The Relationship between Spiritual Well


The Relationship between Spiritual Well
International Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences. Vol., S (3), 4084-4087, 2014
Available online at
ISSN 2322-424X©2014
The Relationship between Spiritual Well-Being and Self-Actualization in
both Male and Female Seminarians in Ilam 2013- 2014
Seyed Rahmatullah Mousavi Moghadam, Saeideh Darvishi*, Neda Zahirikhah, and Seyed Sajad
1- Assistant Professor and Head of Department of Islamic Sciences University of Medical Sciences, Ilam,
2- Psychology graduate student, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, ILAM, Iran.
3- Master Student Educational Psychology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz,
4- PhD student, transcendental philosophy Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
*Corresponding author E-mail:‎‎
Background: a sense of spirituality inherent in the human condition, which is
measured in relation to the affairs of God and the immateriality and self -actualization
is in fact motivated by recognition of individual talents, who first brought the ideas of
humanism in schools. The purpose of this study is that the spiritual well-being and
self-actualization in ILAM There are male and female students? The population of the
province of the male and female students studying at seminaries have been 79
people, including 45 men and 34 women were selected as subjects. The instrument
used in this study questionnaires PULUTZIN spiritual health and spiritual well-being
questionnaire Ellison Islam BRANIGAN questionnaire and self-actualization, Gary J.
was and data analysis using correlation and regression analysis, descriptive
statistics and inferential statistics were great. The results showed that there is a
significant relationship between the spiritual well-being and self-actualization.
Between ethics, (VALUES) and self-actualization are related. The results suggest that
the unfolding of the life style and their talent is impressive.
Keywords: Spiritual Well-Being, Self-Actualization, Students.
One of the four types of health, spiritual Health that various tools for the measurement and evaluation of
the various individuals and groups associated with other types of mental health, health (physical, mental and
social) is made. Since entering the spiritual health by MUBREG (1971), since several definitions of this
concept is presented and it's not on empirical research methods rather than the conventional interpretation
that there is no consensus. Although of discussing spiritual health over five decades, but also an important
element of this remains unknown; that's why everyone according to the dominant paradigm, based on their
worldview has tried to define and explain its components, but so far no consensus occurred. The first factor
is the type of worldview, attitudes, and judgments of the dominant paradigm that typically so look there.
Another factor is the second role is dependent on the first factor is the lack of agreement in terms of health,
spirituality, Religion, spirit and fluent, the other elements of the disease and the related. Spiritual health and
material-oriented approach in medical term, is a process that utilizes the physical treatment can be helped.
But in medical terms or significant non-oriented, spiritual health are a process that In addition to using
physical therapy patients could be useful in the treatment of mental patients and above it can create the
conditions for the social health of the population increase finally, perfection and excellence in all aspects of
human and help humanity. Shultz include the spiritual experience of their relationship with others, the world
and the power reactions to narratives and practices are discussed (Dehshiri, 2008). Meyer believes
spirituality constant search for meaning and purpose in life, a deep understanding of the breadth and depth
of the universe, the natural forces and personal belief systems. HAYNELZ spirituality as an attempt to foster
sensitivity to self, others, and God's creatures, inhuman or inquiry and search for what is needed for a
human being full of humanity is considered to reach the (Najafi, 2008). LKENZ this definition tries to expand
Intl. J. Manag. Human. Sci. Vol., S (3), 4084-4087, 2014
the concept of spirituality as well as religious and secular beliefs to be included. MOUSAVI Khomeini and
apply the attributes of spirituality knows that passion and powerful charisma and intense yet logical and
correct human forms, until him in the course of the one God and the universe incredibly popular - collection
proceeded (Bakhtiari, 2008).
