High Times March 2015


High Times March 2015
High Times Spring 2015
It has been a great term with lots going
on. Congratulations to the Year 8 cohort who I
watched graduate this week with a Level 1 BTEC in
Teamwork, Personal Skills and Citizenship. I know
they have benefited hugely from the Schools
Partnership Project they have participated in over
the last term. It has had a significant impact on the
confidence and self-esteem.
The Ski Trip was a great success and thanks go to
Mrs Green and to the other staff who accompanied
her. The students had a fantastic time and came
back with many stories to tell. There have been
numerous sporting events this term showing great
commitment from students and continued
dedication by staff in organising and supporting
these events. The students’ achievements speak
for themselves in the Sports News section.
I am sure those of you who, like myself, saw the
production of Alice in Sunderland in January will
agree that the Year 10 Drama classes supported
by Mr Mainwaring put on superb performances.
Last month I was very proud to accompany two
teams to our first Rotary Youth Speaks
competition. Both teams did really well competing
against experienced public speakers from KES,
Shottery and Shipston Schools.
This week I was thrilled to visit the first event
organised by our newly formed Cluster Numeracy
Mr Richmond, our Head of Maths
organised a fantastic range of activities for Year 5
and 6 children from our feeder primaries. I was
delighted to receive an email only hours after the
event finished to let me know that the Year 7 KHS
students who supported the event were a credit to
themselves and the school. Comments from the
Year 6 students included ‘I really enjoyed it, the
fact there were different schools there was fun,
there weren't too many, it was just right. The pupils
at KHS were kind and helpful, they made it fun for
us.’ ‘It was good fun and quite challenging.’ ‘It was
exciting, a fun way to do maths.'
The Friends of Kineton continue to work hard
organising events such as last week’s quiz which
raised £462 and the forthcoming Fashion Show.
They provide invaluable resources to the school
through their fund raising, so if you are able to
support these events you will be helping to make a
difference and enhancing students experiences at
Kineton. They have recently purchased handball
and dodgeball equipment with the help of a
successful bid from the Parish Council. They are
always looking for new members so if you would
like to know more about how to get involved please
email friends@kinetonhighschool.org.uk.
Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students are very busy
preparing for their exams this summer and I know
that with continued application and effective
revision they can all achieve their personal best.
We will do all we can at school to support and
encourage them over the next couple of months.
I would like to end by thanking staff and students
for your hard work and commitment this term and
thanking parents and carers and members of the
Kineton Community for your support and wish you
all Happy Easter.
Mrs Robson
House News
The Race 2015
House Points
Interhouse competitions are a regular part of life at
Kineton High. This term saw the return of The
Race – an indoor athletics competition run in break
and lunch times. Many congratulations to the
winners this time round Adl/JST and well done to
all the participants who came along to represent
their form groups – a very exciting and hotly
contested event – you could probably hear the
cheers resounding round the sports hall.
The House Competition continues to be tight, with
the inclusion of Progress Points and House Points
the totals at the moment are:
Yet to be included are all the results of the
competitions being held across the year but the
House quiz results are as follows:
House Points by Form
Student Leadership
Abby Legget and Nicole Birch for Drama
Abby and Nicole have taken responsibility for
leading groups of students in KS3 and KS4. They
have helped coach students in performance
development and given support and advice to the
students’ they have worked with. They have also
involved themselves in assisting with productions
for the various open evenings we have had at KS3
and KS4. They have been inspirational in their
approach to helping students as well as taking
responsibility for the planning and running of small
group sessions.
Sixth Form Charity Fundraising
It seems a long time ago now but an amazing effort
was put in by all the turkeys (sorry sixth formers) to
raise a fantastic £6440 in the annual charity
bonanza during the final weeks before Christmas.
It takes a lot of planning, organisation and effort
and all while the students are in the midst of
lessons, revision and of course university and
college applications.
