Terms and regulations of Polish International


Terms and regulations of Polish International
Terms and regulations of Polish International Championships in School Relay
Cross-Country Running Vena Cross 2015
Łódź, 26th April 2015.
Intent of the venture:
Popularization of athletics among youth
Promotion of Łódź city and Łódź province , integration of youth from Poland and
neighbour countries
Finding out which relay team is the best on 8x800m distance from elementary,
middle and high schools
Łódź School Sports Association (ŁSZS)
Vena Sport Foundation
The project's patronage:
Marshal of Łódź province
Mayor of Łódź city
Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Poland
Central Administration of Polish School Sports Association
Governor of Łódź province
Superintendent of Łódź schools office
Chairman of Polish Athletics Association
The project's media patronage:
TVP Łódź, TV Toya, Dziennik Łódzki Polska The Times newspaper
Date and place:
26th April in Łódź (Cross-country running along Piotrkowska Street) between 11am - 2 pm.
Arrival and verification of International teams will be performed on 24th April 2015 between
5 pm - 8 pm at Fala Aqua Park (Unii Lubelskiej Alley 4). To pass verification process teams
need to show event organizers application signed by school headmaster and valid school ID's
of team members.
A. The right to take part in the games have school relay teams (girls and boys) which
placed 1st in regional tournaments in following categories:
- Elementary schools (class of 2002 and above)
- Middle schools (class of 1999 and above)
- High schools (class of 1996 and above)
If regional tournament was not held in given province because of unnamed circumstances,
the organizers in cooperation with local SZS have the right to choose team to represent
given province in Vena Cross 2015.
Relay cross-county team consists of 9 members plus 1 patron.
1 participant can only start in 1 relay team.
Games will be played under current Polish Athletics Association rules.
B. Organizers invite all the best school relay cross-county teams (1 relay team for each
of the 6 competitions), from following countries: Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia,
Hungary, Lithuania, Austria, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia.
Please send entry applications to Central Administration of Łódź School Sports Association
(90-452 Łódź Żeromskiego Street 115, email: dzialsportu@lszs.pl , telephone/fax
+48426307345 or +48426307346).
Process of verification for international teams will be performed on 24th April 2015 at
Aquapark "Fala" between 5 pm - 10 pm.
A. Organizers provide every Polish qualified team (as mentioned before, 9 members of
relay team plus 1 patron) with accommodation and dinner on 25th April 2015,
breakfast and dinner on 26th April 2015 (teams from Łódź Province are excluded from
accommodation and dinner on 25th April 2015, breakfast on 26th April 2015).
Fee for every person above limit (10 people) who wants to participate in Vena Cross 2015 is
100, - PLN, paid during verification process (drivers included).
Organizers provide free of charge entrance (for 60 minutes) to Fala Aqua Park on 25th April
2015 (between 3 pm - 8 pm) for every Polish (excluding Łódź) and foreign team.Participation in
Vena Cross 2015 is free of charge.
B. Organizers provide every International qualified team (as mentioned before, 9
members of relay team plus 1 patron) with accommodation (24/25th and 25/26th
April), dinner (24th April at Fala Aqua Park), breakfast and dinner (9am - 11am ; 2pm 4pm on 25/26th April; Pomorska Street 16).
Organizers provide free of charge entrance (for 60 minutes) to Fala Aqua Park on 24th
(between 5 pm - 8 pm) or 25th (between 3 pm - 8 pm) April 2015 for every International
On 25th April (Saturday) residency program will be provided by Łódź City Department of
Promotion and Department of Promotion and Foreign Affairs of Łódź Marshal Office.
Travel expenses are covered by teams themselves.
Named applications should be sent on attached form to Łódź School Sports Association (90452 Łódź Żeromskiego Street 115, email: dzialsportu@lszs.pl , telephone/fax +48426307345
or +48426307346) not later than 10th April 2015.
Confirmation of participation should be delivered by local School Sports Associations by
phone or email not later than 31st March 2015.
Every participant of Vena Festival 2015 gets starters kit (souvenirs from sponsors)
commemorative T-shirt and diploma.
Teams from places 1st through 3rd get commemorative cups, team members get medals and
in-kind prizes. Patrons of winning teams get 4 four days invitations for 2 persons to COSA
AZS Wilkasy holiday resort.
As of today total prize pool of Vena Festival exceeds 100 000- PLN (organizers are still
making arrangements with potential sponsors to increase prize pool).
Rossmann, Torf Corporation, Fala Aqua Park, Społeczna Akademia Nauk, Pepsi, Rotary Club
Łódź, IS company, Siemens AGD, COSA AZS Wilkasy holiday resort, Transarr, Lenora, Polska
Restaurant, Enterprise Support, The City of Łódź Office, Łódź Marshal Office, Ministry of
Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Poland, Vena Sport Foundation.
Detailed schedule will be available on www.lszs.pl website (it will also be sent to local SZS
We reserve right to interpret the terms and regulations of the project. Organizers provide
locker rooms only for changing clothes. Organizers neither endorse nor accept responsibility
for things left without assistance.
Additional info available:
Leszek Jezierski +48693414394 (accommodation, food, prizes)
Wiesław Dębowski +48503567027 (competition rules etc)
The Organizing Comitee