Sponsor Packet - The Gamma Pi Alumni Association


Sponsor Packet - The Gamma Pi Alumni Association
Gamma Pi Alumni Association
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity,
2015 Gamma Pi Alumni Association Reunion
April 10, 2015
The Refuge Golf Course
2100 Refuge Blvd
Flowood, MS 39232
| Page 2
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Letter of Introduction
Marino “The Godfather” Casem
History of Kappa Alpha Psi
History of Gamma Pi Alumni Chapter
History of Gamma Pi Alumni Association
Sponsorship Levels
Sponsorship Agreement
Gamma Pi Alumni Association is a 501 C(3) Non-Profit Organization
**Online registration available at www.gammapinupes.org**
| Page3
The Gamma Pi Alumni Association is hosting the 2nd Annual Marino Casem
Scholarship Golf Tournament on April 10, 2015. The tournament will be held at
the Refuge Golf Course, 2100 Refuge Blvd, Flowood, MS 39232.
All proceeds from the golf tournament will go directly to the Gamma Pi
Alumni Associations Endowed Scholarship fund for Alcorn State University. As
we prepare for the golf tournament, we are asking for your assistance in making
this event a tremendous success. We are seeking your support through sponsorship
levels, and/or by donating merchandise from your company. Your donation is
vitally important to our success, and is graciously appreciated by the Gamma Pi
Alumni Association, and the students of Alcorn State University.
The Gamma Pi Alumni Association requests your confirmed response of
participation in the golf tournament by April 3, 2015. Your response is necessarily
essential for planning, publishing and advertising deadlines. We also request your
contribution be dated before April 10, 2015.
If you have any questions, concerns or require additional information
regarding tournament sponsorship, please contact the 2nd Annual Marino Casem
Scholarship Golf Tournament Coordinator, Hank Harper: Cell: 601-750-7660 and
Email: Hyyyspeed@hotmail.com
Please forward correspondence to:
Hank Harper
Hank Harper
Tournament Director
Gamma Pi Alumni Associations
Attn: Hank Harper
P.O. Box 1016
Jackson, MS 39286
| Page 4
Marino “The Godfather” Casem
Marino “The Godfather” Casem is a former American football coach and
athletic administrator. He served as the head football coach at Alabama State
University, Alcorn State University and Southern University. During Casem’s
tenure, Alcorn State won seven Southwestern Athletic Conference (“SWAC”)
football championships and seven Black College National Championships. In
1984, Casem led Alcorn State to a perfect 9-0 regular season. The team was ranked
No. 1 in the final NCAA Division I-AA poll, the first time a black college had ever
finished the regular football season in that position. Casem compiled a record of
139-70-8 (86-48-7 in the SWAC), making him the all-time winninest coach in
Alcorn State history.
As Alcorn State’s Athletic Director, Casem also oversaw 13 regular season
men’s basketball titles and 3 regular season women’s basketball championships. In
1979, Alcorn State’s men’s basketball team became the first historically black
university to capture a win in the National Invitational Tournament (NIT). Casem
has been inducted into the SWAC Hall of Fame, Alcorn State Hall of Honor, and
Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame, and has received the National Football
Foundation Outstanding Contribution to Amateur Football Award and the Football
Writers Association Citation of Honor.
Coach Marino Casem
| Page 5
History of Kappa Alpha Psi
KAPPA ALPHA PSI, a college Fraternity, now comprised of functioning
Undergraduate and Alumni Chapters on major campuses and in cities throughout
the country, is the crystallization of a dream. It is the beautiful realization of a
vision shared commonly by the late Revered Founders: Elder Watson Diggs, John
Milton Lee, Byron K. Armstrong, Guy Levis Grant, Ezra D. Alexander, Henry T.
Asher, Marcus P. Blakemore, Paul W. Caine, Edward G. Irvin and George W.
It was the vision of these astute men that enabled them in the school year
1910-11, more specifically the night of January 5, 1911, on the campus of Indiana
University at Bloomington, Indiana, to sow the seed of a fraternal tree whose fruit
is available, to and now enjoyed by, college men everywhere, regardless of their
color, religion or national origin. It is a fact of which KAPPA ALPHA PSI is justly
proud that the Constitution has never contained any clause which either excluded
or suggested the exclusion of a man from membership merely because of his color,
creed or national origin. The Constitution of KAPPA ALPHA PSI is predicated
upon, and dedicated to, the principles of achievement through a truly democratic
Chartered and incorporated originally under the laws of the State of Indiana
as Kappa Alpha Nu on May 15, 1911, the name was changed to KAPPA ALPHA
PSI on a resolution offered and adopted at the Grand Chapter in December 1914.
This change became effective April 15, 1915, on a proclamation by the then Grand
Polemarch, Elder Watson Diggs.
| Page 6
History of Gamma Pi Alumni Chapter
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, under the leadership of Brother Elder Watson
Diggs, was founded on the campus of Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana,
on January 11, 1911. Kappa Alpha Psi is the crystallization of a Dream. The
purpose of Kappa Alpha Psi is Achievement. Because of the high ideals of Kappa,
membership in the Fraternity has spread rapidly from campus to campus, city to
city, and country to country throughout the world.
The Gamma Pi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi was established at Alcorn
State University on April 9, 1949. The charter members of Gamma Pi
Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi are John C. Berry, Sidney S. Boose, Charles
Carter, Jonnie Gilmore, Osber Hicks, Charles E. H. Hunter, John H.
