

Steve Hughes
Bill Lien
Paige Zutavern
Matt Fox
Doug Wyatt
John Berry, Jr.
Jim Christo
Robin Eschliman
Darlene Fletcher
Robert Panzer
Charlotte Ralston
Ray Stevens
Corrine Sturdy
Kent Thompson
Ross Von Minden
Jack Zohner
Past Chairmen
David Pauley
Mark Hunzeker
Joe Bolubasz
Tim Cox
Doug Carey
Connie Hilligoss
Dean Hoag
John Hoppe Jr.
Tom Klein
Peter Katt
Jeff White
Richard Meginnis
Connie Jensen
Steve Bowen
Randy Harre
Hub Hall
Larry Anderson
Pat Kahm
Joe Hampton
Russ Bayer
Debby Brehm
Ron Ecklund
Bruce Bailey
Fred Duven
Arlene Sorensen
Bob Bryant
Ron Lockard
Scott Stewart
Hank Buis
Marty Miller
Dan Roth
Ken Wentz
Bob Sikyta
Jack Lorenzen
President & CEO
Coby Mach
General Counsel
Bill Harding
David Pauley
Budget Monitoring
John Baylor
Steve Hughes
Paige Zoz
Government Caucus
Jason Christensen
Debby Brehm
Bruce Bailey
Public Relations
Phil Young
School Liaison
Wanda Caffrey
Legislative Action
Ken Svoboda
Dustin Lottman
APRIL 2015
LIBA will host a City Council Candidate forum. Hear NW City Councilman Carl Eskridge and
challenger Mairead Safranek. SW Councilman Jon Camp and opponent Patte Newman have also
been asked to speak about their views on public safety, roads, and taxes. (Newman has declined
the invitation)
Tuesday, April 21st, 11:30 am
Holiday Inn Downtown, 9th & P
As always, the monthly LIBA LUNCHEON is open to all LIBA Members and their guests with no advance
reservation required. The buffet line will open at 11:30 am, the meeting begins at 12:00 noon and ends
promptly at 1:00 pm. The luncheon cost is $12.00, but there is no charge to just attend the meeting. There is
free parking in the Holiday Inn Garage while it lasts.
LIBA Luncheon Host: Grand Manse
35th Mini-Membership Drive During the month of April!
Sign up a new member in the month of April and not only does the new member
receive $35 off their dues, but as the recruiter you receive one of the following:
• $35 off your annual dues
• $35 to spend at any LIBA Member’s place of business
See Article On Page 19 For More Information!
Let LIBA Members Know Who You Are. Consider advertising in this newsletter. For a wide range of rates & details, call 466-3419
Dear LIBA Members:
Isn’t it great to throw off the heavy
winter clothing and breath the fresh air
of Spring? Sunshine certainly helps put a
spring in our step and a smile on our face.
There is so much happening at LIBA I
am struggling where to begin. Let’s begin
with the 35th Annual LIBA Convention
that took place on March 5th. It was
another outstanding convention. It really
is a Free Enterprise celebration. Thank you
to all who participated in it and a special
thanks to the LIBA Staff and Convention
Committee who worked so hard in piecing it all together. LIBA
members raised over $130,000 and had so much fun in doing
it. Again we were entertained by Coby Mach and Ken Siemek,
having the time of their life auctioning off so many amazing gift
items. Congratulations to all of you on a job well done.
It is election time and LIBA PAC endorsed the following
candidates for the Lincoln City Council. In S.E. District 2 it is Jon
Camp and the N.E. District 1 is Cyndi Lamm. For the Lincoln
Board of Education East-Central District 6 is Matt Schulte. As
a small independent businessman I am very pleased with these
endorsements. These candidates are well known for being solid,
common sense citizens who will represent us well.
our tax dollars. A good example is the quarter cent sales tax for
the funding of the 911 center and four new fire stations. It is
estimated $20.5 million for the 911 Center and $14 million for the
four Fire Stations, for a total of almost $35 million.
It seems we all agree that if $35 million is the needed amount,
and if this is an urgent crisis, and if taxes must be raised, then
the sales tax is the most logical solution in this emergency crisis.
Andy Stebbing has brought to our attention that there may be
other options. First it may not cost $20.5 million to upgrade the
911 Center, but he has talked to experts who say the system could
be upgraded for under $5 million, without jeopardizing any public
safety. And for the $14 million for Fire Stations, He would sit
down with fire department officials to come up with a plan on new
fire stations. Andy certainly sees the need, but understands that
this is not the crisis it is blown up to be. This was brought on due
to poor planning of the current administration. Within a month
after the mayor presented his budget, he held a press conference
announcing the 911 center as an urgent crisis. Then, within
two weeks after that, another press conference announcing the
urgency of the needed fire stations. Why was this totally missed in
the budget process? Andy Stebbing brings a fresh look on ways to
lessen the burden on taxpayers and hold government accountable.