On Friday the 14th December, they hosted their
annual Charity Auction to raise money for four
chosen charities: UNICEF, Clic Sargent, WNAA
and Macmillan Cancer Support. The team had
worked extremely hard gathering lots ranging from
4 tickets to Stratford Butterfly Farm to a 4×4 Land
Rover experience and overall they raised over
£1,200 on the auction alone. The night consisted of
alternating rounds of a quiz devised by Ellen
Turner and Emily Ward and the auction was led by
our auctioneer Steven Bruce. All the team worked
extremely hard to make the night a success and we
would like to give special thanks to all the
companies and contacts that donated lots for the
The Charity Show is definitely the highlight of the
year for any sixth former. Whether they took part in
the show, helped make the set, worked backstage,
worked on the tech or helped run the show on the
day all the sixth formers took part in one way or
another. This year the show was based upon a
group of turkeys who before Christmas steal the
Christmas dinner in order to save themselves. A
huge well done to all those that performed you
were all brilliant. Although rehearsals were intense
and had some ups and downs, everyone pulled
together and worked as a team and made the show
fantastic. Arguably their best performance and the
one they enjoyed the most had to be the Tuesday
evening performance which was open to the public.
The crowd were ecstatic and the performers fed
from this energy
everything they
you to all those
who came along
on the Tuesday
evening and to
all students who
bought tickets for
the charity show
on the Friday.
You all made it
worthwhile and
the sixth form
raised a huge
money for our
And of course
the Charity Week events were also a great
success, each break and lunch the hall was filled
with excited students getting into the spirit of
Charity Week. Some of the most successful
events during the week were the Wheel of
Misfortune and Strictly Come Dancing, which saw
members of the sixth form as well as the teachers
all joining in to raise as much money as possible.
Other events included Stars in their Eyes (both
student and teacher editions), The Teacher Rap
Battle, Gladiators, Miss World and Would I Lie to
You? The sixth form worked well as a team to
organise each event which all managed to raise
around £150-£200 each!
Year on year our Kineton sixth formers raise
incredible amounts of money for charity. The
commitment and effort involved is exceptional and
we are incredibly proud of them.
Youth Speaks
On Wednesday 25th February I was immensely
proud to watch two teams from Kineton take part in
a Rotary Youth Speaks competition. They had
competed against other students in a school based
event and had been selected to represent Kineton.
The competition involves teams of three students
standing up and delivering a speech on a subject of
their choice. The Chairperson has two minutes to
welcome the audience, introduce the Speaker and
to inform the audience of the relevance or expertise
of the Speaker on the subject of his/her speech.
The Speaker then has six minutes to make their
speech and two minutes to consider and answer a
question. The Vote of Thanks finally has two
minutes to propose a vote of thanks, remarking on
both the content of the main speech and the
response to the question asked by the questioner.
The students had prepared very thoroughly and
were very grateful for the support provided by Mrs
This is the first time Kineton has taken part but
despite this, and limited preparation time, the
students certainly provided strong competition for
Shipston School, Shottery and KES. We did not
win this year but I was very proud of the students
and we are already looking forward to next year.
Following the event I was delighted to receive the
following feedback:
Nigel Willis from the Rotary sent me the message
‘Your two teams were beyond praise.’
Mr Baker, Headteacher of Shipston School wrote ‘I
just wanted to say congratulations on your teams’
performances last night. You fielded two very
strong teams with two exceptional main speakers. I
think you have certainly put Kineton on the map
and in a truly remarkable way too.’
Well done to both teams for outstanding effort and
The intermediate team comprised of Charlie Camp
(Chairperson), Noah Wild (Speaker) and Isaac
Dewhurst (Vote of Thanks). Noah delivered an
excellent and entertaining speech on film
censorship and was very well supported by Charlie
and Isaac.
Our senior team comprised of Luke Keane
(Chairperson), Isaac Aston (Speaker) and Laura
Kelly (Vote of Thanks). Isaac spoke about
Scouting and was eloquent and convincing. Luke
and Laura made excellent contributions to a strong
team performance.
Mrs Robson
Kineton’s Pre-Election Question
On Friday March 20th Sixth Form students at
Kineton enjoyed a lively pre-election question time
with four of the candidates standing for election in
the Kenilworth and Southam constituency in the
forthcoming election in May.
Conservative 44, Labour 41, Green 14, Liberal
Democrat 1, UKIP 4 and Other 4.
