Edward Zigler Midwest Research Institute Two
Edward Zigler Midwest Research Institute Two
Edward Zigler Midwest Research Institute Two-Generation Approaches April 30, 2015 9:00 – 4:00 pm Embassy Suites, Chicago Sponsored by the Illinois Head Start Association and the University of Illinois, Institute of Government & Public Affairs, Center for Prevention Research and Development Guest Speakers National Researchers – sharing the most current research and evaluation of Two-Generational Programs AND Research to Practice - Features Model Two –Generational Head Start Programs Sharing the Key Components of Their Model and Lessons Learned “Over the last ten years, fields from neuroscience to economics have identified the early years of life as a critically important time to invest in children’s life-long success. Yet children’s outcomes are deeply related to their family context; changes in their parents’ education and income can cause changes in the parent stress, home environment, and overall stability. These factors that mediate whether children are in a nurturing environment or face routine toxic stress. While Head Start has long recognized the importance of a whole child and whole family model, new national awareness has led to increased attention, funding, policy, and research around twogeneration efforts. Much of this research has confirmed that impacts on family stability under grid children’s outcomes long after Head Start graduation, and those impacts remain a key focus of Head Start.” NHSA Two Generations Together The current research is extremely interesting and notes that “Two Generation Approaches” make a big difference in child outcomes and is also what makes Head Start different than other early learning programs. Research on Head Start specifically also justifies the importance of working with children and parents together. The strongest two-generation Head Start/Early Head Start programs have the greatest impact. Join Your Colleagues and Discover the Latest Research and Practice for Effective Two Generation Programs. This Research Institute will help you take action to make sure you are the Head Start for Two Generations. Remember - “70% of Americans believe that if we want to make sure low-income children are successful in their early learning, then we also have to invest in their parent’s economic well-being”. Ascend – The Aspen Institute THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 2015 A small block of sleeping rooms has been reserved on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at the rate of $139.00/single, $159.00/double. To receive the discounted rate, please call 1-800EMBASSY and refer to group code: IHE **Sleeping rooms must be booked no later than Friday, March 27, 2015 NAME:_________________________________________________________________________________________ AGENCY:______________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________________________________________ CITY_________________________________ STATE___________________________ ZIP CODE______________ PHONE________________________________________________ EMAIL_________________________________________________________________________________________ Registration Fee: $225.00 individual member / $260.00 non-member Registration fee includes: continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon break Please submit this registration form by mail, fax (217-241-3508) or email to Michelle Iocca at miocca@ilheadstart.org. Please submit payment by check to: Illinois Head Start Association 3435 Liberty Drive Springfield, IL 62704 □ Please check box if you would like to pay by credit card and an invoice will be sent to you via PAYPAL
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