Community Coverage
Community Coverage
VOL. 4 - ISSUE 52 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/APRIL 18, 2015 RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MCS/101/2015-17 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM Court of the Queen Pg. 18 Sir Mancherji Bhownagree Pg. 08 Net Neutrality Pg. 18 Mr. Kalyaniwalla @ WZCC >> Pg. 04 Hoshaang and XYZ >> Pg.10 02 Editorial SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 Dear Readers, D When she was a young kid you put her on \\RXUELNHDQGURGHKHUWRVFKRRO<RXEURNHHYHU\ VVLJQDO \RX FRXOG XWXUQHG DQG UHYHUVHG \RXU w way through red lights and stop signs and felt K KDSS\WREHDWWKHV\VWHPWKDWZDVSXWLQSODFH WWRSURWHFW\RX(YHU\DFFLGHQWWKDWVKHDOPRVW KDVDQGHYHU\F\FOLVWVKHDOPRVWNLOOVVKHOHDUQWWRGRIURP\RX« When she was a teenager, you abused the ‘parjat’ neighbour ZKLOHVLWWLQJDURXQGWKHIDPLO\GLQQHUWDEOHWKURZLQJRXW0&VDQG %&VOLNHWKH\ZHUHLQIDVKLRQ6KHVLWVRQWKHFRORQ\EHQFKHVZLWKKHU IULHQGVODWHDWQLJKWWDONLQJ\RXUWDONDQGSUHDFKLQJ\RXUSUHMXGLFHV« Children are sponges. How high or low you set the moral bar will VHWWKHLUPRUDOFRPSDVVWRR+RZVWURQJO\\RXLQÁXHQFHWKHPZLOO DFFRXQWIRUKRZPXFKVSDFHWKH\KDYHWRDEVRUERWKHUOHDUQLQJV 2I FRXUVH WHHQDJH NLGV DUH D ZKROH GLIIHUHQW VWRU\ +HU KRUPRQHVDQGKLJKIDVKLRQGLFWDWHHYHU\WKLQJIRUWKRVHWHUULEOH years and all parents are pardoned from judgement! 6HWDJRRGH[DPSOHIRU\RXUFKLOGUHQWKLVZHHNHQG«WDNHWKHP to the Dadar Parsi Colony and show them the power of uniting as D&RPPXQLW\DQGDVDIDPLO\6KRZWKHPWKDWFDXVHVPDWWHUDQG WKHZRUOGDURXQGWKHPFDQFKDQJHZLWKWKHLUWLQ\VWHSV/HWWKHP DGPLUH\RXIRUKDYLQJWDNHQWKHWLPHWRPDNHDGLIIHUHQFH(DFK person there will not only speak for DPC, the largest Community KRPHZHKDYHEXWIRUHDFKDQGHYHU\&RORQ\WKDWVWDQGVLQWKH ZD\RIDJUHHG\DQGPLQGOHVVV\VWHPRIJRYHUQPHQW<RXKDYHQR LGHDZKDWDGLIIHUHQFH\RXFDQPDNHWLOO\RXPDNHLW6HW\RXU DODUPDQGFRPHDORQJ,KRSHWRVHH\RXDOOWKHUH Freyan. Goodbye Ratoo Aunty &XVURZ%DXJ$VVRFLDWLRQ7UXVWHH and Trustee at the Batliwala Agiary and the Dastoor Baug Dharamshala of Udvada, the elegant and intelligent Ratoo Dastoor passed away on 11th of April at 12:25 am. The Parsi Times team has a VSHFLDO SODFH LQ RXU KHDUWV IRU 5DWRR$XQW\ZKRHQFRXUDJHGXV when we began the paper four years ago. She was always so ORYHO\WRFKDWZLWKDQGKDGVRPH wonderful suggestions to give. 2XU FRQGROHQFHV JR RXW WR KHU IDPLO\ DQG WKH\ DUH LQ RXU thoughts as we mourn her passing. $Q$SSHDOWRDOO =DUDWKXVWKLV Dear Editor, Disposal of death and prayers for the next four days is the right of all Parsi and Irani Zarathusthis, and no one has a right to say anything against the said norms as the soul needs to be freed from the earth to the eternal world. Now for disposal of bodies of our beloved ones, please understand all, young and old, that disposal of our bodies to 'RNKPDV LV RXU ÀUVW FKRLFH LQ Iran even today, from where we DOO RULJLQ DQG KHQFH ZH KDYH WRNHHSWKHVDPHIXQFWLRQDOE\ all means. And where the same is not there, then it is burial ZKLFK LV FRPPRQ LQ SODFHV IDU and wide where Parsis and Irani =DUDWKXVWKLV KDYH OLYHG DFURVV the world, and have laid to rest RXU DQFHVWRUV LQ FRXQWULHV IDU and wide. Cremation is a NO, NO, SXUHO\ EHFDXVH ´ZH DUH )LUH worshippers” and for no other UHDVRQ ZKLFK DOO RI XV QHHG to understand without any arguments. Atash Padshah, is ZKDW ZH UHIHU WR RXU SODFH RI worship, remember! If all the above what I have said is understood by one and all, then I have a solution to the SUREOHP ZKLFK ZH KDYH EHHQ talking over for some time now. We have Thane Anjuman ZKLFK LV MXVW RXWVLGH 0XPEDL hardly 45 minutes from 'RRQJDUZDGL :H FDQ KDYH D burial ground there, at Teen +DDWK 1DND 7KDQH MXQFWLRQ and build a prayer hall / Bungli there where the four days SUD\HUVFDQEHRIIHUHGZLWKRXW WRXFKLQJWKHSXULW\DQGVDQFWLW\ of Doongarwadi premises or making any alteration there. There is a beautiful Aramgrah, LQ 3DQFKJDQL ZKHUH P\ beloved massa and massi’s bodies were buried. The four days prayer for the departed soul were performed by the 'DVWRRUV RI WKH VFHQLF DQG EHDXWLIXO 3DQFKJDQL $JLDU\ 0\ DSSHDO KHUH ZRXOG EH LI the Trustees of the famous %DWKD VDQDWRULXP FDQ SHUKDSV SURYLGH IUHH PLQLPDO FKDUJH DFFRPPRGDWLRQ WR WKH SHRSOH who wish to bury their loved RQHV LQ 3DQFKJDQL WKHQ ERWK the Aramgrah premises as also the Agiary would be blessed to have Parsi/Irani humdins visiting it more often. Please try and understand that I am not a Priest, nor DWWDFKHG WR DQ\ 7UXVW EXW D true Zoroastrian who feels WKDW ZH DUH ÀJKWLQJ LQWHUQDOO\ DQG GHVWUR\LQJ SHDFH DPRQJVW our Community. I am providing an option to our Community to do, as they wish, without hurting sentiments of fellow Community members, and DYRLG RXU SHDFHIXO &RPPXQLW\ to be in news for wrong reasons, as WE, followers of Prophet Zoroaster, have been a learned and wise Community, and have always found a way to RYHUFRPH DQ\ SUREOHPV IDFHG Contd. on Pg. 08 POINT TO NOTE: It’s the message, not the messenger you might be mad at! Please Note: The opinions expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ are those of Readers and contributors and do not necessarily express the opinion of our Publication. Ǯǯ ǡƤǤ ǡ requested to contact the individual authors if his / her details are mentioned. SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 Community Coverage RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENT Punjyaji Agiary, Nargol A Jashan Ceremony has been organized on the 20th April, 2015 (Roj Khordad, Mah Adar) at 10 am, marking the 65th Salgreh of Punjyaji Agiary, Nargol, Gujarat. This will be followed by a Gambhar. For further details contact: 09821645463/9820161397. “pfNp¡g“u ‘|„ÆepÆ ArNepfu“u 65du iyc kpgN°¡l “pfNp¡g“u ‘|„ÆepÆ ArNepfu“u 65du iyc kpgN°¡l fp¡S> Mp¡fv$pv$, dpl Apv$f$“¡ frhhpf¡, sp. 20du A¡râg, 2015“¡ khpf¡ õV$p.V$p. 10.00 L$gpL¡$ L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡Æ. Ðepf bpv$ N„cpf“y„ S>dZ ’i¡. L$p¡ÞV¡$L$V$ L$fp¡: 09821645463, 9820161397. Seth Banaji Limji Agiary, Fort, Mumbai A Machi will be performed at 6.45 am and a Jashan Ceremony will be performed at 10.15 am on Thursday 23rd April, 2015 (Roj Adar Mah Adar) marking the 307th anniversary of the Seth Banaji Limji Agiary, Fort. There will also be Jashans performed at 3.45 pm and 7.15 pm. All Community members are invited. b“pÆ gudÆ ArNepfu 307du iyc kpgN°¡l ap¡V®$ dÝe¡ Aph¡gu i¡W$ b“pÆ gudÆ ArNepfu“u 307 hj®“u iyc kpgN°¡l Nyê$hpf sp. 23du A¡râg, 2015 fp¡S> Apv$f, dpl Apv$f“¡ qv$“¡ R>¡Æ A¡ qv$“¡ V²$õV$uAp¡ sfa’u khpf¡ õV$p.V$p. 6.45 L$gpL¡$ lph“ N¡ldp„ dpQu“u q¾$ep A“¡ khpf¡ õV$p.V$p. 10.15 L$gpL¡$ S>i“ R>¡Æ. A¡ D‘fp„s kp„S>¡ õV$p.V$p. 3.45 L$gpL¡$ DOfpZu“y„ S>i“ A“¡ kp„S>¡ õV$p.V$p. 7.15 L$gpL¡$ dlp¡‰phpku sfa’u ‘Z S>i“ ’i¡Æ. kh£ ldv$u“p¡“¡ D‘gu q¾$epAp¡dp„ lpS>fu Ap‘u ldifuL$ ’hp rh“„su R>¡Æ. P. A. Patel Daremeher Salgreh, Andheri (W), Mumbai A Jashan Ceremony will commence on Thursday 23rd April, 2015 (Roh Adar Mah Adar) at 5 pm at the Sheth Pirojshah Ardeshar Patel Daremeher, Andheri West marking 107th anniversary of the Daremeher. All Community members are invited. dflºd r‘fp¡S>ipl Afv$¡if ‘V¡$g“u A„^¡fu Mps¡“u v$f¡dl¡f“u 107 hfk“u iyc kpgN°¡l fp¡S> Apv$f, dpl Apv$f“¡ Nyê$hpf, sp. 23du A¡râg 2015“¡ qv$“¡ dflºd r‘fp¡S>ipl Afv$¡if ‘V¡$g“u A„^¡fu Mps¡“u v$f¡dl¡f“u 107 hfk“u iyc kpgN°¡l“y„ S>i“ kp„S>¡ õV$p.V$p. 5.00 L$gpL¡$ L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡. S>i“ ‘R>u ^u.A¡d.A¡a.L$pdp A’p¡f“p“ CÞõV$uV$e|V$“p râÞku‘pg A¡fhv$ Myiê$ “fudp“ ‘„’L$u kyv$f¡l-L$õsu“u byg„v$u D‘f cpjZ Ap‘i¡. ldv$u“ S>f’p¡õsu cpC bl¡“p¡“¡ S>i““u ‘rhÓ q¾$epdp„ ldifuL$ ’hp“y„ s’p cpjZdp„ lpS>f fl¡hp“y„ Apd„ÓZ Ap‘hpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡. Seth Maneckji Sett Agiary, Fort, Mumbai 282nd Anniversary of Seth Maneckji Sett Agiary, Fort, will be celebrated on Thursday 23rd April, 2015 (Roj Adar, Mah Adar). A Jashan Ceremony will be performed at 9.30 am in the Agiary’s main hall, and the Machi will be offered in Havan Geh. All Community members are invited. i¡W$ dpZ¡L$Æ k¡V$ ArNepfu“u 282 hj®“u iyc kpgN°¡l ap¡V®$“u, i¡W$ dpZ¡L$Æ k¡V$ ArNepfu“u 282 hj®“u iyc kpgN°¡l Nyê$hpf 23du A¡râg 2015, fp¡S> Apv$f, dpl Apv$f“¡ qv$“¡ R>¡Æ. khpf¡ õV$p.V$p. 9.30 L$gpL¡$ S>i“ A“¡ lph“ N¡ldp„ dpQu“u q¾$ep ArNepfu“p d¡“ lp¡gdp„ L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡ R>¡Æ. kh£ ldv$u“p¡“¡ D‘gu q¾$epAp¡dp„ lpS>fu Ap‘u ldifuL$ ’hp rh“„su R>¡Æ. Seth Jeevanji Jamasji Mistry Adarian, Surat On the occasion of 119th Anniversary of Seth Jeevanji Jamasji Mistry Adarian, Parsi wad, Sayedpura, Surat, a Jashan Ceremony will be performed on Thursday 23thApril, 2015 (RojAdar, MahAdar) in Havan Geh at 6.45 am and 10 am in the Adarian premises. Dinner will also be served to the attendees from 7 pm. All Community members are invited. k¥ev$‘yfp“p i¡W$ Æh“Æ ÅdpkÆ rd”u Apv$fp“ kpl¡b“u 119dp„ hfk“u iyc kpgN°¡l k¥ev$‘yfp“p i¡W$ Æh“Æ ÅdpkÆ rd”u Apv$fp“ kpl¡b“u 119dp„ hfk“u iyc kpgN°¡l âk„N¡ Nyê$hpf¡, 23du A¡râg 2015, fp¡S> Apv$f, dpl Apv$f“¡ qv$“¡ lph“ N¡ldp„ khp¡ õV$p. V$p. 6.45 L$gpL¡$ s¡dS> khpf¡ õV$p. V$p. 10.00 L$gpL¡$ Myipgu“y„ S>i“ L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡. kpS>¡ 7 ’u 10 L$gpL¡$ S>dZdp„ ldifuL$ ’hp kh£“¡ V²$õV$u kpl¡bp¡ sfa’u CS>“ R>¡Æ. A¡X²¡$k: ‘pfkuhpX$, kl¥ev$‘yfp, kyfs 395003. Bhikha Behram Well, Fort, Mumbai A Humbandagi will be performed on Ava Roj on Friday, 24th April, 2015 at the Bhikha Behram Well at 5:30 pm followed by a talk by Er. Parvez Karanjia. All Community members are invited. Aphp„ fp¡S>“¡ qv$“¡ ldb„v$Nu Aphp„ fp¡S> iy¾$hpf, “¡ sp. 24du A¡râg 2015“¡ qv$hk¡ cuMpbl¡fpd“p Ly$hp ‘f kp„S>¡ õV$p. V$p. 5.30 L$gpL¡$ ldb„v$Nu L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡ A“¡ A¡fhv$ ‘fh¡T L$f„Æep Üpfp cpjZ L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡. kh£ ldv$u“p¡“¡ lpS>fu Ap‘u ldifuL$ ’hp rh“„su R>¡Æ. Seth B. M. Mevawalla Dar-e-Meher, Byculla, Mumbai Seth B. M. Mevawalla Agiary situated at Byculla, will celebrate its 141st Salgreh on Friday, 1st May 2015 (Roj Sarosh, Mah Adar). At 7:00 am Machi will be offered and a Jashan Ceremony will be performed at 9:00 am and 5.30 pm followed by a Religious function. All Community members are invited. i¡W$ bu.A¡d. d¡hphpgp ArNepfu“u 141 hj®“u iyc kpgN°¡l cpeMgp“u, i¡W$ bu.A¡d. d¡hphpgp ArNepfu“u 141 hj®“u iyc kpgN°¡l iy¾$hpf, 1gu d¡ 2015, fp¡S> kfp¡i, dpl Apv$f“¡ qv$“¡ R>¡Æ. khpf¡ õV$p.V$p. 7.00 L$gpL¡$ dpQu“u q¾$ep A“¡ Ðepf bpv$ khpf¡ õV$p. V$p. 9.00 L$gpL¡$ s’p kp„S>¡ õV$p. V$p. 5.30 L$gpL¡$ S>i““u q¾$ep L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡ R>¡Æ. kh£ ldv$u“p¡“¡ D‘gu q¾$epAp¡dp„ lpS>fu Ap‘u ldifuL$ ’hp rh“„su R>¡Æ. Seth Shapurji Sorabji Kappawala Agiary, Tardeo, Mumbai A Jashan Ceremony will be performed on Thursday 23rd April, 2015 (Roj Adar, Mah Adar) at the Seth Shapurji Sorabji Kappawalla Agiary, Tardeo at 10 am. All Community members are invited. i¡W$ ip‘yfÆ kp¡fpbÆ L$‘phpgp ArNepfu i¡W$ ip‘yfÆ kp¡fpbÆ L$‘phpgp ArNepfu d^¡ fp¡S> Apv$f, dpl Apv$f“¡ Nyê$hpf“¡ qv$“¡ v$f¡dl¡fdp„ V²$õV$u kpl¡bp¡ sfa’u fpb¡sp dyS>b Apsi ‘pv$ipl kpl¡b“p S>i““u ‘rhÓ q¾$ep khpf¡ õV$p. V$p. 10.00 L$gpL¡$“p Adg¡ L$fhpdp„ Aph“pf R>¡Æ. ldv$u“p¡“¡ S>i“dp„ kpd¡g ’hp AÓ¡’u Ags¡dpk L$fhpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡Æ. Seth Nanabhoy Bezonji Choksi Dar-E-Meher, Panchgani The 84th Salgreh function of Seth Nanabhoy Bezonji Choksi Dar-E-Meher, Panchgani will be celebrated on 23rd April, 2015 (Roj Adar Mah Adar). A