¤erent forms when the 1 endowment structures are di¤erent, re‡ecting the endogenous structural change in the un- 2 derlying industries. Accordingly, the coe¢ cient right before E in the endogenous aggregate 3 production function is the rental price of capital, and the coe¢ cient before L is the wage 4 rate. So the relative factor price is 5 stair-shaped fashion as E increases. This discontinuity results from the Leontief assumption. 6 Observe that the capital income share in the total output is given by rE = rE + wL 7 r w = 1 an (a ) when E 2 [an L; an+1 L), and it declines in a 1 E a 1 n (a a 1 E + a 1 )L a 1 (14) 8 when E 2 [an L; an+1 L) for any n 9 with capital within each diversi…cation cone and then suddenly drops to 1. So the capital income share monotonically increases ( 1) a 1 as the economy 10 enters a di¤erent diversi…cation cone, but the capital income share always stays within the 11 interval [ a 12 income share is fairly stable over time.19 1 ( 1)a ; ] 1 (a 1) for any n 1. This is consistent with the Kaldor fact that the capital Table 6 also shows that the equilibrium industrial output and the industrial employment 13 14 are not a¤ected by . The intuition is straightforward: an increase in 15 productivity of good n + 1 versus good n. But their relative price 16 thus these two forces exactly cancel out each other. However, this result is no longer valid 17 when the substitution elasticity between di¤erent goods is less than in…nity, which we will 18 show in Section 5. 19 4. pn+1 pn raises the relative is also equal to ; Dynamic Model 20 Now we will develop a dynamic model to fully characterize the industrial dynamics along 21 the growth path of the aggregate economy, where the capital changes endogenously over 22 time. 19 See Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2003) for more discussion on the robustness of the Kaldor facts. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 23 19 4.1. Theoretical Model 4.1.1. Environment 1 2 There are two sectors in the economy: a sector producing capital goods and a sector 3 producing consumption goods. Capital goods and consumption goods are distinct in nature 4 and not substitutable. Moreover, they are produced with di¤erent technologies. Capital 5 goods are produced using an AK technology: One unit of capital good produces A units 6 of new capital goods, where A captures the e¤ect of learning by doing. It also highlights 7 the feature that the technology progress is investment-speci…c, so it occurs in the capital 8 (investment) goods sector rather than in the consumption goods sector (see Greenwood, 9 Herkowitz, and Krusell (1997)).20 Let K(t) denote the capital stock available at the beginning 10 of time t, so the output ‡ow coming out of the capital good sector is AK(t), which is then 11 split between two di¤erent usages: (15) AK(t) = X(t) + E(t); 12 13 where X(t) denotes capital investment and E(t) denotes the ‡ow of capital used to produce 14 consumption goods at t. E(t) fully depreciates, so capital in the whole economy accumulates 15 as follows: K(t) = X(t) 16 where (16) K(t); is the depreciation rate in the capital goods sector. Substituting (15) into the above equation and de…ning =A , we obtain K(t) = K(t) E(t): 17 At time t, capital E(t) and labor L (assumed to be constant) produce all the intermedi- 18 ate goods fcn (t)g1 n=0 with technologies speci…ed by (7), which are ultimately combined to 20 Notice that this dynamic setting di¤ers from the most standard setting. For the sake of expositional convenience, detailed comparisons and justi…cations are postponed to Subsection 4.1.3 and Section 5. 20 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 19 1 2 produce the …nal consumption good C(t) according to (5). Based on Table 6, de…ne 8 > ( 1) < E+L if 0 E < aL a ; F (E; L) n n > (a ) n n+1 : n+1 E + a 1 L if a L E < a L for n 1 an+1 an (17) which is the endogenous aggregate production function derived in Section 3. Therefore, (18) C(t) = F (E(t); L) = r(t)E(t) + w(t)L; 3 4 where r(t) and w(t) are the rental price for capital and the wage rate at time t, respectively. 5 With some abuse of notation, let E(C(t)) denote the total amount of capital goods needed 6 to produce …nal consumption goods C(t), so F (E(C(t); L) 7 C and all the intermediate goods fcn g1 n=0 are non-storable. 8 9 10 C(t). Final consumption goods By the second welfare theorem, we can characterize the competitive equilibrium by resorting to the following social planner problem: Z 1 C(t)1 1 t max e dt C(t) 0 1 (19) subject to K(t) = K(t) (20) E(C(t)); K(0) = K0 is given; 11 where 12 positive consumption growth and, to exclude the explosive solution, we also assume 13 is the time discount rate. Following conventions, we assume > 0 to ensure (1 ) < . Putting them together, we impose 0< 14 < : (21) The social planner decides the intertemporal consumption ‡ow C(t) and makes optimal investment decisions X(t), which in turn determine the evolution of the endowment structure K(t) L and the optimal amount of capital allocated for consumption goods production E(t). Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 21 Note that, at any given time t, once E(t) is determined, the optimization problem for the whole consumption goods sector is exactly the same as the static problem in Section 3. From the bottom row of Table 6, we know that E(C) is a strictly increasing, continuous, piece-wise i linear function of C. It is not di¤erentiable at C = L, for any i = 0; 1; ::. Therefore, the above dynamic problem may involve changes in the functional form of the state equation: (20) can be explicitly rewritten as K= 15 8 > > > > < when K; C<L K E0;1 (C); when > > > > : K En;n+1 (C); when L n L C< n+1 L; for n where En;n+1 (C) is de…ned in the bottom row of Table 6 for any n 4.1.2. ; C< L 1 0. Equilibrium Characterization 1 2 We can verify that the objective function is strictly increasing, di¤erentiable and strictly 3 concave while the constraint set forms a continuous convex-valued correspondence, hence 4 the equilibrium must exist and also be unique. Let t0 denote the last time point when aggregate consumption equals L (that is, only good 0 is produced), and tn denote the …rst time point when C = is produced) for n n L (that is, only good n 1: As can be veri…ed later, aggregate consumption C is monotonically increasing over time in equilibrium, hence the problem can also be written as max C(t) Z 0 t0 C(t)1 1 1 e t dt + 1 Z X n=0 tn+1 tn C(t)1 1 1 e t dt Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 22 subject to K= 8 > > > > < when K K E0;1 (C); when > > > > : K En;n+1 (C); when tn t where tn is to be endogenously determined for any n 0. 0 t t0 t0 t t1 tn+1 ; for n ; 1 K(0) = K0 is given; 5 1 2 3 Table 6 indicates that goods 0 and 1 are produced during the time period [t0 ; t1 ] and a tn+1 for n 1; goods n and n + 1 h i n+1 n n (a ) are produced. Correspondingly, E(C) = En;n+1 (C) C L an+1 a n . If K0 is a 1 E(C) = E0;1 (C) 1 L). When tn (C t 4 su¢ ciently small (this is more precisely shown below), then there exists a time period [0; t0 ] 5 in which only good 0 is produced and all the working capital is saved for the future, so E = 0 6 when 0 7 goods h and h + 1 for some h t0 . If K0 is large, on the other hand, the economy may start by producing t 1, so t0 = t1 = = th = 0 in equilibrium. To solve the above dynamic problem, following Kamien and Schwartz (1991), we set the discounted-value Hamiltonian in the interval tn tn+1 , and use subscripts “n; n + 1”to t denote all the variables during this time interval: Hn;n+1 = + where n;n+1 C(t)1 1 n+1 e t n+1 n+1 L n;n+1 ( L C(t) + n;n+1 C(t)) + n+1 n;n+1 and 0 and C(t) n is the co-state variable, two constraints 1 L [ K(t) En;n+1 (C(t))] n n;n+1 (C(t) n n;n+1 n L) (22) are the Lagrangian multipliers for the 0, respectively. The …rst-order condition 23 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth and Kuhn-Tucker conditions are @Hn;n+1 = C(t) @C n+1 n+1 L n;n+1 ( C(t)) = 0; n n;n+1 (C(t) 8 L) = 0; an+1 an n+1 n n;n+1 n+1 n;n+1 0; n+1 n n;n+1 0; C(t) L n+1 n;n+1 + n n;n+1 = 0; (23) C(t) > 0; n L 0: We also have 0 n;n+1 (t) 1 2 n t e @Hn;n+1 = @K = In particular, when C(t) 2 ( C(t) 3 e t = n an+1 n;n+1 n+1 n;n+1 L; n+1 (24) : L), n+1 n;n+1 = n n;n+1 = 0; and equation (23) becomes an (25) n: 4 The left-hand side is the marginal utility gain from increasing one unit of aggregate con- 5 sumption, while the right-hand side is the marginal utility loss due to the decrease in capital 6 because of that additional unit of consumption, which by the Chain’s Rule can be decom- 7 posed into two multiplicative terms: the marginal utility of capital 8 capital requirement for each additional unit of aggregate consumption 9 Taking the logarithm on both sides of equation (25) and di¤erentiating with respect to t; we 10 n;n+1 and the marginal an+1 an n+1 n (see Table 6). obtain the consumption growth rate from the regular Euler equation: C(t) = C(t) gc 11 (26) ; 12 for tn 13 consumption ‡ow C(t) must be continuous and su¢ ciently smooth (without kinks); hence 14 from (26) we obtain: 15 t tn+1 for any n C(t) = C(t0 )egc (t t0 ) 0. The strictly concave utility function implies that the optimal for any t t0 > 0: (27) 16 Following Kamien and Schwartz (1991), we have two additional necessary conditions at 17 t = tn+1 : Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth Hn;n+1 (tn+1 ) = Hn+1;n+2 (tn+1 ); n;n+1 (tn+1 ) 18 1 n+1;n+2 (tn+1 ): (28) (29) Substituting equations (28) and (29) into (22), we can verify that K (tn+1 ) = K + (tn+1 ). In other words, K(t) is also continuous. Observe that C(t0 )egc (tn 2 3 = 24 t0 ) = C(tn ) = n L when t0 > 0; (30) which implies n log C(tL0 ) + t0 , when t0 > 0. (31) 4 tn = 5 De…ne mn 6 n and good n + 1 are produced (that is, the duration of the diversi…cation cone for good n 7 and good n + 1). We must have tn , which measures the length of the time period during which both good tn+1 mn = m 8 9 gc log : gc (32) The comparative statics for equation (32) is summarized in the following proposition. 10 Proposition 2 The full life span of each industry n 11 industrial upgrading (measured by frequency 12 but increases with the aggregate growth rate gc . More precisely, the industrial upgrading is 13 faster when technological e¢ ciency 14 1 1 ) 2m 1 is equal to 2m. The speed of decreases with the productivity parameter increases, or the intertemporal elasticity of substitution increases, or the time discount rate decreases. The intuition for the proposition is the following. Suppose good n and good n + 1 are 15 16 produced. When the productivity parameter 17 ( 18 of good n+1 ( n is larger, the marginal productivity of good n ) becomes bigger, making it pay to stay at good n longer; but the marginal productivity n+1 ) also becomes bigger, making it optimal to leave good n and move to good Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 19 25 n + 1 more quickly. It turns out that the …rst e¤ect dominates the second e¤ect because (9) 1 implies that, by climbing up the industrial ladder, the productivity gain is su¢ ciently small 2 relative to the additional capital cost re‡ected by the cost parameter a. Thus the net e¤ect 3 is that industrial upgrading slows down. On the other hand, industrial upgrading is faster 4 when the consumption growth rate gc increases because larger consumption is supported by 5 more capital-intensive industries, as implied by Table 6. 6 When the household is more impatient (larger ), it will consume more and save less 7 and hence capital accumulation becomes slower and thus the endowment-driven industrial 8 upgrading also becomes slower. When the production of the capital good becomes more 9 e¢ cient ( ), capital can be accumulated faster, so the upgrading speed is increased. When 1 ), the household is 10 the aggregate consumption is more substitutable across time (larger 11 more willing to substitute current consumption for future consumption, which also boosts 12 saving and then causes quicker industrial upgrading. 