April 16 - Lisbon Elementary School


April 16 - Lisbon Elementary School
Lisbon Elementary School
15901 Frederick Road
Woodbine, Maryland 21797
(410) 313-5506
(410) 313-5508 – Fax
Mr. Michael Caldwell Mrs. Amy Green Principal Assistant Principal April 16, 2015
Important Dates to Remember
April 16 6th Grade Parent Orientation Night at Glenwood Middle School, 6:00 p.m.
April 21 LES Fundraiser at Mt. Airy Chipotle, 5:00-9:00 p.m.
April 28 Evening Concert (Band, Strings, Chorus & Handbells), 7:00 p.m.
May 1 Professional Learning/Articulation Day, schools closed for students
May 4-8 Staff Appreciation Week
May 7 Interim Progress Reports Issued
May 21 3rd Grade Visits Camden Yards, 9:00 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
May 25 Memorial Day, schools & offices closed
May 26 1st Grade Visits the Baltimore Zoo, 9:15 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
May 29 4th Grade Visits Annapolis, 8:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m.
5th Grade Simulated Congressional Hearing, 8:40 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
June 1 Field Day
June 2 Field Day - Raindate
The Maryland General Assembly, Delegate Bob Flanagan, Delegate Trent Kittleman, Delegate
Warren Miller and Senator Gail Bates are inviting the students of Howard County elementary
schools in District 9 to, once again, participate in the “Screen-Free Week Challenge.” Younger
siblings are also encouraged to participate.
They hope that interested students will accept this challenge by giving up television (and
other electronic devices with screens, unless it is school-related) for seven consecutive days and
engaging themselves in more productive, creative and educational ways to spend their time.
This will happen in conjunction with National Screen-Free Week 2015 from May 4th thru
Students who successfully complete the “challenge” will receive a personalized certificate.
Participants should mail the completed form (see next page) to the Office of Gail Bates by
Friday, May 29th.
We hope you are willing to participate in this program and look forward to hearing back from
Sincerely, Michael Caldwell Principal District 9
My name is _________________________ and I accept the challenge to give up
television (and any other electronic device with a screen) for seven straight days. I am
in the _______ grade and I attend ______________________ Elementary School. I
will begin the SCREEN-FREE WEEK CHALLENGE on _____________ and
complete the challenge on ___________.
Some of the screen-free activities I plan to do:
I understand that when I successfully complete the SCREEN-FREE WEEK CHALLENGE, I will
receive my own personalized citation from the Maryland General Assembly acknowledging my
accomplishments. I also understand that I will be invited with my parents to a special event
sponsored by Senator Gail Bates, Delegate Bob Flanagan, Delegate Trent Kittleman and Delegate
Warren Miller.
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Please return to:
Senator Gail H. Bates
James Senate Office Building
11 Bladen Street, Room 401
Annapolis, MD 21401
FUNDRAISER: Make dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser to support Lisbon
Elementary. Just come into the Mount Airy Chipotle on Tuesday, April 21st, from 5:00 p.m. to
9:00 p.m. No flyer is required, just let the cashier know that you are participating in the Lisbon
Elementary fundraiser.
MUSIC ENSEMBLE CONCERT: The music ensemble concert will be held on Tuesday, April
28th at 7:00 p.m. in the Lisbon Cafeteria. All students need to report at 6:30 p.m. dressed in
concert attire and ready to go.
Ensembles include: 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Strings, 4th and 5th Grade Band, 4th and 5th
Grade Chorus, and 5th Grade Handbells
Concert Attire: Black bottoms and a white top. Please dress nicely for this event. Please no
jeans, flip flops, or T-shirts.
Also, a reminder to parents that this concert includes all of our ensembles, so there will be a very
large audience and seating may be limited.
BATTLE OF THE BOOKS: This past Friday evening, ten, fifth-grade LES teams participated in
the 8th annual Howard County Library Battle of the Books. It was an exciting event as teams
answered 50 questions about the 16 books they had read. All teams put forth their best effort
using exceptional teamwork. We would like to especially congratulate the following teams:
Cool Nerds – Yo, Yo, Yo, Yeah made up of Luke Allmon, Emily Baker, Brooke Birckhead,
Kennedy Davis, and James Hoffman for winning the 3rd place Choose Civility Award.
Bouncing Book Bunnies made up of Riley Buice, Hailey Harbin, Hayley Lettinga, Jennifer Park,
and Alana Scheinberg for winning 3rd place for Best Team Name.
Bubbly Ballistic Booktastic Box Trolls made up of Tiffany Coleman, Kaylee Cunzeman, Skye
German, and Molly Small for winning 1st place for Best Team Name.
Congratulations to all teams for their dedication throughout the year and for representing Lisbon
Elementary School at this year’s Battle of the Books. We hope to have many fourth graders signup to participate in next year Battle of the Books when they are in fifth grade. Also, a huge thank
you to Mr. Caldwell, Mrs. Zimring, and Ms. Hennessy for coming to cheer on our teams!
DONATION NEEDED: The Kindergarten team is in need of clean 2-liter soda bottles for an
upcoming science unit. If you have any to donate, please send them to Mrs. Smith by April 30th.
Thank you in advance for help!
MARYLAND SUMMER CENTERS: The Maryland Summer Centers for Gifted and Talented
Students is celebrating its 48th year this summer. Programs are available for Gifted and
Talented students/advanced learners currently in grades 3 through 12. Subject areas include
Ecosystem Education, Engineering and Robot Design, Fine and Performing Arts, Creative
Writing, Physics of Wind and Solar Power, Space Engineering and Robotics, as well as
Biotechnology and Forensic Science. Some Centers offer a residential experience and others are
held during the day only.