We are very grateful to all of the candidates for
taking the time to participate in our election special.
The students found the debate interesting and all of
the 34 students who will be over 18 on Election
Day will be voting.
Mr Jeremy Wright, Conservative, our existing MP,
Mr Bally Singh, Labour, Mr Richard Dickson,
Liberal Democrats and Mr Rob Ballantyne, Green
Party answered a series of questions posed by the
student audience, many of whom will be voting for
the first time in May. The questions focused on
matters close to the hearts of young people,
including student fees and apprenticeships but also
covered wider topics that reflect issues important to
our community including the Common Agricultural
Policy and HS2.
There really is such a thing as a
free dinner and it comes with
extras as well!
Did you know that registering your child for Free
School Meals gets extra money to support their
education as well? The Government gives schools
extra money to help children from lower income
families. This funding is called a ‘Pupil Premium’.
The candidates took turns to answer the questions
just as they do on the BBC’s Question Time and
they also took follow on questions from students.
It was interesting to hear the different answers and
to see how the candidates engaged with their
young audience. The final question ‘If you had to
vote for a party other than your own who would you
vote for?’ was a real challenge and there was some
clever political answers!
At the end of the session the sixth form students all
completed an exit poll and the results were:
Government statistics show that 18% of children in
state schools in England are entitled to Free
School Meals but that many don’t claim them. If
you are eligible for Free School Meals claiming will
save you money and provide your child with a
healthy balanced diet and the extra funding the
school receives will help buy valuable resources for
learning that will support your child’s education.
It is simple to check whether you are entitled, you
just need to call Warwickshire County Council on
01926 742060 or visit their website at
Sixth Form visit Black Country
Living Museum
The Sixth Form Art and Photography A Level
groups visited the Black Country Living Museum in
Dudley on Thursday 12th February. They spent the
day gaining inspiration and ideas for their current
exam projects. All the students came back with
valuable resources and images which they are now
working on in school. Many were rather cold but
remained cheerful. Well done!
We have had some very good feedback from the
primaries both from staff and children...
'It was good fun and quite challenging.'
'It was exciting. A fun way to do maths.'
Well done to all the teams that took part –some
great Maths in action!
Mr Stather
CSI investigates ….Maths
On March 24th 5 primary schools, Temple
Herdewyke, Kineton, Moreton Morrell, Ettington
and The Dassett, took part in a CSI Investigation
Maths Challenge at Kineton High School.
Using their Maths skills the students had to work
out who did it, where, when and why the crime
happened, what weapon was used and even the
code for the safe. Run by Mr Richmond, Head of
Maths and supported by KHS students all of the
primary schools managed to solve all the clues and
work out the answers – a great achievement.
Reading and Poetry at The Dassett
A group of 9 students visited The Dassett Primary
School on the Friday before half term to take part in
a reading and poetry day. Students prepared a
poem to share with the primary pupils and also
listened to students reading.
Engineering Education Scheme
Real life 6 month STEM (Science, technology,
engineering and maths) projects for Year 12 (16-17
year old) students.
A team of Kineton High School students including
Tom Jelfs (team leader), Dennis Barker, Luke Clay,
Harris Newman, Gavin Faulkner and Oliver
Valentine have been working in conjunction with
Severn Trent Water on an Engineering Education
Scheme project.
After a number of weeks of preparation including
evaluating materials and making scale models, the
students from Kineton Sixth Form visited City of
Birmingham University just before Christmas for a
residential where they spent three days making
components for their mini crane.
The students are now in the final stages of writing
up their report on the project.
Once completed the project will also be used to
enter the students for a gold CREST award.
CREST is a UK award scheme recognising
success, building skills and demonstrating personal
achievement in STEM (science, technology,
engineering and maths project work). UCAS
endorse CREST Awards for inclusion in students’
personal statements – they’re well regarded, highquality and a tangible recognition of success.
World of Work
Students were off timetable on 25th February and
the school was abuzz with visitors. Year 9
students were exploring the world of work getting
an understanding of the wide choice of careers
they could choose to follow.