13 We are now ready to derive the industrial dynamics for the entire time period. The 14 industrial dynamics depend on the initial capital stock, K(0): We show in the Appendix 15 that there exists a series of increasing constants, #0 ; #1 ; 16 K(0) 17 #0 (Appendix 3 fully characterizes this case); if #n < K(0) 18 by producing goods n and n + 1 for any n 19 for any K(0) < #n : That is, irrespective of the level of initial capital stock, the economy 20 always starts to produce good n + 1 whenever its capital stock reaches #n : ; #n ; #n+1 ; ; such that if 0 < #0 ; the economy will start by producing good 0 only until the capital stock reaches #n+1 ; the economy will start 0: Furthermore, we can show that K(tn ) To be more concrete, consider the case when #0 < K(0) #n #1 , where the threshold values #0 and #1 can be explicitly solved (see Appendix 2). That is, the economy will start by producing goods 0 and 1: Using equation (27) and Table 6, we know that when t 2 [0; t1 ], E(t) = a 1 (C(t) L) = a 1 (C(0)e t L): 26 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth Correspondingly, a K = K(t) 1 t (C(0)e L): Solving this …rst-order di¤erential equation with the condition K(0) = K0 , we obtain aC(0) 1 K(t) = " aL t + K0 + + ( 1) e aC(0) 1 + aL ( 1) # e t; which yields #1 21 a L 1 K(t1 ) = " aL + + K0 + ( 1) When t 2 [tn ; tn+1 ], for any n 1 2 (a ) an+1 L n+1 a 1 t C(0)e + aL ( 1) # L C(0) : 1; the transition equation of capital stock (20) becomes n K = K(t) aC(0) 1 an n when t 2 [tn ; tn+1 ], for any n 1: Solving the above di¤erential equation, we obtain: K(t) = n + t ne + ne t when t 2 [tn ; tn+1 ], for any n (33) 1 where n = n = = an n+1 n an+1 an n+1 n n an+1 L C(0) n n ( #n + (a )L ; (a 1) C(0) ; n+1 (a n a )L 1 " 1 + (a (a ) 1) #) : 3 Again the endogenous change in the functional form of the capital accumulation path (33) 4 re‡ects the structural changes that underlie the aggregate economic growth. Note that Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 5 f#n g1 n=2 are all constants, which can be sequentially pinned down: #n 1 computed from equation (33) with K(tn 1 ) known. 27 K(tn ) can be For each individual industry, using equation (27) and Table 6, we obtain cn (t) = c1 (t) = 8 > > > > < > > > > : 8 > > > > < t C(0)e > > > > : 8 > < L c0 (t) = > : n L n 1 t C(0)e n+1 n + 1 when t 2 [tn 1 ; tn ] L ; 1 when t 2 [tn ; tn+1 ] t L 1 t C(0)e 2 2 otherwise 0; C(0)e ; for all n + when t 2 [0; t1 ] ; L ; 1 when t 2 [t1 ; t2 ] ; otherwise 0; t C(0)e 1 0; L ; when t 2 [0; t1 ] ; otherwise 2 where C(0) can be uniquely determined by the transversality condition (see Appendix 2) and 3 the endogenous time points tn are given by (31) for any n 4 above mathematical equations fully characterize the industrial dynamics for each industry 5 over the whole life cycle while aggregate consumption growth is still given by (26). If the 6 initial capital stock is su¢ ciently small such that K0 < #0 as characterized in Appendix 3, 7 then the economy will …rst have a constant output level equal to L (Malthusian regime) until 8 the capital stock K(t) = #0 , which occurs at t0 > 0, after which the aggregate consumption 9 growth rate permanently changes to 1. Recall t0 = 0 in this case. The (Solow regime). All these mathematical results can 10 be read as follows: 11 Proposition 3 There exists a unique and strictly increasing sequence of endogenous thresh- 12 old values for capital stock, f#i g1 i=0 , which are independent of the initial capital stock K(0). 13 The economy starts to produce good n when its capital stock K(t) reaches #n 14 K(t) evolves following equation (33), while total consumption C(t) remains constant at L 1 for any n 1. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 15 until t0 , after which it grows exponentially at the constant rate 28 : The output of each indus- 1 try follows a hump-shaped pattern: When capital stock K(t) reaches #n 1 ; industry n enters 2 the market and booms until capital stock K(t) reaches #n ; its output then declines and …nally 3 exits from the market at the time when K(t) reaches #n+1 : The industrial dynamics characterized in Proposition 3 are depicted in Figure 3. 4 [Figure 3] 5 6 It is clear that our theoretical predictions for the industrial dynamics are well consistent 7 with Facts 2, 3, and 4 established in Section 2. Meanwhile, the theoretical results are also 8 consistent with the Kaldor facts that the growth rate of total consumption remains constant 9 and the capital income share is relatively stable, as shown in equation (14). 10 4.1.3. Discussion 11 Now we brie‡y discuss how this dynamic setting deviates from the most standard envi- 12 ronment (standard setting, henceforth) and why the current alternative setting is desirable.21 13 The standard setting postulates that there is one all-purpose …nal good, which can be either 14 consumed or used for investment (think about coconut), so the production of consumption 15 goods and capital goods are not separated. Thus (16) is still valid, but (15) and (18) are 16 now replaced by C(t) + X(t) = F (K(t); L) = r(t)K(t) + w(t)L; 17 (34) 18 where function F (K(t); L) is de…ned in (17) with E being replaced by K. Combining (34) 19 and (16) yields K(t) = F (K(t); L) 20 21 C(t) K(t); Discussions in this subsection and in subsection 5.1 are inspired by the referee. (35) Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 29 21 which di¤ers from (20). The social planner then solves (19) subject to (35) and that K(0) = 1 K0 is given. In contrast, our multi-sector model assumes that capital goods and consumption 2 goods are di¤erent goods, which are used for di¤erent purposes and also produced with 3 di¤erent technologies. In particular, technological progress takes place in thecapital goods 4 sector in an AK fashion, but there is no technological progress in theconsumption goods 5 sector. 6 There are four main reasons that we prefer the current setting over the standard setting. 7 First, generally speaking, due to their technological nature, capital goods (such as ma- 8 chines) usually cannot be directly used for consumption, nor can consumption goods (such 9 as shirts) be used for capital investment, so the assumptions in the current setting are more 10 realistic. Even for purely theoretical purposes, such a dichotomy has a long tradition in the 11 growth literature, dating at least back to Uzawa (1961). Second, the current setting is more consistent with two important empirical facts than the standard setting. Hsieh and Klenow (2007) show that the price of capital goods relative to consumption goods is systematically higher in poor countries, but the standard setting implies that this relative price is always equal to one, independent of the income level. However, this fact can be explained in the current setting. To see this, note that (17) implies the following relative price of capital goods to consumption goods: r E L 8 > < > : 1 if a n+1 n an+1 an 0 n if a L E < aL n+1 E<a L for n : 1 12 Since is larger in richer countries, n is larger, and therefore r is smaller because r decreases 13 with n due to (9). Another fact which contradicts the predictions of the standard setting 14 is that this relative price keeps falling dramatically over time within the same country such 15 as the US, which is well established in the literature on investment-speci…c technological 16 progress (see Greenwood, Herkowitz, and Krusell (1997) and Cummins and Violante (2002)). Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 30 17 In contrast, this fact is consistent with our setting, because industrial upgrading is perpetual 1 (n keeps increasing) when the aggregate economy attains sustainable growth (gc > 0), so 2 the relative price r(t) keeps falling over time. In fact, Proposition 2 further states that 3 more e¢ cient production in capital goods (higher ) leads to faster industrial upgrading (n 4 increases faster as life spans of industries become shorter), thus r(t) decreases faster. 5 Third, the primary purpose of our model is to highlight the role of capital accumulation 6 in driving industrial dynamics, so it is conceptually clearer to explicitly distinguish capital 7 goods from non-capital goods. Also, motivated by the literature on investment-speci…c 8 technological progress, we assume thecapital goods sector makes faster technological progress 9 than theconsumption goods sector. 10 Fourth, it turns out that closed-form solutions are obtained both for the life-cycle dy- 11 namics of each industry and for the aggregate growth path in our current setting, but we lose 12 this high tractability in the standard setting. To make this point more clearly, in Subsection 13 5.1, we further explore the implications of the standard setting (with technological progress 14 in theconsumption goods sector). 15 4.2. Empirical Evidence Propositions 2 and 3 predict that the industrial dynamics exhibit a hump-shaped pattern and the life span of an industry (2m) decreases with the aggregate growth rate (gc ) but increases with its productivity level (recall that the productivity level is strictly increasing in ). To empirically test these predictions, we …rst compute the life span of industry i; di ; based on regression (2) and Table 3 in Section 2. Note that as the right-hand side of equation (2) is a quadratic function of time t; there are two roots of the parabola t1i and t2i ; at which the output (or value-added) share of industry i; yit ; equals zero. Therefore, the whole life 31 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth span of industry i, can be measured by the distance of the two roots of the parabola: dit = q ( 1 2 3 kit ) + 4 2 ( 0 + 4 Tit + 5 Di + 6 GDP GRt ) : 2 @di < 0; so we immediately have that sign( @T ) = sign( i;t From Table 3, we see that 2 1 @di ) = sign( and sign( @GDP GRt 6) 2 @di tions that an industry’s life span increases with the industrial labor productivity ( @T > 0) i;t 3 @di < 0). For developing countries, but decreases with the aggregate GDP growth rate ( @GDP GRt 4 note that, based on Tables 4 and 5, the e¤ect of labor productivity on the life span of an in- 5 dustry is still consistent with the model prediction. However, the e¤ect of aggregate growth 6 rate ( 6 ) is not signi…cant, although the sign is still consistent with the model prediction in 7 most of the subsample regression results.22 8 5. 9 5.1. Alternative Dynamic Setting 16 4) >0 < 0: This empirical evidence supports the theoretical predic- Extensions 10 In this subsection, we explore industry dynamics and aggregate growth in an alternative 11 and more standard environment, where all capital is used to produce one …nal good, which 12 can be either consumed or saved as capital investment. Suppose the aggregate production function becomes 13 A(t)F (K(t); L); 14 (36) 15 where function F (K(t); L) is de…ned as in (36) with E(t) being replaced by K(t), and A(t) 16 captures the exogenous Hicks-neutral technology progress.23 A(0) is given and normalized 22 This may suggest that further research is needed to better understand the interaction between aggregate growth and industry dynamics for developing countries. 