Motahari a sense of spirituality and inherent tendency towards immaterial things like science and wisdom,
goodness, morality, beauty, and beauty, holiness and worship knows that is distinction human and other
organisms (Musavi Khomayni, 1994). As a result, the dominant definition of spirituality that cannot be
achieved, however, the literature review suggests that spirituality is a spirituality that most of these definitions
are believed to be two-dimensional. First type: spirituality is religious, and in that sense there is a sacred
religious expression is the ultimate reality style and the second type is spiritual existence in which certain
psychological experiences in contact with the sacred or ultimate reality cannot be considered (Motahari,
1993). Molavi and Rogers are the two leading characters, Although historically had about seven centuries
apart, But in view of the beauty of the human process of being offered. MOLAVI spiritual humanism oriented,
while at the mysterious and wondrous man, a lovely mirror of his inner conscience and the unbelievably able
to take steps to achieve the perfect man and the model name, cartoons and poetry for centuries, The fire
burns the world comes to stack. And Rogers empiricist humanism, in times of famine, the unfolding of the
human art of public speaking and role in the unfolding of key affair introduced And believed that societies
that person also enjoys reading and empathy, unconditional positive regard, can move forward toward selfactualization. But MOLANA, the god of light and illumination and intuition to reach the end point is selfactualization. Spiritual health, health in the central core. Therefore, fostering and spiritual health may be,
One of the ways to cope with their situation is. Spiritual ambiguous and complex process of human evolution,
the harmonious relationship between the person providing the internal forces, and the characteristics of the
stability in life, peace, and close relationship with God, self, society and the environment will determine the
integrity of an individual is determined. God and spiritual health is an important topic in the discussion, which
can be achieved through prayer. Given the experience of prayer and relationship with God, the source of
meaning for people and enable them, go to a spiritual journey that led them peace of mind. FEHRING and
associates (1997) write: Among inner faith, spiritual health, hope and positive mood states and direct
relationship between inner faith, depression and negative mood states, there is a negative relationship. Does
spirituality affect the human immune system? Several studies have shown that religion, faith and worship
strengthens the immune system and immunoglobulin levels and is immune mechanisms. How's the
serenity? There are many studies about the effects of religion on the reduction of anxiety, decrease negative
reactions to stress, immune to cope effectively with stressors, reduction of psychosomatic disorders and
show a sense of psychological security and peace of mind. What suggestions do you have about the
psychology of religion in Muslim societies? If true health and the role of spiritual well-being of the individual,
psychological, familial and social think, waking up border health planners should continue this discussion, So
far only one thousandth of the health budget allocated to health, spiritual research. Mentally healthy person
is capable of using their social situation, Duties handled properly raised, and it will feel satisfied and happy.
So if we are mentally healthy, the incidence of stress, anxiety, fear, vain, nervous tension, weariness, and to
avoid adversity in their lives, And in the face of hopelessness, failure and unexpected circumstances they
never show weakness, not, However, since the life and laws of nature, which is not all of them pleasant.
Considering the following points will get a partial success. For example, few people actually take the
aspirations of young individuals; meanwhile, what is important is the attitude of people living with mental
health problems associated with this approach is for each person. Particular attention is given to the spiritual
health of the many definitions of health have been considered, and recommendations for the inclusion of
mental health in the WHO definition of health as one of the dimensions of health are provided. One criticism
of studies spiritual health until now has been their inability to analyze various aspects spirituality. Complex
and interdependent nature of spirituality and religion led to misunderstandings about the equality of the two
and the result is confusion (Safaei Rad, 2010).
Basically, the concept of self-actualization theories of the school of humanism was introduced. Carl
Rogers and Abraham Maslow's theories of famous faces that used humanism to describe the concept, the
characters are different from the rest. The features that, its blossoming for these two humanists they are in
many ways overlap. What causes a person to reach self-actualization? Why people do not reach selfactualization? Called self-actualization for the first time, "Gould Kurt Stein" was used. STEIN GOLD motive
of self - actualization in the talent of the individual. According to him, the real motive is in fact the only real
motive and other motives merely counts manifested. Existentialist philosophers as well as certain terms are
to flourish. RULUMI are explored in the book says, the concept of the Will to Power, Nietzsche is used, as is
self-actualization. The concept is the focus on power, the most complete form of self-realization. Nietzsche
says decisively, and why it's the only command that everyone should comply with the decree, the issue of
his talent. And regardless of whether anyone is susceptible to it, what could be as his initiative and efforts in
order to determine her willingness to express more explicitly: Compliance measured by the originality and
Intl. J. Manag. Human. Sci. Vol., S (3), 4084-4087, 2014
thought what is with what could be anybody. Maslow developed the pyramid to show the hierarchy of human
needs based on his Intuition that include: Satisfying the above requirements is subject to the satisfaction of
the lower needs. For example, people can be less hungry, studying. The difference between the higher and
lower levels of Maslow's needs is summarized as follows: Whatever the need is higher, the process of
evolution occurs later. Higher demands usually occur at older ages and some of the higher needs do not
usually occur until middle age. And it never fails to show up. The Higher needs than with lower requirements
than dealing with a matter of survival and why it is necessary to satisfy the less sense. However, higher
needs than dealing with a matter of survival, Satisfy their satisfaction is lower than desired. To satisfy higher
needs to live a richer, deeper leads to peace of mind and happiness. To satisfy higher needs additional
prerequisites are required. To satisfy these needs requires better environmental conditions. ROJERS selfactualization as the inherent tendency of the organism to organism knows all capacities to maintain and
perfectionist. According to Rogers, the two types of coordination or compromise for those who build
capacities to flourish, it is necessary: Coordination between knowledge and experience and awareness,
coordination, communication and coordination among the first when it comes, their experiences with all
those who call themselves, others and the world know. This trait called openness to experience will be
considered. The second attribute is displayed when the speech and behavior of individuals reflect their own
thoughts and opinions, not the experiences and desires of others. This trait is known as self-reference. In
fact, according to the first character to meet the quality standards of their inner experiences and information
and to the acceptance or rejection of the experiences and information Rogers will take part of the unfolding
of psychotherapy. The fundamental goal of treatment is to help the person to "complete human action" is. a
person who is entering treatment, in order to flourish their progress. According to Rogers, a flourish of his
personality is flexible, His behavior is spontaneous and acting on intuition, Past events not live in the ward,
Feels, Freedom of choice has, these people are creative and can, Changes in environmental conditions,
even when serious natural disasters or war will continue to survive. Given the importance of spiritual health
in various areas of life (such as consulting, education and training), And its impact on self-actualization and
research findings varied little in our country in relation to the unfolding of spiritual health in female and male
students in ILAM. Overall, the research question is whether spiritual health is associated with selfactualization?
