201512016 Chincse ()ovcrn mcnt Scholarship Application


201512016 Chincse ()ovcrn mcnt Scholarship Application
Chincse()ovcrnmcnt ScholarshipApplication
The 201512016Chinese(iovctnnrcutScholarshipis now open for application.Online
applicationand the correspondingapplicatit>nckrcumcntsshould be submittcdto applioation
receiving agencyno later than Apr:il l*t,2015. Iror rnore information, pleaserefer to
Eligibilify: To be eligible, applicantsnrust
- be a citizen of a country otherthan thc Pcoplc'sRcpr"rblic
of China, and be in good health.
- be a high schoolgradr"rate
underthc agc of 25 when applying for undcrgraduatcprograms;
- be a bachelor'sdegreeholderundcrthc agcof 35 whcn applyingfor mastcr'sprograms;
- be a master'sdegreeholderundcr thc agc of 40 whcn applying for doctolal programs;
- be under the age of 45 and have complctcdat lcasttwo ycars of undcrgraduatcstudy when
applyingfor genlral scholarprograms;
- be a masteL'sdegreeholder or an associatcplofcssor (or above)under thc age of 50 when
applyingfor serrioischolarprograms.
Application I)ocumcnts(in duplicatc)
(in Chinescor linglish)
a) Applicationlrorm for Chinesc(iovcrnmcntScholar:ship
b) Notarized highest diploma (photocopy): Prospeotivediploma winners musl submit
so / )
official proof of studentstatusby thcir currcntschool.Documcntsin languagcsotherthan
Chineseor linglish must bc attachcdwith notarizcdChincscor lJnglishtranslations.
other than Chineseor linglish mr-rstbe
Academic transcripts:Transcriptsin languragcs
attachedwith notarizedChineseor Iurglishlranslations.
A Study Plan or ResearchProposaliri Chineseor English. (A rninimum of 200 worclsfor
500 words for non-dcgreestudents,and 800 words for postgraduates.)
Recommendationlettels: Applicants for graduateprograms or scnior scholarprogralns
must submit two letters of recommcndationin Chinese ol linglisl-r fiom profcssorsor
are reclucstccl
to submit a CD of thcil own works. Applioants
Applicantsfor musio str"rdies
for fine afls programsmust submit a Cl) of their own works which inclr-rdetwo skctchcs,
two color paintingsand two othcr rvod<s
thc valid documentsof theirlcgal guardians
Applicantsunderthe agcof 18 shoulclsurbmit
in China.
Applicantsplanningto stay in China lor morc than 6 months must subrnita photocopyof
the ForeignerPhysicalExaminationl?ormcompletedin lrnglish (thc original copy should
be kept by tlie applicant.The forn-rdcsigncdby the Chincse quarantineauthoritycan be
d o w n l o a d e d f r o m h t t p/ /: w w w .c s c . c r l u .c n / l a i h u a r o l h t l p : / / w w w .c a L m p u s c l r ionrag. ) .
The physicalexaminationsmust covcr all 1he itcms listed in the IroreignerPhysical
Examination['orm. Incomplctc rccolclsor thosc without thc signatureof the attending
physician,the official stampof thc hospitalor a scalcdphotographof the applicantsalc
invalid. Plcascsclectthc appropriatctinro to take physicalcxaminationas thc rcsult is
valid for only 6 months.
Applicants with Admission Lcttcr firinr clcsignalcdunivelsitics should enclosc1heletter
in the applicationpackage.
Applicantswith valid HSI{ Certificateshouidcncloseit in the applicationpackagc.
NOT'E: Thc abovc documentsshoulclbc bounclou top lci'1 corncl (in clLrplicatc).
applicationdocumcntsivill bc rcltLluccl.
Hrt, *i&{tn[K4frt?
Instructions of the CSC Online Application System for International Students
Step 1: Visit http://www.csc.edu.cnllaihua
or www.campuschina.org
andclick "Application
Onlinefor InternationalStudents".
Step 2: Read "Tipsfor onlineapplication" carefullybeforeclicking "NEXT" to the registration
pageStep 3: After registration,log in with yollr usernameandpassword.ChooseChineseGovernment
Scholarshipasyour scholarship
type unlessyou areapplyingfor otherCooperationProgram
Step 4: Fill in the correctAgency Number. An AgencyNumberrepresents
a specificapplication
receivingagency.lt is listedin the first blank underthe "PERSONALDATA". Pleasemakesure
you fill it in correctly,otherwiseyou will not be ableto continueyour onlineapplicationor yollr
applicationwill not be accepted.
Your "Agency Number" is 8403.
Step 5: Fill in the Online Application Form truly, correctlyand completelyfollowing the steps
listedon the left of the page.
Applicantsare requiredto selecta disciplinebeforechoosingtheir majors.Pleaserefbr to the
DisciplinesIndex, which could be downloadedlrom Help, if you have any doubt about the
Step 6: Click Previewandcheckyour Application Form carefullybeforesubmittingit. Click
Confirmationof Submitto submityour Application Form.
Step 7: Downloadthe completedApplication Form by clickingDownloadApplicationandprint
two hardcopies.
Step 8: Prepareothersupporlingdocumentsas requiredandsendthe full packageof application
documents(in duplicate)to the dispatchingar.rthorities.
Step 9: You canmakechangesto your applicationby clicking RetrieveApplicationon the left of
the page.But makesureto submitit againby clickingConfirmationof Submitafterfinishingall
the changes.Otherwise,the retrievedapplicationwill becomeinvalid andyour new application
will not be receivedeither.
Pleaseuse Internet Explorer (6.0 or 7.0). Menu selectionfunctions may not work in
other browsers.
Only Chineseand English are acceptedfor the online application.