The day started with an inspiring presentation from
David Maxwell of Aberystwyth and Warwick
Universities and students then attended a series of
workshops on different careers including genetics,
plumbing and construction, computing, motor
vehicles, fashion and design, veterinary nursing,
coding, health, engineering, catering, public
services, the army and police.
Many thanks to all the guests for taking time to
come and talk to our students.
Become a Parent Governor
We recently changed the constitution of the
Governing Body of Kineton High School to enable
us to have more parent governors. We now seek
three additional parents for the governing body.
Joining the governing body offers you the
opportunity to make a real contribution to the life
and work of the school. Governors play a key role
in the strategic leadership of the school, ensuring
that students receive a high-quality education,
planning the future direction of the school and
making sure that the school budget is well-spent.
You do not have to be an expert on education to be
a school governor and we value the experience
that all parents can bring to the role.
No special qualifications are needed, the most
important thing is to have a keen interest in the
school and be prepared to play an active part in the
governing body’s work. To help us with the
challenges now facing all schools, we would
welcome nominations from parents who may have
experience in Finance, Marketing or HR to add to
the skills set of the current governing body. Please
be reassured that this is not a prerequisite to be a
governor and we welcome nominations from all
There is a time commitment to being a governor.
There are four governing body meetings a year and
governors also sit on a sub-committee which
usually meets once a term. Meetings are generally
in the early evening. There is training available to
help you, through on-line modules or evening
courses, as well as the support of other governors.
If you would like to put your name forward you will
need to complete a nomination form by Friday 13th
April 2015. If more than three nominations are
received, an election will be held and ballot papers
for this will be sent to all parents and carers.
If you are interested and would like to find our
more, do please contact us here at school on
01926-640465 or by email to Mrs Sally Flynn,
and we would be very happy to answer your
queries. The National Governors Association also
has a useful website www.nga.org.uk/Be-aGovernor which explains the role of school
Work Experience
Every year Year 10s and 12s participate in a week
of work experience to learn about the world of
work, develop new skills for life after education and
gain an insight into future careers.
experience is an invaluable learning opportunity.
Finding a placement can be difficult and takes
tenacity. Students have to be resourceful, creative
and persistent. Using their own connections it is
amazing what can be found – often they just need
to be brave enough to ask and keep asking until a
placement is found.
We have over 230 students every year looking for
work experience and already this year we have
some wonderful success stories.
We are
extremely grateful to local employers big and small
such as Jaguar Land Rover, Semcon Product
Information UK, Avon Navigation Trust, The Guide
Dogs for the Blind, Stratford Herald, Warwickshire
Wildlife Trust, Toast Design, The Body Shop, New
Living Developments and many more who have
agreed to take students this year.
Work experience often helps students as they start
to plan their futures.
For example Pete
Stockbridge had a placement in the design
department at Jaguar Landrover when he was in
Year 10, the experience helped identify an interest
in engineering. He chose to study Maths, Physics
and Art, and at the end of Year 12 had a further
placement in the Wheels & Tyres department at
Aston Martin. He now has an unconditional offer
from Birmingham University to study Mechanical
So please do consider whether you could also offer
a placement as we still have a number of students
looking for somewhere for work experience week in
late June.
Food Bank Challenge collected over Bormio Ski Trip
This year the SALT group run by Miss Holt, Mr
Wallis and Reverend Jackson are focussing their
attention on food poverty in our local area. The
group looked at ways to support the local Fosse
Foodbank and arranged a series of house
assemblies for our students to help raise
awareness of the work carried out by Foodbanks
both locally and nationally. Just before February
half term the group ran a challenge for all our tutor
groups in school to collect a bag of tinned or dried
food each, in the hope of collecting as much food
as possible. The response was amazing!
On March 12th the group transported the food to the
Fosse Foodbank distribution centre in Kineton to
process the food. This processing involved
weighing all of the collected food, checking all sell
by dates and then arranging all of the food into
boxes of soups, meals, rice, pasta etc. All of the
students involved on the day worked really well
together and managed to get all of the food
processed in little over an hour. The team at the
Foodbank were very grateful for the enormous
generosity of all of the students at KHS and the
help from the SALT students in sorting and
processing the food.
