May-June 2015 - Iowa Child Care Resource & Referral


May-June 2015 - Iowa Child Care Resource & Referral
May/June 2015
Education opportunities and resources for
early care and education professionals
CCR&R Child Care Home Information Workshop
Scheduling a CCR&R Information Meeting is required for all HOME providers NEW to the CCR&R system of services. In order for your
program to be referred to parents looking for child care, you must complete a FREE Child Care Information Meeting with your Child Care
Consultant! Information Meetings are now conducted one on one in your program. Learn more about state registration and how CCR&R
can support you and resources for running a successful home child care business including a free 2015 Calendar Keeper to organize record
To learn who the Child Care Consultant for your area is and schedule a meeting, please call our main office at 515-246-3590 or
1-800-722-7619 extension 3590.
ChildNet Training Series for Home Providers
• Providers must attend a Child Care Information Workshop prior to the training series.
• Providers must register for an entire series.
A More Professional You
Sept. 26
Creative Learning Spaces
Sept. 26
The Growing Child
Oct. 10
Activities for Early Learning
Oct. 10
Keeping the Peace
Oct. 24
It’s Your Business
Oct. 24
Reducing the Health Risks
Nov. 7
What’s Cooking?
Nov. 7
We All Belong
Nov. 21
Invest in Yourself
Nov. 21
Stay Connected
Does CCR&R have your email
address? Email is the fastest and most
economical way for CCR&R to
communicate with child care programs.
Please make sure your current email
address is on file. Contact Tiffany at
515-246-3590 or
9:00a-2:30p • Skiff Medical Center Inservice Room, 204 N. 4th Ave. E
ChildNet Certification
If you have any questions about ChildNet Certification or are interested in becoming certified, contact
Jessie Mireles at 515-246-3572 or 1-800-722-7619 or by email at
Training details printed in the PDC may be subject to change in the event of host location change, trainer
emergency, and/or severe weather warning. For up-to-date training postings and locations, please visit the
CCR&R website training calendar at
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool®
The Creative Curriculum is a comprehensive system that includes curriculum, assessment, implementation and evaluation, and professional
development. Note: This training is not listed as a series on the Training Registry. You must register for each class separately.
Module 1: Introducing the Framework - Setting the Stage
Module 2: How Children Develop & Learn
Module 3: Effective Learning Environment
May 2
May 2
May 2
8:00a-2:00p (all three modules) • Granger Children’s Center, 1813 Walnut St.
The Creative Curriculum™ for Infants, Toddlers and Twos
The Creative Curriculum is a comprehensive system that includes curriculum, assessment, implementation and evaluation, and
professional development.
Des Moines
Module 7: Routines
May 11
May 18
6:30-8:30p • East Side Senior Center, 1231 E. 26th St.
Module 2: Applying Child Development
Module 3: Creating a Responsive Environment
Module 4: What Children are Learning
Module 5: Caring & Teaching
April 27
May 4
May 18
June 1
May 11
6:30-8:30p • The Village, 2500 College Dr.
Quality School Age Care (Q-SAC)
This training series is intended to help orient new school-age care staff and supervisors or provide a refresher for more experienced
practitioners. The curriculum is based on best practices outlined by the National Afterschool Association (NAA). Completion of this series
will fulfill ten contact hours of training.
Building Bridges with Children and Families
Charting Your Own Course
Here’s to Your Health
Nuts and Bolts
Setting the Stage for Success
May 5
May 12
May 26
June 2
June 9
6:30-8:30p • Youth & Shelter Services, 420 Kellogg Ave.
Register online at and click on “training”
IA PITC Module Four: Culture, Family & Providers
An infant is developing a sense of who he is, where he comes from and how he is valued. Family is the most important influence in a child's
life. Providers must negotiate with parents, making decisions; respecting values, cultural perspectives, and language, to form a partnership
that supports the child.
Culture, Family & Providers
Harmonizing Cultural Diversity for Sensitive Infant Care
Responding to Families in Culturally Sensitive Ways
Protective Urges
Responsive Family and Community Relationships
May 26
June 2
June 9
June 16
June 23
6:30-8:30p • Oakwood Road Community Center, North Ed Room, 2400 Oakwood Rd.
IA PITC Module Five: Beginning Together, Caring for Infants and Toddlers
with Special Needs*
This module is designed to assist child care providers who have infants and toddlers with disabilities and other special needs in their care.
