Leadership and Management Development for Growth Expert Talk


Leadership and Management Development for Growth Expert Talk
Leadership and Management Development for Growth
Expert Talk Series
The University of Lincoln’s Lincolnshire Leadership and Management Centre (LLMC), in partnership with the
Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce, would like to invite you to a series of Expert Talks during which there will
be an opportunity to tell us how we can help develop the leadership and management skills in your organisation
to support it’s growth.
We can offer these talks to you free of charge thanks to the kind donations from Castlet Ltd, Lindum Group,
Lincolnshire Co-operative, Natwest Bank, Andrew & Co LLP, Streets Chartered Accountants and Tax Advisors,
and The Natural Dog Food Company.
A brief synopsis describing the benefits of each event and mini-bio of the presenters and guests speakers is on
the following pages.
Attendees will receive 20% off your next LLMC room booking. You will receive this discount on one room
booking to be used by 31 December 2015, discount off room hire prices only.
Please follow the appropriate “Book here” link to reserve your place at each individual event
Monday 13 April 12-1.30pm
Networking Lunch: Introduction to the LLMC Book here
Tuesday 28 April 6-8pm
Media skills for business Book here
Thursday 30 April 6-8pm
Improve communication and influencing skills (Individually or for teams) Book
Thursday 7 May 6-8pm
The effective management of change Book here
Tuesday 12 May 6-8pm
Finding the right performance measures for your business Book here
Tuesday 19 May 6-8pm
Increase job performance and satisfaction through office design Book here
Tuesday 2 June 6-8pm
Launch of the LLMC Family Business Forum Book here
Thursday 9 June 5.30 -8pm
Culture Clubbing: Improve your people management and development, and
improve your business Book here
Thursday 17 June 6-8pm
Social media strategy and management Book here
Wednesday 9 July 6-8pm
How understanding strengths can make you a better leader Book here
Tuesday 14 July 6-8pm
Panel discussion: Gender, behaviour and ethics Book here
If you would like to contact us about these events or anything else about leadership and management please
contact llmc@lincoln.ac.uk or 01522 835566.
Leadership and Management Skills for Growth
Expert Talk Series
Networking Lunch: Introduction to the LLMC
13 April 2015 12-1.30pm
Location: LLMC, Ground Floor, David Chiddick Building on Brayford Wharf East at the University of
Lincoln Business School will welcome you to this lunch to find out more about the new vision of the LLMC and
how it intends to provide support to the local economy to develop leadership and management skills.
There will be a short introduction to the LLMC and an opportunity for you to tell us how we can help you and
the organisations you work with develop these skills in order to encourage growth.
This event will be attended by key local business people and business groups as well as a number of
University of Lincoln colleagues who are interested in improving our local business knowledge so we can
support you more effectively.
This is a great opportunity for you to network with like-minded people from Lincolnshire, and to shape the
services of the LLMC.
Attendees will receive 20% off your next LLMC room booking. You will receive this discount on one room
booking to be used by 31 December 2015, discount off room hire prices only.
Bookings close 7th April. Spaces are limited to 50
Book here
Contact: llmc@lincoln.ac.uk or call 01522 835566
Supported by
Leadership and Management Skills for Growth
Expert Talk Series
Media Skills for Business
28 April 2015 6-8pm
Location: LLMC, Ground Floor, David Chiddick Building on Brayford Wharf East at the University of
The School of Journalism and Siren FM at the University of Lincoln has expertise in all areas of media training
and the role of communication in brand development and crisis management.
What this expert talk will offer you:
 An introduction to the kind of skills training we can offer you.
 The chance to meet trainers based at the University of Lincoln who have national and international
experience in teaching media awareness and presentation skills.
 A forum to ask questions about what can be provided to cater for your particular needs.
 Opportunities to network in a friendly and supportive environment.
Andrew David and Deborah Wilson-David, who will be leading this session, have a wealth of broadcasting,
journalism and media training experience between them.
Attendees will receive 20% off your next LLMC room booking. You will receive this discount on one room
booking to be used by 31 December 2015, discount off room hire prices only.
Bookings close 21st April. Spaces are limited to 50
Book here
Contact: llmc@lincoln.ac.uk or call 01522 835566
Supported by
Leadership and Management Development for Growth
Expert Talk Series
Improve communication and influencing skills (Individually or for teams)
30 April 2015 6-8pm
Location: LLMC, Ground Floor, David Chiddick Building on Brayford Wharf East at the University of
We’re designing three programmes which support team and leadership development and would like you to
come to this taster event to hear what we can offer and so we can hear what you think about it and you get
an opportunity to experience some of the development materials which will be used.
Package 1: An open course for individuals from different organisations or teams
Package 2: Bespoke real time development for existing teams
Package 3: Master class in team leadership for current team leaders
In each package, individuals will receive an in-depth report, a diagnosis of your team and leadership style and
an understanding of how you can improve your communication skills to get results.
Guest speakers: These packages will be led by Ian Tibbles and Mary Jones of People Mapping Ltd who have
worked extensively in the United Kingdom and Internationally with a wide range of organisations including
Large Corporates, SME’s, Local Government, the NHS and not for profit organisations. They have coached
leading business figures and run a range of team workshops including, business strategy, change management
and leadership.