In total Kineton High School managed to collect
266.44 Kg of food which will now be used to help
support local families.
Over February half term 33 students from Kineton
High School travelled to the winter sports resort of
Bormio in the Alps in northern Italy to go skiing.
The group was a mixture of abilities with lots of
beginners but everybody enjoyed their week and
made good progress. There were opportunities to
participate in different skiing activities including;
lessons, the snow park, half pipe and off piste and
every day there were competitions and awards for
those that showed particular talent – or not!
The week was blessed with glorious sunshine for 4
days and some students even managed to go to
‘Heaven’ – when on Pancake Day they visited
Ristorante Heaven situated 3000ft up on the tops
of the mountain to sample crepes with nutella –
lovely. A fabulous week was had by all.
Student review of the Ski Trip
Ski-trip 2015 was a great success despite the 28
hour long journey and the 2 foot of snow in
Switzerland we arrived in Italy in great time. On
arrival we picked up skis, helmets and boots - we
were all very excited at the prospect of our first day
Monday morning was a very early start, but that
didn’t bother us as we just couldn’t wait to hit the
slopes! After being split into groups we all went our
separate ways with our really friendly instructors
and teachers.
Throughout the week there were many eventful
experiences. Josh finally learnt how to ski forwards
rather than backwards, Chris got stuck in deep
snow for at least 10 minutes, Libbie used her face
to stop her fall, Emily decided to be a tree hugger
and then there were the 3 trips to hospital!!
The week was fantastic and we all improved our
skiing greatly. By the time we climbed back on the
coach ready for the journey home we were all
ready for sleep.
Thank you to all the teachers that took us, we all
had a fab time!!
Holly Buckingham and Megan Carter
Congratulations to the winning team from
Cropredy: Dylan, Izzy, Thomas and Megan, who
were presented with their prize by Mrs Robson.
World Book Day Celebration
KHS celebrated World Book Day this year with the
whole school dressing up as animals or jungle
explorers, to fit in with the Tarzan
series written by our guest author
for the day, Andy Briggs. Andy
gave high energy, enthusiastic
presentations to Year 7 and 8 and
some Year 6 students from our
partner primary schools.
Each presentation incorporated
how he became a writer (with
some great photos from his film
work in Hollywood and research
in The Congo), his Tarzan
series of books, and ended with
a loud interactive jungle survival
Meanwhile, in the Library we welcomed students
from six of our partner primary schools for a World
Book Day Quiz. Year 5 Teams from Cropredy,
Kineton, Lighthorne Heath, Moreton Morrell,
Temple Herdewyke and Wellesbourne battled it out
answering questions on the book Wonder by R.J.
Palacio, general book knowledge, jungle/
rainforests and finishing with a research round.
The scores were very close, but in the end it was
Cropredy who took the prize of a trophy and
W.H.Smith Tokens to spend on books for their
school library.
After his presentations Andy Briggs then moved in
to the Library to run a workshop with 20 of our Year
8s, giving them valuable tips and inspiration to help
with their writing. He then spent lunch time in the
Library signing books, chatting to students and
posing for photos!
Thank you to our fantastic Student Librarians Ellen
Robertson, Tom Oakes, Phoebe Saych, Toby
Goater, Arran Swales and Stephen Liddell who
were a huge help on the day.
All our students received a £1 WBD token to
exchange for special WBD books or use against
the value of any book of their choice in participating
book shops. A selection of the WBD books can be
seen in the Library, and we still have a few spare
book tokens for anyone who would like another!
Andy Briggs teaches Student Librarians Arran,
Toby, Stephen and Izzi how to roar like Tarzan –
and signs a book for Meg!
If you fancy a career as an author or writer,
please let us know and we can tell you all about
competitions you can enter!
10th Anniversary of the
Warwickshire Secondary Book Award
A record 42 students (twenty eight of our Year 7s
and fourteen Year 8s) have been busy reading the
six short-listed titles in this year’s Book Award
organised by Warwickshire Schools Library
Service. Their votes were counted and the outright
winner for KHS was Phoenix; a beautifully
illustrated epic space
quest about a boy who
turns out to be much
less ordinary than he
thought. In second
place was the spooky
Lockwood & Co:
Screaming Staircase,
closely followed by The One Safe Place, which was
both thrilling and thought-provoking.
