EEO Annual Report 2014-15
EEO Annual Report 2014-15
Maricopa County Community College District (KJZZ and KBAQ) 20142015 EEO Annual Public File Report Version 9.0 Submitted to Susan Jenkins for formatting on 05/27/2015 KJZZFM and KBAQFM, Phoenix, Arizona (Station Employment Unit) LICENSEE: Maricopa County Community College District Period: 06/01/2014 to 05/31/2015 This EEO Annual Public File Report is filed in compliance with Section 73.2080 (c)(6) of the FCC’s EEO Rule. This report has been prepared on behalf of the station employment unit that consists of NCE stations KJZZFM and KBAQFM in Phoenix, Arizona and the translators for these stations. The stations are a community service of Rio Salado College and the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) is the licensee of KJZZ and K29C1 and colicensee (with the Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of Arizona State University) of KBAQ. Rio Salado College and MCCCD are equal opportunity employers, which value a diverse workforce and provide broad outreach regarding job vacancies. Employee recruitment and hiring for the stations is handled primarily through Rio Salado College and MCCCD human resources departments, which support equal employment opportunities and work against discrimination in employment. Organizations that wish to receive information concerning vacancies at the stations should contact James Paluzzi, General Manager at 4808345627; visit the MCCCD Human Resources Department at or the station web sites at and . Please note the following with respect to recruitment sources and job referral organizations used to fill vacant positions: The MCCCD and Rio Salado College human resources departments provide notices of all job vacancies within the MCCCD system—including job vacancies within the Station Employment Unit—to a variety of local and national job referral organizations. These sources and job referral organizations are listed in Parts 2 and 3 of this Report under the respective headings Part 2: Recruitment Sources and Part 3: Community Job Referral Organizations. Maricopa County Community College District (KJZZ and KBAQ) 20142015 EEO Annual Public File Report Version 9.0 Submitted to Susan Jenkins for formatting on 05/27/2015 Part 1: Job Vacancy Information and Chart Full Time Job Vacancies Filled (6/1/14 – 5/31/15): Total number of persons hired: 11 Total number of interviewees: 103 For information regarding 201415 recruitments, please see Job Vacancies Chart below: Job ID Number Job Title Date Filled Total Number Interviewees Recruitment Sources for Interviewees Recruitment Source for New Hire Filled Vacancies 13844 Sr. Producer 9/15/2014 8 MCCCD Job Opps (1); CPB Jobline (2); Employee referral (3); AZ Broadcaster's Assoc. (1); Online search (1) Online search 14018 Broadcast Producer Mgr. 9/2 &9/14 11 MCCCD Job Opps; (2) CPB Jobline (2); AZ Broadcaster's Assoc. (1); Professional Journal (1);No source listed (3); No comment (1);Journalism Jobs (1) No source listed; AZ Broadcaster's Assoc. 14256 Sr Field Corresponden t (Business) 7/1/2014 3 Employee referral (1); CPB Jobline (1); No source listed (1) Employee referral 14556 Instructional Facilitator (Youth Media) 7/28/2014 4 No source listed (2); Employee referral (1); Personal reference (1) Employee referral 14589 Dist Coord Donor Alumni Affairs 9/29/2014 5 MCCCD Website (2);Employee referral (1); Indeed (2) Employee referral 14771 Reporter/Host (Producer) 12/1/14; 1/5/15 8 MCCCD Website (2); Twitter (1); CPB Jobline (2); LinkedIn (1);No source listed (2) MCCCD Website; No source listed 15095 Digital Media Editor 3/9/2015 4 Employee referral (2); Journalism Jobs (1); Other source(1) Journalism Jobs 15097 Sr Field Corresponden 3/3/2015 6 (2); Highered Jobs(1); Personal (1); CPB org Maricopa County Community College District (KJZZ and KBAQ) 20142015 EEO Annual Public File Report Version 9.0 Submitted to Susan Jenkins for formatting on 05/27/2015 t MCCCD External Job Opps (1);No Source listed (1) 15115 Associate General Mgr. (KJZZ Programming) 1/19/2015 2 MCCCD website (1); KJZZ website (1) 15270 Enterprise (Web) Application 5/18/2015 3 MCCCD Website (1); Radio Announcement (1); CareerBuilder (1) MCCCD Website Radio Announcement Positions that went through the interview process and closed without hiring. 