23 The labor-augmenting exogenous technological progress does not yield perpetual industry upgrading for this case, although it generates sustainable aggregate growth. The intuition is the following: When the labor-augmenting technological progress is micro-founded at the industry level by entering into the Leontief K(t) industry production function, A(t)L for the aggregate economy will be a constant on the balanced growth Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 17 1 to one. Notice that, unlike Ngai and Pissarides (2007), the TFP growth is still balanced across di¤erent sectors. Let K = A(t) 2 3 32 When an L 1) a K(t) + A(t)L K(t) K(t) < an+1 L for some n K = A(t) 4 ( denote the capital depreciation rate. When K(t) < aL; n+1 n an+1 an (37) C(t): 1, the capital accumulation function is n K(t) + K(t) (a ) A(t)L a 1 (38) C(t): 5 The social planner solves (19) subject to (37) and (38) with K(0) taken as given. Following 6 the same method as in Section 4, we can verify that su¢ cient conditions are satis…ed to 7 ensure that the equilibrium exists and is also unique. Solving the Hamiltonian, we obtain 8 the following Euler equation when an+1 L > K(t) n+1 A(t) an+1 C = C 9 11 12 13 1: n an (39) ; n+1 10 an L for any n which is a positive constant if and only if A(t) an+1 n an is a su¢ ciently large positive number independent of n. To satisfy this requirement, we assume 8 > < B ann if t 2 [tn ; tn+1 ) for any n 1; A(t) = > : B a if t 2 [0; t1 ) (40) a 1 where B is a positive constant and tn is de…ned in Section 4. That is, the Hicks-neutral 14 productivity A(t) is a step function, which generically keeps constant and only jumps up 15 discontinuously at the time point when a new industry just appears.24 Then (39) becomes C = C 16 17 18 and n;n+1 n;n+1 assume 1 B a 1 = 1 B a 1 ; 8t 2 [0; 1): 1 B. a 1 > (41) To ensure positive growth and also rule out explosive growth, we 1 B a 1 > 0. Under those conditions, sustainable growth is achieved path, so industrial upgrading also stops at some point. Please refer to Appendix 4.2 for more details. 24 Note that without technological progress F (K; L) is a piece-wise linear, continuous and concave function of K for any given L. Thus A(t) must jump at each kink point of F (K; L) to ensure that A(t)F (K; L) has a constant return to K. The discontinuity of A(t) could be avoided when the aggregate production function X is of general CES form with a positive and …nite substitution elasticity, as is shown below. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 33 19 together with perpetual industry upgrading from labor-intensive industries to more and more 1 capital-intensive industries step by step, because now the return to capital is sustained at a 2 constant level 3 the endogenous capital accumulation equations sequentially (see Appendix 4). 1 B. a 1 Following a method similar to that in Section 4, we could also derive 4 However, this alternative standard setting is much less tractable than the setting in 5 Section 4. In particular, the life-cycle dynamics of each industry no longer have a neat, closed- 6 form characterization.25 Moreover, to obtain sustainable growth and perpetual industry 7 upgrading in this alternative setting, we must require the exogenous technology progress to 8 have discontinuous jumps. This is because the functional form of the aggregate production 9 function changes endogenously due to the endogenous structural change in the underlying 10 disaggregate industry compositions. Nevertheless, the key qualitative features remain valid, 11 including sustainable aggregate growth at a constant rate (41), perpetual industry upgrading 12 (equivalent to 13 of each industry, more capital-intensive industries reaching the peaks later, etc. K(t) L continuously and strictly increasing to in…nity), hump-shaped dynamics 14 It is worth emphasizing that the perpetual hump-shaped industry dynamics (or structural 15 change at the disaggregate sectors) are still driven by capital accumulation, which is in turn 16 sustained by the (balanced) aggregate technology progress. So the theoretical mechanism 17 for structural change is still di¤erent from non-homothetic preference or unbalanced TFP 18 growth rates across sectors. 25 There are two main reasons that the setting in Section 4 is more tractable: (1) It gives us more linearity as it features the linear capital production of AK technology with a constant return to capital , whereas the aggregate production function is only piece-wise linear and concave in capital (without technology progress) in the standard alternative setting. (2) The consumption-capital relation at the aggregate level derived from the static model (the bottom row of Table 6) can be directly applied to the dynamic analysis in the current setting, whereas in the more standard setting, the static model only yields the production-capital relation at the aggregate level instead of the consumption-capital relation, so the dynamic consumption analysis (Euler equation) becomes more complicated as its functional form is endogenously di¤erent over time without appropriately introduced technology progress. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 19 34 5.2. General CES Function 1 A salient counterfactual feature of the previous analysis is that at any time point at 2 most two industries coexist in equilibrium due to the in…nite substitution elasticity across 3 industries. In this section we show that all the industries coexist when the aggregate pro- 4 duction function is generalized to CES with …nite substitution elasticity, but the key results 5 remain valid, namely, that each industry still demonstrates a hump-shaped life-cycle pattern 6 with more capital intensive industries reaching their peaks later. However, no closed-form 7 solutions can be obtained due to the “curse of dimensionality” because no industries exit 8 any more. 9 10 11 Assume everything remains the same as in Sections 3 and 4 except that now (5) is replaced by a more general CES function: "1 #1 X ; C= n cn (42) n=0 12 where < 1. We obtain the following result. 13 Proposition 4 (Generalized Rybzynski Theorem): Suppose the production function is CES 14 as de…ned in (42). All the industries will coexist in equilibrium. In addition, when capital 15 endowment E increases, output and employment in industry n (for any n 16 exhibit a hump-shaped pattern: an industry …rst expands with E and then declines with E 17 after the industrial output reaches its peak. The more capital intensive an industry, the larger 18 the capital endowment at which the industry reaches its peak. 1) will both 19 The proof is relegated to Appendix 5. Recall that the classical Rybczynski Theorem 20 is silent about what happens when the number of goods exceeds two. In a model with 21 N (N > 2) goods and two factors, as the country becomes more capital abundant, the 22 existing theory does not give clear predictions on which sectors expand and which sectors 23 shrink (Feenstra, 2003). Proposition 4 generalizes the Rybczynski Theorem by extending the 35 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 24 1 commodity space from two-dimensional to in…nite-dimensional, so we call this proposition the Generalized Rybzynski Theorem. For the dynamic analysis, we characterize the equilibrium in the same dynamic setting as in Section 4.26 It is worth emphasizing that the hump-shaped dynamics and the timing fact also hold in the dynamic model even if all industries have the same productivity in …nal good production ( n = 1 for all n) when the aggregate production function is of CES with <1 because now each industry must always exist at any …nite price. So the only mechanism that drives industrial upgrading is still the change in the factor endowment because of homothetic preference and balanced productivity growth across sectors. More speci…cally, observe that E =" C 1 X an n 1 1 1+an n=1 1+ 1 X n=1 n 1 (1 + an ) 1 #1 ; 2 where denotes the endogenous rental-wage ratio, which turns out to be a strictly decreasing 3 function of E as shown in the proof of Proposition 4 (see Appendix 5). So the above function 4 implicitly determines E 5 0. This is because the marginal productivity of capital in the …nal good production must 6 be diminishing since the total labor supply is …xed while the aggregate production function 7 is homogeneous of degree one with respect to capital and labor. De…ne 8 which is the elasticity of the change in marginal capital expenditure relative to the aggregate 9 consumption change. For any speci…c time point t in the dynamic equilibrium, we must have C(t) C(t) G(C), where function G(C) must satisfy G0 (C) > 0 and G00 (C) (C) CG00 (C) , G0 (C) 10 the Euler equation: 11 as in the linear case ( = 1).27 This indicates that, as long as C(t) > 0, E(t) must be strictly 12 increasing over time in equilibrium (holding L …xed, we still assume 26 = + (C(t)) , which would degenerate into (26) when (C) = 0, just > 0 as before). Due to space limits, the equilibrium in the more standard alternative dynamic setting (that is, the one outlined in Subsection 5.1) is studied in Appendix 6. The key qualitative results turn out to be preserved. 27 If lim (C(t)) ! 1 as C(t) ! 1, then the asymptotic aggregate consumption growth rate will be zero. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 36 13 Consequently, the dynamic path of the output of each individual industry must still exhibit 1 a hump-shaped pattern in the full-‡edged dynamic model, but it is no longer possible to 2 obtain closed-form solutions for the entire dynamic path. 3 6. Conclusion 4 In this paper we explore the optimal industrial structure and the dynamics of each in- 5 dustry in a frictionless and deterministic economy with a highly tractable in…nite-industry 6 growth model. Closed-form solutions are obtained to fully characterize the endogenous 7 process of repetitive hump-shaped industrial dynamics along the sustained growth path of 8 the aggregate economy. The model generates all the features consistent with the stylized 9 facts we observe in the data. We highlight the improvement in the endowment structure, 10 which is given at any speci…c time but changeable over time (capital accumulation), as the 11 fundamental driving force of the perpetual structural change at the disaggregated industry 12 level in an economy. The model highlights the structural di¤erence at di¤erent development 13 levels by showing that the optimal industrial compositions are endogenously di¤erent as the 14 endowment structure changes over time. 15 Several directions for future research seem particularly appealing. First, various market 16 imperfections could be introduced into this …rst-best environment to see how industrial 17 dynamics can be distorted by those frictions, which may allow for discussions on welfare- 18 enhancing government policies. 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First set up the Lagrangian for the household problem with the multiplier Proof: denoted by , and we obtain the following optimality condition for consumption: n 1 X n cn + c0 n=1 ! pn ; for 8n (43) 0; “ = ”when cn > 0: By contradiction, suppose the statement is not true, then there can exist some good j and good m such that 1 j m 2 , and cj and cm are both strictly positive in the equilibrium. Then M RTm;j = m j = am r + w ; aj r + w which means m j r = j m j w a (a 1 m j ) : Now we show that at this relative price, good j + 1 strictly dominates good j, that is M RTj+1;j 4 6 m j aj aj (am 1 m j j j 1 m j ) ) +1 +1 > 0; which is equivalent to n 5 m j aj+1 aj (am aj+1 r + w = aj r + w an 1 n < 1 This is true because a , for some integer n m j 2: (44) 43 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth n 1 = n an ( 1) a n n ( = Pn n 1 1 i=0 1) (a i 1 Pn ( = n 1 i i=0 P i ) ni=01 a 1) a = Pn 1 i i=0 Pn 1 a i i=0 P 1) ni=01 i P ) ni=01 i an 1 i 1 ( (a < 1 a for any n 2: 7 Therefore, it contradicts that good j is produced and consumed. It is straightforward to 1 show that it is possible to have both good 0 and good 1 under some conditions. Now we need to show that if cn > 0 for some n 2 and cj = 0 for any j 2 and j 6= n, then c0 = 0. From (43), the household would strictly prefer good n to good n + 1 if n+1 < n 2 or equivalently, 3 r w < an 1 an 1 r w an+1 1 an+1 an 1; ; and good n is strictly preferred to good n 1 if and only if . This means 1 4 > pn+1 w + an+1 r = ; for n pn w + an r an < r < n w a 1 an 1 (45) : By contradiction, suppose c0 > 0, then n w+an r w = because of (43), that is n an 1 = r . w So we must have n 1 an+1 an < 1 an 5 where the second inequality is equivalent to 6 will exist no integer n 7 is no smaller than 8 7.2. Appendix 2 n < 1 1 1 an an < a a 1 ; . However, since a 1 > , there 2 that can satisfy the above inequality because the left-hand side + 1. Therefore we must have c0 = 0. Here we solve for the initial value