Gang crime is growing in Lincoln, and before this becomes a
crisis, Andy is willing to get ahead of the problem by hiring more
police officers. Police department communications clearly show
they are severely understaffed in critical areas.
In the Mayoral Race, I am especially pleased LIBA PAC
endorsed Andy Stebbing to be our next mayor. Andy is a viable,
conservative candidate. Andy Stebbing as our County Treasurer
has been responsible for administering over $400 million annually
for Lancaster County. As County Treasurer Andy has proven his
ability to reduce costs, limit growth while improving service and
staff morale. A short list of Andy Stebbing's achievements as
County Treasurer include:
• Reduced office employees from 45 to 39 while increasing
efficiency and morale
LIBA was started 35 years ago because taxes were too high
and government was excessive. It remains a continuous battle
for the same cause. We have a great opportunity before us. Our
mission statement reads “…to support candidates who support
the free enterprise system.”. What I am hearing from the LIBA
membership is, “we need to be bold and loud for free market
solutions.” Lincoln is one of the highest taxed cities in the nation
and Nebraska is one of the highest taxed states. We are looking
for solid leadership like Andy Stebbing with a proven record as
a courageous fighter for limited effective government and cutting
wasteful spending.
Remember LIBA’s motto – get into politics or get out of business.
Local elections impact our businesses in a big way, and your vote
is important to the future of our community! So please, get out
and vote on April 7th Primary and May 5th General Election.
Reduced banking fees and saved more than $300,000
Provided transparency in the County Treasurer's office
• Added license plates and registration renewals at two
locations with no cost
Hours expanded to open early at 7:00 A.M. at our main DMV
Eliminated twenty phone lines saving $5,000 annually
Reduced sick leave usage by 40%
Worked with the City of Lincoln Information Services to
create a world class million dollar computer system for only
The photograph of Andy Stebbing was
inadvertently left off the cover of the March
LIBA Newsletter promoting our Mayoral
debate. Our sincere apology to Mayoral
candidate Andy Stebbing.
In short, Andy Stebbing has proven to be very diligent at watching
April 2015
For more information contact:
Coby Mach
Phone: 402-466-3419
Lincoln, Neb. (March 22, 2015) – LIBA PAC endorses candidates.
On Tuesday, April 7th, the citizens of Lincoln will have the opportunity to make
their voices heard in the primary elections. Last week the Lincoln Independent
Business Association Political Action Committee (LIBA PAC) announced it was
endorsing Andy Stebbing for Mayor. Today the LIBA PAC is pleased to announce endorsement of the following candidates:
Lincoln City Council SE District 2 – Jon Camp
Lincoln City Council NE District 1 – Cyndi Lamm
Lincoln Board of Education East-Central District 6 – Matt Schulte
The LIBA PAC will not make any other endorsements prior to the Primary Election.
The LIBA PAC chose to endorse these candidates based on their support of the
following issues:
Growing economic development
Assisting job providers
Limited government & equitable government benefits
Low tax rates
Conservative fiscal principles
Prioritization of high quality outcomes for the community and our children
The LIBA PAC endorses candidates who promote free enterprise and a healthy
business environment for the citizens of Lincoln.
Paid for by the LIBA PAC
Bob Bryant, Treasurer, 6211 "O" St., Lincoln, NE 68510
April 2015
By Jerry L. Pigsley
LIBA General Counsel
Bill Harding retired from Harding & Shultz
in March of 2015. Jerry Pigsley of Woods &
Aitken L.L.P. has been appointed as LIBA’s
General Counsel.
she was subjected to unwelcome harassment based on age or sex, (3) the
harassment affected a term, condition, or privilege of employment, (4) his/
her employer knew or should have known of the harassment, and (5) the
employer failed to take proper action.
A recent Eighth Circuit case involving
a unique set of facts provides a good
reminder to LIBA members that allegations
of discrimination come in many forms. In
other words, discrimination claims do not
discriminate. The recent case provides a good
look at the factors courts use to determine if a
work environment is hostile. Additionally, it
provides a good reminder to LIBA members
that the protected age class begins at age 40,
and same-sex discrimination is actionable.
The Court held that the plaintiff did not meet his burden to show that the
age related comments affected a term or condition of his employment.
Rather, the age-related comments merely amounted to “simple teasing” or
“offhand comments;” such comments or teasing are not actionable. To be
actionable, the age-related comments must be severe enough such that the
comments create a work environment that “a reasonable person would find
hostile and one that the victim perceives as abusive.” The Court dismissed
his age claim because a reasonable person would not have viewed the agerelated comments as being severe.
The case is Rickard v. Swedish Match North America, Inc. Rickard
worked for Swedish Match as a salesman from 1984 until 2011, when
he retired from the company at age 55. In 2007, Perry Payne was
hired by the company as “retail team manager” and became Rickard’s
supervisor. Rickard and Payne did not get along. Payne criticized the job
performance of Rickard on multiple occasions through verbal comments
and performance reviews. In addition to the tension with regard to job
performance, Payne made several age-related comments to Rickard and
engaged in inappropriate crude behavior. On one occasion Payne grabbed
and twisted Rickard’s nipple. On another occasion Payne took a towel
Rickard was holding and rubbed it on his own crotch before giving it back
to Rickard. Rickard never reported Payne’s comments about age, but he
did report the crude comments to management. Management subsequently
disciplined Payne, and Rickard never experienced crude behavior from
Payne again.
