May 09 -
May 09 -
WONDERLAND AT CITY PARK SOUTH BOARD OF DIR-ECTORS MEETING MaY 5' 2009 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm. Anna Navarro and Linda Rogers were thc Board members present. Representing Association and Community Management \lere Melissa Keithly and Ruth Smith. Melissa announced that Kat Middleton has resigned ftom the Board. MINUTES The minutes from the Febmary 3, 2009 mccting were reviewed by the Board. Anna moved to approve the minutcs. Linda seconded the motion. The motion passcd unanimously. FINANCIAI REPORT Melissa rcvicwed the financial statements through May 2, 2009. She explained a feu' of the line items and what they covcrcd. Melissa announced the money from the CD is being held and the Board agreed to deposit the funds into a money market account to eam at least a sn'lall amount of interest. The insurance claim was paid for the sp nkler break and thc homeowner responsible will be billed for thc deductible. The operating budget did not include funds to repair the gates, however the hydraulic boxes continuc to fail and are expensivc. lhe Board agreed to look into the cost to install locks on the gates that will bc rekeyed to match the other HOA locks. Melissa covered ilems both undcr and over budget. There have been no transfers to Reserves to date. Melissa pointcd out a $17.000 budget eror due to a faulty formula calculation was discovercd by ACM in March. Anna reminded Melissato be sure to communicatc crrors like this one to the Board as soon as possible. Arma requestcd the outside lights not be on during the day so tllat electricity bill can be reduced. The Board requested posting thc utility costs in the newsletter to remind owners to reduce usage. Linda suggcstcd the owners be advised to expect a 25 percent increase in dues next ycar. MEMBERSHIP REPORT Melissa announced thrcc homeowners received past due notices for dues. OLD BUSINESS Dlevator Maintcnance - The elevator maintenancc will be watched closely in the future will be meeting rith Melissa when the next rcpairs are and the lead maintenance person neeoeo, Roof ReprirVMaintetrance Proposal Revicw A roofleak was discovcred in 1560. Melissa stressed thc need for a roofmaintenance program. CRW was recommended to do prevention measures but Anna questioned the wording in their bid about disposal of the removed n1aterial, Mclissa agreed to check on this point u,i1h the contractor. Linda moved to approve the CRW contract in the amount of $1250 Annually, pending the information about the removal of the material to the HOA dumpsters. Anna secondcd the motion. The rnotion passed unanimously, Cleaning Comprtry - The Board expressed satisfaction with the present clcaning comP:rny. NEW BUSINESS Landscapc Proposal lleYiew - The Board discussed existing problems with the prcscnt contractor, Tree Hill. New bids wcre $1,000 less for maintenance but Tree Flill will be asked to reduce his price to be competitive and continue service. Mclissa will get a bid for lake grass in thc back courlyard. The Board permitted Melissa to spend up to $500 for more mulch in the flor, beds. Thc Board agreed to tablc a decision about thc courtyard and only redistribute thc cxisting mulch instcad ofadding more. Pigeon Proposal Rcvicw fermin-x submitted a proposal inthe amount of$695.00+ $75.00 per month to put out bait, install spikes and put down sticky tape to dcter the pigeons, l,inda moved to hirc Tcrmirl-x for pigeon removal. Anna scconded the motion. Thc motion passed unanimously. PNinting Proposal Revicw - The bid submirted *,as for repainting the individual deck will be placed in the newslctter to doors at the homeowncr's expense. An announcement see ifany homeowners are interestcd. Vendor: Refinish Wooden Entry Doors Stellar $5,000.00 $500,00 Per Door Homestead Precision s2,000.00 $290.00 Per Dool $2,300.00 $230.00 Por Door Cost To Refinish French Doors Off the Decks and Balcony's I' $400.00 Repaint Exhaust Pipe behind 1560 Touch up Railing, Stairs, Gates EstimatEd Material Costs $310.00 $150.00 This company bid one pric€ to repaint allmeta 6irig ground level. slairs $50.00 $75.00 il,2oo.oo 3 Gallona Paint $t,6oo.oo $250.00 2 p€r This price is based on This pn@ is based on rime guys 2 days prep prm€ a.d mate.ialal S40 O0 per and painl al $45 00 hour nol to exceed 40 Repaint All Railing, Gate, Stairway Ground Level and Exhaust behind 1560 Paint Balcony Railings 03,800.00 $45o.Oo Each Unit 9265.00 Each Unat $i4O.OO Each Unir Fire Sprinkler Proposal 2010 Review - Melissa will send the rccommcnded changes to Wonderland to see ifthey will pay this expensc. The changes involve annual preventative mailltenancc to the fire sprinkler system so another leak docs not occur. Srvingle Tree Care Proposal Review - Linda volunteered to water the trees that don't Melissau'ill find out where the outside water sourcc is. The contract isforaphidsoil injcction for the trees in liont ofthe buildings. Anna moved to accept the S*'ingle contract. Linda seconded the motion. l hc motior passed unnimously have a drip syslem. FiDc Schcdule - Thc Board agreed fines should be asscsscd for the remaining propane tanks kept by o$ncrs. The fines lvill be $25 for the first finc and $50 for the second fine. It was also agreed to fine owners whose dogs continue to use the courtyard. Mclissawill see ifthe lock can be changed on the store room door. ADJOURNMI]N1' 'l'he meeti[g was adjourned at 8:03 pm. OPEN FORIJM There rere no homcormers present for Open Forum. tA ',/