14254 Digital Media Editor No hire 8 MCCCD Internal Job Opps (2); KJZZ News (1); LinkedIn (1); Journalism Jobs(3); Personal (1) No hire 14327 Instructional Facilitator (Youth Media) No hire 13 MCCCD External Job Opps (12); No Hire 14430 Enterprise Application Designer No hire 3 MCCCD External Job Opps (1); LinkedIn (1); Radio Announcement (1) No hire 14808 Dev Assoc KJZZ KBAQ Major Gift No hire 3 MCCCD External Job Opps (3) No hire In accordance with EEO guidelines and requirements, Rio Salado College and MCCCD HR departments chose from the Recruitment Sources listed in Part 2 to disseminate information about the 20142015 job vacancies at KJZZ and KBAQ listed above. Maricopa County Community College District (KJZZ and KBAQ) 20142015 EEO Annual Public File Report Version 9.0 Submitted to Susan Jenkins for formatting on 05/27/2015 Part 2: Recruitment Sources Used by KJZZ/KBAQ Station Employment Unit Rio Salado College and the MCCCD HR departments choose from the following recruitment sources to disseminate information about the 20142015 job vacancies at KJZZ and KBAQ. Company Address Email Point of Contact Phone Ad2PHX Asian American Journalists Association 5 Third Street, Suite 1108 San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 3462051 Asian American Times 2011 S. Henkel Circle Mesa, AZ 85202 ad@AsianAmerican (480) 8395139 Asian Sun Asian Chamber of Commerce 7217 N. 6th Way Phoenix,AZ 85020 Madeline OngSakata Au Authm Action News 10005 E. Osborn Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85256 Dustin Hughes (480) 3626699 AVACA AZ Broadcaster Association 426 N 44th St Ste 310 Phoenix, AZ 85008 (602) 2524833 AZ Daily Star 4850 S. Park Avenue Tucson, AZ 85714 dynamic.azstarnet.c om (520) 5734377 AZ Informant www.azinformant.c om AZ State University 1151 S. Forest (480) 9652350 Maricopa County Community College District (KJZZ and KBAQ) 20142015 EEO Annual Public File Report Version 9.0 Submitted to Susan Jenkins for formatting on 05/27/2015 Ave., Room 329 Tempe, AZ 85287 m 106 E. Baseline Rd Mesa, AZ 85210 Dominika Kozma (602) 4447277 Chronicle of Higher Education 1255 23rd Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 N/A (202) 4661000 Community College 260 Peachtree St., NW Suite 2200 Atlanta, GA 30303 communitycollegej (404) 9157300 Community College Week 1 Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 410 Washington DC 20036 communitycollegeti Redante AsuncionReed (202) 7280200 Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) 401 9th Street, NW Washington DC 20004 N/A (202) 8799600 CPB jobline 401 9th Street, NW Washington DC 20004 N/A (202) 8799600 DICE 12150 Meredith Dr. Urbandale, IA 50323 Brad Money (515) 3132245 Diverse Issues In Higher Ed 10520 Warwick Ave., Suite B8 Fairfax, VA 22030 diverseeducation.c om (703) 3852981 Educause (Louisville, CO office) 282 Century Place, Suite 5000 Louisville, CO 80027 (303) 4494430 Maricopa County Community College District (KJZZ and KBAQ) 20142015 EEO Annual Public File Report Version 9.0 Submitted to Susan Jenkins for formatting on 05/27/2015 Empower Listserv N/A N/A N/A Facebook HigherEd Jobs 328 Innovation Blvd, Ste 300 State College, PA 16803 N/A (814) 8613080 Hispanic Outlook 80 Route 4 East, Suite 203 Paramus, NJ 07652 m (201) 5878800 IAAIS (PresidentDetroi t Radio Information Service) C/O WDET/FM 4600 Cass Ave. Detroit,MI 48201 Kim Walsh (800) 2805325 Inside Higher Ed 1015 18th Street NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 6599208 Jobs in Radio Broadcasting Journalismjobs.c om mailto:info@jour Berkeley,CA N/A (510) 6531521 KJZZ/KBAQ (Website; On Air) 2323 W 14th St. Tempe, AZ 85281 (480) 7748475 La Voz 106 E Baseline Rd Mesa, AZ 85210 Dominika Kozma (602) 4447277 Maricopa County Community College District (KJZZ and KBAQ) 20142015 EEO Annual Public File Report Version 9.0 Submitted to Susan Jenkins for formatting on 05/27/2015 Latino Perspectives P.O. Box 2213 Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 Carlos Jose Cuervo (602) 2770130 LinkedIn 2029 Stierlin Court Mountain View, CA 94043 MCCCD Website 2414 W. 14th St Tempe, AZ 85281 Medill Career Services 1845 Sheridan Rd Evanston, IL 60208 medill.northwestern .edu/ Kimberley Cornwell (847) 4676213 