June 2015 - United Benefice of Kirklington, Burneston, Wath & Pickhill


June 2015 - United Benefice of Kirklington, Burneston, Wath & Pickhill
Kirklington, Burneston, Wath & Pickhill Parish Newsletter
June 2015
Can you help? Burneston School would like
a date for this photo. Do you recognise anyone?
(see below for more details)
Please send all copy to Church Hill Cottage, Pickhill, Thirsk, N. Yorkshire YO7 4JW.
Send copy via e mail to dg.hopper@btinternet.com or ring 01845 567462. All copy must
be received by 5pm on 16th of the month. If dates are for early in the month please try to
publish in the preceding month. Village Life accepts for publication articles and letters
in good faith: however views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those
of the editor of Village Life.
Parish website : www.kbwp.org for Village Life on line
Please note the next edition will cover July AND August. Please send any news for this
edition by 15 June and also any events for early September. Thank you GH
5 June
5 June
9 June
10 June
11 June
13 June
16 June
18 June
24 June
Burneston Community Coffee Morning change of venue
Antiques Evening Samwaies Hall 7pm
B & C W.I. An outing
Sinderby Over 60s Whist Village Hall 2pm
Swaleside W.I. The Terry (Chocolate) Family Sinderby VH 7.30
Coffee Morning, Prospect House, Carthorpe in aid of St Lambert’s
Quiet Morning Pickhill Church cancelled
Craft Coffee n Cake Sinderby VH
Sinderby Over 60s Lunch
7 July
8 July
4 July
17 July
18 July
22 July
25 July
25 July
5 Aug
11 Aug
20 Aug
29 Aug
18 Sept
18 Nov
B & C W.I. Garden Party
Sinderby Over 60s Village Outing
Wath Street Fair
Swaleside W.I. Garden Party (no meeting in August)
Burneston & Carthorpe Show Burneston School 2pm
Sinderby Over 60s Dominoes Village Hall 2pm
Kirklington & Sutton Howgrave Village Show
Fundraiser :Live Music from 50s, 60s & 70s
Sinderby Over 60s Whist in Village Hall 2pm
B & C W.I. Flower Arranging
Sinderby Over 60s Cruise on River Tyne
Church on Show at the Wensleydale Show
Quiz Night & Fish ‘n Chip Supper Sinderby VH 7.30pm
North Country Theatre “Gift of Stones” Kirklington Village Hall
How to contact us:
The Rectory, Kirklington, Bedale DL8 2NJ Tel: 01845 567429 also see below
for churchwarden contact numbers and further details. For Melmerby &
Carthorpe Chapels Revd Kathleen Wood 4 Burrill Rd, Bedale DL8 1ET Tel:
01677 424486 For the RC Church, Ripon, Mgr. Philip Holroyd, St Wilfrid’s
Church, Coltsgate Hill HG4 2AB Tel : 01765 279263.
(For services see back pages or www.kbwp.org)
All Saints, Pickhill
10 May
Sonny Luis Cunningham- Hayes
St Mary’s, Wath
17 May
Rupert George Hedley
All Saints, Pickhill
17 May
Peter David Mickle
Isabel Jonie Cooke and Polly Ann Welton
All Saints, Pickhill
24 May
Olivia Zara Kirby
St Mary’s, Wath
Imogen-Grace Victoria Mortiboy
All Saints, Pickhill
15 May
Daniel Georgeson & Debbie Fothergill
St Mary’s, Wath
7 May
Gwenyth Winifred Walker
The time between one vicar leaving and the next one taking up the post is called
the interregnum. During this time the churchwardens have the responsibility of
running the parish and booking visiting clergy and lay readers to take services.
It is hoped to retain the current rota of services. In August, as last year, there will
be just one United Communion service each Sunday to allow parishioners to
travel to the other churches and maintain our links.
The churchwardens are also here to help in any way they can should you wish to
speak to anyone in confidence.