This survey was conducted to evaluate the framework and investigated the relationship among spiritual
health and prosperity in both male and female students in ILAM. The population consisted of all male and
female students' seminarians of ILAM that 79 seminarians (34% female and 45 male) randomly from each
grade (first to fifth) were selected. The instrument used in this study and questionnaire surveys and Ellison
PULUTZIN spiritual health spiritual health and self-actualization Islam BRANIGAN, Gary J, respectively. The
spiritual health questionnaire has 15 questions, 20 questions, and self-actualization CRONBACHs alpha
reliability of the questionnaires (82% spiritual health questionnaire, self-actualization, 67%) is obtained. In
this study, data analysis and statistical methods used are:
 Descriptive statistics: In this study, the mean, standard deviation, and frequency are used.
 Inferential statistics in analyzing the research hypotheses independent t-test and correlation coefficient
were used.
 To analyze data collected by SPSS software is used for the twentieth version.
The study included the following results:
Table 1. Correlation coefficients among spiritual well-being and self-actualization
Significant Level of
Dependent variable Test results
Spiritual health.
Self-actualization Accepting H1
Table 2. Correlation coefficient among ethics (values) and self-actualization
Level of error
Dependent variable Test results
Ethical system
Self-actualization Accepting H1
Intl. J. Manag. Human. Sci. Vol., S (3), 4084-4087, 2014
Table 3. Correlation coefficient among lifestyle and self-actualization
Level of error
Dependent variable Test results
Life Style
Self-actualization Accepting H1
As Table 1 shows the Spearman correlation coefficient value (0.037) and a significance level of 0.045=Sig
implies acceptance of the hypothesis H1, that Sig amount equal to 0.045 is. And according to the amount of
0.05 is smaller, can be a significant proportion of the correlation coefficient, this means that there is a
significant relationship between spiritual well-being and self-actualization, and the hypothesis is confirmed.
Table 2 shows the Spearman correlation coefficient value (0.042) and Significance level of 0.026=Sig implies
acceptance of the hypothesis H1, that Sig amount equal to 0.026 is. And according to the amount of 0.05 is
smaller, can be a significant proportion of the correlation coefficient, that is the moral (values) and there is a
significant relationship between self-actualization, this hypothesis is confirmed. Table 3 shows the Spearman
correlation coefficient value (0.054) and Significance level of 0.047=Sig suggests the hypothesis H1 is
accepted. That Sig amount equal to 0.047 is. And according to the amount of 0.05 is smaller, can be a
significant proportion of the correlation coefficient, this means that there is significant relation between
lifestyle and self-hypothesis is confirmed.
This study examined the relationship between spiritual health and prosperity in the city of ILAM has male
and female Seminarians students. As it was found, suggesting a sense of spiritual well-acceptance, positive
feelings, having a positive interaction with a sacred power, and others just a few. Spiritual health is of the
various components. Every one of the great theorists have offered ideas about spirituality and mental health,
have pointed to and different dimensions of it. Definitions of spirituality is, that spirituality has two
dimensions, although spirituality and religious spirituality and relationship with one another, there is no
power. Identified is the core of the spiritual health of human health. It also became clear that the relationship
between self-actualization and spiritual health is there. The talent is motivated by self-actualization. A person
who is spiritual health, can help overcome many of life's pressures and stresses, and consequently will have
a healthy mental and Field will develop creativity and self-actualization. In this study, three hypotheses in the
form of a main hypothesis and sub-hypothesis have been examined, the results show: The first hypothesis
deals with the relationship between spiritual health and self-actualization, was approved. This means that if a
person is spiritually healthy, can be created in the field of self-actualization. The results of the test the
second hypothesis on the relationship between ethics (values) and self suggests that there is a relationship
between these two variables and hypotheses were confirmed. The third hypothesis examined the
relationship between lifestyle and self-actualization as it shows that his influence is flourishing in his personal
life and the assumption authenticity was confirmed.
All of the respected seminarian students who participated in this study were plenty of problems to be
thanked. The leaders in this study helped us come to sincerely thank.
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