ALL Centers offer partial or full financial assistance!
For more information and to begin the NEW ONLINE APPLICATION process, please visit the
Center website at : www.marylandpublicschools.org/summercenters.
The application deadline for most centers is April 17.
Glenwood Middle School
6th Grade Parent Orientation Night
Thursday, April 16, 2015
· 6:00 p.m.- GT Program Discussion with Mrs. Kelly Storr- the Media Center
· 6:30 p.m.- Special Education orientation in Room 15
· 7:00 p.m.- Welcome in the Cafeteria
· 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. - Classroom break-out sessions by topic
Come meet your 6th grade team, hear about curriculum expectations, find out about Outdoor
Education, and learn how to help your child make the transition to middle school smoothly.
On Friday, May 29th, our fifth graders will participate in the Simulated Congressional Hearings.
This event is an opportunity for our students to “show off” their knowledge of the U.S.
Constitution and government. We need your help!
We need judges- one day commitment includes training and lunch on Friday, May 29th from
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
We need coaches/volunteers for group work with the students - various days in mid-May.
A schedule will come out later with specific dates and afternoon times.
You do NOT need to be an expert on the Constitution to help us! If you are interested in any of
the above positions or would like more information, please email Mrs. Benya at
pbenya@hcpss.org. Thanks so much for your help.
2015 KEYS FOR READING PROGRAM – Don’t forget to step up to the plate with the
Frederick Keys, “Keys for Reading” Program.
How Does the Program Work?
• Bookmarks and information sheet will be sent home on Monday, March 16.
• Each student is required to read 3 books suitable for their reading ability in a one-month time
• Each book will be recorded on the official orange Keys for Reading bookmark, signed by the
parent or guardian.
• Once completed, instructions on how to redeem the students' FREE ticket and purchase
additional tickets can be found on the back-side of the bookmark. Tickets can be redeemed
online at www.frederickkeys.com, by phone at 301-815-9939, or in person at the Keys Box
**THE BOOKMARK IS THE TICKET VOUCHER! Please do not throw it out or return it to
school. Families have the option of attending the Friday, April 24th, 7:00 p.m. game, Saturday,
April 25th, 2:00 p.m. game, or the Sunday, April 26th, 2:00 p.m. game. All three games will have a
parade to honor the readers a half hour before the first pitch.
Here’s what you can expect when you come to the park the weekend of April 24-26th:
Friday, April 24th, 7pm
· Pre-game parade – 6:30pm
· Going Green Night Bag Giveaway – first 1,000 fans
· Post-game fireworks
Saturday, April 25th, 2pm
· Pre-game parade – 1:30pm
· Star Wars Day – Meet and Greet with Star Wars Characters!
Sunday, April 26th, 2pm
· Pre-game parade – 1:30pm
· Post-game Candy Drop – we will be dropping over 150lbs of candy into the outfield after the
MEMORY BOOK: Thank you to all of the students who entered an original drawing for the
Memory Book Cover Contest. The winner for the 2014-2015 Memory Book is Brenna Rutter.
Congratulations, Brenna!
Make checks payable to: Lisbon Elementary School PTA
Turn in to: Your homeroom teacher
Keep a copy of your orders to distribute your customer orders!
Questions? Contact: Stephanie Furman, sdmusick@gmail.com
You can also view the products online at www.mixedbagdesigns.com – friends & family can shop
online and give us credit for their online order! Make sure they add our ID# 46909 at checkout!
GIRL SCOUT TROOPS now being formed for 2016-2017 school year. All girls from grades K thru
12 are welcome to join. Troop placement depends on the quality of adult leadership. For
additional information or to express interest in joining a troop, please contact Susan Pepal at
susanpepal@mris.com or call 443-878-5138. Girl Scouts of Central Maryland 1-800-492-2521
LISBON PRE-KINDERGARTEN (LPK): Do you have a 3,4 or 5 year old? If so, now is the time
to register for the 2015-16 school year. Lisbon Pre-Kindergarten (LPK) currently has openings.
Please call the school at 410-489-7422 or visit our website at lisbonprekindergarten.org for more
FOOD PANTRY: The Glenelg United Methodist Church (GUMC) food pantry is open every third
Saturday of the month (this month it is April 18th) 9:00-11:00 a.m. to serve those in need of
grocery assistance. GUMC is located at 13900 Burntwoods Road, Glenelg. Call 410-489-7260 or
email glenlgumcpantry@gmail.com. Anyone that is interested in making a donation, we are
accepting cash donations. Contact us by phone or email.
MEMBERS OF THE HOWARD COUNTY COMMUNITY are invited to join the Board of
Education of Howard County regularly holds Coffee & Conversation sessions at
schools throughout the county. These meetings provide citizens with an opportunity to
share a cup of coffee and chat informally with Board members. The meetings are held in various
regions of the county but interested persons from throughout the county are invited to
attend any or all of the meetings.
The next Coffee & Conversation
With the Board of Education will be held:
Saturday, May 9, 9:30-11am
Waverly Elementary School Media Center
10220 Wetherburn Road, Ellicott City
Lunch: $2.75
Offered Daily: Yogurt Cheese Fruit Combo & Pizza
All Breads, Pasta and Rice are Whole Grain Rich
Breakfast: $2.00