If you wish to have a wedding, baptism or funeral in one of our churches simply
get in touch with the appropriate churchwarden.
During the interregnum the Rectory will be manned twice per week. Telephone
messages can be left at the Rectory and these will be picked up on Tuesday and
Thursday morning each week and your call returned.
Churchwarden Contact numbers:
Kirklington Derrick Potter 01765 640237 Derrick.Potter@potterlogistics.co.uk
Jonathan Craddock 01854 567466
Burneston Gina Curtis
01677 425575
Arthur Barker
01677 988643
Pauline Aldous
01765 641255
Jane Bastow
01765 640365
Chris Robson
01845 567909
Glyn Hopper
01845 567462
Rectory Telephone number
01845 567429
You are cordially invited to attend the licensing of Revd Ruth Hind as Canon
Evangelist in Ripon Cathedral at 3.30pm on 28 June. All are welcome to attend.
FIVE LOAVES 15 June 7.00pm
We start with a shared meal at 7.00pm and a discussion on a wide range of topics
beginning at 8.00pm. Some people join us at 8.00pm just for the discussion. All
are welcome. Ring Meri on 01765 640949 for further details or to arrange a lift to
the meeting.
ST WILFRID LECTURES 2015 11 June “Does the panel think…”
The very Revd John Dobson, Dean of Ripon, chairs a panel discussion
This year the lectures will discuss the many issues close to the heart of rural
communities. They are held in the Cathedral at 7.30pm
Saturday 25th April the North Yorkshire and Cleveland Branch of the Yorkshire
Association of Change Ringers held their annual striking competition at
Kirklington.11 bands took part. Ringing started at 10am and finished at 12.45.The
winners of the Sunday Service contest were Ripon and the fun contest were
Swainby B.
Kirklington entered a band in the fun competition coming 5th out of 6.Tim Willis
was complemented by the judge for his steady rhythm ringing the tenor bell
(heaviest bell). Elaine McDonald, who has been learning just over a year, rang in
her first competition. Lunch was provided by the local ringers in Kirklington Village
Hall. Thanks to all those who helped with lunch, donated food and entered into the
spirit of the event by competing.
This traditional Dales Show attracts thousands of visitors every year and offers a
wonderful opportunity for the Dales churches to engage in mission. This year the
Deanery, in partnership with our friends from the Methodist Church, are offering
free refreshments and a pick-up point for lost children. We will be putting on an
exhibition based on the theme of Lost and Found. Do come along to support us.
This month we hear from Elaine Williams
of Melmerby. I was born and raised in
Halifax and when I was 16 my dad, who was
a toffee boiler, found a job at John Farrah’s
in Harrogate so I went to work at the Milk
Marketing Board on the switchboard. Here I
made lots of friends and one of them took
me to Darley Memorial Hall to the Saturday
night dance where I met my husband. We
married in 1965 and set up home in
Oatlands where we lived for 9 years. I had
several jobs in the first 6 years of married
life but my main aim was always to give up
work, I hated working for other people and
being told what to do, so I was very pleased
to hand my notice in and be a mom. Neil
was born in 1970 and Helen came along 2
years later. We tried fostering for a few
years but gave it up when I found I was having Katie and she was born in 1980.
By now we had moved house and after 6 years moved again to house needing
work and we had a 10-year plan in mind, after 20 years it was about finished!
During the 20 years of doing the house up I decided to take in foreign students
and over a 23-year period we had in excess of 400 boys and girls passing
through. Some were wonderful some not so wonderful but all of them tried
unsuccessfully to teach me their language. I had managed to avoid going out to
work and made a tidy sum so all was well, and if I decide to write a book on
hosting it will be entertaining to say the least. During these 23 years I also became
interested in showing produce at local shows and eventually became a W.I. judge.