Attitudes, Access and Inclusion
When Concerns Arise
Responsive Planning
Building Relationships to Support All Children
Responsive Communication in Family & Community Relationships
May 4
May 11
May 18
May 25
June 1
6:30-8:30p • Crossroads Kids Preschool & Early Education Center, 2601 Border St., Room 105
Training participants needing to make up a missed class or classes in a series must pre-register for a
full series on the IA DHS training Registry. After submitting a request to enroll, please contact the
CCR&R staff person listed at the bottom of the Series Summary page with the sponsoring Training
Organization information to let us know which classes in the series you will attend.
Register online at and click on “training”
Planning a Safe, Healthy Learning
Participants will explore their role in play and have a chance to
engage in play experiences and practice their role.
Des Moines: Monday, May 4 • 6:30-8:30p • CCR&R at Orchard
Universal Precautions/Exposure Control Planning
Place Child Guidance Center, 808 5th Ave.
Tuesday, May 19 • 6:00-7:00p • Caterpillar
Clubhouse, 111 Main St.
Marshalltown: Contact the Iowa Rivers Red Cross office at 641753-3317 if you would like to schedule a class at
your facility
Steps to Advance Children's Physical
and Intellectual Development
PITC Graduate Network: An Indepth Look At
Respectful Caregiving
Mercy School of EMS: Education scheduling @
515-243-2584, American Red Cross: Carrie
Blackburn @ 515-243-7681, Dallas County
Hospital, Perry: Sally Swenson @ 515-465-7512
Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Training
The live Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Training is designed
to explain your role as a mandatory reporter of child abuse and
meets the Iowa Department of Human Services training
requirements. Participants who complete the training will be
certified for five years.
Wednesday, May 20 • 6:30-8:30p • Ames City
Hall, 515 Clark Ave., Room 135
Medication Administration Training for Iowa Child
Care Providers*
This professional development course is designed to address
the principles and skills needed to administer medications to
children. The course is specifically designed for personnel
working in Iowa child care businesses. The course addresses
the administration of oral medications, eye drops/ointments,
ear drops, nasal drops/sprays, rectal medications, topical
creams/ointments, nebulizer treatments and metered-dose
inhalers. A hands-on competency skills test out is included.
Saturday, June 13 • 9:00a-3:00p • Mary Greeley
Medical Center/Bessie Meyers Auditorium, 1111
Duff Ave.
Injury Prevention in Iowa Child Care
This training is designed to increase child care center and
child development home providers’ understanding of common
preventable injuries and injury prevention and risk reduction
strategies they can use to improve the health and safety of
children in their care.
Tuesday, May 12 • 6:30-8:30p • Clarke County
Development meeting room, 115 East Washington
Keeping Kids Active and Engaged
Participants will discuss the value of play in the early
childhood care and education setting. Participants will gain
an understanding of the meaning of intentional teaching and
planning as related to the process of play for young children..
You must be a PITC Graduate to attend this training. PITC
Graduates are child care professionals who have completed the
40 hour Program for Infant and Toddler Caregivers (PITC)
training. This year we welcome Polly Elam, President of
Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE), who will guide us
through what is Magda Gerber's philosophy along with
strategies for implementation while we gain insights to the
natural unfolding of the infant's development. A respectful
West DM:
Saturday, May 2 • 9:00a-4:00p • Hilton Garden
Inn, 205 South 64th St.
Celebrating Language and Literacy for Infants,
Toddlers and Twos
This training shows adults how to support language and
literacy development in young children through relationships
and intentional use of daily routine and experiences. It
provides an introduction and exploration of language and
literacy concepts and offers suggestions for planning and
preparing experiences for infants, toddlers and twos to
discover the world through language. It will guide adults to
model literacy in every day life; point out sound in the
environment; notice rhyme, rhythm, and songs; use symbols
to communicate meaning; plan experiences with print and
writing; and enjoy stories and books.
Saturday, June 6 • 8:30a-3:30p • Location TBD
Facilitating Preschool Music Education as a NonMusician
The focus of this course is to provide non-musicians with the
tools and knowledge to develop and teach music in the
preschool classroom. The course is designed to provide the
knowledge and tools for non-musician early childhood
educators to create meaningful, child-centered musical
experiences in the early childhood classroom.
Des Moines: Tuesday, June 2 • 6:30-8:30p • CCR&R at Orchard
Place Child Guidance Center, 808 5th Ave.