In proving that the harassment was unwelcome in the context of a sexharassment claim, a plaintiff must show (1) the actions were motivated by
a sexual desire, (2) his employer had a general hostility toward members
of his/her sex in the workplace, or (3) offer evidence that similarly situated
individuals of the opposite sex were treated more favorably. Payne’s
inappropriate behavior was alleged to constitute a general hostility towards
men. The court held, however, that “while manifestly inappropriate and
obnoxious,” the behavior was insufficient to show that Payne harbored
hostility towards men in the workplace.
In January 2011, Payne informed Rickard that if his performance did not
improve, Rickard would be fired. Rickard then began having several health
related issues and as a result he began taking prolonged leaves of absence.
In May 2011, Rickard publicly announced his retirement explaining that
it was due to his poor health condition. Privately, however, Rickard told
others that he felt “forced out” despite the fact that there had never been a
request that he retire. Rickard then sued Swedish Match alleging, among
other things, hostile work environment based on age and sex; constructive
discharge; disparate treatment; and retaliation in violation of the ADEA
and Title VII.
Although the employer prevailed in the lawsuit, it incurred expensive legal
fees and a poor public image to do so. Remember that discrimination
claims are based upon protected classes and protected classes do not
discriminate as evidenced by the same-sex harassment claim brought in this
case. LIBA members should properly train their supervisors and ensure
that all business decisions are made for legitimate, nondiscriminatory
business reasons.
Editor’s Note: This article is not intended to provide legal advice to
our readers. Rather, this article is intended to alert our readers to new
and developing issues and to provide some common sense answers to
complex legal questions. Readers are urged to consult their own legal
counsel or the author of this article if the reader wishes to obtain a
specific legal opinion regarding how these legal standards may apply
The court first noted that the standard to prove a claim of hostile work to their particular circumstances. The author of this article, Jerry L.
environment was the same regardless of whether the claim is based on Pigsley, can be contacted at 402/437-8514, or at Woods & Aitken LLP,
age or sex. To successfully state a claim for hostile work environment, 301 S. 13th Street, Suite 500, Lincoln, NE 68508-2578, or jpigsley@
a plaintiff must show that: (1) he/she belongs to a protected class, (2) he/
April 2015
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April 2015
By Perry A. Pirsch, Esq.
March 25, 2015
On June 23, 2010,
a male supervisor
employee’s nipple and
stated “this is a form of
sexual harassment.”
How could this employee lose? The
employee’s supervisor touched him and
explicitly said, “This is a form of sexual
harassment.” In reaching its holding, the
8th Circuit noted a number of important
facts and important propositions of law.
This was not their first
conflict. In his lawsuit
for age and sex discrimination, the employee
alleged his supervisor scrutinized him more
closely than his coworkers, unjustifiably
criticized his work, unfairly evaluated
him, and threatened to fire the employee
on multiple occasions. His supervisor also
made age-related comments on numerous
occasions. Finally, his supervisor also took
a towel from him, rubbed his crotch with it,
and gave it back.
First, the Court noted, to prove a claim of
hostile work environment, whether based
on age or sex, an employee must show: 1)
belonging to a protected group, 2) subject
to unwelcome harassment (age or sex), 3)
affecting a term, condition, or privilege
of employment; 4) the employer knew or
should have known of the harassment; and
5) the employer failed to take proper action.
Further, where a supervisor has created
a hostile environment, the employee is
relieved of proving the last two elements.
Despite the aforementioned, in Rickard
v. Swedish Match North America, Inc.,
the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, which
“supervises” the Federal District Courts
in Nebraska, affirmed summary judgment
against the employee, finding the employee
had not offered sufficient evidence for a
reasonable juror to find in his favor on any
The Court expressly noted a claim of sexbased harassment, an employee must (1)
show the actions were motivated by sexual
desire, (2) show his employer had a general
hostility toward members of his sex in
the workplace, or (3) offer evidence that
similarly situated individuals of the opposite
sex were treated more favorably.
Second, the Court noted the employee
presented meager evidence his perceived
mistreatment was because of his age, with
most of his criticism on his supervisor’s
crude managerial style and any age-related
comments did not affect a term, condition,
or privilege of employment. Further, the
employee could not show the mistreatment he
endured was based on sex. The supervisor’s
conduct, while manifestly inappropriate
and obnoxious, was insufficient to show the
supervisor harbored hostility against men in
the workplace.
Third, the Court noted the employee never
reported the age-related comments to
the management. Further, in upholding
summary judgment against the employee,
the Court noted, once the employee
complained to another supervisor, the crude
conduct never happened again.