I was also active in the Guiding Movement and for many years helped to run a
Brownie pack, when I see any of these girls (who are now around 40) they still call
me Tawny! Our daughters got married and our son went to London then we were
alone again; so we went rural and moved to Melmerby where we embraced village
life, taking part in several fund raising events. Katie and her husband then came to
live in Melmerby and Neil finished with the rat race and came home for 3 weeks 6 years ago!. Now Helen, her husband and 3 children are coming back from
Australia to live in Sinderby. Full circle as they say. Whilst I was still taking in the
students I started a small catering business, which I run from home, I am still busy
with this and enjoy it immensely probably because I am my own boss!
My Favourite :
TV Show
Who makes me laugh
My luxury on a desert island would be
Katherine by Anya Seton
Downton Abbey
St Ives in Cornwall
How great thou art
Peter Kay
Bear Grylls
Please note details of BOOK SALE in Sinderby Village Hall (see below)
Derrick Potter
01765 640237
Jonathan Craddock 01845 567466
(see page 4 for further details)
CONGRATULATIONS to Charlotte Hullah on completing her PGCE in Design &
Technology in Secondary Education at Sunderland University. Also in gaining
your first teaching post at The Joseph Rowntree School, York. All your hard work
has paid off and we wish you all the best in your career. Love Mum and Dad x
To book the hall call 01845 567033. Kitchen facilities. Reasonable rates
Each Tues 9.30am with Sarah Biker £5 per class (£4
Zumba fitness class
Each Tuesday 6.45pm-7.45pm. £3.00 per class with
no pre booking required.
Art Group(new day&time) Each Wednesday evening 6.30pm – 9pm
New members welcome from all the villages in the
In aid of the Village Hall refurbishment project. Live music from local band The
Black Marcs covering songs from the past 50 years including Van Morrison, The
Beatles, Stevie Wonder, The Killers, Oasis, Kings of Leon and more. Cash bar. £8
07762253236 traceyturney@yahoo.com
Have you ever wanted to paint but never found the time to start? Join us at the
Kirklington Art Group. We are a friendly, self -tutoring group of all abilities who
meet once per week in the Village Hall on Wednesday evenings from 6.30 -9pm.
Currently our members come from Carthorpe, Kirklington, Pickhill and Nosterfield.
We pay £30 a quarter to cover the hire of the hall and refreshments. Any
remaining funds are used to pay visiting artists for demonstrations. Please come
along for a free evening to talk to us, get advice about materials or start your first
painting. You will be warmly welcomed and we look forward to seeing you.
Pauline Aldous
01765 641255
Jane Bastow
01765 640365
(see page 4 for further details)
To book the Village Hall please contact Mrs J Frost on 01765 640075.
Melmerby Play & Pre-School : (see advert on page 2 )
Melmerby Youth Club : Tuesday 7 – 9 pm Contact Julian Watson (01765
640334) or John Hunt (01423 863227) for details or just come along and enjoy
Melmerby Carpet Bowls New members welcome. Tuition given and bowls
provided with two free “starter sessions” before joining. Season subscriptions are
£5 membership plus £2 per session. We meet on Thursdays 7.30 – 9.30pm
More details : Peter Richardson 01765 640472
Advance notice : Wath Street Fair will be on Saturday July 4th.
Available for hire.
Phone 07514226855 or 01765 641255 if there has been no quick reply.
Or see our website : www.samwaieshall.co.uk
Legs, bums & tums Thursday 7 – 7.45pm For more details contact Marilyn
Broad on 01765 640303
EVENING OF ANTIQUES Friday 5 June 7pm Samwaies Hall, Wath
Join Linda and Chris Handby of Crowsnest Antiques, Pateley Bridge, for an
evening of antique jewellery, objets d'art and other collectibles. If you wish, bring
your own piece(s) for display and discussion. Linda and Chris will be joined by
Joyce and Keith Henderson, who will be displaying their own modern jewellery.
There will be opportunities for purchases so remember your wallets and purses.