of total consumption C(0) when #0 < K(0) #1 , and also show how to derive the threshold values for #i ; i = 0; 1; 2; :::. The transversality Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 44 condition is derived from lim H(t) = 0; t!1 so C(t)1 lim t!1 1 1 t e + K(t) n(t);n(t)+1 En(t);n(t)+1 (C(t)) = 0: Note that C(t)1 1 e t!1 1 " C(0)1 e = lim t!1 1 t lim = lim t!1 = lim t!1 ( = lim t!1 t (0) e (0) = lim K(t)e t!1 K(t) En(t);n(t)+1 (C(t)) )t e K(t) t + K(t) n(t);n(t)+1 En(t);n(t)+1 (C(t)) En(t);n(t)+1 (C(t)) " # (a ) an(t)+1 L n(t)+1 a 1 n(t) K(t) C(0)e e t K(t)e t n(t);n(t)+1 (1 n(t);n(t)+1 " + t an(t) n(t) # #) an(t)+1 an(t) (a ) L a 1 1 t ; thus we must have lim K(t)e t = 0. When t 2 [0; t1 ], t!1 E(t) = a 1 (C(t) L) = a 1 (C(0)e t L); Correspondingly, K = K(t) 9 1 E(C(t)) = K(t) a 1 (C(0)e t L) Solving this …rst-order di¤erential equation with the condition K(0) = K0 , we obtain " # aC(0) aC(0) aL aL 1 1 K(t) = e t+ + K0 + + e t; (46) ( 1) ( 1) 45 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 2 from which we obtain K(t1 ) = a L 1 1 aC(0) 1 When t 2 [tn ; tn+1 ] for 8n 1, we have " n an+1 an C(0)e t (a + K(t) = n+1 n (a 2 3 4 " aL + K0 + + ( 1) aL + ( # )L + 1) 1) n:n+1 e t L C(0) (47) : (48) : which gives ( n n:n+1 5 L = C(0) K(tn ) + an+1 an L 1 " 1 (a + (a Therefore, we obtain equation (33). Substituting t = tn+1 = K(tn+1 ) = 6 # K(tn ) + an+1 an L 1 " + log ) 1) n+1 L C(0) (a #) (49) into (33), we obtain )( (a 1) 1) # Using recursive induction, we get n 1 K(tn ) = 7 (n 1) K(t1 ) + (a 1)B a 1 (n 2) a ; for any n 1 2; (50) a where B is a parameter de…ned as B L 1 2 (a 4 The transversality condition lim K(t)e t!1 K(t1 ) + (a ) + t (a 9 1) 3 5: = 0 implies that 1)B a 2 1 8 1 = 0; a so K(t1 ) = (a 1)B 1 a a : (51) 46 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 10 To ensure #0 > 0, we must impose an additional assumption: a< 1 (52) ; 2 which means that capital accumulation speed 3 capital intensity parameter a, otherwise the economy will never start by only producing 4 good 0 no matter how small K0 is. To ensure #1 (a ) must be su¢ ciently small relative to the K(t1 ) > 0, we need to further assume 1 > (53) : (1 a 5 ) + (a ) 1 This ensures B < 0. Also note that (53) guarantees that " K0 + = aC(0) 1) ( + a L 1) ( aL ( 1) # (a aL + > . According to (47), we have ( 1) L C(0) 1)B 1 a . (54) a 6 We can verify that the right-hand side is strictly positive. Observe that the left-hand side 7 is a strictly decreasing function of C(0), therefore we can uniquely pin down the optimal 8 C (0). (54) immediately implies > 0 and @C (0) @L > 0. Note that (51) implies that K(t1 ) does not depend on K(0), therefore (50) tells that 9 10 @C (0) @K0 K(tn ) for all n 1 are independent from K(0): To ensure C (0) a (a 1)B L, we need K0 , which requires 1 a K0 a #1 1 1 1 a 2 a 4 (1 )+ (a ) 1 3 5 L: We also need to ensure C (0) > L, which requires " K0 + aL ( 1) + aL ( 1) # > ( a L 1) + aL ( (a 1) 1)B 1 a a ; Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth that is K0 > # 0 11 1 2 a ( 4 1) 1 1 (1 1 ) a 47 3 5 L: 7.3. Appendix 3 Here we prove that there exists a series of constant numbers, #0 ; #1 ; ;such that, if #0 ; the economy will start from producing good 0 only until the capital stock 2 0 < K(0) 3 reaches #0 ; if #0 < K(0) 4 #n < K(0) 5 K(tn ) = #n whenever K(0) < #n : #1 ; the economy will start from producing goods 0 and 1; if #n+1 ; the economy will start from producing goods n and n + 1: Furthermore, Now let us characterize the solution to the above dynamic problem when K0 2 (0; #0 ] while keeping all the other assumptions unchanged. The economy must start by producing good 0 only. The discounted-value Hamiltonian with the Lagrangian multipliers is the following H0 = C(t)1 1 1 K(t) + 0 0 (L C(t) = 0 when 0 0 > 0: @H0 = @K : e t + 0 C(t)): The …rst-order condition and K-T condition are C(t) 0 0 (L e t = 0 0; C(t)) = 0; L and 0 = 0 They immediately imply that C (t) = L, which implies that only good 0 is produced. Since no capital is used for production, we have K(t) = K(t). When capital stock K exceeds #0 by an in…nitesimal amount, the economy produces both good 0 and good 1. From that point Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 48 on, the problem is exactly the same as the one we have just solved in the main text. The de…nition of t0 implies that it is the time point when K just equals #0 . Thus K0 e so t0 = log #0 K0 = #0 , . Therefore 8 > < C (t) = 6 t0 (tj t0 ) Observe that Le > : Le = C(tj ) = when L; j (t t0 ) t ; when t0 : t > t0 log L, so tj = t0 + j. Correspondingly, the capital stock on the equilibrium path is given by K(t) = where 8 > > > > > > > > < K0 e t ; aL 1 ( aL 1) + #0 + #0 K0 + aL ( 1) e (t t0 ) for t 2 [0; t0 ] ; for t 2 [t0 ; t1 ] for F (t); an+1 an n+1 n n ] , tj = t0 + 1 t0 = 2 before for any n ( " Le K(tn ) + log n t + an+1 j for any j an L 1 (a (a " )L 1) 1 # (a + (a ) 1) #) ; t 2 [tn ; tn+1 ]; any n +[ 3 + > > > > > > > > : F (t) log (t t0 ) e aL 1 e (t t0 ) 1 ; 1, K(t0 ) = #0 ; and K(tn ) is exactly the same as 1. Using a similar algorithm, we can fully specify the transitional dynamics when K0 > #1 . 4 We have already provided an algorithm to compute #i for i 2 in the main text by using 5 (50). An alternative way is to back out the threshold value #i from the corresponding 6 transversality conditions for any i 7 for both algorithms, and that all these threshold values are independent of K0 . In other 2. It can be veri…ed that all these values are the same Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 49 8 words, K0 only has a level e¤ect (i.e. it only a¤ects C(0)) but it has no speed e¤ect on 1 industrial upgrading. The main reason is that this economy is perfectly stationary, thus 2 di¤erent initial capital levels only translate into di¤erent initial aggregate consumption and 3 initial industrial structures. 4 7.4. Appendix 4 5 7.4.1. 6 7 8 Alternative Dynamic Setting For analytical convenience, we slightly modify the industry production function as follows: 8 > < n minf kn ; lg if n 1 a : (55) Fn (k; l) = > : L if n = 0 The aggregate production function is given by X=A 9 1 X (56) xn ; n=0 where xn is output of industry n and A(t) captures the Hicks-neutral technology progress. Note that xn is no longer equal to the quantity of indirect consumption for industry n because only an endogenous part of the …nal output X will be consumed in the dynamic setting. At any given level of K for any time point, we have the following result. Table A. Static Equilibrium 0 K < aL K a x0 = L x1 = K a F (K; L) K < an+1 L for n xn = r w a ( 1) a K +L n+1 K an L an+1 an xj = 0 for 8j 6= n; n + 1 1 = 1 n Lan+1 K an+1 an xn+1 = xj = 0 for 8j 6= 0; 1 r w an L F (K; L) = n+1 1 an (a n an+1 an ) K+ n (a ) L a 1 50 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 10 Consequently, the endogenous aggregate production function is given by (36). Observe that n cn for any n 0 but the aggregate production function is identical to that in Table 1 xn 2 4. The associated discounted-value Hamiltonian when an L 3 by Hn;n+1 (t) = C(t)1 1 1 n+1 e n+1 n+1 L n;n+1 (a + t + A(t) n;n+1 K(t)) + K < an+1 L for n n an+1 a n n;n+1 (K(t) 1is given n K(t) + n (a ) A(t)L a 1 C(t) an L); which yields the following …rst-order conditions and Kuhn-Tucker conditions: C(t) e t = n;n+1 (t); @H = @K n;n+1 (t) = n+1 n+1 L n;n+1 (a n n;n+1 (K(t) n;n+1 A(t) K(t)) = 0; n+1 n;n+1 0, an+1 L an L) = 0; n n;n+1 0, K(t) n+1 n an+1 an + n n;n+1 n+1 n;n+1 ; K(t) > 0; an L 0: These conditions imply the Euler equation (39). To derive the capital accumulation equation, we …rst rewrite (37) as B( a K= 1) 1 K(t) + B a a 1 L C(t); for any t < t1 . The solution to the above …rst-order di¤erential equation is K0;1 (t) = a (a 1) B( 1) BL C(0)e 1 B a 1 1 a 1B t + 1 B a 1 (a 0;1 e 1 B 1 )t ; Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 51 where K0;1 (t) refers to the capital stock function when the underlying industries are 0 and 1. Using K0;1 (0) = K0 , we obtain = K0 + 0;1 C(0) 1 B a 1 a (a 1 B a 1 1) B( 1) BL: Using continuity of capital stock and K0;1 (t1 ) = aL, we obtain aL aBL 1) B( (a 2 = 4K0 + 4 1 1) + C(0)e 1 a 1B (57) 1 B a 1 1 B a 1 C(0) 1 B a 1 t1 a (a 1 B a 1 1) B( 1) 3 BL5 e( a 1 B 1 )t1 which implies that t1 is a function of C(0). Observe that (38) can be rewritten as K= a 1 B 1 K(t)+ 2 Recall K(tn ) = an , for any n 3 equation (58), we obtain Kn;n+1 (t) = 4 (a an (a ) 1) B( an (a ) BL C(t); when t 2 [tn ; tn+1 ) for any n a 1 1 and K(t) must be a continuous function of t. Solving 1) BL for t 2 [tn ; tn+1 ), where the parameter C(0)e 1 B a 1 n;n+1 1 a 1B t + (a n;n+1 e 1 B 1 n;n+1 = )t ;(59) 1 B a 1 is uniquely pinned down by applying the condition K(tn ) = an L to (59): ( 1.(58) " 1 B) (a 1) an Le ( a 1 B )tn C(0)e + 1 B (a 1) B( 1) a 1 1 a 1B ( 1 B a 1 # ) tn : 1 B a 1 52 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth Substituting the above equation into (59) yields Kn;n+1 (t) = an (a ) 1) B( 2 (a + e( a 1 B 1 )t 6 6( 4 1) C(0)e BL 1 a 1B t (60) 1 B a 1 1 B a 1 1 B a 1 B) (a 1) an Le ( (a 1) B( 1) )tn + C(0)e " 1 a 1B ( 1 B a 1 1 B a 1 1 B a 1 # ) tn 3 7 7: 5 5 The continuity of K(t) implies lim Kn;n+1 (t) = Kn+1;n+2 (tn+1 ). Together with (59), we 1 obtain the following recursive equation for any n t!tn+1 n;n+1 = an+1 (a (a 1) )(a B( 1: 1) BLe ( a 1) 1 B 1 )tn+1 + n+1;n+2 ; which implies 1;2 "1 a2 (a )(a 1)BL X j ( a = ae (a 1) B( 1) j=0 1 B 1 )t2+j # + lim n!1 n;n+1 . The transversality condition is lim H(t) = 0, which can be rewritten as t!1 lim t!1 C(t)1 1 1 e t + n;n+1 1 B 1 a K(t) + an(t) (a ) BL a 1 C(t) or equivalently, lim 8 > > < t!1 > > : C(0)1 1 1 B a 1 " (a 1 1B )(1 ) e K(t) + an(t) (a a 1 # t ) + (0)e ( a BL 1 B 1 C(0)e )t 1 a 1B t 9 > > = > > ; = 0; =0 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth which is reduced to lim K(t)e ( a 1 B 1 )t = 0. We can also show that lim t!1 n!1 n;n+1 53 = 0. Plugging it into (49), we obtain 1;2 "1 X )(a 1) BL aj e ( a B( 1) j=0 a2 (a = (a 1) # 1 B 1 )t2+j : On the other hand, combining (57), (59), and K1;2 (t1 ) = aL, we obtain 1;2 = K0 + C(0) 1 B a 1 a (a 1 B a 1 (a 1 )B aLe ( a (a 1) B( 1) 1 B 1 1) B( 1) BL )t1 : So we have (a )(a = [(a 1)BL 1) " 1 X aj e ( 1 B a 1 )tj j=2 B( 1)] K0 + # [B ( (61) 1) (a 1) ] C(0) 1 B a 1 1 B a 1 aBL (a ) BaLe ( a 1 1 B 1 )t1 ; which implicitly determines C(0) because tn is also a function of C(0) for any n 1 , as determined by the conditions lim Kn;n+1 (t) = an+1 L for all n. Recall, for example, t1 (C(0)) t!tn+1 is determined by (57); for any n (B B( = 1, tn+1 (C(0)) is recursively and implicitly determined by ) (a 1) an L 1) (a 1) C(0)e 1 B a 1 1 a 1B e( a tn+1 1 B a 1 1 B 1 2 )(tn+1 " 4e ( 1 B a 1 (B (B tn ) ) 1 a 1B # a) ) (tn+1 tn ) (62) 3 15 ; 2 which is obtained by using (60) and the condition lim Kn;n+1 (t) = Kn+1;n+2 (tn+1 ) = an+1 L. 1 As C(0) and all the endogenous time points tn are implicitly determined, the capital accu- t!tn+1 54 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 2 mulation function (60) is also determined sequentially. 