This Week at LCC… - Lutheran Church of the Cross


This Week at LCC… - Lutheran Church of the Cross
This Week at LCC…
Sunday, May 17
LCC: Discovering Jesus’ unconditional love and God’s purpose for our lives.
May 17, 2015
[8:30 am] Worship
[9:30 am] Sunday School
[10 am] Worship
[11 am] Sandwich Making for Beacon House
[1 pm] Paddle Social
[6 pm] Confirmation Instruction
Monday, May 18
[9:30 am] Bible Study, Conference Room
[7 pm] Bipolar/Depression Support Group
Easter Sermon Series...
During the Season of Easter, we celebrate the Good News that
Christ is Risen! The Resurrection of Jesus Christ assures us
that we will forever be a part of the God’s Family. For the rest of
Easter season, we will talk about what it means that we are
called “The Family of God”.
May 17 The Family of God: Passing on the Faith
May 24 The Family of God: The Ties that Bind Us Together
We All Are One in Mission
May 31 Inspiring Confidence and Giving Hope
Summer Worship Schedule
Beginning May 24, we will being our Sunday Worship
Schedule with ONE service held at 9:30am. In format, this
service will be very similar in music and length to the current
10:00am worship. The regular schedule resumes in Aug.
Beginning May 31, We will be offering Summer Sunday
School from 9:00—9:25 am for Pre-K—5th Grade. We are
also offering an Adult Faith Discussion Group in the prayer
chapel with Pastor Will. Grab a cup of coffee and prepare for
an engaging discussion of the intersection of faith, life, and
church. Join us this summer!
VBS Volunteer Kick-start Meeting
EVERYONE involved in VBS at LCC (June 8 - 12) is strongly
encouraged to attend a VBS organizational meeting on
Thursday, May 28, from 6:30 - 7:30 pm, in Fellowship Hall.
or with your relevant questions.
Paddle Social, TODAY, May 17 the home of Rebecca & Daniel Kasang. 1 pm launch
time, 4 pm eats. We will make ribs & dogs. You bring a side
dish to share and your own beverage if desired. Weather
permitting, we will tour Weedon Island, stopping at the Sand
Bar to hang out in the sun! Bring your kayaks, paddleboards,
canoes, boats and tie up at our house for food afterward.
LCC Has an Intern for 2015-2016
Cindy Striker has been assigned by Trinity Lutheran Seminary
to be the intern for LCC for the coming academic year. We will
welcome her during the first week of August. A special fund has
been established to cover the expenses for this ministry.
Empowered by God’s grace, we worship in Jesus’ name, we
grow in God’s word, and share the love of Christ with the world.
Tuesday, May 19
[6 pm] Vesper Bells Rehearsal
[6 pm] Operational Support Ministry Team Mtg.
[6:30 pm] Connections Workshop
[7 pm] Future Directions Ministry Team Mtg.
[8 pm] AA Meeting, FH
Thursday, May 21
[6 pm] 8th Grade Graduation
Next Sunday, May 24
Day of Pentecost
No Sunday School or Children’s Church
[9:30 am] Worship
Attention, H.S. & College Graduates!
We would like to recognize your
achievements on Sunday, May 31st!
Please send us the following:
1) Where you went to school
2) Your area of study
3) Honors or recognitions received
4) Graduation photo
Deadline for submissions is May 20.
Email Sarah at!
Interested in Membership?
Join the Connections Workshop THIS
TUESDAY, May 19, at 6:30pm. During
this class, we will give an overview of
LCC and its various ministries. Bring
your questions and join us. RSVP
Altar Flowers
The flowers that adorn the altar this
morning were given by Grandparents
and Great Grandparents of Sierra Angli
Sinclair in celebration of her baptism this
morning. Sign up for altar flowers for
2015 on the bulletin board behind the
information booth. Please write in your
dedication. Cost is $50.