Jashan Ceremony will be performed at 10am followed by a Machi in Havan Geh at 12.30 pm. All Community members are invited. i¡W$ “p“pcp¡e b¡S>“Æ Qp¡L$ku v$f¡dl¡f“u 84 hj®“u iyc kpgN°¡l ‘„QN“u$“u, i¡W$ “p“pcp¡e b¡S>“Æ Qp¡L$ku v$f¡dl¡f“u 84 hj®“u iyc kpgN°¡l Nyê$hpf, 23du A¡râg 2015, fp¡S> Apv$f, dpl Apv$f“¡ qv$“¡ R>¡Æ. S>i““u q¾$ep khpf¡ õV$p. V$p. 10.00 L$gpL¡$ A“¡ lph“ N¡ldp„ dpQu“u q¾$ep b‘p¡f¡ õV$p.V$p. 12.30 L$gpL¡$ L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡. kh£ ldv$u“p¡“¡ D‘gu q¾$epAp¡dp„ lpS>fu Ap‘u ldifuL$ ’hp rh“„su R>¡Æ. 03 04 Community Coverage SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 WZCC conducts a successful meeting on succession, heirship and Will issues SSwati Sw wat atiti Kalra Kalra Kal lra R ecognising the need of Parsi Zoroastrian Community’s clarity on the issues of succession to properties and heirship, and ignorance of the legal laws about will and transferring their property, assets after their death, WZCC organised a workshop on “Indian Succession Act of 1925 – as applicable to Parsis” on 11th April at the YMCA, Colaba. This workshop was pertaining to the Parsi Law which is applicable to Parsis as regards to succession and inheritance. This workshop has been conducted for the second time on the demand of the WZCC members, as the audience found it very relevant and interesting last year. The task of conducting this Workshop was once again entrusted to Mr. Manek Kalyaniwalla, who as we all know, is a noted Advocate /Solicitor with Mulla & Mulla & Craigie Blunt & Caroe. He specializes in Civil litigations pertaining to Land, Shipping, Labour, Trust and Estate Laws. There were members as well as non members who attended this interesting workshop. Mr. Xerxes Dastur Hon. Sec welcomed Mr. Kalyaniwalla and Mr. Minoo Shroff Global President introduced him. Mr. Kalyaniwalla unravelled the intricacies of law to an eager audience. He started out by explaining the meaning of the terms Executor, Administrator, Trustee, Probate, Letters of Administration attesting Witnesses were explained in simple terms. Very important the essential requirements of a Will and by whom can it be made. If you want to attend a WZCC workshop of substance write to us at with your details (Subject of email: WZCC) and we will request it for you! The Will of a Parsi dying within the Jurisdictional limits of the High Courts at Bombay, Calcutta and 0DGUDV WKH GHÀQLWLRQ RI D :LOO rudiments of a Will, principles of law and modes of succession and various provisions of law related only to Parsis were explained. He explained the difference between a witness and an executor and ways to bequeath your property. He took the audience through various expressions commonly used by lawyers and the public in relation to Succession. He emphasised that everyone especially Parsis should mandatorily prepare their Will as it is a delicate document which if not rightly made can cause any serious controversies after the death of a Parsi. +HH[SODLQHGWKHUDPLÀFDWLRQV of the recent judgement of The Bombay High Court passed on 31st March, 2015 regarding nominations to various classes of assets as opposed to the Judgement of 2010 of the BHC . He emphasised that the litigation in Parsi Community regarding estate laws would be reduced to a great extent if Wills were made by the testator and by a professional. Thereafter, he explained the Scheme of The Indian Succession Act 1925. He elaborated on the various types and forms and general laws of a will, detailed explanation of Section 50 to 56. He explained the basic requirements, form, character, language of a Will and the possible pitfalls when a Will is not made in consonance with the Act. “hkpfu“u NpfX$p L$p¡g¡S>dp„ ep¡Åe¡g C“pd rhsfZ L$pe®¾$d “hkpfu“u A¡k.bu.NpfX$p ApV®$k A¡ÞX$ ‘u.L¡$. ‘V¡$g L$p¡g¡S> Ap¡a L$p¡dk®“p ‘V$p„NZdp„ 1gu A¡râg, 2015“p fp¡S> hprj®L$ C“pd rhsfZ A“¡ kp„õL©$rsL$ L$pe®¾$d ep¡Åep¡ lsp¡. hprj®L$ C“pd rhsfZ A“¡ kp„õL©$rsL$ L$pe®¾$d iê$Aps NpX$p® L$p¡g¡S> V²$õV$u îu “p¡iuf kbphpgp kpl¡b¡ s’p L$p¡g¡S>“p C. ApQpe® X$p¡. S>¡. S>¡. ‘V¡$g s’p L$p¡g¡S>“u rhrh^ L$rdqV$“p„ Q¡fd¡“îu“p hfv$ lõs¡ v$u‘ âpNV$é’u ’C lsu. Ap ky„v$f khpf¡ ’e¡gu âp’®“p’u kp¥ d„ÓdyÁ^ ’ep lsp. ApQpe®îu“p âpk„rNL$ DØbp¡^“ bpv$ L$p¡g¡S>“p L$pe®¾$ddp„ dy„bC’u Mpk ‘^pf¡g V²$õV$uîuAp¡/dl¡dp“îuAp¡“¡ V²$õV$u îu kbphpgp kpl¡b ‘yó‘NyÃR> Ap‘u AphL$pep® lsp. Ðepfbpv$ L$p¡g¡S>“p„ spfgpAp¡ L¡$ S>¡Ap¡A¡ rhri¡V$ i¥nrZL$ rk[Ý^Ap¡ s’p L$p¡g¡S>“u AÞe Csf âh©rsAp¡dp„ ‘p¡sp“y„ rhrhiô$ ep¡Nv$p“ Ap‘“pf rhÛp’}Ap¡“y„ C“pd s’p kÞdp“‘Ó Ap‘u“¡ “hpS>hpdp„ Apìep lsp. kp„õL©$rsL$ L$pe®¾$ddp„ rhÛp’}Ap¡“u rhriô$ i[¼s âv$ri®s ’C lsu. kyfugp Nusp¡“u kp’¡ kp’¡ rhrh^ X$pÞkp¡ ‘Z rhÛp’}Ap¡A¡ fS|> L$ep® lsp. kp’¡ kp’¡ S|>“p qaëdNusp¡“u A¡L$ gl¡f L$p¡g¡S> ‘V$p„NZdp„ R>hpC NC lsu. L$p¡g¡S>“p V²$õV$u îu kbphpgp kpl¡b¡ ‘Z ‘p¡sp“p A“p¡Mp A„v$pS>dp„ qaëdu Nusp¡ NpC“¡ kp¥“¡ d„ÓdyÁ^ L$fu v$u^p lsp. kdN° L$pe®¾$d“y„ k„Qpg“ L$p¡g¡S>dp„ Aæepk L$fsp rhÛp’} r“g¡i ‘yfp¡rls¡ L$ey® lsy„. NpX$p® L$p¡g¡S> V²$õV$u îu “p¡iuf kbphpgp kpl¡b¡ s’p L$p¡g¡S>“p C. ApQpe® X$p¡. S>¡. S>¡. ‘V¡$g s’p L$p¡g¡S>“u rhrh^ L$rdqV$“p„ Q¡fd¡“îu“p hfv$ lõs¡ v$u‘ âNV$pìep¡ lsp¡. SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 05 The Reluctant Writer T KH :RPHQ *UDGXDWHV 8QLRQ :*8 D non-governmental organization, is celebrating D YHU\ VSHFLDO PLOHVWRQH LWV FHQWHQDU\ :KDW EHJDQ LQ DV D bold initiative to educate and HPSRZHUZRPHQKDVÁRXULVKHG into a collective movement that has transformed thousands of lives and livelihoods. Investing in women’s HGXFDWLRQDQGOHDGHUVKLSUHDSV returns for the Community and future generations. The :*8 LQYHVWV LQ ZRPHQ·V HPSRZHUPHQW WKURXJK initiatives that address diverse GHPRJUDSKLFV 7R PDUN WKH :RPHQ Graduates Union centennial D VSHFLDO HYHQW WRRN SODFH at the Convocation Hall of the University of Mumbai on )ULGD\ WK 0DUFK 7KLV HYHQW IHDWXUHG LQVSLULQJ WDONV E\ &KLHI *XHVW 3URIHVVRU 9DVXGKD.DPDW9LFH&KDQFHOORU RI 61'7 :RPHQ·V 8QLYHUVLW\ DQG WKH .H\QRWH 6SHDNHU Ms. Arundhati Bhattacharya, &KDLUSHUVRQ RI WKH 6WDWH %DQN of India. The evening concluded with high tea on the University lawns. Iran League ĞĂƉĂƌƚŽĨƚŚĞŶŶƵĂůWƌŝnjĞŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŽĨ/ƌĂŶ>ĞĂŐƵĞǁŚŝĐŚǁŝůů ďĞŚĞůĚƚŽĚĂLJĂƚĂŵĂĂƵŐ;DŽƚĂKƚůĂͿ͘:ĂƐŚĂŶĐĞƌĞŵŽŶLJǁŝůůďĞ ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĞĚĂƚϱƉŵĨŽůůŽǁĞĚďLJƚŚĞŶŶƵĂůĨƵŶĐƟŽŶĂƚϲƉŵ͘ŚŝĞĨ 'ƵĞƐƚĨŽƌƚŚĞĞǀĞŶŝŶŐǁŝůůďĞĂƉƚ͘WĞƌĐLJDĂƐƚĞƌĂŶĚƚŚĞ'ƵĞƐƚƐŽĨ ,ŽŶŽƵƌ ĂƌĞ DƐ͘ ^ŚĞƌŶĂnj DĞŚƚĂ͕ ,ĂƚĂƌŝĂ ,ĞƌŽŝƐŵ dƌŽƉŚLJ ǁĂƌĚĞĞ DĂũ͘ 'ĞŶ͘ LJƌƵƐ WŝƚŚĂǁĂůůĂ ĂŶĚ ƐŚŽŬ ŚĂŬƌĂ͕ s^D͘ dŚŝƐ ǁŝůů ďĞ ĨŽůůŽǁĞĚďLJĂĐŽŶƚƌŝďƵƚŽƌLJĚŝŶŶĞƌ͘ WZCC ƌĞLJŽƵƐƚƌĞƐƐĞĚ͍dŚĞŶŚĞƌĞŝƐĂĐŚĂŶĐĞĨŽƌLJŽƵŐĞƚƌŝĚŽĨLJŽƵƌƐƚƌĞƐƐ ĂƚƚŚĞ͞^ƚƌĞƐƐĂŶĚƵƌŶKƵƚ͟^ĞŵŝŶĂƌŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĞĚďLJtŽŶ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ ϮϱƚŚƉƌŝů͕ϮϬϭϱĂƚϲƉŵĂƚƚŚĞ^ŝƌ::W/ŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶǁŚĞƌĞŝŶƌ͘WĞƌǀŝŶ ĂĚĂĐŚĂŶũŝǁŝůůƐŚŽǁLJŽƵƚŽŚŽǁƚŽƉƌĞǀĞŶƚƐƚƌĞƐƐĂŶĚďƵƌŶŽƵƚ͕ƚŚƵƐ ĞŶŚĂŶĐŝŶŐLJŽƵƌƋƵĂůŝƚLJŽĨůŝĨĞ͘ March Against Hawkers ,ĞĂĚƚŽƚŚĞ&ŝǀĞ'ĂƌĚĞŶƐWŽůŝĐĞĐŚŽǁŬŝŽŶ^ƵŶĚĂLJƚŚĞϭϵƚŚŽĨƉƌŝů Ăƚ ϭϭ Ăŵ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ƐŝůĞŶƚ ŵĂƌĐŚ ŝŶ ƉƌŽƚĞƐƚ ĂŐĂŝŶ ŚĂǁŬĞƌ ƉŝƚĐŚĞƐ ĂŶĚ ƐƚĂůůƐ͘WŶĞĞĚƐLJŽƵ͊ *GTGKUCOCPYJQJCUDGGP°IJVKPIHQTCECWUGJGDGNKGXGU KP6QCUUKUVCPFWRNKHVVJGQNFCPFCIGFHQNMUCPFDTKPIUQOG EJGGT KPVQ VJGKT NKXGU CPF DG CDNG VQ URGPF VJG GXGPKPI QH VJGKTNKHGYKVJ&+)0+6;5J[CPFOQFGUVCUJGKUJGJCFVQDG RTQFFGFVQVGNNWUCDQWVJKUCEEQORNKUJOGPVUURGEKCNCOQPIUV VJGODGKPICYCTFGFVJG-CTCO8GGT%JCMTCNCUV[GCT#VTWG DNWG<QTQCUVTKCPJimmy F. Dordi. Reluctant Writer: Tell us about your life’s journey from childhood to the present? Mr. Jimmy Dordi: My dad was a Driver with the Indian Railways, so he used to get frequently transferred from one station to another, as a result my studies continuously changed from one medium to another. I studied in Hindi, English and Gujarati. Finally dad decided to settle down in Navsari, so I did my S.S.C from 1DYVDUL 2XU ÀQDQFLDO SRVLWLRQ ZDV VXFK WKDW , FRXOG QRW VWXG\ IXUWKHU LQ VSLWH RIEHLQJWRSSHUDPRQJVW3DUVLVWXGHQWVLQ 66&LQWKH\HDU,VWDUWHGP\ÀUVW job in the Railways as a casual laborer #5V SHU GD\ LQ WKH \HDU Thereafter I worked in Judicial C ourt at Rajkot Gondal as a section writer. In the year ,MRLQHG&HQWUDO%DQNRI,QGLDDVDW\SLVW retired as an Assistant Manager in the year 1999. , JRW PDUULHG WR 'DXODW P\ UHDO LQVSLUDWLRQ LQ DQG , DP EOHVVHG ZLWK D VRQ 3HUF\ QRZ SHUIHFWIDPLO\ZLWKP\GDXJKWHULQODZ+RRIULVK and my granddaughter Navaz. R.W.: How do you start your day and end it ? Mr. Jimmy: , VWDUW ZLWK D SUD\HU DOZD\V DQG HQGLWLQWKHVDPHZD\DSUD\HURIJUDWLWXGHWR Dadaar Ahura Mazda. R. W.: What work have you done till now? Mr. Jimmy: I had lot of ideas of social services in my mind during my working days but could not IXOÀOO WKHP $IWHU UHWLUHPHQW , MRLQHG 'LJQLW\ Foundation NGO, working for Senior Citizens. At SUHVHQW,DPKROGLQJWKHSRVWRI&KLHI'LJQLWLD]LDQ at the Borivali Centre. Every year since last 14 years I have been awarded Excellence Service FHUWLÀFDWH RQ WKHLU $QQXDO 'D\ , DOVR KROG WKH SRVW RI 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW LQ &HQWUDO %DQN 5HWLUHHV $VVRFLDWLRQ0XPEDLWDNLQJXSLVVXHVRI5HWLUHHV 0\OLIHWRRNDPDMRUWXUQZKHQ,MRLQHG´3XVKSD 0DD)RXQGDWLRQµ'DGD'DGL3DUNVRPH\HDUV EDFN$W SUHVHQW , ZRUN KHUH DV DQ$GYLVRU :H DUHWDNLQJFDUHRI6LOYHUVDVRXUPHPEHUV are known because of the grey/ white hair) in counseling, quite literally giving them a stage WR SHUIRUP :H JLYH WKHP D FKDQFH WR DSSHDU in reality shows, cricket matches, music, and HYHQ KDYH FRPSXWHU DQG GDQFLQJ FODVVHV IRU WKHP /LDVRQLQJ ZLWK WKH 3ROLFH 'HSDUWPHQW IRU WKHLUVHFXULW\LVDQRWKHUDFWLYLW\ZHSXUVXHYHU\ VLQFHUHO\ DQG VHULRXVO\ :H KDYH EHHQ DZDUGHG WZR /LPFD %RRN RI 5HFRUGV &HUWLÀFDWH IRU RXU activities. Taking in to consideration my above activities for Senior Citizens, International Confederation RI 1*2 81 FRQIHUUHG XSRQ PH WKH ´.