Grand Canyon Road Letter


Grand Canyon Road Letter
United States
Department of
Kaibab National
800 South Sixth Street
Williams, AZ 86046-2899
(928) 635-8200
File Code:
April 24, 2015
Dear Interested Party:
The Kaibab National Forest (KNF) has received a special use permit application from the Town of
Tusayan (Town) to approve roadway and utility easements on property managed by the KNF. The
proposed easements lie within the Tusayan Ranger District of the KNF. The easements, if approved,
would allow the Town to make improvements to segments of existing forest roads and construct new
segments to provide all weather access and utility service to two inholding properties within the KNF that
are located within the incorporated limits of the Town. These properties, Ten-X Ranch and Kotzin Ranch,
are not owned or managed by the federal government, but are surrounded by federal lands administered
by the KNF. If the KNF approves the easements and construction of the proposed roadway and utility
improvements, the improved existing roadways would continue to be open to the public for travel and the
new roadways would be open to the public for travel.
The roadway improvements would begin at State Route 64 (SR 64) in the Town. Forest Road (FR) 302
would be improved from SR 64 for approximately 2.8 miles east to the Ten-X Ranch property. The
Kotzin Ranch portion of the project consists of two proposed access roads, one to the northern portion of
the property and one to the southern portion. The proposed northern access roadway and utility corridor
would be approximately 1.5 miles long, starting at the intersection of SR 64 and Moqui Drive (FR 328)
and continuing along existing KNF roadways to the Kotzin Ranch property to the west. The proposed
southern access roadway and utility corridor would be approximately 1.4 miles long and would connect
the existing SR 64 roundabout at Long Jim Loop to the Kotzin Ranch property to the west. This access
would utilize existing KNF roadways and new roadways.
A scoping packet has been prepared to help familiarize interested members of the public with the
specifics of the project, which includes a description of the proposed action. It is enclosed with this letter
and can be obtained from the Tusayan Ranger District, the Williams Ranger District, the KNF
Supervisor's Office, or the KNF website at two locations: and
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Council on Environmental Quality’s regulations
at 40 CFR Parts 1500-1508 require an evaluation of potential environmental impacts associated with
federal projects and actions with input from the public. Public scoping meetings will be held for all parties
that are interested in learning more about the proposed action and expressing their comments, ideas, and
concerns to the KNF. The meetings will be an open house format. Following are the dates, times and
locations of the Public Scoping Meetings:
May 18, 5:00 pm- 8:00 pm, Williams Elementary School Auditorium, 601 N 7th Street,
Williams, Arizona
Caring for the Land and Serving People
Printed on Recycled Paper
2720 Mr. Tress, Westland Resources
May 19, 5:00 pm- 8:00 pm, Grand Canyon Squire Inn, 100 Highway 64, Tusayan,
• May 20, 5:00 pm- 8:00 pm, Doubletree, 1175 W Route 66, Flagstaff, Arizona
The purpose of this notice is to invite public involvement on the proposed roadway easements. Written
comments may be electronically delivered or hand-delivered, for 40 calendar days following the date of
this letter. Comments can be provided in one of the following ways:
Subject Line: "Tusayan Roadway Easements"
U.S. Mail: ATIN: Deirdre McLaughlin
Kaibab National Forest
Williams Ranger District
742 S Clover Rd
Williams, AZ 86046
(928) 635-5600
(928) 635-5680
Subject Line: "Tusayan Roadway Easements"
Comments received in response to this solicitation, including names and addresses of those who
comment, will become part of the public record for this project.
In an effort to increase efficiency and reduce spending, future communications for this project will be
electronic. If you would like to continue to receive these communications, please provide your email
address to: If you do not have access to email or the internet
and would like to continue to receive these communications, please contact Deirdre McLaughlin, Forest
Service Project Case Manager, 742 S. Clover Street, Williams, Arizona 86046 or (928) 635-5600.
Thank you for your interest in the management of National Forest System lands.
Forest Supervisor
Enclosures (2)
APRIL 2015
The Kaibab National Forest (KNF) has received a special use permit application from the Town of
Tusayan (Town) to approve roadway and utility easements on property managed by the KNF. The
proposed easements lie within the Tusayan Ranger District of the KNF. The easements, if approved,
would allow the Town to make improvements to segments of existing forest roads and construct
new segments to provide all weather access and utility service to two inholding properties within
the KNF that are located within the incorporated limits of the Town. These properties, Ten-X Ranch
and Kotzin Ranch, are not owned or managed by the federal government, but are surrounded by
federal lands administered by the KNF. If the KNF approves the easements and construction of the
proposed roadway and utility improvements, the completed roadways would remain open to the
public for travel, where the roads are currently open. Any new sections of roadway would be
opened to the public for travel after construction.
The granting of roadway easement would be in accordance with the Act of October 13, 1964
(commonly known as the Federal Roads and Trails Act), Public Law 88-657, for a permanent
easement for road rights-of-way over lands and interest in land administered by the Forest Service.