1 7.4.2. Labor-Augmenting Technological Progress in Alternative Dynamic Setting Here we show that the labor-augmenting technology progress does not yield perpetual industry upgrading from labor-intensive to capital-intensive industries in the steady state, although it does generate sustainable aggregate growth. The intuition is as follows: The key driving force for perpetual industry upgrading is that the increase in endowment structure (K=L) dominates the increase in the capital intensity of di¤erent industries. Suppose the aggregate exogenous labor-augmenting technology progress is micro-founded at the the industry level via the Leontief industry production function, the ratio of capital to e¤ective labor, K=AL; would be constant in the steady state, and therefore the industry upgrading must stop at certain point. To see this more clearly, suppose we introduce the following aggregate production function G(K(t); L) F (K(t); A(t)L) 8 > ( 1) < K(t) + A(t)L if 0 K(t) < aA(t)L a n n+1 n > : n+1 K(t) + a(a 1 ) A(t)L if an A(t)L K(t) < an+1 A(t)L for n a an ; 1 where function F ( ; ) is given by Table A and A(t) captures the Harrod-neutral technology progress. Suppose A(t) = gA ; A(t) 2 where gA is a constant. A(0) is given and normalized to one. The micro-foundation for this new endogenous aggregate production function can be as follows: Fn (k; A l) = 8 > < > : n minf akn ; A lg if n A L 1 if n = 0 : 55 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth The optimization problem is stated as follows. max C(t) Z 1 0 C(t)1 1 1 e t dt subject to K = F (K(t); A(t)L) K(t) C(t); K(0) = K0 is given. The problem can also be written as max C(t) Z t0 0 C(t)1 1 1 e t dt + 1 Z X tn+1 tn n=0 C(t)1 1 1 e t dt subject to K= 8 > > > > < > > > > : K 1) Ka A L+( n+1 n an+1 an K+ n (a ) A a 1 K L C; when 0 t t0 when t0 t t1 C; when tn K t tn+1 ; for n ; 1 K(0) = K0 is given; De…ne e c(t) C(t) e ; k(t) A(t) L K(t) ; ye(t) A(t) L max e c(t) Z 0 1 X(t) . A(t) L The above problem can be restated as e c(t)1 1 1 e [ (1 )gA ]t dt subject to e k(t) = F (e k(t); 1) (gA + )e k(t) K0 e k(0) = is given, A0 L e c(t); Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 56 where F (e k(t); 1) = 8 > < > : ( a n+1 n an+1 an 1) e if k(t) + 1 e k(t) + n (a ) a 1 0 if an e k(t) < a e k(t) < an+1 for n 1 Following the similar method as in the text, we can obtain the following equilibrium. There must exist a unique integer n b such that n b+1 anb+1 3 1 n b anb > ( + gA ) + [ (1 ) gA ] n b+2 anb+2 n b+1 anb+1 . or n b+1 anb+1 n b anb > + + gA n b+2 anb+2 n b+1 anb+1 (63) We conclude that in the steady state, we have e k e c = anb+1 L; = n b+1 anb+1 L: We conclude that, in the long run, we have sustainable growth with rate gA K(t) C(t) = = gA : C(t) K(t) 2 3 4 However, industry upgrading will stop at industry n b + 1, where n b is uniquely determined by (63). We could also characterize the life cycle dynamics along the whole transitional dynamic path as well as the balanced growth path. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 5 7.5. Appendix 5: Proof for Proposition 4 First note that for any n 1, the MRT is equal to the price ratio: 4 5 6 = pn+1 w + an+1 r = ; pn w + an r which implies that cn+1 = cn 2 3 1 cn+1 cn M RTn+1;n = 1 57 where 1 1 1 1 + an+1 1 + an 1 ; 8n r . w denotes the rental wage ratio cn = c1 (1 + a ) 1 Thus 1 n 1 1 (64) 1 1 ; 8n 1 + an (65) 1: In particular, we have c1 = c0 1 (1 + a ) 1 1 1 (66) : Combining (65) and (66), we can express the output of each good as a function of c1 and . Using the market clearing conditions for labor and capital, we obtain L = c1 E = c1 " 1 1+a 1 + 1 X Thus the factor price ratio E = L 8 9 10 11 1 X an n 1 1 a 1 + an 1+a n 1 1 n 1 1 + 1 X (1 + an ) 1 # ; (67) 1 1 : (68) 1 1 : n 1 1 1 is determined by n=1 1 1 + an 1+a n 1 1 n=1 n=1 7 1 X (1 + an ) (69) 1 1 n=1 Recall < a (implied by condition (9)). Here we strengthen this assumption by assuming < a to ensure the right-hand side of (69) is well de…ned (…nite). Next we o¤er a series of lemmas, which lead us to Proposition 4. 58 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth Lemma 1 shows that the rental-wage ratio 12 1 4 E L in- creases. Lemma 1. 2 3 decreases as the capital-labor ratio and output cn for any n strictly decreases with 0 can all be uniquely determined. In addition, E : L Proof of Lemma 1 7.5.1. Observe that when 1 X n 1 1 > 0, n (1 + a ) 1 1 < n=1 1 X a n 1 1 n 1 n (1 + a ) 1 1 X < n 1 1 (an ) 1 1 n=1 n=1 = an 1 1 1 1 n 1 X 1 ; a n=1 where the …rst inequality holds because a > 1 and the second inequality holds because < 1: Hence both the denominator and the numerator of the right-hand side of (69) must be …nite. To prove the existence and uniqueness of , …rst we show that the right-hand side of equation (69) is a decreasing function of . Note that 1 X a n n 1 1 n (1 + a ) 1 1 n=1 1 1 1 + 1 X = n 1 1 (1 + an ) 1 1 n=1 1 X a n=1 1 X n 1 1 n 1 X 1 n (1 + a ) 1 n 1 1 (1 + an ) 1 1 n=1 n 1 1 (1 + an ) 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 X ; n 1 1 (1 + an ) 1 1 n=1 n=1 5 and both terms on the right-hand side are positive and decreasing with . The proof for why 6 the …rst term on the right-hand side decreases with N( ) N X an n=1 N X n=1 n 1 1 is the following. De…ne 1 (1 + an ) 1 : n 1 1 (1 + an ) 1 1 59 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth First it is easy to show that 2( 2 X 1 ) 1 n=1 2 ) X 7 1 n 1 1 (1+an an n 1 1 (1+an 1 ) 1 n=1 obviously decreases with . Now for any N N( )=a+ N X j=2 (aj n 1 1 n 1 (1 + an ) (1 + an+1 ) 1 (1+an ) 1 1 , which 1 n=1 2, we can rewrite 2 N X 6 6 j 1 6 n=j a )6 N 6X 4 n=1 Observe that 2 1 (a2 a) 1 (1+a2 ) =a+ X 2 n 1 1 n 1 1 n 1 1 N( (1 + an ) 1 ) as 3 7 7 7 7: 7 1 (1 + an ) 1 5 1 1 1 strictly increases with 1 for any n 1; 1 which immediately implies 2 N X 6 6 6 n=j 6 N 6X 4 n=1 2 3 4 5 n 1 1 n 1 1 (1 + an ) 3 7 7 7 7 must be strictly decreasing in 7 1 (1 + an ) 1 5 So we establish that 1( 1 N( 1 for any j = 2; :::; N: ) strictly decreases with . Recall that we have assumed ) is positive and …nite for any 2 (0; 1). Therefore, 1( < a so ) is strictly decreasing in . We have now proved that the right-hand side of equation (69) is a decreasing function of . In addition, when ! 0, the right-hand side of (69) goes to in…nity; when ! 1, the 6 right-hand side of (69) goes to zero, therefore, (69) can uniquely determine the value of 7 the Mean Value Theorem. Once 8 cn for any other n by is known, c1 can be uniquely determined from (68), while 0 can be uniquely determined by (65) and (66). 9 Lemma 2 establishes that when E increases, holding L constant, the equilibrium output of 10 a higher-indexed industry increases disproportionately more (or decreases disproportionately Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 11 1 2 60 less) than any lower-indexed industry. So when E increases, if cn increases, then cn+h increases for all h Lemma 2. 1 and if cn decreases, then cn c0n+1 (E) cn+1 (E) > c0n (E) cn (E) cn+1 cn d ln dE Proof. Note that for any n = d ln cn+1 cn d d dE h decreases for all h 1. 0 and for any E. and d dE < 0 from Lemma 1. Now, (64) and (66) yield d ln cn+1 cn 1 = d an (a 1) < 0; 8n 1 (1 + an+1 ) (1 + an ) 1; and d ln cc10 d < 0; c 3 which implies that d ln n+1 cn dE > 0. Q.E.D. 4 The following lemma shows that for any given E there exists a threshold industry n such 5 that all the industries that are more capital intensive than industry n will expand when E 6 increases marginally, while industry n and all the industries that are less capital intensive 7 than n will marginally shrink. Furthermore, if the single-peaked condition is satis…ed (to 8 be speci…ed soon), the index of the threshold industry n weakly increases as E increases. 9 That is, the threshold industry itself shifts toward the more capital intensive direction as E 10 11 increases. Lemma 3. (A) @c0 @E < 0. Moreover, for any given E, there must exist a unique …nite @cn @E 12 positive integer n (E) such that 13 will eventually decline as E becomes su¢ ciently large. (C) If the single-peaked condition is 14 satis…ed, n (E) weakly increases in E. 15 0 holds if and only if n > n (E). (B) Each industry Proof. The factor market clearing conditions now become 1 X cn = L (70) an c n = E (71) n=0 1 X n=0 16 By contradiction, suppose @c0 @E 0: Lemma 2 implies that @cn @E > 0 for all n 1: Di¤erentiating Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 17 61 equation (70) with respect to E; the derivative of the left-hand side is positive but the @c0 @E < 0. Now we 1 derivative of the right-hand side is zero. That is a contradiction. Thus 2 show there must exist some N so that 3 @cn @E 4 contradiction. Now by revoking Lemma 2, we can conclude that, for any given E, there must 5 exist a unique …nite positive integer n (E) such that @cN @E 0: If this is not true, then we would have < 0 for all n: Now by di¤erentiating equation (71) with respect to E, we would reach a @cn @E 0 holds if and only if n > n (E). Furthermore, we want to show that any industry n will eventually decline as E becomes 1, c0n ( ) > 0 if and only if su¢ ciently large. First, (65) and (67) imply that for any n G0n ( ) > 0, where " Gn ( ) 6 h 1 h 1+a h=1 1 + an 1 1 # 1 : which is equivalent to ( ) 1 X h 1 ah 1 + ah 1 1 1 h=1 1+ 7 1+ 1 X 1 X > h 1 (1 + ah ) 1 an 1 + an (72) 1 h=1 8 Note that as becomes su¢ ciently small, the left-hand side of inequality (72) goes to in…nity. 9 Thus, as E becomes su¢ ciently large (so 10 11 becomes su¢ ciently small), we must have c0n ( ) > 0; which implies that c0n (E) < 0: It remains to show that n (E) weakly increases in E. Alternatively, we want to show 12 that if c0n ( 0 ) > 0 for some 0 13 ensures that cn ( ) is single peaked in : From (65) and (66), we obtain > 0, then c0n ( ) > 0 holds for any < 0 : Such a property Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth cn = c0 n 1 ln cn = ln c0 + , 14 c0n ( cn ) (1 + an ) n 1 , 1 ln + 1 = 1 c00 ( c0 ) + 62 1 1 ln (1 + an ) an : 1 (1 + an ) For any given ; c0n ( ) > 0 if and only if 1 c0 > 0 an c0 ( ) (1 ) : 1 A su¢ cient condition for the single-peaked property to hold is that the derivative of the 2 right-hand side of the above inequality is non-negative, which is ensured if 00 3 c0 ( )c0 ( ) (c00 ( ))2 (73) 4 Inequality (73) is the single-peaked condition, which we assume to hold. Q.E.D 5 Now we combine all the previous lemmas together. For any industry n n (E) for 6 some given E; the industry always declines when E increases. For any industry n > n (E 0 ) 7 for some E 0 ; it expands as E 0 increases up to a point E 00 such that n < n (E 00 ). Industry 8 n will then decline with E after E surpasses E 00 . Therefore, the industry exhibits a hump- 9 shaped pattern as the economy becomes more capital abundant. Proposition 4 is established. 10 Q.E.D 11 For illustrative purpose, Figure A2 plots how the industrial output of the …rst six indus- 12 tries (n = 0; 1; 2::; 5) changes as the capital endowment E becomes larger. The output of 13 industry 0, c0 , becomes smaller when E increases, as predicted by Lemma 3. All the other 14 industries demonstrate a hump-shape pattern. The more capital intensive an industry, the 15 “later”it reaches its peak, as predicted by the above proposition. Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 63 [Insert Figure A2] 16 We can show that the hump-shaped dynamics and the timing fact also obtain even if all 1 industries have the same marginal productivity in …nal good production ( 2 n). This implies that the only mechanism that drives industrial upgrading is change in the 3 factor endowment because of homothetic preference and balanced productivity growth across 4 sectors. 5 7.6. Appendix 6 6 7 n = 1 for all Everything is the same as in Appendix 4 except that the …nal output production function (56) now becomes: X=A 8 where " 1 X n=0 xn #1 (74) ; < 1. The …nal output is chosen as the numeraire. The industry production function is still given by (55). The imperfect substitution elasticity implies that every good n be produced in the equilibrium. First, for any n 0 will 1, the marginal rate of transformation is equal to the price ratio: M RTn+1;n = 9 12 pn+1 w + an+1 r 1 = = ; pn w + an r which implies that xn+1 = xn 10 11 1 xn+1 xn where 1 1 1 1 + an+1 1 + an 1 ; 8n denotes the rental wage ratio xn = x1 (1 + a ) 1 1 n 1 1 + an (75) 1 r . w Thus 1 1 ; 8n 1: (76) Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 13 1 64 In particular, we have x1 = x0 1 (1 + a ) 1 1 1 (77) : Combining (76) and (77), we can express the output of each good as a function of x1 and . Using the market clearing conditions for labor and capital, we obtain L = x1 K = x1 " 1 1+a 1 + Thus the factor price ratio K = L 3 4 1 X an n 1 1 1 X a n n 1 1 1 + an 1+a 1 1 + 1 X 1 1 # ; (78) 1 1 : (79) is determined by (1 + an ) 1 1 n=1 1 1 + an 1+a n 1 1 n=1 n=1 2 1 X : n 1 1 (1 + an ) (80) 1 1 n=1 Recall < a (implied by condition (9)). Here we strengthen this assumption by assuming 5 < a to ensure the right-hand side of (80) is well de…ned (…nite). Observe that (76)- 6 (80) are mathematically isomorphic to (65)-(69) except that notations are di¤erent: K 7 and xn (8n 8 production and the individual industry production functions are also de…ned di¤erently. 