$5$0 9((5 &+$.5$µ DW 1HZ 'HOKL , DP DOVR attached with Silver Innings Foundation that ZRUNVIRU6HQLRU&LWL]HQVHVSHFLDOO\IRU'HPHQWLD 3DUNLQVRQSDWLHQWV7KH:HOIDUH)RXQGDWLRQ WRRN D QRWH RI P\ LQYROYHPHQW LQ WKLV ÀHOG DQG awarded me with a memento on 15th February, IRUP\VHUYLFHVWRWKHVRFLHW\ R.W.: What does this Award mean to you? My. Jimmy: Recognition of my services by society. But there’s so much to be done yet. I’ve come DFURVVSDUHQWVZKRJUDEDZDGDRUVDPRVDDQGHDW LQSXEOLFWRLOHWVWRKLGHIURPWKHLUFUXHOFKLOGUHQ ZKRGROHRXWFRUSRUDOSXQLVKPHQWWRWKHP+RZ FDQJURZQXSPHQDQGZRPHQEHKDYHDVVDYDJHV ZKHQLWFRPHVWRLOOWUHDWLQJWKHLURZQSDUHQWV" R.W.: Have you come across any such Parsis ? Mr. Jimmy: Not yet, but let’s not be naïve DQG WKLQN LW LV DQ XQNQRZQ SKHQRPHQRQ LQ WKH Community. No doubt, ill-treating our elders, being rude and insulting them at each and every RSSRUWXQLW\LVQRWXQFRPPRQ:K\FDQ·WZHEH FRPSDVVLRQDWHDQGORYHDQGFDUHIRUWKHP"7KH\ did everything under the sun to raise us, didn’t WKH\"$W WKH FRVW RI VRXQGLQJ UXGH RQH FDQ VD\ ZKRNQRZVWKHSHUVRQ\RXDUHFDULQJIRUPD\EH dead tomorrow, you may be dead tomorrow…and \RXPLVVRXWRQWKHJUHDWHVWRSSRUWXQLW\'DGDDU $KXUD0D]GDKDGJUDQWHG\RXZLWK" R.W.: Are you content with whatever has been achieved ? What are your future plans? Mr. Jimmy: Infusing oldies into the mainstream DQG PDNLQJ WKHP IHHO ZDQWHG LV P\ SULPDU\ objective. Age is just a number… I am now a 76 years running young boy who still wants to work hard for my senior brothers and sisters. May Dadaar Ahura Mazda grant me the strength to do so…and I am sure he will. R.W.: Any message for our Readers and youngsters ? Mr. Jimmy:<HVWDNHDUHORRNDW\RXUSULRULWLHV 0DNH SULRULWLHV QXPEHUV DQG /RYH DQG &DUH IRU \RXU HOGHUV DQG SDUHQWV $IWHU WKDW worry about your Car, Housing and Education loan UHSD\PHQWVDQGZKDWHYHU FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP Celebrating a centennial of Brighter Futures Community Coverage )HHG%DFN 06 SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 07 SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 EVENT PRIZE NAMES Men’s Singles Winner Zubin Taraporewala Runners Up T Women’s Singles he Table Tennis enthusiasts of Merwanjee Cama Park, through its welfare wing, the CYA (Cama Youth Association) were proud to host the 1st ever All Parsis Table Tennis Tournament on 11th and 12th of April 2015. This mega event had participants from all over Mumbai, Thane, Navsari & Surat with a turnout of about 80+ participants, who exhibited their skills Winning the titles in this tournament wasn’t an easy task, especially when I had been out of table tennis for an extended period. I owe my titles to Cama Park for giving me the opportunity to showcase my passion and motivating me to do better in what I excel. Also the ambience that was provided was amazing and the quantum of help provided by the organizers cannot be put into words! The efforts put in E\WKHSHRSOHKHUHGHÀQLWHO\ paid off! Looking forward for many more Tournaments at Cama Park. Mahzarin Pardiwala (Winner of Women Singles, Mix Doubles & Team events). and sportsmanship. Table Tennis mania gripped all the participants and was quite Veterans Singles evident. This tournament was held in one of the Heritage Structures of Mumbai – The M. F. Cama Athornan Institute and Boys Under 14 thus was a privilege for all participants as it offered not only a huge hall as the venue but also natural and peaceful Girls Under 14 surroundings. The tournament began on Saturday 11th April 2015 with preliminary Open Doubles rounds of Team event, Boys U/14, Mix Doubles, Men’s and Open doubles event. On Sunday 12th April 2015, the events of Mixed Doubles Veterans, Girls U/14 were held EHVLGHV WKH 4XDUWHU ÀQDOV 6HPL Finals and Finals of all events. Thanks to Mr. Baji Khambatta Team Championship - Ex International Table Tennis Champion for sparing his valuable time and making his presence felt at the Tournament. This tournament was sponsored by WAPIZ, Zoroastrian Co-op Bank and Parsi Times was the proud media sponsor for this event. I have played many All Parsis matches. All the matches had something missing. This match had the perfect hall, had the right space behind the tables. The number of entries was really good and the draws were really fair. I enjoyed playing every match I played. Only on the 1st day I had a bit of a problems with the lights, but once I told the organizers the next day immediately it was done right. That is something you don’t see in many organizers. Looking forward for the same tournament every year. Carlshen Wadia and team really did a fantastic job. Zubin Taraporewala (Winner of Men’s Singles, Open Doubles, Mix Doubles & Team events). Personally I felt it was very well conducted tournament. The Schedule was also made out in a manner whereby players didn’t get stretched to limits, of course except those who were winners in most events. Both days free snacks, water, tea and lunch was provided too. All in all very happy that we participated and had good two days of table tennis competition. Keep it up and looking forward for the coming year once again. Percy Mehta (Winner of Veterans event and Runners up of Open Doubles events). Winner Sarosh Shroff Mahzarin Pardiwala Runners Up Zena Chipya Winner Percy Mehta Runners Up Winner Runners Up Winner Runners Up Winner Sarosh Shroff Farshogar Bhatena Sorab Mehta Pearl Amalsadiwala Minaish Rustomji Zubin Taraporewala/ Percy Patel Runners Up Winner Percy Mehta/ Sarosh Shroff Zubin Taraporewala/ Mahzarin Pardiwala Runners Up Winner Runners Up Percy Patel / Zena Chipya ZYAT A Godrej Baug A 08 S ir Mancherjee Bhownagree was the second Indian after Dadabhai Naoroji, to be elected to the British House of Commons. He was also the longest serving British-Asian Member of the Parliament till .HLWK9D]ÀUVWHOHFWHGLQ The year Dadabhai Naoroji lost his seat in the Commons 0DQFKHUMHH %KRZQDJUHH got himself elected to the August House. Dadabhai and Mancherjee were both public spirited Parsis who worked tirelessly for the cause of India and Indians. Dadabhai, even after losing the election continued to work for the patriotic movement in England and later in India. Mancherjee settled down in England and hardly ever associated himself with the political turmoil in this Country. Sir Mancherjee Bhownagree, .&,( ZDV ERUQ RQ th $XJXVW WR &RRYHUEDL DQG Merwanjee N. Bhownagree. His ancestors had come from principality of Bhavnagar, hence their surname Bhownagree. His father Merwanjee was a successful merchant, banker and industrialist of Bombay and also the representative of the Thakor of Bhavnagar, running the Kathiawar agency of the State of Bhavnagar. Muncherjee studied in Proprietary School and went to Elphinstone College where he won a prize on a paper he wrote on the Constitution of the East India Company. This paper was later enlarged into a book. Mancherjee was a very well read scholar. His aptitudes for writing lead him to opt for journalism as career. It is no wonder that he was appointed as a sub-editor of The Bombay Statesman at the age SATU URDDAY,, APRIL APRRIL 18,, 2015 SATURDAY, The article on Dadabhai Naorojji that graced the pages of Parsi Times Special Navsari Issue Part 1 was authored by Dara Khodaiji. of twenty. He showed brilliant capacity for the profession he had chosen. Unfortunately, his career as a journalist was not long OLYHG ,Q ZKHQ KH ZDV barely twenty-one, his father passed away. Mancherjee had to take over the business of his father. This kept him very busy and he found very little time to make any worthwhile journalistic contribution. Somehow he managed to translate into Gujarati, Queen Victoria’s “Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highland” which was dedicated to the Prince of Wales. It was published in ,QKHZDVDSSRLQWHG the Fellow of the Bombay University. The same year he was appointed a Justice of Peace. He was also associated with several educational and other institutions. ,Q 0DQFKHUMHH ZHQW to England to study Law. He was called to the bar at Lincoln’s Inn LQ :KLOH studying for law, he wrote a paper on Female Education in India and presented it to the Society of Arts under the chairmanship of the famous poet Mathew Arnold. In appreciation of the excellent execution of the subject, he was awarded the silver medal of the 6RFLHW\ ,Q KH ZDV HOHFWHG to the council of the Society, the ÀUVW,QGLDQWREHHOHYDWHGWRWKLV position and the only Indian for decades to come. ,Q KH ZDV DSSRLQWHG DV one of the commissioners of the Indian and Colonial Exhibition held at South Kensington, London. In the same year, he was created the Companion of Indian (PSLUH&,( A year later, Mancherjee returned to India, and under request of the Maharaja of Bhavnagar he undertook to do D YHU\ GLIÀFXOW EXW H[WUHPHO\ important task of introducing a constitutional administration, and completely restructure the legal and the police departments in the state of Bhavnagar. Bhavnagar had been under an autocratic form of rule of the Princes, and the reforms the Maharaja wanted to introduce were novel indeed. With the help of Divan Vithaldas and Dr. Burjorjee Byramjee he accomplished the task very satisfactorily. The project was so successful that other states also introduces, rather reproduced the constitutional and the judicial organization. While the new system brought about a EHQHÀFLDOLQÁXHQFHLQSXWWLQJWR end the frictions and strife, the powerful body of discontented DQG GLVVDWLVÀHG SHUVRQV YHU\ vehemently denounced the Maharaja of Bhavnagar and the Councillors of the States. /HDÁHWV DQG SDPSKOHWV ZHUH circulated throughout the country condemning the reforms. The object of the power-hungry, ambitious rivals was to revive the old autocratic system. The main culprits were tried and convicted in the famous Bhavnagar trial. Mancherjee’s work as a Judicial Councillor occupied most of his time. He his principal object was to bring about ameliorative social and educational, reforms. He was the principal organizer of the Rakmabai Defense Committee to protect Hindu women against the practice of infant marriages. In this, Lady Reay supported him. He also gave evidence before the Public Services Commission. There, he emphasized upon the need of more extensive employment of Indians in the administration of their own country. ,Q 0DQFKHUMHH ORVW KLV sister. He felt his loss severely and in her name he established the then much needed Nurses Home in Bombay. He was a generous donor. In her name he also established the East Corridor of the Imperial Institute at Kensington and founded several prizes to encourage Female education. He also contributed the Bhownagree Gallery at the Commonwealth Institute. ,Q KH UHWXUQHG to England where he delved actively into the work of various public bodies. This earned him the invitation to enter the British Parliament. Ability to work for the social causes, together with his knowledge of India would make him a very valuable representative. e. ,Q KH VWRRG IRU WKH WKH KH Conservative Party to contest test s for the North-East Bethnal Green een e constituency. The North-East Eastt Bethnal Green constituency ncy had always elected a Radical ical member and always repelled the &RQVHUYDWLYHV ,W ZDV D GLIÀFXOW FXOW task to stand for election from rom such a constituency. Ironically ally Bhownagree was a radical, and even though he represented ted the Conservative Party, he won. It was a great triumph mph for Mancherjee, and a victoryy in such a constituency earned him ma congratulatory letter couched d in the most complementary terms rms from the then Prime Minister Lord ord Salisbury himself. The English lish public and the English press ress praised him generously, they hey OLRQL]HG KLP EXW KH GLG QRW ÀQG favour with his own countrymen men because he stood aloof from the Indian Patriotic movements. His views were not in consonance with such powerful Indians of his times, like Dadabhai Naoroji and Sir Pherozeshaw Mehta. This attitude did not endear him to the Indian public. The tone in which he spoke of the Nationalistic aspirations in India GLG QRW ÀQG approval here. In spite of the enthusiasm of his friends and admirers, the Indian public showed antipathy towards him when he visited India LQ His reactionary pronouncements were not appreciated. Yet, back in England, he rose greatly in the esteem of the voters of his constituency and remained popular because of his espousal of the interest of Bethnal Green. In WKH\HDURI4XHHQ9LFWRULD Diamond Jubilee, he received the accolade of knighthood. He was made the Knight Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire. Yet from the Indians, who were cool towards him, hardly any appreciation was forthcoming. Sir Mancherjee Bhownagree, K.C.I.E., representing the same constituency, won the election IRUWKHVHFRQGWLPHLQZLWK an over-whelming majority. For WKLVDFKLHYHPHQWLQ-XO\KH was felicitated by Lord Hamilton, the then Secretary of State