NE WS Up Through Endless Ranks of Angels
NE WS Up Through Endless Ranks of Angels
Jesus prayed, ‘Holy Father, protect them in your name that you have given .me, so that they may be one, as we are one (John 17.11) Almighty God, your blessed Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, ascended far above all heavens that he might fill all things: mercifully give us faith to trust that, as he promised, he abides with us on earth until the end of time; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever Amen Ministry Rosters 7th Sunday of Easter 17 May 15 LA (Hillary Cook/Leann Cooper) Day of Pentecost 24 May 15 LA (Thelma Burnett/Lin Robins) Sidesperson (Serventy Family/Chris Robins) Sidesperson (Ken Ogilby/Leann Cooper) Morning Tea: Irene Daryl McGuirk Morning Tea: Gwen Ryan Reading: Acts 1.1-11 (Roland Serventy/Margaret Grubb) Psalm 1(p.224 APBA) 1 John 5.9-13 (Phillip Serventy/Kathy Payne) John 17.6-19 Reading: Acts 2.1-21 (Jane Elkington/Mary Raycraft) Psalm 104(p.330 APBA) Romans 8..22-27 (Hillary Cook/Jane Davies) John 15.26-27;16.4b-15 Next Thursday 21 May 15 Acts 22.30 & 23.6-11 Psalm 16.1-6 (p.234APBA) John 17,20-26 Next Thursday 28 May 15 Sirach 42.15-25 Psalm 33.1-8 (p.252APBA) Mark 10.46-52 Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: In the Diocese we pray for: Parish of Claremont, Peter Boyland and people Archbishop Roger Herft, Bishop Tom Wilmot and Bishop Jeremy James, Kate Wilmot (Bp elect) In the Province we pray for: Frederick Irwin Anglican School, Principal, Head of Primay, Chaplain, staff and students, Diocese of Bunbury Greenough Regional Prison Chaplaincy, Diocese of North West Australia In the Anglican Church we pray for: Primate of Australia, Archbishop Philip Freier In the Anglican Communion we pray for: Diocese of Eldoret, Bishop Christopher Rutto, clergy and people Archbishop Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury good this week’s NEWS 7th Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Ascension) 17 May 2015 Up Through Endless Ranks of Angels Up through endless ranks of angels, cries of triumph in his ears, to his heavenly throne ascending, having vanquished all their fears, Christ looks down upon his faithful, leaving them in happy tears. Death-destroying, life-restoring, proven equal to our need, now for us before the Father as our brother intercede: flesh that for our world was wounded, living, for the wounded plead. To our lives of wanton wandering send your promised Spirit-Guide, through our lives of fear and failure with your power and love abide: welcome us, as you were welcomed, to an endless Eastertide. Alleluia, alleluia, oh, to breathe the Spirit's grace! Alleluia, alleluia, oh, to see the Father's face! Alleluia, alleluia, oh, to feel the Son's embrace! — Jaroslav Vajda, © 1974 Augsburg Publishing House. Posted on the 7th Sunday of Easter PARISH LEADERSHIP TEAM Fr John Ward, 9293 4300/0400 452 426 WARDENS Bev Downing (Treasurer) 9359 1848/0488 510 452 Leann Cooper (Secretary) 9293 0629/0417 954 018 Noel Porter 9291 0880/0497 576 469 CHURCH COUNCIL Thelma Burnett Stuart Fairbairn Leslie Peterson Christine Pritchard Mary Raycraft Peter Stewart St Barnabas Op Shop Monday—Saturday 9.00-11.30am StBarnabasKalamunda Sermon podcast St Barnabas, Kalamunda - church among the trees Celebration of Sport Featuring Justin Langer along with Perth’s leading Sports men & women. St Mary’s Cathedral, Sunday 17th May 2.45pm for a 3.00pm start. ROSTER TIME. Hi all, Time has come again. I will doing the roster for June and July. Please let me know if there are any Sundays you will NOT be available. If your not on the roster and are interested in helping out, the Rostered duties include: Reading Sidespersons (Welcomers) Flowers Cleaning Polishing the Brass Sacristan. Setting up for Sunday Worship. There is also a Gardening roster run by Noel Porter. Dutties are to keep the