Ms Elizabeth Bancroft MA - Loughton Manor First School


Ms Elizabeth Bancroft MA - Loughton Manor First School
Telephone: 01908 241472
Paynes Drive
Milton Keynes
Fax: 01908 242085
Headteacher: Ms Elizabeth Bancroft M.A.
Parents of Year 2 pupils
15 th April 2015
Northern Ballet at Milton Keynes Theatre – The Elves and the Shoemaker – 1st May
We have organised an exciting cultural experience for our Year 2 children. We are taking them to
see the schools’ matinee of The Elves and the Shoemaker performed by Northern Ballet at Milton
Keynes Theatre on the afternoon of Friday 1 st May. This will give the children the opportunity to
see a first class professional ballet production, and also links to a major KS1 lite racy theme of
exploring traditional tales.
We will be walking there from school, and stopping for a picnic lunch on the way. We have for
many years walked Year 2 to or from CMK, and we find that this distance is perfect for them to
experience how travelling on foot can be both feasible and enjoyable. It’s great exercise too!
Instead of collecting your child from school, we are asking you to collect your child from the
square at the front of MK Theatre between 3.00pm and 3.30pm where we will be waiting. T his
timing should allow for those who need to collect older or younger siblings in Loughton.
We will make arrangements for After School Club children to be brought back to school. Your
child needs:
 comfortable sturdy walking shoes
 sun hat/sunscreen and/or wet weather gear dependent upon weather. We will be going
whatever the weather!
 You do not need to provide a packed lunch. We have arranged for this to be provided for
all by our caterers, as their free lunch entitlement.
As ever, these enrichment activities come with an additional cost, so we would be grateful if you
were able to make a voluntary contribution of £6.00, the cost of the ticket.
Best wishes,
Lizzie Bancroft
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Child’s Name ________________________
Class ___________________________
I enclose a voluntary contribution of £6.00 towards the MK Theatre.
I am paying by pluspay.
Signed ______________________________ (Parent/Guardian)