5-52 issue , The Voice of Madhesh pdf ( April 13, 2015).


5-52 issue , The Voice of Madhesh pdf ( April 13, 2015).
YadavRameshwar Ray Yadav
Devoted towards the National Integration, Nationality and Madheshbad
The Voice Of
The Voice of Madhesh
Family .
Kathmandu / Vol.–5 / Issue – 52, Monday, April 13th 2015, ( 2071, Chaitra 30th ) Page- 8, Price Rs. -10
Flashed political development
against Madhesh
Kathmandu. Latest political development has
flashed on a grave situation for Madhesh and
Madheshi people. Focusing on the recent
agreement formed between two big ruling
parties experts have said that situation has
been noticed as dangerous.
The ruling Nepali Congress and CPN-UML
have agreed to make two Madhesh states
from north to south . And both parties have
made the agreement to come up with a
concrete work plan to complete the
constitution drafting process. The meeting
of the top leaders from the two parties on
Sunday decided to set a target to complete
the remaining tasks of constitution drafting.
Responding the question asked by
journalists vice president of Nepali Congress
Ram Chandar Poudel,’ In the proposed work
plan, the leaders said, both settled and
unsettled issues of constitution writing
would be listed. “Talks are being held to
formulate a new work calendar but we did
not take any decision today as we have to
consult with other parties as well,”. The
parties have not set the date for constitution
promulgation after they missed the January
22 deadline. The ruling parties want to take
ahead the statute drafting process in a timebound manner. A new work calendar would
be formulated after consultation with the
UCPN (Maoist), leaders from the ruling
parties said. Federalism remains a major bone
of contention among the parties, and the
cross-party negotiations so far have failed
to make much progress. The Maoist party
has proposed either federating the country
into six provinces based on multiple
identities, or eight provinces with their names
settled in advance. The ruling parties have
proposed seven provinces under a new
federal set-up. Meanwhile, the secondrung leaders from the ruling parties are
pressing their top leaders to accept the
opposition’s eight-province model if, in
doing so, would ensure a broad
consensus among the parties to issue
Another hand Rajendra Mahato,
Chairman of S adabhawana Party,
opposed the way of Prachand
withdrawing declared program of
general strike. He has has said that the
Madhes-based parties will not
participate in the meeting of the 30party alliance as the relevance of the
front has ended.
Mahato insisted that Madhesi people
will not be able to secure their rights
through the alliance. He said “The 30party alliance will not be effective from
now onwards,” Mahato said in an
interaction programme of Reporter’s
Club here on Sunday, “Madhesi people
do not need this alliance.” He accepted
that UCPN (Maoist) Chairman Pushpa
Kamal Dahal played a double face role
so the influence the alliance declined.
Leader Mahato said that the Madhesbased parties were capable to carry out
a separate agitation on their own. He
added that preparations were being
made for a strong struggle by forming a
separate alliance.
The experts say what misfortune will be
seen that will be in Madhesh. They said
that political clouds are roaring in the
sky that could harm people of
We take rights by struggle: Mahato
Rakesh Yadav, Rautahat. Rajendra Mahato
,President of Sadabhawana Party, has said
that people will take rights by their struggle.
Addressing a condolence program of
Ramashish Thakur killed by police in Rautahat
Mahato said that there had been a conspiracy
made of depriving Madheshi people from
political rights. If government doesn’t declare
Thakur a martyr people will take their rights
by struggle. In the program, Mahendra Ray Yadav, Haribol Gajurel, Govinda
Chaudhary, Mohammad Lalbabu Raut and Meghraj Nisadh like leaders expressed
their views.
Government wants creating anarchy in
Madhesh: Madheshi Front
Kathmandu. Joint Democratic Madheshi Front has accused government of
c reat in g an ar c h y. Th e Fr o n t a ls o co n d emn ed t h e a c ti on t ak en b y
government in Rautahat. Government suppressed peaceful demonstrators
by firing teargas, bullets and charged lathi. Rajendra Mahato ,President
of S adab h aw an a P arty , issu ed a release u rgin g govern men t stop
suppressing Madheshi people. Mahaot said formed a probe committee
finding guilty in Rautahat action.
Gachhedar Showed Double Standard
Kathmandu. Bijaykumar Gachhedar
,president of Forum Democratic,
known as disputable and anti Madheshi
and cheater leader again has been
blamed of the same adjectives.
Gachhedar always works against
Madheshi and helps Khas leaders of
ruling class. Gachhedar has been
widely criticized by influencing
Prachand withdrawing announced
general strike by 30-party alliance.
Bijaykumar Gachhedar
Earlier Gachhedar took Mahendra
Ray ,Anil Jha, Sharatsingh and
Rajkishore making his own group isolating Upendra Yadav,Mahanth
Thakur and Rajendra Mahato. When Prime Minister Sushil Koirala
refused to accept him in government Gachhedar went to Prachand
to wage agitation.