Monster 622 Third Avenue, 39th Floor New York, NY 10017 (212) 3517000 National Association of Black Journalists 1100 Knight Hall, Suite 3100 College Park, MD 20742 /NABJ.ORG (301) 4050248 National Association of Hispanic Journalists 1050 Connecticut Avenue NW 10th Floor Washington, DC 20036 (202) 6627145 NPR Navajo Times P.O. Box 310 Window Rock, AZ 86515 Vernon Yazzie (928) 8711145 Online News Association 1111 N. Capitol St. NE, 6th floor Washington, DC 20002 Jessica Strelitz (571) 2121363 Maricopa County Community College District (KJZZ and KBAQ) 20142015 EEO Annual Public File Report Version 9.0 Submitted to Susan Jenkins for formatting on 05/27/2015 Prensa Hispana 809 E Washington Street, Suite 209 Phoenix, AZ 85034 www.prensahispan (602) 2562443 PRSA 33 Maiden Lane, 11th Floor New York, NY 10038 Public Radio Program Directors Association 38 Milford Street Hamilton, NV 13346 (315) 8248226 Pubradio Listserv (Hosted by Leavens Engineering Assoc.) 1919 Riggs Rd Pittsburgh, PA 15129 http://www.pubradi Chuck Leavens (412) 6387250 PubTech Listserv (Hosted by Leavens Engineering Assoc.) 1919 Riggs Rd Pittsburgh, PA 15129 Chuck Leavens (412) 6387250 SAM Net 2785 Boston Rd Wilbraham, MA 01095 N/A (413) 5962050 Radio Ink 1901 S Congress Ave., Suite 118 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 (561) 6558778 Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103 University of Arizona 1303 E University Blvd., Ste 411 Tucson, AZ 85721 (520) 6212588 Maricopa County Community College District (KJZZ and KBAQ) 20142015 EEO Annual Public File Report Version 9.0 Submitted to Susan Jenkins for formatting on 05/27/2015 Walter Cronkiet School of Jounalism 555 N Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85004 (602) 4965555 Yahoo!Hot Print Publications & Advertisements 1. Latino Perspectives 2. Navajo Times 3. Asian American Times 4. Arizona Informant Part 3: Community Job Referral Organizations WRCBAA – Western Region Council on Black American Affairs Maricopa Chapter Arizona Workforce Connection Job Fair Goodwill Arizona This job referral list has fewer contacts than in previous years because some of the organizations are no longer in service or have outdated contact information. The HR Department of the Maricopa County Community College District and the KJZZ/KBAQ SEU have decided to make a determined outreach effort over the course of the next year to recruit additional community organizations that are likely to be more productive and also to provide assistance to these organizations to help them become more productive job referral sources. In addition to using the Recruitment Sources in Part 2 and the aforementioned Job Referral Organizations to inform the public about specific job opportunities, MCCCD uses other marketing tools to promote general employment with the colleges. In 201314, the Maricopa Community Colleges District Office of Marketing and Communications placed general recruitment ads in targeted publications and newspapers throughout the greater Phoenix area. Additionally, MCCCD purchased ad space on seven electronic billboards for six months; two months each in the fall, spring and summer. The District’s vehicle fleet also uses wraps with recruitment ads. An updated recruitment brochure and promotion efforts on social media throughout the year were also added to the marketing mix. Part 4: Outreach Initiatives Maricopa County Community College District (KJZZ and KBAQ) 20142015 EEO Annual Public File Report Version 9.0 Submitted to Susan Jenkins for formatting on 05/27/2015 1. Job Fairs/NonSpecific Employment Recruitment (#2, #3) a. May 13, 2015 Annual Arizona Broadcasters Association Job Fair KJZZ and KBAQ served as a cosponsor of the Arizona Broadcasters Association Broadcasters Career Fair on May 13, 2015 on the campus of East Valley Institute of Technology. As an ABA member and cosponsor of the event, KJZZ and KBAQ hosted an outreach table to meet student and veteran broadcasters to talk about the mission, goals and employment opportunities at the stations; the process of applying for employment; and career paths to consider. KJZZ and KBAQ aired public service announcements to increase awareness about this event. Spots ran twice a day, one week prior to the event (14 total