LWC Email Bulletin - Living Waters Church


LWC Email Bulletin - Living Waters Church
LWC Email Bulletin
Welcome to Living Waters Church
Sunday Prayer Meeting 9.30 am – 10.00 am
Sunday Morning Service
10.30 am
Sunday Evening Service 6 pm
The coffee bar is open before
the morning and evening
service. You are very
welcome to come and join us.
Crèche available for Toddlers
Children leave to join their own
service at 10.50 am
Youth leave to join their own
service at 11.15 am
Parking on Sundays
at Hollacombe
Resource Centre,
50 yards from LWC
Living Waters Church
358 Torquay Road
Paignton TQ3 2DQ
Telephone 01803 552538
We believe that God has a great plan and
purpose for your life and His plan for you is
not to cause harm but rather to prosper you
in all things, to give you hope and to give you
a future in a world full of uncertainty.
Our prayer is that the God of all Grace will
bring transformation into your life as you
encounter His extravagant and unconditional
love through the presence and power of the
Holy Spirit .
Senior Pastors
Tony & Su Williams
A warm welcome to all our
Make sure you have received
your Welcome Pack!
The Welcome Team and
Connect Team
are wearing blue lanyards
and are happy to answer any
questions you might have!
12th April 2015
Youth and Families
Misheck & Sharleen
Living Waters Church Diary Dates
Please notify the Email Bulletin News Editors
Pastor Su Williams & Antje Cooley or the Church Administrator
Ally Tite of any events : admin@lwchurch.org.uk
Kerensa Coffee Lounge
A Community Action Team Initiative
Tuesday 14th April
11.00 am - 12.30 pm
If you are on your own, please come along
and make some new friends
Natalie needs some temporary garage space
for a couple of items of antique furniture 5 ft x
3 ft. If you have space for approximately 5
months, please could you ring Natalie:
01803 310501 or 07766 49781
All salaries, building maintenance,
equipment, utility bills, church supplies and
programs are paid for through what is
collected weekly or monthly through cash,
cheques or standing orders via the bank.
In addition to this LWC can claim Gift Aid on
donations of money made by an individual
who is a UK taxpayer. This is the
Government's scheme for enabling churches
and charities to reclaim tax paid.
For more information on Gift Aid, please
contact Jim Williams, Treasurer, or Ally Tite
in the office 01803 552538
Next Baptismal Service 19th April 2015
Christian Baptism is one of two ordinances
that Jesus instituted for the church and is an
outward testimony of the inward change in a
believer’s life.
Please contact Senior Pastor Tony Williams if
you would like to be baptized on
19th April 2015.
LWC Update of Records
If you have not yet received an envelope asking
you to complete a form, please collect from
window ledge in foyer and then return the
completed form to the Welcome Team at the
door or place it into the prayer/ welcome box as
we are aiming to update our records.
You are also asked if you would like to be listed
in the next LWC directory.
Your email however will NOT be listed in the
directory; it is for office use only.
LWC complies with the law and under the LWC
Data Protection Policy. Personal information is
collected and used fairly, stored safely and not
disclosed unlawfully.
As from May 2015 all LWC news will be
available via email. Please ensure Ally Tite
has your up to date email if you wish to
receive a copy every Friday into your in
box. Paper copies will only be available to
those without access to email or visitors.
Want to connect with others? Join a Life Group
Life Group Leaders in Torquay - Evening:
Jim and Ann Williams
Allan and Carole Wardle
Gary and Mary Watson
Natalie Townsend and Therese Todd
Life Group Leaders in Paignton - Daytime:
Pastors Tony & Su Williams
Life Group Leaders in Paignton - Evening:
Derek and Annie Wills
Joy Fanous
Peter and Sue Farndale, Gay Kidd
Gavin and Janice Button
Katherine and Santiago Salamanca (Spanish speaking group)
Life Group New Christians
Leaders in Paignton - Evening:
John Cooley & Rosemary & David Cooper, Chris Williams,
Rachel Hasbury, Julia Yarrell, Carole Gordon
Life Group Distinct Youth Leaders in Paignton, Evening
Pastor’s Misheck and Sharleen Manhanha