New Dimensions of Philology


New Dimensions of Philology
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła
Zawodowa w Płocku
1st International Online Conference
New Dimensions of Philology
Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture
13 – 19 April 2015
We have the great pleasure to invite you to 1st International Online Conference New
Dimensions of Philology - Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture organised by The
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of The State School of Higher Professional
Education in Płock. The conference will be held in April 13 – 19, 2015 aiming at creating a
forum to enable teachers, researchers, scientists and students to exchange opinions,
reflections, present research results concerning various areas connected with languages,
literature, linguistics, culture mentioned in the conference topic.
This Conference is a new edition of the previous meetings titled From the Philologists'
Workshop, but this year's conference takes a new innovative form. The submitted papers will
be presented on the conference website where
they will be available to all registered participants from 13 to 19 April 2015. Every registered
participant will receive a username and a password which will give them access to all
published papers and will enable them to exchange opinions and reflections in the discussion
forum which will be placed below each paper. Since not only reading the papers but also
participation in the discussion will be possible at any moment within the aforementioned
period, we hope that this type of conference will be convenient for you and it will enable you
to take part in it at the most suitable moment. As the new form of the Conference is organised
for the first time, participation is free of charge.
All the papers presented on the conference website will be published in the postconference volume assessed by external reviewers. Every participant will receive the
certificate of attendance as well as of paper presentation.
We welcome you to send via email your papers which may be a paper in MS Word
format, a video or a PowerPoint presentation with voice-over in video format. In each case,
you are asked to send the title, the name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliation(s). In the case
of the materials in Polish, the authors are asked to send a short summary in English (max. 300
words.) English and Polish are the languages of the conference. Only the papers/presentations
which will receive the reviewers' acceptance will be presented on the conference website, and
the authors will be informed about receiving (or not) the aforementioned acceptance via
The topics may include, but are not limited to:
o language acquisition
o linguistic analysis
o literary analysis
o aspects of culture
o corpus analysis
o language and job market
o language in modern world
o modern language teaching theories
o new perspective on traditional methodological issues
o pragmatics
o syllabuses
o cultural aspects in language development
o language development
o semantics
o sociolinguistics
o translation
o language learning, etc.
Scientific Committee:
Prof. zw. dr hab. Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (Łódź University, Poland)
Prof. dr hab. Hanna Pułaczewska (Universitaet Regensburg, Germany)
Prof. dr hab. Kamila Turewicz (AHE, Poland)
Prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Uchman (Łódź University, PWSZ Płock, Poland)
Prof. dr hab. Ewa Waniek-Klimczak (Łódź University, Poland)
Prof. dr hab. Przemysław Krakowian (Łódź University, PWSZ Płock, Poland)
Organising Committee:
dr inż. Małgorzata Jagodzińska – Head of Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of The
State School of Higher Professional Education in Płock
mgr Danuta Pietrzak – Deputy Head of Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of The
State School of Higher Professional Education in Płock
dr Aneta Dłutek – organiser
Piotr Felczak – technical support
Important dates:
Registration deadline – 28.02.2015 (registration form on the conference website)
Paper submission deadline – 15.03.2015
Notification of acceptance deadline – 31.03.2015
Papers and any inquiry about the submission and conference please send to:
This conference is intended to be organised regularly becoming a platform for meeting
and exchange of opinions, reflections and experience concerning broadly understood
languages, literature, linguistics and culture.
Looking forward to welcoming you,
Organising Committee