Calendar of Events - King Kekaulike High School PCNC
Calendar of Events - King Kekaulike High School PCNC
Find this List of Events online at PCNC Calendar of Events King Kekaulike High School School Year 2014-2015 Revised: May 18, 2015 (Subject to Change W ithout Notice) KKHS Info & Ways to Help! ! KKHS Driver Education Classes: Applications & [Not all events are sponsored by the Dept of Education] information for the Summer 2015 Driver Education Class are available in the front office, Room G-203 during non-class time, & online at the KKHS Driver Education W ebsite. For more information go to the KKHS Driver Education website at • Tue, May 28, 2:16-3:15pm: Applications will be accepted ONLY on this day & time in G-203 • Tue, June 5, 12:30pm: Next class begins. • Tue, June 2, 6-8pm: Mandatory Parent night in the KKHS Cafe. (Enter thru Haleakala Hwy gate.) ! Find our Café Menu at ! Bell Schedule for Last 2 Weeks of School, Mon, May 25-June 4: School will end soon! Due to the Memorial Day Holiday on Mon, May 25, students will follow a Z Schedule on Friday. For bell schedules go to _htGnwZgbKlyq6olQSc_f1Iqwx0/edit Also included is our Farewell Assembly Day & Underclassmen Awards Day. Please note there will be NO W IKI on the days of the assemblies due to the time of recess. ! Mental Health Awareness Month! The Peer Education class & Counselor, Mrs. Frerking, are collaborating together to bring awareness of this very significant issue that affects our students & their families. They will be presenting to the 11 grade health classes & will have a recess with an information table on May 20. Posters will be up. If any one needs help they can look at the sheet & ask for help. ! Sew a Lei for Memorial Day! Start looking for flowers or ti to Sew a Lei for Memorial Day! To show our respect for our veterans, lei will be placed on the graves of our veterans in the national parks on Memorial Day. Drop off at main office on Wed, May 20th by 8:30am. Specifics: All lei should be made of fresh flowers or ti leaves and measure 20-24 inches before tying. All lei must be tied. Schools may accept donations of lei from parents & the community. (Floral spray, such as ti leaf & anthurium bouquets, are welcome, but will be not included in the final lei count. ! PTSA Sponsored Programs ! Attention Shoppers! If you want Amazon to donate to our School PTSA, please start each shopping session at URL,, & designate King Kekaulike PTSA 94-3282362. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to support our PTSA. (This is a PTSA sponsored event, & not sponsored by the DOE) (The DOE does not sponsor these PTSA programs.) ! DONATIONS NEEDED for Rummage Sale, Sat, June 6, 7-11am: Drop Off Donations: Wed-Th, June 3 & 4, 2015 1:30-5:30pm at Café This is a fundraiser for the 20th Anniversary Celebration as well as the start up for the Kekaulike Foundation & Scholarship program! Questions? Email Next 20th Anniversary Committee Meeting Thursday, May 21 st at 6:30pm KKHS Library Workroom (Enter thru Kula Hwy gate. This is a school sponsored event.) MAY 2015 5/1 F Summer S c h o o l e S choo l Registration begins 5/18 to 5/21 Cheerleading Try-Outs, 4:30-6pm, Stadium 5/18 M *Yearbook Pick Up by Seniors ONLY 5/18 M Grades 9-11: Deadline to clear obligations (Books, fees, uniforms, detention, etc) 5/19 Tu *Yearbook Pick Up by Juniors & Seniors ONLY 5/19 Tu School Community Council Mtg, Library, 5:30pm 5/20 W *Yearbook Pick Up by Sophomores & Seniors ONLY 5/20 W Sew a Lei for Memorial Day: Drop of lei by 8:30am in the main office 5/20 W NHS Meeting, G205, Lunch 5/20 W Finish painting Senior W alk 5/21 Th *Yearbook Pick Up by Freshmen & Seniors ONLY Page 1 of 3 5/21 Th Senior Song Practice 5/21 Th 20th Anniversary Committee Meeting, 6:30pm in KKHS Library Workroom 5/21 Th ASKK Student Government Induction Ceremony, 6pm, Library 5/22 F to 6/3 (End of School): Yearbook Open Pick Up [* Seniors that purchased yearbooks, will be given all 6/13 Sa 2nd Annual Kekaulike Football Golf Tournament, 7am 6/13 Sa ACT Test. Register at 6/18 Th Final Report Cards mailed out 6/21 Su Father’s Day 6/22 to 6/26 MPD's CSI Camp 2015 for 11th & 12th graders, 8am-4pm. Limit: 12. App Deadline: 4/17/15. http://w w w d=122 For info, call 808-463-3830. week to pick up their yearbook. They should come before the end of Fri, May 22nd lunch recess.] 