The utility corridors would be in accordance with the Federal Land Management Policy Act of 1976,
Title V. (commonly known as FLPMA). The proposed uses have passed both the initial and second
level screening for the proposed use of roadway and utility corridors to access and improve private
land in-holdings interior to the Kaibab National Forest.
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Forest Service’s implementing regulations
require the KNF to analyze the impacts of the roadway easements on the environment. Based upon
his initial review, the Forest Supervisor has determined that an environmental assessment (EA) is
the appropriate level of NEPA review. The EA will:
identify other alternatives to the proposed action that meet the purpose and need and
are responsive to public comments or are identified by Forest Service resource
determine if the preferred action would have a significant adverse impact on the
Based on the initial public scoping and subsequent analysis, the Forest Supervisor may determine
that further analysis is required in an Environmental Impact Statement.
The need for this project is to improve access to the private land holding properties located within
the incorporated limits of the Town. The only access to the Kotzin and Ten-X Ranches is through
the National Forest Service (NFS) lands that surround the private property. As much of the traffic
on the roadway will consist of non-forest user traffic, roads will need to be constructed to a safe and
adequate standard for the traffic they will receive.
The Pre-Annexation and Development Agreement (PADA) No. 2011-11-02 and the First Amendment
to the PADA No. 2011-11-02 between the Town and Stilo Development Group USA, LP (Stilo)
Project Definition
Proposed Roadway Easements – Tusayan, Arizona
April 2015
provides for all-weather access to the Kotzin Ranch and Ten-X Ranch in-holdings. Commercial and
residential development proposed on both properties would require higher level of services for
vehicle access as well as accommodation for the required utilities.
The proposed action is to approve the transportation and utility easements improvements to
segments of existing forest roads and construct new segments to two in-holding properties. Kotzin
Ranch includes land owned by the Town and Stilo, and Ten-X is wholly owned by Stilo. The Town is
the applicant and will hold the easements sought in the special use permit application. The roadway
improvements and utility construction would begin at State Route 64 (SR 64) in the Town.
As shown on the enclosed figure, access and utility service to Ten-X Ranch requires improvements
to the existing Forest Road (FR) 302. The road and utility service access to Kotzin Ranch would
require improving segments of existing FR 605M (Long Jim Loop) and FR 605 as well as
construction of new road and utility corridor segments. In total, approximately 28,220 linear feet of
roadway access and utility corridor (including approximately 260 linear feet of sewer line without
roadway access) are requested. The total area of disturbance on NFS land is estimated to be
approximately 52.0 acres, of which 17.5 acres (34 percent) has been previously disturbed.
The approved transportation and utility easement improvements would provide maintenance level
5 roadway access to the two in-holding properties. As defined in Forest Service Handbook (FSH)
7709.58, 12.3), maintenance level 5 is assigned to roads that provide a high degree of user comfort
and convenience; these roads are normally double-lane, paved facilities. The enclosed figure depicts
the cross section of the proposed corridor and conforms to applicable local standards. The corridor
would accommodate two, paved travel lanes (14 feet wide each), resulting in 28 feet of surfaced
roadway, with aggregate shoulders (2 feet wide each) and a 14-foot-wide border area/utility
corridor adjacent to each shoulder. The corridor would also accommodate an 8-foot-wide
bike/pedestrian path on either side of the paved surface. An additional 4 feet would allow for
adjustments to grade. In total, an 80-foot-wide corridor is requested to provide all weather access
and utility service to the two privately owned in-holding parcels. Maintenance of the subsequent
easements would fall to the Town.
To ensure that your comments are fully considered during the scoping phase of this project, we
request that you submit comments within 40 days of the date on the attached cover letter.
Comments may be submitted in the following manner:
Subject Line: “Tusayan Roadway Easements”
U.S. Mail: ATTN: Deirdre McLaughlin
Kaibab National Forest
Williams Ranger District
742 S Clover Rd
Williams, AZ 86046
(928) 635-5600
(928) 635-5680
Subject Line: “Tusayan Roadway Easements”
Path: M:\Jobs\1700's\1767.02\ENV\Scoping\MXD\Figures\Fig1_Vicinity.mxd
Date: 4/14/2015
User: tanyao
Grand Canyon
National Park
National Forest
Approximate Scale 1 Inch = 10 Miles
Kotzin Ranch
TenX Ranch
T30N, R2E, Portion of Sections 13, 14, 23, 24,
T30N, R3E, Portion of Sections 19, 29, 30,
Coconino County, Arizona,
Tusayan East & Tusayan West USGS 7.5' Quadrangles
Image Source: ArcGIS Online, USA Topo, National Geographic
Kaibab National Forest
Southwestern Region, R3
Proposed Roadway Easements
Private Land (No Color)
Kaibab National Forest
Proposed Roadway