Drinks will be available from the bar. Tickets just £5, including canapes and
nibbles, from David Williams, David Aldous, Helen Blythe, Ann Hankinson, Julie
Nicholson, Shirley Hare, Carole Stone. Phone: David Williams 01765 640352 or
David Aldous 01765 641255 or 07514226855. (Personal items brought at own
AN EVENING OF PAMPERING The George at Wath Friday 12th June
Raising funds for Saint Michael's Hospice. £5 entry to include a glass of Prosecco
and nibbles. Everyone welcome.
Gina Curtis
01677 425575
Arthur Barker
01677 988643
(see page 4 for further details)
For further details or to hire contact 01845 567702
Wednesday Coffee Morning 10.30 -12 noon. Come along for coffee, cake and
a chat. All are welcome.
Friday Youth Club Held fortnightly from 7 – 8.30pm For ages 8+. Snooker, table
football & table tennis, crafts, games, baking, DVDs. For more details call Lorna
01845 565113, Mary 01845 567702 or Andrew 01677 470248
Tues-Get-Together : Meeting in the Community Hall on the 1st Tuesday of each
month at 2pm. New members are always welcome.
B & C W.I. meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.15pm. On 9 June
there will be an outing and on 7 July it will be the annual Garden Party. The
August meeting will be flower arranging . For more information contact Ellen
Dunkley on 01845 577329.
BURNESTON COFFEE MORNING 5 June change of venue this month
Coffee morning to be held at High Park Farm, Newton le Willows. Transport will
be available, please meet at the Woodman at 10.30 prompt. Ring Doris on 01677
424455 for further information or if you wish to attend.
Prospect House, Carthorpe.
Funds in aid of St Lambert’s Burneston Churchyard.
CHURCH at Burneston School on 25th July at 7.30 pm for an evening with
The Heritage Boys (theheritageboys.co.uk). Listen to music from the 50s, 60s
and 70s played live. Join in the lyrics, dance to the numbers and enjoy a tasty
Tickets £10 to include supper and a glass of wine.
More information and bookings from Linda Jude 01677 423834.
An old photo album was found in Burneston School but there were no dates on
any of the photographs. Some may be of a grandparent. You may even
recognise yourself on the front cover. There may be a great- great- grandparent
in the picture below. If you have any information about these photos or to see the
others in the album please contact the school.
Grandparents Lunch: We continue with our theme of finding out about the past
with our grandparents lunch. It was lovely to see so many grandparents joining us
for lunch on April 28th. We had 28 in total and they were very complimentary about
their lunch. Many memories of school dinners in the past were shared and it is
good to know that school lunches taste a lot better now than they did then. Eating
from a plastic tray was also another source of amusement. If grandparents were
unable to join us on this occasion – we anticipate that inviting grandparents to
lunch will become a regular event.
Writing Competition: Well done to Morgan Smith who has reached the last 3000
competitors in a national short story-writing competition organised by Radio 2. We
are keeping our fingers crossed that he will progress further and will provide
updates through our newsletter.
Pupil Reports!
Owls and Kites’ visit to York Railway Museum: On April 27th we went to York
Railway Museum to see George Stevenson’s Rocket because we are learning
about transport. My group saw a Mallard first. Next we saw a diesel. I liked the
Queen’s train because I found out that her two favourite colours are red and gold.
In the afternoon we saw a full Hornby set and we watched a Punch and Judy
show in a carriage. At the end of the day I was very tired because I had so much
fun! Written by Max and Stanley.
Gymnastics Success: On Thursday 4th May, We (Izzy C, Ruby, Nia and Bobby)
went to Richmond to compete in the Y3/4 Gymnastics finals. We competed
against 6 schools and came 4th. We tried hard and enjoyed ourselves. Hopefully
we will do this again next year. Written by Nia and Ruby
Our forthcoming events include:
Friday 5 June - FOBS Family Pizza and Bingo Night - 6.30pm - 8.30pm - at
school - £5.00 per person to include bingo book and pizza, drinks available on the
evening, tickets available at school or on the evening – All Welcome!
