Latest Bulletin -


Latest Bulletin -
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
5 July 2015
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
Weekday Masses
Monday 9.15am
St Maria Goretti (Martyr)
Yorkshire Brethren
Tuesday 7.00pm
Mass Rosary and Benediction
Deceased Members of the SVP
Wednesday 9.15am
Audrey Booth
Thursday 9.15am
Virginia Rushton
Friday 9.15am
In honour of St Teresa
Our Lady of Lourdes
Russian Orthodox Liturgy
5.00 - 5.30pm
Oratory/Our Lady of Lourdes
Mass in the Extraordinary
5.30 - 6.00pm
Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament, Rosary and
Vigil Mass
Sunday Masses
Parish Mass Book - 103
St Urban’s
Our Lady of Lourdes
May and Peter
People of the Parish
Joe Rouse
6.30 - 7.00pm
Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament, Rosary and
November Dead List
Sacrament of Confirmation
Would anyone eligible (13 years and over)
and wanting to receive this Sacrament let me
know by giving your name and contact details. I would be willing to commit my time
and ability to help prepare you.
St Urban’s Church Grove Lane LS6 4AQ Our Lady of Lourdes 130 Cardigan Road LS6 3BJ
St Jeanne Jugan Presbytery 2 Moor Park Drive Leeds LS6 4BX Tel 0113 225 9751
Website: Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity 24909
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
Activities and Events
Items for the bulletin need to be with
Father by 10.00am Thursdays.
Please remember the sick of our
Parish in your prayers:
Veronica Fleming, Bernadette Fozzard,
Marian Blake, Carmel Waterhouse,
Bridie O’Connoll, David and Kath Hinks.
Children’s Liturgy - During 10.30 Mass
at St Urban’s / Reception - Children years
Parents and Toddlers Playgroup
Every Monday (except during school
holidays) at Parochial Hall Memorial Drive
9.30 - 11.15 am.
SVP Meetings
Monday 13 and 27 July at 7.00pm
Prayer Group
Weds 8 July at 10.00am at 11 Moor
Drive LS6 4BY Tel: 0113 2758852
Over 55s
Thurs 9 July (fortnightly) - 1.30 - 3.45pm
at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Centre Whist and Bingo Admission £1
Parents’ Prayers - St Urbans
First Sunday of every month at 10.15am at
the Icon of Our Lady and Child to pray for
parents, children and grandchildren.
Assertiveness for Parents - There are
a few places left on this short course for
Mums and Dads at Hinsley Hall next term.
The course helps parents learn skills to
avoid both aggression and passivity and
instead to be firm, friendly and respectful
with our children and with others. Thursday evenings starting September. Call
Breda 07761715101 for more information.
Catholic Care warmly invite you to the
Official Opening of Francis House on 17th
July 2015, 78 Hollybank Road, Bradford
BD7 4QL. This new Children’s Home offers short term/respite care to children/
young people, across the Diocese, with
learning disabilities,. Call 0113 388 5400
or e mail or visit
5 July 2015
If you wish to use the Church Meeting Room, please make sure you enter the
details in the diary in the church porch
Urgent help needed to keep St Urbans Church clean
If you have not already offered your help, please think about it and if you can
squeeze in an hour or two a week that would be great. It is our church and we
should be looking after it. Please let Father Michael know if you can help.
Plainchant Group Last meeting until after the summer break Sunday 12 July 9.30am St
Parish festival to celebrate the feast day of St Jeanne Jugan
Sunday 13 September Noon – 4pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Hall on Cardigan
Road in Headingley. Hog roast, bar, bouncy castle, attractions for all the family
including a display of birds of prey, cake stall, tombolas and a raffle. Donations of
raffle prizes, bottles for the adult’s tombola and cakes (homemade or shop
bought to be brought on the day) would be greatly appreciated. Donations can
be brought to any Sunday Mass and given to Phil Ward (St Urban’s) or Dean
Francis (Our Lady of Lourdes). Entry on the day is £1 per person (£5 max for
families). Additional charge for the hot pork sandwiches. Vegetarian food will also
be available. Mark your Diaries!!
Aged 18-39? Need a weekend of peace and prayer? The young adults of the
parish are going on retreat to Ampleforth Abbey from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th July. For
more details, speak to Mark Chatwood, our MC, after Mass, on 07828 859 321, or email
Sea Sunday - 12 July - Apostleship of the Sea supporting seafarers worldwide. Please
see the video clip and thank you for your donations.
Reparation Pilgrimage to Osmotherly Saturday 18 July. See Poster on notice board.
Please also note that regular all-night Vigils of Reparation are held at St Mary’s, Horsforth
on the 12th of each month.
Parish Safeguarding Representative. Dean Francis is the Parish Safeguarding
Representative. We all have a responsibility for safeguarding the most vulnerable
members of the parish. If you are thinking of starting a group that involves children or
vulnerable adults and you want advice on safeguarding, or if you already run such a group
and you want to ensure you are following the correct procedures, please contact Dean on
07760 287581.
Offertory Collection 27 and 28 June £812. Thank you.
Thank you to those who came - an enjoyable and informative visit was made to Adel’s
Norman St John’s Church. No meetings in July and August. Recommence 29 September
at 10.30am.
St Urban’s Church Grove Lane LS6 4AQ Our Lady of Lourdes 130 Cardigan Road LS6 3BJ
St Jeanne Jugan Presbytery 2 Moor Park Drive Leeds LS6 4BX Tel 0113 225 9751
Website: Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity 24909
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
St Urban’s Church Grove Lane LS6 4AQ Our Lady of Lourdes 130 Cardigan Road LS6 3BJ
St Jeanne Jugan Presbytery 2 Moor Park Drive Leeds LS6 4BX Tel 0113 225 9751
Website: Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity 24909
5 July 2015
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
St Urban’s Church Grove Lane LS6 4AQ Our Lady of Lourdes 130 Cardigan Road LS6 3BJ
St Jeanne Jugan Presbytery 2 Moor Park Drive Leeds LS6 4BX Tel 0113 225 9751
Website: Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity 24909
5 July 2015