Monday, 13th April , 2015
Keep eyes open, a
threat is looming
Madhesh based parties have again tarnished
the image of Madhesh. People of Madhesh
surprised by watching the political moves
made by Madhesh based political parties.
They drummed that they were going to be
united sooner. Some of them enjoyed playing
steps for the unification. Finally the failed
doing that. Big three Madhesh based parties
: Tarai Madhesh Democratic Party, Madheshi
Janadhikar Forum Nepal and Sadabhwana
Party tuned the promise of unification by
forming task force for unification. They sang
chorus for unification for more than six
months. All top leaders of these political
parties joined the chorus of unification. Later
they failed declaring their unification. But
during this period some sadabhawanians have
got success declaring unification between
Sarita Giri led Nepal Sadabhawana Party and
Anil Jha led Federal Sadabhawana. Nepal
Sadabhawana Party revived in constituent
assembly under leadership of Anil Jha. During
this course almost all Madhesh based parties
j o i n e d 3 0 p a r t y a l l i a n c e f o r wa g i n g
movement against government. Later they
learnt without making a force of Madheshi
people they can’t wage movement. Prachand
withdrew general strike announced. This
shows that a threat is looming in Madhesh.
So all people of Madhesh should keep their
eyes open.
Rajendra Mahato, Chairman of
Sadabhawana Party, expressing
views Before the delegation of
EU parliament .
2071, Chaitra 30th
National Weekly
Africa regional overview-3
Following a deepening
campaign of violence by the
Islamist armed group Boko
Haram during 2013, the
armed conflict in Nigeria’s
northeast intensified in scope
and casualties, powerfully
illustrating the threats to the
stability of Africa’s most
populous nation and to
regional peace and security.
The conflict intensified in
smaller towns and villages in
2014 with more than 4,000
civilians killed since 2009.
The abduction in April of 276
schoolgirls by Boko Haram
was one emblematic case of
the group’s campaign of
terror against civilians, which
continued unabated. On
communities already
terrorized for years by
Boko Haram became
increasingly vulnerable
to violations by the state
security forces, which
regularly responded
with heavy-handed and
indiscriminate attacks
and with mass arbitrary
arrests, beatings and
torture. Gruesome video
footage, images and
eyewitness accounts
gathered by Amnesty
International provided
fresh evidence of
probable war crimes,
crimes against humanity and
other serious human rights
violations and abuses
committed by all sides.
Torture and other illtreatment was routinely and
systematically practised by
Nigeria’s security services
throughout the country,
including in the context of the
conflict in the northeast.
Security officials were rarely
held accountable. A pattern
of mass arbitrary arrests and
detentions carried out by the
military in the northeast
visibly escalated after the
declaration of a state of
emergency in May 2013, and
there were ongoing reports
of extrajudicial executions by
the military and police by the
end of the year. Meanwhile,
there was no apparent
resolution in sight for already
protracted conflicts. Sudan’s
conflicts in Darfur, Southern
Kordofan and Blue Nile
continued unabated, and
Kordofan. Violations of
international human rights
and humanitarian law were
committed by all sides. In
Darfur, widespread abuses
and violence between
warring communities and
attacks by government-allied
militias and armed opposition
groups triggered a significant
increase in displacement and
civilian deaths. An upsurge
in violence by armed groups
in eastern DRC, within the
context of Operation Sokola
1, cost thousands of lives
and forced more than a
million people to flee their
homes. The increased
violence was also marked by
killings and mass rapes by
both government security
forces and armed groups. In
southern and central
Somalia, over 100,000
civilians were killed, injured
or displaced in the ongoing
armed conflict between progovernment forces, the
African Union Mission in
Somalia (AMISOM) and the
Islamist armed group alShabaab. All parties to the
conflict violated international
humanitarian law. Armed
forcibly recruited people,
including children, and
abducted, tortured and
unlawfully killed others.
Rape and other forms of
violence were widespread.
The humanitarian situation
deteriorated rapidly due to
the conflict, drought and
access. More than one
million people were in
humanitarian crisis and
another 2.1 million in need of
assistance at the end of
Warning signs of future
conflicts were also visible.
The Sahel region remained
especially volatile, due to
combined effects of political
insecurity, surge of radical
armed groups and organized
crime, extreme poverty as
well as social exclusion. This
was illustrated in Mali, where
internal armed conflict left
the country in a state of
persistent insecurity particularly in the north
where some areas remained
outside the control of the
authorities. Despite a peace
agreement signed between
the government and armed
groups in 2013, armed
groups committed abuses
including abductions and
killings, and outbreaks of
violence persisted in 2014
even as peace discussions
between the government
and armed groups continued.
Violence and insecurity were
heightened by a surge in acts
of terrorism - as in Somalia,
Kenya, Nigeria, and across
the Sahel region - which
were often met by serious
human rights violations by
government forces. Abuses
by armed groups included
unlawful killings, abductions,
torture and indiscriminate
attacks. In Somalia, alShabaab factions tortured
and unlawfully killed people
they accused of spying or
not conforming to their strict
interpretation of Islamic law.