Friday 12 June - FOBS Film Club – 3.15pm – 5.00pm - Night at the Museum Secret of the Tomb
Friday 26th June - FOBS Summer School Disco - 5.30pm - 7.00pm - £3.00 per
child entry on the door. Hot dogs and tuck shop drinks and snacks are available to
purchase on the evening
Friday 3rd July - FOBS Film Club – 3.15pm – 5.00pm
Update on past events
Our Bags 2 school collection took place at the end of April making £120.
Cake Stall Thirsk Market - Saturday 2 May Many thanks to all those who baked
cake, labelled and priced, loaned tables and stood in the freezing cold at Thirsk
market! The cake stall made a grand total of £157.41 which will go towards the
Wildlife area at school!
BURNESTON and CARTHORPE SHOW 18 July Burneston School 2pm
Plans are being made for the 2015 Burneston and Carthorpe Show and the
committee would welcome new members! The last few years have seen a good
amount of entries and some very high standards and we are anxious to build on
this. Anyone able to help, or who requires more information, please telephone Liz
on 01845 567204
Glyn Hopper
01845 567462 or
Chris Robson
01845 567909 or
pjgrobson@hotmail.com (see also p.4)
All Saints Church 100 club : The May winner was Sue Birt with no. 69
Church Flowers: 6 14 June Elaine Huffinley 21 28 June, 5 July Kelly Rafferty
ANNUAL PICKHILL DUCK RACE 2015 The winner was Mrs Doreen Stead with
number 60 (who has kindly donated her prize to the church – thank you) and the
Last Duck Home was won by Mrs Towers with number 388. Congratulations and
thank to all who supported this event. Always appreciated.
Some Duck Race history …. Sue Curry and her late husband started the Duck
Race in 1995. For the first three years they hired the ducks but in 1998 they
found a manufacturer who made them for just 11p per duck. Sue’s brother, who
lived near the manufacturer collected the ducks to save on delivery charges as
one thousand yellow plastic ducks were purchased. Those same ducks are still in
use today. We are so very grateful to Sue for allowing us to use “her” ducks.
Long may the tradition of an annual duck race continue.
COFFEE AND GAMES MORNING Thurs 25 June 10am – 12noon
This monthly coffee and games morning in church is on the last Thursday of each
month. If you would like to come along to play scrabble, dominoes or cards, meet
up with a few friends for a chat or simply come along for a tea or coffee then you
would be most welcome. At 12 noon there will be a short service of Holy
Communion but you are under no obligation to stay for this service. The idea is to
offer a meeting place in the village for those who may not get out so much and
also for those who would just like to meet up for a change and meet new people.
All ages welcome. If you are interested or would like further details please
contact Angela Cunningham on 567389. Paul Huffinley is willing to offer a lift to
the Coffee Morning if you find it difficult to get there. Ring Paul Huffinley on
The children are really enjoying this term’s topic of Victorians. We were very
grateful to Derek Hopper of Pickhill who came to talk to the children and gave a
very interesting talk about the history of Pickhill. This was followed by a walk
around the village to identify the different areas that were talked about.
Everyone is very busy sorting out their costume for the end of term play ‘Oliver’.
However, we will all get to wear it before the performance as a special trip to
Beamish has been arranged. The children will experience what it would have
been like to be taught in Victorian times! They will also play games of that era and
visit the mine and the village.
On the afternoon of Thursday 7th May the children took part in a skipping
workshop by ‘Skipping4schools led by the coach George Kuto. They thoroughly
enjoyed learning new skipping moves including ‘The River Dance’, ‘The Sky Dive’
and ‘Double Dutch’. They also got an opportunity to display their newly learnt skills
in an assembly at the end of the day. They are now going to develop these skills
with a series of skipping challenges throughout the rest of this term. Every Friday
afternoon playtime is a ‘skipping only’ time so we will be more than ready for the
next skipping day of yet more challenges in the autumn term.
