Drain Volunteer Application


Drain Volunteer Application
Please fill out this application and submit a paper copy to the Drain mailbox in the BLUE
lounge and an electronic copy to Seb and Michelle at drain@macengsociety.ca
A description of the position is available on the MES website and any questions can be
directed to Seb and Michelle at The Drain e-mail.
APPLICATIONS DUE: Thursday April 30th by midnight.
Name: _____________________________ E-mail: ______________________________
Program & Year: _____________________ Number of terms as Drain Volunteer: _____
1) Why do want to be on the DRAIN Swag Squad?
2) What new swag or initiatives would you like to see in The Drain next year?
3) What previous experience do you have handling money and placing orders?
4) Someone robs you of all your Drain swag, but lets you keep one item, which item do you
keep and why?
5) Draw something. Anything.