In summation, Title VII and the ADEA
are not codes of conduct for the office. Prior to making or defending a claim of
unlawful discrimination, an expert should
review your case and conduct a thorough
investigation. Call Berry Law Firm for a
free initial consultation.
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New Members Welcome to LIBA!
Big Red Challenge
Lynn Bartak
8833 Executive Woods Drive
Lincoln, NE 68512
Boulder Works Landscaping
Mark Smith
P.O. Box 96
Martell, NE 68404
CRS Concrete
Jim Springer
111 N 56th St., Ste 206
Lincoln, NE 68504
David Robison
285 S. 68th St. Pl. Suite 311
Lincoln, NE 68510
Exact Design LLC
Tad Harden
285 S. 68th Street Place
Lincoln, NE 68510
Sellstate Performance Realty
Shad Beman
4500 S. 70th Street
Lincoln, NE 68516
J&S Audio Visual
Tommy Wilson
PO Box 355
Omaha, NE 68103
Morrow Collision Center
Dan Morrow
3600 N 22nd Street
Lincoln, NE 68521
SpecSoft Inc.
Eric Teply
2935 Pine Lake Road
Lincoln, NE 68516
The Single Barrel
Heath Macomber
130 N 10th Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
Premiere Boating Center
Kevin Brenden
3600 Cornhusker Hwy
Lincoln, NE 68504
J.R. Bloom
461 N. 44th Street
Lincoln, NE 68503
Greg Schwinn
7248 Hidden Valley Drive
Lincoln, NE 68526
Patricia M Wade
715 N 16th Street #100
Lincoln, NE 68508
Doug Peterson
4641 Elk Ridge Circle
Lincoln, NE 68516
Todd Watson
4130 Sugar Creek Pl
Lincoln, NE 68516
Jon Toft
246 Belmont Ave
Lincoln, NE 68521
From 3,000 up to15,000 square feet of high class
office space available at 2930 Ridgeline Rd.
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April 2015
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April 2015
Bonnie Meyer
Studio 4:8 Yoga
4203 South 48th (48th &
When did the business start, what is your role and what needs/services does it provide to the community?
We opened June 21st of 2014. I am the owner and I also teach there and do various workshops. I want to bridge that gap of yoga and God in
the community. I believe that in today’s world, it is so hard to find that stillness and calm that only God can give. At Studio 4:8, our main
focus is joining together this wonderful ancient practice and connecting it with our Savior.
I also, believe yoga should be accessible to everyone regardless of finances-Our unlimited monthly pass is only $25/month and we also
offer free yoga every Monday at 7pm.
What do you enjoy best about your job?
I love teaching my beginning sessions! I get such a variety of individuals who have been nervous to try yoga because of common
misconceptions that everyone who does yoga has to be a certain size, or be flexible or be in “good shape”—You know, how yoga is portrayed
in the media. I also meet those who haven’t felt comfortable going to a yoga class because of their Christian faith. At Studio 4:8, our
foundation is Jesus. To avoid any confusion, we don’t use ‘Sanskrit’ terms for our poses (the liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism
and Jainism), We also do not “om or aum” (a mantra and sound of Hindu origin), to bring us into the space. We focus on breath and may
use scripture or ‘Centering Prayer’ to bring us in the sacred space of God.
Why/How did you hear about and join LIBA?
To get more active in the community and meet other business owners
All of our instructors are RYT-200 hour certified.
The first class is free and you can find our schedule on Facebook at Studio48yoga
and or Instagram at #studio48yoga
April 2015
By Coby Mach
Coby Mach
LIBA is supporting a bill in the Nebraska
Legislature that would lower the state personal and
corporate income tax. LB357 is an attempt to keep
more businesses in Lincoln! Below are several
excerpts from a letter submitted to our Senators
from a Lincoln business owner who has moved his
corporate operations from Lincoln to Florida. This
letter from Paul Zoz, owner of Bizco Technologies,
should be read by every Nebraskan.
Years ago when the Nebraska enacted the State Income tax, the
State, and the Country were in a different place and time. Today
we live in a new world, where many people can work from
anywhere virtually, long distance phone calling is non-existent,
and fellow employees and customers are a video phone call
away. This change in our environment allows for a leveling of the
competitive landscape between States at a rate never experienced
before. People, particularly the young and capable entrepreneurs
and executives that we so badly need to keep in this State, now have
a broad choice of where to locate, work and raise their families.
In 2010, my wife and I had a small technology firm located in
Lincoln. This particular business did almost all of its business
outside of the State, and therefore was not subject to residing in
any particular physical location. After careful consideration of the
cost of remaining in Lincoln, we decided to relocate the business
to Florida where there was a better tax environment, including no
personal income tax. This environment since that time has proved
very beneficial for our business when we recruit talent to join our
team in Florida as most cases they can realize nearly a 7% “bump”
in their personal take home pay due to no State Income Tax.
wealthy, and what about the guy that has a family making $70,000
a year. The fact is that by keeping these people in the State, and
keeping their businesses in the State, the families making $70,000
a year will ultimately prosper and see their income increase. More
businesses staying in the State means more competition for jobs,
which leads to job competition, which leads to our workforce
making more money. I would also point out that often the jobs
that are “transportable” are higher than average paying jobs, which
are the jobs we want and need in the State of Nebraska. This bill
is a step in the right direction increasing the “break point” in which
people will be considering relocation vs. residency.