They killed people in public
- including by stoning - and
carried out amputations and
floggings. In Cameroon as
well, Nigerian Islamist
groups including Boko
Haram killed civilians,
carried out hostage-taking
and abductions, and attacked
human rights defenders.
Sources : report Amnesty international 2015
3 Monday, 13
April , 2015
2071, Chaitra 30th
National Weekly
Keeping the country in pendulum situation bears nothing for all
Political parties have also received their maturity. They
must have experienced many lessons from first assembly to
second assembly. But not to adopt the experiences in practice is not good things. Another hand constitution is itself a
changeable whenever it requires. Well first of all , lay down
a common grounds and later make way of rectification.
How would you like to
elaborate the current
political deadlock in
the prospective of
constitution making
- The country has been
in a political deadlock
for a long time. This is
unfortunate for the
country. Because the
most important task of
country is to announce
a constitution and for
the constitution there
should be a consensus
In the
absence of the
upcoming constitution
has not been declared.
Situation has been seen
out of control that is
required to be in a
chain of political
periphery. The country
is still in a mesh. Such
situation to be
constitution has been
already failed. There is
a terror spreading
constitution assembly
is failure what will be
happen. Earlier it was
promised bringing
constitution within a
year since the election
result of second
assembly but that
promise is already
failed. There is no any
progress can be seen
since the deadlock
occurred in the first
assembly. The due time
constitution on 22 nd
January has passed
without any declaration
about the constitution.
After the 22nd January
the doubts have widened
the gap between
political parties. So
there is a platform
required for those
parties for reviving
talks for seeking a new
How could you
overview the opposition
led movement against
- For me , it is not time
for waging movement.
Movement can’t help
constitution making.
For the process of
making constitution a
dialogue is required not
movement. Without a
dialogue there will not
be a way out for
confirming the process
of constitution making.
So this is not time of
movement. It is time of
The leaders of 30 party
alliance say that their
movement is for
kicking start of
dialogue. How could
you judge such
- I don’t think so. The
process of constitution
making is a way of trust
building. They have lost
their trust among
themselves. After 22nd
January there is been no
any positive talks seen
held. Time is being
Did you see any reason
behind the current
deadlock, what is that?
-Most important thing is
lack of strong political
will power.
You mean this lacks
among all political
parties, don’t you?
-If the political will
becomes powerful, it
c o n s t i t u t i o n
immediately. Many
disputes have been solved
but the deadlock has
been widening more and
more. If the second
constituent assembly
fails, what will happen
one can’t imagine easily.
For me, the country will
go toward a failure state.
People have given such a
large verdict to the
political parties for
giving a constitution. For
me, there is no space for
disagreement but it is.
Basic issues are: issues
of democracy, issues of
federalism, issues of
inclusiveness, issues of
peace, and I think for
these issues we should
take a way out from
international practices.
We are not doing these
things first time in the
world. Many countries
have gone through such
issues for their better
governance. Political
parties have also
received their maturity.
They must have
lessons from first
assembly to second
assembly. But not to
adopt the experiences in
Dinesh Tripathi
practice is not good
things. Another hand
constitution is itself a
changeable whenever it
requires. Well first of all
, lay down a common
grounds and later make
way of rectification.
Keeping the country in
pendulum situation bears
nothing for all. All
political parties should
think that delay in
upcoming constitution is
credibility. In the
democracy, political
parties are most
important actors. The
loss of credibility of
political parties is
ultimately loss of
democracy. The country
will fall in a grave
How could you sketch
the relation between
Nepal and India?
-The relation between
Nepal and India must be
good. Both countries are
democratic countries.
Both citizens have been
sharing a typical
relation. This relation
should be transformed in
brotherly and friendly
relationship. The relation
should be beneficial for
the people of both
countries. More and
more possibilities of
economic development
are seen for example the
hydropower sector
should be developed for
the betterment of both
countries. The relation
can be exploited for the
mutual interests. About
this relation a discussion
is required among
political parties. Result
oriented should be held.
The dialogue between
professional group of
Diplomacy to be track
two diplomacy should be
between two countries.
But I say multi track
diplomacy. Track two
diplomacy sometimes
doesn’t give good result.
The relation between
Nepal and India is not
only the relation between
two governments it is
between people to
people. People are
connected by culturally,
economically. ,
Monday, 13th April , 2015
2071, Chaitra 30th
Death anniversary of Begum
Hazrat Mahal commemorated
Kathmandu : A wreath laying
ceremony was organized jointly
by Nepal-Bharat Millat Council,
Embassy of India, Kathmandu,
B. P. Koirala India-Nepal
Foundation and Jame Masjid,
Ghantaghar to commemorate
the death anniversary of
Begum Hazrat Mahal, on
Tuesday April 07, 2015 at Jame
Masjid, Kathmandu. Shri
Piyush Srivastava, Charge d’
Affaires of Embassy of India
laid a wreath on the tomb of
Begum Hazrat Mahal at Bagh
Bazar. During this occasion, he
also remembered the contribution
made by Begum Hazrat Mahal
for India’s freedom-fight
movement. Prior to this, Fathia
was read by the students and
Maulavi of Madarsha. Begum
Hazrat Mahal was the wife of
then ruler of Awadh (Uttar
Pradesh, India), Nawab Wajid Ali
Shah. Her maiden name was
Muhammadi Khanum and she
was bestowed the title ‘Hazrat
Mahal’ after the birth of her son
Birjis Qadr. She was an Indian
freedom fighter who rebelled
against the British East India
Company during the India’s first
struggle for freedom in 1857.
