Sunday, 29 March at 7.30pm, Killearn Village Hall


Sunday, 29 March at 7.30pm, Killearn Village Hall
The Making of Hebrides – Islands on the Edge – an evening behind the scenes with wildlife filmmakers.
Sunday, 29 March at 7.30pm, Killearn Village Hall
Nigel Pope and Jackie Savery, producers of the award-winning BBC
Scotland series Hebrides – Islands on the Edge, will provide an
amazing insight into the making of the series with film excerpts and a
range of fascinating stories.
From Mull to St Kilda, the team have been filming the best of Scottish
wildlife for more than four years, and masterminding everything from
Killearn. During this entertaining evening, they will reveal the stories
behind filming seals, eagles, puffins and basking sharks, as well as
spectacles like the Corryvreckan whirlpool and the West Coast’s
underwater world.
There will also be the chance to see some sneak previews of their new
forthcoming series Highlands – Scotland's Wild Heart (which may even feature a few shots of Killearn!).
Tickets priced at £5 (includes a cup of coffee/tea or glass of wine at the interval)
are available from Three Sisters Bake or on the night.
Three Sisters Bake will also be open for early evening meals, pre film. Call to book a table on 01360 550116.
Any profit from the evening will go to UNICEF, the United Nation’s children’s charity.
Positions Vacant
The Killearn Hoolie was initiated to bring more
community activity to the village – bringing a sense of
togetherness and tapping into the huge potential of ideas,
energy and enterprise in the local population. The next
Hoolie is due to take place in June 2016, but to enable
this wonderful village event to happen, the committee of
volunteers need a new Chairperson and Treasurer. The
format is established, and people now know what the
Killearn Hoolie is all about, so much of the hard work
has already been done. It would be a shame for such a
popular and fun event to come to a halt.
If you think you would like to get involved and help steer
the Killearn Hoolie towards 2016, then please do not
hesitate, get in touch! Planning for this event normally
begins in the September, so it would be great to have
someone in place for both positions by August 2015.
If you are interested or have any questions,
please contact Jennifer Brown
as soon as possible.