Lutheran Church of the Cross
and Day School
4545 Chancellor Street NE
Saint Petersburg, FL 33703
(727)525-8364 and
Stewardship Ministry Team
God is good. We have been blessed by God
with a wonderful spirit of generosity in this
congregation. We have many people who
support our ministry through their time and
treasures. Did you know…? Over 75 people
have attended a Family Promise training event
and are ready to host our first families on
May 31...LCC members contributed a record
amount of food to We Help: 185 lbs! This week,
we contribute to Hope Lutheran’s pantry that
handed out 108 bags of food last month to those
in need. Let’s match our last donations!
Budgeted Weekly Offerings for April $46,231
Weekly Offerings Received in April $41,990
Budgeted January through April $173,731
Received January through April $155,506
Thanks to all who support LCC with their time
and their generous and regular offerings. If you
are behind on your pledge, please help us to get
caught up before we go into the summer
May 17, 2015
“Each of you should use whatever gifts that you have to
serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its
various forms.”
Endowment Fund Task Force
The Congregation Council has authorized the
creation of an Endowment Fund Exploratory
Task Force. While the title is a mouthful, the
idea is simple. A Growing congregation needs to
find innovative ways to encourage individuals to
give generously to long-term projects and
missions of the congregation. The Task Force
will update our Congregational Bylaws to
streamline our Endowment Fund and its the
oversight team, review the purpose of the
endowment, and make recommendations to a
Special Cong. Meeting.
Beacon House—Feed the Homeless
Please join us after the second service TODAY,
May 17, as we make sandwiches for the
residents of Beacon House, St Pete Free
Clinic's men shelter. This is quickly becoming a
popular event! This time we are asking for
donations of homemade cookies to include with
our sandwiches. If you are able, please bring
your homemade cookies next Sunday and drop
them off in the kitchen.
May Collection for Food Pantries
We continue to collect non-perishable food
items for We Help and Hope Lutheran Church.
Please think about picking up extra food items
during your next shopping trip. Consider looking
for the buy one, get one free items. Buy one for
yourself and one for a family in need! Donations
may be placed in the basket in the narthex.
Family Promise Registry at Target
LCC is preparing to host our first families with Family
Promise in two weeks. We are so excited to create a
safe, welcoming, and stable place for these families.
Please help us create a great environment for them by
helping us acquire some necessary items. We have created an LCC Family Promise Gift Registry at Target. Building on the experience of other churches, we believe this will be an excellent way to easily let everyone
know what items are needed. As you can imagine, there
are many items needed to set up housekeeping for up to
four families who will be staying in rooms in the
church. This is a one time registry, intended just to get
the program up and running. The specific details are as
LCC for FPPC Registered at Target’s Website:
First Name: lcc Last Name: family promise
Goal: Registry completed by 5/27/15
Email to list on the site:
This registry is for items that LCC will need to host the
guests of FPPC. These are items that we will use every
quarter as we serve the members of our community. This
is a one time registry, and is NOT something we will be
doing each time.
Lutherock and Luther Springs Camps
Attending Camp Lutherock (completed 6th-12th grade) or
Luther Springs (completed 3rd to 5th grade) is an annual
event for LCC youth and students. If you would like to
register your child, go to the following website: http:// Select
the camp and then sign up for the week of June 21. The
majority of the youth are signing up for the Whitewater
Rafting/Backpacking Week, though if your youth really
does not like that, they can sign up for the zip line/canopy
camp (which is a week of high ropes). If you would like
LCC to provide your child’s transportation, you must call
the church office and inform Sarah Bean. Deadline for
registration for transportation is May 30.
Confirmation Instruction
We are coming down to our final weeks of Confirmation.
Our final class will be TONIGHT, May 17. Have a great
summer and we will resume class in August and
welcome our rising sixth-grade students.
May Clothing Drive for Daystar
Throughout the month of May, we will be collecting gently
used clothing for the Daystar Ministries, which will give
out clothing to those in need. Bring your men’s items and
place them in the boxes in the Narthex.
Guatemalan Surgery Trip
Please remember in prayer the Guatemala mission trip.
Susie and Chip Davis are there now doing surgeries.