Attendees will receive 20% off your next LLMC room booking. You will receive this discount on one room
booking to be used by 31 December 2015, discount off room hire prices only.
Bookings close 23rd April. Spaces are limited to 50
Book here
Contact: llmc@lincoln.ac.uk or call 01522 835566 for more information
Supported by
Leadership and Management Development for Growth
Expert Talk Series
The effective management of change
Thursday 7 May, 6-8pm
Location: LLMC, Ground Floor, David Chiddick Building on Brayford Wharf East at the University of
John Turner’s presentation will explore change management theory and how it has been implemented in
practice by exploring a number of case studies. Attendees will benefit from hearing first hand from Stuart
Donald, retired Assistant Chief Constable of Humberside Police
Presenter: Dr John Turner, previously an engineer, and since 2012 John is Director of Lincoln Business School,
having worked in various roles in higher education since 1985.
Guest Speaker: Stuart Donald QPM, retired as a chief police officer in January 2015. He has extensive
leadership experience during critical and major incidents, management of large organisations and leading
change. He recently led the redesign of his police force leading to a reduction of his organisations budget of
£60m whilst maintaining services. He has led national projects including the introduction of standards for the
delivery of local policing. He has considerable experience of working with Government Ministers and officials
as well as a range of competing stakeholders. He currently advises on policing and lecturers in problem
solving and innovation for the University of Lincoln.
Bookings close 30 April. Spaces limited to 50
Book here
Contact: llmc@lincoln.ac.uk or call 01522 835566 for more information
Attendees will receive 20% off your next LLMC room booking. You will receive this discount on one room
booking to be used by 31 December 2015, discount off room hire prices only.
Supported by
Leadership and Management Development for Growth
Expert Talk Series
Finding the right performance measures for your business
Tuesday 12 May, 6-8pm
Location: LLMC, Ground Floor, David Chiddick Building on Brayford Wharf East at the University of
Our media-frenzied world surrounds us with figures, most of which are meaningless unless considered within
the correct context.
A successful business needs to understand its core figures from both an internal and an external perspective,
and these perspectives are often different.
Frequently, directors, managers, owners, banks, stakeholders and the media will focus on a quantum figure
rather than challenging the relationship of one figure to another.
This interactive session will challenge participants to consider the figures that drive them and their business,
how to measure success and how to determine value.
Presenters: Mark Wearden MSc FCCA FCIS is Senior Lecturer in Corporate Finance and Corporate
Governance at Lincoln Business School, University of Lincoln and the owner/director of MBS challenging
perception, a strategy consultancy. He has worked 12 years in merchant banking as an analyst, 8 years in
industry as a finance director and 20 years working through MBS with many organisations. His areas of
interest are ‘governance thinking’ , ‘risk’ and ‘supply chain challenge’; in particular exploring the
dichotomy that frequently exists between theory and practice.
Attendees will receive 20% off your next LLMC room booking. You will receive this discount on one room
booking to be used by 31 December 2015, discount off room hire prices only.
Bookings close 5th May. Spaces limited to 50
Book here
Contact: llmc@lincoln.ac.uk or call 01522 835566 for more information
Supported by
Leadership and Management Development for Growth
Expert Talk Series
Increase job performance and satisfaction through office design
Tuesday 19 May, 6-8pm
Location: LLMC, Ground Floor, David Chiddick Building on Brayford Wharf East at the University of
Are you interested in office design? Would you like to increase collegiate behaviours at work? Join us in our
workshop on the physical office environment and ethics.
Office design does not only job performance and satisfaction. Concrete features of the office environment can
be used to increase ethical and collegiate behaviour in the workplace.
This workshop covers a range of concrete examples of how office design can be used to increase ethical
behaviour in the workplace including the following topics:
Enclosures versus open plans
Strategic use of office lighting
Impact of wealth and time pressure on ethics
Presenters: Dr Nina Seppala Dr Nina Seppala has carried out psychological experiments to research office
environments and their impact on behaviour at work. She worked previously as a special consultant for the
United Nations in conflict management and peace-building. She is currently Deputy Head of Lincoln Business
Attendees will receive 20% off your next LLMC room booking. You will receive this discount on one room
booking to be used by 31 December 2015, discount off room hire prices only.
Bookings close 12th May. Spaces limited to 50
Book here
Contact: llmc@lincoln.ac.uk or call 01522 835566 for more information
Supported by
Leadership and Management Development for Growth
Expert Talk Series
Launch of the LLMC Family Business Forum
Tuesday 2 June, 6-8pm
Location: LLMC, Ground Floor, David Chiddick Building on Brayford Wharf East at the University of
Family business owners face a dual challenge of long term family prosperity and competitive day to day
businesses. Successful long-lived family firms have learnt to turn this challenge to advantage. This workshop
provides a forum for family business owners to debate the issues they face and learn more about the
approaches used by well-established family firms.
At this event we’ll talk to you about your business challenges and the Family Business Forum, designed to
support your growth and strategy.