Fifteen lucky students were invited to attend the
final celebration on 17th March at Bilton School,
Rugby to meet three of the short listed authors and
hear the announcement of the Warwickshire
winner. The excitement was building as we heard
from each of the authors in turn: Berlie Doherty,
S.F. Said and Hilton Pashley, and students had the
opportunity to ask them questions. A massive
cheer went up when the winner was finally
announced, no other than Kineton’s favourite, S.F.
Said for Phoenix!
Carla and Sophie
see SF Said to have
their copy of Phoenix
He was
delighted to meet
them as his books
are published by
their uncle, David Fickling!
Ellie, Sophie, Chelsea, Robyn, Chloe and Izzie
take a selfie
and missed it!
The event was followed by a celebration lunch in
the Library for all 42 students who have taken part
in the Book Award this year. Housepoints were
given out, along with chocolate biscuits.
Congratulations to Chelsea Breton who won a prize
for her fantastic review of Phoenix, which is now on
the VLE.
Carnegie Shadowing
Kineton Kärcher Challenge Winners
This year’s shortlist has been announced and
we have a huge challenge ahead; there are eight
books for our Year 9 shadowers to read before
22nd June!
Students at Kineton High School were delighted to
receive an award in February recognising their
fantastic fundraising skills. The school participated
in the Kärcher Accumulator Challenge and
managed to raise £1,141 for the Katharine House
Hospice in Banbury. They were the top local
school fundraisers beating 9 other teams.
Please see Mrs Johnson if you would like to take
part. http://www.carnegiegreenaway.org.uk/
eBooks Students can borrow eBooks
which they can download and
view on eReaders (except
Kindles, although can use
smartphones, laptops or PCs.
Come and see Mrs Johnson
for a log-in.
Follow us on Twitter @khslibrarian
Much of the money was raised through our annual
school business enterprise project. All form
groups were challenged to devise and run a stall at
a Christmas Craft Fayre. You may remember we
mentioned this in our last lot of news
stories. Tutor groups worked on the challenge in
PSHE lessons. They had to create a product to
sell or organise an activity to run with the aim of
making as much money for the Hospice as
possible. The Fayre took place in early December
after school and was a great success with all sorts
of products and activities: from Countdown Chalk
Boards to Artisan Hot Chocolate .. from Santa’s
Lost Present to Snow Globes .. from Hand Made
Cards to Christmas Crackers .. and of course
Cakes and Cookies and many other wonderful
We never expected to win the award - for us this
was just a great opportunity for students to learn
new skills and all while doing some good! We were
very surprised and delighted.
Student Absence Procedure
We have 5 girls working towards their Gold Duke of
Edinburgh – here they are getting some practice for
their expeditions in the Peak District!
If a student is absent, please call the 24 hour
Absence Line daily on 01926 645 611 and leave
a brief message stating their name, tutor group
and reason. When the student returns to school
please provide written confirmation of the date(s)
and reason they were absent.
Medical/Dental Appointment Procedure
If a student will not be present during morning
registration due to a medical/dental appointment,
please provide Student Services with written
notice of the appointment prior to the event.
Year 8 Rugby
There has been only one game for the Year 8 team
this term. A return fixture against Southam was
always going to be a difficult game as they
outplayed us early in September. It was a different
story this time around though, losing 17 – 5 the
result did not do justice to the way the team played.
Winning scrum ball we were able to make ground
through Jamie Cockerill and Henry Allerton as well
as using the speed of Dylan, Rowan and Oscar in
the backs. The try we did score was well worked
and involved several phases of play, the game was
much closer than the score line shows. Making half
breaks and the final pass not going to hand meant
we missed three or four scoring chances. There is
much to look forward to next year.
Mr Mitchell
half Kineton opened Trinity up at will with crisp
flowing football. The strikers found their shooting
boots and the final score ended in a 9-1 victory for
Kineton. Goals from Henry (3), Gabriel (2), Luke,
Alex, Ethan and Josh.
