Crimson Hexagon`s ForSight Platform Capabilities
Crimson Hexagon`s ForSight Platform Capabilities
Crimson Hexagon’s ForSight Platform Capabilities Our best-in-class analysis platform empowers our users to examine owned channels, earned conversation, and the interests of any audience. Its easy-to-use capabilities go beyond mere keywords and basic sentiment and get to more actionable insights. Owned Analysis SOCIAL ACCOUNT MONITORS Our Social Account Monitors measure the Analyze sentiment breakdowns of engagement owned Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with an account. channels of your brand, your clients, or your competitors. We provide you with the major competitive advantage to analyze any social property, even without login credentials. Explore themes in the conversation using a range of qualitative visualizations (and filter on the visualizations to attain deeper insights). Utilize demographic data to determine who is engaging with each account and track follower With Social Account Monitors, you can: growth over time. Track posts sent by an account and the volume of impressions and engagement reached on those posts. | (617) 547-1073 | 155 Seaport Blvd, Boston, MA 02210 @crimsonhexagon Earned Analysis BUZZ AND OPINION MONITORS Our Buzz and Opinion Monitors measure Analyze automatic sentiment breakdowns of opinions expressed on social media any conversation, with corrections for sarcasm and related to a brand, product, campaign, or false positives. other topic of your choice, and how those opinions change over time. With our earned analysis tools, you can search historically and in real-time across any topic, in any language, within our data library of over 500 billion posts. With Buzz and Opinion Monitors, you can: Quickly and easily identify emerging and evolving trends within an online conversation using a variety of metrics, graphs, and visuals. Go beyond sentiment and keywords using our proprietary Brightview algorithm, by measuring any theme within the conversation, such as purchase intent, product features, or ad effectiveness, in order to glean the insights that bring you the most value. Track and manage conversation in real-time as it occurs with a live post feed, live world map, and alerts for notification when changes occur. Gain deeper insights by filtering the conversation according to category, gender, user interest, geography, additional keywords, and influencers. Audience Segmentation AFFINITIES AND SEGMENTS Gain unprecedented insights into Identify top influencers in your audience and your audience with our best-in-class how they shape the conversation around your demographic data and Affinities tool. brand, product, or campaign. Our audience segmentation metrics are applied to all owned and earned conversations, and utilize data from across all of Twitter. Learn how to best reach and engage an audience by identifying the interests of the authors participating in a conversation. Explore any interest group in-depth, by identifying With our audience segmentation features, the group’s influencers, demographic makeup, and you can: trending articles, videos, and images. Determine the gender, geography, and age of your audience, and filter by the demographic groups most important to you. See our platform in action | Request a demo today @crimsonhexagon