9 However, it turns out these two problems are mathematically almost isomorphic to each 10 other, so the static properties stated in Lemmas 1-3 and Propostion 4 are still valid up to 11 the change of notations as mentioned above. The proofs are almost identical to those in 12 Appendix 5 and hence omitted. 0) now replace E and cn (8n 0), respectively. Observe that the aggregate Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 65 The major change is in the dynamic part. First of all, (76), (77) and (79) jointly imply (1 + a ) 1 xj = 1 X an 1 1 j 1 1 K 1+aj n 1 1 1 1+an 1 ; 8j 1; 1+a n=1 1 (1 + a ) 1 x0 = 1 X n 1 an 1 1 1 1+an 1+a K : 1 1 n=1 13 1 Plugging the above two equations into (74) yields h i1 1 P1 n 1 1 1 + n=1 1+an A (1 + a ) K: X= 1 X 1 n 1 n a 1+an n=1 2 where 3 K L 4 5 6 (81) is uniquely determined by (80) as an implicit and strictly decreasing function of (recall Lemma 1). Substituting out in (81) would implicitly determine X as a func- b tion of K and L, or written as X = A G(K; L), where A denotes the newly introduced b Hicks-neutral TFP in the …nal output production. Moreover, function G(K; L) must be homogeneous of degree one with respect to capital and labor because each industry has a 7 constant-return-to-scale technology in this perfectly competitive neoclassical environment. 8 In addition, 9 10 11 b @ G(K;L) @K > 0 and b K = A G(K(t); L) b @ 2 G(K;L) @K 2 K(t) and the Euler equation is given by h i b @ A G(K; L) =@K C(t) = C(t) 0. The capital accumulation function is (82) C(t); ; (83) 12 which degenerates into (41) in the previous linear case when A takes the form given by (40). 13 Now consider the case when 14 15 and only if h i b @ A G(K; L) =@K = ; < 1. The consumption growth rate in (83) is a constant if (84) Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 16 where 66 is constant over time. 1 One possible way to satisfy this condition is to introduce endogenous growth mechanisms 2 as follows. Suppose that the common component of industry productivity A is an increasing 3 function of capital stock K, capturing the standard Arrow’s learning-by-doing mechanism or 4 the knowledge spillover e¤ect as in Romer (1986). Assume A(0) = 0. By integrating (84), 5 we obtain A(K) 6 K b G(K; L) (85) : 7 The following condition must be imposed to ensure positive growth and avoid explosive 8 growth (assume 9 we obtain K(t) K(t) = 2 (0; 1]): C(t) C(t) = X(t) X(t) > 0. Substituting (85) into (82) and (83), > = . Consequently, in the full-‡edged dynamic model, 10 the output of each individual industry must still exhibit a hump-shaped pattern with more 11 capital-intensive industries reaching their peaks later, because the counterpart to Proposition 12 4 still holds (except for the change of notations by replacing E with K) and that K(t) is 13 strictly increasing boundlessly over time. However, it is no longer possible to obtain closed- 14 form solutions for the entire dynamic path, especially for the life-cycle dynamics of each 15 industry. 16 In summary, the key qualitative dynamic features are preserved, but the major drawback 17 of this alternative approach still lies in its low tractability and the necessity of introducing 18 unconventional technological progress to ensure sustainable growth and perpetual industry 19 upgrading because of the extra complications that result from the endogenous structural 20 changes in the in…nite underlying industries. 21 7.7. Appendix 7. Open Economy 22 Our model focuses on autarky, but international trade could be another important force 23 to drive structural change (see Matsuyama (2009) and Uy, Yi and Zhang (2013)). In this Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 24 section, we can show that our main results remain valid in a small open economy.28 Now the price for good n in the open economy, denoted pen , is exogenously given by 1 2 3 4 5 6 67 the international market for any n = 0; 1; 2:::. Let x en denote domestic output of good n. Di¤erent from autarky, now the domestic demand fe c n g1 n=0 is not necessarily equal to domestic production fe x n g1 n=0 . The production function for the …nal commodity is assumed to be CES: " 1 #1 X e= C e cn ; n=0 2 (0; 1): (86) 7 The domestic technologies to produce the intermediate goods are the same as before (given 8 by (7)-(9)) and these goods are all tradable. Capital and labor cannot move across borders. 9 Without loss of generality, the …nal composite good is assumed to be non-tradable. 10 7.7.1. To simplify the analysis and also make it more instructive, suppose that the exogenous 11 12 Static Model price pen = n, for 8n and that both (8) and (9) are still satis…ed. Since both labor and capital 13 are inelastically supplied by the households and the price sequence fe p n g1 n=0 is exogenous, the 14 market equilibrium allocation can be found by solving an arti…cial social planner’s problem 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 for this small open economy in two sequentially separate steps. First, it maximizes the total P domestic income 1 en x en (= wL e + reE) for given factor endowments (E and L). Therefore, n=0 p in terms of the production decisions, it reduces to the same problem of the social planner P in autarky (maximizing welfare 1 n=0 n cn ) as in Section 3.2 and the market equilibrium is again summarized in Table 4 (replacing cn by x en now). Second, the social planner maximizes the representative household’s utility (86) by choosP1 ing domestic demand fe c n g1 ene cn = wL+e e rE. We obtain n=0 p n=0 subject to budget constraint 28 In the Heckscher-Ohlin models, the endowment-determining trade mechanism only reinforces the mechanism we illustrate in autarky. Recent dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin models include Ventura (1997), Bond, Trask, and Wang (2003), Bajona and Kehoe (2010), and Caliendo (2011), but there are only two sectors in these models. Wang (2012) extends the autarky model in this paper to analyze how trade and trade policies a¤ect industrial dynamics and economic convergence into a two-country general equilibrium trade environment. 68 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 22 fe c n g1 n=0 as follows: e c0 = e cj = 8 > < > : 1 1 1 j 1 e c0 ; 8j n+1 n an+1 an 1 E+ L+( n (a ) L a 1 1) Ea if an L if E < an+1 L for n 0 1 ; (87) E < aL 0: In other words, the domestic demand for each intermediate good is strictly positive but generically only two goods are produced domestically for any given endowment structure. The P1 P net export sequence is given by fe xn e cn g1 en x en = 1 ene cn . n=0 . Trade is balanced: n=0 p n=0 p e e = reE + wL C q 8 n+1 n n (a > < an+1 an E+ a 1 q = L+( 1) E > a : q ) L if an L if 1 where q is the aggregate price index de…ned as 2 7.7.2. Dynamic Model E < an+1 L for n 0 P1 n=0 1 (88) E < aL 1 pen 1 1 . Obviously, q = 1 1 3 We assume that trade is balanced all the time, so the state equation (20) still applies 4 for this small open economy in the social planner’s dynamic optimization problem. Observe 5 that (88) di¤ers from the endogenous aggregate production functions in Table 4 only in that 6 7 e is the exogenous aggregate good price q is no longer unity, but aggregate consumption C still a linear function of E. Therefore, the aggregate consumption growth rate is still given 8 by (26). The industrial output dynamics fe xn (t)g1 n=0 are still characterized by Propositions 9 2 and 3 (only up to an adjustment of the relative price level). Di¤erent from Section 4, now 10 fe cn (t)g1 n=0 are always positive for any t 2 [0; 1) and can be obtained explicitly by revoking 11 e in precisely the same way as in Section 4. (87) and tracking the time path of E(t) via C(t) . Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 12 The dynamic trade ‡ows fe xn (t) 69 e cn (t)g1 n=0 are also determined for t 2 [0; 1). 1 The model tractability and the equivalence results both depend on the assumption im- 2 posed on the exogenous prices for the intermediate goods. For the more general case, it can 3 be shown that the key equilibrium features will be qualitatively similar as long as the exoge- 4 nous price ratio of any two neighboring goods, 5 low relative to their capital intensity ratio 6 assumption of “no factor intensity reversal” in the Heckscher-Ohlin trade literature. More 7 generally, a two-country or multiple-country general equilibrium trade model is needed to 8 endogenize the prices of the tradables. However, the dynamic analysis becomes much more 9 complicated, so we leave it for separate treatment.29 10 7.7.3. pn+1 , pn an+1 , an is larger than unity and also su¢ ciently which is essentially similar to the standard International Capital Flow 11 Our main result (industries will move from labor-intensive ones to capital-intensive ones 12 following a hump-shaped path) is qualitatively robust even when allowing for international 13 capital ‡ow in a small open economy. This is because the output decisions of all the industries 14 are still guided by the equilibrium rental wage ratio, not just by the rental price of capital 15 alone. In this new environment, even if the rental price of capital is exogenously given by 16 the world market (typically assumed to be time-invariant in the literature), the wage-rental 17 ratio still increases over time because the marginal productivity of labor increases with the 18 upgrading of industries (recall 19 endogenous aggregate production functions shown in Table 4. Domestically-owned capital 20 keeps accumulating while labor supply does not increase. Empirically, the rise of the wage- 21 rental ratio is a basic growth fact, which is also implied by the Neoclassical growth models 22 (Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2003)). Thus …rms’ optimal choice is still to switch gradually 23 from labor-intensive industries to more capital-intensive ones in response to the change in 29 pn+1 pn > 1 and production function (7)), as hinted by the An extension to two-country general equilibrium dynamic trade is explicitly explored in Wang (2012), where the model predictions are consistent with the stylized facts established in Section 2. 70 Endowment Structures, Industrial Dynamics, and Economic Growth 24 1 the relative factor price. 