After her husband was exiled to
Calcutta, she took charge of the
affairs in the state of Awadh and
National Weekly
Madhesh Update
Hariharnath Muktinath Cultural Travel
welcomed in Birgunj
Birgunj. Hariharnath Muktinath Cultural Travel organized by
Federation of Nepal Sadhu Sangh and assisted by RPP Nepal Parsa
Committee and Nepal India Cooperation Forum has been welcomed
in Birgunj. In the program , Baba Shauravnath, Mahanth Madanmohan
Das Bairagi, Rudra Giri Bambam Baba, Ramchandra Giri of Bara,
Mahidra Das Bairagi, Ramsurat Baba, Jhanda Baba, Santram Das
Baba, Shivanath Baba, Navraj Dhakal and Purusottam Dube were
present. 140 member cultural travel led by Subedar Singh of Sonpur
Hariharnath of Bihar came to Nepal.
seized control of Lucknow. She also
arranged for her son, Prince Birjis
Qadra, to become Wali (ruler) of
Awadh; however, he was forced to
abandon this role after a short reign.
She finally found asylum in Nepal
where she died in 1879. The tomb of
Begum Hazarat Mahal carries an
inscription that she breathed her last
in Nepal on April 7, 1879. Begum
was buried in the courtyard of the
‘Hindustani Masjid’, the mosque she
had built for her followers. Decades
later, this structure was torn down
and a new mosque, now known as
the Jame Masjid, was built in its place.
Today, Hazrat Mahal’s resting place
lies in the mosque complex of Jame
Masjid Kathmandu. Nepal-India Friendship Knockout
Cricket Tournament Began
Birgunj. Nepal India Friendship
Hero Cup Knockout Cricket
Tournament organized by
Janseva Cricket Club Shrisiya
Paras has begun. Ramesh Kurmi,
Member of Constituent Assembly
and central member of Tarai
Madhesh Democratic Party has
inaugurated the tournament. In
the inauguration program from Indian side SSB sub inspector Rupa Gosain
and Sushil Kumar like officials were present. The relation between Nepal
and India will be strengthened by such friendly activities. In inauguration
game Bhishrampur team defeated Shivan Tola Cricket Club.
Meeting of NMSP held
Birgunj. Meeting of Town Committee
of National Madhesh Socialist Party
has been held under the chairmanship
of Rajudinbabu. In the meeting
General Secretary Ramch andra
Chatu rvedi, Rajeshman S ingh,
Pradeep Chaurasiya, and Pradeep
Singh Thakuri were present. The
meeting decided to actively support
general strike from 7,8 and 9.
Five lakh assisted
Rautahat, 30 party alliance has declared to help 5 lakh to the family of
70 years Ramashish Thakur killed by police in Rautahat. The front
also urged government to declare him martyr.
Final ritual after 6 days
Ramashsish Thakur killed by police has been offered his final rituals after 6
days of death. His family received his dead body on Friday and body was fired
according to Hindu ritual. Leaders of 30 party offered condolence to him.
Two storey building burnt
Kailali. A two storey building has been burnt to dust. The house of Padam
Updhayay, Puran Upadhaya ,Amar Upadhayay and Tikaram Upadhaya
inhabitant of Ramshikarjhala-5 has been caught by fire when children
were playing with fire.
Preamble writing training
Nepalgunj. Dalit Seva Sangh Banke has organized preamble writing
training at Kohalpur. In the training 24 participants have participated. In
the program Devbahadur KC and Shivakumar Sunar expressed their
concepts about the training.
Weapon Seized
Dhanusha. Muslim Ansari inhabitant of Kshireshwar Municipality was
arrested with home-made pistol. Drinking wine he was terrorizing his
own wife showing pistol.
Loss by fire
Sarlahi. Suddenly a fire caught the sugarcane crusher of Sheikh Anwar
inhabitant Baljagdi-8 on Monday. The lost by fire has been estimated
around 1lakh 80 thousand.
Leaders’ effort for releasing criminal
Sanjay Tiwari, Bara. Local leaders have been engaged in releasing a
teacher of Gaurishankar Higher Secondary Nijagarh arrested under sexual
harassment. Gorakhabahadur Thapa had been harassing a student of class
7 by penetrating fingers in sensitive organs of body and rubbing her
sensitive organs.
Mother of victim accused that in a program
organized at Kalaiya. Teacher Thapa was released after paying 3 lakhs
as bail amount.