grounds in good order, especially the paths clear of debris (gumnuts) Blessings Bev Introducing … Midweek Evening Eucharist 6.00pm, Wednesdays This service is offered to everyone, particularly those who are unable to their usual Sunday worship. Come, Taste & See NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF PARISHIONERS 11.00am Sun 7th June 2015 Important Dates: 24th May Reports due Notification of General Business close 31 May Nominations close for Church: Wardens, Church Council, Auditor, Synod Representatives, Synod Alternate, Nominators of Clergy New 2015-2017 electoral Roll . Every three years the Worshipping Community Electoral Roll is renewed. To assist the renewal process, pre-filled enrolment forms are available with your convenience. Simple ensure the details are correct, then sign, date and return. (note the forms are on the back of the Parish Directory Letter) Parish Directory We are using the re-enrolment process to update our records and seek permission to have your contact details included in a Parish directory. This directory will be available as a printed booklet. PDF versions of this booklet will be available on request. It will not be available on the Website. PRAYERS PLEASE: Please include the following names in your daily prayers. It is not possible to give full details here and if you wish to help in other ways please to the referring person (in brackets) For those affected by earthquake (Nepal) & flood (NSW) and the effects of global warming. For those persecuted for their faith For Healing & Recovery. Eddie (Lin & Chris Robin) David & Hillary Edwards, Juan & Derek Rector, Ruth (Josephine Morgan) Beverley, Grace, Helen (Christine Pritchard) Barbara (Tina Mackay) Peter Stewart Linda O’Neil (Tessa) Irene McGuirk Peray, Narelle, Lesley (Alice Lang) Tim & Terry Valery Prayer Chain Requests : Hilary (9291 9230) Diocesan News. New Assistant Bishop. The Revd Kate Wilmot, Rector of Bayswater is Prayer of the Week to be consecrated Bishop on 6 August 2015. God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Vale Revd Tony Trethowan. The Reverend Tony Trethowan died on 6 May only Saviour, the Prince of Peace: give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great danger 2015. Tony's funeral will take place at St George's Cathedral, 10.00pm, Tuesday 19 May. we are in by our divisions. Take away all prejudice and pride, and whatever else may Tony was deaconed in Perth in 1991 and hinder true harmony, for there is only one ordained priest in 1992. He served in the Parishes of Westfield, Canning, Wongan Hills- Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Gather of us all. Grant that we may glorify Dalwallinu, Roleystone and Mt your name together that the world may Pleasant. Please pray for Tony's children, believe in you. Amen Elena, Chris and Alistair and their families. On This Week 7th Sunday of Easter, 17 May 8.00am Said Eucharist 9.30am Sung Eucharist 2.45pm Celebration of Sport St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth Monday 18 May Tuesday, 19 May 9.30-11.30am Barney’s Playgroup (Hall) 9.30-11.30am KYB Ladies Group, 10 Seaton Court, Guildford 12.00 - 1.00pm Pilgrim Bible Study (Playgroup) 1.00-3.00pm Kalamunda St Barnabas Circle Dancers (Hall) Wednesday, 20 May 9.30-11.30am KYB 31 Anthony Street, Lesmurdie. 12.45-2.45pm Our Studio in the Hills. (Hall) 7.00pm Mid Week Evening Eucharist 7.00pm Choir Practice Thursday, 21 May 9.30am Eucharist 7.30pm Pilgrim Study 3.The Commandments 5 Farrant Rd, Gooseberry Hill Friday, 22 May Fr John’s Day Off 9.00-11.00am Coffee Time 1.30pm Patchwork and Quilting Group Saturday 23 May Pentecost Sunday, 24 May 8.00am Said Eucharist 9.30am Sung Eucharist & baptism of Hunter Nottle. In Memory Daisy Hartley 19 May 2002 Sarah Morgan 21 May 2007 Reg Owen 21 May 2014 Jaimie Payne 19 May To put something in this weeks Good News or for more information e-mail