It is totally shameful on the part of Dinshaw Mehta to accuse Yazdi of taking a FREE RIDE at the cost of Charity Funds. It is Dinshaw himself who has squandered crores on Renegade Priests Case & got nothing in return, total money down the drain. Also crores KDYH EHHQ VSHQW RQ ÀOLQJ frivolous cases against residents of BPP Controlled Colonies. It is the NON-Parsi Advocates who are laughing their way to the banks, whilst our brethren get harassment at the hands of Mehta. One such case is of Mobed Soli Motafram, who having resided in the BPP colony since ZDV WDNHQ WR FRXUW DIWHU the demise of his mother & forced to sign Leave license agreement, which he refused. $IWHU\HDUV6ROLZRQWKH case & was declared a Deemed Tenant BUT the EGO Centered 0HKWD ÀOHG DQ DSSHDO LQ WKH Appellate Court. Requests from prominent persons to close the case in favor of Soli fell to deaf ears & Mehta is adamant to either throw Soli OUT or he signs the Leave License. Actually the BPP must be taken to Court for NOT following Government Directives. In WKH%RPED\5HQW$FW The Bombay Tenancy Act was Declared & all those residents 6WD\LQJ35,25WRZHUHWR be made STATUTORY TENANTS and the BPP made almost all except a FEW Unfortunate like Soli & now after so many years want to EVICT them or tow the MEHTA LINE. Why should people like Soli suffer, why can’t Mehta gracefully accept the court verdict & make him a Statutory Tenant. Actually the BPP must be held responsible for such lapse, instead Mehta has the audacity to go against Government orders. During the next elections for India, MPs from both the e sides, and leading ng g members of the Parsi as well as other Indian communities at the CecilHotel. One can say, Sir Mancherjee political philosophy was an oxymoron, a progressive conservative. He believed that the British rule had given India an era of peace and progress. The cause of his motherland was very dear to his heart and he heartily supported all the, industrial, social, and especially educational movements brought about by the British rule that would enable the country to emerge from poverty to prosperity, from socially depraved customs and traditions to a more enlightened society. After his retirement, Mancherjee settled down in England and kept himself detached from the political upheaval in ,QGLD+HGLHGRQ 1RYHPEHU DQG ZDV EXULHG at the Parsi Section of Brookwood Cemetery, London mourned by his wife Motibai, two sons and a daughter, Perin. He was born on $XJXVW H[DFWO\ QLQHW\ \HDUV before India got its indendepence and on the day he died is the day on which Jawaharlal Nehru was born and the day on which we celebrate Children’s Day. Contd. from Pg. 02 by the blessing of Ahura Mazda. If my thought and suggestion becomes acceptable to our Trustees in BPP and Community members at large, I shall feel that I have done a good deed for my beloved Community who shall be freed from one of the problems faced today, i.e. disposal of bodies of our dear ones. Gev Dalal 6KDPHIXO0U0HKWD Dear Editor, The article on front page RI 3DUVL 7LPHV FDSWLRQHG ´ lakhs for every Parsi,” makes interesting reading. we must elect public spirited persons and must get rid of the likes of Mehta & clan, whose main aim of getting into the BPP to bolster their EGOS. Keki Billimoria 4XHVWLRQVRQ+DZNLQJ Dear Editor, One reason why cities abroad are clean is due to the absence of hawkers. Does the civic body want to stall the Swachh Bharat movement by promoting hawking? Why does it want to disturb the few clean and peaceful oasis left in Contd. on Pg. 14 SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 09 Spiritual Spaces THE GOD WHISPERER - CHAPTER 3 The Reluctant Writer S imone noticed Sheroy, her twin brother seemed withdrawn and despondent over the last few days. On SURELQJ KLP KH ÀQDOO\ WROG WKH family what was bothering him. “A friend of mine in school has been telling me what makes him so sad and unhappy. He’s an only child and so he misses the company of a sibling to chat and play with after school; both his parents are working and RIWHQKHÀQGVKLPVHOIUHWXUQLQJ to an empty home from school; his loneliness causes him to entertain depressing thoughts and has begun to affect his demeanor even when he is not alone. He snaps unnecessarily at people at the slightest of provocation, and sometimes even without any provocation and then hastens to apologise. He says I’m his only friend and someone he likes and talks to and share his thoughts with; I wish I can help him out of his unhappiness!” He looked questioningly at Simone, his mother Shireen and grandmother, Jeroo. “Simone can come up with a solution, I’m sure. She can ask God for guidance” said Shireen. Taking the cue from her mother Simone went into their prayer room and closed her eyes as she put on her mathu banoo (head scarf worn by Parsi women before praying), and whispered a prayer to the Almighty , “Please help me with enlightenment to help this child, Lord… please help me explain how to direct ‘Happiness’ into one’s life”. She heard his voice resonate almost instantly in the room and she fell on her knees as she listened attentively. “Practice Gratitude, this is a seemingly simple strategy but it makes a huge difference to your outlook. There are lots of ways to practice gratitude, from keeping a journal of things you’re grateful for, sharing three good things that happen each day with a friend or your partner, and going out of your way to show gratitude when others help you. Being grateful never hurts and helps in enriching your own self in myriad ways. Contrary to prevailing doubts about its veracity, Simone, Gratitude has a way of being reciprocated one way or another. It may not be so by the same person or ¶WKLQJ· \RX DVVLVWHG WR IXOÀOO D need, but I ensure that every person who expresses gratitude and incorporates it into his/her lifestyle is ALWAYS rewarded. In fact gratitude is a quality that is personally very close to my heart, so use it generously. Happiness, is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. So be Happy. It is of such fundamental importance to the human condition that “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” were PT. SPECIAL SERIES clears your mind and calms you down, it’s been often proven to be one of the most effective ways to live a happier life. Plan a Trip. As opposed to actually taking a holiday, simply planning a vacation or break from work can improve deemed to be unalienable rights by the United States Declaration of Independence. The United Nations declared 20 March the International Day of Happiness to recognize the relevance of happiness and wellbeing as universal goals. In 2014, ‘Happy’ became the anthem and inspired clips from around the world. Meditate. Meditation, is often touted as an important habit for improving focus, clarity, and attention span, as well as helping to keep you calm. It turns out it’s also useful for improving your happiness. Meditation literally our happiness. Anticipation of meeting people and how you will journey, where you will stay , what you will do that is different from your routine has its way of manifesting a sense of happiness into your thought process, however short lived. Even if you cannot execute this in the immediate future, mark a date on the calendar when you possibly can actually make it. Sometimes living in your thoughts can help strengthen your resolve towards actualization Contd. on Pg. 13 10 Community Coverage SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 XYZ is a recently established organization aimed at promoting togetherness and camaraderie within the youngsters of the Zoroastrian Community. XYZ aspires to mould the children between ages 5 and 15 years to become better individuals and inculcate Zoroastrian Values through fellowship and service activities. The children are divided into seven groups named after seven Zoroastrian heros, Daraius’ Daredevils, Cyrus’ Superstars, Jamshed’s Giants, Homai’s Heros, Behram’s Battalion, Rustom’s Rockstars and Tehmurasp’s Titans. Lets meet the XYZ Kids & Team. POURUSHASP’S PLATOON Founder: HOSHAANG GOTLA MEMBERS ADVISORY COUNCIL 5HOLJLRQKhurshed Dastoor 3KLODQWKURS\Dinshaw ARTAXERXES’ ARMY MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Tamboly (GXFDWLRQDiana Marfatia /DZBurjor Antia 5RWDU\Nowroze Vajifdar 6FRXWVNavroze $GPLQLVWUDWLRQDQG(YHQWVBayzan Mistry and Delnaz Sinor 5HOLJLRQDQG*XMDUDWLRuzbeh Davar and Urvakshi Mehta 6RFLDO6HUYLFHDQG*UDWLWXGHHutoxi Doodhwala and Siganporia Jaszmine Palia 0RWLYDWLRQBoman Irani +HDOWKPorus Kapadia )LQDQFHXerxes Dastur 6SRUWVDQG&RPSHWLWLRQVMeher Amalsadiwala and Zyros Zend 3XEOLFLW\DQG:HEVLWHShahrukh Irani and Huzan Forbes XYZ Volunteers are parents and friends of the organisation right up till the age of 83! Hoshaang Gotla with the XYZ Kids ;<=&$036&+('8/( Day & Date May 2015 Parents of parsi boy,28yrs,tall,fair,and handsome working for a multinational company seeks matrimony from well educated, good looking and friendly natured girl, willing to settle abroad... If interested please forward your date of birth, place and time of birth, along with your pictures DQGSUR¿ GENTLEMAN AGED 34 YEARS, WORKING IN REPUTED COMPANY, EARNING GOOD SALARY, WANTS A GIRL AGED 26 TO 33 YEARS. WORKING GIRL OR A HOUSEWIFE. PLEASE CONTACT: 9969985818. 11:00 am – 12:30 pm 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm MON, 18th Team Building Activities Lunch (Home Packed) Gujrati Writing Snacks Nargolia TUE, 19th Kho-Kho Lunch (Home Packed) Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan Snacks Let’s Talk – Gujrati WED, 20th Buses from: Andheri to Colaba, Bandra to Byculla THUR, 21st Dodge ball Cop Talk FRI, 22nd Cooking Competition SAT, 23rd Parent – Child Trip to a Resort in Karjat Children below 10 years must be accompanied by a Parent Crickball (combination of Cricket and Baseball). Lunch and Snacks will be provided Lunch (Home Packed) Team Prep. Snacks Idiom Story Enactment Lunch (Home Packed) Gujrati Writing Snacks Dog & the Bone Buses will transport people from all 4 venues Inter – group activities Prize Distribution Lunch and Snacks will be served To register your kids or to donate to XYZ Contact Hoshaang Gotla 9820683398 11 SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 2015 XYZ Founder and member of multiple Zoroastrian Organisations Parsi Times chats with the Founder of XYZ the young and enterprising under 30 Hoshaang Gotla about his presence across multiple Zoroastrian events and organizations, what he thinks of where the Community is and how and why XYZ is the ABC of our progress… L et me put this interview into perspective. This is no regular volunteer or organization head. This is a serious Zoroastrian Activist, a boy who has since the age of 15 been bitten by the bug to do something bigger and unforgettable. He is the only person in the Community who has been part of the Management of ZYNG, HPY and XZY, the Youth Bodies of the Zoroastrian Community in Mumbai. The interview is dotted with instances of hard work, thoughts on the Community and inspiration drawn from mentors and idols. A random XYZ committee call or two interrupt the chat… you can see this boy is really working hard! Coupled with his humility, religiosity, ability to learn from high functioning individuals around him, his own foresight and his alarming enthusiasm, Hoshaang