Three days General Strike
Birgunj. Pradeep Yadav president of Forum Nepal and coordinator of 30
party Front has urged people to support three day general strike. The
Front has demanded to make constitution based on identity.
Wheat production may fall
Kapilvastu. It has been estimated that production of wheat will fall this
year. People have started harvesting wheat. District Agriculture Office
has estimated the wheat production will be declined by 12.5 percent.
Terminate Bamdev Gautam: Gupta
Kathmandu. Coordinator of Tarai Madhesh National Campaign Jayprakash
Gupta has urged government to terminate home minister Bamdev Gautam.
Issuing a press release Gupta said that home minister had been showing
power to people that could be terror of state. Government violated all the
level of honor to people in Rautahat.
Demonstration against Police
abuses to Dr. Raut
Kahtmanud. Supporters of Dr. CK Raut have demonstrated against police
abuses to Dr. CK Raut in Kathmandu and outside Kathmandu. In Kathmandu
, supporters demonstrated at Maitighar Mandala. Police attacked the mass
meeting organized at Rajgarh of Jhapa by the supporters of Dr. Raut. Dr.
Raut received injuries on head. Police have arrested Rameshwar Pandit
,Chotelal Soren, Badrai Sah, Dr. Sanjay Sah, Dr. Parmeshwar Murmu, Saroj
Sharma, BP Mandal, Anjay Mishra from Morang, from Jhapa, Dr. CK Raut,
Dasrath Mukhiya, Kaushila Mahato and Sitaram Pandit.
Monday, 13th April , 2015
Corporate News
Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge
most sought after smartphones
Samsung may have a winner on its
hands in India, with its latest flagship
devices - Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge - being
the most sought after smartphones in
the premium segment, going by
launch-day sales and pre-orders, top
retailers and market trackers said.
People familiar with the matter said
Samsung received about 40,000 preorders for both devices, about four
times the bookings made for the Galaxy
S5, and first-day sales may be close to
50,000 units. The Galaxy S6 Edge is
more in demand and the gold version
is out of stock, said another person.
“Samsung has been forced to advance
plans to manufacture the devices in
India,” the second person told ET. The
Korean company had planned to start
producing these devices in India in the
later part of this quarter ending June
30. The devices are currently
manufactured in Vietnam.
Samsung launched the smartphones at
midnight (April9-April 10) in about 10
cities, including Kolkata, company
executives said. With the pre-order
system, the flagship launch was better
planned than before, retailers said.
Samsung has tied its hopes of a global
turnaround in sales and fortunes to the
success of the Galaxy S6, priced at Rs
49,900 (32GB) and Rs 61,900 (128GB),
and the dual-curved screen S6 Edge,
costing Rs 58,900 for the 32GB storage
variant and Rs 70,900 for the 128GB
variant. The devices are cheaper than
rival Apple’s iPhone 6 devices, which
has helped to boost the appeal of the
S6 phones. Apple recently increased
prices in India. “After a long time, a
Samsung top-end model has
generated this level of excitement
among consumers,” said Himanshu
Chakrawarti, chief executive of The
Mobile Store, India’s largest retail
chain with over 800 stores. “Stocks
are coming to the stores at different
times, but we’ve ensured that those
who pre-booked it with Rs 2,000
advance got the device today,” he
added. Competition with Apple in the
premium market and with Micromax
and Xiaomi in the affordable segments
in India has meant Samsung’s lead
over rivals has been narrowing. Its
market share by volumes was at 22%
in the October-December 2014 as per
research firm International Data
Corporation, with Micromax at 20%.
With record shipments expected for
its new smartphones, the Korean
company said it would struggle to
meet demand due to production
2071, Chaitra 30th
National Weekly
Tarai Madhesh Woman Association’
conference held
Birgunj. Chanda Chaudhary, President of Tarai Madhesh Woman
Association , has urged women participated in the district conference of
Parsa woman association to fight
for rights. Addressing the
conference Chaudhary said that
woman leadership should be
developed. In the program
Shrivastav, Purusottam Jha,
Janardan Yadav, Shyam Gupta,
Pikny Yadav, Harihar Sah, Atullal
Karna, Binod Chaurasiya,
Ramtullah Khan, Jatashankar
Gupta, Manoj Kalwar, Ramakant
Patel, Diplal Mahato, Dharmendra Patel, Bharatbhushan Pandey,Indu
Gupta and Rekha Karna present.
