Parking - Jasper Place CFRC


Parking - Jasper Place CFRC
J a s p e r P l a c e C h i l d a n d Fa m i l y Re s o u rc e C e n t re
West Edmonton Pa rent Link
July 2015
Issue 23
Contact us:
Jasper Place Child and
In this issue:
Early Learning
Triple P Programs
For Parents
Ongoing Services
Map & Details
Please Do Not Park in the
2 Hour “Patient Parking” that
is North of our front doors
See Page 8
Kites over Callingwood
September 5, 2015
12pm to 5 pm
Unless otherwise indicated
West Edmonton
Parent Link
16811-88 Avenue
Edmonton, AB
Callingwood Park 177 St & 69 Ave
Come out and enjoy this family event!
Phone: 780-489-2243
FREE admission
Fax: 780-483-0249
FREE music and
FREE children’s activities
FREE Kite flying and
Mark Your
Prizes and more….
Our programs
are offered
at no cost
Family Resource Centre-
sponsored by Callingwood/Lymburn Community League.
We are Closed
August 3
August 28
Early Learning Programming
Baby & You
1:30 - 3:00 PM
West Edmonton
This program offers expecting parents and parents
Beginning July 14
Parent Link
with young infants (not yet moving about) a chance
to get together. It includes activities such as
Ending August 25
scrapbooking & crafts, Health for Two, rhymes and
LaPerle Site
#29,9606-180 St.
songs. Share and receive information and resources.
Come out and make this your program!
*This program is unable to accommodate older siblings
No need to register, just drop-in
At some point over the summer the Baby n You program will be
moving from our LaPerle site to our Main site, located behind the Misericordia
Hospital. Please watch Facebook for the date - or call for more information.
NEW! Once we are at our Main site we are very excited
to be able to accommodate older siblings!
Are you expecting a baby?
Health for Two
is a prenatal nutrition program offering pregnant women
information, support, milk coupons, and prenatal vitamins.
Drop-in Tuesdays,
July 14 — August 25
to Baby and You at our LaPerle Site
#29, 9606-180 Street
until the move to our main site (see above note)
1:30-3:00 PM
Or call 780-489-2243 to make an appointment to see a
Health for Two Provider
Early Learning Programming
Dates Times
Stay n Play
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
West Edmonton
An interactive playtime for parents/caregivers and Beginning July 14
Parent Link
their children birth to five years.
Main Site
Ending August 27
No need to register, just drop-in!
16811-88 Ave
The Butterfly Song (Tune to Up on the housetop)
First comes a butterfly and lays an egg.
Oh, Oh, Oh wait and see
Out comes a caterpillar with many legs.
Oh, Oh, Oh wait and see
Oh see the caterpillar spin and spin,
Out of the chrysalis, my oh my
A little chrysalis to sleep in
Out comes a pretty butterfly!
Support for Young Parents
Do you reside in West Edmonton?
Are you under 25 years of age, and pregnant or parenting?
The TALKS Program is for you!
Teen (and beyond) parents Achieving Life-long Knowledge and Success
Information, support and resources
Labour and delivery
Please call the TALKS program Family Support worker Tammy Downes at:
780-489-2243 ext. 234
Call About Fun,
Free Summer Fieldtrips!
(food/bus tickets/entry fees)
For Parents and Caregivers
Dates Times
Triple P Group
This series of workshops offers suggestions and
Tuesdays and Thursdays
West Edmonton
July 14, 16, 21 & 23
Parent Link
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
16811 - 88 Ave
ideas on positive parenting to help you promote
Main Site
your child’s development, in an aim to make
parenting easier. Parents will leave this set of four
group sessions with a customized parenting plan
followed by four weeks of one to one
(no childcare available)
Call 780-489-2243 to register
Blueberry Cheesecake Popsicles
Makes: Twelve 4 oz. popsicles
Ingredients for the cheesecake section:
3 cups yogurt
3 oz. cream cheese
3/4 cup crushed graham crackers
1/3 cup honey
2 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Sing a song of Sunshine
(Tune: “Sing a Song of Sixpence”)
Dice up the cream cheese into small chunks, and whisk into the yogurt
until smooth.
Add the graham crackers, honey, lemon juice, and vanilla, and stir.
Ingredients for the blueberry section:
2 cups blueberries (frozen or fresh)
3 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice
Sing a song of sunshine,
Summer’s here at last!
Flowers in the garden,
Tell us spring is past,
Picnics in the country,
Swimming in the sea,
Holidays are happy days,
So sing this song with me!