7.8. Appendix 8: Industry Re-classi…cation 2 Here is how we rede…ne new industries based on Schott (2003) in Subsection 2.1. Let kit 3 denote the capital-labor ratio of NAICS industry i at year t: Ranking all 22275 observations 4 of kit from low to high, we obtain a sequence kihh th 5 the lowest and the highest capital-labor ratios, respectively. Superscript h denotes the rank 6 of the capital-labor ratio. All the observations whose superscript satis…es 1 7 grouped together and de…ned as “industry 1”. Those observations satisfying 226 8 are de…ned as “industry 2”, and so on. In this way, we obtain 99 newly-de…ned industries with 9 225 observations in each. Each superscript h uniquely corresponds to an NAICS industry 10 code and year (ih , th ) pair thus we can …nd the corresponding observation of employment, 11 denoted xih th , and obtain a sequence fxih th g22275 h=1 . Note that xih th is not necessarily monotonic 12 in h. 13 22275 , h=1 For a newly-de…ned industry n (where n = 1; represent where ki11 t1 and ki22275 22275 t22275 h 225 are h 450 ; 99), we have 225 observations for 14 capital-labor ratios but only 48 years, which means that there must be multiple observations 15 for certain years. To construct the employment time series fe xnt g2005 t=1958 for the newly-de…ned 16 industry n, we …rst need to …nd all the corresponding observations that belong to this 17 18 19 20 21 22 industry, that is, fxih th g225n h=225(n 1)+1 . We de…ne the total employment of the newly-de…ned P industry n at year t as x ent ; 99 and t = 225(n 1)+1 h 225n and th =t xih th , for any n = 1; 1958; 1959; :::; 2005. Correspondingly, the employment share of the newly-de…ned industry n is measured by the ratio of the employment in industry n to total manufacturing employment 99 X at year t, namely, x ent = x ent . The same method is used to construct the time series for n=1 value added (share) for each newly-de…ned industry. Peak time of employment share Independent variable (1) Capital expenditure share Constant Observations R-squared (2) 0.535*** (0.070) Capital-labor ratio 1958.309*** (3.371) 33 0.651 Peak time of value-added share (3) (4) 0.553*** (0.070) 123.298*** (16.550) 1915.588*** (8.876) 40 0.594 1955.004*** (3.625) 34 0.661 Table 1: Peak Time of Industries in US: 1958-2005 Note: We drop industries monotonically declining (increasing) during entire time period, and a few industries which are not single peaked. ***indicates significance at 1% level. Data Source: NBER-CES Manufacturing Database 97.863*** (9.841) 1924.355*** (5.525) 43 0.707 Table 2: Congruence Fact of Industry Dynamics in US: 1958-2005 Independent variable Employment share×1000 (1) Coherence term 1 -3.035*** (0.266) Coherence term 2 T Constant Industry dummies Year dummies Observations R-squared (2) 0.022*** (0.006) 14.196*** (0.991) Yes Yes 4,515 0.133 Value-added share×1000 (3) (4) -3.603*** (0.262) -33.228*** (1.562) 0.018*** (0.005) 18.595*** (1.030) Yes Yes 4,542 0.201 0.100*** (0.006) 14.191*** (0.975) Yes Yes 4,515 0.296 Note: Coherence term 1 is the absolute value of a normalized difference between sector i's capital-labor ratio and the aggregate capital-labor ratio in the manufacturing sectors at year t. Coherence term 2 is the absolute value of a normalized difference between sector i's capital expenditure share and the average capital expenditure share in all manufacturing sectors at year t. ***indicates significance at 1% level. In addition, the result of a Hausman test shows that the fixed effect model is statistically preferred to the random effect model. Data Source: NBER-CES Manufacturing Database -23.594*** (1.509) 0.134*** (0.005) 14.877*** (0.995) Yes Yes 4,542 0.381 Table 3: Hump-shaped Pattern and Timing Fact of Industrial Dynamics in US: 1958-2005 Independent variable t t^2 t×k T GDPGR Constant Industry dummies Observations R-squared Full sample (1) (2) Value-added Output share×1000 share×1000 1.581*** 1.197*** (0.223) (0.263) -4.07e-04*** -3.08e-04*** (5.61e-05) (6.62e-05) 0.001*** 0.001*** (7.80e-05) (9.21e-05) 0.006*** 0.004*** (1.47e-04) (1.73e-04) -0.710* -0.475 (0.415) (0.489) -1,534*** -1,163*** (220.705) (260.383) Subsample (3) (4) Value-added Output share×1000 share×1000 1.596*** 1.205*** (0.223) (0.263) -4.11e-04*** -3.10e-04*** (5.63e-05) (6.64e-05) 0.001*** 0.001*** (7.82e-05) (9.23e-05) 0.006*** 0.004*** (1.47e-04) (1.74e-04) -0.688* -0.463 (0.416) (0.491) -1,549*** -1,171*** (221.372) (261.206) Yes Yes Yes Yes 20,889 0.862 20,889 0.884 20,790 0.862 20,790 0.884 Note: t, k, T and GDPGR represent Year, Capital expenditure share, Labor productivity and GDP growth rate, respectively. ***, ** and *denote significance at the 1, 5, and 10 percent level, respectively. Standard errors are in parentheses. Column 3 and Column 4 report the results when we drop all the eleven industries that have data for only twelve years. Data Source: NBER-CES Manufacturing Database Table 4: Hump-shaped Pattern and Timing Fact of Industrial Dynamics Cross Countries: 1963-2009 Independent variable t t^2 t×k T GDPGR Constant Country×Industry dummies Observations R-squared Full sample (1) (2) Value-added Output share×1000 share×1000 9.750** 9.432** (4.587) (4.507) -0.002** -0.002** (0.001) (0.001) 4.01e-05*** 2.54e-05* (1.37e-05) (1.34e-05) 3.16e-09*** 2.28e-10* (1.28e-10) (1.25e-10) -3.726 -1.585 (3.874) (3.811) -9,519** -9,206** (4,556) (4,477) Subsample (3) (4) Value-added Output share×1000 share×1000 10.314** 12.267** (5.112) (5.652) -0.003** -0.003** (0.001) (0.001) 2.42e-04*** 1.51e-04** (6.85e-05) (7.61e-05) 2.87e-09*** 2.42e-10* (1.19e-10) (1.32e-10) 0.831 4.515 (5.247) (5.809) -10,050** -12,009** (5,077) (5,614) Yes Yes Yes Yes 47,328 0.820 47,179 0.847 27,236 0.774 27,447 0.796 Note: t, k, T and GDPGR represent Year, Capital expenditure share of an industry, Labor productivity of an industry, and GDP growth rate for each specific country, respectively. ***, ** and *denote significance at the 1, 5, and 10 percent level, respectively. Standard errors are in parentheses. Regressions (3) and (4) are run for the subsample which includes only those industries whose values are observed for over 40 years. Data Source: UNIDO (1963-2009). Table 5: Hump-shaped Pattern and Timing Fact of Industrial Dynamics in Developing Countries: 1963-2009 Independent variable t t^2 t×k T GDPGR Constant Country×Industry dummies India ValueOutput added share×1 share×1 000 000 144.706 292.409 *** *** (42.073) (98.763) 0.036** 0.074** * * (0.011) (0.025) A B Valueadded share×10 00 104.543* ** (28.761) 157.847* * (61.281) 0.026*** 0.040*** (0.007) (0.015) Output share×10 00 0.011** 0.003 0.013*** 0.003 (0.005) (0.012) (0.002) (0.004) 0.001** * (5.96e05) -19.639 (32.614) 143,406 *** (41,945) 0.002** * (1.4e04) -48.864 (76.559) 290,248 *** (98,461) 4.74e04*** (2.66e05) -22.213 (21.245) 103,595* ** (28,669) 7.15e04*** (5.63e05) -42.336 (45.211) 156,722* * (61,085) Yes Yes Yes Yes Valueadded share×10 00 13.926* (8.302) -0.004* (0.002) 1.42e04** (7.10e05) 1.81e04*** (6.60e06) -3.200 (6.314) C Output share×10 00 25.969** * (6.958) 0.007*** (8,246) (0.002) 1.05e04* (6.07e05) 8.93e05*** (5.64e06) 1.424 (5.361) 25,474** * (6,910) Yes Yes -13,433 Valueadded share×1 000 Output share×1 000 (8,440) 27.975* ** (7.227) 0.007** * (0.002) 1.05e04* (6.16e05) 8.93e05*** (5.84e06) 1.081 (6.137) 27,459* ** (7,177) Yes Yes 14.016* (8.498) -0.004* (0.002) 1.38e04* (7.10e05) 1.73e04*** (6.73e06) -4.597 (7.137) -13,527 Observations 467 467 924 914 12,073 12,531 11,632 12,090 R-squared 0.920 0.762 0.903 0.746 0.836 0.900 0.824 0.885 Note: t, k, T and GDPGR represent Year, Capital expenditure share, Labor productivity and GDP growth rate, respectively. ***, ** and *denote significance at the 1, 5, and 10 percent level, respectively. Standard errors are in parentheses. All the regressions are run for the various subsamples with industry values observed for more than 40 years. The first column is for India, one of the BRICS countries. BRICS is the acronym for the five largest emerging economies, i.e., Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Since the data set records no industry values for more than 40 years in Brazil, Russia and China, Column A is for only India and South Africa together. Column B is for all the developing countries (following the classification by the World Bank) excluding India and South Africa. Other developing countries include Philippines, Cyprus, Panama, Hungary, Kuwait, Costa Rica, Fiji, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Jordan, Pakistan, Tanzania, Malaysia, Singapore, Trinidad, Ecuador, Tunisia, Iran, Uruguay, Syria, Kenya, Malta, Malawi, Egypt, Columbia and Garner. Column C is for the subsample of developing countries whose average annual real GDP growth rates are more than 2%. Average annual real GDP growth rate is calculated by the authors based on the data from Penn World Table 8.0. Data Source: UNIDO (1963-2009) SER01 SER19 .07 .06 .05 .04 .03 .02 .01 SER39 .014 .013 .013 .012 .012 .011 .011 .010 .010 .009 .009 .008 .008 .007 .007 .006 .006 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 .005 60 65 70 75 SER59 80 85 90 95 00 05 60 65 70 75 SER79 .016 80 85 90 95 00 05 90 95 00 05 SER99 .020 .028 .014 .024 .016 .012 .020 .010 .016 .012 .008 .012 .006 .008 .008 .004 .004 .004 .002 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 .000 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 60 65 70 75 80 85 Figure 1. HP-Filtered Employment Shares of Six Typical “Industries” (Newly Defined) in US from 1958 to 2005 Note: The horizontal axis is the year (from 1958 to 2005), and the vertical axis is the employment share of “Industry 1 (19, 39, 59, 79 and 99)”. An industry with a higher index is more capitalintensive by construction. If there is a missing value in the constructed time series for a certain year, that missing value is replaced by the simple average of the observations immediately before and after that year. The HP filter parameter λ is set to 1000. Figure 2. How Endowment Structure Determines Equilibrium Industries cn * L 0 t1 * c0 : t2 * c1 : t3 * c2 : t4 * c3 : Figure 3. How Industries Evolve over Time when K 0 ∈ (ϑ0 ,ϑ1 ) . Note: The horizontal axis is time and the vertical axis is the consumption of good n. The purple line represents good 0; the green line represents good 1, the yellow line represents good 2, and the blue line represents good 3. t Extra Tables and Figures for Online Publication Table A1: Descriptive Statistics for Main Variables 1958 1959 mean 32.41 33.64 max 506.10 502.20 min 0.60 0.60 sd 47.30 47.84 mean 40.83 40.26 max 522.51 527.34 min 0.53 0.73 sd 49.78 49.53 Capital Expenditure Share mean max min sd 0.47 0.87 0.13 0.12 0.49 0.88 0.02 0.12 1960 33.83 544.20 0.60 47.92 41.30 533.15 0.79 49.60 0.48 0.88 0.00 0.13 10.84 62.29 1.50 5.30 1961 33.02 498.30 0.60 46.36 43.76 542.03 0.82 51.67 0.48 0.89 0.01 0.13 11.13 64.91 1.56 5.56 1962 33.87 497.20 0.50 47.01 44.05 560.17 0.89 52.26 0.49 0.89 0.01 0.13 11.85 72.35 1.66 6.03 1963 33.64 495.80 0.60 45.56 44.88 555.52 0.87 52.61 0.50 0.90 0.06 0.12 12.63 77.06 1.67 6.52 1964 34.25 527.80 0.70 46.22 45.57 566.21 0.86 53.13 0.51 0.90 0.09 0.12 13.30 81.34 1.73 6.95 1965 35.92 559.90 0.70 47.98 46.24 574.63 0.91 54.79 0.52 0.91 0.03 0.12 13.99 89.17 1.78 7.43 1966 37.96 554.10 0.70 49.89 46.90 609.33 0.96 56.57 0.52 0.91 0.02 0.12 14.71 93.91 1.88 7.81 1967 38.41 528.60 0.70 50.04 48.94 647.69 1.03 57.69 0.52 0.91 0.07 0.12 15.12 93.59 2.11 8.01 1968 38.79 528.60 0.70 50.78 50.93 672.95 1.12 59.49 0.53 0.92 0.08 0.12 16.26 96.95 2.26 8.81 1969 39.73 533.30 0.80 50.64 51.56 676.38 1.21 60.02 0.52 0.92 0.07 0.12 16.94 98.46 2.34 8.93 1970 37.92 521.90 0.80 47.46 54.98 706.90 1.29 61.95 0.52 0.92 0.07 0.12 17.55 102.04 2.40 9.42 1971 36.09 478.20 1.00 44.33 58.70 746.92 1.41 65.04 0.53 0.92 0.07 0.12 19.06 112.01 2.66 10.05 1972 37.09 465.20 1.70 44.24 59.90 758.83 1.43 70.07 0.54 0.92 0.09 0.11 20.85 120.60 2.67 10.95 1973 38.85 498.30 1.50 46.52 60.05 762.15 1.49 71.16 0.55 0.92 0.05 0.11 22.85 138.85 2.86 12.26 1974 38.58 514.00 1.60 46.37 61.70 818.13 1.67 71.98 0.57 0.92 0.12 0.12 26.62 191.09 3.15 16.81 1975 35.31 447.90 1.50 42.52 68.37 854.93 1.83 75.82 0.56 0.92 0.20 0.12 27.69 193.87 3.31 16.92 1976 36.36 448.60 1.60 43.51 69.01 889.04 1.80 78.75 0.57 0.92 0.17 0.11 30.66 227.44 3.46 18.30 1977 38.08 438.60 1.60 44.85 69.41 868.07 1.87 81.42 0.57 0.93 0.23 0.11 33.30 238.16 4.01 19.91 1978 39.57 440.40 1.70 46.15 69.65 909.67 1.91 84.00 0.57 0.93 0.26 0.11 35.89 247.69 4.60 21.24 1979 40.60 447.90 1.50 47.77 71.45 958.42 1.91 88.95 0.58 0.93 0.06 0.11 39.96 334.06 4.36 26.98 1980 39.59 400.20 1.60 46.72 75.34 962.61 1.88 91.05 0.57 0.93 0.21 0.11 42.76 298.57 4.67 27.29 1981 38.82 387.90 1.60 46.27 78.41 1043.47 1.99 94.12 0.58 0.93 0.28 0.11 46.86 328.67 5.41 29.74 1982 36.48 319.90 1.70 43.71 85.18 1111.60 2.17 101.16 0.56 0.94 0.20 0.11 48.13 304.36 5.80 28.99 1983 35.67 328.40 1.60 42.86 88.39 1144.69 2.15 106.53 0.58 0.94 0.18 0.11 53.00 309.25 5.83 31.87 1984 36.55 345.10 1.60 44.21 88.47 1195.06 2.36 109.76 0.59 0.93 0.00 0.11 57.61 340.83 6.57 35.08 1985 35.74 371.50 1.60 43.99 92.52 1239.11 2.59 114.60 0.58 0.93 0.04 0.11 59.37 343.95 6.75 36.83 1986 34.80 379.70 1.50 43.55 97.39 1315.15 2.74 123.90 0.58 0.93 0.07 0.11 63.10 388.46 7.54 40.96 1987 35.97 384.60 1.40 45.60 97.47 1226.61 2.56 124.71 0.60 0.94 0.08 0.11 70.02 477.87 8.06 49.15 1988 36.41 394.20 1.40 45.73 95.93 1222.48 2.61 119.44 0.61 0.96 0.05 0.12 76.25 583.44 8.29 59.67 1989 36.18 402.60 1.50 45.75 96.50 1237.15 2.74 118.25 0.61 0.95 0.03 