Central Committee is formed of Tarai
Madhesh National Campaign
Birgunj. A 39 member Central Committee of Tarai Madhesh National
Campaign led by Jayprakash Gupta has been formed. Under the leadership
of Gupta central committee consists Mahendra Bhushan Sah, Ghanshyam
Chaudhary, Jafar Jamali, Bhimbahadur Rajbanshi, Sanatan Mandal, Salim
Ansari, Dinesh Gupta, Sita Chaudhary, Surendra Sah, Rajendra Gupta,
Basantkumar Chaudhary, Ramshankar Yadav, Rakesh Roshan Gupta, Lalit
Mahato, Shailendra Yadav, Indrakumar Madheshananad, Pradeep Hathi,
Kundan Pandey, Rajeshwar Thakur, Kumaleshwar Jha, Bijay Thakur,
Sanjeev Singh, Amar Mandal, Baleshwar Lal Karna, Shivanath Patel,
Ramnath Yadav, Parmanand Chaudhary, Muralimanohar Tiwari, Ashok Raut,
Dipchandra Kaushal, Kamalawati Devibashfar, Chandrashekhar Parvej,
Prashant Gupta, Mohamad Ahamad Kuraishi, Mahavir Prasad Singh, Devesh
Jha, RD Ajad , Atmaram Prasad Sah and Sarvadev OJha.
Anbika Giri and Binita Dahal in
26th edition of Conversations
Kathmandu : Embassy of India and
B.P. Koirala India-Nepal Foundation
organized 26th edition of Conversation
on Monday, April 06, 2015 at Nepal
Bharat Library in Nepal Airlines
Building, New Road. This edition of
Conversations had promising author
Anbika Giri speaking about her
recently released book Maanchheko
Rang. The event was moderated by
journalist/columnist Binita Dahal.
Binita Dahal introduced author Anbika
Giri as one of the most vocal authors
among the young generation writers. “She is powerful in building characters
and bringing them alive. I was already
fascinated by her writing style when I
read her first book – Communist – a
collection of stories,” Dahal began.
Dahal then picked out extracts from
Maanchheko Rang and introduced the
prime character of the book “Maya”
(a woman character who grew up
during the decade long Maoist
insurgency in Nepal and desperately
wanted to contribute in the people’s
movement) to the audience.
Giri and Dahal further engaged in
discussing what inspired Anbika Giri
to pen a book on one of the most
historic political movements of Nepal
– the Maoist insurgency and the
people’s movement. Anbika Giri
shared, “This book is my impression
of my upbringing during the Maoist
insurgency. Though I was not directly
the part of the people’s movement, I
was however witnessing everything
that was going between the state
then, the Maoists and the people at
large. My character Maya is one
among those many women of that
decade who were contributing at
their best to make people’s
movement a success. She is one of
those women who wanted to break
the stereotype of the patriarchal
society we have been living in. She
is one of those many women who
have always pitied their own mother
for the disrespectful role they play
all their lives.” The event concluded
with an interaction between author
Anbika Giri and the audience.
Secretary of B.P. Koirala IndiaNepal Foundation, Abhay Kumar
presented token of appreciation to
Giri and Dahal. Our Features:
Modern Sound System, Battery as the option of
Load sheding, Media Link,Capacity of 70 Seats,
Parking Facility.
Monday, 13th April , 2015
2071, Chaitra 30th
My children have no plans to
enter Bollywood right now
Nai Nabhannu La 3 premier in Australia
A ctress
P riyan k a
Kark i h as lef t f or
Australia on April 9 to
p articip ate in th e
premier show of ‘Nai
Nabhannu La 32 . In
addition to the premier
sh ow on A p ril 1 2 ,
P riyan k a w ill also
participate in a meet
and greet program to
be held on April 13.
The movie is releasing
in th e theaters in
Nep al on April 10,
2 0 15 . The p remier
show of the movie in
N ep al w as h eld on
Monday. The artists,
journalists and the participants of the premier show gave a mixed response to the
movie. The invites in the premier show were more than the seating arrangement in
the theater. Some of the invites had to return back when they couldn’t get the seat
and others watched the movie standing up in the back. Read the FON profile of
‘Nai Nabhannu La 32 , to know more about the movie.
Sunny Leone’s ‘Ek Paheli Leela’ earns better than NH10
Chances are that you were among the many
who believed that
Sunny Leone‘s ‘Ek
Paheli Leela’ would
bomb at the Box
Office. And chances
(yet again) are that you
have mighty failed in
your assessment of the
preferences of the
Indian audiences.
Reason being that ‘Ek
Paheli Leela’ has
opened to a collection
greater than the
recently released movies including Amitabh
Bachchan’s ‘Shamitabh’. According to the
stats shown by BollywoodHungama.com, the
Sunny Leone starrer earned a total of Rs
5.30 cr at the domestic box office. The
numbers are greater when compared with
that of Anushka Sharma’s ‘NH102 which
earned Rs 3.35 cr and Amitabh
Bachchan’s ‘Shamitabh’ that amassed Rs
3.5 cr. Last week’s release Dibakar
Banerjee’s ‘Detective Byomkesh Bakshy’
starring Sushant Singh Rajput only
managed to rake in Rs 4.42 cr at the ticket
window. The power of Sunny Leone, we
Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan says his children
are currently busy with their studies and are too young to
decide on joining Bollywood.
The 49-year-old actor, who has three children – Aryan,
Suhana and AbRam – with wife Gauri, said like any
concerned parent he wants his kids to finish their studies
“My children are too young to decide on becoming actors.