Gotla started XYZ when he realized that up until now Religious groups and activities only target kids aged 15 plus. What follows is the discussion with Hoshaang. Parsi Times: Tell us how you got so involved in HPY (Holiday Programme for Youth) Hoshaang: Initially my Mum got me to go to HPY. I was a reluctant SDUWLFLSDQWDWÀUVWEXW,JRWUHDOO\ involved from day one. I was 15 years old and just passed out of Campion School. I immediately became the secretary of the group that I was representing and we won that year and I got selected to be an Organizer. I won best participant and the organizing Committee headed by Diana Marfatia picked me to be part of the next Organizing Committee, something they do every year. I think HPY is one of the best organizations. Since you only get to go after completing School, kids never get bored of repetition and enjoy it thoroughly. There is great competition here and when you give kids competition and opportunity to compete and win it gives them a boost and they try harder at everything. Each year you get a new crop of kids who are enthusiastic and eager to do the HPY programme. P.T.: What happened post HPY? Hoshaang: I got into HR If I organize a Gambhar, 5000 people will turn up, if I organize a Party, 500 will turn up and if I organize a Prayer meet only 50 turn up! Honestly I don’t even want the free food crowd to come! College and joined the Rotaract movement. I was organizing events with Rotaract and organizing Parsi events with HPY and getting more involved with the Community. I left post College to study abroad and truly felt the lull and gap with no Zoroastrian activities. It was great to come back and become a senior organizer with HPY when I did. At the time ZYNG was also forming under the aegis of the BPP and as the youth wing of the BPP. I got an opportunity to shape it and start it with a few others. ZYNG is different from HPY as each year we have to come up with new and interesting activities because people stay in ZYNG from the age of 15 right up to 40! Right now I’m working on a fun event for ZYNG, the Annual Paintball event with Cusrow Baug! It’s on the 10th of May so get your friends and come! The entire PT Team is invited! P.T.: But it’s not all fun with you right… We know you started the Humbandagi that collects each Ava Roj at the Bhikha Behram Well. Tell us how you started that and how it’s going right now. Hoshaang: It was initially an activity I thought I could plan for the young Zoroastrians. Along with a friend of mine Parzon Zend, I sent the word out by SMS and with posters in most Colonies asking people from across Mumbai to come and pray as a collective at WKH%KLNKD%HKUDP.XR7KHÀUVW time we had only 50 people but today the numbers go up to even 300 at a time. It’s not only young but it has become a social event for the elderly as well. People take the time to come from as far off as Vashi, Panvel and Thane! I was 24 when I started the Humbandagi and I started working around the same time so balancing work and other activities for me has been a norm. But I have seen sadly that because it is a Religious event less young people turn up for it. Prayer is not the most fun thing. If I organize a Gambhar, 5000 people will turn up, if I organize a Party, 500 will turn up and if I organize a Prayer meet only 50 turn up! Honestly I don’t even want the free food crowd to come! I think people began taking me seriously after I started organizing the Humbandagis. P.T.: You are also part of the Cusrow Baug United Sports and Welfare League Committee? Hoshaang: I was just co-opted to the Committee this February DQGZHKDGRXUYHU\ÀUVW&XVURZ Baug Navroze Celebration which involved both the old and young of the Colony. I have never stood for elections just been co-opted. Our sports day is on the 25th of April. P.T.: Don’t you want to stand for the BPP elections one day since you are already showing so much interest in the Community affairs? Hoshaang: 'HÀQLWHO\ %XW QRW now. I am not ready at all. I have a lot to learn and do for the Community and a lot to prove to myself before I step into the big boots of a BPP Trusteeship. P.T.: What do you think of the Board right now? Hoshaang: I dint think it’s so great. To be honest we should only have Trustees oversee things and not manage them. We need Committees, one for every sub section… One for Senior Citizens, one for Security etc. Each Sub Committee should consist of specialists like a loan expert DQG ÀQDQFH H[SHUW RQ D +RXVLQJ Committee for e.g. The BPP should be running like a Corporate with a CEO. Contd. on Pg. 12 12 Community Coverage SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 HYDERABAD IN MAKING Until the parents have an open mind the kids will not. When I say open mind, I don’t mean start converting left right and centre! I mean an accepting mind… Acceptance of others. age is a little late to expect kids to suddenly understand Religious camaraderie and beliefs. We need to catch the kids young and make them enjoy Parsi–panu. That was the basic belief I had. Our aim in XYZ is to create better human beings not just better Zoroastrians. If I can turn the number from 500 now to 3000 over the next ten years I believe we will have made a mark and an impression on their minds and lives. I hope that by the time these kids turn 15 and join HPY etc., they will want to do a lot more for the Community they have come to love and understand through XYZ activities. P.T.: Do you see Parsi Panu in \RXQJNLGVDJHGÀYH""" Hoshaang: Oh Yes! Lots of it taught by parents and taught by families and also through the help of XYZ activites! The kids love being Parsis and we want to capitalize on that pride. P.T.: So how do you think young Parsis who are not in the XYZ DJH JURXS DQG GRQ·W OLYH LQ WKH ;<=$UHDVFDQJHWPRUHLQYROYHG LQ&RPPXQLW\DFWLYLWLHV" Hoshaang: They need to start giving back. It could be just helping senior citizens in Societies and Colonies to get their passbooks updated, helping bring them groceries, teaching the young kids and even keeping their books for someone entering their class the next year. P.T.: How does XYZ empower the kids? Hoshaang: Currently we have 450 kids spread across 7 groups each named after a Zoroastrian camp in November. This gives the kids a chance to aspire to leadership young and learn how to go about it. P.T.: Tell us about the Motto of XYZ? Hoshaang: When I hear people say we are a dying race it really pisses me off. I love to show that there are too many kids for us to die out that easily. The more we think about the living and not the dead (even with issues like the dokhmanashini issue) the happier we will be as a Community. Happiness is key and that is why the motto of XYZ 1st will be a big Halloween Bash and December 21st will be our 1st Anniversary! That’s full circle on RXUÀUVW\HDU P.T.: Wow! That’s a ton! Who helps? Hoshaang: We have brilliant Advisory Council that consists RI YHU\ TXDOLÀHG DQG VHQLRU Community members. We meet them once every three months for advice and updates. Our team LV YHU\ IRFXVHG DQG HIÀFLHQW Our Volunteers range from young mothers to even the elderly. Our oldest volunteer is 83! God bless her! I believe in bringing the parents, volunteers and members on the same platform. If the parents are invested only then can the children be invested. I want a day to come when every Zoroastrian child, even those with only a mother or a father of Zoroastrian decent to join. We also want to involve the spouses of the Zoroastrian parent and invite them in to participate and learn a little bit about our Religion. We have had volunteer mums from other Religions attend already. Tolerance is key. Unfortunately I am a big believer in woman power! When women fight for equality they are making a bit mistake… they are already way superior! is Ushta Hachane… the Pursuit of Happiness! P.T.: :KDW KDYH \RX JX\V GRQH VRIDUDQGZKDWDFWLYLWLHVDUHRQ the cards? Hoshaang: We had our Inauguration in December, the XYZ Games in Feb 2015. At the end of April we have the Talent Show and the last day of the Upcoming Summer Camp will be a big deal! I am excited about the Camp. We have planned so much and we are excited to share our schedule with the Parsi Times! (see Pg 10) Post the Camp we have the Literary Arts and Fine Arts Festival (LAFA) in July. In August and September sports activities will take place. November some parents are not tolerant and kids do what their parents tell them to do! Until the parents have an open mind the kids will not. When I say open mind, I don’t mean start converting left right and centre! I mean an accepting mind… Acceptance of others. P.T.: How can the Community help you now? Hoshaang: XYZ is run like a modern organization with great traditional values. Succession planning is done through leadership and sustainable development is done through funds. We don’t want this to be a one off organization that runs for a year and dies out. We have planned carefully and well Veteran Katie Bhathena in the ADC as she received a Life Time Achievement Award for the Best Woman Driver in India by the WIAA at the age of 75 on 15th April, 2015. P.T. spoke to Katie Bhathena about her win and she says, “I was really embarrassed and shocked. I felt very elated like I had beaten all the men in the races at my time”. for a good organization and a sustainable and useful future. ,W LV LPSRUWDQW WR ÀQG RXUVHOYHV a corpus to sustain us for the next 10 to 15 years. So monetary help is important. But that is not everything! Community members can volunteer and even just help by telling others with kids about XYZ and our good work. P.T.: How do you feel about being the Founder of XYZ? Hoshaang: XYZ has drawn from multiple organizations. My 2 heroes growing up were Lord Badin Powell who started the Scouting movement and Paul Harris started the Rotary movement. I admire them because they created movements out of individuals that are still running hundred years later. What I am doing is a drop in the ocean of what they have done. I love what I am doing DQG , EHOLHYH LQ LW ÀUPO\ DQG passionately. If I can achieve this with even a few thousand kids over the next decade I believe I will have made a difference in the Community I love. FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP All 7 Trustees promised transparency but when was the last time the BPP had an open meeting or put up notices and feelers on what is happening? P.T.: What about the young Community members? Do you think they are doing enough? Hoshaang: 1R :H GHÀQLWHO\ don’t give back as much as we take from the Community. My request is that instead of being fence sitters and criticizing others involve yourself in activities. P.T.: Do you think you come across as a goody two shoes because of your super Parsi-panu? Hoshaang: No. I think I’m just being responsible. I am proud to be a Zoroastrian from Cusrow Baug and want to give back as much as I can to my Community. I just make the effort. For example the +XPEDQGDJL«,OHDYHRIÀFHHDUO\ each Ava Roj for the last 68 months to make sure it goes smoothly. P.T.: How do your job and your 3DUVLZRUNOLIHÀWWRJHWKHU" Hoshaang: I am blessed to have a brilliant job and a brilliant boss. I am the Executive Assistant to Niranjan Hiranandani, Developer and Philanthropist. He inspires me greatly to be better at what I do. He will work late and early