* Approved for NAC Renewal
Register online at and click on “training”
Observing and Recording Children’s
Positive Ways to Support Children's
Social and Emotional Development
Learning To See: Connecting Observation Skills,
Documentation, Assessment & Intentional Teaching
Every Child Counts: Building Community
Learning How to See is an in-depth exploration of the process
of observation and assessment. These modules explores how
we can learn to see with our full selves – working to
understand the cultural framework we each live in as well as
applying observation skills to real life classroom life. We will
investigate our definition and purpose for observation,
practice seeing the details of interactions, and contextualize
learning beyond discreet academic skills. This work will be
done using The Thinking LensTM. Educators will get practice
in creating observation documentation that brings the
teacher’s voice to the process and can be used in concert with
assessment tools currently in use. These big ideas will be
broken down and explored using small group work, reflectivepractice based activities, video vignettes, short writing
exercises and experiential learning components. We
understand that it is important for educators to be able to take
what they learn and use those observation skills to influence
their teaching decisions with the children they work with each
day in their programs.
West DM:
Saturday, June 27 • 9:00a-3:30p • Hilton Garden
Inn, Linden Room, 205 South 64th St.
Maintaining a Commitment to
Show Your Real COLORS
Have you ever wondered why people hear the same words, yet
receive different messages? Or why people react in different
ways to the same situation? The Real COLORS Personality
Instrument is a fun, easy, quick, and memorable way to
discover answers to these questions. Participants will gain a
better understanding of themselves and how to better
communicate with others. Participants will gain insight into
what is important to others, why they react to situations
differently than you, and how you can best communicate with
Des Moines: Tuesday, May 12 • 6:30-8:30p • CCR&R at
Orchard Place Child Guidance Center, 808 5th Ave.
Jamal seems different from the rest of the children in your
group. He usually plays by himself and when he asks to join
others in play, they usually say, "No." This professional
development program will help you learn how to bring out
nurturing, caring behaviors in children to create a community
where children support each other.You'll learn ways to help
Jamal and others like him to rise from being loners in the
group to being leaders.
Thursday, May 7 • 6:30-8:30p • ISU Boone County
Extension, 603 Story St.
Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood Foundation Training
Mr. Rogers Neighborhood Foundation Training is a 2-part, 4hour series focusing on skills needed by child care
professionals to help children recognize, understand, and
communicate their feelings and emotions in healthy, positive,
productive ways. Participants will learn and demonstrate
techniques for dealing with difficult behaviors in ways that
promote the child's positive self-image and teach the child
how to cope in day-to-day situations.
Des Moines: Wednesdays, May 13 & 20 OR June 11 & 18
6:30-8:30p • CCR&R at Orchard Place Child
Guidance Center, 808 5th Ave.
Why Not Praise? Moving From “Good Job” to
Encouraging Statements
Many early childhood professionals try to help children feel
confident by praising them, but overusing praise can actually
lower children’s self-esteem and make them more competitive
and less cooperative. Learn how encouragement is more
successul than praise at building children’s self-esteem,
motivation to work, and cooperation with others. Practice
changing your praise statements into validating, reflective
listening statements.
Iowa Falls:
Tuesday, May 5 • 6:30-8:30p • First United
Methodist Church, 619 Main St.
Strategies to Establish Productive
Relationships with Families
Project Engagement
This interactive workshop will provide participants with the
understanding of the theoretical foundation for family
engagement. Participants will explore using children's
literature to foster developing connections as well as nurture
Register online at and click on “training”
ongoing, positive relationships with the family members of the
children in their care. Participants will have the opportunity to
design and develop activities that will enhance the building of
positive relationships with family members of children in care.
Des Moines: Thursdays, May 14 & 21 • 6:30-8:30p • CCR&R at
(crafts, learning activities, literacy, container gardening basics,
and taste testing).
Thursday, May 28 • 6:30-8:30p • Dallas County
Extension Office, 28059 Fairground Rd. • $5 fee
Tuesday, May 12 • 6:30-8:30p • Warren County
Extension Office, 909 E. Second Ave. • $5 fee
Orchard Place Child Guidance Center, 808 5th Ave.
Keeping Parents Active and Involved
Participants will discuss a variety of ways to meaningfully
engage family members using a variety of skills and methods
including but not limited to informal conversation, formal
information sharing using written messaging techniques, and
the use of technology and technical devises to communicate
with families. Participants will explore ways to tune in to the
family's needs and address those needs.
Des Moines: Monday, May 11 • 6:30-8:30p • CCR&R at
Orchard Place Child Guidance Center, 808 5th Ave.