FOPS would like to thank everyone who attended the Easter Eggstravanganza
and who helped with the event. It raised more than £800, which will go towards
school trips and other activities. There were many winners on the day - teacher
Miss Rachelle Leech won £50 on the Easter lottery card, as did Sarah from
Sinderby. Others won prizes such as a £25 voucher for the Black Lion in Thirsk, a
haircut at Watkins Wright in Thirsk, an MOT at Busby Stoop, Tesco vouchers,
pamper vouchers, a slow cooker, perfume and Easter eggs. The children enjoyed
themselves on the bouncy castle, pony rides and egg hunt and they took part in
Easter games and crafts. There were many superb entries in the Easter bonnet
and egg decorating competitions. (See also page 14 for Strawberry Fair details)
For details or to make a booking call Jim on 01845 567376
Swaleside W.I. meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7.30pm On 11 June
Glennis Whyte will give a talk on “The House that was built on love and chocolate
– the story of the Terry Family” and on 17 July it will be the annual Garden Party.
There is no meeting in August. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME.
Contact Pat Quinn (567566) or Elaine Fay (565008) for more details.
The Over 60s 2pm fortnightly. The 10 June meeting will be Whist and on
24 June there will be a lunch at Moto, Leeming Bar. The Village Trip will be 8 July
with Dominoes on 22 July and Whist on 5 August. It is hoped to have a Cruise
along the River Tyne on 20 August. All members should contact Joyce to
book a place for the outings. Meetings with a speaker or an outing are
open to non-members of all ages Contact Joyce (567342) for details. NEW
MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. We have a varied programme including
speakers, lunches and outings. Contact Joyce Barningham (567342) for further
Yoga classes are held twice weekly on Monday evening from 7.15 – 8.45pm and
Tuesday morning 10.30am – 12 noon. New members always welcome. Contact
Diana on 07940704432 for more details.
CRAFT COFFEE N CAKE at Sinderby Village Hall 18 June 7.30pm
Come along for a craft and a natter. Try something new or bring your own project.
£2 per session and unlimited tea/coffee and homemade treats. For more
information please ring Suzanne 01845 565348. Please note: if you have always
intended to come along and haven’t then please do so. If the number of
participants don’t improve then this could unfortunately be our last session.
BOOK SALE at Sinderby Village Hall
The books in the large right hand cupboard in the hall are available to everyone.
The sale of these books has netted to date around the £75 mark in a matter of
months! A big thank you to the 'Over 60s' group who seem to be the biggest
users. If anyone would like books when the hall is not open then please call
Suzanne, 01845 565348 or Pat, 01845 567566 and one of us will gladly open up
for you.
QUIZ NIGHT with FISH & CHIP SUPPER Friday 18 Sept. 7.30pm V H
The fish & chip supper is provided by the marvellous Garners. There will also be
a raffle. As before start time is 7.30 pm, teams of no more than six people and
please purchase your tickets of £8.50 prior to the event from Elaine Fay 565008. I
hope we can make this fund raiser for Sinderby Village Hall as successful as last
years and don't forget to bring your own drinks.
Friends of Pickhill School would like to invite you to the Strawberry Fair 2015
Pickhill Beer Festival
to be held on the village green from 12.30pm. In conjunction with Hambilton Ales
and Rudgate brewery we are incorporating a beer festival into the already jam
packed schedule of activities.
As well as the beer there will be:
bouncy castles, tug of war, pony rides, bbq, bar, stalls, welly tossing,
Snowy's Strawberry Gin, music. There will also be a NEW golf challenge.
These activities this year should keep you amused for hours on end! We are
hoping to keep the party going on into the night this year, with plenty to keep the
children busy all day, this is the unmissable day of the year.
This annual event has a great reputation for being an awesome day out for the
whole family.
All proceeds to Pickhill School.
We look forward to seeing you on the 4th July. Put it in the diary now!