Summer 2015 Course Schedule - Syracuse University College of Law
Summer 2015 Course Schedule - Syracuse University College of Law
Syracuse University College of Law SUMMER SEMESTER 2015 March 31, 2015 Class No. Dept. Course No. Section No. Course Title Notes 4 2, 6 Pre/Co Requisites Instructor Upper Class Courses 72002 LAW 718 72010 LAW 690 M001 M001 72003 746 M001 Evidence Legal Communications & Research III: Writing for Pretrial Litigation Professional Responsibility Clinic and Externships 72007 LAW 916 M001 Summer Clinics 2, 6, 10, R Prof. Responsibility 72008 LAW 915 M001 Summer Externship 2, 6, 10, R Prof. Responsibility Pfeiffer 72017 LAW 915 M002 Summer Externship - Away 2, 6, 10, R, T 72009 LAW 921 M001 Summer Externship Placement 6, 10, R LAW Credit Hours Days 4 2 MTWTH TTH 3:00-04:40 1:00-02:40 Fallon Lecture Hall 106 Fallon Lecture Hall 106 Rignanese 3 MW 12:00-02:30 Fallon Lecture Hall 106 Melendez/ Pieples 4 MTWTHF 10:00-11:45 Sonkin Seminar Room 342 1 T 4:00-05:40 Sonkin Seminar Room 342 Prof. Responsibility Pfeiffer 3 TBD Prof. Responsibility Pfeiffer 3 TBD 10, S Prof. Responsibility Turnipseed 1 TBD 73643 Prof. Responsibility Turnipseed 5 TBD 2 1 TBD TBD 902 M001 Syracuse Law in D.C. Program Placement 7, 10, S Independent Research 72004 LAW 991 72011 LAW 997 M001 M001 Independent Research Independent Research 6, 12 6, 12 Room___________________ Snyder Greenberg Syracuse Law Semester in Washington D.C. Program 72019 LAW 901 M001 Syracuse Law in D.C. Program Seminar LAW Times Faculty Faculty Please note that all summer courses are contingent upon adequate course enrollment .- over - COURSE NOTES Standard Course Notes Note 1: New or Revised Course - see description for detailed information. Note 2: Limited enrollment offering; may be dropped only during first 5 days of semester. Note 3: No Drop Limited Enrollment offering. Students are not permitted to drop course at any time after the last day of the Summer registration period. Note 4: Course may be taken with the Pass/Fail grading option. See academic rule J(3-5). Note 5: Course designated to meet writing requirement. Note 6: Course is exempt from upper class grading curve. Note 7: Graded Pass/Fail Only Note 8: Course offered every other year Note 9: Enrollment is limited to L.L.M. students only. Note 10: Students may register for up to 30 credits in clinics and externships, excluding the externship seminar, during law school. Only open to students who applied for and were selected for this clinic or externship. Clinics and externships are no-drop limited enrollment courses. Students are not permitted to drop the course at any time after the last day of the fall, spring or summer registration period. Clinics and externships are exempt from the upper class grading curve. Note 11: See Academic Handbook E 4 (a-f) regarding eligibility for academic credit. Any credit given will be on pass/fail basis only. Students eligible to receive 3 credits may register for 2 hours in Fall and 1 hour in spring or 1 hour in fall and 2 hours in spring. Students eligible to receive 2 credits may register for 2 credits in either fall or spring or 1 credit each semester. Students eligible to receive 1 credit may register in either fall or spring. Note 12: Students may earn up to two fully graded credit hours for independent research under faculty supervision. Satisfactory completion of a two credit independent research project may satisfy the writing requirement provided that the project satisfies the requirements of Academic Rule A(3)(b). LAW 997 only - students earning two credits must register for one credit each semester. Note 13: Does not meet writing requirement Course Specific Notes Note R: All summer clinic and externship students must have completed one full year of law school and be students in good academic standing. Additional information may be obtained from the Office of Clinical Legal Education, Suite 200. Note S: One term externship. Students must register for 5 placement credits and 1 seminar credit. Note T: The College of Law will offer academic credit to students who secure externship positions outside of Syracuse as part of its Summer Away Externship Program. The Summer Away Externship positions must be approved by the Externship Coordinator prior to enrollment. Students who successfully complete the application and course requirements may receive 3 summer credits. The Summer Away Externship Program includes an academic component, including a weekly journal. NOTE TO ALL STUDENTS: Students enrolled in the College of Law Summer Semester must carry 6 credits for full-time status and 4 credits for part-time status. Students may not exceed 8 credits for the Summer Semester.