if the work needs to be done even with a thousand plus staff. He can speak with a peon, a union leader and a politician all in the same afternoon with the same respect. I get to work at a great job as well as have time for the Parsi work. I make the time really… P.T.: Who else inspires you? Hoshaang: Diana Marfatia is a great inspiration. I have learnt a lot from her as far as Community activities are concerned. Dr. Indu Shahani and Miss Manju Nichani, the Principals of HR and KC College respectively have been huge inspirations. Through them I have learned responsibility and leadership. Each of these ladies runs institutions with over 7000 plus children and they run them with elan! I am a big believer in woman SRZHU :KHQ ZRPHQ ÀJKW IRU legend. Each group has a President, a President Elect (for the next year) and a President Nominee (for the year after). These three of each group will be attending a special Leadership )HHG%DFN Contd. from Pg. 11 equality they are making a bit mistake… they are already way superior! P.T.: Tell us about XYZ and why you started it? Hoshaang: I think 15 years of Shapoorji Pallonji Group Chairman Shapoorji Mistry has offered to help the Telangana government’s plan to develop Hyderabad as a global city by investing Rs 20000 crore WR EXLOG QHZ Á\RYHUV JUDGH separators at junctions and roads. This is a great contribution by the Shapoorji Pallonji Group in developing the city of Hyderabad. SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 CLASSIFIEDS ANTIQUE PRINCE METAL MART Parsi Owned & Driven SWIFT D’ZIRE & INNOVA CAR (A.C. & IN GOOD CONDITION) AVAILABLE ON HIRE FOR OUTSTATION AND WITHIN MUMBAI. PLEASE CONTACT ROHINTON - 9223395255 at Boyce Agiary Estate Tardeo. Embroidered Kurties, 1LJKWLHV ZHVWHUQ 2XWÀW Sadra, Kusti, Toran. Bailiff & Sons 9819620666 CATERERS EXCEL ELECTRONICS REPAIRS LCD, LED, Television DVD Player, Audio System Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Microwave, AC Computer For Details: 9322417064, 9820308174 Estates & Properties CAR HIRE Travel Comfortably in Band New Maruti D’zire Tour - A/C (All India Permit) At Reasonable Rates Airport / Local / Outstation. Contact RuSano: +91-9167351173 CLOCK REPAIRS Repairs of English /German Grandfather Clocks, Quarter Chimers, Carriage Clocks, Pocket / Wrist Watches. Contact: Cyrus Khambatta: 26042635, 9820895967, 9820257919. TRAVEL Comfortably in Any Washing Machine / Dishwasher / Mahindra Xylo, 3 Row A/C on hire at reasonable Dryer/ Microwave Oven / rate for Airport, Navjote, Refrigerator / AC / LCD / PLAZMA / LED Wedding, Outstation. Contact NATIONAL Contact Hutoxi (SAHIL) 9773158833/ 9819408576/9819648099. 24034358 One Year Gaurantee BUYER OF OLD RECORD, AUDIO SYSTEMS,OLD CAMERA, OLD NOTE BUNDLES, ZARI BORDER - SAREES OLD TASBI, KERBA, WRIST WATCHES, PEN, OLD COINS, GLASS Brand New Renault Scala 5 seater for WEAR, GERMAN SILVER. Local, Outstation, 9920663443 / 9820647858 Airport pick and drop Wedding and Navjote. BUSINESS OFFER Contact:- Sarosh 9664050845/9820576501 SPITAMAAN CREATION FAIR DEAL - SHOP 13 Classifieds CIVIL/PAINTING PARSI COLONY DADAR RESIDENTIAL USE L/L 1 BHKitchenette GROUND FLOOR FULLY RENOVATED WATER 24HRS 518 SQ. FT.CALL 9820441053 / 24148694 INTERIOR EXTERIOR SITUATION VACANT PACKERS & MOVERS $$7$6+758&.(56 Contractors to Godrej for professional movers and packers, quality service and shifting job as per your requirement and satisfaction : 9820120285 APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED from Parsi/Irani Zoroastrian Chasniwalla for working in an Agiary situated at Western Suburbs as a Helper/Cleaner for full time. Age no bar. Apply within 15 days with application giving details like age, salary expected, references etc. Call 9819360049 (11 am to 5 pm) DEEKAY PACKERS & MOVERS National, International Clearing, Forwarding, SITUATION WANTED +RXVHKROG*RRGV2IÀFHV A Parsi gent in sound health, Vehicles, Pets with 35 years of experience 14 Years Experience working overseas with Kersi: +919892014580, ĞdžĐĞůůĞŶƚ ŽĸĐĞ ŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ +919892922006 ĂŶĚ ƉƌŽĐƵƌĞŵĞŶƚ ƐŬŝůůƐ ŝƐ TEMPO Trucks available ůŽŽŬŝŶŐ ĨŽƌ ĞŵƉůŽLJŵĞŶƚ ŝŶ ON HIRE. We Undertake DƵŵďĂŝ͘ ĞƚĂŝůĞĚ ďŝŽͲĚĂƚĂ contracts of shifting ĐĂŶďĞĨŽƌǁĂƌĚĞĚŽŶƌĞƋƵĞƐƚ͘ Contact 9757086155 household furniture, etc, Email: with skilled labour. Please do note that while we are happy to bring Contact Dutta the Community together via our Classified Section 9821319228 / 9820006236 PERSONAL AHURA Services 9029493663 offers maids, nanny, nurses, wardboys, trained and reliable staff. Daily, Monthly and Yearly. FOOD/TIFFIN SERVICES ADDING A FRESH COAT OF PAINT TO YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEOGRAPHY WALLS SINCE 1968 JUST FISH 9029493663. TELEPHONE SAROSH PAVRI FRESH & CLEANED ARMAITY & RASHID D. 9820191850/24166994 GAI Jumbo Prawns, Pomfrets, Travel Comfortably in BAMANBEHRAM BUILDING DADAR. Surmai, Halwa, Brand New A/c First Parsi Lady Videographer 500gms packs Rs.400/INNOVA/SKODA RAPID only. Free Home Delivery Famous Press Photographer DRESSMAKERS/ TAILORS Reasonable Rates & with with COOK for purchase of Ex. Special Executive Magistrate Excellent Service. Rs.1500/- worth HD. VIDEOSHOOTING D. Shamji & Co. To Udvada, Navsari, Inaugural week offer PHOTOGRAPHY & ALBUMS Surat, Mahableshwar, PARSI DAGLI Wedding, Navjotes, Shirdi, Goa etc. Shirts | Pants | Safari Suits FOR SALE Birthdays & Engagements Contact Navaaz Bhupendra Gohil 9819244454 / 9322279869 22663131 / 9821005381 Contact: 6/3, Khareghat Colony, 143-B, Perin Nariman One Burma Teak Hughes Road, Mum-7 Street, (Bazargate Street), Old Wood Cupboard to Sell. SHYAM TRAVELS Fort, Mumbai - 1 Please Call 9619966942 Armaity: 9820188266 Travel in A/C Innova to Rashid: 9820224667 Udwada, Surat, Panchgani GARMENT SALE etc Airport, Local and on SERVICES AVAILABLE Happy Ocassions. ELECTRONICS/REPAIRS CONTACT: 98203 67891 9820987891 AIR-CONDITION REFRIGERATORS Indian / Imported (Sizes: M, L, XL, XXL, & XXXL) Double Door, Frost Free INNOVA Triple A/C Services, Business, Love Guarantee Genuine Repairs utmost comfortable & At Your Door Step Marriage, Gruhkalesh, reasonable rate, driven Installations/ Maintenance Sautan, Satru Problem, Laxmi by Parsi owner for local, Contract. Splits and Bandhan, Muth Karni, Vashi outstation and happy Window Air-Conditioners Karan, Marriage Problem. occasion, Kurush Bailiff: Frizare 9820197439 26002674 / 65544903 we are not responsible and do not endorse any product or service advertised in our Classified Section and will not be held responsible by any third party for the content of the ad space. FORM IV (RULES) STATEMENT BY THE PUBLISHER Registered name of the publication: Parsi Times Place of publication: Mumbai (Maharashtra) Periodicity of the publication: Weekly Name of Printer and Publisher: Mr. Cyrus M. Shroff Address: 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai 400001 Nationality: Citizen of India Editor: Freyan Bhathena Address: 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai 400001 Nationality: Citizen of India Owner addresses of individuals who own the Newspaper or partner or shareholders holding more than one percent of total capital: Mr. Kersi Randeria Address: 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai 400001 I Cyrus M. Shroff, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of the Publisher Cyrus M. Shroff Contd. from Pg. 09 or manifestation. Over a period of time the Law of Attraction will unleash Universal powers to make your plans a reality. Believe that! “Practice Smiling.” Smiling can make us feel better, but it’s more effective when we back it up with positive thoughts, Of course it’s important to practice “real smiles” where you use your eye sockets. (You’ve seen fake smiles that don’t reach the person’s eyes. Try it. Smile with just your mouth. Then smile naturally; your eyes narrow. There’s a huge difference in a fake smile and a genuine smile.) When you smile as a result of cultivating positive thoughts, like the unconditional love from any person or sentient being ( yes, even your pet pooch , cat or canary ) you release ‘ feel good reactions’ which go a long way in de-stressing and relaxing your frame of mind. ‘Acceptance.’ This law of Acceptance evolves in converting negativity into positivity. Whenever we face a situation where we are not sure of the outcome being favorable towards our perception of the result we release fear into our thoughts. But if we ‘Accept’ the outcome without judgment it translates to tolerance. Tolerance, when incorporated as a primary emotion into our lifestyle, results in equanimity and unprejudiced positivity. These are the primary ways of bringing joy and happiness into your life. Now you can explain these concepts to Sheroy’s friend who has been struggling with the demons in his mind.” Printed and Published by Cyrus M. Shroff on behalf of Kersi Jamshed Randeria, From 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 1. Printed at M/s Pri Media Services Pvt Ltd., Plot No. EL 201, Mhape, Navi Mumbai - 400 705. (GLWRU)UH\DQ%KDWKHQD&RQWDFW1RV$GYW)D[2IÀFH7LPLQJDPWRSP0RQGD\)ULGD\ 14 SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 +$9($6725<$%28725*$1'21$7,21" 6+$5(,7:,7+86 (0$,/256(1'86$/(77(5 Contributed by P.T. Writer Piroja Homi Jokhi A dvances in medical science has made it possible to give a new lease of life to those suffering from malfunctioning of human organs. We can give a gift of life to someone who is facing death and bring happiness to many more by saving a precious life. The organs we donate will live and thrive in another body even after our body ceases to exist. No gift is more precious than the Gift of Life which costs nothing to the giver, but means a lot to the receiver. Let us understand and be aware about death and the conditions related to organ donation. Death occurs when the heart stops functioning. When that happens, all organs of the body cease to get blood and they too die. The dead organs cannot be transplanted. Therefore when a person dies at home his/her organs die when death occurs and cannot be used as transplants. It is possible to transplant organs when the patient is on life support in an intensive care unit at the hospital. Body donations however are utilized for medical studies and research. Even when a person dies at home, the cornea of the eye if removed within about six hours after death, can be transplanted to give a new hope to the blind and restore his vision. There are a number of eye banks who send technicians at home to collect the cornea. Your family doctor can give you guidance. The list of the centers is also available on Internet. The Eye Bank Coordination and Research centre at Parel Tel. No.24164342 / 24162929 can be contacted for the procedure. There are two million Indians affected by Corneal Blindness DQG WKH VLJQLÀFDQW SRUWLRQ RI them are the young ones. In the hour of our personal loss, we should spare a thought for those who have not seen the beauty of sunrise nor the gorgeous sight of the setting sun. The cornea from the eye of your dear one will open the window of the world for them. Even if it may not be possible for us to donate other organs, eye donation is a simple procedure and needs to be implemented by one and all. For those who are in a state of coma, that is a state of