BROOKINGS SCHOOL BOARD April 27, 2015 – 6:00 p.m. MARYSZ RAMES President ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCE ROOM TH 2130 8 Street South DR. ROGER DEGROOT Superintendent AGENDA 6:00 BOARD MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER B. APPROVAL OF AGENDA C. ACTION ITEM 1. Approve change order rfp #32 payable to Mills Construction in the amount of $183.648.80 for playground concrete/dirtwork and sidewalks to the playground equipment for Dakota Prairie Elementary D. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 Subsection – (1) – Personnel – Meet with search firm, Ray & Associates, to select superintendent candidates E. ACTION ITEM 1. Approve special board meeting date change from May 4th at 6:00 p.m. to: (date will be determined at board meeting) F. ADJOURNMENT MILLS CONSTRUCTION, INC. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL No. 32 1311 Main Ave. S Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 697-3100 TITLE: RFP #32 - Add Exterior Concrete DATE: 4/13/2015 TO: Brookings School District 5-1 2130 8th Street South Brookings, SD 57006 PROJECT: Dakota Prairie Elementary 111 26th Street South Brookings, SD 57006 PROJECT # 1661-1 General Contract DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL This proposal is to include the following changes: 1. Add Exterior Concrete This proposal includes adding concrete and otehr miscellaneous items for the playground areas as shown on the latest playground site plan dated 4/8/15. Specific items included are the supply and install of 6" of base course under all new concrete (43,276sf), subgrade prep and shaping under all new concrete areas (43,276sf), supply and install 16" of sand at the new sandbox (2,016sf), supply and install 12" of pea rock at the swing set areas (6,796sf), supply and install of geotextile fabric under the sand and pea rock areas (1,020syd), supply and install of 18" RCP w/2 flarred ends at the Pathway (1ea), supply and install 5" of concrete with rebar at 24" on center at all (red) playground oval areas (11,819sf), supply and install 5" of concrete with rebar at 24" on center at all (blue) concrete areas including (2) two basketball courts (31,457sf), supply and install 6" of cocnrete with rebar at 24" on center at all (pink) pathway areas (8,921sf), and adding earthwork to construct the bermed area at the new amphitheater area as well as the berms along the west and north property lines. Also included is the supply and installation of an area drain with piping to drain the center playground oval and supplying and installing piers for the play equipment in the playground ovals. Note that the drain and piers are an estimated amount only at this time. Once the design is finalized, the actual amount to install the drain and piers can be determined. Note that the allowance for the playground surfacing ($84,000.00) has been deducted from the total amount of this proposal. Therefore, the total amount of this work would be approximately $84,000.00 more if this deduct was not given. If this proposal is approved and the work begins, the palyground surfacing allowance will be billed out on the next pay application. Note, this work is not to be considered as a part of the original schedule for the school project. Mills has scheduled this work to be complete by August 1st, although since a portion of this work is dependent on many other variables, no specific completion date is set at this time. Some of the variables restricting the setting of a compeltion date are the playground equipment design and delivery, the landscaping & lawns, favorable weather, and finalized/approved plans with elevations. Once these variables are solidified, the completion date can agreed on. ADD $183,648.80 APPROVAL: Owner Representative Mills Construction, Inc. Date Date REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - ITEMIZED COSTS 4/13/2015 Project: Job # Dakota Prairie Elementary School 1661-1 General Contract Phase Request for Proposal # Add Exterior Concrete 32 Description Contractor Labor Super Carpenter ADMIN 40 mh's @ $45.00 mh's @ $33.00 mh's @ $50.00 1,800.00 Materials lf 0 ea ea 0 ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ lf ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea 221 221 Sales Tax (6%) Subcontractor Gravel Base Course Under Blue Concrete 31,457 sf @ Gravel Base Course Under Red Concrete 11,819 sf @ $0.50 sf $0.50 sf 15,728.50 5,909.50 221 221 Subgrade Prep & Shaping at Blue Concrete Subgrade Prep & Shaping at Red Concrete 31,457 sf @ 11,819 sf @ $0.25 sf $0.25 sf 7,864.25 2,954.75 221 221 221 Supply & Install Sand at Sandbox Supply & Install Pea Rock at Swing Sets Geotextile Fabric at Sand Box & Swing Sets 2,016 sf @ 6,796 sf @ 1,020 sy @ $3.00 sf $2.00 sf $2.00 sy 6,048.00 13,592.00 2,040.00 221 Add Earthwork to Construct New Grades 4,500 cy @ $2.00 cy 9,000.00 221 18" RCP w/2 Flared Ends at Pathway Concrete Surfacing - Red Playgrounds Concrete Surfacing - Blue Areas 39,593.65 105,380.95 221 Concrete Surfacing - Pink Pathway $3,601.00 ea cy $3.35 cy $3.35 cy cy $3.65 cy 3,601.00 264 264 @ @ @ @ @ @ 221 264 Install Drain for Center Red Playground Pour Piers for Playground Equipment 1 ls @ 1 ls @ $2,500.00 ls $7,500.00 ls 2,500.00 7,500.00 274 282 283 283 283 283 Irrigation System at Front of Building Landscaping & Seeding at All Areas Playground Equipment & Rubber Basketball Backstops & Hoops Soccer Nets Gazebos 1 1 1 4 4 2 162 Deduct Contract P.G. Surfacing Allowance 1 ea cy 11,819 cy 31,457 cy cy 8,921 cy ls ls ls ea ea ea ls (1) ls ls @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ls ls ls ea ea ea ls $84,000.00 ls ls mh's mh's mh's mh's mh's mh's mh's mh's mh's mh's mh's mh's 32,561.65 (84,000.00) Totals Profit on Subcontractors Portion of Work (4%) Profit on Contractors Portion of Work (8%) Payment & Performance Bond (0.5%) Excise Tax (2%) (.02041) $170,274.25 $1,800.00 $179,029.22 $179,924.37 TOTAL 6,810.97 144.00 895.15 3,724.43 183,648.80 CHANGE ORDER INFORMATION PHASE CHANGE MAN HR LABOR $ MATERIAL $ JOB NAME Dakota Prairie Elementary School RFP # 32 Add Exterior Concrete JOB # 1661-1 General Contract CHANGE ORDER # PRIOR CONTRACT TOTAL $ NEW CONTRACT TOTAL $ PRIOR BUDGET (EST) $ NEW BUDGET (EST) $ SUB-CONTRACTOR SUB $ 221 15,728.50 221 5,909.50 221 7,864.25 221 2,954.75 221 6,048.00 221 13,592.00 221 2,040.00 221 9,000.00 221 3,601.00 264 39,593.65 264 105,380.95 221 32,561.65 221 2,500.00 264 7,500.00 162 (84,000.00) PHASE SUPER 102 EXCISE 118 BOND 116 TOTALS 40 40.0 1,800.00 3,724.43 895.15 $1,800.00 $4,619.58 LABOR, MATERIAL & SUB TOTAL OH & P COMBINED TOTAL $170,274.25 $176,693.83 $6,954.97 $183,648.80 3.79% of total