0.12 79.24 625.83 8.63 64.02 1990 35.67 403.90 1.40 45.29 98.62 1238.72 2.79 116.50 0.61 0.95 0.25 0.12 81.44 742.03 9.25 68.88 1991 34.05 388.50 1.40 42.82 102.76 1272.94 2.87 117.68 0.60 0.95 0.01 0.12 83.09 825.64 9.39 70.75 1992 34.38 425.60 1.30 43.82 103.22 1337.73 2.89 121.21 0.62 0.95 0.05 0.11 88.81 976.45 10.29 75.01 1993 34.33 443.00 1.30 43.51 104.90 1374.95 2.76 125.16 0.62 0.95 0.07 0.11 92.95 755.15 10.31 71.66 1994 34.55 472.10 1.20 44.23 107.00 1471.50 2.84 130.82 0.64 0.95 0.09 0.11 100.31 859.09 10.99 78.67 Employment K/L Labor Productivity mean 9.85 10.76 max 50.94 60.97 min 1.44 1.46 sd 4.51 5.16 1995 35.30 499.80 1.20 45.51 107.36 1431.76 2.81 131.88 0.64 0.95 0.10 0.11 105.75 1107.67 11.08 91.03 1996 35.13 499.60 1.20 45.49 109.29 1361.83 3.03 132.43 0.64 0.95 0.03 0.11 107.45 1143.53 11.65 89.30 1997 35.53 522.70 1.30 46.23 113.23 1574.08 3.58 148.52 0.65 0.95 0.41 0.10 113.99 1095.71 21.70 94.11 1998 35.83 534.70 1.20 47.00 120.77 1577.91 5.33 157.44 0.65 0.96 0.37 0.11 117.29 1364.74 22.04 98.68 1999 35.28 550.90 0.90 46.96 132.30 1369.66 8.32 166.41 0.64 0.97 0.38 0.11 120.94 1941.35 25.98 121.10 2000 35.21 554.90 0.90 47.54 142.19 1621.59 10.91 182.51 0.64 0.97 0.27 0.11 124.70 2186.72 28.10 131.63 2001 33.50 528.60 0.90 45.82 154.64 1975.08 14.23 195.20 0.63 0.98 0.20 0.12 123.01 2831.86 27.01 152.47 2002 31.05 488.30 0.90 42.43 169.16 1598.52 10.11 197.67 0.65 0.97 0.22 0.11 134.10 2002.93 26.39 130.16 2003 29.33 478.00 0.80 40.33 180.39 2289.47 11.72 217.31 0.65 0.97 0.22 0.11 142.74 2005.16 25.06 138.05 2004 28.32 448.50 0.80 39.32 190.17 2333.50 12.61 224.30 0.66 0.97 0.21 0.11 160.45 2222.26 28.44 174.89 2005 27.84 446.00 0.80 38.86 193.72 2224.50 15.06 225.65 0.67 0.97 0.30 0.11 175.53 3138.27 34.13 225.10 All 35.52 559.90 0.50 45.62 88.09 124.23 0.58 0.98 0.00 0.13 2333.50 0.53 60.76 3138.27 1.44 86.69 Note: All the variables are from NBER-CES Manufacturing Industry Data set for the U.S., which covers 473 industries. Employment is in the unit of 1000 employees. K/L is the ratio of real capital stock to employment and in the unit of thousand US dollars per worker. Capital expenditure share is one minus the ratio of labor expenditure to the value added. Labor productivity is measured as value added per worker. SER02 SER01 . 07 . 06 SER03 . 05 . 020 . 04 . 016 . 03 . 012 . 02 . 008 . 01 . 004 SER04 SER05 SER07 SER06 . 03 . 01 . 00 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 . 030 . 030 . 028 . 035 . 030 . 025 . 025 . 024 . 030 . 025 . 025 . 020 . 020 . 020 . 025 . 020 . 020 . 016 . 020 . 015 . 015 . 015 . 015 . 010 . 010 . 010 . 010 . 005 . 005 . 005 . 005 . 004 . 000 60 05 65 70 75 SER11 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 000 60 65 70 75 SER12 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 030 . 020 . 020 . 020 . 025 . 016 . 016 . 016 . 020 . 012 . 012 . 012 . 015 . 008 . 008 . 008 . 010 . 004 . 004 . 004 . 005 . 000 . 000 . 000 . 000 75 80 85 90 95 00 60 05 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 60 65 70 75 SER22 SER21 75 80 85 . 014 80 85 90 95 00 05 90 95 00 05 65 70 75 . 016 . 014 . 014 . 012 . 012 . 010 . 010 . 008 85 90 95 00 05 . 000 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 . 020 . 016 . 016 . 012 . 012 . 008 . 008 . 004 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 60 05 65 70 75 . 016 . 016 . 014 . 014 . 012 . 012 . 010 . 010 . 008 . 008 . 006 . 006 . 004 . 004 . 002 . 002 . 000 65 70 75 80 85 85 90 95 00 . 006 . 006 . 004 05 60 65 70 75 65 70 75 90 95 00 85 90 95 00 05 80 85 90 95 00 05 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 SER41 00 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 016 . 016 . 015 . 011 . 014 . 010 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 . 006 . 005 . 004 . 004 . 002 . 009 60 05 65 70 75 SER51 80 85 90 95 00 05 60 65 70 75 . 016 . 014 . 014 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 016 . 010 . 004 . 004 . 000 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 . 014 . 016 . 012 . 014 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 90 95 00 05 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 . 012 . 010 . 006 . 004 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 60 65 70 75 SER81 . 028 . 014 . 024 . 012 . 020 . 010 . 016 . 008 . 012 . 006 . 008 . 004 . 002 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 . 030 . 024 . 025 . 020 . 020 . 016 . 015 . 012 . 010 . 008 80 85 90 95 00 . 005 . 004 . 000 . 000 60 05 65 70 75 65 70 75 85 90 95 00 80 85 90 95 00 05 80 85 90 95 00 . 020 . 016 . 012 . 008 . 004 . 004 . 004 . 000 . 000 . 000 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 65 70 75 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 -.005 95 00 05 90 95 00 05 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 00 05 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 . 006 . 004 . 000 . 004 . 004 . 002 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 60 05 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 60 65 70 75 SER56 80 85 90 95 00 80 85 90 95 00 05 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 90 95 00 05 90 95 00 05 90 95 00 05 90 95 00 05 90 95 00 05 90 95 00 05 90 95 00 05 . 004 . 000 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 60 05 65 70 75 80 85 SER40 SER39 . 013 . 016 . 012 . 014 . 012 . 010 . 010 . 008 . 008 . 006 . 007 . 004 . 005 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 002 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 60 05 65 70 75 SER49 80 85 SER50 . 020 . 016 . 018 . 014 . 012 . 014 . 012 . 010 . 006 . 014 . 010 85 90 95 00 05 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 002 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 60 65 70 75 SER59 80 85 SER60 . 014 . 016 . 018 . 012 . 014 . 016 . 012 . 014 . 010 . 012 . 008 . 006 . 004 . 000 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 65 70 75 SER66 80 85 90 95 00 . 002 60 05 . 008 . 004 . 002 60 . 010 . 006 . 004 . 002 80 70 . 008 . 006 . 002 75 65 . 010 . 010 . 004 70 . 004 . 012 . 008 65 . 004 . 006 SER58 . 016 65 70 75 SER67 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 006 60 65 70 75 . 024 . 024 . 014 . 012 . 020 . 020 . 012 . 010 . 016 . 016 . 010 . 008 . 012 . 012 80 85 90 95 00 05 60 65 70 75 SER69 SER68 . 014 . 008 . 006 . 008 . 008 . 006 . 004 . 004 . 004 . 002 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 . 000 60 05 65 70 75 SER75 80 85 SER70 . 014 . 024 . 020 . 012 . 016 . 012 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 008 . 006 65 70 75 SER76 80 85 90 95 00 60 05 65 70 75 . 024 . 016 . 016 . 020 . 012 . 012 . 016 . 008 . 008 . 012 80 85 90 95 00 . 000 60 05 65 70 75 SER78 SER77 . 020 . 004 . 004 . 000 60 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 012 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 . 008 . 000 . 000 . 004 05 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 016 . 014 . 012 . 012 . 010 . 010 85 . 020 . 016 . 012 . 008 . 008 . 007 . 004 . 006 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 004 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 000 60 65 70 75 SER88 . 028 . 024 . 014 80 . 012 SER87 . 016 75 . 024 . 011 SER86 SER85 . 016 70 . 028 . 008 . 004 65 SER80 . 020 . 009 . 004 60 SER79 . 010 . 020 80 85 90 95 00 60 05 65 70 75 SER89 . 028 . 028 . 020 . 024 . 024 . 020 . 020 . 016 . 016 . 012 . 012 . 016 80 85 SER90 . 024 . 016 . 012 . 012 . 008 . 008 . 008 . 008 . 006 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 006 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 60 05 65 70 75 SER95 80 85 90 95 00 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 004 . 000 . 000 . 000 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 60 65 70 75 SER97 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 008 . 004 . 000 60 65 70 75 SER98 . 018 . 016 . 012 . 030 . 028 . 025 . 024 85 90 95 00 05 90 95 00 05 60 65 70 75 80 85 . 020 . 020 . 012 80 SER99 . 014 . 016 . 010 . 015 . 012 . 008 . 010 . 008 . 006 . 004 . 000 65 . 004 05 . 014 . 004 60 . 008 . 004 SER96 . 020 . 000 05 05 . 008 60 . 011 60 . 016 05 . 004 00 85 . 012 . 002 SER57 . 012 60 . 008 95 80 SER30 . 004 . 014 . 006 . 012 90 75 . 016 SER48 . 004 . 016 85 70 . 020 . 008 60 05 . 006 . 008 80 65 . 024 . 010 . 000 . 008 . 012 75 60 05 . 006 . 010 . 016 70 00 . 000 65 . 012 . 008 . 012 . 008 65 95 . 004 60 SER29 . 012 . 008 . 012 60 90 . 008 SER38 . 010 . 016 . 000 60 05 . 012 . 016 60 . 012 . 000 90 85 . 014 . 005 85 80 . 016 SER65 . 020 . 004 00 . 016 . 018 SER47 . 006 . 004 80 95 . 020 60 05 . 008 . 010 75 90 . 004 . 010 . 015 70 75 . 008 . 020 65 70 . 010 . 025 60 65 . 012 SER94 . 020 . 016 . 000 85 . 000 . 014 . 020 SER93 . 030 . 008 80 . 005 . 008 SER84 . 008 95 . 006 . 012 05 . 024 . 012 90 . 014 SER46 . 004 60 . 016 85 . 009 60 05 80 . 008 SER83 SER92 . 012 75 . 016 . 016 SER74 . 024 SER91 . 020 80 75 . 010 60 05 . 020 05 75 . 002 60 . 000 65 SER82 . 016 70 . 004 . 008 60 70 . 025 . 016 . 006 SER73 . 014 . 004 65 70 . 020 SER28 . 020 . 008 . 016 . 008 65 . 008 60 05 . 018 . 012 60 . 012 . 002 60 . 020 . 016 60 . 010 . 020 SER72 . 020 05 . 004 . 000 . 012 . 004 SER71 . 024 00 . 006 . 004 . 004 . 004 . 002 85 95 . 008 . 002 . 008 . 006 . 004 80 90 . 010 . 002 . 012 . 016 . 006 75 85 65 SER20 . 006 SER37 . 008 SER64 . 008 70 80 60 . 024 . 008 . 030 60 . 006 . 016 05 . 010 65 05 . 004 . 014 . 008 60 00 . 012 SER55 . 012 . 010 . 008 . 000 95 . 012 . 020 SER63 . 012 . 004 90 . 014 05 -.004 60 05 SER62 . 016 85 05 . 008 . 000 . 000 60 SER61 . 020 80 . 006 . 002 60 75 . 014 . 008 . 006 . 002 70 . 008 . 008 . 008 . 004 75 SER36 . 012 . 010 . 006 65 . 014 SER54 . 020 . 012 . 012 60 00 . 008 SER53 SER52 . 016 05 95 . 010 . 011 . 006 00 00 90 . 012 . 007 95 95 85 . 016 . 014 . 010 90 90 80 . 013 . 006 85 85 . 024 . 008 . 007 80 70 . 000 SER45 . 010 . 008 75 65 . 004 . 016 05 . 012 . 009 . 010 70 80 75 . 009 . 010 . 016 SER44 . 018 65 75 70 . 011 . 015 . 008 SER43 . 012 60 70 . 000 65 . 012 . 020 . 010 60 . 013 . 008 65 . 005 60 SER19 . 000 . 016 SER35 . 004 . 013 . 009 60 05 . 006 . 014 . 011 05 . 010 SER42 . 012 00 . 007 . 020 . 006 . 006 60 05 95 . 014 SER27 . 008 . 000 . 012 -.004 95 90 . 008 . 012 . 000 90 85 . 012 . 004 . 008 85 80 . 004 . 010 . 010 80 75 . 010 . 012 . 004 75 70 . 013 60 05 . 016 . 008 70 65 . 016 . 000 60 . 010 . 000 60 SER18 . 014 . 012 65 05 . 020 SER26 . 016 . 014 . 016 00 . 004 . 018 SER34 . 020 60 05 80 95 . 008 SER25 . 020 SER33 SER32 SER31 . 018 60 80 . 008 90 . 012 . 008 . 000 85 . 020 . 000 60 05 . 004 . 002 80 . 024 . 004 . 000 . 008 . 004 75 SER17 . 012 . 008 70 . 008 . 010 . 006 65 . 015 . 004 . 000 60 05 SER16 . 020 SER24 . 016 80 SER15 . 012 . 012 . 000 60 . 008 . 012 60 . 018 . 012 . 016 SER23 . 016 . 016 70 SER14 . 024 70 65 SER13 . 024 65 . 000 60 . 024 60 SER10 . 035 . 030 . 008 . 02 SER09 . 035 . 020 . 012 . 04 SER08 . 024 . 016 . 05 . 004 . 002 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 005 . 002 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 . 004 . 000 . 000 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 60 65 70 75 80 85 Figure A1. Industrial Dynamics of the 99 Newly-Defined Industries in US: 1958-2005 Note: The time-series plots of the employment shares for the 99 newly-defined industries within the manufacturing sector are presented following an increasing order of capital intensity. That is, the leftmost plot in the top row is Industry 1, which is most labor-intensive by construction. The second plot in the top row is Industry 2, which is the second most labor-intensive industry, and then followed by Industry 3, and so forth. The rightmost plot in the bottom row is industry 99, the most capital-intensive industry. Data Source: NBER-CES Manufacturing Data Set 1 industry 0 industry 1 industry 2 industry 3 industry 4 industry 5 0.9 L=1 gamma=0.8 lumda=1.1 a=1.5 0.8 0.7 Industrial Ouput 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Capital Endowment E 12 14 16 Figure A2. How Industrial Output Changes with Capital Endowment under General CES function when λ > 1 18 20