Other Iowa DHS-Approved Training
Training opportunities listed below are sponsored by community
partners (not CCR&R). To check for recent listings, click on
“Training” at
ISU Extension Presents ~ Diversity in Early Care and
Education: How Directors Can Support Staff in
Honoring Differences*
Adding chopsticks and kimonos to the dramatic play are and
making tortillas are the easy parts of honoring and respecting
diversity. This workshop will focus on how to support your
staff in honoring diversity in their work with children and
families while following the fundamental anti-bias concept of
“We are all the same; we are all different.” Take a step forward
in your own journey to being an effective anti-bias
administrator by reflecting on diverse views related to
children, child rearing, education and development.
Wednesday, May 27 • 1:00-2:30p
CACFP/CRISP Presents ~ CACFP Basics
For home day care providers. Explanation and discussion of
the Iowa CACFP agreement, serious deficiency process, new
dietary guidelines, rollover documents and policy changes.
Thursday, May 28 • 6:30-8:30p • Greenfield City
Hall, 202 S. 1st St.
ISU Extension Presents ~ Gardening with Children
Gardening promotes healthy lifestyles, early learning
experiences, social development, and environmental
stewardship among preschool children. Child care providers
will engage in experiential learning gardening activities
Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children
2015 Spring Leadership Institute – Putting the Pieces
Together: Eight Qualities of Leadership*
This institute will offer 6 hours of training credit and NAC
renewal credit will be available. Participants will attend a
morning session of 3 hours with Maurice Sykes on the eight
qualities of leadership. Following a complimentary lunch, they
will choose between one of 5 breakout sessions on the topics
of leadership in program quality, cultural competence, public
policy, professional development or personal renewal. A 90
minute session at the end of the day will focus on
implementing strategies into work/next steps to developing
their own qualities of leadership.
Saturday, May 16 • 8:30a-4:00p • Prairie Meadows
Events & Conference Center, 1 Prairie Meadows Dr.
ISU Extension Presents ~ Pint Size Science for the
Early Care & Education Professionals
This interactive classroom experience introduces participants
to the Pint Size Science (PSS) program, developed by the
Science Center of Iowa. It provides a platform to be used with
children ages 3 to 5 to explore science in a highly-engaging,
interactive, and safe manner. PSS introduces children to STEM
topics through discovery learning. Participants will also learn
how to use the materials in the PSS kits with a hands-on
approach that will engage and inspire young minds to use the
scientific process to build a better understanding of science.
Wednesday, May 13 • 6:30-8:30p • Drake
Community Library, 930 Park St
Wednesday, May 6 • 6:30-8:30p • Marion County
Extension, 210 N Iowa St.
ISU Extension Presents ~ Injury Prevention in Iowa
Child Care
This training is designed to increase child care center and
child development home providers’ understanding of common
preventable injuries and injury prevention and risk reduction
strategies they can use to improve the health and safety of
children in their care.
Thursday, May 7 • 6:30-8:30p • Dallas County
Extension Office, 28059 Fairground Rd.
Register online at and click on “training”
* Approved for NAC Renewal
ISU Extension Presents ~ ServSafe®
ServSafe® is an educational certification program for food
service managers developed by the National Restaurant
Association Educational Foundation. Topics include: Basic
Food Safety, Personal Hygiene, Cross-contamination and
Allergens, Time and Temperature, and Cleaning and
Sanitation. It is administered by ISU Extension and Outreach
nutrition and health specialists who are registered instructors.
Offered in partnership with the Iowa Restaurant Association.
Wednesday, May 27 OR June 24 OR July 22 OR
August 26 • 8:30a-5:30p • Polk County ISU
Extension Office, 1625 Adventureland Dr., Suite A •
$150 fee
Tuesday, July 14 • 9:00a-6:00p • Warren County
Extension, 909 E. Second Ave., Suite E • $150 fee
Tuesday, June 16 • 8:30a-6:00p • Story County
Extension, 220 H. Ave. • $150 fee
Urbandale: Tuesday, May 19 • 8:30a-5:30p • Urbandale
Extension Office, 10861 Douglas Ave., Suite B •
$150 fee
Thursday, October 29 • 9:00a-6:00p • Madison
County Extension & Outreach, 117 N John Wayne
Dr. • $150 fee
PLEASE NOTE: Only ServSafe
training offered through ISU
Extension and Outreach (ISUE) is
approved for training and QRS credit.
A limited number of scholarships
through the Iowa Department of
Human Services are available. Check
the Training Registry for details.
Trainings advertised by individuals
not associated with ISUE are not an
scholarships available.