5/22 F Deadline to pick up summer work for C/O 2016 AP Literature & Honors English from G205 or be dropped from classes 5/22 F Grad Committee Mtg, G206, Lunch 5/22 F Last Day of classes for seniors 5/22 F Aloha concert, 7pm, Gyjm 5/22 F Late Registration Deadline w/Fee for June 13 th ACT Test. Register at 5/23 Sat AVID’s Annual Year-End Celebration, at Seascape Restaurant 5/24 Su ‘Aha Hemo Kula (Haw aiian Language Immersion) Graduation at 12 Noon, Gym (Open to Public) 5/25 M Memorial Day Holiday - No School 5/26 to 5/28 Tu-Th Graduation Rehearsals for seniors 5/26 Tu Graduation Practice 5/26 Tu Senior Academic/Athletic Awards Night, 6-7:30pm, gym 5/27 W Farewell Assembly (Bel Schedule Change) 5/27 W Deadline for all lockers to be cleaned out & padlocks removed 5/27 W Graduation Practice 5/27 W Late Deadline w/Fee for June 6 th SAT & Subjects Tests. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 5/28 Th Graduation Practice 5/28 Th Class of 2015 Graduation, 6pm, Stadium (Open to the public) 5/28 Th Project Graduation aka GradNite buses depart after Commencement (sponsored by the PTSA, not the Dept. Of Education) JUNE 2015 6/3 W Last Day for Students (50 days/2 nd S em ester E nds). Dismissal at 1:44pm 6/4 Th Last Day for Teachers (No Students) 6/5 F Deadline to Register for KKHS Football Golf T o u r n a m e n t , g o t o 6/6 Sa SAT & Subjects Test 6/8 M First day for Graduates may pick up diplomas, 8am3pm, Registrar’s Office 6/11 Th Kamehameha Day Holiday NEXT SCHOOL YEAR 2015-2016 (DOE Official Calendar, approved Dec. 2, 2014, by the Board of Education. To view sy2016 calendar, go to JULY 2015: 7/14 Tu Schedule Pick Up & Payment of Fees 7/23 Th First Day for Teachers 7/29 W Professional Development (PD) Day for Teachers Only 7/30 Th Frost Start (9th graders only) 7/31 F All Students Report to School AUGUST 2015: 8/21 F Statehood Day SEPTEMBER 2015: 9/7 M Labor Day - Holiday OCTOBER 2015: 10/2 F 1st Quarter (46 days) Ends 10/5 to 10/9 Fall Break (No School) 10/12 to 10/16 Teacher Institute Day (One of these days to be decided as Maui’s Teacher Institute Day & No School for Students) NOVEMBER 2015: 11/11 W Veteran's Day Holiday 11/26 Th Thanksgiving Day Holiday 11/27 F School Holiday DECEMBER 2015: 12/17 Th 2nd Quarter (45 days) & 1st Semester Ends 12/18 F 12-month teachers work day (No school for students) 12/25 F Christmas Holiday Page 2 of 3 JANUARY 2016: ! Websites & Where to Find Us 1/1 F 1/4 M 1/5 Tu 1/18 M k Official School W ebsite: This is the gateway to many other websites. ! Official Parent Resource W ebsite: ! Grades, etc.: ! Daily Bulletin: Students go to their KKHS Google Drive, & search for Bulletin 2015-ZZ-ZZ ! PCNC W ebsite (Announcements, etc) Events: ! Counseling: ! Senior Project: ! Official Athletic W ebsite: ! Student Activities Coordinator (SAC) Calendar:: ! Café Menu: ! Music Program: ! AVID Program: ! Alumni News: ! Free/Reduced Lunch Application: ! Bus Applicationh: ttp:// ! Dept. of Education: ! Register for ACT: ! Register for SAT & PSAT: Social Media Information: ! On Twitter: @KingKekaulike ! Follow us on Instagram: kekaulikehs New Year's Day Holiday 12-month teachers work day (No Students) Teacher work day (No Students) Martin Luther King Day Holiday FEBRUARY 2016: 2/15 M President's Day Holiday MARCH 2016: 3/15 3/16 3/25 3/28 Tu 3rd Quarter (48 days) Ends to 3/24 Spring Break (No School) F Kuhio Day & Good Friday holiday M Oberservance of Kuhio Day - No School APRIL 2016: MAY 2016: 5/26 Th 5/27 F 5/30 M 4th Quarter (43 days) & 2nd Semester ends (Last Day for Students) Last Day for Teachers Memorial Day ! Facebook: /kingkekaulikehs ! 2015-1616 Official DOE Calendar /cal-sy2016.pdf Non Discrimination Policy: The Hawaii State Dept. of Education (HSDOE) & its schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, color, national origin, religion or disability in its pro-grams & activities & provides equal access to designated youth groups, including the Boy Scouts. Please direct inquiries regarding HSDOE nondiscrimination policies as follows: Section 504 inquiries: Section 504 Education Special-ists; Comprehensive Student Support Services; Hawaii State Department of Education; 475 22nd Avenue Building 302, Room 204; Honolulu, Hawaii 96816; (808) 305-9787 or relay. Title VI, Title IX, ADA & other inquiries Director: Civil Rights Compliance Office; Hawaii State Dept. of Education; P.O. Box 2360; Page 3 of 3 Honolulu, HI 96804. (808) 586-3322 or relay.