Jefferson, Emridge Jones, Needham Jones, Roscoe S. Pickett, Claude H.
Pinkney, Patrick H. Robinson, Edward Steele, Grover Ulmer, and Riley
 To unite college men of culture, patriotism, and honor in a bond of fraternity
 To encourage honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor
 To promote the spiritual, social, intellectual and moral welfare of its
 To assist the aims and purposes of colleges and universities
 To inspire service in the public interest
| Page7
Gamma Pi Alumni Association
Brief History
Over the years, Kappa Alpha Psi Incorporated, Gamma Pi Chapter Fraternity Line
Brothers, and other Brothers in the Bond; have traditionally joined together to conduct annual
reunions and social gatherings, at select locations throughout the United States, to celebrate their
love of Kappa Alpha Psi, Gamma Pi, and Alcorn State University. In 2008, Gamma Pi Brothers
gathered and officially organized the first annual reunion for ALL Brothers of the Gamma Pi
origin. Throughout this monumentous occasion, Gamma Pi Brothers agreed to consolidate
resources to celebrate their beloved Gamma Pi Chapter, and to reconnect Brothers from each
chapter’s pledge year. During this occasion, Brothers agreed to reach out and unify ALL Gamma
Pi Brothers, and to consolidate necessary resources to establish a scholarship fund for
undergraduate Brothers attending Alcorn State University. In the Fall of 2008, seventeen
Brothers met at the Hilton Hotel in Jackson, Mississippi, to establish a Non-Profit 501C-3
Organizational tax exemption status to provide an endowed scholarship fund for undergraduate
Gamma Pi Brothers attending Alcorn State University. During this meeting the “Gamma Pi
Alumni Association” was founded.
The Gamma Pi Alumni Association was founded to support undergraduate Brothers at
Alcorn State University, and to provide community service support to those in need within
underserved and underrepresented communities. On May 1 - 3, 2009, the first official annual
Gamma Pi Alumni Association reunion was held at the Clarion Hotel in Jackson, Mississippi.
The reunion featured a, formal banquet/business meeting and the highlight of the affair was
Kappa Alpha Psi Incorporated 31st Grand Polemarch, Brother Dwayne Murray as the guest
speaker. The available services and accommodations consisted of tours of the City of Jackson,
Mississippi, a trip and tour of the Alcorn State University Campus, social activities, and religious
Throughout the Gamma Pi Alumni Association’s annual reunions, Brothers have joined
together in fellowship to celebrate their love of Kappa Alpha Psi, Gamma Pi, and Alcorn State
University. Brothers have established a successful endowed scholarship fund at Alcorn State
University; Brothers have joined together to establish a successful Marino Casem Scholarship
Golf Tournament; Brothers have conducted invaluable community service which lead to feeding
the homeless and hungry within the City of Jackson; Distant Brothers have reunited and
reconnected; and Brothers have provided funds to support undergraduate members at Alcorn
State University.
The future of the Gamma Pi Alumni Association is bright, and as we move forward
throughout the 21st Century, the desire to achieve and the drive to excel will continue to be the
foundation of this Brotherhood.
| Page8
Sponsorship Levels
EAGLE SPONSOR___________________________________________$3500
• Eight Individual Playing Spots
• Commemorative Gift
• Tournament Golf Shirts
• Goody bag for each player
• One Hole Sign 24”x18”
• Recognition at Awards Luncheon
BIRDIE SPONSOR___________________________________________$2500
• Four Individual Playing Spots
• Commemorative Gift
• Tournament Golf Shirts
• Goody bag for each player
• One Hole Sign 24”x18”
• Recognition at Awards Luncheon
PAR SPONSOR______________________________________________$1500
• Four Individual Playing Spots
• Commemorative Gift
• Goody bag for each player
• One Hole Sign 24”x18”
• Recognition at Awards Luncheon
PUTTING GREEN SPONSOR_________________________________$300
• One Individual Player Spot
• Commemorative Gift
• Goody Bag
• One hole Sign 12”x12”
• Recognition at Awards Luncheon
TEE SPONSOR______________________________________________$100
• One Corporate Signage-Name and Logo
• One hole Sign 12”x12”
• Recognition at Awards Luncheon
| Page 9
Sponsorship Agreement
Please complete contact information requirements below and check the required box for
sponsorship level preferred in support of the 2nd Marino Casem Scholarship Golf Tournament to
be held on April 10, 2015. Upon completion of sponsorship agreement, please mail completed
form along with payment to the address listed at the bottom the sponsorship agreement. Upon
receipt of completed agreement form and payment, the Gamma Pi Alumni Association will
contact you to obtain a digital format of your company logo, and to obtain other pertinent
information required to fulfill your sponsorship commitment.
Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Sponsorship Level:
Eagle Sponsor - $3500
Birdie Sponsor - $2500
Par Sponsor - $1500
Putting Green Sponsor - $300
Tee Sponsor - $100
Sponsorship Amount: $______________
Make checks or money order (PayPal) payable to:
Gamma Pi Alumni Association
P.O. Box 1016
Jackson, MS 39286
Gamma Pi Alumni Association is a 501 C(3) Non-Profit Organization
**Online registration available at www.gammapinupes.org**
Gamma Pi Alumni Association
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity,
2015 Gamma Pi Alumni Association Reunion
April 10, 2015
The Refuge Golf Course
2100 Refuge Blvd
Flowood, MS 39232