Presenters: The Forum will be led by Professor Ted Fuller, who started his first family business aged 18 who
will be joined by Martin Hingley, Lincoln’s Professor in strategic marketing
Guest Speakers: The guest speaker is Christopher Oughtred, a 5th generation family member of Hull-based
William Jackson and Son Limited Food Group (Aunt Bessie’s etc.). Chris, now a non-executive director, was
Managing Director for 18 years and Chairman for 11 years. He is passionate about education and was a
founder Trustee of the Institute for Family Business.
Peter Denby, Managing Director of family business Denby’s Transport, for a wide-ranging discussion with the
Attendees will receive 20% off your next LLMC room booking. You will receive this discount on one room
booking to be used by 31 December 2015, discount off room hire prices only.
Bookings close 26 May. Spaces limited to 50
Book here
Contact: llmc@lincoln.ac.uk or call 01522 835566 for more information
Supported by
Leadership and Management Development for Growth
Expert Talk Series
Culture Clubbing: Improve your people management and development
and improve your business
Thursday 9 June, 5.30pm-8pm
Location: LLMC, Ground Floor, David Chiddick Building on Brayford Wharf East at the University of
Come along to hear about some of the current practice, tools and research in the People Management and
Development field, which you can use to improve the performance of your organisation.
Following on from the successful event last year , the MSc Human Resource Management and Development
team from Lincoln Business School are holding Culture Clubbing 2 Organisational well being
There will be guest speakers on HR related themes, networking opportunities and refreshments
Host: Dr Linda Hitchin, Principal Lecturer, Lincoln Business School, University of Lincoln
Guest speakers: tbc
Attendees will receive 20% off your next LLMC room booking. You will receive this discount on one room
booking to be used by 31 December 2015, discount off room hire prices only.
Bookings close 2 June. Spaces limited to 50
Book here
Contact: llmc@lincoln.ac.uk or call 01522 835566 for more information
Supported by
Leadership and Management Development for Growth
Expert Talk Series
Social media strategy and management
Thursday 17 June, 6-8pm
Location: LLMC, Ground Floor, David Chiddick Building on Brayford Wharf East at the University of
This session will take you from defining your digital strategy to successfully and seamlessly implement in
online. The presenter will share her 30-minutes daily social media routine and spice it up with free and low
cost tools to help you monitor, manage and measure the impact of your online communications.
Guest Speaker: A Professor in Public Relations and Corporate Communications by day and world citizen and
polyglot by DNA, Professor Dr Ana Adi is a social media enthusiast, a critical early adopter and a geek.
She started working with digital media before it was social, helping especially small and medium enterprises
to develop their own strategies and manage their own digital presences.
Attendees will receive 20% off your next LLMC room booking. You will receive this discount on one room
booking to be used by 31 December 2015, discount off room hire prices only.
Bookings close 10 June. Spaces limited to 50
Book here
Contact: llmc@lincoln.ac.uk or call 01522 835566 or for more information
Supported by
Leadership and Management Development for Growth
Expert Talk Series
How understanding strengths can make you a better leader
Wednesday 9 July, 6-8pm
Location: LLMC, Ground Floor, David Chiddick Building on Brayford Wharf East at the University of
The Character of a Leader: How understanding strengths can make you a better leader
Recent global research suggests that there is a shift occurring in the workplace. Many commercial leaders are
waking up to the fact that knowing the psychological strengths of themselves and their colleagues leads to
greater engagement, productivity and creativity in the world of work.
This workshop teaches leaders and managers to recognise their own strengths and use them to best effect
with others. It also offers evidence-based approaches to increasing work engagement in the people one
manages by skilfully spotting their strengths in action, and offering feedback from a strengths-based
Presenters: Dr Roger Bretherton, Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology
Attendees will receive 20% off your next LLMC room booking. You will receive this discount on one room
booking to be used by 31 December 2015, discount off room hire prices only.
Bookings close 2 July. Spaces limited to 50
Book here
Contact: llmc@lincoln.ac.uk or call 01522 835566 for more information
Supported by
Leadership and Management Development for Growth
Expert Talk Series
Panel discussion: Gender, behaviour and ethics
Tuesday 14 July, 6-8pm
Location: LLMC, Ground Floor, David Chiddick Building on Brayford Wharf East at the University of
Research has shown that women are more ethical consumers than men. Women and men also make different
ethical choices in organisational settings. New research findings suggest that women change their behaviour
more from one situation to another in comparison to men. This workshop explores differences between men
and women through examples, and a panel of managers shares their experiences with workshop guests.
Presenters: Dr Nina Seppala has carried out psychological experiments to research office environments and
their impact on behaviour at work. She worked previously as a special consultant for the United Nations in
conflict management and peace-building. She is currently Deputy Head of Lincoln Business School.
Attendees will receive 20% off your next LLMC room booking. You will receive this discount on one room
booking to be used by 31 December 2015, discount off room hire prices only.
Bookings close 7 July. Spaces limited to 50
Book here
Contact: llmc@lincoln.ac.uk or call 01522 835566 for more information
Supported by