Although I might argue that this
bill does not go far enough in
reducing the top tax rates, LB357
will have a positive impact on
Nebraska over time, and likely
will keep some businesses from
leaving the State. I encourage
all Senators committed to
keeping Nebraska’s future
competitive, to support this bill.
Paul Zoz - Bizco Technologies,
7950 O St., Lincoln, NE 68510
When families, particularly those that make a good income in excess
of $300,000 annually evaluate paying $21,000 each and every year
to remain in Nebraska vs. keeping that money and investing in
something to benefit their personal income, the choice becomes
much less difficult. These are the very people that we should be
seeking to retain here in Nebraska, but yet we essentially are asking
them to pay a “penalty” for their success if they choose to remain
here in Nebraska. Some may argue that this bill only helps the
April 2015
Hoste y
Join Us for LincTrck
 olons Coee
n Contcts!
Thrsy April 23r
7:30—9:00 .m.
3333 Folkwys Circle
This open networking event is free to
en so ring  gest n e sre to
ring plenty of siness crs!
Hoste y
Join Us for LincTrck
 olons Coee
n Contcts!
Thrsy April 23r
7:30—9:00 .m.
3333 Folkwys Circle
This open networking event is free to
en so ring  gest n e sre to
ring plenty of siness crs!
April 2015
April 2015
April 2015
Bizco Biznet – Join us for free food and
networking at our April 9th Bizco Biznet.
Biznet runs from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. and
is hosted by Ploughshare Brewing Co.
located at 1630 P Street. The event is free
and open to all LIBA members and their
determine where the County will need to
set the RTSD levy in the next budget.
Legislative Action – The legislative action
committee reviewed priority bills at the
state legislature and discussed a proposed
ordinance for a City Performance Audit
Committee. The committee generally
LincTrack GPS Solutions’ Coffee & supported the idea of a performance
Contacts – Join LIBA Thursday April 23rd audit committee and is looking forward to
from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. for LincTrack GPS learning more details when available.
Solutions’ Coffee & Contacts hosted by
Kidwell at 3333 Folkways Circle . This School Liaison Committee – In March
open networking event is free to attend the School Liaison committee discussed
so bring a guest and plenty of business the updated LPS technology plan and
the curriculum driving the adoption of
technology. LPS currently has digital
LIBA Political Action Committee - The curriculum in reading and math only but
LIBA PAC is hosting “Political Wine-ing” feels that if teachers know devices and
on Tuesday, April 7th. Come enjoy a hand internet are available they will be able to
selected variety of wines from the personal incorporate technology into their lesson
collection of Bruce Bailey as you watch plans.
the primary election results roll in. The
event is hosted at A Café located at 643 S LIBA Board – First, the LIBA Board
25th Street Suite 7. Tickets are $100 each welcomed a new staff member Kristina
Debuss who will fill the position of
and available at
membership coordinator. Next, the Board
Budget Monitoring – The Budget received a report on
Monitoring Committee invited County the LIBA Convention.
Commissioner and Chairperson of the The 2015 convention
Railroad Transportation Safety District raised more revenue
Deb Schorr to talk about the RTSD its than last year – the
purpose and its budget. Schorr distributed biggest challenge will be
copies of the budget which listed different continuing to increase
scenarios for the funding level of the revenues with limited
RTSD. Schorr reported that the adequacy space.
Chief Huff. Huff explained the need
for fire station relocation to the group
in anticipation of the April vote for an
increased sales tax.
LIBA Luncheon – LIBA’s April Luncheon will
be Tuesday April 21st. At this event LIBA
will host a candidate form for City Council
Candidates in contested races. LIBA has
invited all candidates that have not yet
spoken at a LIBA forum. In attendance
will be Jon Camp running in the southeast
district and Carl Eskridge and Mairead
Safranek both running in the northwest
district. The Luncheon is Tuesday, April
21st at the Holiday Inn Downtown at 9th
and Q Streets. The buffet line opens at
11:30 a.m. and the meeting begins at
12:00 p.m. Lunch is $12 but there is no
cost to simply attend the meeting. Parking
is free while available in the Holiday Inn
parking garage.