In a blender, puree the blueberries, honey, and lemon juice.
To assemble the popsicles:
Spoon 3 tablespoons of the yogurt mixture into Dixie cups and freeze for 30 minutes. Then spoon in 3 tablespoons
of the blueberry mixture, insert wooden popsicle sticks, and freeze for another 30 minutes. Then add another 3 tablespoons of the yogurt mixture and freeze until the popsicles are cured, at least 4 hours, but preferably overnight.
For further information, please refer to the website: recipes/blueberrycheesecake-popsicle/
Balancing Fun Safety and Risk
Learning a new sport or activity is not only about keeping safe and avoiding injuries.
Learning a new sport or activity involves failing, avoiding serious risks and dealing
with minor injuries.
When we create an environment where children have no risks, they may not be able
to identify what risk actually looks like. Adults get carried away when they make play
spaces as safe as possible, but not as safe as necessary, as this places limits on the
environment’s learning potential for children.
It is important that we always balance risk with equipment that is safe, a safe
environment and appropriate supervision depending on a child’s age. For instance
children can physically learn to ride a bike at an early age, but they do not understand
the risks associated with riding in traffic until they are between the ages of 10-14.
Children need to learn what can and cannot be debated with regard to safety. If you
want to ride a bike or play a contact sport, wearing a helmet is not an issue to be
argued or debated about. There are certain activities in which you must wear a
helmet in order to take part in the activity. Ultimately what kids need to develop is
physical literacy or the ability to be comfortable, competent and confident in their
abilities. Physical literacy becomes much more difficult when we attempt to eliminate
all of the potential risks associated with a specific activity. All of us need to be
provided with the opportunity to learn from our mistakes, as this is how life is naturally
experienced. Ultimately we need to create safe environments that enable our children
to gain confidence by mastering physical skills.
For further information, please refer to “apple” Magazine, Fall, 2013/Issue 11
A l o n g w i t h r e g u l a r p r o g r a m m i n g We s t E d m o n t o n P a r e n t
are some other ser vices we offer.
Link also offers Families a range of ongoing ser vices
H e a l t h f o r Tw o
We c a n Fo o d B a s ke t
Offers prenatal information, support, milk
coupons & prenatal vitamins to pregnant
women with limited resources. Health for
Two is a Canadian Prenatal Nutrition
A city wide food buying cooperative.
Members can buy fresh meat and produce
at a savings of 20% or more off the regular
grocery prices. Pick your groceries up right
here at West Edmonton Parent Link.
(A Full order is $25.00 with a membership fee of $5.00)
B r e a d D ay
Donated bread from Bon Ton
Bakery and Cob’s Bakery can be
picked up in our main lobby
Mondays & Tuesdays.
Ages and Stages
Are you interested in how your
child is developing?
Ask one of the Parent Link staff for
an Ages & Stages Questionnaire to
Car seat installation
Available after June 22/15
Have questions about safely using
your child’s car seat?
Make an appointment with one of
our trained car seat technicians to
Clothing Exchange
ensure that your seat is installed
Families are welcome to help themselves
anytime to gently used clothing. Donate
clothing that no longer fits your children
to the exchange.
(sizes newborn to 6 years)
Call 780-489-2243 for more information on any of these services
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Become a Fan!
West Edmonton Parent Link is on
Keep updated on events and programming.
Search us under
Jasper Place Child and Family Resource Centre-Parent Link
Parent Link Staff will be out and about over the summer
Be sure to check Facebook daily for locations and times!
Thanks to all of you who have supported our Parent Link Center over the past 8
(plus) years. ...meeting you and your families has been a rewarding journey. Your
feedback has been very helpful, We especially thank you for filling out the many
surveys .
Thanks to all the “grandmas” who helped bag the bread on Monday Mornings. It
meant a lot!
Your ideas are always welcome - and while we may not be able to
accommodate each and everyone, we do value your opinions.
Thanks Again, and Have a Great Summer!
Sincerely, Your Parent Link Staff
Parking and parking passes
When attending programs during day time hours here at our main site, it is necessary to obtain a parking
pass. The pass must be displayed on the front dash of your vehicle.
To park in areas other than those marked with the arrows, (see map) you do run the risk of getting a
parking ticket.
If you will be attending an ongoing Parent Link program you will be given a pass that will last the duration of the program.
Bussing– the #113 bus stops on 88 Ave and 168 St.
We are located in the main Floor of the Cabrini Centre which is a tower behind the Misericordia Hospital