Historic Settlement Belfast and Region


Historic Settlement Belfast and Region
Group for the Study of
Registration Form
Malone Lodge Hotel, Malone Road
Irish Historic Settlement
Conference fee
Student conference fee
2 nights B&B including conference dinner:
Individual sessions [Saturday/Sunday]
The Ulster Archaeological Society
£208 (single)
Conference dinner [four courses]
Annual membership fee
School of Geography, Archaeology and
Palaeoecology, QUB
+44 28 9038 8000
[Limited availability conference rate]
Annual student membership fee
Note: conference fee includes coffee and bus for fieldtrip
There are several hotels and guesthouses in the
vicinity of Malone Rd/QUB. Some examples include:
Pay online at www.irishsettlement.ie using PayPal
or by completing the following form
The Wellington Park Hotel, 21 Malone
Road . 0044 28 9038 1111
Camera Guesthouse, 44 Wellington
Park. www.cameraguesthouse.com
The Gregory Belfast, 30 Eglantine
Avenue 0044 28 9066 3454
postgraduate students to enable them to attend
Annual Conference
Malone Lodge Hotel, Belfast
8-10th May 2015
Sign up for:
Conference fee
Dinner [tick if attending—pay at conference]
Individual session — Friday/Saturday/Sunday
Membership renewal/join
Student Bursaries
The Group is offering a number of bursaries to
In association with:
Please use block capitals
the conference. Bursaries include:
Conference fee, Dinner, up to €50 travel
expenses, and one year’s membership of the
Applications to: secretary@irishsettlement.ie by 24 April.
Cheques should be made payable to GSIHS
Please return this form, together with payment to:
Dr David Fleming, Treasurer,
Dept of History, University of Limerick, Limerick
Historic Settlement
Belfast and Region
Friday, 8th May 2015
(School of Geography, Archaeology
and Palaeoecology,
Elmwood Avenue, QUB )
7.00 pm Registration and opening reception
11.00 am Coffee
Session 4
10.00 am Ruairí Ó Baoill (QUB)
Session 3
11.40 am Dr Mark Gardiner (QUB)
The character of medieval and later
10.40 am Professor Raymond Gillespie
settlement on the Antrim uplands
(Maynooth University)
Belfast 1550-1750.
12.20 am Professor Audrey Horning (QUB)
Session 1
8.00 pm Keynote speaker
Nick Brannon (Former Director of
‘If you build it, will they come?’ Exploring the ear-
ly modern town in Ulster.
1.00 pm Lunch
Built Heritage at the Environment
2.00 pm Field Trip by Bus to Ballynahatty,
An Historical Archaeology of Belfast
Nendrum and Downpatrick.
(Malone Suite, Malone Lodge Hotel)
Session 2
9.30 am Barrie Hartwell (President of
the Ulster Archaeological Society)
Ballynahatty: a prehistoric ceremonial
The search for medieval Belfast
11.40 am Professor Stephen Royle (QUB)
Belfast in the long 19th century.
12.20 pm Dr Elizabeth Thomas (QUB)
7.15 pm Reception
Sailortown, Belfast. A historical and
archaeological study of a dockland town 1800-
8.00 pm Conference Dinner
(Malone Suite, Malone Lodge Hotel)
1.00 pm Lunch
Sunday, 10 May 2015
(Malone Suite, Malone Lodge Hotel)
9.30 am Annual General Meeting of Group
10.10 am Dr Philip Macdonald (QUB)
Session 5
‘We are very proud of ourselves’. Really? Life in
and Heritage Service, Belfast).
Saturday, 9 May 2015
11.20 am Coffee
for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement
2.30 pm Field Trips
Carrickfergus Castle (by train or car)
Cranmore House (by foot)