Stay up to date on LIBA news and events! Like
us on Facebook, connect with us on LinkedIn
and follow us on Twitter at @LIBALincoln.
of funding will depend on several factors
most importantly the design for a new
intersection at 33rd, 35th and Cornhusker
Highway. The project selected and
the funding sources for the project will
Government Caucus –
The government caucus
committee heard from
Lincoln Fire & Rescue
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April 2015
April 2015
By Debby Brehm
Membership Chair
Hello! As many of you are aware, April is the month for LIBA’s
Mini-Membership Drive. But did you also realize 2015 is LIBA’s
35th year of operation? I do want to thank all our members who
have been working hard this entire year encouraging friends and
business associates to join our organization as we are enjoying a
banner year. We are near 1300 members in 2015! More and more
people are realizing that LIBA is the voice of small business in
Lincoln/Lancaster County, thus making it easy to talk about the
benefits of belonging to LIBA. Let me remind people how LIBA
has been on the forefront in fighting to lower property taxes,
reducing government waste, studying government wages and
benefits, promoting pro-business political candidates through our
monthly luncheons and our PAC, addressing potholes and road
and infrastructure construction (including finding the funding
necessary to construct the South Beltway), monitoring the use
of TIF dollars, interpreting “Green” regulations and keeping an
eye out for possible mandatory recycling efforts, and pointing out
the need to hire more police offers. WOW—it is exhausting just
keeping up on all that LIBA does. Can you imagine finding the
time to do all that on your own while running your business? All
those issues affect us small business owners and we have LIBA
to thank for watching out for us.
During the Mini-Drive members can join for $35 off their regular
membership price due to this being our 35th year. During the
mini-drive with this $35 discount a $100 individual (or associate)
can join for $65; a business employing 1-10 people will cost
$205; and a business employing over 11 people will cost $230.
All of these prices are a bargain for everything we get from the
LIBA office staff. Plus, as the recruiter you will receive your
choice of $35 off your own dues, or $35 to be spent at any LIBA
member business (including our luncheons.)
Because it is our 35th anniversary the Membership Committee is
planning several events to “give back” to our members. If you
enjoy putting on events or helping with events join LIBA and get
on the Membership Committee. Start having fun! Not only will
you make new friends you will be helping the best small business
organization in Lincoln.
There is something for everyone so please help during our
Mini-Membership Drive. Simply bring your guest(s) to the
Tuesday April 21st luncheon and let’s sign them up that day!
Please contact Christina in the LIBA office with the number of
guests you are bringing so she can have an accurate count for
the Holiday Inn staff who prepare our lunch. You should have
received an invitation in the mail with a guest pass so be sure to
bring that along on the 21st. Thank you again!
Recruit a new LIBA member
and receive $35!
In April we have $35 for you and $35 for your guest. Bring potential members to the April 21st
monthly luncheon. The potential member will receive a free lunch and $35 off their
membership, if they join at the luncheon, and you will receive your choice of:
$35 off your next dues
$35 to spend at any LIBA Member’s business
April 2015
April 2015
Renewal Members
Remember to do business with LIBA Members!
AAA Nebraska
Anderson Auto Group
AR Solutions
Baylor Evnen Law Firm
Baylor, Evnen, Curtiss, Grimit & Witt, LLP
Bettenhausen Ins. Services
Bishop Business
Black Hills Energy
Bob FitzSimmons, Inc.
Bonsall Pool & Spa
Capitol Heating & A/C, Inc
Central Financial Services
Compensation Programs, Inc. (ComPro)
Cool Concepts
Cornhusker Bank
Drieling Enterprises
Eakes Office Plus
Engineered Controls
Excel Chiropractic & Wellness
Executive Travel
Fireplace & Kitchen Center
First National Bank of Omaha
Five Nines Technology Group
Forsyth Insurance Agency, Inc.
Frank, Fox & Hoagstrom Financial Group
Frontier Home Medical
Gary Michael's Clothiers, Inc.
Hampton Enterprises, Inc.
Hidden Valley Golf Club
Hobby Town USA
Holiday Inn Downtown
Industrial Services, Inc.
Internet Nebraska
Job Well Done
John Henry's Plumbing, Heating & A/C Co.
Knudsen Berkheimer Richardson & Endacott, LLP
Krauter-Bosn Service Co.
La Paz Mexican Restaurant
Lamar Advertising Company
Lexus of Lincoln
Lincoln Community Foundation
Lincoln Electric System
Lincoln Endodontics
Lincoln Orthopedic Center, P.C.
Mattson, Ricketts, Davies, Stewart & Calkins
Metcalf Funeral Home
Midwest Bank
Midwest Floor Covering, Inc.
Mills Squeegee Fill Stations
Misty's Steakhouse and Brewery
Murphy Tractor & Equipment Co.
Nebraska Animal Medical Center
Nebraska Neon Sign Company
Paramount Supply Co.
Paul Daniels Interiors
Pinnacle Bank
Principal Financial Group
Quality Water Services, Inc.