rotations). According to ABA, total number of attendees was 224 during the fourhour event. Associate General Manager Bill Shedd and Rio Salado College Senior Human Resource Analyst Lee Rachoy served as station representatives. This is an annual event for the stations. b. September 18, 2014 – Arizona Broadcasters Association Broadcast Job Fair KJZZ and KBAQ served as cosponsors for the Broadcasters Career Fair on September 18, 2014 at Pima Community College Downtown, a branch campus of Pima Community College. KJZZ and KBAQ hosted an outreach table to meet student and veteran broadcasters to talk about the mission, goals and employment opportunities at the stations; the process of applying for employment; and career paths to consider. KJZZ and KBAQ aired public service announcements to increase awareness about this event. Spots ran twice a day, one week prior to the event (28 total rotations).The total number of attendees was 82 during the threehour event. Associate General Manager Bill Shedd served as station representatives. c. March 20, 2015 – ASU Cronkite School Broadcast Internship Interview Day News Director Al Macias attended the event. Eight ASU Cronkite School of Journalism students were interviewed for spring and summer positions. One student was offered and accepted an internship at KJZZ as a result. 2. Conferences and Outreach By Participation (#1) a. August 13 15, 2014 Asian American Journalist Conference Associate General Manager Mark Moran and Reporter Nicholas Blumberg attended this event in Washington D.C. During their visit they attended a variety of professional networking events in which they distributed KJZZ materials, answer questions in a about Phoenix as a career location and provided information about available positions in reporting, editing and news writing at KJZZ. b. July 30 August 1, 2014 National Association of Black Journalists Conference Associate General Manager Mark Moran and Producer Tiara Vian attended this event in Boston, MA. During their visit they attended a variety of professional networking events in which they distributed KJZZ materials, answer questions in a about Phoenix as a career location and provided information about available positions in reporting, editing and news writing at KJZZ. c. August 6 8, 2014 National Association of Hispanic Journalists Conference Associate General Manager Mark Moran and Producer Tiara Vian attended this event in San Antonio, TX. During their visit they attended a variety of professional networking events in which they distributed KJZZ materials, answer questions in a about Phoenix as a career location and provided information about available positions in reporting, editing and news writing at KJZZ. 3. Internships and Parttime Students (#5) KJZZ has recruited and hired several college students, interns, and new graduates to serve the stations in a variety of capacities. Here are a few details about the newest recruits: a. KJZZ Interns KJZZ staff work with Arizona State University career counselors, Rio Salado College, and various program partners to fill paid and unpaid internship positions. The following student and recentgraduate interns have Maricopa County Community College District (KJZZ and KBAQ) 20142015 EEO Annual Public File Report Version 9.0 Submitted to Susan Jenkins for formatting on 05/27/2015 Worked under the direction of News Director Al Macias, Managing Editor Tracy Greer, and Chief Content Officer Jon Hoban. 1. Aubree A. August 27, 2014 January 2, 20215 Intern in Social Media Arizona State University Graduated December 2015 Degree in Journalism Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, 2. Annika C. December 1, 2014 still active Intern in Production Arizona State University Graduated May 2015 Degree in Journalism Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. 3. Jacqueline C. October 27, 2014 April 30, 2015 Intern Reporter. Junior at Arizona State University Majoring in Journalism Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. 4. Alejandra G. R. July 1, 2014 August 20, 2014 Intern Reporter. Arizona State University Graduated May 2015 Degree in Journalism Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. 5. Rachel Lund July 1, 2014 October 10, 2014 Intern Reporter Graduate Student at Arizona State working on Master’s Degree in Journalism. Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. b . SPOT 127 Interns During the 201415 school year, SPOT 127 hired six high school and college students as paid interns and one university student as an unpaid intern to facilitate the completion of his final project Their primary role was to help with instruction to younger students as well as to actively report on stories through the use of video, audio, and online publishing. The students were selected through a formal application and interview process which provided them with the real world experience of interviewing for employment. 1. BrieAnna F., Intern Production Assistant – Senior at Maryvale High School. 2. Alicia B. Intern Production Assistant – Grand Canyon University 3. Hannah S., Intern Production Assistant – Freshman at Rio Salado College 4. Efrain H. Intern Production Assistant – Senior at BioScience High School 5. Noah C. Intern Production Assistant Junior at Boulder Creek High School 6. Zion W. Intern Production Assistant Junior at Southridge High School 7. Dylan A. Intern Production Assistant Senior at Arizona State University (Unpaid) 4. Station Tours (#4, #6) Station personnel host dozens of tours throughout the year with members, community groups, students, and program partners. From 06/01/2014 to 5/06/2015, the station had more than 370 visitors tour the studios. We have a log of these visits in our public file for review. Among our primary objectives is to educate visitors about the mission, goals, history, operations and community impact of public radio. We freely offer advice on career path strategies for those interested in careers in journalism and broadcasting. Find photos and information about some of our station tours, events and community outreach initiatives by visiting KJZZ and KBAQ Facebook pages: and 5. SPOT 127 Spot 127, KJZZ’s Youth Media Center is an innovative program for youth ages 1424 that is designed to engage students in education through the context of digital media and journalism. Students are inspired and empowered to find news stories in their community, research the topic, develop the story, record interviews, and then produce an original digital media piece that shares the story in multiple formats. In 2013 – 2014 the program provided extracurricular learning opportunities to more than 250 high school students in Maricopa, Pima and Yuma counties. Maricopa County Community College District (KJZZ and KBAQ) 20142015 EEO Annual Public File Report Version 9.0 Submitted to Susan Jenkins for formatting on 05/27/2015 Aspects of this program include: A. Paid Internship Program – During the 201415 school year, SPOT 127 hired six high school and college students as paid interns and one university student as an unpaid intern to facilitate the completion of his final project Their primary role was to help with instruction to younger students as well as to actively report on stories through the use of video, audio, and online publishing. The students were selected through a formal application and interview process which provided them with the real world experience of interviewing for employment. B. Social Venture Partners Investee Award – Social Venture Partners is an international network of engaged philanthropists who invest time, money, and professional expertise in local nonprofits. The SVP Investee Award presented to SPOT 127 in 2014 represents an ongoing partnership promoting community growth through sponsorship of organizational initiatives and mentorship of SPOT 127 leadership. C. 201415 Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign Sponsored by The Hickey Family Foundation in partnership with Maryvale,Moon Valley, Betty Fairfax and Alhambra High Schools, SPOT 127 produces multimedia elements used in a social activism campaign targeting teens and teen advocates in an effort to curb human trafficking on a local level. Participating students learn the art of visual messaging through the use of photographic composition, lighting and postprocessing Techniques. Students are also introduced to the concepts of ad copy and persuasive writing. Visit to learn more about the SPOT 127 program. ###
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