PLTW – Human Body Systems - Mr. Lee`s Site


PLTW – Human Body Systems - Mr. Lee`s Site
 PLTW – Human Body Systems
Instituto Health Sciences Career Academy
2014-2015 Semester 2
Instructor: Mr. Mike Lee
Phone: (586) 580-1930 (before 9 PM)
Room: 216
Website: Twitter: @IHSCALEE
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 4 PM – 5 PM
Course Description
Welcome to your second semester of 2014-2015 at IHSCA! To continue your adventure into science, we will be
learning Human Body Systems. You will investigate systems of human biology through thematic units focused
on major bodily functions. We will look at what systems are responsible for each function. Most of the work
rests on you to research and implement.
Class Expectations
Students will leave with an understanding of the human body and the different systems that compose it
Students will rise 3 points on science college readiness standards (CRS)
Students will master 80% of class objectives
Students will take official Project Lead The Way End of Course Assessment
Students will perform dissections and other experiments, and will present their results in typed and edited
laboratory reports.
Class Rules
Lab Safety Compliance
Mutual Respect
No Disrespectful Language
Attentive Listening
Best Effort
No Electronic Devices
Evaluation and Requirements
Laboratory / Project
Class Work
Midterm and Final
Description of Assignments
Written laboratory reports, data analyses, oral presentations
Weekly quizzes, unit tests
Catalysts, exit slips, group activities
Conclusion questions, article reflections
Midterm and cumulative final
Necessary Materials
1 x – Box of Nitrile Gloves (your hand size)
1 x – Notebook for Laboratories
1 1 x – 3 Ring binder (approximately 1.5 inch width)
1 x – 5 piece binder dividers (HBS: Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 6)
1 x – Writing utensil
Class Protocols
Academic Dishonesty:
All academic dishonesty, including but not limited to forgery, cheating, and plagiarism will result in 4 D’s. Further
incidents will require academic referrals and suspension.
Behavioral Expectations:
All students are subject to the IHSCA Student Code of Conduct 2014-2015.
Laboratory Safety:
Each student is responsible for ensuring the safety of the class in the lab. Students must wear goggles at all
times and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as instructed. Any inappropriate behavior during
laboratory activities will result in deductions and removal from the lab.
Period 1 Tardy:
In order to learn, students have to be present and on time. Students without a pass will not be allowed into the
classroom after 8:00 AM. Students who are late will not be allowed into first period class, and this will count as
an absence.
It is the student’s responsibility to approach the teacher at the appropriate time to catch up with what work they
missed. Students will have the same number of days they were absent to return the work. (For example: if a
student is absent for 2 days, they will have two additional days to complete the work that was missed.)
In order to be successful, students must bring their necessary materials. See the materials list above.
Late work:
Work that is submitted late (late = after the time of collection) will only earn credit the day after it is due for at
most 50% credit. Work submitted after one day will earn no credit. Students may attend SARC or ARC with a
signed slip the day that an assignment is due, and submitted the next day for full credit.
Make-Up Tests and Quizzes:
Students must recover tests or quizzes within 3 days of returning to school. It is the student’s responsibility to
arrange a time to take the assessment with Mr. Lee. Make-ups cannot occur during lunch or in class.
Academic Support
Contacting Mr. Lee
You or your family may contact Mr. Lee about any academic concerns. Phone calls and texts should be made
before 9 PM. E-mail contact will be replied to within 24 hours on weekdays and within 48 hours on weekends.
Students are expected to use professional email etiquette when sending an email to their teacher. Emails
without proper salutations, capitalization, punctuation, and closings will not be responded to or acted upon.
Arranging meeting times
Student or parent conferences can be arranged before or after school. Please contact Mr. Lee to check for
scheduling availability. You can also refer to the class website calendar which has Mr. Lee’s AFTER SCHOOL
Calendar to check.