RE/MAX Real Estate Concepts
Runza National
SISU Hairdressing
Smith Hayes
Swanson Russell Associates
T.O. Haas Tire
TSYS Merchant Solutions
Von Busch & Sons Refuse
Weathercraft Co. of Lincoln
WideRange Broadband
Winner's Circle Photography
Woods Bros. Realty
April 2015
Marilyn Muir / Robert Lattimer
Mike Anderson
Aaron Newell
Derek Zimmerman
Mark Hunzeker
Cathy Hedstrom Matt Bettenhausen
Gary Harmon
Don Nordell/ Larry Byrnes
Robert H. FitzSimmons, CFP
Jeff Bonsall
Tom Wieser
Tim Cox
Brian McPike
James Foster
Barry Lockard
Kenan Drieling
Monte Rasmussen
Todd Schmidt
Dr. Aron Ferguson Dr. Jake Akerson Steve Glenn
Alan & Maureen Sutton
Brady Bauer
James Bowen
Ken Olsen
Mary Oestmann
Jill Boehler
Gary Novotny
Lincoln Zehr
Brad Neunaber
Daniel Schmidt
Troy Terwilliger
Dennis Knaub
William Pfrimmer
Jed Wagner
John Henry (Jack) Zohner
Trev E. Peterson
Reginald Bosn/ Gregory Krauter
Julie/Rick Holm
Donna Martin
Greg Dorff
Scott Lawson
Marc Shkolnick
Clifford S. Leffingwell, III, D.D.S.
Doug Wyatt
Christina Usher
Steve Olson
Dina Euler
Steve McGinnis
Stan Mills
Chad Carlson
Tim Jindra
Shelley Forney
Jim Graham
Robert R./Marilyn K. Gade
Kay Maxwell
John Laflin
E. Scott Blehm
Jack Lorenzen
Larry Holmes
Linda Dennis
Anna Evans
Monte Froehlich
Tom Larson
Steve Russell
George Hoellen
Pat Kavan
Deb Von Busch-Bell
William D. Livengood
Katie Whyrick
Robert Dunn
Miranda Watson
Larry Anderson
Lloyd Hinkley
Pat Eiche
Paul Scheerer, Jr
Joe Kelly
David Lepant
George Darlington
Wayne Smith
2900 O St. Lincoln, NE 68510
P.O. Box 83644 Lincoln, NE 68501
7121 A Street, Stuite 102 Lincoln, NE 68510
1248 O Street, Ste 600 Lincoln, NE 68508
1248 O St, Suite 600 Lincoln, NE 68508
6041 Village Dr. Ste 100 Lincoln, NE 68516
5253 R St Lincoln, NE 68504
P.O. Box 83008 Lincoln, NE 68501
770 N Cotner Blvd, Suite 411 Lincoln, NE 68505
3201 Pioneers Blvd, Suite 30 Lincoln, NE 68502
3040 South Street Lincoln, NE 68502
6355 S. 56th St. Lincoln, NE 68516
1040 North Cotner Blvd Lincoln, NE 68505
5810 Robin Court Lincoln, NE 68516
P.O. Box 80009 Lincoln, NE 68516
PO Box 21862 Lincoln, NE 68542
110 N. 35th St. Lincoln, NE 68503-3311
3925 S. 8th Street, Unit 5 Lincoln, NE 68502
4220 Lucile Drive, Ste. 2 Lincoln, NE 68506
1212 O St. Ste 100 Lincoln, NE 68508
6100 S. 57th St, Suite B Lincoln, NE 68516
134 S. 13th, Suite 100 Lincoln, NE 68508
5000 Central Park Dr., Ste 101 Lincoln, NE 68504
1265 S. Cotner Blvd, Suite 21 Lincoln, NE 68510-4974
300 N. 44th St., Ste. 202 Lincoln, NE 68503
4550 O Street Lincoln, NE 68510
6000 Village Dr, Suite 500 Lincoln, NE 68516
3400 Plantation Drive, Suite 110 Lincoln, NE 68516
10501 Pine Lake Road Lincoln, NE 68526
4107 Pioneer Woods Dr Suite 108 Lincoln, NE 68506
141 N. 9th St. Lincoln, NE 68508
6201 N. 70th St. Lincoln, NE 68507
P.O. BOX 5301 Lincoln, NE 68505
402-434-8680 ext 105
4967 N. 32nd St., Ste 3B Lincoln, NE 68504
2949 Cornhusker Hwy. Lincoln, NE 68504
3800 Vermaas Pl, Suite 200 Lincoln, NE 68502
4819 Bunker Hill Lincoln, NE 68521
321 N. Cotner Blvd. Lincoln, NE 68505
5201 S. 16th St. Lincoln, NE 68512
6500 Telluride Dr Lincoln, NE 68521
215 Centennial Mall South, Ste 100 Lincoln, NE 68508
P.O. Box 80869 Lincoln, NE 68501
1919 S. 40th St, Suite 214 Lincoln, NE 68506
6900 A St. Ste 100 Lincoln, NE 68510
134 S. 13th Street, Ste. 1200 Lincoln, NE 68508
245 N. 27th St. Lincoln, NE 68503
2655 Jamie Ln Lincoln, NE 68512
3725 Touzalin Ave. Lincoln, NE 68507
P.O. Box 81557 Lincoln, NE 68501
200 N. 11th Street Lincoln, NE 68508
6100 Arbor Rd. Lincoln, NE 68517
5720 Old Cheney Rd. Lincoln, NE 68516
1140 North 21st Street Lincoln, NE 68503
5500 Cornhusker Hwy. Lincoln, NE 68504
4333 S. 70th St., Ste 9 Lincoln, NE 68516
7000 Adams St Lincoln, NE 68507
770 N Cotner Blvd., Ste 100 Lincoln, NE 68505
402-434-5921 ext 5940
P.O. Box 22068 Lincoln, NE 68542
4141 Pioneer Woods Drive, Suite 114 Lincoln, NE 68506 402-441-4120
P.O. Box 6042 Lincoln, NE 68506
5955 S. 56th Street, Ste. 30 Lincoln, NE 68516