They have to study, finish their studies first. I am very clear
about it and they are very clear about it,” Shah Rukh said.The
“Happy New Year” star said it is up to his kids to decide on
their career path and they don’t have to necessarily become
an actor like him.”An actor’s son or daughter need not be
actor. I have left it to them. The first part of my job is to
educate them so that they can make the right decision of what
they want. “At this point of time there is no talk of AbRam,
Aryan or Suhana to become actors… They have to study
first,” said the actor, who was in the capital for the launch of
real estate company Mahagun’s new luxury housing ‘The M
Collection’.Shah Rukh was recently in Kolkata along with his
children to attend the opening IPL match played between his
team Kolkata Knight Riders and Mumbai Indians.
Iodized salt protects
from goiter and mental
Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh has been
conducting eye-checkups for hundreds
of thousand school-going chldren of
Nepal and has been distributing
Deepika Padukone visits ‘house-arrest’ed
Ranveer Singh at his residence
There goes a popular saying in Hindi that says
“love” can’t be camouflaged for long. It
becomes truer when
t h e “ lo ve ” rs i n
q u e st i o n a r e t h e
d i mple d b ea u t y
Deepika Padukone
a n d t h e s up e r energetic Ranveer
S i n gh . S o , wh i le
there were reports
that Deepika was by Ranveer’s side when he
went through a shoulder surgery recently, she
was spotted visiting his apartment last night
where he is under house arrest, as the doctors
aren’ t letting him out of the house. T he
paparazzi clicked a picture of the pretty actress
while she took fast but swift steps towards
his apartment. According to reports, Deepika
Padukone had arrived at the hospital on April
4 and kept watch over Ranveer through the
night. Ranveer was discharged on April 5
(afternoon), and exited the hospital via the
front, posing for the paparazzi on his way out.
But girlfriend Deepika, on the other hand,
made a quiet slip-out from the back.
BP Koirala Institute
of Health Sciences
and Hospitals,
Dharan is
India Provides more than 2500
scholorships annually to Nepalese
students for various
Issue in public Interest by Nepal- India.
7 Monday, 13
April , 2015
Obama meets Raul Castro
2071, Chaitra 30th
National Weekly
Madheshvani Radio Program
( Sunday to Friday)
Devoted towards the National Integration, Nationality and Madheshbad
Radio Sunrise
Red F.M
10:40 P.M
US President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro shake hands at the
Summit of the Americas in Panama City, Panama, Saturday, April 11, 2015.
Panama city : ( Reuters) - U.S.
President Barack Obama met
Cuban President Raul Castro on
Saturday in the highest-level talks
between the two countries in
nearly 60 years, and the two men
agreed to push ahead on
improving relations after decades
of hostility. Describing their
private meeting as “historic,”
Obama said the two countries
can end the antagonism of the
Cold War era, although he said
he would continue to pressure the
communist-led country on
democracy and human rights.
ý”We are now in a position to
move on a path toward the
future,” Obama told Castro as
they met in Panama, where they
were both attending a summit of
leaders from across the
Americas. Speaking to reporters
later, Obama made plain the two
countries would still have their
differences. “We have very
different views of how society
should be organized and I was
very direct with him that we are
not going to stop talking about
issues like democracy and
human rights and freedom of
assembly and freedom of the
press,” he said.
The tw o men agreed in
December to move to
normalize relations, including
seeking to restore diplomatic
ties that were broken off by
Washington in 1961. Obama
said he decided to overturn
longstanding U.S. policy on
Cuba becau se the old
approach of open hostility and
economic sanctions had failed
to f orce th rough major
changes on the island and it
was time to try something new.
Since then, he has relaxed
some restrictions on travel and
trade with Cuba.
Seven bodies found inside
pickle factory in Pakistan
KARACHI: At least seven persons, including wner of
a pickle factory, were found dead Sunday in a chemical
tank of the same plant here in Pakistan, police said.
“Seven bodies have been found inside a chemical tank
at a factory in Korangi Industrial area,” said Deputy
Inspector-General Muneer Sheikh. The men had been
identified as the owner of the pickle factory, Mehtab,
and six workers, said Senior Superintendent of Police
(SSP) Junaid Sheikh.
R e sc u e wor k e r s s a i d t h e y a c t e d u p on r e c e i vi n g
information about the presence of several bodies inside
the factory, the News reported. It was unclear if the
men had fallen inside the tank or had been dumped
there. However, it appeared from initial investigation
that one of the men had tripped over into the tank, while
the other men fell while trying to save him, Sheikh said.
He s aid that police wa s carrying out f urther
investigation to confirm out how the incident took place.
Seemi Jamali, head of emergency at the Jinnah Hospital
where the bodies were taken, said it appeared that the
men had died from suffocation, but the cause of death
could only be confirmed following postmortem.