Year 8
Mr Tyagi’s squad continued to prepare for the
European Tour with games against Trinity and
Shipston. At home to Trinity the team narrowly lost
4-3, but an encouraging victory 6-4, away at
Shipston provided the perfect send off for the team.
Year 9
Its been a difficult season for the Year 9 squad.
Promotion last season to Division One has been
short lived and relegation to Division Two next
season will mean more competitive fixtures. The
team have still worked well together and numbers
at training have been good. In the final game
against run away league leaders North
Leamington, Kineton played some good football
holding them to 0-0 at half time. In the second half
North Leamington grew stronger and came up 5-0
Year 7
At present the Year 7’s are top of the league with a
couple of games remaining. In their last fixture
against Trinity the team got off to a slow start
creating a few chances but not converting them.
Year 10
Goals from Henry and Alex put us ahead at half
time. Following a change of tactics in the second
In the build up to the Holland Tour a friendly fixture
against Sibford was arranged. Kineton played
some lovely passing football with George Deeley
instrumental in spraying the ball around in midfield.
Rory scoring a quick fire hatrick in the first half,
meant a change around of positions for the second
half. Charlie Hutchings goalkeeper turned striker
managed a couple of goals, added to by Will
Jackson (2), Daryl Johnson, Ethan Stevens, Will
Clark and George Buckingham in an 11-0 victory.
Champions. With Kineton fielding first Handsworth
posted a small total of 61. Unluckily wickets fell
quickly and Kineton came up short by 5 runs.
The team have to be congratulated on such a
fantastic effort coming runners up in a competition
that last year they came last in. The all round game
play of the team has dramatically improved and
bodes well for the outdoor season. The team
consisted of George Flynn, Charlie Camp, Harry
Ballard, Aidan Strong, Reece Myatt, Joe Jobling,
Tommy Ablett and Oliver Walls.
Mr Daly
Indoor Cricket
The Year 9 Indoor cricket team qualified for the
County finals following a narrow victory against
Foxford School in the final match. The finals at
Edgbaston featured group winners from around the
County. The format would be a round robin against
Yardleys, Baverstock, Washwood Heath and
Handworth Grammar school. In the opening game
against Yardleys, poor bowling enabled Yardleys to
post a large total. In reply Kineton struggled with
the run chase and were dismissed within 6 overs.
The second game was against last year’s winners
Washwood Heath. Kineton won the toss and
elected to field first. Washwood posted a
challenging total for Kineton to chase. Again
wickets tumbled as the Kineton replied and
required 43runs from the final two overs with only
George Flynn remaining as last man standing. With
Reece Myatt acting as runner George scored 20 in
the penultimate over, leaving 23 runs to win off the
final over. With two balls remaining George needed
8 runs to win the game. A six followed by a 3
meant that Kineton had unbelievably snatched
victory with a superb innings from captain George.
In game three Kineton beat Baverstock meaning a
victory in the final game against Handsworth
Grammar would crown Kineton the County
Mr Daly
Indoor Athletics
On February 3rd the Year 8 boys (photo below)
finished second at the Indoor Athletics competition,
the Year 7 team were placed 3rd!
On the 6th of March
eight Year 9s and six
Year 8s travelled to
Shropshire for a
netball tournament
weekend. It was an
enjoyable experience
and we learnt a lot
from it. The Year 9s
were a match away
from the semi-finals
and the Year 8s
improved a lot as a team over the weekend.
Other netball news
included a great victory
for the Year 8 team over
Alcester Academy 11-7.
Well done to Anastasia
Heath Player of Match
And the Year 9
in a
Well done to
Megan Chadwick
Player of Match!
Some excellent hockey played in very cold
conditions at the start of the term.
Year 10s beat Aylesford 8-2 (it could have been
more) on Tuesday 13th January.
Congratulations to the Year 9 netball team winners
of the South Warwickshire Plate Tournament....in a
convincing 7-3 victory over St Benedict’s.