129 N. 10th Street Lincoln, NE 68508
10250 Regency Cir Omaha, NE 68114
1222 P St. Lincoln, NE 68508
P.O. Box 81067 Lincoln, NE 68501
7901 Tropp Ridge Drive Lincoln, NE 68512
1720 Surfside Dr. Lincoln, NE 68528
P.O. Box 80459 Lincoln, NE 68501
7830 Lillibridge Street Lincoln, NE 68506
1500 Brighton Ave. Lincoln, NE 68506
7141 A Street Lincoln, NE 68510
300 N 27th Street, Suite B Lincoln, NE 68503
2734 N. 48th St. Lincoln, NE 68504
1501 W. Manor Dr. Lincoln, NE 68506
2400 S. 54th Street Lincoln, NE 68506
5822 Fieldcrest Way Lincoln, NE 68512
601 Old Cheney Rd, Ste B Lincoln, NE 68512
5921 S 77th Street Lincoln, NE 68516
6345 S. 35th Ct Lincoln, NE 68516
April 2015
By Matt Ferris
Ferris Financial Group
Making the transition from a college kid to a young
professional is not the easiest thing in the world.
Particularly if you are a part of the Greek system and have
endless activities to keep your time occupied. You go from
being surrounded with people that want to hang out all the
time, to now having to surround yourself with successful
business people that don’t have time to hang out.
Ferris Financial Group was started in October of 2005 by
my folks, Steve and Barb Ferris. I joined them shortly after
they opened and finished up my licenses in 2006 when I
officially became a financial advisor. I come from a family
with a very strong work ethic and I quickly realized that I
needed to meet lots of new people and fast if I wanted my
financial planning career to take off.
We got invited to attend a Biz-Net in early 2007 and I had no
idea what to expect. I knew I needed to do something to get
involved and meet some new people, so I thought I would
check it out. Everybody was really friendly and I met lots
of new people in just 1 ½ hours, as well as complimentary
cocktails and food. It seemed to make sense to take a
further look at the organization, and I liked what I saw, so
Ferris Financial Group became members in 2007.
April 2015
I decided this was an organization that I needed to get
involved in, so I became very active in LIBA and attended
every event I could for a couple of years. I made lots of
great contacts and some of my best clients came from my
LIBA contacts. I have young kids and as they are getting
older, it is a little harder to attend everything, but when I
do get the opportunity to make it to a LIBA event, I always
feel very welcome. LIBA has been one of the greatest
networking tools for me as I am approaching my 10th year
in business and I am so glad that we became members of
this organization. I also don’t have time to worry about
some of the issues that small business is faced with, so I
lean on Coby and LIBA to keep an eye on things in this
city and they do a great job sticking up for small business!
From an investment standpoint, LIBA has been one of the
best investments that Ferris Financial Group has made!
Lincoln Independent Business Association
620 North 48th Street, #205
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 466-3419 FAX: (402) 466-7926
Presort Std.
U.S. Postage
Address Service Requested
Youth Committee, LIBA
Office, 11:45 a.m.
Advisory Committee,
Nebraska Club, 11:45 a.m
Budget Monitoring
Committee, LIBA
Office, 7:30 a.m.
LUNCHEON, Holiday Inn
Downtown, 11:30 a.m
Public Relations Committee,
LIBA Office, 11:45 a.m.
Coffee & Contacts,
Kidwell Inc., 7:30 a.m.
Government Caucus,
Venue, 11:45 a.m.
Membership Committee,
LIBA Office, 11:45 a.m..
School Liaison, LIBA
Office, 11:45 p.m.
Legislative Action,
LIBA Office, 11:45 a.m.
Foundation, LIBA Office,
11:45 a.m.
Board of Directors,
Nebraska Club, 11:30 a.m.
Youth Committee, LIBA
Office, 11:45 a.m.
Budget Monitoring Committee,
LIBA Office, 7:30 a.m.
Advisory Committee,
Nebraska Club, 11:45 a.m.
LUNCHEON, Holiday Inn
Downtown, 11:30 a.m.
Government Caucus, Venue,
11:45 a.m.
Public Relations Committee,
LIBA Office, 11:45 a.m.
7950 O St.
Lincoln, NE 68510 FAX 402-323-4848