deep unconscienceness, the heart continues to beat and the breathing is normal. With proper treatment, the person may emerge from the state of comatose and even regain normalcy. But in case of brain death though the heart is beating and the body is warm, the brain stops functioning and clinically and legally the person is declared dead. As long as the heart is functioning the organs receive the supply of blood and WKH\UHPDLQDOLYH:LWKDUWLÀFLDO support system (ventilator) in I.C.U. at the hospital the patient is kept alive, tests are done by experts twice at six hours interval, leaving no doubt about the diagnosis of brain death. Under no circumstances a brain dead person can be revived or gain normalcy. Brain death occurs due to severe head injury or stroke and mostly in cases of accidents. If LWLVFRQÀUPHGWKDWWKHSHUVRQLV brain dead the doctors through “grief counseling” prepare the relatives to consider the idea of doing something meaningful which makes the loss of the dear one easier to bear. Once the doctors get the consent from the relatives, the procedure begins to retrieve all the organs and tissues from the body. Donation from a single person can save at least seven precious lives. Many patients with end stage of organ disease die while waiting for a donated organ. The main drawbacks for organ donation are our ignorance, the negative publicity in name of religion, the illegal trade of organs and the high cost of transplants. Public information campaigns can generate a higher level of awareness and acceptance for this noble cause. When there is a certain amount of awareness in the society, it becomes easier for the relatives to take a positive decision. In case of sudden and unexpected death the relatives are in a state of shock and grief. But the brave heart relatives have shown a rare gesture of humanity to donate the organs of their dear ones not as an act of charity but as a goodwill to save the life of an unknown, and to relieve him from bearing endless days of pain. A day was to come when the mortal body was to perish. We are not going to take the organs of our body with us when we go to heaven. If by chance any organ or part of the body helps someone to live a fuller life, we are blessed. Dialysis for kidney failure and palliative medication are only temporary measures. The technological and medical environment for transplant surgery is today well equipped with a fast growing chain of multi-super speciality hospitals, This is the greatest and the most valuable gift which the poorest of the poor can give even to the richest among the rich. H[SHUW VXUJHRQV DQG HIÀFLHQW staff to handle complicated surgeries. However the social environment is not ready to SURYLGH WKH EHQHÀWV RI WKHVH great technological advances. Host of other, legal, social, emotional and religious issues are to be tackled with sensitivity and awareness. The main organs and tissues for transplantation are:- the cornea, (outer layer of eyes), kidney, liver, heart, lungs, pancreas, skin, bone marrow and blood. The last two can be donated by people during their life time as they are regenerated by the body in a short span. It is possible to donate a kidney or a portion of healthy liver from the body of a living healthy individual but there are certain rules and guidelines where such donations are restricted under law to prevent people misusing the procedure for malevolent purpose. There are a number issues related to organ donation that QHHG FOHULÀFDWLRQV 7R EHFRPH a donar, one has to contact an agency or a Government Hospital and sign an organ donor card, preferably in presence of a family member. The newly opened Global +RVSLWDO DW 3DUHO DIÀOLDWHG WR Narmada Kidney Foundation provides most comprehensive multi-organ transplant service. (Contact No. +91-8879688660 / 022-67670101). Anyone above the age of 18 and off a sound mind and body is eligible for organ and body donation. Those with severe systemic infection, or suffering from cancer, or a contagious disease are excluded from donating organs. The cases involving medico legal implications are not considered for organ donation. Religious leaders all over the world favor such donation as noble expression of highest humanitarian ideas. The gift of an organ to save or enhance the quality of life of another human being is consistent with the principles of religions and ethical system overwhelmingly held the world over. To advance this life preserving program acquaint others with news and information and bring awareness to become a part of the program. As more organs will be available more lives will be saved. Becoming an organ donor is one of the most profound gifts you can give, because you are giving someone else a chance to a new and healthy life. This is the greatest and the most valuable gift which the poorest of the poor can give even to the richest among the rich. Contd. from Pg. 08 Mumbai? Mumbai has already become a large excavated pit. Does the civic body want to turn it into a large dustbin, sorry market? Will not hawking in front of schools lead the young minds to a bad path? Will hawking not attract outsiders to come and try their luck leading to further congestion in Mumbai? Why put tax payers at risk of accidents from walking on roads instead of footpaths? Why doesn’t the civic body build markets and push the hawkers there? Why does it not generate an income from there instead from URDGVLGHV" :H 0XPEDLNDUV WKH LQÁXHQWLDO DQG Aam Aadmi, should unite against this and win. If at all we lose, the only resort left is to boycott the hawkers in these zones, by not patronising their goods. Soli D. Kanga 2SHUDWLRQ$GHQ Dear Editor, Every day the news paper Head-lines and (OHFWURQLFPHGLDQHZVDUHÁRRGHGZLWKQHZVIURP War stricken Yemen – Aden , Djbouti- from where thousands of trapped Indians were evacuated by Special Operation supervised by Retd. Gen. V. K. Singh. The print and Electronic media (off course barring Goswamy) tirelessly engaged in lauding the heroic efforts of Gen V. K. Singh for faultless operation. On this occasion my memory is dragged back to decades old evacuation operation carried out by Seth Adenwala who jointly carried out the operation of bringing back our Holy Atash Padshah from disturbed Aden amid so many impediments and hurdles. Had there been the present day media available in those days, it would have been written in history as world’s most heroic and religiously sentimental operation. Out Holy Atash Padshah was brought from troubled Aden to Mumbai in a Chartered Air India Flight and consecrated in Lonavla. Today it becomes more VLJQLÀFDQWWRUHPHPEHUVXFKKHURLFHIIRUWVRIRXU Adenwala Seth and all those who were connected to the operation. My heart though choked with HPRWLRQV LV FRQÀGHQW DERXW +RO\ )ODPH RI Zoroastrianism that how can such a Flame be ever doused when Heroes like Adenwala Seth are present in our Community. It is important to remember and honor such a heroic efforts of our elders- Seth Adenwala and all others. I sincerely pray Dadar Ahuramazda to bestow Highest Garothman Baheshta to Seth Adenwala and shower Blessings on his family members. It is also important for warring BPP Trustees to accord due honor to deserving instead of felicitating wrong persons indulged in land grabbing of our Agiaries and other religious places who miss no opportunity to sit with Dugli PaghriFentas on dias. I also request Parsi Press to dig into their Archives and re-print the Aden saga for the present day generation so that it remains fresh in the memory of our generations to come. Ushta Te. Rustomji F. Daruwala 18 Community Coverage SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 Mentors for May Queen 2015 0LFNH\0HKWD 5D\RPDQG6LUYDOD -LPP\0LVWU\ )DZ]D0DUROLD 6KLUHHQ0HUFKDQW 'U$VKGLQ7XUQHU )UH\DQ%KDWKHQD 3HUL]DDG]RUDELDQ +XIUL\D.HODZDOD +RUPX]0HKWD 0HU]L3HVWRQML $UPDLW\7LUDQGD] .KXVKQD]WXUQHU =DULQD&RPPLVVDULDW 0HKHU]DG3DWHO +RVL%DWOLZDOOD )UH\D]6KURII 5DPL\DU.DUDQMLD 5DVKQD9DULDYD No queen is queen without the strength of her Court and Army. Parsi Times presents the list of those who over the course of this month will groom and guide our pretty and intelligent girls to win the coveted title of Rustom Baug May Queen 2015. Putting Up The Event Together 3HDUO7LUDQGD] 0HU]L$QNOHVDULD 6WHSKDQLH'·VRX]D $VKGHHQ/RODRZDOD <D]DG.DUDL 'LONKXVK5HSRUWHU =HHQLD:DGLD %XUJLV7DUDSRUHZDOOD :KDW&DQ:H'RWR6WRS7KLV" T Yazdi Tantra A simple solution is to visit and go through the standard answers they have prepared for TRAIs questionnaire. You may modify the same or use them just as they are presented. Copy paste the answers in your Email client (they have made it easier for GMail and Yahoo users) and send it to the addresses mentioned. or he Internet is like electricity. The service provider serves you the electricity and what Tweet this message to the PMO and Ravi Shankar you use it for, is none of their Prasad We want an open internet @pmoindia @rsprasad concern. They will only charge you thus making the Internet biased in favor of for the actual consumption of units. or against the sites you wish to visit. They are not bothered if you use a Crompton The consequence of all this will be that Fan or a Bajaj Heater. 1RZ LPDJLQH RQH ÀQH GD\ WKH your user experience on the net, will be different for each net location, depending power company regulates the quality and on the price you pay and the tie-ups your ISP consistency of the power supplied to you, has with various companies. This will affect based on the brand and the appliance that the concept of NET NEUTRALITY which we you use. So, in our current example, say, if all have been used to enjoying all this while. you use a Crompton Fan and a Bajaj Heater, So how will they do it? The Telecom the supply of electricity will be normal and WKHTXDOLW\ZLOOEHÁDZOHVV%XWLI\RXXVH Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), under pressure from the Telecom Operators any other brand, there may be frequent RXWDJHVDQGSRZHUÁXFWXDWLRQV7KXVWKH\ (Telcos) and their lobbying arm Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) have could be indirectly forcing you to buy the brought out a consultation paper on their brands that they suggest! Can you even website at this link imagine this? Would you accept this?? content/news/71241_0.aspx and have asked Well, the Internet Service Providers are the public to respond to it. It is very smartly poised to do just that. If you go to their called Consultation paper on Regulatory pre-designated shopping or news sites, Framework for Over-the-top (OTT) services. the speed will be great - if not, the speed The lay user would never know what it is all will be throttled and your entire Internet about and would ignore it. The idea is just experience will be ruined. They have also that - not to let you intelligently understand cleverly found a solution for this - if you it and pave the way for the Telcos to kill net pay more (for each such service), well, the neutrality and charge you differential rates speed and quality of your connection will be for different services, thus multiplying their normal! So, for example, if Airtel has a tieFKDUJHVDQGKHQFHWKHLUSURÀWV up with Amazon, they will give you normal Please do stand up for your rights to connection for the same. But for getting the continue with Net Neutrality for your own same experience with say, Flipkart, you may EHQHÀWDVD&RQVXPHURUEHSUHSDUHGWRSD\ have to pay more! Besides, for Skype and extra for WhatsApp! WhatsApp, they may charge you separately, 7KH JDLW RI D SHUVRQ WHOOV \RX D ORW DERXW WKHLU SHUVRQDOLW\7KXVLW·VYHU\LPSRUWDQW IRUD\RXQJODG\WRKDYHSRLVHDQG HOHJDQFHLQKHUZDON +XIUL\D.HODZDOD Former May Queen 2005 and a contestant of Miss India 2005, Hufriya is currently working as a Flight Attendant of Air India. She is also an Image Councilor at various schools in Mumbai. 