The Year 9s won 2 (Alcester Grammar and
Shipston) and lost 2 in the South Warwickshire
tournament on a snowy evening in Stratford on
Tuesday 20th Jan – they played very well on a very
cold night!
Amazing Acrobatics from Kineton
High at Wade Schools Annual
Gymnastics Competition
Well done to the Year 10 Sports Leaders for doing
a great job at the Primary Sportshall Athletics on
the 26th January 2015.
Year 9 girls at the RFU Festival on March 10th.
The Sixth Form at Sibford on March 4th – a 3-1 win!
Y8 Sevens Tournament at Sibford School. Lost in
the Plate Semi-Final.
Kineton High School took three teams of 4 students
to the annual Wade Schools Gymnastics
Competition organised by Wade Gymnastics Club
in Banbury on 7th March.
Each gymnast
performed a floor sequence and a vault. Despite
losing 3 of our top gymnasts due to injury only one
week before the competition we were delighted that
the A team came 2nd, one better than last year’s
3rd place and that Sam Creagh, our outstanding
Year 10 boy, came 2nd overall as an individual,
again improving on his 3rd place of last year.
The teams have prepared tirelessly since
Christmas and contain a lot of promising Year 7
students who rose to the occasion very well – for
many it was their first experience of a competition.
The staff were very impressed with the level of
effort put in by all the gymnasts who had only 8
weeks to learn their sequences and perfect their
vaults. Rachel Keyte battled through pain on the
day when despite damaging her big toe on the
vault she completed her floor routine successfully.
A visit to A&E after the competition confirmed she
had broken it! That’s dedication for you.
Friends Fashion Show Fundraiser 16th April
Please support our school – A great night out and a chance to grab a bargain!
The Love Labels Fashion show event starts at 7pm and will be finished by 11pm it includes a welcome
complimentary drink. Rails full of ex-designer labelled clothes for women and children will be available for perusal
along with jewellery, handbags and make-up, there will also be beauty treatments, colours advice and many more
interesting stalls. An hour into the evening there will be a fashion show of clothes selected from the rails and
displayed down the runway! Advance tickets cost £5 and includes entry into a free prize draw. Otherwise tickets
can be purchased on the door for £6.
Contact Linda Gilks to reserve tickets 01926 641367 or email friends@kinetonhighschool.org.uk
Remaining Term Dates For
Summer Term
Term Starts Monday 13th April
May Day Bank Holiday Monday 4th May
Half Term Monday 25th-29th May
Term Ends Friday 17th July
A full calendar of events for the school year is
available on the school website:
The website includes an upcoming events section
which is updated regularly with details of events.
Some dates for your diary next term:
30th April
Junior Maths Challenge
5th-7th May Year 7 Exams
6th May
Year 10 Parents’ Consultations
11th May
GCE & GCSE Exams Start
11th-24th June Year 10 Exams
23rd-24th June Year 6 into Year 7 Induction Days
24th June
Year 7 Exhibition
25th June
Year 11 Prom
29th June
Enrichment & Work Experience Wk
13th July
Hoy Awards
14th July
Redgrave Awards
15th July
Adlington Awards
16th July
Ainslie Awards
13th August GCE Results Day
20th August GCSE Results Day
Term Dates For 2015/2016
There are still some Teacher Training dates to be
confirmed but the term dates for next academic
year are:
Autumn Term 2015
Teacher Training Day Friday 4th September
Term Starts Monday 7th September
Half Term Monday 26th October to Friday
30th October
Term Ends Friday 18th December
Spring Term 2016
Teacher Training Day Monday 4th January
Term Starts Tuesday 5th January
Half Term Monday 15th February to Friday 19th
Term Ends Friday 18th March
Summer Term 2016
Term Starts Monday 4th April
May Day Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May
Half Term Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June
Term Ends Friday 22nd July
Senior Staff Surgery
An opportunity to speak to a member of the
Senior Leadership Team.
Wednesday 22nd April
Wednesday 6th May
Wednesday 3rd June
Wednesday 17th June
Wednesday 1st July
Or by appointment on the above dates between
6.00-6.30pm. Please telephone 01926 640465
and ask for the Head’s PA.