CPR/First Aid
Go to or call 1-800-red-cross (7332767) to find a class or register for a course. Customer service
representatives will provide copies of certifications or answer
questions about courses. CPR/First Aid training for child care
providers must include infant, child and adult care practices.
Lou Greco, Paramedic, CPR/First Aid/AED Instructor
(American Heart Certified) willing to travel to teach classes on-site or arrange for groups and/or individuals to take
classes in their community. 515-230-5852 (please leave
a message) or email at
Des Moines: To meet your training requirement for CPR/First Aid, you
may contact one of the following vendors or utilize other
resources within the community: American Red Cross: 515243-7681 • Mercy School of Emergency Medical Services:
515-243-2584 ext. 3 • West Des Moines Emergency
Services: 515-222-3652 • Iowa Health - Des Moines
Wellness Services: 515-241-5061
American Heart Association CPR & First Aid. Monday,
May 18 • 6:15-10:00p • Drake Community Library, 930
Park St. • $50 fee
American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR. Saturday,
May 30 • 8:30-11:30a • Indianola Police Department,
110 N 1st • $25 fee
American Heart Association First Aid. Saturday, May 30 •
11:45a-2:45p • Indianola Police Department, 110 N 1st •
$15 fee
American Heart Association CPR & First Aid. Saturday,
May 2 • 8:30a-12:30p • YMCA Conference Room, 1701
S. 17th Ave. • $50 fee
National Safety Council First Aid. Saturday, June 13 •
8:30-10:30a • ISU Extension, 212 N. I St. • $10 fee
National Safety Council CPR. Saturday, June 13 • 10:45a12:15p • ISU Extension, 212 N. I St. • $30 fee
Dallas County Hospital, Perry: Sally Swenson @ 515465-7512, American Red Cross: Carrie Blackburn @
243-7681,, Iowa Health:
Wellness Services: Penny Kilen @ 241-5061 or, Mercy School of EMS: Education
Scheduling @ 243-2584 or,
WDM Emergency Services: Community CPR Program @
222-3652 or
Online Training for Mandatory Reporter Training
and Universal Precautions:
Prepare Iowa maintains a website for MCART and UP training at: IF you have difficulty accessing the
system, send an email to the Prepare Iowa-Help email address: Staff at Prepare Iowa are not resourced to
handle all help calls via the phone. Staff will respond to you as
quickly as possible. If you have limited access to emails, you can
include a phone number for a return call, but the primary Help Desk
response will be via email. Staff at DPH and DHS cannot assist with
access issues beyond confirming your provider number in
KinderTrack. All child care staff have adequate lead time to complete
this on-line, 24/7 available training. If you are newly registered or
licensed, you may need to wait a few weeks to allow time for you
KinderTrack number to be posted on the DHS website. The
provider listing is updated during the first week of the month and is
the listing that Prepare Iowa staff use to confirm that you are a child
care provider. Remember that the training must be completed in full
– do not skip over any sections.
Other Approved Online Training Opportunities
Professional Development opportunities which have been approved
by the Department of Human Services (DHS) can be found at the
following link:
.pdf The list includes training for groups, self-study, and online
opportunities. It also includes a list of training opportunities for
which the approval has expired or has been denied. Each training
approval is valid for five years, unless otherwise specified. DHS will
update the website monthly or as new opportunities are approved.
Register online at and click on “training”
Orchard Place
Child Guidance Center/CCR&R
808 5th Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50309
The Professional Development Connection (PDC) is a bi-monthly publication of Iowa Child Care Resource &
Referral for child care providers of all types in Region 4. Training details printed in the PDC may be subject to
change in the event of host location change, trainer emergency, and/or severe weather warning. For up-to-date
training postings and locations, please check the training link at Funding provided by the
Iowa Department of Human Services through the Child Care Development Fund.
Early Childhood Iowa Areas
Adair, Dallas, Madison &
Warren Counties
Janelle Peiffer
Michelle Greenough
Appanoose, Clarke, Davis,
Decatur, Lucas, Monroe &
Wayne Counties
Gina Wells
Boone & Story Counties
Cris Broshar
Deborah Wineinger
Hardin & Marshall Counties
Zoe Ann Wignall
Deborah Wineinger
Jasper, Marion & Poweshiek
Brenda O’Halloran
Mahaska & Wapello Counties
Heather Miller
Polk County
Erin Bonnichsen
Kelly Phelps
Wendy Van Haaften
Jenny Schreck
Kristie Vasey
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