7KH VHVVLRQ LV D IXQ LQWHUDFWLYH RSHQ VHVVLRQ EHWZHHQ WKH SDUWLFLSDQWV ZKHUH OLYH FDVH VFHQDULRV UHJDUGLQJ :RPHQ·V ULJKWV DQG ODZV DUH SODFHG EHIRUH WKHPWRGLVFXVVWKHOHJDOLPSOLFDWLRQVWKDWFDQDULVH7KH FRQWHVWDQWVZLOOKDYHFDVHVWRGLVFXVVZKDWWKH\IHHO LVWKHEHVWZD\WRDSSURDFKDVLWXDWLRQDQGWKHUHDIWHUD GHEDWHRQHDFKFDVHIRUWKHEHVWVROXWLRQRQWDNHVSODFH ILQDOO\UHYHDOLQJWKHEHVWFDVHVROXWLRQIRUHDFKLQFLGHQW 7KH VHVVLRQ LV FORVHG GRRU ZKHUH WKH FRQWHVWDQWV FDQ DOVR UDLVH DQ\ OHJDO TXHULHV WKH\ PD\ KDYH DQG KRZ WR IDFH OLIH FDVHVFHQDULRVIURPDOHJDOVWDQG SRLQW +RUPX]0HKWD A master in LLB and LLM, Hormuz is currently working as a Lawyer at J. Sagar and Associates and is a Solicitor of England and Wales. 'UDPDWLFVNLOOVKHOS\RXEXLOGXS\RXUVHOIFRQILGHQFH ,WLVDWKHUDS\LQLWVHOI+HUH·VZKHUH\RXVWHSLQWRVRPHRQH HOVH·V VKRHV ZLWK FRQILGHQFH NQRZLQJ WKDW WKHUH LV DQ DXGLHQFHLQIURQWRI\RXDQGWKDW \RXKDYHWRSHUIRUPDFKDUDFWHUDW \RXUEHVW,W·VDIUHHGRPWREUHDN DZD\IURPWKHUHDOOLIH 0HKHU]DG3DWHO Founding Partner of Silly Point Productions, Meherzad is a Writer and Director of several original stage plays the latest being “Buckingham”. He is the Director of Teach For India and a Drama Instructor at NCPA and various educational institutions at the highest level. 19 SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 Like: Parsi Times Name... Shahrukh B. Karadia. I work at... Reliance Brands Ltd. I work as... A Fashion Consultant for Stuart Weitzman store. That basically means... I am a Sales Associate and I sell the brand to the customers providing them all the information they need of the brand. My work day begins with... Greeting my colleagues and a strategy meeting. I wish this would change about my job... I wish I could get two days off instead of just one. I have been working here for... 1 year. I head to office and head back home at these times... I work according to shifts which either starts in the morning or in the afternoon. Each shift is of 9 hours. Some of the things that make up my work day… Achieving daily targets and meeting new people. Someone I think has an interesting job is… My brand head. Someday, I too want to reach the same position Dear Mamaiji, You always make me read the Gujarati calendar date from the front page of the Parsi Times. Today is Shehrevar Roj. What does that mean? Dear Dikri, Today, in the Parsi Calendar, is Shehrevar Roj. This Amesha Spenta (AS) signifies the Kingdom of Heaven or God which is the ultimate aim of every human to reach. Shehrevar also stands for Great Power and building an Ideal Society, on earth, so that, one’s final destination to the Heavenly Realm, Salvation or Frasho Kereti is reached more early. At the material level, this Powerful AS symbolises metals, especially precious metals. The significance is to be strong, malleable, powerful, useful and shining and radiant as are Gold, Silver, Platinum. Find the energy of these metals within you. Pray to Shehrevar to assist you to lead a life that seems like living in Paradise. Having abundance, prosperity etc is a part of it, provided it is earned and received thru legal and moral means. And then these riches are to be shared with others, contributing towards creating a good life for all. Isn’t this so beautiful? With inputs from Parvez J. Daruwala Keep a Cool Head! your hair type will just do the trick of keeping your hair nice and cool. A light daily shampoo or something cooling for the scalp is something you can try. While choosing a summer shampoo look for the key words like ‘shampoo for normal hair’, ‘daily shampoo’ or even ‘cool’ Getting out and being active and hitting the pool feels great these months of the year! Taking the few precautions will help ensure your hair and scalp stay healthy and looking great all summer. Enjoy your time in the sun! Tushna Mehta I ts the time of the year where we sweat more, we get sunburned, and some get tanned. This time of year also presents some new challenges when it comes to caring for our hair and scalp especially for men! Exactly how you reduce the amount of clothes you wear in summer the same goes for your hair. Taking off the hair will help you keep cooler by allowing heat to escape from your scalp and the back of your neck. For summer, I always think a short buzzed cut is a good option. I wouldn’t recommend shaving your head entirely as a little hair will help keep the sun off your scalp and also prevent sweat from running into your eyes. If you don’t want to go very short, opt for a classic tapered style that keeps the hair off your neck. Off your neck will just help you keep a cool head! Shampoo your hair everyday if you get sweaty everyday! During the summer, you sweat more and you’re likely outside more often. This means your scalp is going to get dirtier than it does during the months when you’re less active. Shampooing daily using a shampoo and conditioner appropriate for Cozi is a simple family organizer - there’s nothing stationary about your life, so why depend on a family calendar that hangs on a fridge or wall? Cozi turns all your devices into ultimate family organizers with a shared calendar, shopping lists, to do lists and more, which everyone can access on the go. The Family Calendar is an easy to use color-coded calendar, where you can view an individual’s schedule or the whole family at once. You can set reminders so no one misses an important event. Shopping Lists are shared across the family - you can retrieve lists when you’re at the store and quickly cross off items or add new ones while you shop. To-Do Lists, Family Journal, etc., add to the fun of sharing stuff for the entire family. So, install Cozi immediately, enter errands and you can conveniently forget reminding your better half about them! Yazdi Tantra’s column is crafted for those of you who enjoy a bit RIWHFKQRORJ\DQGORYHÀQGLQJTXLUN\WKLQJVWRGRLQWKLVZHEDQG mobile savvy world. This entrepreneur celebrates his interest in the ÀHOGRIZHEEDVHGWHFKQRORJLHVZLWKKLVFROXPQVDQGRWKHUZHEVLWHV and Community centric Of course, his Parsi Times column is our favourite! Jam & Coconut Slices Pastry: Ingredients: 100 grams softened butter ¼ cup castor sugar 1 beaten egg FXSÁRXUVLHYHG WHDVSRRQ EDNLQJ SRZGHU VLHYHG Directions: &RPELQHDOOWKHLQJUHGLHQWV 3UHVV WKH PL[WXUH LQWR D [ LQFK WUD\ %DNH LQ D PRGHUDWH RYHQ IRU PLQXWHV Filling & Topping: Ingredients: ôFXSMDPRI\RXUFKRLFH 1 egg WDEOHVSRRQVFDVWRUVXJDU õGHVLFFDWHGFRFRQXW Directions: &RPELQH WKH HJJ FDVWRU VXJDUDQGFRFRQXW5HPRYH WKH SDVWU\ IURP WKH RYHQ ,PPHGLDWHO\VSUHDGWKHMDP HYHQO\RQLW 6SUHDGWKHFRFRQXWPL[WXUH RYHU WKH MDP %DNH LQ D PRGHUDWH RYHQ IRU PLQXWHV WLOO WKH WRSSLQJ LV ÀUP&RRODQGFXWLQWRQHDW VTXDUHV Purveen Dubash is a chef with many knives in her pretty home kitchen cabinet. From TV anchor to educator to author she is armed with culinary skills to put your tummy into a hypnotic state. We are proud to present to you her recipes which have the unique distinction of being not only simple to follow but yummy to taste! Submitted by: Aliza Bhathena Age: 8 Years ars 20 Parsi Times - English and Gujarati. Regn. No. MCS/101/2015-17. Published on 18th April, 2015, 2QUVGFCV/WODCK2CVTKMC%JCPPGN5QTVKPI2QUV1H°EG/WODCK on every Saturday. Community Coverage SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 The All India Zoroastrian Power lifting Championship organised by DPCG and Naryman K. Dubash Foundation and CH°NKCVGFEQPFWEVGFD[6JG)TGCVGT$QODC[2QYGTNKHVKPI#UUQEKCVKQPJGNFQP5WPFC[VJ#RTKNYCUCVTWG UJQYQHUVTGPIVJKPVGTOUQHQTICPK\CVKQPCPFVCNGPV+PVJG°TUVRCTVQHVJG26GZENWUKXGRCTVUGTKGUQPVJGGXGPV P.T. Writer Jasmine Z. SahukarEJCVUYKVJUQOGQHVJGYKPPGTU T Jasmine Z. Sahukar he big and strong, the young and enthusiastic, the Veteran still going strong; the entire Bawa clan, was present in full strength at the Dadar Parsi Colony Gymkhana (DPCG) grounds on Saturday April 11, 2015 for The All India Zoroastrian Power lifting Championship, organised by DPCG and NarYman K. Dubash Foundation and DIÀOLDWHG FRQGXFWHG E\ 7KH Greater Bombay Power lifting Association. I was present at the grounds DQG ZLWQHVVHG P\ ÀUVW VKRZ RI this zoro power, strength and WDOHQW DQG FDQ FRQÀGHQWO\ VD\ yes, “Parsis have Talent” and , DP YHU\ KDSS\ WR SURÀOH WKH winners of this Competition. In the words of Meherzad Chinoy, who clinched the Men’s title with a total lift of 600 kgs, “I have always had a passion to ZRUNRXW DQG VWD\ ÀW VLQFH P\ childhood and that culminated into my regularly training myself WR NHHS ÀW DQG GHYHORSLQJ WKH 3D’s of this sport, Discipline, Dedication and Devotion. Powerlifting is an interesting and challenging sport and as more and more people get interested, it will surely get the recognition and publicity it rightly deserves. It feels great to win this title again after a gap of two years but this victory is not new to me as I have won the title of “Champion of Champions” several times in the past.” Well then this is the icing on your cake, Meherzad, Congratulations!!! Kaizad Wadia of Surat, who became the all round Runners- up at this event lifted a total of 530 kgs in the 80 kg body weight category and made a record in the Squats category by lifting 205 kgs. He was also declared the Most Promising Power Lifter. His message to the aspiring youngsters is, “I believe one should compete in the right spirit as everyone out there comes to win but not everyone can be the winner but you can GHÀQLWHO\ ZLQ HYHU\RQH·V KHDUW You may win the game or lose it but there is something it teaches you each time, that is to face the challenge and get back on your feet with greater determination to compete even harder and smarter; and above all, respect your sport and the trainers who have brought you to this level.” Kudos and keep going Kaizad, you have what it takes to be the next winner! Kaizin B. Parabia, also of Surat, was the lifter of the Women’s title in Bench Press for the second time in succession and also agrees that determination and the desire to give out one’s best at all times is the key to winning. In fact, her husband being a weightlifting champion of Gujarat for 14 continuous years, was her main inspiration and the wind beneath her wings. She has the following titles under her belt; Weightlifting Champion of Gujarat for 2 years, Power lifting Champion of Gujarat last year and is the reigning Arm Wrestling Champion too. Her parting shot... “Instead of socialising with friends on an electronic device in your hand, go and socialise at the Gym... it can be any sport; this will surely bring about a change in you and your body for the better”. It would be pertinent to mention that she is a proud mother of two lovely little girls DQG\HWLVÀWDQGÀQHWRWDNHRQ and win many more competitions in the future... Good show and good luck to you Kaizin!!! Coming up next week is a profile on The Father of Power Lifting and the man behind the entire show, Mr. Viraf Panthaki and more event coverage.