8:15 P.M
8:15 P.M
Swarnim F.M
Rautahat F.M
Radio Saugat
9:30 P.M
Re- Broadcast 9:30
Jay Madhesh
(E xcluded Saturday)
6:30 P.M
M h z
Rubaru F.M
(E xcluded Saturday)
(Excluded Saturday)
(Exclueded Saturday)
9:00 P.M
(Exclueded Saturday)
5.20 P.M
-Dharampur_ (Excluded Saturday)
5.30 P.M
-Janakpurdham_ (Excluded Saturday)
(Excluded Saturday)
(Excluded Saturday)
8.25 P.M
(Excluded Saturday)
6.30 P.M
6.00 P.M
9:30 P.M ReBroadcast 9:30 A.M
(Excluded Saturday)
Radio Birgunj
( Parsa)
9.15 P.M
(Excluded Saturday)
9.15 A.M
(Excluded Saturday)
Radio Safalta
Radio Madhesh
Dauna Bebari
7.15 P.M
(Excluded Friday
and Saturday)
7.00 PM
(Excluded Saturday)
6.00 PM
(Excluded Saturday)
9:30 P.M ReBroadcast 9:00 A.M
(Excluded Saturday)
(Madi )
7.30 PM
(Excluded Saturday)
Every Wednesday
5. 30 PM to 6 PM
7. 00 PM
(Excluded Saturday)
Monday, 13th April , 2015
2071, Chaitra 30th
Reg. No. 53/067/068
PM Modi’s visit to Europe & Canada
Prime minister Narendra Modi’s longest
foreign tour of eight days to France, Germany
and Canada is an occasion for multipurpose
diplomacy to further India’s interests. It
advances a ‘Link West’ agenda to
complement the ‘Act East’ policy and
presents India as a balanced player that is
strategically attentive in all geographic
directions. Industrialised Western middle
powers have tremendous potential to assist
India’s rising economic graph. Modi is tugging
at the hearts and minds of corporate titans
sitting over investible capital in France,
Germany and Canada because he is
perceived to be walking the talk on
overhauling the Indian economy. His ‘Make
in India’ campaign is garnering serious foreign
attention and buyin thanks to the accelerating
pace of our GDP growth. High-profile CEO
forums with visiting Indian prime ministers
are not Modi’s inventions. They have been
held even by his predecessors during foreign
visits. But now, these interactive sessions are
laced with greater hope and belief among
foreign investors because Modi is hitting the
right notes and running India like a CEO. As
he struts the stage in western Europe
and North America, the proverbial
wind is at his back, with the Indian
economy entering a sweet spot after
six years of listlessness. The credit
rating agency Moody’s has upgraded
India from ‘stable’ to ‘positive’.
Western opinion shapers are hailing
India as a rare “bright spot in the global
economy”. Modi’s message that
India is fit for investment in
infrastructure, defence and energy is
thus not hot air. With all prognoses
pointing to India overtaking China
from this year in GDP growth, no one
in Europe or Canada is yawning
when Modi turns up the charm
offensive. He is speaking from an innate sense
of momentum and confidence that Western
countries have lost since the global economic
crisis began in 2008, and which they could
regain by partaking in the India growth story.
India as the fastest growing major economy in
the world is the substance behind Modi’s
Modi’s core philosophy about a proactive
government as the chief facilitator of growth
is reflected in his comments in Paris that “with
the support of president Francois Hollande,
French firms will be able to invest in India and
vice versa. We [the state] will ensure the ease
of doing business.”Although private investors
are not bound by state guidance in Western
capitalist systems, Modi is pushing his foreign
governmental counterparts to advise, coax and
guarantee their respective corporations as they
eye a slice of India’s second innings of rapid
GDP growth in the 21st century. It is a lesson
in economic diplomacy and a sharp
improvement over previous Indian
governments that were gingerly about
wholeheartedly seconding Indian business and
economic interests abroad.
National Weekly
The many benefits of
raw coconut oil
If you are struggling with dry skin and hair, a jar of
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moisturizing properties and easy availability make it one
of the best remedies to dry skin.
Coconut oil is also an effective makeup remover.
Regularly using coconut oil on your body not only helps
lighten the skin, but also helps rid scars and dark patches.
Massage it onto your skin after a bath every day and you
can do without a body cream.
Its also an excellent hair tonic. A massage with warm
coconut oil brings back lost shine and makes hair soft
and manageable. It also helps reduce protein loss, which
makes your hair healthy and attractive. Trying to grow
your hair? Then use coconut oil regularly. This oil is also
good for loosing weight, maintaining cholesterol level,
boosting the immune system, aiding in proper digestion
and regulating metabolism. There is a misconception that
coconut oil is not good for the heart because it contains
large quantities of saturated fats. But this is far from the
truth. Coconut oil contains about 50% lauric acid, which
actively prevents various problems that affect the heart,
such as high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
Office : Madhesh Media House, Anamnagar, P.O.Box : 11858, Kathmandu, Phone No : 977-4266142/4266141, Fax : 4255431,
E-mail: nepal.madhesh@gmail.com, Website : www.madheshvani.com, Editor : Rajesh Ahiraj, Sub-Editor : Mukesh Jha