brochure - BOOKBRIDGE Capability Program


brochure - BOOKBRIDGE Capability Program
General Management Plus Program
Embark on a learning journey of entrepreneurial thinking and acting.
A professional leadership coach will accompany you on
your personal learning journey from start to finish. Through
individual and team reflection sessions, we ensure the
transfer of learning into your daily work.
Your entrepreneurial challenge in Asia
Given the dynamics of today’s markets, entrepreneurial
thinking and acting is a core competency for leaders. To
stay ahead of competition, they need to be able to quickly
transform breakthrough ideas into viable business models.
The increasing pace puts traditional management methods into question. Teamwork happens virtually and across
cultures, and team members seek to identify themselves
with their work. Moreover, agile and fluid team structures
are replacing more traditional hierarchies.
The General Management Plus Program challenges you to
set up a community-based learning center as a financially
self-sustained business in one of Asia’s fastest growing
economies. From the start, you will work together at eyelevel with tandem partners from the local community. You
will be challenged to look behind the scenes and assess
the real needs of the local community. In a virtual team,
you will develop ideas to transform them into a viable business model. A financial investor will hear your pitch and
provide meaningful feedback to your strategy. In an 8 day
on-site module, you will put your business plan into practice, encompassing sales, marketing, finance, products
and services, recruiting, training and controlling. Finally,
you will evaluate the success of the business which you
will have created – economically, socially and personally.
Your curriculum – a unique combination
of theory and practice
The General Management Plus Program offers you a
unique combination of theory and practice. The best professors at WHU will teach you the fundamentals of general
management in interactive sessions: strategy, leadership,
finance, change management and entrepreneurship.
At the same time, you set out to build up your own company in one of Asia‘s emerging economies. Guided by our
program partner BOOKBRIDGE, you will develop and implement a business plan for a learning center as a fully
independent social enterprise. You will work virtually and
on-site in a multi-cultural team.
General Management Plus Program
“General Management education provides an overview of
the different functions that a
business organization has
to develop and execute.
It is important to anyone
who is responsible for a
business organization.”
Professor Jürgen Weigand
Associate Dean Academic
Programs at WHU
What do you learn?
“Setting up a learning center in Cambodia
was a challenging task since it required a
significant commitment in terms of
time between and during the
modules. I am thankful for
the opportunity to grow,
both in terms of skills but
even more importantly
as a person who was
granted the chance to
make a difference.”
your general management knowledge
in strategy, leadership, finance, change management and entrepreneurship
Think and act as a real entrepreneur by setting
up your own business with a purpose
Lead diverse teams in a virtual setting
Assess the needs of an unknown market
Transform ideas into a viable business plan in
order to enter a new market
Reflect on your personal lessons learned and
on your own leadership role
Develop and leverage personal networks and
engage in trusting dialog
Jens Dissmann
Head of Developer Experience
Microsoft Mobile Oy
Program participant
Who would benefit most from
attending the program?
Participants who...
are in transition into a leadership position within their
have a different educational background than business
are interested in how to think entrepreneurially and how
to work in intercultural and challenging environments
wish to broaden their international network
are curious about the „social side of business“
This part-time program is specially designed to combine
a professional schedule with a learning opportunity, and
is therefore very suitable for middle management talents.
Participants should be globally orientated and willing to
engage in an entrepreneurial project, and have sound
knowledge of the English language.
Program format & fees
The program consists of 5 modules (total of 18 program
days) spread over 6 months:
2 modules of 4 days at WHU Campus Düsseldorf
1 day of virtual classes
8 days at the project site in an Asian country, and
1,5 days wrap-up in Düsseldorf
Additionally, 3 hours of virtual team work should be expected between each of the modules.
The program language is English.
Certificate of Attendance:
You will receive a WHU Certificate of Attendance (incl. 10
ECTS) after successfully completing the program.
Fees: €11,500 – including lunch.
Excluding accommodation (corporate rates available) and
airfare to the project location.
WHU Campus Düsseldorf
Please check our website for the next program intake:
05 / 2015
About WHU Executive Education
Executive Education at WHU means high quality programs
for executives and managers. “Thinking In New Directions”
will enable participants and companies to reach one goal
through a variety of ways: participants will become more
self-confident about new topics and improve their individual leadership skills. At the same time, companies will benefit from enhanced management knowledge and a new
point of view on company issues. WHU Executive Education offers Customized Programs for companies and Open
Enrollment Programs in the field of Management.
BOOKBRIDGE is a social enterprise in education. Based
on our award-winning learning centers run as social businesses, we offer a unique learning environment for the
next generation of leaders to learn, develop and make a
sustainable difference.
More infomation about WHU´s Executive Education programs:
For its innovative way to combine business and social
goals, BOOKBRIDGE has won many prestigious awards
and recognitions by Ashoka, Venturekick and UNESCO.
The team operates with offices out of Germany, Switzerland, Mongolia and Cambodia.
About WHU
Founded in 2009, BOOKBRIDGE has impacted the lives
of more than 100,000 people in rural Mongolia and Cambodia. 77 talents have transformed into next-generation
leaders in our experiential learning program.
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management is an internationally oriented and privately financed business
school based in Vallendar and Düsseldorf. Founded in
1984, WHU is now one of the most renowned German
business schools with an exceptional national and international reputation. WHU stands for “Excellence in Management Education” and pursues this goal in its three core
areas of activity: Degree Programs, Research, Executive
Education & Corporate Connections in the field of general management. This excellent standard has been certified by accreditations from AACSB, EFMD (EQUIS) and
FIBAA as well as through leading positions in national and
international rankings. In addition, WHU is the only private
business school in Germany that is a member of the German Research Association (DFG). WHU students profit
from a large network of partner universities, companies
and alumni.
Pictures by courtesy of Avinth Film Berlin, Falco Peters Photography,
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Executive Education
Campus Düsseldorf
Erkrather Straße 224a | 40233 Düsseldorf | Germany
Phone: +49 211 44709 170
More information:
General Management Plus Program
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